What successful people of the world and our villages read. What millionaires and billionaires are reading Tim Ferriss, “The Good Book”

George R.R. Martin once wrote: “The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. A person who never reads lives only one life.”

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, is convinced that reading is the fastest way to learn. The Chromeo duo spend most of their time in the library, as do business tycoons Warren Buffett and Charles Munger, who can spend entire days doing this activity.

Reading alone cannot guarantee success, but most successful people share a love of words.

But the most interesting thing is how they read. They don't just absorb words, but try to turn new knowledge into action. That's why they need to retain information in memory, which is difficult even for the brightest minds.

Ask yourself if you can retell the content of an article that you read literally 10 minutes ago. What about that biography you had trouble finishing last month? How many novels have disappeared from memory as soon as you put the books aside?

Chances are, like most people, your memory abilities are much lower than you would like. It doesn't matter how much you read compared to how little you remember. And in this respect, you have more in common with Guy Pearce's character in Memento than with Bradley Cooper's character in Dark Areas.

Therefore, we suggest that you radically change your approach to reading in order to learn to remember as much as possible and apply the acquired knowledge in life.

1. Define your goals

In order to learn something, you must first understand why you are reading. Your goal, your main task should be your guiding star. It will protect you from useless information, such as articles with tempting headlines or trivial “interesting facts.”


The goal will guide you to useful information and promote the development of reading preferences. By understanding the underlying purpose, you will stop reading mindlessly (even though you sometimes want to). We have already written about the need, and defining your goal is the first step on this path.

Which books to choose? In a nutshell, everything that suits your purpose and interests. The main thing is to set priorities and manage time wisely.

For example, your goal is to achieve a promotion in the sales department. This means you must be able to sell and manage people. First, you read the best books on sales and management techniques, and in addition, books on psychology, self-development and motivation. This will help you avoid clicky articles with outdated sales theories and popular business books that contain little to no useful information.

Your goal of getting a job will help guide you through different books. When you finish reading about sales and psychology, your goal is to study the biographies of the best salespeople: you will want to understand how they managed to achieve success. Or you might want to learn how to manage office politics or work for your brand. Your North Star will keep you on the right path.

What about learning for the sake of learning? Curiosity is also a great reason to read, as long as it doesn't interfere with your main goals. For example, if you're planning to improve your marketing knowledge in the next three months, but spend 100% of your free time reading about diving, it's hardly a good use of your time. But if you spend 75% of your time reading about marketing and 25% about diving, it is not only safe for your interests, but sometimes even useful.

But regardless of your goals, constantly review your information diet menu as if you were on a real diet to make sure you're getting all the nutritional materials you need.

2. Be involved in reading

Reading is more of a conversation than a lecture. When you read someone's words, you enter into a silent dialogue with the author. You can carry on a conversation and remember the information for years, or let the author finish the book and then let the words fade from memory. The best way to learn is to have a conversation.

So when you read, don't let your eyes just skim the pages. about the material. Highlight or mark pieces of text that seem important or controversial. Make connections with books and articles you've already read. Write down your questions, your ideas, your impressions. If you are having difficulty with something, take notes. Learn more about working with notes.

By interacting with the material, rather than just passively absorbing information, you conduct an internal dialogue, thanks to which you will remember much more.

3. Don't read quickly

In the age of efficiency, we try to master information as quickly as possible. But reading takes time. All the benefits of it do not appear immediately, usually after reading a significant part of the book.

Reading speed is a skill that can and should be improved to perfection. But the ability to quickly absorb words by processing basic information comes with experience, by itself. Your brain will process language and ideas faster the more often you interact with them. So first, remember your main goal: do you want to add a book to your checklist or actually learn something new?

Another benefit of reading is that you enjoy the process. Without hackneyed philosophy, the highest goal of life is joy. Some ideas are too important, too much involved, to skim over them. Remember that your goal is to learn, not to read as many books as possible.

4. Choose the format that suits you

Choose the format that suits you best and that best suits your goals: paper book, e-book or audio.


For some people, the main way to obtain information about the world around them is through auditory perception; they are called auditory learners. And for them the most preferred format is audiobook. While some people fall asleep listening to an audiobook, as if at a lecture, others, on the contrary, find it more convenient to perceive information by ear. The audio format provides more opportunities for reading on the move (while you are traveling by train or in a car, or working out in the gym) and is indispensable for people who are too mobile and cannot sit in one place for a long time with a book in their hands.

E-book has a number of advantages over its paper counterpart. A reader or smartphone with a reading app is more compact than a bookcase. The electronic version is several times cheaper, because the lion's share of the cost of a printed book is made up of paper, printing and transportation costs. The long publishing process is shortened, and the book reaches the reader sooner. In addition, it has become easier to get any book. It is unlikely that residents of large cities have encountered such a problem, but in regions where not everything is going smoothly with the book infrastructure, this is relevant.

But reading is a strain on the eyes. And even the most modern electronic displays tire your eyes faster than traditional books. The night mode and the ability to adjust the backlight do not help. Electronic ink is good in this regard, but even it is far from perfect.

There are also certain psychological barriers associated with reading e-books. We are accustomed to reading quickly from the screen - our eyes jump from line to line, looking for the most important thing, skipping entire paragraphs. Therefore, when you open the e-reader, it’s difficult to quickly change your mind, your attention wanders. Reading printed book always more thoughtful and measured.

5. Record and review

Comprehension is key and shouldn't stop once you've finished reading a book.

Referring to your favorite passages from time to time is the best way to retain the most important parts of the book in memory. This will help you put the lessons into practice when the right opportunity or idea arises.

So when you finish reading a book, go back to the passages that resonated the most and take notes. To organize your notes, you can use Evernote - a simple and convenient tool in which you can add tags, which means you can easily find the note you need. Or just keep a notebook or journal.


Whatever tool you use, remember that you will need to refer back to your notes later, so be sure to think about a system of tags and headings. A simple system is suitable: who said what the quote, article or book is about, topic, and so on. It will be easier to find the desired passage later.

6. Process and analyze

Few people have excellent photographic memory. If you can't brag about it, over time you will forget most of what you read. Therefore, as they say, repetition is the mother of learning.

Relearning is a natural and necessary part of any learning.

Writer and business coach Ramit Sethi recommends an interesting technique: every 4-6 weeks, he sets aside 40 minutes to review his notes and annotations for books and articles. It doesn’t matter when the note was made: a month, a year or three years ago, Ramit chooses those notes that are relevant to what he is currently working on.

Books cannot remind us of themselves. Therefore, you have to remind yourself what knowledge you need to refresh when plunging into a new topic.

Develop a system for checking your records. For example, do a monthly review of the latest notes or select by tag those that you will need in your work, for self-development, or for building relationships with other people. You can analyze notes sequentially or randomly.

7. Put new knowledge into practice

You follow our advice, and you have accumulated a large store of knowledge. A logical question arises: what to do with all this material? Of course, put it into practice!

And you need to start with the right questions. Ask yourself: do you agree with what you read or do you think the author is mistaken? What makes the text you read so special? Why does the author raise this problem? How do his arguments relate to your personal beliefs? Do you have any questions? Are you interested in the book? By honestly answering such questions, already in the process you yourself will understand how you can use new knowledge to your advantage.


The results of an unusual study in a psychology book can be shared with colleagues to make meetings more productive. A sales technique you don't agree with could be a discussion point at work the next day. A well-written text about friendship will inspire you to reconnect with an old friend. Or maybe you can't figure out what you think about something you read - this is the start of a fruitful discussion with friends.

The key question guiding this process is: “Why?” Why does a book move you to action? Why do you agree or disagree? Answering all these “whys” will help you get closer to answering the question “How to use the material in life?”

If you hear about a new marketing concept, take five minutes and think about it. Why she works for someone and How it can be used in the work of your company. If new questions arise or you notice gaps in your knowledge, keep looking for new sources and repeat this process over and over again.

And one more thing. When you use knowledge in life, write down the results and conclusions.

8. Collect and Share Books and Articles

With the right approach, reading can change your life. And sometimes - the lives of people around you. So many great ideas collecting dust on the shelves!

Post notes on your blog. Valuable ideas can support others and be useful in their work and life. In this case, your goal is not to look smart, but to extend the life of the ideas that helped you.

Work is a good place to share your ideas. You can establish cooperation with colleagues, tell them about research results, share excerpts from books, and expert opinions. Most don't do this at work, making any knowledge exchange an exceptional event.

Despite their apparent simplicity, each of these tips can seriously change your approach to reading and the amount of material you absorb. Follow your curiosity, solve problems, read with purpose. Conduct a mental dialogue with a book or article. Take notes and refer back to them constantly. Think about how you can use the lessons you learn in your life. Share your findings with friends, family and colleagues. And then you will see how much useful you take from every book, blog post and article.

Remember, knowledge is potential. But to implement it, you need to remember and use knowledge. So read with pleasure!

Who among us does not dream of a financial miracle: winning the lottery, finding a treasure, successfully investing in bitcoins? Alas, miracles do not happen so often. Although recently scientists gave an unexpected hint: it turns out that these books can help make capital. In any case, they are the ones that most millionaires read in the evenings. Coincidence?

As scientific research and banal everyday experience show, the rich and successful have a certain set of habits. And we are not talking about the whims of outrageous millionaires. Everything is much simpler and more life-like. For example, most members of the Forbes list share a love of reading. But what kind of book do they while away the evenings with? Bill Gates And Oprah Winfrey?

Gave an unexpected answer Thomas Corely, professional sociologist, rich lifestyle researcher and website editor Rich Habits. For his recent study, Thomas surveyed 361 people of varying income levels, including millionaire businessmen. The goal was to determine the relationship between daily habits (particularly reading) and well-being.

It turned out that among the 177 millionaires surveyed, 68% regularly read literary biographies of prominent people. And among respondents with an annual income of less than $35,000 (which is very modest by American standards), 91% never read biographies and are not interested in them.

According to the researcher, the relationship between business success and literary preferences is well founded. After all, the biography genre allows you to analyze other people’s achievement patterns, ways of thinking and literally learn from the mistakes of others. And the analytical mind easily applies this knowledge in real life.

That's why reading stories of the rich and successful can be the first small step towards net worth. You can do it today.

Did you know? Be sure to try doing the same. What if finances go up?

We were taught from early childhood that reading is the right path to success and self-realization. Of course, a lover of reading will not necessarily become a successful and prosperous person. However, he has a better chance of achieving his goal. Why? Let's find out by looking at 10 reasons why people who read a lot are more likely to succeed.

They have an increased concentration of attention

Successful people can focus on a specific task for long periods of time. Any book lover knows that reading is not a quick process. And, of course, you can’t spend all your time with a book in your hands, because you need to do other things too. But an avid reader simply will not be able to put the book down for long. So, having closed it today, tomorrow he will definitely open it and read at least a few pages. Successful people feel the same way about the tasks they set for themselves.

They set goals for themselves

Along with focusing their attention, avid readers set specific goals for themselves when they come across a good book. For example, they determine the number of pages they will read before doing something else. Successful people also constantly set goals and strive to achieve them.

They spend their time wisely

Perhaps you only have 20 minutes left before you have to go somewhere. But if other people consider this time not enough to do anything worthwhile, then lovers of reading will see it as an opportunity to read at least a few pages from a book. Successful people value their time and take every opportunity to learn something new or get closer to their goal. Avid readers understand that just 5 minutes a day wasted will eventually turn into 24 hours over the course of a year! But during this time you can read so many interesting things!

They can look at familiar things from a different point of view

Successful people are able to look at situations from different angles. Reading helps develop this ability, when you can put yourself in the shoes of a particular character. This provides invaluable experience that can help us in life.

They're thinking

In addition to the opportunity to see things from a different perspective, avid readers learn to reflect on books. They don't just look at printed text, but make sense of it, thinking about how what they read can affect their lives.

They have excellent written and oral communication skills

It's no wonder that great speakers throughout human history have enjoyed reading. Successful people at all times have drawn inspiration from their idols. Speakers, whose names will forever remain in history, had good teachers whose works they studied.

They have increased memory capacity

Avid readers understand how powerful the human brain can be. After all, it can accommodate a truly unlimited amount of information. And the more you study and read, the easier it is for you to remember something new. Successful people know that Homer Simpson is wrong when he says that remembering something new erases something old from memory. They continue to learn, increasing their brain resources, and sometimes without even realizing it.

They remain functional

Avid readers know that the brain is like a muscle. So, if you want to keep your arms and legs in great shape, then you often go to the gym. The same applies to our brain. Reading helps keep your mind sharp and allows you to better absorb new knowledge. Successful people train their minds on a daily basis. They do this through books or other methods such as solving crosswords or solving puzzles. Also, successful people sometimes deliberately create problems, overcoming which they develop their mental potential.

They are educated and informed

Successful people reach the top because they have spent a lot of time learning. When they pick up a book, they do so not only to simply read it to the end, but also to learn something new. After all, even from reading science fiction novels, a successful person is able to learn a useful lesson that will stay with him forever.

They read to relax

Even the most successful people need to rest from time to time. But this does not mean that you need to completely turn off your brain. After all, there is nothing wrong with relaxing while reading a glossy magazine or a new novel. Reading is a much better pastime than watching TV or an evening spent in a bar drinking a glass of beer. Again, it’s worth remembering that successful people value every minute of their lives, so they try to use even their rest time profitably. Besides, any avid reader will tell you that there is nothing better than spending an hour or two sitting in a comfortable chair with an interesting book.

Therefore, if you have not yet discovered all the benefits of reading, then hurry up to do so. After all, a new amazing world will open before you, which will also definitely help you achieve success.

Carl Richards is a well-known popularizer of financial planning. He is often invited to speak at conferences, and his planning textbooks are sold in huge numbers around the world. With the help of visual sketches, Karl simplifies complex terms and literally explains the basic laws of economics and.

In the book, Carl Richards gives recommendations that will help you make conscious purchases, stick to your personal financial plan, and avoid being swayed by marketing gimmicks. Financial success is impossible without strict discipline, and in the book you will find tips that will help you bring order to your wallet and head and stop thoughtlessly spending money following momentary desires.

2. “How to draw up a personal financial plan and how to implement it,” Vladimir Savenok

If you fail to save up, if your money goes down the drain and you have to live from paycheck to paycheck, entrepreneur and financial management expert Vladimir Savenok will come to your aid. He reveals the main secrets of wealth and prosperity in the book, which will help you choose an individual investment strategy. With the support of the author, you will achieve financial independence.

This book is not about austerity, which in most cases leads to breakdowns and pointless spending. We are talking about financial literacy, about building relationships with money. Financial comfort is possible if you follow the author’s unobtrusive recommendations. It is noteworthy that Vladimir Savenok takes into account Russian realities and makes adjustments to the global financial crisis, the consequences of which are still felt. You'll understand how to create a personal financial plan to make your money work for you.

3. “Hungry and Poor!”, John Diamond

John Diamond's wealth of life experience has allowed him to become a sought-after speaker at many prestigious conferences. He went from a boy from a poor family, whom his mother taught to sew, to the founder of an international fashion empire and knows for sure that poverty and despair stimulate and allow him to think outside the box. Today, John Diamond is one of the most successful branding specialists; many international companies, including Nike, resort to his services.

In the book, John Diamond reveals his own wealth, and also shares ideas that, if properly applied, have a chance of becoming profitable startups. The author believes in each of his readers and motivates them to win in accessible words. The key to success lies in empty pockets, an empty bank account is a great start to a grand journey to wealth and prosperity.

4. “What I Learned from Losing a Million Dollars,” Jim Paul and Brendan Moynihan

American economist and trader Nasim Taleb spoke highly of the joint creation of millionaire Jim Paul and finance professor Brendan Moynihan. The main difference between the book and all the others is that it is based on a story of epic failure and loss. Jim Paul lost more than a million dollars in just a few months and got into serious debt. The financial fiasco forced him to take a fresh look at the causes of the collapse. The result was a large-scale study of the psychological factors leading to failure.

The main moral of a sad story with a happy ending is not to take losses too personally. It is important to understand that success is often followed by failure, and this is a good reason to rethink values ​​in general. The reader of the book will be convinced that one cannot blindly believe in one’s own invulnerability. The main thing is to keep a cool head and continue moving forward, adjusting the chosen course and being flexible.

5. “The Psychology of Investments,” Carl Richards

We all do stupid things with our money - it's time to face the unpleasant truth. And some mistakes are costly. It’s all because of emotions; they push us to sell assets, following the hysterical market. We buy when we feel a wave of optimism. This is logical, but not at all rational. This book by financial planner and conference speaker Carl Richards will help you take a fresh look at common money management methods.

With the author's advice, you'll identify gaps in your investment management strategy so you can create a plan that actually works. Carl Richards shares techniques to help you avoid common pitfalls in the world of finance, so you can stop mindlessly wasting not only your money, but also your time and energy. From the book you will learn what nuances of psychology will make you successful in the near future.

6. Mean Markets and the Lizard Brain by Terry Burnham

Terry Burnham, Ph.D. and professor of economics at the Harvard School of Economics, suggests applying the science of irrationality to personal finance. The traditional assumption of the rationality of the financial market and the people who play in this market is outdated. Research shows that investor behavior is often truly reckless. To succeed, you need to find new ways and areas of investment.

The book will change your understanding of the world of finance and economics. The author reveals the biological reasons for people's irrational behavior and explains how the brain encourages us to make certain decisions. Buying shares, currency, gold, real estate, obtaining loans - these processes are controlled by the most ancient part of the brain, the so-called lizard brain.

7. “Rules of wealth. Your path to prosperity, Richard Templar

The English writer and bestselling author knows what prevents a person from being rich and happy. The path to success begins with an analysis of basic concepts: what does it mean to you to be rich and what is the limit of your dreams? The second important question, according to the author, is this: what specifically prevents you from becoming the person of your dreams? For some, laziness has become an obstacle, others are held in place by erroneous beliefs, and others have resigned themselves to poverty. Meanwhile, the potential of every person is enormous.

Richard Templar reveals the secret of happiness and success of rich people. The rules are simple: just believe in yourself and realize your importance to achieve prosperity. The author motivates you to start a successful life now, without waiting for Monday or the New Year. Richard Templar's warm support will help you change your life and become what you see in your dreams.

8. “Warren Buffett. How to turn 5 dollars into 50 billion, Robert Hagstrom

Warren Buffett is a legend. The greatest investor of the century, the largest philanthropist and one of the richest people on the planet, the second richest in the United States, is known as the Visionary. Luck, success and money seem to fall into his hands by themselves. Buffett first tried his hand at the securities market at the age of 11. At 13, the future Wizard of Omaha filed his first income tax return. At the same time, a financial genius is distinguished by simplicity and modesty in communication and life.

The book provides a detailed analysis of the principles of financial success for an entrepreneur. The author of the book does not limit himself to Buffett’s specific investment methods, but provides universal principles of money management that anyone can successfully apply in practice.

9. “A million for my daughter”, Vladimir Savenok

Entrepreneur, financial consultant, founder of a consulting company Vladimir Savenok knows how to save a tidy sum for his daughter or son. The unusual format of the book - a notebook - encourages you to immediately take action and start accumulating capital here and now. The author talks not only about how to save money, but also about how to protect your bank account from inflation. Everything is fair: Vladimir Savenok tried the described methods on himself. This is a million-saving plan that works for the author's daughter Alicia.

The book will be useful to those who think about the future, build a family budget for the future and are already looking for ways to ensure the future of their children. The author's support will make the process of boring mechanical accumulation interesting and effective. The chapters of the book are accompanied by original illustrations: it can be read together with a child over 10–12 years old, in order to at the same time explain the basic principles

Robert Kiyosaki is an American entrepreneur, investor and founder of an educational company that teaches how to properly manage personal finances. Tom Wheelwright is known as a successful business consultant. The joint work of two outstanding personalities reveals the secrets of success and prosperity. It seems to many that only people with certain character qualities and the ability to foresee the future become rich. In fact, those who are not afraid to take responsibility for their lives thrive.

In the book you will find working techniques that will help you change your life, invest money correctly and plan your finances in order to work for the future and receive a constant income. The authors share new ideas that will change the way you think about wealth and how to make a living. The main principle of wealth accumulation - not to stop developing - can be adopted by everyone.

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This is a very valuable collection. It presents seven books that make ordinary people successful: they change their way of thinking, habits, and character traits. They show the right direction and provide tools for quick, but at the same time, high-quality changes. Do you want to give someone good luck? Tell us about these books.

Bodo Schaefer is a successful businessman, a sought-after financial consultant (in his homeland, Germany, he is called the “Financial Mozart”) and the author of a number of world bestsellers on financial management and motivation for changes in life. At the age of 16, Bodo moved to the United States to get an education, and after studying, he became a businessman. However, the trading company he created went bankrupt, and at the age of 26 he was left with a bunch of debts and a complete lack of understanding of where and how to move on. At this difficult moment, he met a wise mentor who helped the young unsuccessful entrepreneur turn into a real winner. In 4 years, Bodo Schaefer not only freed himself from debt, but also opened a new successful business, and also began to inspire victories and achievements in others.

In this book, the financier has collected 30 important rules that will make a winner out of any person - of course, provided that he is not lazy. After all, laziness is the only reason why there are still only a minority of winners in life, the businessman is sure. Schaefer divides people into two categories: ducks - those who constantly quack and look for excuses, and eagles - those who act no matter what. The laws of winners are a set of simple and effective rules that will help you be an eagle in any situation. Thanks to them, you will learn to focus on the main thing, turn failures and criticism to your advantage, achieve incredible success in all areas of life and move forward. In the book we will briefly talk about each of these laws.

We live in an era of global economic change. Working in a multimillion-dollar corporation with its social guarantees and stability is no longer the ultimate dream of most people. In addition, in the next 10-15 years, more than 90% of so-called “white collar” positions will disappear or lose their prestigious status due to the fact that their functionality will change dramatically. A large number of people will find themselves “overboard”, not knowing where to go, where to apply their experience and skills. This opinion is shared by Tom Peters, who, with the light hand of The Economist magazine, received the honorary title of “superguru”. Peters has written several best-selling business books and founded the Tom Peters Company, a consulting company specializing in preparing for change. Its services are used by Starbucks, Virgin Direct, Intel, Rolls-Royce and other well-known companies.

What to do? How to not only survive this difficult transition period, but also become stronger? To be confident in your future, Tom Peters urges you to start thinking now not as an employee of a company, but as an “independent contractor,” that is, a person who does not perform his duties for a monthly salary, but relies only on himself. "If you don't have a trust fund in your name handy, this radical reinvention of yourself - becoming a Self-Brand - is a must!" - says Peters.

You'll learn how to make people associate your name with the highest quality of work and inspire respect and trust, as well as how to stop being shy and make your talents known to as many potential clients as possible.

Anthony Robbins is one of the founders of life coaching and an inspiring motivational speaker. His coaching costs $1 million, and the recording is for 2 years in advance. His services were used by Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev, Andre Agassi, Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities. Anthony himself is one of those people who achieved everything from scratch, so everything he writes about is passed through the prism of his personal life experience. Taking control of his emotions, he lost 20 kilograms and turned from a man living from paycheck to paycheck into a successful businessman whose income amounts to billions of dollars a year.

Robbins believes that any person can awaken the dormant energy within him and realize all his dreams - even, at first glance, fantastic ones. Most people, according to Anthony, have very modest desires, while one should always strive for more and not stop there. The main thing is to be sure that you can do it, and work hard on yourself day after day. With the help of a number of effective techniques and exercises given in n, you can get rid of bad habits and wrong beliefs, make emotions your allies, concentrate on the main thing and, finally, move from dreams to action.

If you are not currently succeeding, or if you are not succeeding as well as you would like, then it may be because you have the wrong mindset. To get on the path to success, John Maxwell offers to take a kind of journey with him, during which you will learn what correct, or as the author of the book calls it, fruitful thinking is, and also evaluate how developed it is in you, and understand how to use it to its full potential.

John Maxwell is one of the leading thinkers, writers and speakers on personal and corporate development. It is very popular not only in the USA, but also in other countries. He is the author of more than ten books, including: “Cultivate the Leader within You,” “Create a Leadership Team,” “The Winner’s Position,” “The Journey from Success to Success” and others.

We'll talk about Maxwell's bestseller How Successful People Think, or Think to Change! In this book, he shows the difference between fruitful (correct) and mediocre (wrong) thinking. Mediocre people focus on daily routine and survival, while successful people focus on progress. Maxwell shows how, by changing our thinking, we can move from the level of survival to the level of real progress and completely turn our lives around.

Too many of us spend the best days of our lives in a walking coma. We try to achieve greatness by chasing titles, luxury cars and huge bank balances, without fully realizing what is truly important in life is to realize our full potential by becoming a leader for ourselves. And then - to help others realize their full potential. Five teachers from the hero of Robin Sharma’s book “Leader Without a Title” will help us do this.

This book is the result of nearly fifteen years of work by Robin Sharma as a leadership and management advisor to many Fortune 500 companies, including Microsoft, GE, Nike, FedEx and IBM, as well as to organizations such as Yale University, American Red Cross and the Young Presidents Organization.

To convey his method of leadership, Robin Sharma chose the form of fictional storytelling. The characters - the main character Blake Davis, his mentor Tommy Flynn and four unusual teachers who completely change the way Blake approaches work and life - are all fictional characters.

But the leadership system itself, and the principles, tools and tactics on which it is based, is very real. She has helped hundreds of thousands of employees in many of the world's most successful businesses and organizations win business and lead in their field.

According to the authors of the book, a typical problem of “top echelon” businessmen is extreme superstition. People who have achieved success are afraid of change, and in addition, they believe that there is nothing and no need to teach them. Entrepreneurs are wary of any kind of training and recommendations, although they themselves hire coaches. However, it is one thing to ask for advice, and quite another to follow it. In the book, Marshall Goldsmith lists 20 qualities that prevent further growth, both in business and in personal life. These qualities seem to us to be neutral traits, or even virtues. However, they can greatly irritate our environment and spoil our business reputation. Thus, the ability to keep one's mouth shut may be perceived by others as secrecy. And employees will perceive a successful delegation of authority, in the opinion of the manager, as an avoidance of personal responsibility. You may not even be aware that you have the traits described in this book. But, as they say, “ignorance is no excuse.” will help you identify these traits in yourself and work on eliminating them. Sberbank President German Gref recommends this book as mandatory reading.

Stephen R. Covey's book has remained a super bestseller for decades. She influenced the lives of millions of people, including Bill Clinton, Larry King and Stephen Forbes. Half of the world's Fortune 500 corporations have made it a point to teach their employees the philosophy of performance outlined in the Seven Habits. Sberbank President German Gref included this book in the bank’s corporate library.

The Seven Habits are powerful tools for personal development. They help us move forward - from dependence to independence and then interdependence. Dependence is expressed by the you-paradigm: you take care of me, you failed, I blame you for the failure. Independence is expressed by the I-paradigm: I can do this, I am responsible, I rely on myself. Interdependence is expressed by the we paradigm: we can do this, we can interact, we can combine capabilities and create something significant together. Many people associate the concept of “interdependence” with dependence. However, this is not true. As an interdependent person, you can meaningfully share with others what you have and gain access to other people's resources. Interdependence is a choice that only an independent person can make. It follows from this: before becoming interdependent, a person must gain personal independence. General victory is preceded by personal victory.

Skills 1, 2 and 3 help to achieve personal victory. Having mastered them, a dependent personality becomes independent. It is an inside-out process. Having mastered the first three skills, a person can begin to work on “shared victories.” These are led by skills 4, 5, and 6. However, this does not mean that you must become proficient in skills 1, 2, and 3 before working on skills 4, 5, and 6. Understanding their sequence will help you manage your development more effectively. Skill 7 is an upgrade skill that is required to have strength for the first six skills. In we will tell you what the essence of each skill is and how to master them.

All seven books are presented in the Main Idea Library in the form of reviews. Read with benefit!

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