What kind of registered letters come to the post office? Print postal forms. Visit to the Russian Post office

From whom the letter came, contacting the Russian Post office with the receipt you received. Sign the notice and notice and receive the letter. Look at the envelope, where the sender's return address or organization stamp should be indicated.

Try to find out who the sender is by visiting the website http://www.russianpost.ru (Russian Post) or http://www.track-trace.com (for letters received via DHL, EMS, etc.). To do this, carefully read the notice you received and find the identification number of the letter. Enter it into the appropriate search bar. However, the postal tracking system cannot always accurately indicate the number of the department from which the letter was sent, so this method may not be useful to those who, for example, are waiting for a letter from the tax office, military registration and enlistment office or court.

If the letter is addressed specifically to you (that is, the notice does not contain the mark “poste restante”), then a close relative who bears the same last name and lives with you can receive it instead of you. This way you will find out who sent you the letter if you do not want to receive it personally. If, for example, your husband or wife has a different last name, then a marriage certificate may be required.

If the postman brings you a registered letter to your home, present your passport and ask to see the letter before signing the notice. It is possible that he will meet you halfway.

Call the post office, introduce yourself, dictate the number indicated in the notice, your full name and home address and ask the operator to provide you with information about who sent you this letter. It is possible that you will be able to obtain information about the addressee in this way.

Call the court, tax office, military registration and enlistment office and find out if they sent a registered letter to your address. If the letter was sent from these institutions, then they should tell you about it, provided that you lie a little and say that you did not receive notification of such a letter.

According to encyclopedias, letter There is a sign system for recording speech, which allows using descriptive elements to transmit speech information at a distance. However, such information is not always enough, and often a logical question arises about how to determine the addressee of a particular message.


If you receive an anonymous message, first examine the envelope and stamps. There are limited envelopes and stamps sold at certain post offices. This information will be needed to determine what area the sender may live in, since purchases of this type are usually made in the location closest to home.

Please note special postal service marks. These include a stamp indicating the date the letter was received at the department and the number of the department itself. As practice shows, letters are also sent at the nearest post office from the sender’s place of residence.

Carefully study the vocabulary of the received message. Forensic philologists, which is anonymous letter written in a state of strong expression can be the key to solving any mystery. The letter can use dialectisms, special language constructions, and much more. For example, “at my mother’s” instead of “at my mother’s” indicates a native inhabitant of the Western Urals, and the use of apostrophes instead of hard or soft signs indicates a resident of a Ukrainian-speaking region such as the Stavropol Territory.

Helpful advice

For those who buy a house, what is important first of all is not the number of people actually living there, but the number of registered ones. You can verify that they have been deregistered by checking their passports. Without the appropriate seal, they will no longer be able to remain in the house after ownership passes to you as a result of the purchase.

Sending important documents cannot always be trusted by regular mail. It is best to send a valuable item with the help of a proven and reliable company that is guaranteed to deliver it to your addressee. One such company is DHL.

You will need

  • - telephone;
  • - Internet;
  • - money.


Inquire about DHL postal rates. You can find out the full cost of yours by calling the nearest company office in your city or by calling toll free hotline 8-800-100-30-85. In addition, on the official website of the company www.dhl.ru there is - “”, with which you can plan your expenses in advance.

If you intend to send more than one thing using DHL, it is advisable to enter into a customer agreement. It will give you the opportunity to enjoy a number of advantages: track the location of your shipment, receive faster service, and manage your personal account.

On some “ordinary Tuesday” a person may find in his mailbox strange notification about a registered letter. The text of this notice contains the mysterious inscription “GSP-7” (instead of seven there may be another number, for example, 2,6,4,3,1), and there is also no information about the sender of the registered letter. What kind of inscription is this, who did the letter come from, and what risks does such a notice carry? Let's figure it out.

First of all, I hasten to reassure those in despair, the State Emergency Service is not a “city investigative prosecutor’s office”, and there is no need to flee the country upon receiving such a notice.

The abbreviation GSP stands for " City Service Post“, and the number next to “GSP” means the serial number of the one on whose behalf the notice was sent.

For example, GSP-7 in Moscow serves houses on the streets of Academician Volgin, Miklouho Maklaya, Podolsk Cadets and other nearby buildings.

The services of SHG are used by government agencies and legal entities with a large amount of regular postal correspondence (court, bailiff service, tax service, Pension Fund, Roskomnadzor, Insurance companies, banks, supply organizations, etc.). Such mail is delivered by special official transport, and then transferred to recipients in special premises by the persons responsible for this.

The SHGs themselves are usually included in the structure of the MRP (another abbreviation that is incomprehensible to the ignorant person), which stands for “interdistrict post office.”

A registered letter may also contain the following inscriptions:

What to do when receiving a notification from SHG

If you have received a notification from the SHG, this means that a registered letter from some government agency or legal entity is waiting for you at the local post office. There is usually no information about the sender in the notification, so you will have to take a number of actions to find out the customer and the essence of the letter.

Remember that the specified registered letter Moscow GSP-7 will wait for the recipient for thirty days, after which it will be returned to the addressee. Except for the situation when the sender wants to extend this period with the help of an appropriate application. For judicial letters (in which case the notice often states “judicial”), the retention period is only seven days. After which the letter will be sent back, and the court case can be considered without you (which is not always beneficial).

What are the options for action in this situation?


Typically, the abbreviation “GSP” refers to the activities of the city postal service, which ensures the delivery of registered mail to the recipient. To obtain information about the sender of the letter Moscow GSP-2, it will be enough to go to the one mentioned above and enter the tracking number in the appropriate field. After receiving information about the recipient, it remains to decide whether to go to the post office and receive the specified letter.

The weight of a written parcel must not exceed 100 grams. Delivery time will vary from 3 to 14 days.

Among other things, such a parcel is characterized by the following attributes:

  • the parcel may be accompanied by a delivery notice or without it;
  • the addressee always receives a notification with an offer to contact the local post office;
  • if the letter has not been picked up within 5 days, the operation is repeated;
  • after a month, the correspondence will be returned to the addressee.

Considering all the above-described attributes of a registered letter, many people have a question: is it possible to find out from the notification where the letter came from? Basically, it is very difficult to find the address and initials of the notifier in the parcel. The data is limited only to indicating the point of provision of postal services and place of residence. However, how can you find out where the letter is from by the notification number?

Each receipt contains a unique code. The first 6 digits represent the code of the point providing postal services, and numbers from 9 to 13 are the unique code of the parcel. Thanks to these indicators, it is possible to track registered mail shipments.

Using the online capabilities of the Russian Post, you can find out where the letter came from by notification. To do this, you need to go to the international correspondence website and enter the 14-digit unique parcel code, which is usually located directly under the barcode.

In the case where the addressee is a private person, information about the place of residence should be written without any abbreviations. If this entity, basically you can only find the abbreviation of the name, city or postal branch code. This instruction will help people who are interested in how to find out which letter has been received by notification.

The right area of ​​the parcel contains the address where you can see the message. Most in a simple way The way to find out who the letter is from is to personally visit the nearest post office with identification.

After completing all the formalities, you will be given an envelope that contains the full address or stamp of the company providing postal services. If the “Poste restante” mark is missing, the parcel is transferred close relative. At the same time, you may not accept it personally, but you can find out who the letter is from by the notification.

IN in some cases It is possible to obtain the necessary information through a telephone conversation with post office employees. They will provide you with information about the addressee of the registered letter. Naturally, you must provide your personal information, such as your receipt number and home address.

Another way to find out where the letter came from is to call all government companies that have any claims against you. In particular, these organizations are engaged in sending registered letters.

Important! If you are looking for a way to find out the sender of a letter by notification number, but you do not have complete information, you can use the auxiliary index (ADI). They are assigned letters with checks for payment of various administrative penalties, notices to the military registration and enlistment office or court, as well as messages from the tax office. In some cases, these are statements of various dividends from shares.

Based on all of the above, the most reliable method of finding out who sent a letter by notification is to use the services of a post office or the appropriate Internet resource and receive the coveted envelope. In this case, you will get the highest quality results.

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Mail notifications are sent daily to many people in all regions of the country. Parcels, registered letters and many other postal shipments are accompanied by such a letter to the addressee. The notice itself contains little information, but using it wisely you can find out much more than is indicated in the document itself.

We will tell our readers how to find out the sender by the notification number, and what other information about the parcel can be found out from the information specified in the letter. Some correspondence is stored in post offices for a short time, which can complicate the process of receiving a parcel or registered letter.

When the need arises

Every resident of Russia can find a notice in their mailbox. Sometimes it is important not only to visit the post office and pick up a letter, but also to do it within a certain time frame. So, if there is a note on the notice that a court letter has arrived in your name, you should pick it up within 7 days. If this deadline is not met, the shipment will be sent back to the court with a note indicating that the addressee refuses to receive the correspondence. Lack of response to a judicial appeal may prompt the authorities to proceed with the consideration of the case without the participation of the notified party, which, in turn, may affect the outcome of the case.


Registered letters not related to legal proceedings are stored at the post office for 30 days.

Such correspondence is not always necessary. Conclusions about whether you should pick up a registered letter or not can be made based on the sender's addressee, but it is not indicated in the notice.

Is it possible to find out

How to find out the sender of a notice? This issue is easier to solve today. Each notice is assigned a number that allows you to track the shipment itself. The notice contains only partial information about the parcel:

  • Type of departure;
  • Parcel weight;
  • Sender country.

This information is not always enough to decide whether it is worth picking up the letter or not. Recipients have 2 methods available to them to find out who sent you the letter.

You can contact the post office staff by phone and request information about the sender. However, employees do not always agree to provide such information, citing job descriptions. However, today there is much more effective way find out who sent you the registered letter.

How to find out: instructions


You can find out the sender of a registered letter via the Internet by the notification number.

The tracking number is located at the top of the notice under the barcode. It allows you to track a letter and identify the sender, if correct use information.

On the Russian Post website

In order to find out the sender by the notification number on the official website of the Russian Post, you must enter the identification code in a special field by clicking on the following link. The following information will be available to you:

  • Departure date;
  • The address of the post office from where the letter was sent.

It is important to note that you can recognize a specific sender by track number only in cases where his data is indicated on the parcel or letter. If you ignore the notification, it will simply be returned to the sender's post office.

At www.track-trace.com

If you have received a notification that you have received a parcel or registered letter via delivery services or a forwarding company, then you can track the sender using this resource.

On the website you will need to select the company through which the shipment is carried out and enter the track number specified in the notice. As a result, you will receive all the information you are interested in about the parcel that you are about to receive.