What kind of station is this? This is the city of Konotop! Konotop - history and modernity Konotop city where it is located

A country Ukraine Ukraine Region Sumy City Council Konotop city ​​head Tatyana Anatolyevna Sizon (acting) History and geography Based 17th century First mention Former names Novoselitsy, Novoselitsa City with 1648 Square 43.78 km² Center height 171 ± 1 m Climate type temperate continental Timezone UTC+2 , summer UTC+3 Population Population ▼ 88,252 people (2015) Density 2015.8 people/km² Agglomeration ▼ 91 956 Nationalities Ukrainians, Russians Confessions Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants demonym konotopchanin, konotopchane, konotopets, konotoptsy Digital IDs Telephone code +380 5447 Postal codes 41600, 41615 car code BM, HM / 19 KOATUU 5910400000 Other Day of the city 6 September release date September 6, 1943 www.rada.konotop.org Audio, photo and video at Wikimedia Commons

It is the administrative center of the Konotop District (which does not include the city) and the Konotop City Council, which includes the villages of Podlipnoe, Kalinovka and Lobkovka.

Konotop is one of the cultural centers of the historical and geographical regions of Poseimye and Severshchina. City Day is celebrated on September 6th. On this day in 1943, the troops of Nazi Germany were expelled from Konotop.

Geographical position

Geographically, Konotop is located 200 km from Kyiv and 120 km from Sumy.

Konotop is located in the left-bank part of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. The surface of the area is an undulating plain, and is also dissected by wide river valleys and ravines. In the northern part of the region, the Desna plateau stands out. In the west, it is bounded by the valley of the Desna River, in the south - by the valley of the river. Seim. The climate of the Konotop region is temperate continental.

The city is located on the banks of the Ezuch River, which flows into the Seim River 12 km to the north. The river Lipka flows through the city, the river Kukolka flows near the city. There are several dams on the rivers.

Within the limits of Konotop is the Konotop arboretum, to the north of the city there is a regional landscape park "Seimsky".

Highways pass through the city R-60, R-61 and railway, stations and reinforced concrete.


On the territory of Ukraine there are 3 settlements with the name.

There are different versions of the origin of the name Konotop.

The first legend says that during the crossing of the swamps by the Tatar cavalry, many horses and warriors died in these places, therefore the place was called Konotop - a swampy place or a ford in which horses got muddy and drowned.

Another legend explains the connection of the name with the incident with the queen, whose carriage and escort got stuck in a swamp. The queen was saved, and the treasures were drowned. The queen, having got out, said: “What kind of place is this, where horses drown?” This is probably where the name Konotop came from.

The third legend connects the name of the city with the hydronym Konotopka - the name of the river that flowed near the settlement. This river has dried up, instead of it now there is an artificially created watercourse - Ezuch.



The oldest monuments of the Konotop lands are archeological monuments: temporary settlements of tribes, settlements, mounds, settlements, starting from the Neolithic era in Kievan Rus. Near the village of Shapovalovka in 1877-1878. mammoth bones and a stone knife were found, which are stored today in the local history museum of Konotop.

The exact year of the appearance of Konotop is still unknown. Konotop local historian Ivan Lysy suggested that Konotop was the capital of the annalistic Lipetsk principality in the 13th century and was called Lipovitsk. In the "Historical and statistical description of the Chernihiv province" Filaret (Gumilevsky) suggests that the city existed even before the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars. As a result of archaeological research conducted in 1997-1998, the existence of a settlement from the time of the Chernigov Principality is possible here.

After the decline of Kievan Rus', the Konotop lands were captured by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and as a result of the Union of Lublin in 1569 passed to the Kingdom of Poland. These lands became the subject of border disputes between the Commonwealth and the Tsardom of Russia.

Constant military disputes and conflicts between Poland and Russia over territory led to the need to agree on borders. Russia insisted that the Konotop lands belonged to the Putivl district, so the border in the Konotop region was not defined. Border disputes continued until the construction of a fortress in Konotop.

In 1635, the Polish gentry Podkova established the Novoselitsa estate. In 1637, the Commonwealth built a fortification at the confluence of two rivers - the Jezucha and. The fortress was built on the site of an old "detinets", to the north of Novoselitsa - exactly on the lands that belonged to Putivl resident Nikifor Yatsina. In 1640, the fortifications, by order of the Novgorod-Seversky headman A. Pyasochinsky, were rebuilt into a fortress. It had a quadrangular shape, shafts and walls reinforced with wood. The length of each of the walls of the fortress was approximately 100 fathoms (more than 200 m). Three gates led to the fortress: Kyiv, Putivl and Romen. The remains of the ramparts and the place where the castle was, have survived to this day.

17th century

In 1648 it was given the status of a city. During the years of the uprising of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1648-1654. Konotop becomes a hundred city. Konotop of the middle of the 17th century is a small town, surrounded by an earthen rampart and a palisade, located on the left marshy bank of the Ezuch River. The first settlers of the Konotop region were free people, but gradually the Cossack elders enslaved the Cossacks, took away the land and forced them to work for themselves. Large landowners appeared.

Through the lands of the Konotop region in the 17th century. Russian embassies passed by, they were solemnly greeted in Konotop and nearby villages. Relations were especially livened up after Hetman B. Khmelnitsky addressed the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with a proposal to join the struggle for the Polish throne after the death of the Polish King Vladislav IV. On April 2, 1649, the inhabitants of the city welcomed the Russian embassy headed by I. Unkovsky, who arrived for negotiations with the Cossack ataman B. Khmelnitsky. 5 miles before the city, the envoys were met by the centurion of Konotop and over 100 Cossacks with flags: "... and in the city there were people on foot on both sides with a gun, and as they entered the city, they fired from cannons in the city." After the Bila Tserkva Treaty of 1651, the gentry were allowed to return to their estates in the Chernihiv Voivodeship, to the Kiev and Bratslav regions. As soon as the Polish gentry appeared near the walls of the fortification, the inhabitants of Konotop left the city and went to Putivl. There, the Russian administration provided land to the fugitives for settlement. In 1652, after the victory of the troops of B. Khmelnitsky near Batog, an avalanche of anti-Polish uprisings swept. The residents of Konotop also rose to the fight, drove the gentry out of the city and killed the headman of Sosnovsky along with his family. The so-called "Konotop miracle", described in the Chronicle of the Seer, is connected with these events. According to legend, after the expulsion of the Polish garrison, the headman Sosnowski with his wife and five children remained in the fortress to live. The rebellious residents of Konotop accused the headman of treason and killed him along with his family, and threw the bodies into the well, where they lay for three months. On the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the water in the well suddenly rose 20 meters and raised the bodies of the dead, without signs of decay at all. Only after they were buried, according to Christian custom, near the well, did the water go down.

After Vygovsky signed the Gadyach Treaty, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich sends an army under the command of Prince Grigory Romodanovsky, and then another army - Alexei Trubetskoy. A war begins between the Hetmanate and the Russian Tsardom.

On April 21, 1659, the siege of Konotop began, in which the Cossacks, led by Colonel Grigory Gulyanitsky, defended themselves. On June 27, 1659, Ivan Vyhovsky came to the aid of the city with an army, and on June 28, the Battle of Konotop (another name is the Sosnovskaya battle) took place, in which the allied army of Crimean Tatars and Vyhovsky's Cossacks defeated the Russian army. The swampy terrain put the Moscow cavalry and artillery in a difficult position. Two rear strikes, one was delivered by the Horde from an ambush in the Pustaya Torgovitsa tract, the second by Vygovsky with the Cossacks in the area of ​​​​the current village of Shapovalovka, and they decided the outcome of the battle. During the battle, up to 7,000 Moscow troops died, including 2,000 Cossacks of Hetman Ivan Bespaly, the losses of the Crimean Tatars ranged from 3,000 to 6,000, the losses of Vygovsky - 4,000 Cossacks.

The main branch of agriculture of the local peasants was farming, they sowed wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats and millet. Cossack foremen, wealthy Cossacks and philistines were engaged in flour-grinding. There were two dams on the Konotopka River, where 2 water mills operated. On June 17, 1672, the Cossack Rada took place in the village of Cossack, and judge general Ivan Samoylovich was elected hetman of the Left Bank Land. It was accepted and signed contractual terms - Konotop articles. Since that time, immigrants from the Right-Bank Lands - Kandyby, Lyzoguby, Radichi, Harevichi - began to move to the lands of Konotop. When in 1674 the postal connection between the Left-Bank Land and Moscow was established, the postal route Moscow - Putivl - Kyiv passed through the Konotop region.

18th century

In 1783, the Cossack regiments were reorganized into regular regiments like the Russian army.

The city was managed by the city duma and the magistrate, where all positions were elected, but in fact belonged to the city's Cossack elite. At the end of the 18th century, the city had a stone cathedral and five churches, as well as 1614 houses, 55 shops, and 2 shelters. Each church had a parish school.

19th century

Since 1802 it was a county town of the Chernihiv province.

At the beginning of the XX century. Konotop becomes one of the important industrial centers of the Left-Bank Ukraine. Difficult working conditions, cruel exploitation of workers, low social living conditions revolted the workers. Thus, in 1899, a demonstration by workers in defense of their social rights was organized at the Main Railway Workshops. More than 600 people took part in it. In 1900, the first social democratic group arose, whose representatives were engaged in propaganda work among the workers of the railway workshops. They brought leaflets, proclamations, revolutionary literature from Kyiv, Kursk, Kharkov.

20th century

In 1901, a library and a people's sobriety house began to operate. The development of industry also contributed to the growth of the city's population, which in 1904 reached 19,404 people. The number of buildings also increased (up to 2090 units), 55 of which were made of stone. At that time, the city was led by the City Council, which included the police and fire brigades, a hospital with 40 beds, 2 pharmacies, 4 paramedics, 1 veterinary unit, 5 veterinarians, a city bathhouse and a printing house. In 1905, a commercial school began its work.

During the years of the revolution (1905-1907), the railway workers of Konotop and the inhabitants of the county actively participated in the revolutionary events. After the announcement of a general strike in Moscow on December 7, 1905, the Konotop railway workers supported the protest by blocking the passage of trains through the Konotop station. After the troops were brought in, the city's railroad workers stepped up their operations.

The First World War laid a burden on the shoulders of the inhabitants of the Konotop region. Almost half of the adult male population was mobilized to the front, and in 1917-1920 the region becomes the scene of military operations of the troops of the Central Rada, the Red Army, Denikin, Austro-Hungarian and German troops. In early 1918, at the railway junction of Konotop, the first Cossack foot infantry division "grey-shouldered" from captured Ukrainians of the Russian army and the regiment named after. Doroshenko (1200 bayonets), led by the smoking Peleschuk.

During the time of the Ukrainian People's Republic, Konotop was the administrative center of the Poseimye land.

In 1921-1923, 100 small enterprises of the light, food, construction industries, a mechanical plant, a soap factory, 8 leather factories, a brewery, 2 printing houses, 2 confectionery factories, etc. operated in Konotop. During the famine of 1921-1922. Several pounds of gold and silver jewelry and church items were confiscated from the Orthodox churches of Konotop to help the starving.

In 1923, the city already becomes the center of the Konotop district, which included 15 districts with a population of up to 600 thousand people. 1923 is considered the date of formation of the Konotop region, when it became an independent administrative-territorial unit. The population of the city at that time was 29,000 people.

In 1939, 50 thousand people lived in Konotop. During the Stalinist repressions of the 1930s, dozens of Konotop residents and residents of the surrounding villages suffered. The most famous victims of them were the poets P. Kolomiets and V. Bas, the writer A. Sokolovsky and the local historian V. Reznikov, the author of many historical and local history essays and books on the history of the Left-Bank Ukraine and the Konotop region. By 1932, Konotop was part of the Kyiv region, from 1932 to 1939 - part of the Chernihiv region, and with the organization of the Sumy region in January 1939, it became part of it as a regional center of regional subordination.

The Second World War

After the start of the Great Patriotic War on September 9, 1941, Konotop was occupied by German troops. By that time, equipment from the Krasny Metallist and KVRZ industrial enterprises had been evacuated to the east. After the occupation, military administration was established in the Konotop region, which was carried out by the local commandant's office. During the German rule, more than 3800 people died, 30 thousand prisoners of war and civilians in Konotop were shot.

At the end of August 1941, the Konotop partisan detachment was created, which later joined the Putivl detachment under the command of Kovpak and became part of the Sumy partisan association.

More than 15 thousand people did not return from the front. Fourteen residents of Konotop were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. For the liberation of the Konotop lands, the 65th Guards Mortar Regiment, the 143rd and 280th Rifle Divisions were awarded the title of "Konotop". The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to the natives of the city Yu. G. Tsitovsky, S. F. Protsenko. M. L. Krasnyansky was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, squares, streets, schools were named after them. The house of culture of the Krasny Metallist plant opened in 1954. For a decade, work has been carried out to perpetuate the memory of the fallen soldiers in the Great Patriotic War. In 1955-1956, the remains of former soldiers were transferred to mass graves. In 1967, the Konotop city memorial complex of the Great Patriotic War was opened and the Konotop children's railway was launched, which, however, was dismantled and taken out of the city in the 1970s and was not subsequently restored. In 1972, the plant for the production of pistons began to operate, and in 1973, the Reinforcing Plant.


The official symbols of the city (flag and coat of arms) were approved on April 5, 2001 at the XVIII session of the Konotop City Council of the III convocation. The existence of the coat of arms has been known since July 4, 1782. The coat of arms of the city is a golden cross in a scarlet field, under it is a crescent with horns up, and on top is a hexagonal star. The shield has an olive edging. The flag of the city is a yellow canvas with the coat of arms of the city in the center.


Climate of Konotop
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, °C 8,4 14,0 22,0 29,9 33,1 36,1 35,9 39,0 35,0 27,2 18,8 12,6 39,0
Average maximum, °C −2,3 −1,6 4,1 13,4 20,5 23,5 25,5 24,7 18,4 11,4 3,2 −1,3 11,6
Average temperature, °C −4,8 −4,6 0,5 8,5 14,9 18,3 20,1 18,9 13,2 7,2 0,7 −3,6 7,4
Average minimum, °C −7,3 −7,4 −2,8 4,0 9,5 13,2 14,9 13,6 8,7 3,6 −1,6 39 39 34 41 47 67 75 56 54 44 43 41 580
Source: Weather and climate
The climate of Konotop over the past 10 years (2006-2016)
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Average maximum, °C −3 −1,1 5,7 14,8 22,4 25,2 27,1 26,6 19,8 11,6 5,0 −0,2 12,8
Average temperature, °C −5 −3,7 2,0 9,7 16,5 19,7 21,6 20,5 14,6 7,6 3,0 −1,8 8,7
Average minimum, °C −7,1 −6,3 −1,8 4,6 10,6 14,2 16,1 14,4 9,4 3,7 0,9 −3,4 4,6


city ​​in Ukraine, Sumy region Railway junction. 97.7 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: electromechanical, pistons "Red Metallist", etc.; enterprises of the food industry, building materials, etc. Museum of Local Lore. Known since 1638.


city, center of the Konotop district of the Sumy region of the Ukrainian SSR, on the river. Ezuch (a tributary of the Seim river). Zh.-d. node. 71 thousand inhabitants (1972). factories: "Krasny metallist" (producing automatic equipment for the coal and mining industries), a locomotive car repair plant, pistons, 2 reinforced concrete products, 2 building materials; railway enterprises transport, a garment factory, a meat processing plant, a butter factory, and other factories. In K. ≈ the general technical faculty of the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute; industrial, construction technical schools, medical school. People's Theatre, Museum of Local Lore. K. arose in the 17th century.

Lit.: Malenko ╙. Yu., Konotop, Xapkiv, 1970 (bibl.).



Konotop- a city in the Sumy region of Ukraine. The population according to the 2001 census was 91,683 people, which makes the city the second largest in terms of the number of inhabitants in the Sumy region (after Sumy), the city area is 103 km².

It is the administrative center of the Konotop region and the Konotop city council, which includes the villages of Podlipnoe, Kalinovka and Lobkovka.

Konotop is one of the cultural centers of the historical and geographical regions of Poseimye and Severshchina. City Day is celebrated on September 6th. On this day in 1943, the troops of Nazi Germany were expelled from Konotop.

Konotop (Pinsky district)

Konotop- a village in the Pinsk district of the Brest region of the Bobrikovsky village council. It is located 15 km from the highway Gantsevichi - Logishin (P-105) and 70 km from the city of Pinsk, on the border of the Pinsk and Luninets districts.

Konotop (disambiguation)

Konotop- a polysemantic word. Common toponym:

Konotop (Chernihiv region)

Konotop- a village located on the territory of the Gorodnyansky district of the Chernihiv region (Ukraine) near the right bank of the Snov River. It is located 22 km south of the regional center Gorodnya. Population - 568 people. (for 2006). Council address: 15170, Chernihiv region, Gorodnyansky district, Konotop village, st. Shchorsa, 83, tel. 3-76-25. The nearest railway station is Kamka (Gomel-Bakhmach line), 20 km. Founded in 1715

Konotop (Khmelnitsky region)

Konotop- a village in the Shepetovsky district of the Khmelnytsky region of Ukraine.

The population at the 2001 census was 183. Postal code - 30416. Telephone code - 3840. Covers an area of ​​75 km². KOATUU code - 6825584602.

Konotop (station)

Station Konotop- a large railway junction of the Konotop Directorate of the South-Western Railway, located in the city of the same name Konotop, Sumy region.

Konotop railway station is a monumental building built in 1953.

Konotop (Gomel region)

Konotop- a village in the Narovlyansky village council of the Narovlyansky district of the Gomel region of Belarus.

Examples of the use of the word konotop in the literature.

There I learned that Borzna and Konotop, located in the direction of our strike, remain the closest target of the offensive.

All these columns connected in the area Konotop- Bakhmach and under the command of Colonel Muravyov moved to Kyiv.

In July, the Volunteer Army occupied Poltava, Kremenchug and Elizavetgrad, in August - Vorozhba, Bakhmach and Konotop and on August 31 entered Kyiv.

Stepfather walked her out Konotop, where they lived, to the Bakhmach station and there he put her on the Bakhmach-Leningrad train.

I have already ordered Comrade Eremenko to attack the 3rd and 4th Panzer Divisions operating in the Bakhmach area with the entire mass of aviation of the reserve of the Supreme High Command, Konotop, Romny.

Thus, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command believes that now the immediate task of the Military Council of the Southwestern Front will be to defeat the enemy trying to advance from the Bakhmach region, Konotop South.

Shaposhnikov, on behalf of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, in response to this proposal, instructed to withdraw two rifle divisions from the 26th Army and use them to eliminate the enemy that had broken through from the Bakhmach area, Konotop.

Seim to advance in the direction of the railway line Konotop, Belopolye and cut it.

It was they, the soldiers of Rodimtsev, who smashed the Germans under Konotop knocked them out of Tim.

In addition, the best company commanders of Kovpak - Karpenko and Tsymbal - were reconnaissance sergeants of the Rodimtsev brigade, who remained in the rear near Vorozhba and Konotop to carry out reconnaissance missions by Rodimtsev.

In September 1941, in the area of ​​Vorozhba and Konotop, where the German units broke through, the sergeants of the brigade Rodimtsev, Karpenko and Tsymbal with a reconnaissance group of ten to fifteen people, having penetrated far into the enemy’s location, were cut off from their unit.

In June 1915 I passed my spring session exams and returned to Konotop.

Saratov, and Konotop, and in Kiev - about the fact that the Stavka does not have pre-prepared plans for military operations, that the generals are acting in disarray, that the High Command cannot and does not know how to organize a major military operation, that the highest positions in the army are occupied by mediocre and random people, that commanders do not cherish the blood of soldiers and do not show concern for them.

My trips from Kyiv to Konotop and vice versa were associated, as will be shown later, with a major risk to life.

Bakhmach in Konotop, and in Konotop not to our parents' house, because I was afraid that we might stumble upon some other patrol.


The modern emblem of the Konotop region was approved on October 25, 2000 by the session of the regional Council. It is based on the historical coat of arms of Konotop.

On a blue shield, a straight golden cross takes precedence. This is an element of the historical, Cossack (from 1782) coat of arms of the city of Konotop. Under the cross is a golden horseshoe - a symbol of a horse, from which the name of the city comes. Ripe, golden rye ears are a symbol of life and agriculture. Blue-yellow colors correspond to the colors of the national flag of Ukraine.

The coat of arms of Konotop was restored on April 5, 2001 by the decision of the XVIII session of the city council. In the red field there is a golden clawed cross, above it is a silver six-pointed star, and below it is a silver crescent with horns up. The coat of arms of the city, which was used on city seals in the first half of the 18th century, has been restored. and officially re-approved in 1782. Elements of the coat of arms emphasize the old Cossack traditions of the city.

The city flag of Konotop is a yellow panel with a coat of arms in the center.

Konotop, Konotop district

The area is located in the west of the Sumy region - in the left-bank part of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. It borders on the Bakhmachsky district of the Chernihiv region, Krolevetsky, Putivlsky, Burynsky, Romensky districts of the Sumy region

Settlements - 84 of them: urban-type settlements - 1; rural settlements - 83.

The total area is 1.7 thousand square meters. km

The regional center of Konotop, located on the highway, is a powerful strategic railway junction.

City of Konotop

Konotop is a city of regional subordination, the center of the district. Located on the river Yezuch, 129 km from the regional center.
  The population of the city, (in 2003), is 96 thousand people, the district - 39.4 thousand people.

The city of Konotop is a large railway junction. The Konotop section of the Southwestern Railway provides freight and passenger transportation in 7 directions: Moscow, Kiev, Kharkov, Gomel, Kursk, Poltava, Vitebsk.

Konotop today is an industrial city. The following enterprises work stably: OAO Plant "Konotop "Motordetal", whose products are imported to Germany, Poland, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Italy; OAO Reinforcing Plant "Konotop" - the only enterprise in Ukraine that produces high-pressure steel fittings and oil-industrial equipment; OAO NPO Krasny Metallist, which includes the research institute "Avtomatuglerudprom"; Carriage Repair Plant Konotop; OAO Sewing Factory "Konotop "Sil wet", which actively cooperates with American and Canadian companies; JSC "Konotopmyaso"

The youth of Konotop study in 12 secondary schools. Students receive in-depth knowledge in two lyceums, which have close links with Sumy State University and Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Boys and girls receive secondary specialized education in polytechnic and industrial pedagogical technical schools, a medical school, and also in three vocational schools.
  A higher educational institution has been opened in Konotop - a branch of the Ukrainian-Finnish Institute of Management and Business, where more than 250 students study in three specialties. There is a large network of out-of-school institutions: a center for children's and youth creativity, an art school, two music schools, an art school, a children's sports school, stations for young technicians, tourists, and naturalists.

The city has a large network of social and cultural institutions. Residents of the city spend their leisure time in 3 houses of culture, a museum of local lore, and a cinema "Mir".

Therapeutic and preventive work in the city is carried out by the central district hospital and the hospital of the South-Western Railway.

Residents of the city pay considerable attention to sports education and sports. The football team of Konotop "Slovyanets" plays in the II league. The city is proud of its outstanding compatriot athletes: Mikhail Mamiashvili - Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, Irina Sukhorukova - world champion in karate, Igor Telny - winner of the Cup of Ukraine in clay shooting, Lyudmila Sudak - world record holder in 3000 meters, Tatyana Dovzhenko - champion of Ukraine in 400 meters, Nina Chala - champion Ukraine in cross-country skiing.

The natives of Konotop made a great contribution to science, literature and art. Konotopchanin was a well-known figure of culture and enlightenment, translator, professor of Kharkov University M.Y.Parpura (1763-1828). In 1798, in St. Petersburg, he issued the "Aeneid" by I.P. Kotlyarevsky at his own expense.
  A well-known bibliographer, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.I. Ponomarev (1828-1913), who was the editor of the first complete collection of works by G. Nekrasov, was born in Konotop. M.I. Dragomirov (1830-1905), a writer, publicist, military leader, hero of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, came from Konotop, to whom the artist I.Yu.

The life and work of the Ukrainian historian O.M. Lazarevsky (1834-1902), the author of about 450 works from the history of Ukraine in the second half of the 17th-18th centuries, is connected with Konotop. For ten years the Belarusian poet-democrat F.K. Bogushevich (1840-1900) lived and worked here. Writers T.G.Shevchenko, G.V.Gogol, G.G.Kotsyubinsky, composer P.I.Tchaikovsky, artist K.S.Malevich, designer of spaceships S.P.Korolev visited Konotop.

The natives of the city are writer L.I. Smilyansky (1904-1966), theater designer S.I. Ioffe, art historian N.I. Veligotskaya, doctor of legal sciences S.G. Bratik, doctors of technical sciences O.B. Belyaev and V.V. Tsaritsin, doctor of biological sciences A.G. Kremen, artist O.Yu.Smirnov, writer O.O.Sokolovsky, poet P.P.Kolomiets (1900-1930).

The first mention of the city dates back to the first half of the 17th century. In about 1635, settlers from the Right-Bank Ukraine established the Novoselytsya settlement here. Five years later, the Polish government built a fortress on this site, which was supposed to become a stronghold in the fight against the Russian state. They called the fortress Konotop because of its location on the swampy banks of the river. Ezuch. During the liberation war of the Ukrainian people in 1648-1654. Konotop becomes a hundred place. After the Bila Tserkva Treaty in 1651, the gentry of the Kyiv, Bratslav and Chernihiv provinces received the right to return to their estates. This caused the relocation of a significant part of the inhabitants. In the summer of 1652, an uprising broke out in Konotop against the elder Sosnovsky, who was killed in the castle of Konotop. During the hostilities between Russia and Poland in 1654-1656. Cossacks of hundreds of Konotop took part in the siege and capture of Gomel.

After the signing of the Gadyatsky agreement by I. Vigovsky, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in order not to lose Ukraine, sends an army under the command of O.G. Trubetskoy. On April 21, 1659, the siege of Konotop began, in which the Cossacks, led by Colonel G. Gulyanitsky, defended themselves. On June 27, 1659, I. Vigovsky came to the aid of the city with an army, and on June 28, the famous Sosnovskaya battle took place, in which the Ukrainian army defeated the Russian one. The swampy terrain put the Russian cavalry and artillery in a difficult position. Two rear strikes, one was inflicted by the Horde from an ambush in the tract Empty Torgovitsa, the second - by I. Vigovsky with the Cossacks in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe present village. Shapovalivka, decided the fate of the battle. In a short time, 20 or 30 thousand Russian troops were killed, many trophies fell into the hands of the winners, including a large army flag. The defeat forced Trubetskoy to lift the siege of Konotop.

In 1663, when the army of the Polish king Jan II Casimir broke into the Left-bank Ukraine, the city was captured and destroyed. Subsequently, Konotop was revived. In 1666 there were 474 households here. The Cossacks of Konotop took part in the defeat of the Turkish-Tatar hordes near Chigirin in 1677-1678. In 1708, during the Northern War, the Cossacks of Konotop opposed Hetman Mazepa, in particular, they captured the commandant of the hetman's capital Baturin, Colonel Chechel. According to the description in 1711, Konotop included the city itself and three estates - Vovkogonovsky, Drizhchovsky and Zagrebelsky. The population of Konotop is a Cossack hut, headed by a ataman, burghers and peasants.
  In 1751, according to the universal of Hetman Rozumovsky, Konotop became the personal property of the general convoy Kochubey for 30 years. In the 80s of the XVIII century. a wave of peasant uprisings swept through the Konotop region, a detachment operated here under the wire of Semyon Garkusha.

After the elimination of the regimental-hundred division, Konotop became a regional center, in the 20th century of the XX century. - the center of the district and the region. The emblem of the city of Konotop was as follows: a rectangular shield of red color, in the center of which is a golden St. Andrew's cross, under it is a silver crescent, above the cross is a hexagonal star.

In 1783, the Ukrainian Cossack regiments were reorganized into regular regiments like the Russian army. During the Patriotic War in 1812, detachments of people's militias were created in the Konotop region. Already on August 20, the first detachment of the Konotop militia under the command of Staff Captain Chernish went to Novozibkov to join the Russian army. Cossack regiments were also created to fight the invaders. More than 2 thousand Cossacks and peasants of the county took part in the fight against the French. On the field near Borodino, Konotop soldiers Taras Kharchenko, Sidor Shilo, Nikita Vlasenko, Pyotr Mileshko, together with non-commissioned officers Privalov and Driga, broke into the location of the enemy battery, destroyed the gunners and turned the guns against the French. Major General V.G. Kostenetsky for the courage shown in the Battle of Borodino was awarded the Order of George III degree and a gilded sword with the inscription "For Courage". Until that time, the battle flag of the militia was preserved in the city in 1812. The glorious traditions of the defenders of the motherland were developed by the inhabitants of Konotop during the Second World War of 1941-1945. At the end of August in 1941, the Konotop partisan detachment was created, which later joined the Putivl detachment under the command of Kolpak and became part of the Sumy partisan formation.

City, district center, Sumy region, Ukraine. Known since the first half of the 17th century. The name comes from Konotop, a swampy, swampy impassable place. Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001. Konotop ... Geographic Encyclopedia

City in Ukraine, Sumy region. Railway junction. 97.7 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: electromechanical, pistons Red metalworker, etc.; enterprises of the food industry, building materials, etc. Museum of Local Lore. Known since 1638... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Konotop- KONOTOP, a, m. The general name of a distant, remote place, province, wilderness. See also: As in the best houses... Name. cities … Dictionary of Russian Argo

City, center of the Konotop district of the Sumy region of the Ukrainian SSR, on the river. Ezuch (a tributary of the Seim river). Railway junction. 71 thousand inhabitants (1972). factories: Krasny Metallist (producing automation for the coal and mining industry), ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

City in Ukraine. Railway junction 97.7 thousand inhabitants. (1991). Plants: electromechanical, pistons "Red Metallist", etc.; enterprises of food industry, building materials industry, etc. Museum of local lore. Known since 1638. * * * KONOTOP KONOTOP ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Konotop- city, district center, Sumy region, Ukraine. Known since the first half of the 17th century. The name comes from Konotop swampy, swampy impassable place ... Toponymic Dictionary

W. mountains. Chernihiv province., in the southeast. corner of the province, on pp. Konotop and Jezus. Urban land in the mountains. line 751/2 dec. Lives. 23083 (11632 male and 11451 female). 2037 wood. and 55 stones. buildings (except churches). Average income for 1870-74 6202 rubles ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Konotop- the name of the human family of the place in Ukraine ... Spelling Dictionary of Ukrainian Movies

Konotop- KONOTOP. See Russian Polish. wars 1. The dictionary material containing the information referred to in this link has not been published... Military Encyclopedia

Konotop is a polysemantic word. Common toponym: Contents 1 Belarus 2 Poland 3 Russia 4 Ukraine ... Wikipedia


  • Tests on tactics for chess players of the 1st category, Konotop V. The middle of the nineteenth century is the era of romance in chess, the era when spirit triumphed over matter. Look at the games of that time, in almost every one a minor piece was sacrificed, or even ...
  • Endgame Tests for Third-Class Chess Players, Konotop V.: Konotop S. This book is intended for chess players of the 3rd category, but it can also be useful for higher-skilled chess players. Consists of two parts. The first part: 25 tests, 12 each ...