What is lingam massage lesson. Masculinity, or what is lingam massage. Lingam massage technique at home

Lingam massage is used to enhance male sexual function and strengthen the reproductive system. In addition to the healing effect, this procedure contributes to the establishment of harmonious sexual relations. Partners raise the bar of trust to a new level. Relieving a man of stress, overcoming complexes in the intimate sphere. All this is achievable if a woman adopts this method.

Background. Wisdom of the East.

In India and China, this type of massage has been practiced since ancient times. In the religious Indian prayer text, the Lingam mantra has a special place. This concept symbolizes the positive energy of the source and transcendent bliss. The meaning of the Sanskrit word Lingam is translated as the sexual organ of a man. "Wand of Light" - this is how the literal translation sounds in Russian.

Eastern culture refers to sexuality as an energetic embodiment of life. It is believed that during sexual contact with a woman, the previously accumulated sexual charge is awakened. Oriental wisdom endows Lingam massage with miraculous properties. Up to the point that this method contributes to the active process of rejuvenation.

By influencing massaging movements on the active points of the penis, the desired effect is achieved. The insides of a person are connected to areas of the penis with the help of nerve endings. Therefore, stimulation has a positive effect on the general condition of the male body.

His Majesty - Penis

The main intimate area of ​​a man is the penis. His stimulation is the main task of the partner. In addition to the therapeutic effect, penis massage gives him a pleasant sensation. And in the end, this procedure can end with an orgasm. This should not be avoided, but it is also wrong to strive only for orgasm. Since the main goal is the awakening of sexual energy. And orgasm is only a logical outcome of the whole action.

A woman must understand the essence of the ongoing process. This implies that the impact is not only on the partner's penis itself. Other adjacent intimate areas are also involved. With gentle movements of the partner's palms, the perineum, testicles, abdomen, thighs and other surfaces of the partner's body parts are caressed.

In turn, a man should strive for maximum relaxation. This will make it easier and help his partner achieve their goals. The whole point of Lingam massage lies precisely in the ultimate relaxation of a man. This is what leads to the pleasure that brings the partner to the massage actions of his companion.

Preparing for a massage

Before the Lingam massage, a preparatory stage is carried out. There are settings that need to be made.

  1. To relieve tension and achieve muscle relaxation, a man needs to take a warm bath. It is desirable that it be with foam. If this is not possible, then you can replace the bath with a warm shower.
  2. You need to buy massage oils. Their use will save the partner from unpleasant sensations, and will help the companion to touch the body of a man in a more gentle and affectionate way. Special oils with a stimulating composition will help achieve a tonic effect.
  3. To achieve deep relaxation, you need to pay attention to the correctness of the inhalation and exhalation. You need to breathe shallowly and slowly. This will lead to the enrichment of the body with oxygen. Such breathing will prepare the body of a man for a massage procedure.
  4. Also, for general relaxation, the partner should massage the entire surface of the partner's body. This procedure, like proper breathing, will lead to saturation of cells with oxygen. General purpose massage should be continued for 10 minutes.

During these preparatory activities, the partner must avoid intense impact with the palms on the surface of the man's body. As a result, the partner will not be able to achieve complete relaxation.

Main procedure

After the preparatory stage, they begin the main action of the Lingam. The process itself is not difficult to learn and apply.

A man should take a comfortable position that will provide him with maximum relaxation. In addition, the duration of the massage is quite long. And it will be problematic for a man to endure for a long time in an uncomfortable position, while maintaining relaxation. The partner should enjoy, not pain.

Therefore, the most acceptable position for both the partner and his massaging companion is to lie on your back. At the same time, the legs of the man are slightly bent and parted to the sides. In this position, the woman gets unhindered access to the object of massage. If desired, the partner can put his head on the pillow. This will help him visually observe his partner. But in order to sharpen his feelings, it is better for a man to focus on them with the help of a bandage put on his eyes.

A woman also needs to take care of choosing the right position. By trying out different positions and poses, the partner can find the most suitable options for herself. For example, a woman can squeeze her legs under her partner's legs. Since the man's knees are bent and raised, the woman will not experience discomfort under her partner's feet. At the same time, the partner herself should freely reach out to the man's penis. Therefore, she needs to sit near her partner closer.

The palms of the partner's hands are generously lubricated with massage oil. With abundant lubrication of the man's penis, the woman begins to rub the oil along the shaft of the penis. But massage should not be started from the partner’s penis, but from his other parts of the body. Hands, stomach, chest and legs should be the first objects that the masseuse's palms will touch.

The main stage of the Lingam

Then proceed directly to the intimate zone of the penis. With light touches of oil-moistened hands, the woman begins to massage her partner's testicles. Gently touching the scrotum, the masseuse achieves its relaxation. The pubis and perineum are also massaged.

The next stage involves a direct impact on the trunk of the partner's member. The female palm wraps around the base of the penis and slowly moves upwards. Then, the palm making this movement is replaced by the palm of the other hand. The time costs for these actions are determined by the partners themselves.

Then, with light pressure of the palms, massaging is carried out from the head of the penis to its base. The partner does not forget to alternate her palms. The entire space of the penis shaft is processed. The head of the penis is massaged. Pressing alternates from light to tighter compressions of the penis. The speed of movement slows down, then speeds up.

Carrying out the Lingam procedure, a woman needs to observe the general relaxation of a man. Watch his breathing, which should be calm. And most importantly, the partner needs to prevent orgasm by stopping the massage. When the excitement decreases, the massage resumes again.

Finishing touch

And now the massage is over. A woman should not rush to keep her partner calm and relaxed. Fuss at this stage is unacceptable. The partner at this time reaps the pleasure of the experienced pleasure. At this moment, the partner should not interfere with him. She can only lie down next to him and with light soothing touches prolong his pleasure a little.

Lingam massage is a type of tantric (erotic, intimate) massage for men. What it is? What are the goals of the procedure? How to prepare for it? How is it done? You will find answers to all these questions in this article. The material is complemented by a video with the basic techniques and techniques for performing tantric massage.

If you want to surprise your man, make him feel loved and desired, let him relax and get unforgettable pleasure - learn how to do a massage called Lingam.

What is Lingam?

Translated from Sanskrit (the ancient literary language of India), Lingam - "Wand of Light", that is, in simple words - is the designation of the male genital organ. Why such a name - "Wand of Light"? The fact is that respect and veneration of the Lingam (male penis) was a common cult of Hinduism and some other religions, praising its fertilizing power. In addition to the physical, his spiritual cosmic power, which renews life, was also glorified.

In ancient Indian literature, the Lingam is the manifested image of God Shiva and his fertility. In the East, a man is associated with the giving principle, radiating the energy of light. And his penis is an instrument that generates the most important energy in the universe - sexual. It is also worth noting that in Hinduism, the female perceiving principle, the Yoni, is also revered. Therefore, in addition to the Lingam massage, there is an intimate ritual for a woman.

Purpose of the Lingam procedure

Lingam massage is also called "tantric", "erotic" or simply "penis massage". It is necessary in order to fill a man with vital energy, give him maximum relaxation and enjoy his Lingam. In addition, it is impossible not to note the healing effect of the procedure. After all, experts say that there are many points on the male penis that are associated with internal organs. By influencing them during massage, you can improve the condition of internal organs and systems.

A "side" but optional effect of the intimate ritual of the Lingam is an orgasm. However, as you already understand, he is not the purpose of this ritual. A woman, doing a massage, also experiences pleasure and joy, giving pleasure to her beloved man. In addition, Lingam, like Yoni massage, is a sign of great trust in your partner, love and respect for him.

Preparation for Lingam massage

If you decide to please your loved one with a Lingam massage, do not forget to first create a suitable atmosphere for him. Twilight, aroma candles, relaxing music. It is good if a man takes a bath beforehand to relax. He must completely disconnect from all problems and focus on his feelings. To receive a massage, the beloved should lie on his back, and spread his legs apart, slightly bending them at the knees. You can put a pillow under his head to make it more convenient for him to watch you. He can do without observation in order to feel your touch more acutely. Then he better put a bandage over his eyes.

Equally important in preparing for the procedure is the position you will take. It should be as comfortable as possible. After all, Lingam massage can last quite a long time, and you should not feel pain or discomfort in your back all the time. Do not forget that this procedure should bring pleasure to both partners. A variant of the position for a woman: sit in front of a man and spread your legs so that they are under the legs of a partner. You need to sit close enough to easily reach the object of massage. Since the legs of the partner are slightly bent at the knees, they will not put pressure on you. You can also try other positions to find the most comfortable. Now you can start the procedure.

How is massage done

The important thing about this ritual is that it is done with a lot of massage oil. Your hands and partner's penis should always be liberally lubricated by him. In no case do not allow the slightest friction or inconvenience for a man. You should start not from its main object, but from the abdomen, chest, legs and arms of a loved one. Then you should gently start stroking and massaging the man's penis, be sure to pay attention to the scrotum, testicles and glans penis.

During the massage, make sure that the man is as relaxed as possible. His breathing should be even and calm. We remind you that an orgasm at the end of the Lingam massage is optional. Tantric ritual is original in itself. It helps to accumulate sexual energy. But some experts believe that if a man is "on the verge" of ejaculation 6 times, then his orgasm will eventually be simply unforgettable. At the end of the procedure, let the man rest and lie down for some more time to prolong the pleasure.

All techniques for performing an intimate Lingam massage cannot be contained in one article, and it is better to learn from videos or special courses. We only give general recommendations, and you can learn the basic techniques and subtleties of execution by watching the video at the end of the article.

Do not be shy and do not be lazy to do something nice for your beloved man. Learn to enjoy what is good for your beloved. Do massage with soul and love. A man will definitely feel it. Give it to him, and he will definitely reciprocate.

Most, having seen the name "lingam massage", will probably ask themselves the question: "what is a lingam"? Lingam, translated from the ancient Sanskrit language, means "Wand of Light" and refers to the male penis. For many, such a big name for a member can cause a slight smirk on their faces. But do not think that such a majestic name is completely unfounded. The thing is that in the east the male member is treated differently than in the west. A man is a giver, a sun that radiates light, gives, expands itself outward. And his penis is an important tool for generating this light, this main creative energy of the world - sexual energy. It is sexual energy that is the source of everything and gives life to everything. That is why the name lingam or wand of light most fully conveys the importance and significance of this male instrument. And in this article we will give a detailed guide to women on how to do lingam massage and how to fill a man with vitality with it.

The main purpose of lingam massage and its significance

There are 3 main goals that lingam massage pursues:

1) Filling the body with vital energy. In the East, they believe that sexual energy is the energy of life, which is actively generated in men in the process of sexual interaction with a woman. During orgasm, there is a powerful release of this energy outside, that is, for conception and the creation of a new life. But in our time, the time of the global popularization of free sex and the misinterpretation of sex and its true meaning, men simply deplete their life potential, scattering their sexual energy to the left and to the right. In the East, there are many teachings that teach techniques for the accumulation and redistribution of sexual energy. That is, in other words, a man can give only a small part of his energy outside during an orgasm, and he uses the main part for internal spiritual development or restoration and even rejuvenation of his body. But within the framework of this article, we will not consider these teachings and techniques. In this article, we are going to talk about ways to restore male strength with the help of lingam massage. As you remember, the lingam or wand of light is a powerful tool for generating that very vital sexual energy. That is why the main goal of the massage will be precisely the generation and filling of the man with vital energy.

2) Having fun. A man's penis is his main erogenous zone, and any manipulation on it not only excites sexual energy, but also delivers a lot of pleasant sensations. Although the main goal of a lingam massage is to fill a man with energy, an orgasm is not a ban at all. But if a woman and a man still intend to reach orgasm during a lingam massage, a woman and a man should know some important points, which we will discuss below.

3) Therapeutic effect. As you know, all organs and parts of the body in our body are connected with each other and by influencing one organ, we automatically influence the other. Oriental masters say that there are a lot of active points on the penis associated with internal organs, and by influencing these points through massage, you automatically affect the internal organs, improving their condition and performance.

What you need to know before you start lingam massage

Man's body position. The main task of a woman here is to create the most comfortable conditions for a man, which will contribute to his maximum relaxation during a massage. The most successful position is when a man lies on his back, stretching his legs along the body and lightly spreading them to the sides. Rolls of towels are placed under the man's knees. A woman sits between the legs of a man with her legs bent under her or is located on the side. The woman can also sit down with her legs extended forward on either side of the man's body and the man's legs resting on his feet.

Satisfy all needs before massage. Before starting a massage, a man should do all his natural needs. His bladder and bowels should not be disturbed by his urge to go to the toilet while his girlfriend is doing a lingam massage. First of all, this will not allow a man to relax, and secondly, it will not allow him to concentrate on his feelings and on his arousal.

Oils. It is very important to use oils during lingam massage. Oils not only make touches gentle, gentle, sliding, but also can have a certain effect, depending on the components of the oil. It can be both a general calming and relaxing effect and an exciting one.

Preliminary general massage. Before you directly begin to massage a member, it is important to relax the whole body of a man, relax his muscles, saturate all tissues with oxygen and with your love. A woman should devote at least 10-15 minutes to a general massage, paying attention during this time to each part of the man's body, but for now bypassing his penis. You can learn more about how to relax the male body with a massage from the article how to do erotic massage for a man.

Breath. If a woman intends to give maximum pleasure to a man by giving a lingam massage to a man, she must constantly monitor his breathing. A man's breathing should be slow, calm and deep. It is this breathing that contributes to maximum relaxation and saturation of all tissues of the body with oxygen. Usually, as arousal increases, a man automatically begins to quicken his breathing and breathe more shallowly. Therefore, the task of a woman is to gently remind a man from time to time how he should breathe.

The pace and rhythm of the massage. Since the main goal of massage is to saturate the body with healing sexual energy, and not achieve orgasm, all movements should be slow and smooth. If you do the lingam massage too quickly, then the man may soon reach maximum arousal and finish. Therefore, the pace of a woman should allow a man to control the moment of orgasm.

Ejaculation and orgasm control. As a rule, at the moment of orgasm and ejaculation, there is a powerful release of sexual energy. But since a woman is working on getting a man to accumulate it, a woman should not bring a man to orgasm and ejaculate at once. Before he finishes, he must saturate the body with sexual energy as much as possible. Therefore, the overall the task of a man and a woman is to reach the moment of orgasm at least 6 times, but not to let it come. To do this, a woman must communicate with a man, and he must signal her when to stop. Acting on this principle, a man will eventually get a dizzying orgasm and at the same time shed less seed and give less sexual energy. Also, this technique will allow a man to learn to distinguish between 2 physiologically different processes - orgasm and ejaculation, which will allow him to better control ejaculation during sex.

Testicles, anus and perineum. These parts of the body in men are also very sensitive and playing with them also increases arousal. In addition, a woman can massage the prostate through the perineum and anus, which, in addition to its valuable healing properties, gives a lot of pleasant sensations to a man. But we will not go deep and consider prostate massage, as this is a very capacious topic that cannot be revealed in a few words. Do not forget about the testicles during the lingam massage, which are also very sensitive to touch. The testicles must be handled especially gently and carefully, as excessive pressure on them can cause pain in a man.

These are perhaps the most important points that every woman who wants to learn how to do such a massage to her man should know about. In this article, we have considered mainly the theoretical provisions of massage. In the next article, the emphasis will be more on practice, namely, you will see a lingam massage - 20 best techniques that will show you all the variety of manipulations on a male member. Movements, techniques, grips, rhythm and technique - all this will be discussed and shown in a special video clip.

In order for a man and a woman who are in a close relationship to be able to better understand each other, you can use a special erotic technique, the elements of which are taken from Indian yoga. Tantra massage will help partners to relax and fully trust each other.

What is the essence of tantric massage technique?

There are various massage techniques with which you can get rid of many problems. Sessions strengthens muscle tissue, eliminates pain, normalizes blood flow.

But, tantric massage is a technique that has not only a healing effect, but also has an effect on the energy level. During the tantra session, the feelings of partners are revealed in a new way, and they begin to trust each other even more. The couple gets closer not only physically, but also spiritually.

To understand what a tantric massage is, you need to turn to the massage technique of the ancient Indians, where every touch of a loved one was accepted with gratitude.

The unusual massage technique contains elements of eroticism. With the constant performance of certain movements, love relationships become stronger, couples completely get rid of discomfort, remaining alone with each other.

It is easy to understand what a tantric massage is if you translate the terms from Indian. The term tantra includes such concepts as continuous connection, thread. This means that the main movements during the session are aimed not only at relaxing muscle tissue. During the massage, partners share their sexual energy with each other.

In addition to the contact of male and female energies, the following effects on the body occur during tantric massage:

  • blood flow normalizes;
  • every cell of the body is completely relaxed;
  • muscle tension goes away;
  • nervous tension is relieved, depressive mood disappears.

Having performed at least once an unusual massage technique, it will become clear what tantric massage means, how healing and rejuvenation of the body occurs during the session.

Preparation for the tantric procedure

Before proceeding with the technique of tantric massage, it is necessary to properly prepare for an event with an erotic tinge:

  1. you need to find a place where the erotic procedure will be performed. The room must be clean. Remove foreign objects. There should not be things in the room that distract the couple from each other;
  2. music is essential for tantric massage. The melody should have a relaxing effect. You can pick up Indian melodies that are great for an erotic procedure. Regardless of the composition chosen, the music for tantric massage should be quiet, unobtrusive, suitable for an intimate setting, and helping to achieve a trusting relationship;
  3. The illumination of the room should not be too bright. It is better to hang curtains and turn on lamps that give a subdued light. Instead of lighting fixtures, candles are suitable. You can light scented candles, or combine intimate lighting with scented oils added to a special lamp. Suitable oils such as sandalwood, ylang-ylang, patchouli;
  4. the room should be at a comfortable temperature.

Important: during the session, partners should not be distracted by street sounds or other people. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a secluded room with good sound insulation.

In addition to preparing for a tantra session, the couple must follow certain rules of behavior during the session. This applies to both the Yoni massage for women and the Lingam tantric massage for men. The rules are as follows:

  1. before the erotic procedure, you need to talk with each other in order to understand how much the partner is ready to trust and be liberated;
  2. during the session, the partners are without clothes;
  3. no need to talk, you just need to absorb the sensations;
  4. it is desirable for both partners to be able to synchronize their breathing. You need to breathe as slowly and evenly as possible;
  5. oil for the erotic procedure is preheated;
  6. massage movements should be smooth, slow and effortless. Pain is completely excluded;
  7. Thai tantric massage implies that during the session you can influence any part of the body, including intimate areas.

Having received the consent of the partner, and properly prepared, you can proceed to the erotic procedure.

Tantra technique for men

Tantric massage for a man has its own characteristics when performed. During the session, the partner should act on the prostate gland - the main erogenous zone in men. Such an impact will have not only an erotic orientation, but also a therapeutic effect.

To perform a session, you can use the following description of a tantric massage for a man:

  1. the partner should settle in a position in which he can completely relax, and he will be comfortable;
  2. the main movements that a woman uses during a tantric Lingam massage are gentle strokes, light rubbing touches, kisses. Do not use pressure, pinch, force manipulations;
  3. it will be most convenient for a woman if she is located between her partner's legs;
  4. gentle stroking movements begin massaging the back, from the neck to the lower back, and in the opposite direction;
  5. you need to massage the buttocks, legs, lower back. When treating the legs, you need to massage each finger;
  6. after treatment of the back, they approach the sacral region, where the most sensitive points are located. This area should be given increased attention during the performance of tantric massage for men;
  7. it will be great if a woman in the process is also able to relax;
  8. prostate massage refers to the intimate part of the procedure. The erogenous area is treated with a gloved finger and massage oil. If during the treatment of the prostate, a man feels pain, then this is a reason to seek medical advice.

The final movements should not be sharp and sudden. Usually the massage ends with manipulations on the feet. A woman who feels her partner understands what a tantric massage is for a man. These are light and gentle movements, this is the simultaneous breathing of both partners who want to enrich their lives with vivid impressions.

How to do tantra massage for women?

In the process of tantric massage for women, emphasis should be placed on the buttocks, lower back and sacral area. An erotic procedure helps a woman relax and liberate herself during lovemaking. After several sessions, a woman completely gets rid of psychological tightness, her female energy is literally released.

Tantric vaginal massage or Yoni, performed in the supine position. For comfort, pillows are placed under the head and hips. The partner is at the woman's feet. The technique of performing tantric massage for a woman includes the following manipulations:

  1. first, the man makes stroking movements so that the woman can relax. Gently massage the abdomen, thighs, chest and legs;
  2. as for massaging the Yoni, the upper part is first stroked, with a smooth transition to the lower, more intimate zone;
  3. gentle and fickle movements in the area of ​​the Yoni should go in a circle;
  4. As for the intensity of stroking manipulations, a man needs to focus on the sensations of his partner.

At the end of the session, you need to pay attention to the female feet, where there are many erogenous points. You need to gently massage the heels, then process each finger.

Although female and male tantra massage have differences, there are general recommendations for performing an erotic procedure:

  • the session should be performed only if the partners fully trust each other;
  • if during the session, the massaged partner feels tired or uncomfortable, he must necessarily voice his feelings;
  • the places where the most sensitive points are located are massaged with fingertips;
  • the first sessions should not last more than half an hour. Gradually, you can increase the duration of the erotic procedure up to 1.5 hours;
  • during the session, partners should feel a common connection between themselves. Before the session, you need to sit opposite each other for a bit, and look directly into the partner's eyes.

Any touch can be the most sensitive and pleasant.

If a man wants to experience the highest pleasure, then he must order the service of an experienced masseuse. She will perform "royal". After such a procedure, he will completely forget about all the problems, troubles and fuss. Every minute in the experienced hands of a professional will bring real pleasure.

A bit of history about lingam massage

As you know, massage appeared a very long time ago. Then the erotic procedure appeared. It was popular throughout the ancient world. A special type of massage called Lingama was formed in ancient India and ancient China. It is their practice that is incredibly popular in our time.

In the Indian prayer text, this process has a special place. Literally translated into Russian, the male genital organ is called there the “Wand of Light”. The whole procedure is aimed at influencing the penis and bringing pleasure to the man.

According to Eastern culture, such a concept as sexuality also includes the energy embodiment of life. During sexual contact, the accumulated energy force is awakened. Moreover, according to the mantra, Lingam has miraculous qualities, thanks to which the male body is rejuvenated, and its sexual strength grows.

Features of erotic massage

If you dream of experiencing all the delights of Lingam erotic massage, then you should turn to professionals. Private ads on our website will help you find an experienced masseuse. The questionnaires are all verified, so you will be given a session by professionals who know how to please a man and what needs to be done so that the representatives of the stronger sex experience the brightest orgasm in his life.

If you are determined to undergo such a procedure, you should be aware of several unique features of such a procedure, such as erotic massage Lingam.

a) the purpose of the procedure is a positive effect on the entire body, but an orgasm, although it is mandatory, is not considered an end in itself;

b) many people do not know that this type of massage exists. They have an idea that there is an erotic massage, but not everyone knows that during this procedure, special emphasis is placed on an active, intense and at the same time gentle effect on the penis. Of course, a classic full body massage can be performed first, but this takes a maximum of 10 minutes. And then the Lingam session itself begins;

c) there is also an opinion that such a massage is an effect only on the penis. This is not entirely true. In the process, an experienced masseuse also massages the testicles, scrotum and other parts of the perineum, including the inner thigh;

d) during the procedure it is very important what position the man is in. The client in the usual lying position will experience pleasure, but if he can also watch how the masseuse affects his “wand of light”, then this will bring even more pleasure. He can be in a semi-sitting position, and his legs will be apart and bent at the knees. Thus, he will see how the masseuse performs the procedure, and for the professional herself, all parts of the body become completely available for exposure.

Lingam erotic massage technique

Truly, this type of massage is called a royal procedure. A man gets an unimaginable ending, experiencing it in all its bright colors. But to experience it. You need to turn to professionals. In this case, you can order the service with home visit. On our site you can see the profiles of only experienced and proven girls. In their execution, the procedure must go through several stages.

During the erotic massage of Lingam, the following sequence can be noted:

a) preparatory stage - in the course of this action, seductive masseuse prepare the client for the procedure itself. She will send the man to take a shower or bath. Moreover, she herself will join him, lather his body with a gentle gel and make the man experience arousal. Everything will go on until the client's breathing quickens and becomes quite deep;

b) the main stage - this process is the most pleasant for a man. Each impact on his body will be accompanied by pleasant moans of pleasure. When the client takes a shower or bath, the masseuse will place him comfortably. This will require special furniture or you can on the bed, after putting pillows under your head.

The man should be facing the masseuse in a semi-sitting position. The masseuse herself sits between his legs. To massage his genitals, you will need to use special oils or a water-based lubricant. Initially, gentle hands begin sensual, slow effects in the form of stroking the male penis.

As soon as a man begins to give groans of pleasure, the testicles, pubis and the entire male perineum will begin to be massaged. The main rule during such a procedure is the alternation of a slow and intense pace, as well as a change in massaging the genitals;

c) when a man is ready to experience pleasure, it is necessary to extend its end as long as possible. And this is possible if, during the Lingam massage, a male G-spot is found in the client. It is located between the testicles and the anus, in the form of a small depression. The masseuse must warn before the procedure that at the first impact on this point, a man may experience discomfort or pain. But with further gentle exposure, hand movements will bring unforgettable impressions. This will greatly enhance the feelings and emotions from a bright ending;

d) the final stage - it is very important and cannot be neglected. As soon as the professional has completed erotic massage Lingam and the client has experienced a bright finish, she should let the man lie down for 10 or 15 minutes. This will be enough for the client to experience all the pleasant moments, gain strength, vigor, rest and be ready for new achievements. At the same time, the masseuse can stroke the man’s body all this time with light, barely perceptible movements.