Lose at cards in a dream. Playing or fortune telling cards in a dream. Dream Interpretation - Tarot cards. Towards the fulfillment of hopes

Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean when you dream about Maps?

The meaning of the dream in the dream book: Cards – If you dream about cards, whether you are playing or someone else is playing, then expect some kind of quarrel. Winning at cards is a loss; losing means deprivation of trouble. Playing cards is a waste of time or money.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream about Maps - Lies, falsehood in relationships; deception in business. Beating is a small acquisition.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Why do you dream about Maps - Maps indicate your chance, aspects of your life. Suits in a dream correspond to different aspects of life. Worms - love and friendship. Tambourines - business life. Clubs - financial, material situation. Why do you dream about Maps - Peaks - they reflect obstacles in all aspects. See also Games. An ace in a dream is the main sign of encouragement, luck, difficulty or success. Ace of Hearts - romantic relationships. Why do you dream about Cards - Ace of Diamonds - a risky scam will bring success. Ace of clubs - financial stability. Ace of spades - difficulties.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about Maps:

Cards - If in a dream you play cards for fun, then expect the fulfillment of those hopes that have long helped you “keep afloat”. Minor illnesses will disappear. But a dream about gambling for money will lead you to very serious difficulties in life. - if you dream that you are losing at cards, then you will have a clash with enemies, and if you win, you will be able to justify yourself before the law, but with great difficulty.

Why do you dream about Cards - If a young woman dreams that her lover is playing cards, she will have to doubt his good intentions. If we are talking about games in public places or social games, then seeing diamonds means wealth; to see gambling clubs - that you will have a demanding, picky life partner, as well as difficulties in explaining to him the reasons for your frequent absences; seeing cards of the worms suit promises fidelity and a cozy environment; The peaks foretell that you will be a widow, burdened with huge property that is difficult for you to manage. In addition, if you dream that you are playing successfully, then this portends you a very unfriendly reception at a party, but chance will help you at the same time find true friends who will help you survive many trials. If you lose the game, you will be unhappy in your affections and will never be able to settle your affairs, according to the dream book this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Maps - a greedy act; diamonds - receiving money; worms - a love affair; cross - a profitable enterprise; peaks - deception, disease

Esoteric dream book

If you dream about Maps:

Cards - Playing cards will deceive you, fool you. You are overwhelmed by doubts. Geographical for close travel. Perhaps it's a hike or an outing.

Cards (playing cards) – Anxiety; build houses of cards - news; playing cards means not having a lucky hand in business; card tricks - you will bring joy to people; to see those playing - you will suffer losses through a trick.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Seeing Maps in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream about Cards (playing cards) - Greedy deeds in life, loss - build houses of cards - news - play cards - have a lucky hand in business - card tricks - bring people joy - see people playing - you will suffer losses through a trick - tambourine - getting money - worms - adventure - blame - illness, deception - clubs - to death

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about Maps according to the dream book:

Why do you dream about seeing cards: playing cards - Looking at the stupidity of others; shuffle - troubles; count - success; play - loss of time or money; see geographic maps - upcoming trip; looking at them is a memory, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book

A woman often dreams about Maps.

What does it mean to see playing cards in a dream - Playing cards just for fun foreshadows the fulfillment of long-held hopes, recovery from minor illnesses. Gambling for money, on the contrary, can mean very serious difficulties in life.

Why do you dream about Cards - If you dream that you are losing at cards, you will be unhappy in your affections and will never be able to settle things. If you win in a dream, this foreshadows a very unfriendly reception at a party. At the same time, you will find true friends who will help you survive many trials. If a young woman dreams that her lover is playing cards, she will have to doubt his good intentions.

Why do you dream about Tarot cards - Tarot cards have recently regained popularity. As a rule, dreams about fortune telling indicate the dreamer's desire for the arbitrator to shed light on the important decision(s) you have to make and recognize its correctness. On the other hand, perhaps you feel that the decisions you make are unimportant and that your life is in the hands of fate, beyond your personal control. Whether you are a participant in such practices in real life is the most important element in a dream.

Dream Interpretation Cards (travel, playing) – “Reveal your cards” - reveal plans, intentions; “get your bearings on the map”, “outline your path on the map” (travel); "to confuse the enemy's cards." “your card is a bit” - failure, failure, defeat; “marked cards” are deception; "card sharper" See Add. A game.

English dream book

Why do you dream about Maps in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream Why do you dream about Card games - There are many games and interpretations. What is the dream about: Maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you that you should “put on a poker face” when you deal with other people, especially when it comes to money or work? If you've been playing bridge, maybe you need to start making connections with the other players at your table? Are you happy playing solitaire or would you rather be part of a team? If during the game you come across a joker, maybe you suffer from evil jokes in life? Maybe you are the King or Queen of your social circle? If you have lost money, then you should think about all the gambling that lies ahead of you in the future. See also Gambling

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

A deck of cards in a dream represents your worries. Shuffling a deck in a dream means trouble. Counting cards in a dream foretells that you will avoid the unpleasant consequences of your rash behavior. Building houses of cards in a dream means disappointment and a precarious position. Card tricks in a dream are a sign of deception or fraud. Seeing your friends playing cards in a dream means that you should think about your surroundings and maintaining your reputation. After such a dream, someone may offer you benefits from participating in a risky business. Be prudent and do not give in to the temptation of easy money.

Seeing diamonds in a dream means quarrels over money, worms mean pleasant meetings with nice people; peaks - to failures and disappointments; clubs - for money. The higher the card you see in a dream, the more its meaning by suit increases.

Seeing all the aces in a dream means a wish will come true; all kings - to good luck; I will give all the ladies - to gossip. One ace in a dream is a sign of good luck in a risky business. Having the highest diamonds or clubs cards in your hands at the same time means the failure of a deal that you thought was a win-win. See play, jack.

Why do you dream about cards according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Cards in a dream indicate your chance in your life; suits correspond to its different sides. Worms - love and friendship. Tambourines - business life. Clubs - financial, material situation. Peaks are obstacles. Ace is the main sign of encouragement, luck, difficulty or success. Ace of Hearts - romantic relationships. Ace of diamonds - a risky scam will bring success. Ace of clubs - financial stability. Ace of spades - difficulties. Playing cards means not having business sense. Card tricks - bring joy to people. Friends who play cards will let you down at a crucial moment. Winning at cards means you will meet interesting, famous people. Losing is disappointment in love and friends. Shuffling cards means trouble. Counting the cards in the deck is a success. Marked cards - anxiety, injury. A sealed deck means complete uncertainty ahead. Revealing the deck means a loss due to deception or forgery.

If you played cards all day long, then it is not surprising if you see them in your dreams. But why dream of playing cards if you have never encountered them in real life, a dream book will help. They usually symbolize our life and destiny. They also remind us that we need to live here and now, and not harbor vain illusions.

The most common interpretations of such a dream

Towards the fulfillment of hopes

If in a dream you played cards just for fun, then your hopes and dreams will soon come true. There will be no obstacles or difficulties on your path; success and luck will be with you in all your endeavors. There will also be nice people nearby who will support and help you.

To wealth and success

If you counted cards in a dream, then success awaits you in the professional sphere. Ace of trumps - to victory in any business. Possibly winning the lottery.

Prosperity and profit await you after winning at cards in a dream. Seeing how the cards were dealt to you predicts successful completion of affairs and solution to problems.

Towards difficulties

A dream in which you played cards for money promises you serious problems. Losing promises you a meeting with envious people and competitors. It is also possible that old enemies will reappear. Winning portends problems with the law, which will take you a lot of effort and time to resolve.

If you played with a stranger, then this warns that you may make the wrong choice and miss the chance to succeed.

Minor household worries and troubles await you if you shuffled cards in a dream. If you just saw the maps, then you need to be careful on the road. You should not travel far for some time after such a dream.

Relationships with family and friends

If you are with your friend or acquaintance, then you should be careful, since there is a lot of falsehood and insincerity in your relationship. There is a hypocrite next to you who tells you one thing, and behind your back he says something completely different. If in a dream your friend loses at cards, a small quarrel awaits you. If he plays dishonestly, then soon you will have to doubt his integrity.

Seeing marked cards in a dream is a sign that your friend will soon deceive and betray.

Winning at cards means making new good friends who will help you survive quarrels with old ones. But this only applies to a dream in which you did not play for money, but just like that.

Cards randomly scattered on the table indicate that you will soon find yourself in a society with completely different people. For some, this may portend entering college or changing jobs.

Love relationship

Seeing strangers playing cards in a gambling club foreshadows you meeting a very rich but jealous person. The relationship will be strained, as you will have to account for literally every step.

If a girl dreams of her lover playing cards, then she should doubt his honest intentions and personal integrity.

What do the different suits mean?


Symbolize love and harmony. They may portend an acquaintance with a pleasant person and the beginning of a romance. For a family man, this is a confirmation of fidelity. The Ace of Hearts is sometimes a harbinger of a wedding.


Profitable contracts portend the receipt of money. But sometimes it can also foreshadow problems caused by money. The Ace of Diamonds promises you success in a very risky business.


A harbinger of problems and sorrows. A serious illness awaits you or your loved ones. A break in the relationship or even divorce is possible. You should also be attentive to your surroundings in order to suspect deception in advance.


A symbol of victory and a profitable enterprise that will bring you financial stability.

It turns out that playing cards are dreamed of for almost any event. The main thing after such a dream is to definitely remember the suit of the card. And now I suggest you watch your favorite song from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians” - “They say we are baki-buki.”

Why do you dream about playing cards? When you dream of playing cards, the dream is a harbinger of a serious illness, but not necessarily for you, perhaps for a person from your closest circle - family or friends.

Freud's dream book - why do you dream about playing cards?

If you dream of playing cards, the dream promises that your actions will lead to the expected results.

The dream in which you were given playing cards is a signal from your subconscious that nothing lasts forever, and you should rely only on your own strengths and capabilities.

In a dream you dreamed of other people's playing cards, this is a sign that you are going to start a friendship with a person who will help you in a very important situation.

When you throw away playing cards in a dream, this is a signal that in the future, perhaps in the near future, you will be turned away by your loved ones and you will experience a taste of loneliness.

Dreaming of a deck of playing cards - according to the gypsy dream book

Dreaming of a deck of playing cards means that you will be dishonest in obtaining a substantial fortune.

A dream in which you found a deck of playing cards means that, despite your efforts, you will not be able to achieve your goal and receive some of the honors that you dream of.

When you see a dirty deck of playing cards, it means that you will soon know a person whose manners will make you feel great.

If you dream about playing cards aces - according to Vanga’s dream book

If you dream of playing aces, this means that you will soon be involved in interesting entertainment in pleasant company.

Dreaming of aces playing cards, the dream is a signal from your subconscious that you should take more care of yourself because your actions may put you in danger.

If you throw ace playing cards into the fire in a dream, this means that you will soon have a strong friendship with a person with whom until recently you were at enmity.

I dreamed about scattered playing cards - Nostradamus’ dream book

If you dreamed of scattered playing cards, this is a sign that you will have happy, pleasant communication with a person you have liked for a long time.

When you see playing cards scattered around the house in a dream, it means that you will soon have children, or if you already have them, you will experience great joy when you learn about their achievements.

play cards for money in a dream

As for all kinds of toys, it is a senseless passion for an unnecessary task - that is, according to our senile side. You are probably ready to be accepted into our ranks. Contact Medv or Paganoid urgently! If you see Cards in a dream Seeing playing cards in a dream foretells greedy but stupid actions at your own expense. A deck of cards scattered in disarray on the table indicates that you will soon find yourself in a motley society with people of a wide variety of activities and interests.

New family dream book

If in a dream you played cards for fun- wait for your hopes to come true. Minor illnesses will disappear.

But a dream about gambling for money- portends very serious difficulties.

If you dreamed that you lost at cards- There will be a clash with enemies.

Won- you will be able to justify yourself before the law, but with great difficulty.

If a young woman dreams that her lover is playing cards- she should doubt his good intentions.

Modern combined dream book

Cards- greedy act; diamonds- receiving the money; worms- love affair; cross- profitable enterprise; peaks- deception, illness.

Playing cards- troubles, quarrel with friends.

But if you play to win- You will have quite serious difficulties.

If you counted cards in a dream, then success awaits you in the professional sphere. Ace of trumps - to victory in any business. Possibly winning the lottery.

Prosperity and profit await you after winning at cards in a dream. Seeing how the cards were dealt to you predicts successful completion of affairs and solution to problems.

Towards difficulties

Successfully playing cards according to this dream book means making new wonderful friends. These people will be able to help in difficult situations. Thanks to their support, you will be able to avoid serious problems. Losing a card game in a dream means disappointment in your friends and partner. Also, even if you put in a huge amount of effort, you will not be able to solve your problems.

Taking part in a card tournament organized in a public place and seeing diamonds on the other participants leads to wealth and universal recognition. To achieve them you don’t even have to try very hard. Luck will take over everything.

Interpretation of dream cards according to various dream books

I mean that your lack of mental awareness will lead to sadness and loss. about peak cards Dream
It can also mean that you will not be able to complete the work, which you will not be able to manage. Spades suit in a dream
, then unsuccessful transactions will negate the result of his defeat. pi-ki – ko-zyri If the player dreams that


Solomon's Dream Interpretation

If a girl dreams that her lover is taking part in a gambling game of cards, this means that she will have doubts about his love.

If you dream of a gambling house, it means that your spouse will make excessive demands on you. It is also possible that he will be unfaithful to you.

If you see cards of the heart suit, it means loyalty to your loved one, cards of the spades suit mean that you will be a rich widow, but money will not bring you happiness. Losing at cards means disappointment in matters of the heart.

In this case, the dream promises unexpected news. This may also be a symbol that in real life you will learn a secret that will greatly disappoint you.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream about Maps according to the dream book:

Seeing playing cards in a dream - Playing cards just for fun foreshadows the fulfillment of long-held hopes and recovery from minor illnesses. Gambling for money, on the contrary, can mean very serious difficulties in life.

Fortune telling cards in a dream mean that you are not sure about something, it is difficult for you to find a way out of the current situation.

As the dream book writes, tarot cards that are simply lying near you indicate that you will make your own decision, and it will be correct. And to guess with their help is to hope for the help of strangers.

If you dream of fortune telling cards in the hand of a gypsy, it means that you will receive advice that is given to mislead you. The Dream Interpretation recommends not listening to these recommendations, but acting as you see fit. The unfolded tarot is dreamed of before an important event that will affect your destiny.

A game

Ukrainian dream book

If you dreamed about Maps, it means:

Geographical map of the world - a journey, some distance

Maps in a dream from Tsvetkov's dream book