How to treat the nervous system with folk remedies. Treating nerves at home. Nerves treatment at home

Nervous system diseases

Nervous system diseases treatment with folk remedies

● Grind and mix 100 g of hawthorn flowers, peppermint and. Brew 3 tbsp. l. collect overnight in 600 ml of boiling water in a thermos, filter in the morning. 150 ml 4 times a day before meals, half an hour.

● Hop cones – 50 g, blackberry leaves – 100 g. 2 tbsp. l. Brew the mixture overnight in a thermos, add 400 ml of boiling water. Filter in the morning and drink half a glass 4 times a day before meals 60 minutes.

● Mint – 100 g, Thyme – 75 g, Melissa – 100 g; grind all ingredients and mix. Brew 3 tbsp until morning. l. in three glasses of boiling water, filter. 150 ml four times a day.

● Grind and mix equal parts of roots and. Take 2 tbsp. l. mixture, place in an enamel pan and cook over low heat, covered, for half an hour. Remove from heat and drink the decoction half an hour before meals, dividing the entire volume into 4 doses.

Treatment of neuralgic diseases of the nervous system

● Grind and mix 75 g of thyme and 100 g of sage. Brew three tablespoons of boiling water in three glasses. l. collection Drink in 4 doses a day before meals, half an hour.

● Take 100 g of sage and chamomile, 75 g of thyme, mix the crushed ingredients of the recipe. The method of preparing the infusion and application are the same as in the previous recipe.


● Prepare the tincture: pour 50 g of keystone sunflower flowers into half a liter of high-quality vodka and leave in a dark, warm place for 10 days. Then we filter the tincture and use it for rubbing into sore spots, after which we wrap the patient.

● Mix the herb grinding: 75 g each of hop cones and thyme herb. 2 tbsp. l. Brew 400 ml of boiling water with this mixture and leave in a thermos overnight. Filter and take ½ glass 4 times a day ½ hour before meals.

● take 75 g, and 100 g of chamomile, crush it in the evening, wrinkle it and pour 3 tbsp boiling water into a thermos with three glasses. l. mixtures. We filter the next morning and drink 150 ml 30 minutes before meals four times a day.

● Take 4 times a day, 30 m before meals, ¼ cup of infusion (1 tsp per 200 ml of boiling water, brew overnight).

● Pour two glasses of water into two tbsp. spoons of viburnum roots and cook over low heat with a lid for half an hour. Drink before meals 30 minutes in 4 doses per day.

● 75 g each of lemon balm and linden blossom, 100 g of woodruff, chop and mix. Brew 2 tbsp overnight. l. collection in two glasses of boiling water. Drink in 4 doses the next day.

● Take 75 g of valerian roots and 100 g of angelica officinalis root, grind them and mix. Brew 2 tbsp in a thermos. l. mixture in 400 ml of boiling water. Then simmer over low heat, covered, for 15 minutes, and leave for 15 minutes. Drink in four doses.

● A very simple recipe for insomnia: pour a tablespoon of dry water into a glass of boiling water, soak a clean cloth in this mixture and apply it to your forehead as a compress.

● An hour before bed, drink a tablespoon of ground poppy seeds in a glass of boiling milk, steeped for 15 minutes.

Treatment of insomnia and mental fatigue

● In the evening, put three tablespoons in a thermos. spoons of flowering tops and pour three glasses of boiling water. The next morning, filter and drink the infusion in four doses.

● Pour a liter of high-quality vodka into one hundred grams of the flowering tops of oats and place them in a warm, dark place for 10 days. We filter the tincture and take 20 drops 3 times a day, washed down with milk.

● A warning for people who have lost good sleep: do not eat a lot of onions at night - they contribute to insomnia.

● In the evening, pour two tablespoons of boiling water into a thermos. spoons of marsh chistets herb, and in the morning filter through cheesecloth. Take before meals in four doses.

● Pour 2 cups of boiling water over 2 tbsp. l. marsh dried custard overnight. The next morning, strain and take in four doses (100 ml each) before meals.

And the psyche of a child, an adult or an elderly person? How to alleviate your condition during stress and get rid of negative experiences completely? How to make sure that any life shocks only strengthen the psyche, and do not undermine it? This article will help you understand these and other questions.

Nerves - healthy and sick

Perceives the external and internal environment and transmits the reaction to the executive organs. In this way, the activity of all human organs and systems is regulated.

Nerve fibers stretch along the body for about a billion meters. They can regenerate. True, this process occurs very slowly: about one millimeter per day.

This is why it is so important to keep your condition in balance. However, not everyone succeeds in this. Crazy oversaturation of information, stress... All this can have a negative effect on the nerves, depleting them. For more than half of the people on the planet, the urgent question is how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche.

What do we usually do to avoid stress?

When a situation affects a person negatively and he experiences stress, he needs to calm down. And the sooner the better. Unfortunately, most people find comfort in food, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee. Others who lead a healthy lifestyle turn to harmless helpers: baths, massage, aromatherapy, listening to classical music and drinking tea.

Although both of them have a calming effect, and in the second case they do not harm the body, nevertheless these are temporary methods. However, if a person is not very nervous, then such helpers will really come in handy. But with a prolonged negative state, they are not only not useful, but in some cases they can also be harmful, aggravating the problem. Of course, this primarily concerns alcohol, cigarettes and excessive consumption of sweets. Such remedies do not solve the problem of how to strengthen the nerves and psyche. Vitamins can correct the condition. But how to fully recover?

Achieve harmony

How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche so as to remain calm in any, even the most stressful situation, and not allow the winds of life to fan the fire inside a person?

For any of us, family relationships and work are very important. If peace and order reign in these areas, then a significant number of possible causes of mental deviations will disappear by themselves. From this it follows that we need to strive for harmony at work and at home.

But not everyone and not always manages to achieve this. Therefore, if life is not going as smoothly as you would like, you need to know how to strengthen your nervous system and psyche in any situation. It may be more difficult to implement this, but nevertheless it is necessary.

Stress "good" and "bad"

When something changes inside the body, it always experiences stress. But not all of them have negative consequences. Thus, a reprimand at work, a quarrel with a loved one, or an injury are certainly negative events and can have a bad impact on both mental and physical health. Such stress is destructive. However, falling in love, a contrast shower, playing sports is also a kind of shake-up for the body, which is to some extent a threat to the nerves. But it is perceived positively and even joyfully. Thanks to such positive influences, the psyche also becomes more resistant to negative life situations.

You need to learn to perceive any stress not as something negative in life, but as a kind of training for the nervous system, when it has the opportunity to harden and become stronger. The main thing is not to lose optimism and lead a healthy lifestyle. And then no stress or blows of fate will be able to ruin your life!

Healthy sleep

Some studies show that a person can sleep only three to four hours a day and not experience significant damage to their health.

However, to sleep well and get enough sleep means to build a serious barrier to the penetration of possible stress into life, which has a negative impact on the nerves.

If a person does not sleep for a whole day, he begins to become disoriented. Five days without sleep can cause seizures and hallucinations, and ten can cause psychosis. From the above it follows that with a constant lack of sleep for several months, a person is guaranteed at least depression. It has been scientifically proven that nerve dysfunction occurs precisely because of constant lack of sleep.

How can you find time for proper sleep in a difficult and stressful life? What is the best way to strengthen the nervous system and psyche? The child can be made to sleep, or at least lie down, for as long as he needs to sleep, and even if he does not want to, he will eventually fall asleep. But what about adults? If a person tosses and turns all night and cannot sleep, and tomorrow he needs to go to work and deal with a bunch of urgent matters? Well, if health is expensive, then you will have to find time to sleep and make efforts to restore it.

Of course, the simplest and, as it may seem at first glance, the correct solution would be to take sleeping pills. However, it is best to avoid it altogether or take it only as a last resort and only on the recommendation of a doctor. The fact is that sedatives and sleeping pills do not solve the problem, but help to forget about it. As soon as the effect of the medicine wears off, all the worries and worries will return and hit you with renewed vigor, especially if the medicine was taken independently, without a doctor’s prescription. How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche? It is better not to use sedative or hypnotic drugs, this should be understood.

Much more effective, although it may take some time, will be mastering relaxation techniques and meditative practice.


It has been noticed that regular physical activity maintains not only good shape, but also the nervous system. And if there is a favorite sport, and a person enjoys playing it, this can be the best way of psychological relief. In addition, the work of synapses and the neuromuscular system are activated, the brain receives enough oxygen to produce happiness hormones. The body gets tired after another workout, but the person feels calm and joyful.


How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche with vitamins? To do this, your daily diet should include foods containing the necessary nutrients. It is known that for full-fledged biochemical processes in nerve cells, B vitamins are needed. They are found in large quantities in bread, walnuts, eggs, yeast, and grain sprouts. If necessary, you can take special vitamin complexes.


When a person's breathing becomes shallow and rapid. He is constantly tense and anxious. In a state of calm, a person breathes measuredly and deeply.

Special exercises and long walks calm the psyche. If you learn to breathe deeply and constantly practice this, as well as spend a long time in the fresh air, your overall well-being will soon improve several times, and, as a result, long-awaited peace will come to your body and soul.

The abdominal breathing technique provides the blood with sufficient oxygen, improving the functioning of internal organs and intestinal motility. As a result, the condition of the nervous system improves. Control this technique in yourself constantly, and over time it will work automatically, giving you a happy and long life.


Taking a shower and bath relaxes, tones, stimulates and strengthens the body. The skin is cleansed of harmful substances accumulated throughout the day. Depending on the temperature, the procedure calms or, conversely, invigorates the person.

A contrast shower in the morning is a great start to the day. And if you calm yourself down in the evening with a bath with the addition of herbs, this will help a person fall asleep without problems.

If possible, swimming is very useful. This will improve your mood and serve as a good tone for your muscles.

Negative thoughts - go away

Essential in the question of how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche is the ability to throw bad thoughts out of your head. Sometimes, from the very morning, as they say, one gets up on the wrong foot, and a person’s whole day goes awry. But, simply put, he sets himself up this way. If you learn to laugh at difficulties or something that doesn’t work out, and not allow yourself to fall into a bad mood, then the day may well continue favorably and successfully.

Folk recipes

No less effective are the natural sedatives that our ancestors have used for centuries. How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche with folk remedies? Here are a few recipes that have been tested for more than one generation.

Milk is an ancient "healer". It has been used to treat many diseases because it has a general therapeutic effect, restoring the balance of metabolism and raising the tone of the body. Most often they drink cow's milk, less often goat's milk, although the latter is even richer in its composition. In general, this natural product contains a huge amount of vitamins, hormones, enzymes and immune bodies that effectively fight pathogenic microorganisms. Is there any doubt that it will help with such phenomena as weak nerves and psyche?

Milk can be taken either alone or with the addition of additional natural sedatives. For example, it is useful to drink a whole glass of it with a crushed clove of garlic in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also dilute it in a one-to-one ratio with valerian root tincture and drink it three times a day.

A milk bath will calm your nerves. In this case, it will be enough to add only three glasses of milk to the water.

Field sage will help with nervous exhaustion. To do this, pour three tablespoons of the herb into 500 ml of boiling water, infuse and drink throughout the day.

When overexcited, hawthorn with other herbs is useful. For example, you can mix hawthorn flowers, motherwort and cudweed in three parts and one part chamomile. One tablespoon is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for eight hours. Take half a glass three times a day an hour after meals.

Another recipe consists of a mixture of hawthorn fruits, valerian, St. John's wort and yarrow, taken in three parts, and two parts of hawthorn flowers. It is brewed as in the previous recipe, but drink one quarter of a glass four times a day, half an hour before meals.

Oats will effectively help with sleep disturbances. To do this, pour a spoonful of grains or flakes with two glasses of water in the evening. In the morning, boil until softened and drink throughout the day instead of tea.

You can cook a mass of grains or flakes with water in a ratio of one to five over low heat, bringing it to the state of jelly, strain, add honey, and drink during the day.

For intense mental and physical stress, you need to take two tablespoons of oat straw and boil it in a liter of water, leave for ten minutes and drink two glasses several times a day. In deciding how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche with folk remedies, this natural component is as suitable as milk. After all, oats are useful not only for the nervous system, but it is recommended that the heart and lungs work better, the blood is renewed and the body’s metabolic processes are normalized.


How can you strengthen a child’s nervous system and psyche? In addition to all the recommendations aimed at improving the health of the body and establishing social relationships, you need to remember about the spiritual. Moreover, this aspect should ideally come first. After all, while healing your body and improving your relationships with people, inside you can still feel the emptiness and purposelessness of your existence. Therefore, if parents take care to help shape the worldview of their child, it will be much easier for him to experience difficulties and turmoil when he becomes an adult. Then they will not panic and look for ways to strengthen the teenager’s nervous system and psyche, since during such a difficult period of growing up for a person, he will already have an inner core that will help cope with all the difficult conditions that always accompany this age.

It's never too late to start addressing such issues. And as an adult, a person can come to understand his purpose in this world. Moreover, he is already independent, he decides for himself and feels what he likes best.

How often can you hear phrases from friends and girlfriends that “they are tired, that it’s time to treat their nerves” and the like.

What do we mean by this famous phrase, how can we determine a disorder of our own nervous system, and what methods of dealing with “nerves” do modern medicine and folk methods offer? Let's try to figure it out.

If you ask an ordinary person to name what can cause nerve disease, he will put forward the following versions:

Constant stress at work and at home;

Difficult life situations;

Family troubles;

Poor environmental situation.

But medical experts assure that all these factors are secondary, and yes, in some cases they can provoke the development of nervous disorders. But even in these situations, the person had disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system before stress, although he may not have noticed this.

Medical experts identify the following causes of diseases:

Inflammatory and infectious diseases;

Vascular dysfunction;

Heredity problems;

Improperly organized work and rest schedule;

Poisoning by various poisons, chemicals;


Although, of course, when they talk about “nerves,” we are talking, first of all, about the reaction of the human nervous system to stress.

Scientists agree that tension in the human nervous system is a normal reaction, the physical and social environment is in constant change, and a person is forced to react to these changes in one way or another.

Prolonged stay in a nervous, stressful state can lead to serious disorders in various life support systems, not just the nervous system.

Symptoms of stress as a signal to action

Scientists have divided symptoms indicating that the nervous system is at risk into two groups:



Knowledge of the main symptoms will help a person take steps to normalize physical and mental processes in the body, using all methods available to him. The main physical signals of the body's response to stress include:

Heart attacks;


Intestinal irritation.

Mental symptoms– a feeling of loss of strength, fatigue, irritability, low level of concentration, lack of goals, loss of interest in life and work.

Effective methods of dealing with stress

Modern medicine and representatives of folk practices know many different methods. Currently, pharmacology offers many drugs that help the body keep the nervous system in order.

We will not give names and recommendations for use, since this process depends on the individual characteristics of the body. To prescribe medications, it is best to contact your local physician. In addition, it should be remembered that medications provide only temporary relief; it is necessary to eliminate the cause of stress.

It is best to turn to folk remedies that are practically harmless to the body; in the fight against “nerves” you can use the following methods:

Aromatherapy using your favorite oils;

Light physical activity;

Walks in the open air;

Positive emotions through communication with friends, family, pets;

Creativity (literature, painting, dancing, singing, etc.).

Traditional medicine suggests using medicinal plants, many of them have the ability to calm the nervous system, relieve excitability, and eliminate sleep disturbances.

You can use various herbal decoctions and tinctures, factory-made or prepared yourself.

With regular use, valerian, hops, lemon balm, mint help, they can be used separately or prepared as herbal mixtures. Brew overnight and take warm.

Another way to use medicinal plants is to make sachets, pads filled with dry herbal infusions.

Other methods of treating the nervous system with folk remedies include warm, but not hot, herbal and salt baths and massages.

Changing the diet helps, reducing the amount of fats and unhealthy carbohydrates, increasing proteins, shifting towards healthy foods - vegetables, fruits, additional fortification.

Naturally, all these methods help relieve symptoms of anxiety and irritability, but do not eliminate the causes of nervous system disorders.

Therefore, the third comprehensive method should be psychotherapy.

Perhaps turning to a psychologist will help; with his help, a person will analyze specific stressful situations occurring in his life and reactions to them, adjust behavior patterns, find the true causes of the disease and ways to help himself.

The human nervous system is very vulnerable. In the modern world, we are faced with a lot of stress that can seriously disrupt its functioning.

How and with what to treat nerves and the human nervous system on your own?

Strong nerves are the key to health, but their dysfunction, on the contrary, can create big problems.


Approximately 20% of the population of planet Earth suffers from nervous system dysfunction to one degree or another. Failures can manifest themselves in the form of a wide variety of symptoms: sleep disturbance at night and drowsiness during the day, increased irritability and tearfulness, fears, anxieties and chronic fatigue. Ultimately, such conditions weaken the entire body, leading to the development of a variety of diseases. How to treat nerves at home? Despite the fact that new research is constantly being conducted in the field of neurology, outdated or erroneous ideas about the causes of nervous disorders are widespread. Doctors identify several groups of factors that have a direct impact on damage to the nervous system:

  • Infectious inflammatory diseases (fungal and bacterial infections, acute encephalitis, non-purulent meningitis and others);
  • Injuries (bruises and concussions, rupture of peripheral nerves);
  • Tumors (in the brain or secondary malignant tumors with metastasis);
  • Vascular dysfunction (pathological changes in arteries, veins and capillaries, blockage of blood vessels, impaired permeability, rupture or blockage of the vascular network);
  • Heredity (congenital metabolic diseases and neuromuscular diseases);
  • Degenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's and others);
  • Inadequate nutrition (deficiency of vitamins B and E);
  • Poisoning with chemicals (ethyl alcohol, opioids, antidepressants and stimulants, psychoactive substances, plant and animal poisons, etc.).

Prolonged and intense stress, as it turns out, can also cause nervous disorders. However, such consequences of psycho-emotional shock arise only in cases where the functioning of the nervous system was disrupted even before the occurrence of stressful situations.

Symptoms of nerve diseases

  • Motor disorders - paralysis and paresis, trembling of fingers;
  • Impaired coordination of movements - slowness and unclearness of speech, tics, flinching;
  • Pain syndrome – headaches, neck pain, etc.;
  • Impaired sense of smell – distortion of the perception of smells, impaired taste of vision, dizziness.


How to treat nerves and the human nervous system in order to always remain healthy? According to Japanese scientists, a healthy lifestyle plays a huge role in a person’s mental health. Adequate sleep on a firm bed, a balanced diet, regular contrast showers, walks in the fresh air and exercise are the key to increasing stress resistance. Sleep is of particular importance in the functioning of the nervous system. It is this component of a person’s life that, according to doctors, should be given more attention. During sleep, not only the body, but also the human subconscious rests. If anxious thoughts keep you awake, practice various relaxation techniques before bed.


Natural traditional medicine will be an effective assistant in the question of how to treat nerves and the nervous system. Medicinal herbs in the form of decoctions and infusions will calm the nervous system, relieve irritability and nervousness, and also help cope with insomnia.


Ordinary hops are an excellent remedy for treating diseases of the nervous system. Dried hops must be brewed with boiling water, based on the proportions of 2-3 cones per 1 glass of water. To improve the taste, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey to the finished strained infusion. You should drink 1-2 glasses of this drink per day, and it is recommended to postpone the last dose until the evening.


Another well-known remedy that helps treat nerves at home is valerian. A healing decoction is prepared from the root of this plant, which can be used both internally and in warm, soothing baths. The preparation of the product is very simple: add 250 grams of crushed valerian rhizome to 2 liters of water and simmer the composition over low heat for about 1.5 hours. After this, the broth should be left for 8-10 hours and only then strain.

Find out more on the topic

We can't escape stress. But you can learn to strengthen your nerves and quickly normalize your psyche. This will help avoid serious complications and chronic illnesses. Modern techniques, medications and folk remedies will help balance your state of mind.

Professor Katsuzo Nishi considers nervous strength to be a source of enthusiasm and happiness. He developed 7 “strong man rules” that will help restore, accumulate and maintain nerve health:

  1. Don't be afraid to face your fears. Exposed, they leave forever.
  2. Be determined to let go of the burden of past failures. This will help quickly restore peace of mind.
  3. To conserve your energy, learn to let go of resentment.
  4. Think only about good things. The nervous system cannot withstand the onslaught of negative thoughts.
  5. Do not deny yourself daily pleasures. A trip to the theater, a meeting with friends, an interesting book - all this restores spiritual harmony.
  6. Help people. This way you can improve your relationship with them. Remember: love and friendship are the best prevention for the psyche.
  7. Constantly tell yourself that everything is fine with you. This is important for restoring internal balance and strengthening the nerves.

By following these rules, you can quickly correct your lost mental balance and strengthen your central nervous system.

How to improve brain function with vitamins

CNS cells need proper nutrition. The most important role in it is played by the following groups of vitamins:

  1. A – prolongs the youth of the body, strengthens the membranes of neurons; its sources are egg yolk, dried apricots, carrots, red meat.
  2. B1, B6, B12 – vitamins that restore metabolism, strengthen stress resistance, improve sleep and mood; found in cereals, seaweed, nuts, beans, bananas, liver, potatoes, prunes, seafood, beef.
  3. C – gives strength, helps increase resistance to diseases, strengthens nerve cells; Citrus fruits, melons, spinach, and tomatoes are considered storehouses of this vitamin;
  4. D – is responsible for a positive attitude, promotes exit from; found in egg yolk, butter, fish oil.
  5. E – saturates the brain with oxygen, allowing you to quickly recover from stress; foods rich in this vitamin: sunflower oil, nuts, eggs.

Strengthening the nervous system with minerals

In addition to vitamins, normal brain function requires a complex of microelements. It includes:

  • phosphorus is a neuron generator found in cucumbers, beans, eggs, fish, mushrooms, and wheat grains;
  • sulfur is a source of oxygen contained in cucumbers, almonds, radishes, garlic, strawberries, and onions;
  • zinc is a natural antidepressant extracted by nerve cells from sprouted wheat and bran;
  • calcium is a mineral that helps restore nerve cells in muscles; Dairy products, many fruits and vegetables are rich in calcium;
  • iron is a substance that ensures the restoration of energy balance; found in mushrooms, fish, apples, green vegetables;
  • magnesium is a nerve calmer found in almonds, chocolate, and chicory.

How to cure neurosis with medications

Modern pharmacology has a large arsenal of drugs that are ready to help the nervous system return to normal. It’s just important not to self-medicate.

Medicines prescribed for neuroses:

  • Barbovalum – an effective fighter against nervous tension and high blood pressure
  • Valocordin is a drug that saves you from fears and relieves anxiety
  • Adaptol – a medicine against anxiety and irritability with a hypnotic effect
  • Afobazol is a medication for adults that improves attention and memory, prevents dizziness, and relieves stress.

Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies?

After a difficult day, it is quite possible to recover with the help of folk remedies. To do this, you can take the following actions:

  • take a bath with essential oils and sea salt;
  • drink tea with lemon balm or mint;
  • prevent insomnia with a tincture of hop cones with honey.

How to strengthen a child's nervous system

Training a child’s resistance to various stress factors is the task of wise parents. The child’s nervous system is still weak: it needs reliable protection. It is impossible to protect a child from all problems, but it is possible and necessary to teach him to adapt to unfavorable conditions.

Here are the skills that a child should acquire before school:

  • the art of self-hypnosis, driving away “bad” thoughts and obsessive childhood fears;
  • relaxation techniques that allow you to unwind after stress;
  • art therapy, which helps to throw out negativity on a piece of paper while drawing.


I don't really like these herbal teas. When I experienced severe stress at work, a Vitango employee advised me to drink. Great pills. They are effective from the first day of use and are not addictive.

I usually calm down with herbal teas. Now I actively use the BIO line from Evalar. There are 2 soothing teas - morning and evening. I like the evening one better - after it I sleep like a groundhog)))

Comment on the article "How to strengthen the nervous system"

And also nervous parents. Please advise how I can put my daughter’s nervous system in order? Now I understand that it was necessary to wait a few more years for adoption, but Kolya caused very significant damage to the health and nervous system of his household.

Strengthening the nervous system with minerals Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies? How to treat nerves???? Tell me, friends, what should I drink to relieve my nerves? My husband walks around all nervous, constantly worried about work. the slightest difficulty...

Of course the nervous system is shaky. In general, there should be a special attitude towards those born at 7 months. How to strengthen the nervous system. Strengthening the nervous system with minerals How to cure neurosis with medications How to harden...

Nervous tic - need advice. A child (6 years old) often squints (blinks his eyes) + increased intracranial pressure. We have been treating diacarb + asparkan for 1.5 months - no results yet. We were at the appointment today, they said continue to drink for another month. Girls, maybe someone has had this...

Home remedies will not help here; you need an examination and medications. In my opinion, the best remedy for stress is a loved one to whom you can pour out your soul. How to strengthen the nervous system. Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies?

They simply treat what really needs treatment and what can be treated with medication. This is the second time I'm writing about this. The first question was how to remove the smell of lime, the second was how anyone treated enuresis. So it's not that constant.

Health without drugs. What's better? Folk remedies or medical drugs? Diseases, symptoms and their treatment: tests How to harden a child’s nervous system But you don’t want to use chemicals in the form of tablets, drops and sprays from the pharmacy... Discussion.

Section: Sleep (maturation of the nervous system). But the topic is about the nervous system of children :) I have the following correlation with my children: Zhenya was born on 7/8 Apgar, hypoxia, falls asleep poorly, takes a long time, can’t do it alone, only with someone next to her, wakes up at night periodically, comes to us...

Caring for elderly relatives, relationships, treatment, caregivers, conflict situations, help, grandparents. Sonapax is also often prescribed - it is both a harmless and more modern medicine - but it did not work for us - it did not improve the situation at all.

Well, the usual exercises to strengthen the nervous system work here - baths...

The neurologist prescribed one remedy for me (after a detailed examination, by the way, because I have How to strengthen the nervous system. Strengthening the nervous system with minerals. How to cure neurosis with the help of medications. Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies?

How to strengthen the nervous system. Strengthening the nervous system with minerals Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies? How to strengthen a child's nervous system.

Are you sure it's the nervous system? Maybe what other one was meant? But you asked to talk not about hardening in order not to get sick, but about strengthening the nervous system - hence some bewilderment.

Please tell me the names of medications to calm the nervous system for adults. Often here Painkillers, painkillers, pain relievers How to strengthen the nervous system. Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies?

How to strengthen the nervous system. How to improve brain function with the help of vitamins. Strengthening the nervous system with minerals. Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies? How to strengthen a child's nervous system.

Let me tell you, I coped with terrible depression and nervous breakdowns after my dad’s death only thanks to homeopathy. By the way, a medicine like Hell is pseudo-homeopathy, not classical homeopathy. And after them it is more difficult for a classical homeopath to help you...

How to treat nerves???? Tell me, friends, what should I drink to relieve my nerves? My husband walks around all nervous, constantly worried about work. I’m afraid that he’s not far from a nervous breakdown... He’ll go to the doctor, of course, but no matter what means to try to establish sleep and relieve...

A neuropathologist had a syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability. She prescribed herbs, glycine and pantogam. I read in the newspaper yesterday about massage for children, which relieves nervous tension and stress. head massage only.

Section: Pharmacies, medicines and vitamins (sleeping pills without a prescription). Is it possible to treat nerves with folk remedies? How to harden a child’s nervous system But you don’t want to use chemicals in the form of tablets, drops and sprays from the pharmacy...

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