How to improve your marriage relationship? Feng Shui and harmony in family relationships Sector of love and luck

If you furnish your house according to the advice of Feng Shui, then a favorable atmosphere and comfort will reign in it, and the number of conflicts between husband and wife will significantly decrease.

According to the masters of this art, our problems and failures depend on the unfavorable or “stagnant” energy that surrounds us in everyday life. Energy stagnation is especially undesirable in those rooms where we spend most of our time. Long corridors, angular furniture, rooms and closets filled with old things - all this contributes to the accumulation of negativity.

If you want to effectively manage your Feng Shui relationships, you need to be consistent.

Remove unnecessary things

Before you start building something new, you need to destroy the old. Everyone knows this saying. Let's start by getting rid of unnecessary things.

Take a large bag, go through the house and resolutely put everything in it that has not been used for years. Go through old clothes, shoes, sports and beach accessories. You'll be surprised how much junk can accumulate in one dresser drawer! This point is very important and quite difficult. It’s such a pity to throw away a blouse that can still be mended!

But don't give in to the demon of hoarding. Now you need to free up as much space as possible to make room for the new. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning regularly, as it has a beneficial effect on marital relationships. Favorable changes will definitely come into your life if you remove such energy blockages.

Filling the family area

In the art of Feng Shui, the eastern part of the house is responsible for family relationships. There must be a symbol of prosperity and peace - a family tree. This special tree can be the most common ficus. Living plants are considered real talismans for married couples.

For example, bamboo, popular in the East, has the ability to transform negative energy into positive energy. Hang your framed photographs on the walls. For this purpose, choose those pictures in which you are happy and satisfied.

Other Feng Shui talismans are also important for family relationships. This is water (for example, a tabletop fountain or seascape), a green dragon (a figurine or a painting), figurines of the moon goddess and star elders.

Filling the love zone

The southwestern part of the house is responsible for happiness and love. This is the best place to arrange your bedroom. Red, brown, pink are ideal colors for this zone. Floral patterns on textiles, as well as fresh flowers in crystal and ceramic vases, are welcome. For newlyweds, the best option would be a purple peony (a symbol of passion), for experienced married couples - roses and lilacs.

Natural stones

Place multi-colored stones in a vase on the bedside table - pink, light gray, red, white. Stones, embodying the energy of the Earth, will give your family life peace and stability. It can be jasper, quartz, or crystal.

Magic "two"

Paired figurines of birds (cranes, swans, mandarin ducks) symbolize fidelity and family happiness. Place them in the love zone - and the flow of chi energy is guaranteed! Other things in duplicate will also attract positive energy: pillows, paintings, candlesticks.

There are three types of luck: heavenly, human and earthly. Heavenly luck is fate. We cannot influence her. Fate is the place of birth, parents and most importantly, the time of birth. It is believed that a person receives his destiny with his first breath of air. Human luck is, in fact, ourselves. Our actions, thoughts, education, environment, actions. Well, earthly luck is Feng Shui. With the help of Feng Shui we can influence earthly luck. And this is not at all little.

Every woman should have her secrets, and every woman should be a little bit of a sorceress. It's no secret that love comes first for most women. Today we will focus on luck in love.

How to find love

Place a pair of fish images under the mattress on which you sleep, with the head of one looking at the tail of the other fish. There is a legend that the god of marriage at the birth of boys and girls distributes them into pairs by tying their toes with an invisible thread. When young people grow up and meet, they experience a strong attraction to each other, and their union is inevitable. However, not all people are destined for the happiness of meeting. Some invisible forces create obstacles for the meeting of two hearts. To overcome these obstacles, Feng Shui offers a special ancient ritual “Peach Flower”. You can increase the luck of “Peach Blossom” at any time. It will help you find happiness in your family life or get married successfully.

Sector of love and luck

Let's find a place for “Peach Luck” in our apartment and put a vase of flowers there, preferably a glass one. Flowers can be either fresh or artificial. The vase should be tall. There should be at least 45 cm of water in it, and it must be changed periodically. Within two months you will definitely meet your other half or bring him home.

To determine the location, take a regular compass, stand in the center of the apartment or room, set it to north, find your angle.

  • For people born in the year of the Pig, Rabbit and Goat, this angle is 345–15 degrees;
  • for Monkey, Rat and Dragon - 165–195;
  • for the Snake, Rooster and Bull - 255–285;
  • for Tiger, Horse and Dog -165–195.

You find your sector and place the vase strictly in the north. Remember: “Peach Blossom” loves silence. You should not knock, play music or make noise in this place.

How to keep your chosen one

Well, is it done? Has your chosen one found you? Congratulations! Now we need to try to maintain a good relationship for many years. There are many means for this. A powerful symbol of family well-being is the sign of double happiness. Depicting this sign in your home will create great happiness qi. Don't forget about the paired symbols that should be in your bedroom. These are two lamps, two vases, paired figures. And no images of lonely people. Remove all pictures above the head of the bed.

To improve relations with a man older than you, activate the east with the help of plants; to improve relations with a man of your age, activate the southern sector; to improve relations with a man younger than you, you can put crystal balls in the northeast or simply hang a crystal chandelier.

Never be afraid that your husband will look the other way. The main thing is that there are no aquariums or fountains in the bedroom. If you suddenly suspect your other half of infidelity, place an amethyst product at your feet under the mattress. Two separate mattresses on the marital bed will definitely lead to a crack in your relationship. Remove all trash from under the bed, otherwise it will lead to illness. It is best not to have any plants in the bedroom.

In the East, paintings by artists are valued not only as works of art. They are considered as means of conveying symbolic meanings. If you want to have a child, you need to hang a picture in your bedroom of a hundred children playing in the garden. If you can't find a picture, try painting it yourself.

If a woman cannot get pregnant, but everything is fine from a medical point of view, feng shui will come to the rescue. Buy a painting of pomegranates or peaches and hang it in your bedroom. It’s good to place a couple of elephants, but always with their trunks down, on both sides of the bed. During the period when you are planning to have a child, eat ripe pomegranates and peaches more often, look at your children and listen only to good news.

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of arranging objects in space. In Chinese, feng means “wind” and shui means “water”. The ancient Chinese believed that the flow of universal energy unites all objects - people, living beings, the world in general and everything in it. The functions of Wind and Water are to tell a person exactly what energies flow in the thickness of mountain ranges and in natural landscapes in general. Wind belongs to Yang and represents active, dynamic energy, and Water, accordingly, is Yin - passive, receiving energy. It was the movement of these two forces in nature that became the basis of the art of Feng Shui for the ancient mystics of China. Even modern scientists agree that all the components of the Universe vibrate and connect with each other thanks to the force of energy, which in the art of Feng Shui is called chi.

In many Eastern cultures, the art of planning various buildings - homes, work buildings, gardens, roads and interiors - has been based for centuries on the complex teachings of Feng Shui. This is how balance and harmony between human creations and nature was achieved. More than three thousand years ago, Taoists used the art of Feng Shui not only to determine the most favorable burial places for ancestors, but also to enhance sexual energy. The Taoist secret of happiness and longevity was to strengthen the movement of chi flows during sexual intercourse.

The same principle of the all-pervasive movement of qi, whether we are talking about mountains or furniture in a house, is the basis of modern Feng Shui. This energy is a powerful, almost magical force, and therefore most Feng Shui practitioners believe that it should be used not only to achieve personal goals, but also for the benefit of each person. That is why it is important that our homes and gardens are created in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui - because in this case, beneficial chi will flow through our courtyards and hearts into the same courtyards and hearts of other people!

Mastering the art of Feng Shui is very difficult: only after persistent long-term studies and training can you become a master of “Wind and Water”. In addition, the Feng Shui tradition is divided into several schools with different theoretical foundations. One such school is based on a more classical scientific approach; it uses a very accurate and effective special tool - the Chinese compass, as well as astrology and astronomy. At the core of the other school you will find a subtle mixture of intuition and spiritual awareness. There are also schools that deal with talismans and spells for healing and energy correction.

In this book you will find some of the simplest principles of that highly organized system of knowledge called Feng Shui. Get to know these principles and you will learn how to bring magic into your emotional and sexual life.

The magic of Feng Shui lies in the fact that you will make all the beneficial changes in your home and in yourself yourself, allowing the chi energy to work inside you.

Feng Shui in your home and heart

By creating and changing the spatial organization of your home, you can enhance the necessary energy flows that will lead you to physical and emotional well-being.

The correct organization of your living space is the key to the correct organization of yourself and your relationships with other people - after all, not only you have a heart, but also your home! You will have to determine exactly where it is located yourself. How nice it is, for example, to stretch out on a soft sofa in front of the TV! However, you may need to explore your home to see if the TV and the sofa in front of it are truly where all the warmth, love and happiness of your home resides. The ability to create balance and harmony in the place where you express your essence will allow you to achieve the same harmony and balance in your relationships with other people.

One of the main purposes of Feng Shui is to determine what exactly is happening at the moment around you, under your bed or in the next room. To stimulate the currents of sexual and emotional energy between you and your loved one, you may need to add new interior items, change the color scheme, dominant smells or plants, make a rearrangement, or simply get rid of all kinds of junk. It is also possible that you will have to redesign your home, move the beds in the bedroom or invite water, candles, wooden objects, mirrors, some fabrics or stones, lighting and other important little things to help you. After all, keeping your bedroom in harmony with you will create a surge of energy that is sure to enrich your intimate relationships.

How does the art of Feng Shui relate to human relationships?

Relationships between people can be different. In this book we will talk mainly about love relationships (because love can often be an elusive and difficult feeling to understand). Love travels within us along its own energetic channels; she is capable of one day filling our heart to the brim, taking possession of our feelings. Who among you doesn’t remember this unforgettable feeling when, waking up in the morning, you suddenly understand: love has come! Many people are familiar with another, not so pleasant feeling of emptiness after a breakup with a loved one (or even worse: the feeling of the impossibility of continuing a further relationship). Maybe you can get rid of these sorrows by painting your house, spring cleaning... or turning your home into a dumping ground. For others, being in love makes you forget that the house needs to be cleaned (at least sometimes), and then doing laundry turns into an endless problem, and the inside of the refrigerator increasingly resembles a trash can. We put into our immediate environment what is happening within us with our feelings and our spirit - our personal chi. Each of us strives to preserve our individuality and uniqueness; each of us wants to stand out among other people - and among nature in general. But no matter how hard we try to protect ourselves from the loss of individuality, we still remain part of the living world of this planet, a particle of the common Universe, and we can only come to terms with this. That is why we must educate and grow ourselves in the same way as everything in our common home - the Universe - develops and improves.

As human beings, we are intimately connected not only with our partners or loved ones, but also with the rest of the world, with all the vibrations and energies around us. We are not always aware of this, but at every moment of our existence we experience precisely relationships with the world around us. Sometimes these relationships become more obvious, for example, when we step out onto the porch on a frosty winter morning - or when we merge with a loved one in a warm embrace! Einstein's theory of relativity leads us to the same principle of universal interconnection.

Rice. 1. Cat spiral.

A cat, for example, instinctively knows how to build its relationships with the rest of the world. A lost cat will definitely find its way to the house; to do this, it will move in an unwinding spiral until it discovers the energy field that the animal perceives as its territory (see Fig. 1). This energy, this spiral is qi - a path, a channel and necessarily a connection. By going this route, you will never miss home! In Chapter 11 you will read about how to use the cat coil to your advantage.

Feng Shui is the science of balancing the energy flows within our spirit, heart and mind with the same flows existing outside of us. Each of us represents qi because we carry a charge of our own energy. In addition, we absorb the same energy from other people and share our reserves with them. Relationships between two people (or several, if you are in a classic love triangle, having multiple affairs at the same time, or living in a commune) imply the need for much more harmony and balance than is necessary for one person. Your home, whether it's a mansion, a furnished apartment or a semi-detached house in the suburbs, always reflects your personal tastes and current fashion. Moreover, your home is a mirror of your inner self, an outer expression of your life and love - whether we are talking about rooms littered with rags and books, or carefully chosen color combinations and cozy interiors.

How it's done?

Feng Shui can be studied and practiced throughout your life. In this small guide you will find only the simplest, most basic tips and recommendations that will allow you to bring harmony into your personal life. We can use the energy that we create ourselves and that which is present in the world around us. We can change this energy, modify it and improve it in every possible way, so that we can then use it to improve our lives, to revive love relationships, to understand our real state and get closer to the ideal. The art of Feng Shui is a core component of Chinese astrology because the energy of your inner self determines both your destiny and your lifestyle. By using the key elements of Feng Shui that reflect your true inner energy, you have the opportunity to refill your life with love, creating harmony for yourself and your loved one.

When should you use Feng Shui? For example, when you feel that your relationship with your loved one is missing something or that a “dark streak” has begun in your life. Perhaps your lover has left you? Or are you single and still dreaming of perfect love? To revive a stagnant love relationship, you may need to create a special, “sacred” place in your home, or do a complete “spring” cleaning, or introduce new objects, colors, ideas, qualities into the house. It is possible that hanging a crystal by the window or moving the bed to another place will help you enjoy harmony in your sexual relationships. As you can see, the elements of influence are simple, and the organization of changes itself is no more complicated. Just don’t forget the rules: as above, so below; as is outside, so is inside. The new space you create will also become the path that will lead you to successful personal relationships.

The effect of favorable Feng Shui extends to all aspects of human life. If you take into account all the advice of the masters, you can significantly improve your reality, and not only attract, for example, health or love, but also positively influence what you already have.

People meet, people fall in love, get married... and then suddenly they quarrel and even break up.

Everything is much simpler than you might imagine. And if you or your partner’s feelings have suddenly cooled, then the following measures will help significantly improve this situation. For the better, of course.

As you already remember, in the teachings of Feng Shui there are five important elements: Fire, Water, Wood, Earth and Metal. Several centuries ago, ancient sages came to the conclusion that each person is a unique carrier of these energies, and which of the five elements you belong to can be determined based on your date of birth.

In order to strengthen relationships according to Feng Shui, you need to calculate your element. This can be done using mathematical calculations, or by looking at the last digit of your year of birth. For example, if you were born in 1979, then your element is Earth (last digit is 9). Here's a little table to help you:

Attention! If you celebrate your birthday from January 20 to February 20, then this table may give you false information, since the Chinese calendar is different from ours. Just use the table at the end of the article to calculate your element.

Once you have determined your element, also look at what element your partner belongs to.
Now you will need a zone of love and marriage, that is, the southwest of your room or apartment (in 2010 it is better to activate love relationships in the west, since an unfavorable star, the yellow five, falls in the southwest).

Placing talismans of your partner’s and your element in this part of the room will help you strengthen your relationship according to Feng Shui. For example, you are Water, and your soulmate is Wood. Place objects of equal height and width in this sector. In this case, you can place a mirror and a small wooden object. Or keep an equal number of items of two elements in the room.

What if the elements are in conflict with each other? For example, water-fire, or wood-metal (look at the Bagua table, and pay attention to what damages the element). Talismans of other elements can balance the situation, for example:

Fire-Metal: place a talisman related to the Earth
Fire water: Conflict will weaken the Tree
Metal-Wood: harmonizes relationships Water
Tree-Earth: stabilizes Fire
Earth-Water: will bring understanding Metal

Family plays a big role in the life of every person. Now you know how to strengthen relationships according to Feng Shui if there is thunder and heavy rain in your house. Take care of each other and live in happiness and harmony.

year beginning of the year the end of the year sign element
1924 February 5th January 24, 1925 Rat Tree
1925 The 25th of January February 12, 1926 Bull
1926 February 13 February 1, 1927 Tiger Fire
1927 February 2 January 22, 1928 Rabbit
1928 January 23 February 9, 1929 The Dragon Earth
1929 February 10 January 29, 1930 Snake
1930 January 30 February 16, 1931 Horse Metal
1931 February 17 February 5, 1932 Sheep
1932 February 6 January 25, 1933 Monkey Water
1933 January 26 February 13, 1934 Rooster
1934 The 14th of February February 3, 1935 Dog Tree
1935 February 4 January 23, 1936 Pig
1936 January 24 February 10, 1937 Rat Fire
1937 11 February January 30, 1938 Bull
1938 January 31 February 18, 1939 Tiger Earth
1939 February 19 February 7, 1940 Rabbit
1940 February 8 January 26, 1941 The Dragon Metal
1941 January 27 February 14, 1942 Snake
1942 February, 15 February 4, 1943 Horse Water
1943 February 5th January 24, 1944 Sheep
1944 The 25th of January February 12, 1945 Monkey Tree
1945 February 13 February 1, 1946 Rooster
1946 February 2 January 21, 1947 Dog Fire
1947 January 22 February 9, 1948 Pig
1948 February 10 January 28, 1949 Rat Earth
1949 January 29 February 16, 1950 Bull
1950 February 17 February 5, 1951 Tiger Metal
1951 February 6 January 26, 1952 Rabbit
1952 January 27 February 13, 1953 The Dragon Water
1953 The 14th of February February 2, 1954 Snake
1954 February 3rd January 23, 1955 Horse Tree
1955 January 24 February 11, 1956 Sheep
1956 12th of February January 30, 1957 Monkey Fire
1957 January 31 February 17, 1958 Rooster
1958 18th of Febuary February 7, 1959 Dog Earth
1959 February 8 January 27, 1960 Pig
1960 28 January February 14, 1961 Rat Metal
1961 February, 15 February 4, 1962 Bull
1962 February 5th January 24, 1963 Tiger Water
1963 The 25th of January February 12, 1964 Rabbit
1964 February 13 February 1, 1965 The Dragon Tree
1965 February 2 January 20, 1966 Snake
1966 January 21 February 8, 1967 Horse Fire
1967 February 9th January 29, 1968 Sheep
1968 January 30 February 16, 1969 Monkey Earth
1969 February 17 February 5, 1970 Rooster
1970 February 6 January 26, 1971 Dog Metal
1971 January 27 February 14, 1972 Pig
1972 February, 15 February 2, 1973 Rat Water
1973 February 3rd January 22, 1974 Bull
1974 January 23 February 10, 1975 Tiger Tree
1975 11 February January 30, 1976 Rabbit
1976 January 31 February 17, 1977 The Dragon Fire
1977 January 18 February 6, 1978 Snake
1978 February 7 January 27, 1979 Horse Earth
1979 28 January February 15, 1980 Sheep
1980 February 16 February 4, 1981 Monkey Metal
1981 February 5th January 24, 1982 Rooster
1982 The 25th of January February 12, 1983 Dog Water
1983 February 13 February 1, 1984 Pig
1984 February 2 February 19, 1985 Rat Tree
1985 February 20th February 8, 1986 Bull
1986 February 9th January 28, 1987 Tiger Fire
1987 January 29 February 16, 1988 Rabbit
1988 February 17 February 5, 1989 The Dragon Earth
1989 February 6 January 26, 1990 Snake
1990 January 27 February 14, 1991 Horse Metal
1991 February, 15 February 3, 1992 Sheep
1992 February 4 January 22, 1993 Monkey Water
1993 January 23 February 9, 1994 Rooster
1994 February 10 January 30, 1995 Dog Tree
1995 January 31 February 18, 1996 Pig
1996 February 19 February 7, 1997 Rat Fire
1997 February 8 January 27, 1998 Bull
1998 28 January February 5, 1999 Tiger Earth
1999 February 6 February 4, 2000 Rabbit
2000 February 5th January 23, 2001 The Dragon Metal
2001 January 24 February 11, 2002 Snake
2002 12th of February January 31, 2003 Horse Water
2003 1st of February January 21, 2004 Sheep
2004 January 22 February 8, 2005 Monkey Tree
2005 February 9th January 28, 2006 Rooster
2006 January 29 February 17, 2007 Dog Fire
2007 18th of Febuary February 6, 2008 Pig
2008 February 7 January 25, 2009 Rat Earth
2009 January 26 February 13, 2010 Bull
2010 The 14th of February February 2, 2011 Tiger Metal
2011 February 3rd January 22, 2012 Rabbit
2012 January 23 February 9, 2013 The Dragon Water
2013 February 10 January 30, 2014 Snake
2014 January 31 February 18, 2015 Horse Tree
2015 February 19 February 7, 2016 Sheep
2016 February 8 January 27, 2017 Monkey Fire
2017 28 January February 15, 2018 Rooster
2018 February 16 February 4, 2019 Dog Earth
2019 February 5th January 24, 2020 Pig
2020 The 25th of January February 11, 2021 Rat Metal
2021 12th of February January 31, 2022 Bull
2022 1st of February January 21, 2023 Tiger Water
2023 January 22 February 9, 2024 Rabbit
2024 February 10 January 28, 2025 The Dragon Tree
2025 January 29 February 16, 2026 Snake
2026 February 17 February 5, 2027 Horse Fire
2027 February 6 January 25, 2028 Sheep
2028 January 26 February 12, 2029 Monkey Earth
2029 February 13 February 1, 2030 Rooster
2030 February 2 January 22, 2031 Dog Metal
2031 January 23 February 8, 2032 Pig

Anastasia Volkova, for the section

We all fervently desire love and loving relationships - perhaps more than anything else! And we all strive to have a family filled with harmony and kind, sincere relationships. Why then do so many people live alone and in search of love? If what we desire most is love, why is there an unprecedented increase in divorces and broken families? Why do many people feel so lonely and isolated in crowded cities?

Contrary to popular belief, love is not just the result of fate or luck, and it doesn't "come and go", we create it? and each of us has the ability to create it. Each of us has the ability to love and be loved, each of us has the ability to create relationships full of love and joy. No matter how we live now - alone or under the burden of an unhappy, exhausted relationship - life can change, and it is we who can change it.

The necessary components of any endeavor, including changes in a love relationship, are the right time, the right place and the right people. If one of these components turns out to be inappropriate, achieving the goal will become a long and difficult task. If two of them are missing, any attempt to achieve a result may turn into an impossible desire.

Of course, we cannot always determine and choose the right time, and it is even more difficult to find people suitable for us - these are rather questions of our heavenly luck, but we can always find or create the place we need. And everyone can do this, you just need to put in some effort and be patient.

In any business and, of course, in love and creating a family, the environment is one of the most important factors. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the place where the future family lives or plans to live. The shape of a house, its size, configuration, floor plan, design (as well as color, decoration, furniture arrangement) naturally influence the people living in it. All this affects our health, emotional state, well-being and, of course, our relationships with people, including love.

What is it like, a house ideal for love? What type of home or dwelling is capable of nurturing family relationships? An ideal home should have an abundance of Qi - beneficial, positive energy. This will manifest itself in the correct location, integrity of form, smooth flow of energy and a feeling of warmth and comfort.

A good location is a harmonious and balanced home environment. According to classical Feng Shui concepts, it includes the Turtle, Phoenix, Dragon and Tiger. The turtle supports the house from behind. It could be a mountain, a small hill, a building, a rock, or a neighboring house. The Dragon and Tiger are accompanying structures on both sides of the house, a kind of guardian of your home. They should not be too large, should not protrude too much or be isolated or close together. Phoenix is ​​an open space that should be in front of the house, it allows energy to accumulate and enter the house, it allows the residents of the house to make plans, feel space and new possibilities.

A solid form implies a pleasant appearance, not too strange or disturbing, regardless of the size and material of the building. The building should not be too fragmented, with strongly protruding parts, when viewed from a bird's eye view or from the side. The layout of residential floors is preferably regular in shape: rectangular or square.

The smooth flow of energy depends on the layout of the house, on how the living space is divided into separate rooms. The layout of the house should not be too open, as is the case with one large room, or too limited, cramped and confusing, as in a maze. Each room should be well connected to the general flow of energy of the house; it is good when there is a hall or corridor where all the entrance doors of the rooms go.

Feelings of warmth and coziness refer to those feelings of comfort and well-being that certain places evoke in us, sometimes for no apparent reason. Our bodies intuitively respond to the energy of the surrounding space. If it fits well with our own energy, we will feel comfortable, even if we cannot find the reason for these feelings. In general, if the three previous conditions (location, shape and flow of energy) have been met, you will most likely feel a certain warmth from that place.

Below is a short list of criteria that are important for love and family relationships.

The shape of the house should be simple, with no protruding or missing parts.
- There should not be too many or too few windows in the house.
- The front door should be located close to the center, and not offset to the right or left.
- There should be no conflict between the elements of Fire and Water in the kitchen. The sink and stove should not be placed next to each other or opposite each other.
- There should be a solid wall behind the head of the bed, not a window or door.
- The door to the bedroom should be visible from the bed.
- When you go to bed, the front door to the house should be in front of you, not behind you (although this door usually cannot be seen from the bedroom).
- There should not be a mirror in the bedroom that reflects your bed.
- Even if you don’t have a partner at the moment, but you want to attract him into your life, your bed should not be against the wall, you need to provide approaches to it from both sides, especially if you already have a partner.
- You should not arrange a marital bed on two beds pushed together. It is better to have one large bed with a shared mattress.
- You should not place aquariums and fountains in the bedroom. This leads to misunderstandings and sleepless nights.

If all these requirements are met, you should not have much difficulty in finding love or in family relationships. The more requirements left unfulfilled, the greater the likelihood of difficulties arising.
If your family relationships leave much to be desired, and you do not have deep knowledge of Feng Shui, you can seek advice from a specialist; there are probably negative influences in your environment that you do not see. You can also try to do some steps yourself. These recommendations do not apply to classical Feng Shui teachings. They are more based on positive thinking and the use of symbols and are general in nature, but have the advantage of being easy to use.

According to the “Eight Life Aspirations” school, in our home there are sectors that are responsible for family happiness and relationships between people. You can work with them and activate them.

The southwest is responsible for family happiness, well-being, and partnership. Southwest is the element of earth. If you are looking to find a partner or want to strengthen an existing relationship, use paired symbols made of ceramic or natural stone. Other paired symbols will also work. These could be two vases or a double sculpture of people (a man and a woman). A sculpture made of red or orange stone of two mandarin ducks is considered a very strong symbol.

The East is responsible for family, health, change.

East is the element of Wood. Plants of any kind are suitable here, except thorny ones. Since the East is about change, don’t try to intensify it too much if everything in your life suits you, when everything goes as usual. If your problems are ripe and cannot find a way out, then you can carefully attract changes: add water in the east, which helps the Tree grow. It could be a blue vase with flowers or an image of a calm river flowing in your direction or a quiet, clean forest lake. In this sector it is appropriate to place such symbols of longevity as a blooming or fruiting peach or the fruit itself.

You can significantly improve your Feng Shui and family well-being if you use the Ba Jai ​​system. The Ba Jai ​​system is an integral part of Feng Shui, which works with directions. Using this system, it is easy to orient a bed, a workplace, or a cooking fireplace. Energy coming from different directions of the world has different properties, and this is the basis of the Ba-Jai system.

Feng Shui within Ba Jai ​​is divided into 2 groups - eastern and western. Favorable directions for people of “eastern orientation”: South, North, East, South East; and 3, NW, SW, NE - for “western”. According to the Ba-Jai school, all people of “Eastern” and “Western” orientation are divided into 9 groups. The number of this group is called the Gua number, and is the basis for working on this system.

How to calculate your Gua number?

The Gua number can be taken from the Chinese calendar, but if you don’t have it now, then use the formulas below.

1. For people born between 1900 and 1999. Take the sum of the last two digits of the year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add its digits again. The Gua number for men is 10 minus the result. For women: 5 plus the result obtained. If you get a two-digit number, add its digits again.

2. For people born after 2000, the calculation is the same. But in the formula for men, 10 changes to 9, and in the formula for women, 5 changes to 6.

Note: if the final result is 5 (such a Gua number does not exist!), then for women the number 5 is replaced by 8, and for men by 2.

An example of calculating the Gua number of a man born in 1961:

1961 6+1=7; 10-7=3 – Gua number of a man

An example of calculating the Gua number of a woman born in 1978:

1978 7+8=15; 1+5=6; 6+5=11; 1+1=2 – woman’s Gua number

Now, knowing your Gua number, you can determine your favorable and unfavorable directions using the table.

Eastern group

Western group


Direction values:

The most favorable direction for you is indicated by +4, which corresponds to Shen Qi, the type of Qi that brings you prosperity and success. This is the best direction for you when doing business, studying and other active activities. The +3 direction corresponds to Qi, which brings good health and harmony in relationships. This is the third most favorable direction. +2 is the second most favorable, it brings longevity and love and is considered romantic. The +1 direction corresponds to the type of Qi that brings peace and stability. This is the fourth most favorable direction. You will sleep well if you lie with your head in the +1 direction.

Direction -1 corresponds to the type of Qi, which is considered the less powerful of the harmful energies. If your bed or the entrance to your home is oriented in this direction, it may cause disagreements or unpleasant incidents. Qi direction -2 is considered the second most harmful. Such Qi can cause unwanted encounters, sexual dysfunction and break-ups. Harmful Qi of direction -3 can cause fires, accidents, loss of friends and family. Direction -4 corresponds to the most dangerous and harmful type of Qi. You should spend as little time as possible in this area of ​​space or avoid it altogether. Qi -4 brings illness, misfortune and ruins one's career. If your home's doors are oriented in this direction or your bedroom is located in this area, it is detrimental to your health, well-being and relationships with loved ones.

Once you have determined the directions that work best for you, you can move the furniture in your home - bed, desk, stove - so that they are oriented correctly. Where possible, increase the number of “pluses” and your life will begin to change and bring harmony, prosperity and new opportunities to your family!