Why do you dream about a hippopotamus? Why did you dream about the hippopotamus?

The hippopotamus that visited your dreams is a symbol of influence, strength and invincibility. He can act as a calm patron or an angry rival.

At the same time, the animal easily moves from a state of balance and slowness to active aggression. Its correct interpretation will help you judge whether this is a favorable dream.

Hippos in the water

I dream that the hippopotamus is in - a sign of future prosperity. The animal looks healthy and well-fed - expect profit or a gift. - a series of troubles will come.

If the hippopotamus is sleeping and seems peaceful at the same time, you will improve your financial situation, you can change workplace and go up in your career.

A thin animal in water means you will be in dire need of it and will spend a lot of effort to provide for yourself. Feeding a hippopotamus and seeing how it gets fat promises career growth and opportunity to receive rewards.

The hippopotamus turns out to be not at all what it seemed, and another animal was hiding under its skin - your bosses or colleagues will try to harm you, they will be hypocritical, they will try to mislead you.

You enter the water after him - you will find yourself in the company of strange but good-natured people.

In dirt

You see in a dream how a hippopotamus takes therapeutic mud baths and is in a good mood - there will be major changes in life that you have been waiting for so long. Perhaps there will be a shift in your professional field of activity, in your personal life, or your close circle will change.

If an animal lies in a sticky and disgusting-looking state, and you feel disgusted by it - you can get sick due to negligence or suffer minor injury. Be careful and careful with your health. The hippopotamus is also evil - beware of danger. You will experience some difficulties from strangers. Try to be less frank about your plans for life with those who are actually strangers to you.

If the animal does not react to you at all, continuing to go about its business, or does not look in your direction at all - take a closer look at your surroundings, there is too much indifference around you.

Think about whether you need such communication and indifferent attitude towards yourself.

Falling into the mud next to an animal means losing your good name and becoming a victim of slander.

In the sea

In night dreams, a meeting with a hippopotamus in - symbol of struggle against difficulties. Seeing this animal in the depths of the sea in a dream means the opportunity to fall under a strong negative influence if you see how the animal obscures your entire field of vision with its body.

If you meet a hippopotamus standing in the sea, you will find yourself in an incomprehensible and risky situation at the most unexpected moment.

The beast is trying to catch up with you, and your strength is running out - you will encounter obstacles on behalf of hypocritical people. Try not to argue with fools or communicate with those who are unpleasant to you.

The hippopotamus has caught up with you and is trying to cripple you - you will come across a strong rival or ill-wisher who will try to harm you not only physically, but also mentally.

Swimming far away or running away from an aggressive beast means overcoming difficult life circumstances that will take a lot of strength and energy from you.

A storm begins at sea while you come face to face with a hippopotamus - you experiencing internal conflict, which drains you.

Seeing an animal in a calm sea is a sign of peace of mind and complete harmony.

A hippopotamus bathing in dreams of changes and surprises. If he stands in the direction of the current, this promises you good prospects, rosy mood and patronage of an influential person. Seeing an animal that goes against the flow means your attempt to take a leadership position where this is practically impossible.

A young lady sees a hippopotamus in a dream - a sign of suffering due to the impenetrability and coldness of the partner, lack of positive emotional experiences. Don't look for support and sympathy where it can't be found.

For a married woman, such a dream means her husband’s passivity and his reluctance to please her with something pleasant. If the person next to you does not show care and attention, does not reciprocate and turns a blind eye to your problems, then this is not your man– you shouldn’t waste your life on it.

A stale and dirty body of water in which you see a hippopotamus is a symbol of your attitude towards difficulties and unusual situations. If the current is swift and almost does not allow you to stay in place, the changes in your life will be just as fast and, in addition, global.

Dirty water flows slowly, the hippopotamus stands motionless in it - symbol of your laziness and reluctance to try something new, to show one’s abilities in an unknown matter. While you are standing still, someone is ahead of you.

You are trying to get an animal out of dirty water - obstacles don't scare you, but sometimes you try to complete tasks that are beyond your capabilities, wasting your time.

If you feel sorry for the hippopotamus, you are puzzled by finding a life partner on whom you can confidently rely.

Little hippos in a dream

You dreamed of a tiny baby hippopotamus frolicking in the water - you will suffer from your own laziness, you may miss your lucky chance due to your reluctance to learn something new.

A little hippopotamus in a dream evokes your sympathy - you are too childish, it’s time to take a more adult position and take responsibility for your actions, and not try to shift it onto the shoulders of others. Become a conductor your life, and not a passive listener.

Stroking it is a symbol of seeking stability and security. The baby is trying to snuggle closer to you - you want to fall back into childhood and not think about anything serious.

A dream in which a hippo comes out of the water and walks around means the intersection of your life path with an interesting person who will radically change your worldview.

Trust your dreams, and they will tell you what will happen in the near future and give you useful thoughts.

Some people call dreams a second life, where different situations can happen. A person can perform feats, fly, see people and different animals. Each of the symbols seen carries certain information that can be found out thanks to existing dream books. To do this, you need to try to remember as many details of the plot as possible.

Why do you dream about a hippopotamus?

Seeing an animal in the wild in a dream is a sign that promises a quick acquaintance with an unusual and important person. Perhaps an influential person will appear in life who will help solve existing problems. Some dream books believe that if you dreamed of a hippopotamus, it means that problems with your parents may arise in the near future. Since the hippopotamus is considered a rather slow and passive animal, such a dream may indicate the dreamer and his reluctance to do or change anything in life. Many people are interested in what it means if they dreamed about an aggressive hippopotamus. If an animal tries to attack, this is a warning that you should be wary of the wrath of a powerful person.

Another version, the meaning of a dream about a hippopotamus, indicates that excessive enthusiasm for global ideas will ultimately cause ridicule from people around you. If you dreamed about a small toy hippopotamus, this is a signal that if you do not take action, you may miss the chance to significantly improve your own financial situation. Night vision in which an animal had to be killed or was already dead is an unfavorable sign, indicating problems at work or in life. Hitting a hippopotamus in a dream is a warning that the dreamer will soon take on too many responsibilities on his shoulders. A baby hippopotamus is a good symbol that predicts receiving news from afar.

Why does a woman dream about a hippopotamus?

In some cases, such a dream indicates a loved one who, due to his “thick skin” and lack of emotionality, causes pain and offends. If a woman strokes a hippopotamus in a dream, it means that on a subconscious level she strives for stability in a relationship.

Why do you dream about a hippopotamus in the water?

If the animal behaves calmly, this is a good sign that promises favorable changes in life; for example, the dreamer may be offered a new promising job. A dream in which a hippopotamus is simply standing in the water warns that there is a risk of losing everything accumulated through overwork.

Some people call dreams a second life, where different situations can happen. A person can perform feats, fly, see people and different animals. Each of the symbols seen carries certain information that can be found out thanks to existing dream books. To do this, you need to try to remember as many details of the plot as possible.

Why do you dream about a hippopotamus?

Seeing an animal in the wild in a dream is a sign that promises a quick acquaintance with an unusual and important person. Perhaps an influential person will appear in life who will help solve existing problems. Some dream books believe that if you dreamed of a hippopotamus, it means that problems with your parents may arise in the near future. Since the hippopotamus is considered a rather slow and passive animal, such a dream may indicate the dreamer’s laziness and his reluctance to do or change anything in life. Many people are interested in what it means if they dreamed about an aggressive hippopotamus. If an animal tries to attack, this is a warning that you should be wary of the wrath of a powerful person.

Another version, the meaning of a dream about a hippopotamus, indicates that excessive enthusiasm for global ideas will ultimately cause ridicule from people around you. If you dreamed about a small toy hippopotamus, this is a signal that if you do not take action, you may miss the chance to significantly improve your own financial situation. Night vision in which an animal had to be killed or was already dead is an unfavorable sign, indicating problems at work or in business. Hitting a hippopotamus in a dream is a warning that the dreamer will soon take on too many responsibilities on his shoulders. A baby hippopotamus is a good symbol that predicts receiving news from afar.

Why does a woman dream about a hippopotamus?

In some cases, such a dream indicates a loved one who, due to his “thick skin” and lack of emotionality, causes pain and offends. If a woman strokes a hippopotamus in a dream, it means that on a subconscious level she strives for stability in a relationship.

Why do you dream about a hippopotamus in the water?

If the animal behaves calmly, this is a good sign that promises favorable changes in life; for example, the dreamer may be offered a new promising job. A dream in which a hippopotamus is simply standing in the water warns that there is a risk of losing everything accumulated through overwork.

Dream Interpretation Hippopotamus, why do you dream about seeing a Hippopotamus in a dream?

Mythological dream book Why do you dream about Hippopotamus?

To see a dream about Hippopotamus - In Old Testament legends, a huge monstrous beast, the king of mammals - symbolizes a very powerful unconscious collective force, often negative; meeting with a very influential person.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Hippopotamus according to the dream book:

Hippopotamus - To see in a dream how this clumsy animal quickly catches up with you is a sign of slow-witted people who put a spoke in your wheels.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Hippopotamus according to the dream book:

Hippopotamus - Seeing a hippopotamus in a dream means great luck.

Children's dream book What does Hippopotamus mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about Hippopotamus - Soon you will feel unwilling to do anything. Many things will be put aside by you.

Intelligent dream book Why do you dream about Hippopotamus according to the dream book?

Why see a Hippopotamus - Walking through an extraordinary forest - a meeting with a very significant person.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud Why do you dream about Hippopotamus:

Hippopotamus - Symbolizes your current sexual partner. He is just as thick-skinned and impervious to your desires and gives you little pleasure in bed. He is very lazy, and, as a result, sexual intercourse is too much work for him. Our advice to you: get rid of this couch potato before you yourself become completely fat, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Hippopotamus?

Hippopotamus - If you saw a hippopotamus in a dream, the dream foreshadows your acquaintance with an influential person who treats you well. If the hippopotamus is aggressive, rushes at you or chases you - a warning, you may be in for a quick confrontation with a strong opponent.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Hippopotamus according to the dream book:

Hippopotamus - To meet a swaggering person.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

— An influential person or force.

Hippopotamus - To excess weight.

Why do you dream of a big and healthy hippopotamus in the water?

Certain animals are often seen in dreams. Why do you dream about a hippopotamus in the water? In most cases, a hippopotamus in the water is a harbinger of a quarrel with a very influential person. It is very important to avoid it, otherwise you will face serious problems.

If you believe the summer dream book, then a hippopotamus in the water, which does not pay attention to the dreamer in a dream, indicates that he is a clumsy and lazy person who finds it difficult to do something. As a result of this, he has achieved little in life, but he still has a chance to fix everything, for this he needs to start taking action.

When a woman has a dream like this, she should pay attention to her figure. Many relatives and friends are already whispering behind their backs, discussing the dreamer’s excess weight. She needs to take steps to regain her previous shape, otherwise she will gain even more weight and look like a hippopotamus.

If a girl had a dream, she will meet a wealthy, older man who will become her gentleman. She should tactfully turn him off, since it will be very difficult to get rid of the admirer later. He will not give way and will be jealous of every young man, turning life into hell.

According to the spring dream book, a hippopotamus in the water promises great luck, so a person should not refuse projects that will soon be offered to him. Thanks to several transactions, he can become a wealthy person who will be the envy of many.

If you believe the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, then a hippopotamus in the water, seen in a dream, personifies the dreamer’s sexual partner in reality. This symbol suggests that the beloved is a very clumsy person, it is difficult for him to fulfill marital duties, therefore it is terribly boring in bed with him. The dreamer needs to part with him, otherwise his life will turn into a swamp, from which it will be very difficult to get out.

When a girl has such a dream, she should be more selective when choosing a sexual partner. You shouldn't sleep with every man she likes. This could not only ruin her reputation, but also have a negative impact on her health. It is better to choose one and be faithful to him, then over time she will get used to the chosen one and will no longer look around, expecting that the next gentleman will turn out to be a better lover than the previous one.

According to the family dream book, a hippopotamus in the water is a harbinger of a quarrel with a relative. Subsequently, the relationship with him will deteriorate greatly, there is a possibility that a loved one will plot intrigues and turn into an enemy, so in the near future it is recommended to avoid controversy and avoid controversial issues.

When a woman dreams that she is washing a hippopotamus, she should take a closer look at her husband. He has become very lazy, and in fact, it is the dreamer who carries the house, household, and work. If this continues, she will become seriously ill. However, her husband will not support her, but will simply find someone else who will take care of him. As a result, the dreamer will be left alone and practically on the street.

According to the wanderer’s dream book, a hippopotamus in the water promises a person a disease as a result of which he will gain excess weight. It will be very difficult to get rid of the pounds, so it is important to try to move more and eat less calorie foods.

When you dream of a hippopotamus in the water, you should try to hide for a while and do nothing. It is also recommended to pay attention to your health, then you will be able to catch the disease at an early stage and it will be much easier to cure it. If possible, it is better to spend a few weeks outside the city in splendid isolation to think everything over.

Why do you dream about Hippopotamus?

Why do you dream about Hippopotamus?

Hippopotamus - soon you will feel unwilling to do anything. Many things will be put on the back burner.

Seeing a Hippopotamus in a dream

Seeing a hippopotamus against the backdrop of exotic nature in a dream predicts that you will meet an unusual and important person. If a hippopotamus suddenly attacks you, then you should beware of the anger of a powerful person. See interpretation: animals, exotic, landscape.

What does the dream Hippopotamus mean?

To see in a dream how this clumsy animal quickly catches up with you is a sign of slow-witted people who are putting a spoke in your wheels.

Seeing a Hippopotamus in a dream

To meet a swaggering person.

What do Hippo dreams mean?

Seeing this animal in a dream is a sign of great luck.

Dream about Hippopotamus

If you dreamed of a hippopotamus who is busy with his own business and does not pay attention to you, perhaps in reality you will soon meet a person whose significant influence and disposition towards you will be very useful. If the hippopotamus is aggressive, threatening or chasing you, then you are in danger from a strong and ruthless opponent. You should be careful not to waste your energy in vain.

What does Hippopotamus mean in a dream?

An influential person or force.

The meaning of dreams Hippopotamus

In the Old Testament legends, a huge monstrous beast, the king of mammals, symbolizes a very powerful unconscious collective force, often negative; meeting with a very influential person.

What does Hippopotamus mean in a dream?

Meeting an influential person. Imagine that you are giving a hippopotamus some kind of treat.

The meaning of the dream Hippopotamus

If you dreamed of a hippopotamus, pay attention to the behavior of your sexual partner. Don't you think he's just as thick-skinned? Surely he is indifferent to your desires and does not bring you much pleasure in bed. Perhaps he is too lazy, and most importantly, he does not want to change. Get rid of him quickly and find someone more energetic.

Interpretation of the dream Hippopotamus

The dream foretells you meeting an influential person who treats you well. An aggressive hippopotamus rushes at you or chases you - a warning, you may be in for a quick confrontation with a strong opponent.

What does Hippopotamus predict in a dream?

Meeting a hippopotamus in a quaint forest, on a river or among the grasses means meeting an interesting and influential person who is well disposed towards you (if the hippopotamus is grazing, swimming or sleeping). Trying to train a hippopotamus is like building castles in the air. The threat from the hippopotamus is dangerous! You will soon have to face a strong opponent.

What does it mean to see a Hippopotamus in a dream?

To a severe and serious life test.

Interpretation of sleep Hippopotamus

Hippopotamus - success and happiness, wealth / a mask under which both divine and demonic forces often operate in dreams.

What does the dream Hippopotamus predict?

If you dreamed about this animal, the dream means that you are in an intimate relationship with a clumsy, thick-skinned person who is so indifferent to your desires that he doesn’t even want to listen to anything. In bed, your partner is too lazy and doesn’t even try to please you. You deserve better, so it's better to part with it.

The meaning of the dream Hippopotamus

A hippopotamus walking through an unusual forest is a meeting with a very significant person.

Why do you dream about hippos?



Towards YOUR big dream!! ! Is SHE real??


If you saw one or more hippopotamuses in a dream, the dream foretells you meeting an influential person who treats you well.

Sergey Stepanov

To the crop failure in Africa! But seriously, elephants and large animals in general - to a well-fed and rich life! In your case, if, of course, the dream is complete, that is, you dreamed before three o’clock in the morning, about a rich man, but not very smart. You can keep it for yourself, or you can let it graze in other people’s meadows. But the option is not bad if you are a wonderful actress, live in luxury, and they will love you, and you can always love!


You see a hippopotamus in a dream - such a dream seems to open up to you the whole range of unpleasant events: from an innocent prank (which, however, will hit you very painfully) to a tragic incident. A hippopotamus splashes into the water, splashes fly far - the person you will soon meet will be a very significant person.

Various dream books about hippopotamus can give completely different information interpreting the dream. As a rule, the hippopotamus is viewed as a huge, thick-skinned animal, lazy and imposing. An animal that behaves quietly and calmly if it is not disturbed, and unbridled and menacing if it does not like something. Also, a hippopotamus can symbolize a huge unconscious force, and in real life an influential person, a meeting with whom can have the most unpredictable consequences.

So why do adults dream about hippopotamus?

To understand why a hippopotamus dreams, pay attention to the proportions of the animal and its surroundings. The interpretation of what you are dreaming comes from the characteristics of the giant’s behavior.

  • For example, if a hippopotamus is grazing peacefully in a meadow or lying in the water, this portends well-being, a quick acquaintance and favor with an important person, a new interesting job and other positive changes in life, and on the part of the people around, complete complacency and calm.
  • But, if you saw a hippopotamus angry and, even more so, chasing you, expect troubles and conflicts at work or intrigue from an influential ill-wisher or rival.
  • If the proportions of a hippopotamus are disturbed, there may be another animal under its thick skin. This is a signal about the need to be careful with an influential acquaintance, not to open up to him, not to trust him.
  • Some dream books link a dream about a hippopotamus with a person’s month of birth. But only for people born in May, June, July and August, this dream will bring good luck; for the rest, it promises a meeting with unpleasant people.

Parents and children

  • At the same time, a hippopotamus in dream books may reflect the relationship with the mother, associated with her exorbitant care, and the need to revise them and transfer them to a new quality.
  • For children, the hippopotamus dream book can mean a desire for passivity, an unwillingness to do any work, or a desire to avoid active actions.

Beautiful women

  • Dream books about hippopotamuses indicate that a woman can see her husband or loved one as a hippopotamus, who offends her with his “thick skin.” He does not try to bring joy into a woman’s life, either in everyday life or sexual life. It is necessary to part with such a monster before he turns life into a stagnant swamp and poisons her existence.
  • If a woman strokes a hippopotamus, this reflects her desire for stability and reliability in relationships, and for finding a reliable partner. But if she has toys or figurines of this animal in her house, this means there is a big chance of losing the opportunity for material growth, which no lady will be happy about.

So, we have already found out why a hippopotamus dreams. All that remains is to learn how to correctly interpret the dream you saw.

Dream interpretation hippopotamus

Why do you dream about a hippopotamus? A large, phlegmatic animal in a calm state, but a terrible beast if it or its offspring are in danger. Your emotions and the background against which the hippopotamus was dreamed will help you correctly interpret the dream.

Calm hippopotamus

Seeing a calm animal in a dream is a favorable sign.

If in a dream a hippopotamus evokes positive emotions in you, then in the future there is a high probability of meeting a world-class star or an influential politician or businessman.


Why do you dream about a hippopotamus that you are watching from afar?

On the land

Grazing on the grass.

Hippopotamus grazing

  • Absolutely does not pay attention to you - it is possible to meet with an influential person who will help in career and personal growth.
  • A large family of hippopotamuses - friends are organizing an outing into nature; relaxation will not hurt you.

In a swamp

The pond is a favorite resting place for hippos.

  • Why do you dream of a hippopotamus floating along the river - don’t miss your chance, don’t let your affairs take their course, take your job responsibilities more seriously.
  • Resting in clean water with her family is a symbol of great maternal love, for a woman - to happy motherhood.
  • Dreaming of a small hippopotamus is a small but pleasant favor.
  • frolicking in clear water - help from an influential patron; in muddy water - the service provided will be unpleasant for you.
  • Immersed in water up to my ears - the person who will help you is sincere and noble.


You don’t just observe, but approach, touch, communicate.

Angry animal

In the mythological dream book, a hippopotamus is a huge beast, the king of mammals, strong, powerful, scary, exuding negative energy.

  • Why do you dream of a hippopotamus that is catching up and is about to trample - there are unkind people around you who are putting a spoke in your wheels.
  • An enraged beast attacks - in reality you will meet a strong opponent, equal in capabilities and skills.


Sometimes we get to see not the hippopotamus itself, but just a toy. Remember what she was like.

Interpretations by other dream books

Dream books interpret in many ways the same meaning of what a hippopotamus dreams about.

As the summer dream book says, a large hippopotamus means great luck.

The wanderer's dream book claims that a hippopotamus in the water symbolizes a meeting with an influential person.

What does Miller's dream book say? An attacking hippopotamus is a dangerous opponent, an indifferent one is a patron, a helper. But touching a hippopotamus is a search for vital support.

Original predictions

An interesting interpretation is given by Sigmund Freud. In order not to lose interest in life, think about your relationship with your sexual partner. If he is thick-skinned like a hippopotamus, lazy and does not pay enough attention to you, the psychologist advises breaking off such a relationship.