What is Swift of Sberbank of Russia and its branches - how to find out for making international transfers. What is a bank's SWIFT code, why do you need to know it Code of the national clearing system of the beneficiary's bank

Currency payments at a client bank - instructions Each bank, as a rule, has its own nuances. However, the general stages of the process of creating a payment order in foreign currency are similar. Read about how to create a currency order in the material.

Basic concepts and definitions

In order to understand the additional (compared to a “regular” payment order) fields in a foreign currency payment order, you should study a little the technique of international transfers. After all, we almost always pay foreign counterparties in foreign currency. Foreign exchange payments with resident partners are prohibited by law, with rare exceptions (Article 9 of Law No. 173-FZ dated December 10, 2003 “On Currency Control”).

Read more about settlements with non-residents: .

International transfers require slightly more information than domestic transactions. It is most appropriate to give their names (designations) and decipher the essence a little so that it is clear why separate fields in the currency order are dedicated to them.

SWIFT is an international banking association. Banks servicing international payments register with SWIFT and receive an individual identifier code with the same name. Indicating the SWIFT code in the payment order allows you to clearly identify the bank to which the payment goes. Actually, the SWIFT code is an 11-digit electronic “address” of the bank in the SWIFT system.

BIC code is the same as SWIFT. The name is used from the ISO 9362 standard, which regulates methods for identifying participants in financial transactions.

BEI code is also an identifier in SWIFT, but not of a bank, but of a corporate client of this bank. The bank can register its clients in the SWIFT system to increase the speed and accuracy of settlements. The BEI code also helps ensure that the payment sent goes to its destination.

Bank clearing code is also a bank identifier, but not in SWIFT, but in national clearing systems.

IBAN is another practically complex identifier: it identifies the bank (branch) and the client’s account number in the international format (ISO 13616 standard).

ISO code - part of the ISO 3166-1 standard contains codes for the names of countries and subordinate territories. Used to indicate addresses in a payment document.

IMPORTANT! There are other similar encodings. For banking purposes you need to use exactlyISO 3166-1.

Address - any address is indicated in the sequence: street, house number, city, district, postal code, country (can be ISO code). This is an international format.

The beneficiary is the one to whom we pay.

Intermediary bank (correspondent bank) - indicated if the beneficiary's bank directly holds an account in the corresponding currency with another bank (intermediary).

Thus, technically, the process of creating a correct payment order in currency is the correct indication of all identifiers of the payee and his bank.

There are several more pitfalls along the way of performing international translation, which are also worth dwelling on in more detail:

  • Prohibited SWIFT characters - the settings of this system do not allow characters to pass through

№ % # $ & @ ” = \ { } ; * « » ! _ < >

In addition, the system automatically replaces them with valid ones. Thus, the sequence of characters in the identifiers may be broken and an error may occur.

  • Information for client identification is the necessary information required by a Russian bank according to the provisions of Law No. 115-FZ dated 08/07/2001. Without specifying information about the client, as well as providing information on additional requests, the bank may simply not execute the payment.
  • The bank blacklist is a directory that contains information about persons, organizations, states and territories of registration (incorporation) in respect of which there are restrictions on banking transactions or transactions with which should be considered questionable. For clients who are somehow blacklisted, transactions may be difficult or even impossible.

Creating a transfer order in foreign currency - step-by-step instructions

Having understood the technology and the nuances of processing a transfer, let’s consider the process of creating a currency order (instruction) step by step:

  1. We go to the client bank and select the options “Documents” - “Currency orders” - “Create payment order”. Interfaces may differ slightly in different client banks, but the standard path to creating payment documents usually goes through the “Documents” (or “Payment Documents”) menu. In this case, the number and date of the order are usually assigned automatically. Some systems may offer to choose whether the payment will go to another bank customer or to another bank. To create the transfer in question, you need to select another bank. Typically, at this stage, a transaction parameter is indicated - the deduction of bank commissions for the transfer. To do this, you need to select the appropriate value in the corresponding field in the drop-down list. Based on the available list, it will be clear which commissions can be deducted and how they can be withheld; in addition, the options can be clarified with the bank, so we will not dwell on this point in detail in the format of an article.
  2. In the appropriate fields, indicate the currency code and payment amount. In some cases, a simultaneous conversion option is available. For example, if the payer has money in rubles, and the payment must be made in dollars, you can mark “I agree with the conversion rate.” The bank, executing the order, converts the funds into the required currency.
  3. In the field for specifying the debit account, select the corresponding client account. In this case, the remaining details are entered automatically from the information stored in the system. Usually at this stage the document also includes those details that the bank requires to comply with the provisions of Law No. 115-FZ. In addition, the SWIFT code of the payer’s bank is usually automatically entered (if you selected a transfer to another bank in step 1).
  4. We indicate in a separate field the SWIFT code of the intermediary bank (if it is in the details provided by the counterparty). Next, the system itself will find all the other necessary information about the bank using the code. The same will happen if you indicate the clearing code instead of SWIFT (there is a separate field for this). If there is neither one nor the other, all fields will have to be filled in manually: address, bank name, city, country. Some client banking systems may return a payment without an identification code “to clarify the details.”

IMPORTANT! ANDSWIFT, and clearing code are selected from international directories. That is, next to the code field there should be an icon for a drop-down list of banks with codes.

  1. We indicate the details of the beneficiary's bank in separate fields (similar to the intermediary bank).
  2. In the appropriate fields we indicate the details of the payment recipient. All suggested fields must be completed. If there are IBAN and BEI codes, we start with them. It is possible that the fields “Recipient Name”, “City” and “Country” will be pulled up from the directories themselves.
  3. Fill in the “Purpose of payment” field. For international transfers - Latin. The use of English standardized code words is permitted.

NOTE! In some systems (for example, Sberbank), information about transfer fees is included in the payment order after specifying the purpose of the payment (and not in the first steps, as is standardly presented above).

  1. Next, we fill in the fields necessary for Russian currency control: for example, a transaction passport.

NOTE! To include a transaction passport in an order, as a rule, it should first be separately entered into the client bank in the “Documents” section. Then, when generating a payment, a drop-down list with information about the passports available in the system will appear in the “Passport” field. Accordingly, all that remains is to choose the one you need.

  1. We save the currency payment order (the “Save” button). At this stage, the system will conduct a preliminary check and issue comments in case of errors. The saved document can be signed and sent for execution.


Generating a foreign currency payment order in a client bank requires fulfilling some additional rules and entering a larger amount of information than when preparing a regular payment order.

What is bank swift code? This question is asked by almost all people who decide to carry out a financial transaction. Swift code - what is it? This is a unique identification code of a banking institution as a subject of financial settlements. Assigned upon registration in the worldwide interbank financial telecommunications community. This is necessary for international transfers.

If a client constantly carries out interbank transactions and transactions with different financial groups, then he knows what a Swift code is. This concept can be used to pay for treatment or education. It allows you to send information between different companies around the world. Once registered, the lender receives a corresponding code that can be used for transactions. This somewhat simplified the task of the banking organization and speeded up the transfer process.

What is Swift Code used for?

You can compare this process with a telegraph, which requires 2 hours for the procedure, and a bank only 20 minutes. If you pay an additional amount, the action will take no more than five minutes. With the spread of this trend, citizens began to increasingly send transfers using the Swift code.

This is due to the profitability of the procedure and additional advantages:

  • reliability of the operation;
  • security of the transaction. All transactions have a specialized cipher, which will not allow fraudsters to use this information;
  • speed of sending and delivery of such a message. As a rule, the procedure takes no more than 2 minutes;
  • efficiency. Processing and sending messages automatically.

A Swift code is an encrypted combination of numbers consisting of 8 or 11 characters.

Type and decoding

To carry out a transaction, a person outside the territory of Russia needs to know the Swift code. Not many people understand what this concept is, so they get confused about the features and designations. The client can determine this parameter by calling the credit institution’s hotline. To avoid confusion, you need to clarify the parameters yourself.

Currently, there are more than 10,000 credit institutions operating in the financial market. And for each institution there is a unique coding. Represents the formulation of ВВВВ СС LLDDD.

It follows that WWWW denotes a letter code consisting of 4 characters. It is assigned to a bank or financial organization upon joining the association.

SS– these are two characters indicating the country or state code. As a rule, they are designated by the Latin alphabet according to a certain standard.

LL– also denotes two numbers that indicate the area of ​​territorial location of the organization.

DDD- specifies the department code. Each department has its own code for carrying out this type of operation.

Various payments go through this system every day. And every day they reach 1,000,000 transactions. Various transactions with securities and traveler's checks are carried out through the system, both within the country and abroad. Using this code you can pay for education or treatment, or purchase shares. In the Russian Federation, all transactions are carried out in euros, dollars, rubles, pounds and francs.

Since 2014, the Russian Federation has had certain requirements for conducting operations, especially for those carried out on the territory of the state. The code can be used:

  • if the sender knows the swift code, the recipient's account number, correspondent account and the name of the recipient in English;
  • the amount of payments is limited by current legislation on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is possible to send funds only to such payment instruments as a card, an account indicating the branch of the purchaser;
  • You also need to pay a commission to complete the transaction.

Advantages and disadvantages

SWIFT has more than 1,000 credit institutions and 10,000 financial institutions around the world. These are mainly large and well-known companies. This procedure allows you to:

  • urgently transfer funds to another state;
  • transfer currency with minimal losses on commissions.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting that not all companies have a Swift code. This is why some transactions are simply unavailable.

Correct sending

If outside the state the child is studying at a university or undergoing rehabilitation, then a transfer can be used. The educational institution is also part of the community, and the client can send his own funds. The algorithm here looks like this:

  • the client must clarify the current account in the presented system;
  • specify your own Swift code of the bank where the transfer will be made;
  • go to the lender’s branch to make the transfer;
  • The lender's representative will clarify the recipient's Swift code. The client should also provide the current account number where the transaction will be made.

Swift code sample

How can I find out more?

In accordance with banking legislation, information about the Swift code is not secret or confidential. Therefore, all information about each code is publicly available. Accordingly, each client has the right to clarify this information using various methods. For example:

  • visit the official resource of the credit institution and clarify the information in the details of the banking institution;
  • visit the official resource ROSSWIFT - this is the official system where this kind of information is indicated. In the list you can find information about all credit institutions;
  • in the specialized directory of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. You can find it on the official website of a similar lender.

You can get information about the swift code at any branch of a credit institution.. Bank representatives are required to provide information upon first request.

If the client does not know the Swift code, but makes a transaction, he should check all the details for sending. It is also worth reviewing the purpose of the operation and checking additional details to ensure they are filled out correctly by the operator. It is worth remembering that in specific states there are several restrictions on actions. There may be restrictions on the amounts received and sent. Therefore, if a client urgently needs to make a payment, he can divide the amount and use the help of relatives to send it.

Details for Sberbank

To receive or send money to a client, he must send the sender a Swift code valid in the territory. Sberbank of Russia is often involved in the operation. At the department, you fill out a form where you write down all the information about yourself. If there is no information, then you should not write at random and take risks. It is worth visiting a Sberbank branch or an official resource to check the current details.

Typically, the details look like this:

  • swift code – sabrrummxx, where the last two indicate the department number;
  • name of the acquirer sberbank;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the acquirer;
  • Account number. Some foreign credit companies also require an Iban code - according to international standards. In Russia there is no such indicator, so the recipient’s account is simply entered, consisting of 20 digits;
  • name of the representative office.

You can get information about the code at any bank

It is quite difficult to clarify the Swift code of a credit institution. Not everyone can figure out the details on the official resource, so it’s worth calling the credit institution’s hotline. It is possible to obtain information independently using the official resource of the bank, the Central Bank or Rosswift.

Some citizens believe that only credit institutions have the right to take advantage of the code’s capabilities. But this is far from true. The system is also available to ordinary individuals and legal entities. Using the action, you can send funds to the account of any Russian or foreign bank.

Transfers are made to both residents and non-residents, legal entities and other companies. To use a swift code, you must be an adult and have the appropriate certificate from the tax office about opening an appropriate bank account outside the state.

Anyone who has at least once tried to send money to Europe or, conversely, from another country to Russia, has probably encountered such a problem - a banking institution was required to provide the IBAN code. What kind of code is this, where and how can I find it? We'll tell you in our article.

Let's start with the fact that Russian banks simply do not have such a code, since they work according to a different system. But banks in EU member countries and some other countries successfully apply standards that provide for IBAN codes. Moreover, the presence of this code makes life much easier for those who want to quickly and reliably send money to the desired recipient within Europe.

What is the IBAN code for for banks?

IBAN is a bank account number created according to international, mainly European, standards. The abbreviation literally stands for “international bank account number”. Its purpose is to simplify transactions between banks in different countries. Why do they need this?

If you have ever dialed a subscriber's number from another country, then you understand how inconvenient and unusual it is - a large number of numbers arranged in a different order for a Russian person to understand. How convenient it would be if all phone numbers in different countries had the same number of digits and looked approximately the same. It's about the same with bank accounts.

To make it easier for banks and their employees, they make fewer mistakes and transfers are easy, fast and without problems - this is exactly why IBAN codes were created.

What does the IBAN code look like?

The iban code consists of 34 characters, including numbers and letters. So, if you had to rewrite the code manually, check how many characters you wrote. Next, check the spelling and order:

  • the first 2 letters of the code indicate the country code where the receiving bank is located;
  • next 2 check digits;
  • then 4 letters - SWIFT or BIC code of the bank;
  • Next come 13 digits - the individual account number of the client in this bank.

The first letters allow you to determine the country to send the transfer. For example, GB means Great Britain or Great Britain. NL - the Netherlands, and UA - naturally, Ukraine. It's not that complicated.

The next 2 digits are a unique code calculated according to international standards and issued to the country for use by their banking system.

Where can I get the code?

If you want to send money “home” from a bank operating according to European standards, then when sending the transfer you will be asked to provide this same IBAN code. You won't be able to do this. Because no matter how much you try to persuade the employees of a Russian bank, they will not tell you the code. Our banks simply don’t have it - the standards are different.

Particularly resourceful bank employees will offer you to use a SWIFT code, this is not exactly what you need in this case. Although this information will also come in handy.

Example codes:

  • Kazakhstan KZ75 125K ZT10 0130 0335
  • Finland FI21 1234 5600 0007 85
  • Moldova MD68 EX 0700 0002 2515 9105 EU

What should the Russians do in this case?

It is worth considering that difficulties will arise only if you send currency. If you want to send local money, you don't need an IBAN.

If you need to send funds in a specific currency, but there is no required code, then you can try to negotiate with the employees of a European bank. It is advisable to have a good command of the local language.

  • Try to explain that Russian banks do not work according to these standards and such a code simply does not exist.
  • Provide as much information as possible about the receiving bank and the personal account to which the transfer is made. This is where a SWIFT code can come in handy.
  • Find out if there are alternative ways to send money.

What is Swift code?

A Swift code is a code that is used by banks when transmitting information or transferring funds only through the system, while the timing of transferring funds is significantly accelerated and simplified.

A unique SWIFT code of a system participant is generated after the SWIFT Board of Directors makes a decision on admitting the bank to the company, based on consideration of the documents submitted by the bank for joining the system.

Bank identification codes are formed according to the ISO 9362 standard (ISO 9362 - BIC), including the country code determined according to the ISO 3166 standard. According to this standard, the SWIFT code is a digital combination of 8 or 11 characters (letters, sometimes combined with numbers ):

IBAN Sberbank of Russia (SWIFT code)

Sberbank account holders have repeatedly managed to receive transfers from foreign banks. In this matter, this fact is an indisputable advantage of Sberbank over other Russian banks. But in order for the money to reach the recipient, you need to know exactly and provide the sending bank with the following information:

  1. SWIFT of Sberbank - it consists of a set of Latin letters, something like SBERUAUK SABRZKAL.
  2. The correct name of Sberbank in English is Sberbank.
  3. The correct name of your city in English.
  4. The number of the branch where the money will be received and all its details.
  5. Recipient's account number.
  6. Personal information of the recipient: full name, passport details and registration address.

You can find out the details of Sberbank, as well as SWIFT, at any branch, through Sberbank online or via the hotline.

What if you send from Russia to Europe?

If you are sending a foreign currency transfer to a foreign bank that operates according to European standards, then you must know the recipient’s IBAN code. Otherwise, the money will not reach the recipient and will return to you. But the transfer fee is unlikely to be returned to you. To prevent this from happening, know the following information:

  • Does the receiving bank operate according to the European standard;
  • IBAN code of the bank (if the answer to the previous question is positive);
  • Exact details of the recipient.

Don’t forget that the transfer amount must be paid taking into account the commission!

What is a SWIFT code and clearing code? and got the best answer

Reply from @BasilBoluk[active]
SWIFT is a unique bank number in the international banking settlement system. Indicated in the bank details. Can be found on the Internet or directories (for example, 1C directory of banks).

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What is a SWIFT code and clearing code?

Answer from +--???V??I??P?S? Kss[newbie]
I need to receive and not translate

Answer from Ina Krolevets[active]
Internet banking offers the ability to search for a bank by bank code in the national clearing system. The online banking Parex database contains codes from the BIC+ and FedWire bank directories. When transferring money from abroad, you will most likely be required to provide the Bank Leumi SWIFT identification code and the clearing code of the bank branch. Now you can find them on the page: branch search engine (Hebrew)
What is SWIFT?
SWIFT is an interbank electronic information transfer system used by banks to communicate and process both local and international payments. Each bank included in the SWIFT system is assigned an identification address consisting of 11 characters. This address is used to transmit messages and transfers from the sending bank (SENDER) to the receiving bank (RECEIVER). A SWIFT address consists of a set of numbered fields with a sequence of characters/strings that is agreed upon and known to all participants in the system. The transfer application must be completed and signed on behalf of the person issuing the payment order.
The application for transfer is submitted to the Central Office, Additional Office/Branch of the Bank at the client’s place of service. A copy of the transfer application is returned to the Client with a note from the responsible executive of the Central Office, Additional Office/Branch of the Bank regarding acceptance of the transfer application for processing.
The text of the application must be completed in English or in Latin letters. Applications prepared by the client in Cyrillic are subject to transliteration. If the client provides an application in Cyrillic, the Bank is not responsible for the correct transliteration or translation into English.

    SWIFT code- the international bank identification code in the SWIFT system is assigned to the bank upon registration in the SWIFT organization (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) and is contained in the BIC Directory SWIFT (SWIFT catalogue). The SWIFT code consists of 8 or 11 characters: NAMESSGG, where:

    • NAME - abbreviated name of the bank.

      SS - ISO country code (see the first two characters of the ISO currency code). currency code directory).

      GG - location code (city code, region code, etc.).

      XXX - bank branch code, indicated only for branches, may be absent, and should not be equal to the combination of characters "ХХХ".

    Can be specified in fields 52a , 56a , 57a , 59a. When specifying the SWIFT code, the payment is processed by banks automatically.

    National clearing code - bank identification code in national clearing systems of various countries. The national clearing code is indicated in the subfields Clergy. code fields 56a And 57a after two slashes ‘ // ’ without separators (spaces, dots, dashes, slashes, etc.) in accordance with the format presented in the reference book Structure of national clearing codes(for example, //FW021000018).

    BEI code (Business Entity Identifier) - determines the international identifier of a corporate client in the SWIFT system, if the bank servicing the account of this corporate client has registered it with the SWIFT organization. The BEI code has the same structure as the SWIFT code. BEI codes are contained in the SWIFT BIC Directory (SWIFT directory) with the following “financial organization types”: BEID, CORP, MCCO, SMDP, TESP, TRCO.

    The BEI code is indicated together without separators (spaces, dots, dashes, slashes, etc.) and only in the field 59a, for example: LUKORUMM.

    IBAN number- international bank account number in the ISO standard, which is a unique identifier of the bank, its branch and client account number at the international level. The IBAN number is built according to a single algorithm and has the following structure: SSKKBBAN, where:

    • SS - ISO country code (2!a).

      KK is a control number (2!n), which is calculated using a standard algorithm in all countries.

      BBAN - Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) (30c), containing the bank code, the code of its branch and the client account. The structure of the BBAN account depends on each specific country.

    The IBAN/BBAN account structure for the countries using it is presented in (based on information from the site http://www.swift.com). Wherein:

    In accordance with international requirements, the IBAN/BBAN account must be valid: presented in the format for that specific country and with the correct control number calculated using a standard algorithm.

    Bank code specified in the account IBAN/BBAN field 59a, must correspond to the beneficiary's bank (field 57a) provided that the branch code is presented in the IBAN/BBAN account format.

    ISO country code specified in the invoice IBAN/BBAN/DAN fields 59a, must correspond to the country of the beneficiary's bank (field 57a) in accordance with IBAN / BBAN account structure directory.

    The IBAN/BBAN number is indicated without spaces or separators in accordance with the format provided IBAN / BBAN account structure directory, For example:

      IBAN number: MT84MALT011000012345MTLCAST001S

      BBAN number: MALT011000012345MTLCAST001S

    The IBAN/BBAN number may be indicated in the subfield Account No. fields 59a and in the underground Cor. account no. fields 57a(if the field is filled in 56a ).