Why dream of seeing dandruff on your hands. Why do you dream of dandruff according to the dream book? If you had a bad dream

For those who happen to see dandruff on their head in a dream, the dream book predicts prosperity, honor and profit. In addition, what such a plot means in a dream means that small, insignificant problems are coming that can cause the dreamer a lot of inconvenience.

Miller's Predictions

Psychologist Miller is sure that seeing dandruff on someone else’s head promises the sleeping person unexpected wealth. Perhaps one of the debtors will unexpectedly give you the money they once borrowed.

For a woman, seeing a man in a dream with a lot of white scales falling from his hair means that fate has prepared a gift for the dreamer in the form of a rich, intelligent and generous betrothed.

Sort out your own thoughts

The psychoanalytic dream book indicates the presence of disturbing and harmful thoughts, explaining why you dream of dandruff on your head. Seeing it on your hair in a dream warns that in reality the implementation of your dubious, unfinished ideas may have a completely unexpected effect.

Finding such husks on someone else’s hair means that extraneous actions and advice may be harmful to the sleeping person. Especially if in a dream it fell from the hair of the dreaming character.

Night vision details

The new family dream book interprets the dream depending on the details and plot of the dream:

  • husks fall from the child’s head - speaks of excessive care by the fate of the household;
  • located on someone else’s hair - broadcasts a desire to throw the burden onto other people’s shoulders;
  • to find it with your significant other - expresses concern about the current state of affairs;
  • dreamed of a lot of white flakes on your shoulders - to profit;
  • shaking it off your curls means extra income;
  • Seeing something flying promises joy.

Get ready for interesting meetings

A young lady who saw dandruff on her head in a dream can count on meeting a pleasant and wealthy man. The dream book of lovers advises you to seriously think about a married man’s proposal for intimacy, explaining why such a plot is dreamed of.

The dream book from A to Z predicts that the young lady will have several fans struck by her beauty. You will be faced with a difficult choice; try to treat their advances with a cool mind.

Show kindness

Large dandruff on the head, which in a dream fell on the dreamer’s shoulders, speaks of the need to show support and help to the person who needs it. Perhaps someone will ask for an impressive amount of debt.

The seer Vanga prophesies important, interesting meetings and events; Nostradamus advises showing kindness and compassion to loved ones.

Dandruff in a dream, like any other dirt in the hair- a sign of bad and harmful thoughts, “garbage” in the head.

If in your dream you found dandruff in your own hair- such a dream warns you against implementing any dubious ideas, which could ultimately lead you to big troubles, problems and even shame.

Seeing someone else's dandruff in a dream- means that outside advice may be harmful to you.

Modern combined dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

It is an unpleasant element in real life. Its appearance can darken your mood for a long time and force you to use many methods to eliminate the problem.

A person can also experience enormous troubles in his subconscious if he sees dandruff in a dream. Moreover, in the world of dreams everything happens on an incredible scale, and many are interested in knowing what to expect in reality.

Dandruff in hair

Finding dandruff in your hair portends the occurrence of pleasant troubles which will be accompanied by positive emotions. For single dreamers, this is a sign of meeting soon. You need to try not to miss the opportunity that presents itself, because it is possible that it will have a fateful significance and the dreamer will meet his love.

To endure ridicule because of dandruff in your hair means that in real life a person will become popular with members of the opposite sex at some friendly party. The dream is favorable and in reality you should enjoy the moment of popularity.

It's pouring out

And seeing dandruff falling off is a good sign. Predicting the occurrence of unexpected events. This can be either a promotion or a salary increase, which will entail an improvement in financial situation.

If you look in the mirror and notice a lot of dandruff and start combing it out in a dream, we should expect quick changes.

On someone else's head

Seeing dandruff on someone's head symbolizes that the dreamer can easily cope with all the enemy's machinations. You should also expect financial assistance from one of your relatives or close people.

If a completely gray person has dandruff on the head, the vision portends that the dreamer will have to put all his experience and knowledge into practice to achieve his goal.

If you dreamed of dandruff on a child’s head, in real life fun to be expected. The dream also symbolizes that the sleeper will be able to avoid trouble with the help of another person, to whom he will transfer the obligations that bind him, using a cunning method.

Comb out

A dream in which a person combs dandruff out of his head portends a big profit. The feeling of an acute desire to get rid of dandruff means that in real life it is very important for the sleeper. To get them, you will have to overcome various problems that appear along the way.

If a young unmarried girl had such a dream, it foreshadows a quick party with friends, where she will have a lot of fun. Combing dandruff from the hair of one of your close friends means that in reality the dreamer and his companion will have a fun adventure together in the dream plot.

Turning to someone for help in order to get rid of dandruff symbolizes that the dreamer will have to go through sad moments In my life.

Unsuccessful attempts to comb out dandruff in a vision, in reality foreshadow a dizzying success, after a number of mistakes. Looking at a person’s attempts to comb dandruff from his hair foretells that in reality this person will turn to the dreamer asking for help. You should not refuse him and you should try to help the person solve his problems. For this, the sleeper will be rewarded both financially and morally.

Dandruff flakes

Dandruff flakes in hair symbolize wealth. Watching in the plot of a dream how it scatters in all directions foreshadows the dreamer’s fulfillment of his cherished dream. If dandruff falls on your shoulders in large flakes, you should soon expect a surprise. This may also portend that someone is weaving intrigue behind the sleeping person’s back.

Seeing dandruff flakes on your comb means someone close to you is preparing an amazing gift.


Large dandruff predicts getting rich, but this will become possible only after going through a lot of trouble. Seeing a lot of large dandruff in the head is a sign of a new love relationship.

Seeing large dandruff in black hair symbolizes important life event. On curls of a light shade - portends that the dreamer in reality will enjoy doing something.

Large dandruff in red hair is a harbinger of fun in a cheerful company.

Search for an anti-dandruff remedy

The dreamer should switch his attention to something other than money. Otherwise, you may lose your finances.

Trying to get rid of dandruff

The dreamer connects all his thoughts with money. You need to try to distract yourself, otherwise mercantile motives will lead to a deterioration in your mental health.

Accept anti-dandruff shampoo from someone as a gift

In real life a man admires the dreamer from his inner circle, but he cannot find the right moment for an explanation.

Seeing your head completely covered in dandruff

In real life, the dreamer will take the right actions that will help him become rich. The emergence of a love relationship is also possible.

Consult a doctor

Turning to in order to get rid of dandruff in a dream, portends that the dreamer going through a sad period in his life and doesn’t want to see anyone, or make new acquaintances.

Miller's Dream Book

Finding dandruff in your hair in a dream foretells great luck in reality. Observing such a dermatological problem in a stranger means concluding a profitable contract or a profitable trade in real life.

To experience in a dream experiences associated with the appearance of dandruff in the hair is a pleasant pastime.

Dreams usually should not be taken literally. Often, to reveal the meaning of a dream, you need to grasp its symbolism and actively use metaphors. Sometimes even the most unpleasant night scenes can foreshadow neutral or completely joyful events. If you dream about dandruff on your head – is it symbolic or literal? The opinions of interpreters vary and are contradictory, but they agree on one thing: seeing dandruff in a dream is less problematic than encountering it in reality.

What does the interpretation of a dream depend on?

The meaning of sleep is influenced by the amount (abundance) and size of dandruff.

Most dream books indicate that if you see dandruff of a large size, like flakes, then this means material profit - money, gifts or acquisitions. It is also possible for your cherished desire to come true.

A large amount of dandruff indicates financial stability. This can be done both indirectly, in the form of career growth or a promising position, and directly, in the form of stable financial income. It is recommended to pay off all debts. However, another option for interpreting a large amount of dandruff in a dream is the appearance of serious troubles.

Interpretation of dreams about dandruff in different dream books

Miller's Dream Book. Dandruff on your head is interpreted as a symbol of the need to retire from the outside world.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. The author believes that dandruff in a dream is an alarming symbol about the state of your nervous system. Some topic throws you off balance and exhausts you. Such excessive concentration is absolutely unnecessary and is harmful to your health, so you need to quickly “let go” of everything that bothers you.

Modern dream book. Dandruff in copious amounts can foreshadow a fateful meeting. For single dreamers, this could even be a love acquaintance.

Esoteric dream book. Such a dream foreshadows unexpected profits and an improvement in financial situation. Moreover, the larger the dandruff, the more the meaning of the dream increases.

The appearance of dividends can come from a completely unexpected area - a win, the return of a long-forgotten debt, a bonus, a discovery, a sudden inheritance from distant relatives, etc.

If in a dream you are trying to remove dandruff, then you are fixated on money, it’s time to get rid of commercialism.

Dream book of Felomena. The author promises sudden popularity and demand in a friendly circle, you can also expect interest in the opposite sex and, as a result, success on the personal front. This is especially true if in a dream you were laughed at because of your problem.

Dream Interpretation of Birthday People. In this dream book, the meanings are different depending on the time of year in which the dreamer was born.

For people who have a spring or summer birthday, such a dream will mean troubles with their hair. It is likely that the chores will be voluntary and pleasant - for example, going to the hairdresser.

For dreamers born in autumn or winter, the interpretation of sleep is much less pleasant - expect an attack of headaches.

Psychological dream book. Large dandruff in the form of flakes that look like snowflakes is just a signal that you are cold.

Dream Interpretation Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. The authors associate the appearance of dandruff in a dream with the appearance of bad thoughts in the head. It is not advisable to start any endeavors in the near future in order to avoid failures and shame.

Wanderer's Dream Book. Seeing dandruff is a sign of acquisitions. In the near future you may purchase something rare or at a bargain price.

Vanga's dream book. The clairvoyant believed that dandruff in your head is a sign of great luck. Expect unexpected financial gains.

Dream Interpretation. This interpreter considers seeing dandruff in a dream as a sign of fertility, prosperity and satiety. Large dandruff is an omen of currency strengthening.

Dream book of the 21st century. This interpreter promises good luck in love affairs and wealth.

The variety of interpretations of dreams, even the opposite ones, is far from new. In order not to get confused in the many meanings, you should focus on one dream book of your choice. Do not take the interpretation of the dream too seriously, but rather learn something useful from it and take appropriate measures.

If you are interested in the question of why you dream of dandruff, carefully study the dream book.

In it you will find a lot of explanations for this phenomenon. All you need to do is remember your dream in great detail and read the meaning.

On your head

Seeing dandruff on your head in a dream is a very good sign. It foretells pleasant surprises, gifts and entertainment. The dreamer will also experience success in all matters, and especially in family life. If a young girl had such a dream, then soon she will have several fans at once.

  • Shaking it off your head means profit.
  • Large - to wealth.
  • Seeing her fly is a sign of joy.

If in a dream you have a lot of dandruff on your head, then in real life you will have troubles. Most likely, they will be pleasant and will bring you only positive emotions.

A dream in which dandruff fell on your shoulders is a harbinger of surprises. And if it remains on the comb, then a loved one is preparing a gift for you.

Why dream of dandruff on your head if people around you laugh at you because of it? Such dreams guarantee spending time in a cheerful company. The dream book promises that you will be the center of attention and you will have great fun.

From another person

Seeing dandruff on another person's head in a dream is also good. Such dreams indicate that you will easily bypass all the traps of your enemies and receive material rewards.

And if you are trying to shake it off a friend’s hair, then in the near future you will have a joint adventure.

  • If you dreamed about dandruff in a child, this means fun.
  • Seeing it in a stranger’s hair is a sign of interesting communication.
  • For a dog - for a friend’s visit.

If in a dream you watch someone trying to comb flakes out of their hair, it means that in reality this person will ask you for help. Try to fulfill his request. After all, as a result, you will receive not only material, but also moral rewards.

Other dreams

Dandruff in black hair is a dream before an important event. And to see it on light curls means doing what you love and enjoying it.

As the dream book says, dandruff on red hair is a harbinger of fun and entertainment. And to see it on the head of a gray-haired man means to apply your knowledge and experience in practice.

If in a dream you go to a doctor to help you get rid of scalp problems, then in real life you will need the advice of a wise person.

The dream book suggests listening to someone you trust. A recommendation from this person will help you quickly cope with a problem or difficult task.

If you see yourself or another person with dandruff on your head in a dream, you can count on the favor of fate. And in order to find out more specifically what dandruff means in dreams, experts recommend writing down the dream on a piece of paper, and only then looking at what it means.

This way you won’t miss a single important detail, and a clear picture of your future will emerge in front of you.
Author: Vera Drobnaya