I dreamed of carrying a huge bouquet of flowers. Why do you dream about fresh flowers in bouquets?

A vision in which flowers are dreamed of is perceived by many as something positive. And the impression is correct, since such dreams, in most cases, foreshadow something good. And to make sure of this, it’s worth studying several dream books now that will definitely help you find out what a bouquet of flowers means in your dreams.

Female interpreter

You should turn to him first if you want to know why you dream about a bouquet of flowers. This book says the following:

  • A beautiful bouquet of fresh, bright flowers is a harbinger of receiving a large inheritance from a distant relative.
  • If you happen to give it to someone, you will soon have to be disappointed in someone who was very dear.
  • But a bouquet of wildflowers promises the appearance of an ingenuous and sincere friend. Perhaps this meeting will change your life.
  • A dried bouquet promises misfortune and illness. But if a girl in a dream saw herself throwing it into the trash bin, then she will soon get rid of the burdensome acquaintance, which was only a burden to her.
  • It’s bad if you see a bouquet of white flowers. This is a bad sign, promising illness and death.
  • If someone tried to give flowers to a girl, but she refused, it means that soon she will greatly regret something.
  • A bouquet crumbling before the dreamer’s eyes foreshadows the collapse of her relationship with a young man. Or a big fight.

It is also worth noting why one dreams of a bouquet of flowers that the girl collected herself. This is considered a good sign, promising pleasant and unexpected news.

Male interpreter

This dream book contains both positive and negative interpretations of the vision in question. Therefore, if you want to find out why you dream about a bouquet of flowers, it’s worth studying it too. It says the following:

  • The bouquet portends a quarrel with the woman you love. If you want to avoid it, you will need to restrain your impulsiveness.
  • If a man tore the bouquet and tried in every way to destroy it, it means that in reality he wants to break off the relationship in which he is currently in.
  • Did he dream that he was picking flowers or buying them? A romantic date is probably coming with a woman who will make an incredible impression on him.
  • Were there a lot of yellow flowers in the bouquet? This means a break in relationships initiated by a woman.
  • White flowers indicate that a man will soon change his life and many principles for the sake of his beloved.

By the way, if a bouquet is presented to the dreamer, then this means receiving an original and unexpected offer, by agreeing to which you can get an impressive profit. But if there were a lot of red flowers in it, it is better to refuse. Otherwise, losses and troubles cannot be avoided.

Dream book of the 21st century

This book also says a lot about why you dream of fresh flowers in bouquets. The interpretations are as follows:

  • If a person receives it as a gift, then all his cherished desires will soon come true. Didn't like the bouquet very much? This means that the dreamer in life harbors certain illusions, which it would be nice to get rid of.
  • Have you ever given a bouquet yourself? This means positive changes in the relationship with the one to whom the flowers were presented.
  • The process of picking flowers for a bouquet usually foreshadows a memorable and exciting date. Or the onset of a life period filled with bright events is coming.
  • Did someone steal a bouquet from a person or snatch it right out of their hands? This means that an ill-wisher or an enemy will soon appear in his life, who will darken his life with his actions.
  • If the dreamer placed bouquets around the house, then you can rejoice. After all, a meeting with dear and close people is coming, which he has long dreamed of.
  • Did the person throw away the bouquet given to him? There will probably be a break in the relationship soon. It may also indicate that he is used to ignoring someone's feelings.
  • Buying a bouquet represents the dreamer’s active search for his soulmate. Which may soon end in success.

By the way, if a person saw himself in the role of a bouquet seller, then this foreshadows his rapid popularity and the appearance of fans.

If you dreamed of roses...

Most often, one dreams of bouquets composed of these flowers. According to the modern dream book, such a vision can be explained as follows:

  • A bouquet of roses received as a gift personifies the special relationship of the giver to the person.
  • Was the dreamer a man? This means that soon a new serious relationship will begin in his life. He is ready to fall in love, and it will be mutual.
  • Many are still interested in why a girl dreams of a bouquet of flowers with white roses. Well, this vision has a positive meaning. It promises a harmonious relationship with a young man, which will end in a wedding.
  • Did the dreamer prick himself with thorns? This is bad news. Or perhaps to problems in your personal life.
  • A large bouquet of these flowers indicates satiety in a relationship. Perhaps the dreamer is bored with the partner, and meetings no longer bring joy.
  • If the bouquet was too lush, with a lot of decorations and even rhinestones, then this speaks of pathos in the relationship. There is demonstration, but there are no sincere feelings.

However, the only worst thing is getting artificial roses. This warns of falsehood and deception on the part of the person closest to you.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

This interpreter says that a bouquet seen in a dream symbolizes a person’s inherent bold hopes and global plans for the future. And the more beautiful the flowers, the stronger the success will be.

But a withered bouquet suggests that hopes and plans are not destined to come true. And, most likely, the cause of failure will be slowness, also inherent in humans.

By the way, if a person did not let go of the bouquet from his hands, or put it next to him, this indicates that his cherished wish will soon come true.

Collection of dream books

Finally, it is worth noting a few previously unmentioned interpretations that can help you understand why you dream of a gifted bouquet of flowers:

  • If there was not one, but several, and the bathtub was filled with them, then a quick love affair awaits the person.
  • A small bouquet promises short-lived, random joy.
  • If you happened to watch someone picking flowers, then a useful acquaintance or a joyful event will soon happen.
  • A fresh and beautiful bouquet portends pleasure. And the faded one means betrayal of a loved one.

In addition, there are many other interpretations. And it is strongly recommended to study them if you want to know why you dream about giving a bouquet of flowers. The interpretation may also depend on the color or type of flowers.

Everything in our dreams has meaning and means something. Sometimes dreams are completely incomprehensible and mysterious, but some visions seem to tell us what will happen, what to expect.

One of these visions can be called a flower, or even a whole bouquet - a symbol that will definitely not cause negative associations or inspire bad thoughts in anyone. But it is impossible to understand on your own why you dream of a bouquet of flowers, and how to interpret this vision - only a wise dream book can give the correct answer.

Flowers themselves never promise anything bad to the dreamer, and often hint at good events. However, nuances and details are important in the interpretation of dreams. Everything depends on what the bouquet and the flowers themselves were, their shade, quantity, and events.

The general atmosphere of the dream is also important - if you woke up with a light heart, with a premonition of something good, and you liked the dream itself - know that no matter what the dream book says, in reality everything will be fine. On the contrary, if you wake up in vague anxiety, you should be more careful. The scenarios of “bouquet” dreams themselves can be divided as follows:

  • I dream of flowers.
  • Smell them in your sleep.
  • Collect flowers in a bouquet.
  • I dreamed of a bouquet of withered, withered flowers.
  • A beautiful, lush bouquet in a dream.
  • Seeing many living bouquets in dreams.
  • Artificial flowers in a dream - roses, tulips, lilacs or others.
  • Artificial tulips, daisies and so on.
  • In your dreams they give them to you.
  • Catch a wedding bouquet.
  • Wildflowers in dreams.
  • Roses.
  • Tulips.
  • Lilac.
  • Bouquet of daisies.
  • The bouquet fell apart in a dream.

Thus, everything is important - what flowers the bouquet was made of: red, pink or white, daisies, roses, tulips or lilacs, and most importantly - what happened to it and what you had to do. Remember all this and find out what the dream promises you!

Million Scarlet roses…

So, what exactly did you dream about? Lilacs, roses or tulips, wedding flowers or something else - let's check what this means and what it promises.

1. Flowers, as dream books say, always bring joy and pleasure to dreams. If you just saw them, no matter what, if they were beautiful and you liked them, then expect pleasant surprises, joyful events and everything positive in reality.

2. If in a dream your bouquet fell apart, be careful in your relationships. Take care of them, try to be wiser and more tolerant of your partner so that the relationship does not fall apart.

3. As the dream book says, a wilted, withered bouquet is a symbol of illness. This means that in the near future, take care of your own health, look after yourself a little more carefully than usual. Perhaps, in this way, higher powers are hinting to you that you are too neglectful of your own health.

4. Why do you dream of a bouquet of roses, or other beautiful, fresh flowers, especially red ones - luxurious, lush? Definitely, such a dream is for love, big, bright and happy! You will find happiness in love, new experiences and new events that will color your life with bright and beautiful colors.

5. If you dreamed of a lot of bouquets - anything from roses and daisies to tulips or lilacs, in reality you will find yourself in a very pleasant, dignified company. You will be in a very good social circle.

6. Artificial flowers dream of sad events. But the dream book does not promise anything terrible, there will simply be a short period when not everything will go smoothly. It’s worth going through it, and a happy streak will come again, and difficulties always provide valuable experience!

What actions took place in the dream?

1. When you happen to pick flowers in a dream, this is a good sign, and it foretells great joy, a pleasant surprise, good news.

2. Giving bouquets in a dream always signifies love proposals. If you were given such a gift in your dreams, know that soon in reality the person who loves you will propose to you - if not marriage, then at least offer a serious relationship or living together.

3. I wonder why you dream about the bridal bouquet that you managed to catch in your dream? This is very good. In general, it’s not difficult to guess why you dream about a wedding bouquet in itself - this is a sure sign of imminent love. Such a vision means that if you have not yet met your destiny, then this meeting will happen very soon.

4. Smelling flowers means losses. This dream means one thing - take care of what you have, what is dear to you. And remember that any losses always foreshadow the acquisition of something new.

What flowers did you dream about?

  • A bouquet of wildflowers means the appearance of a very good, faithful friend.
  • As the dream book says, a bouquet of roses - red, white and others - is for devoted and pure love.
  • Tulips are a symbol of great joy, especially an armful of red buds.
  • Lilac in a dream is a symbol of passion and flirtation. If you happen to see or collect lilacs, you will soon meet a new person and be in love.
  • You always dream of daisies as a sign of happiness and a carefree, bright life.

After reading the interpretation, analyze it, do not rush to draw conclusions and think carefully about everything. Believe that everything will be for the best, and wait for happiness with an open heart - then it will certainly come! Author: Vasilina Serova

Our dreams are of great importance. Firstly, they give the brain the opportunity to more easily process new data, and secondly, they help obtain information about possible future events. Therefore, no matter how ridiculous dreams may seem to us, they occupy a rather honorable place in the consciousness and subconscious.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers? Quite an interesting dream from the point of view of many interpreters. For example, the women's dream book clearly states that a bouquet is a sign of happiness. What does it mean? At a minimum, it’s a pleasant acquaintance, but in most cases it’s still about great love. Perhaps you were presented with a bouquet in a dream? Expect mutual bright feelings.

Family dream book

The family dream book characterizes this dream differently: a bouquet of flowers means a quarrel with your soulmate. If in a dream you tear, trample on a bouquet or throw it away, you may have a serious reason to break off the relationship.

If a man dreams that he is buying flowers, it means he will have a romantic date with an amazing woman.

Dream books recommend paying attention to the color of the buds. If they are yellow - to sadness, sadness and parting, if they are white - your feelings will radically change your attitude towards life and principles, if they are red - you should be very careful about all kinds of offers, most likely they want to deceive you.

Ukrainian dream book

The Ukrainian dream book gives the following interpretations: to receive a bouquet is toady, to see it is to be happy. If the flowers are fresh, success and good news await you; if withered, it means betrayal.


The French dream book says that a bouquet means gossip and lies. But if you are given a bouquet of flowers, then soon your most cherished wish will come true.

Do you throw a bouquet in a dream? This means waste of money and time are waiting for you. Also, what you see may mean that strangers will interfere with the fulfillment of your desires.

If a young man saw in a dream how he presented a bouquet to his bride, then, most likely, bad news awaits him, and his happiness and peace are under great threat.

Seeing many beautiful bouquets in a dream means that pleasant meetings with friends and family await you.

Bouquet of flowers according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga's dream book states that a bouquet of flowers can be dreamed of by a person who in real life is tired of everyday life and hassle. At the same time, such a dream can mean separation and sadness.

Vanga said that the bouquet you choose can mean spiritual loneliness. But if they give you flowers, then a loved one may betray you.

If you collect flowers in a bouquet, then soon your efforts to improve your own life will bear fruit. If in a dream you try to inhale the scent of flowers, then in reality you will be disappointed in love. Artificial flowers in a bouquet are a bad omen, which means serious illness or even death.

Dream Interpretation of Evdokia

Evdokia's dream book says that a bouquet of flowers is nothing more than good news. Although withered flowers warn you against rash actions.

Psychological dream book

In the psychological dream book, a bouquet means inheritance. If the flowers are wild, you will find a good friend.

A bouquet that crumbles means the fragility of the relationship with the other half, betrayal.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers in your grandmother’s dream book?

Grandma’s dream book says that collecting flowers in a bouquet is good news. A stale bouquet means a deterioration in relationships and trust between loved ones.

As we see, many dream books give very different interpretations, but it should be noted that some of them agree that not only the color scheme of the bouquet is of great importance, but also what plants it consists of, how beautiful and fresh they are. This will be the key to solving the dream.

Also pay attention to the day of the week and lunar day. Since a dream can be prophetic in nature, or it may not come true at all.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Family dream book

Bouquet - Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream means quarrels with the woman you love. Tearing or destroying a bouquet of flowers means a desire to break off a relationship with a woman. Buying a bouquet of flowers or collecting them is a sign of a romantic date with a lady who will make a stunning impression on you. Yellow flowers in a bouquet mean a break in relationships. White flowers - love will make you change your life and reconsider many principles. They give you a bouquet - you will receive an unexpected and original offer from a friend that will bring you profit. If the flowers in the bouquet are red, then it is better not to agree to this offer, no matter how tempting it may look, in the future it will bring nothing but troubles and losses.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream is a sign that you are full of bold hopes and have many plans for the future. Most often, such dreams are associated with feelings of love, but they can also symbolize your other life aspirations.

A beautiful bouquet portends success in many endeavors.

Withered flowers in a bouquet suggest that your plans are most likely not destined to come true. It is possible that the reason for your possible failure will be your own slowness.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

A bouquet is a surprise and not necessarily a pleasant one.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Holding a bouquet in your hands or seeing it from someone means experiencing short-term joy.

If you drop a lush, beautiful bouquet from your hands, you will receive an undeserved insult.

Receive a bouquet as a gift, but do not accept it - you will face losses as a result of theft.

An armful of roses in an elegant wrapper - you will be happy.

A bouquet of daisies - to chagrin, a bouquet of poppies - a precarious position.

A white bouquet means sadness, a faded one means trouble.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Bouquet – To have happiness in love, joy, pleasure - to see - a pleasant acquaintance - to receive - constancy in love - faded - betrayal in love, grief

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Esoteric dream book

A bouquet of flowers elegantly, intricately arranged is an aristocratic reception.

With a lush bow - to a generous, sophisticated lover.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A bouquet in a dream is a lucky sign. Indicates the possibility of a new pleasant acquaintance or happy love.

If you were given a bouquet in a dream, your love will be mutual and long-lasting.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Azar's Dream Book

have happiness in love

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

A bouquet is a pleasant acquaintance; to receive is constancy in love.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Modern dream book

Making a bouquet means collecting good news; to see - joy, pleasure, pleasant acquaintance; to receive - constancy in love, sometimes - flattery.

Withered, faded bouquet - troubles, cooling of feelings between spouses, betrayal.

Throwing a bouquet is a loss of money; dropping it from your hands is an insult.

A bouquet of flowers - joy, pleasure; withered, fallen - betrayal in love

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Eastern dream book

If you see a beautiful bouquet made up of bright fresh flowers, expect a large inheritance from a distant relative.

A bouquet of wildflowers - dreams of a sincere and ingenuous friend.

Giving someone a bouquet is a sign of disappointment in someone close to you.

A dried bouquet means illness and misfortune.

Throwing away a dried bouquet means getting rid of a burdensome acquaintance.

A bouquet of white flowers is a bad sign, leading to death.

If you dreamed of a bouquet crumbling before your eyes, this indicates the fragility of your relationship with your lover. Such a dream may foretell the dissolution of an engagement.

If you refuse to accept a bouquet of flowers as a gift, you will have to regret what you did.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

joy, pleasure; a faded bouquet - betrayal in love.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Bouquet - You see a beautiful lush bouquet in a dream - a pleasant acquaintance awaits you; but things won’t go further than just acquaintances. You are presented with a beautiful bouquet - this is a good dream; he says that there is a high probability of you receiving an inheritance; another interpretation of the dream: your love is strong, mutual and constant; no trials will weaken her. You see in a dream that the flowers in the bouquet have withered - this is not a very good dream for spouses; it testifies that, for reasons known to the spouses, the relationship between them is very cool and strained; and such relations will remain for a long time if neither side follows the holy path of compromise. You make a bouquet, match flower to flower - expect very good news.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Bouquet - joy / happiness in love.

Making and collecting bouquets are pleasant joys.

Many bouquets - a pleasant circle of acquaintances.

A faded bouquet means coldness in love or marriage.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Bouquet - fans, dating for a woman; a lot - relationship breakdown, funeral.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a Bouquet mean in a dream - A new pleasant acquaintance. Try to remember what flowers were in the bouquet. Imagine their aroma.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Combined dream book

If in a dream you make a bouquet, you will receive good news; watching someone collect a bouquet is a joyful event, a useful acquaintance; receiving a bouquet as a gift is a reliable family relationship.

A dried bouquet means betrayal or cooling in a relationship is possible.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Modern dream book

Bouquet (of flowers) – Joy, pleasure; withered, fallen - betrayal in love

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Bouquet - a new pleasant acquaintance awaits you, which will have a positive impact on your life. Imagine that someone gives you a large bouquet of flowers. You look at the flowers, inhale their aroma and see that the bouquet contains exactly the flowers that you love most.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does a Bouquet mean in a dream? 1. If you are given a bouquet in a dream, it shows that we recognize our own capabilities, but also expect recognition from others. Giving a bouquet to someone else means that we fully recognize their best qualities. 2. Very often, a bouquet means on a psychological level that we have many gifts and talents that are available to us. 3. The bouquet, with its virtuous beauty and ceremonial affiliation, can symbolize a spiritual Offering.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

Holding a bouquet of flowers in a dream means mutual love and appreciation. Receiving a beautiful bouquet of flowers from someone portends constancy in love. Seeing a bouquet in a dream is a bad sign of a bad acquaintance that will not bring you any good; if in a dream you are making a bouquet, then you will receive news if you remember what flowers it was made from. Such a dream also foretells you that your desire will not come true due to your fault. If a guy dreams that he is presenting a beautiful bouquet of flowers to his bride at a wedding, then soon he will receive sad news about the death of a close relative or another bereavement. A withered or faded bouquet in your dream predicts disagreements in your family or with your spouse, betrayal and disappointment in love.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Home dream book

A bouquet in a dream consists mainly of red flowers - in the near future you or someone close to you will receive a promotion or find a new job. To make this happen, eat 3 salted slices of bread for breakfast, and in the evening light a large thick candle; if it does not burn out by the morning, when you wake up, blow it out. There are a lot of dried or wilted flowers in the bouquet - they want to put a curse on someone dear to you. To protect those you care about, make an amulet for them: pour a little salt into a leather bag and put 3 broken needles in it. Give these amulets to those you want to protect.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Russian dream book

You dreamed of a Bouquet - fresh - to joy, pleasure; withered - to betrayal in love.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Jewish dream book

What does a Bouquet mean in a dream - To receive a large bouquet of flowers as a gift. For a woman - in the spring - to receive several tempting offers; at other times of the year - to a passing hobby. For a man - Face deception. Putting a bouquet of flowers in the refrigerator is a sign warning about the need to lead a calmer life so as not to get sick.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Women's dream book

Bouquet – A bouquet in a dream is a lucky sign. Indicates the possibility of a new pleasant acquaintance or happy love. If you were given a bouquet in a dream, your love will be mutual and long-lasting.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Bouquet - to make a bouquet yourself - to join new knowledge. A bouquet of bitter field herbs (wormwood, yarrow, tansy, etc.) - in reality you lack attention from a close loved one. To smell such a bouquet is to experience sadness and bitterness. Choosing a bouquet for a gift means the end of a lonely, secluded lifestyle - friends, girlfriends, companies, a loved one will appear. The brighter and larger the bouquet, the more interesting and eventful life will be. A bouquet of yellow flowers is a suspicion of infidelity or treachery (however, if you love yellow flowers, then this foreshadows the fulfillment of a personal desire). Cutting flowers from a flowerbed or from bushes for a bouquet - you are tired of routine and monotony and you want to enliven your life with something, make it richer and more beautiful. If you see a bouquet and you do not have the opportunity to buy it, it means love disappointment. Having a bouquet of artificial flowers means that on the outside everything is going as it should, but in your soul there is frustration and depression. Giving a bouquet means cheating on your partner. A bouquet with dried flowers - your dreams are not destined to come true.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a Bouquet mean in a dream - wonderful opportunities in all areas of life. Receiving a bouquet of different flowers means new opportunities; for a girl - a lot of fans.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: A bouquet in a dream consists mainly of red flowers - in the near future you or someone close to you will receive a promotion or find a new job. To make this happen, eat 3 salted slices of bread for breakfast, and in the evening light a large thick candle; if it does not burn out by the morning, when you wake up, blow it out.

Bad meaning: There are a lot of dried or limp flowers in the bouquet - they want to put a curse on someone dear to you. To protect those you care about, make an amulet for them: pour a little salt into a leather bag and put 3 broken needles in it. Give these amulets to those you want to protect.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Men's dream book

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream means quarrels with your beloved woman. Tearing or destroying a bouquet of flowers means a desire to break off a relationship with a woman. Buying a bouquet of flowers or collecting them is a sign of a romantic date with a lady who will make a stunning impression on you. Yellow flowers in a bouquet mean a break in relationships. White flowers - love will make you change your life and reconsider many principles.

They give you a bouquet - you will receive an unexpected and original offer from a friend that will bring you profit. If the flowers in the bouquet are red, then it is better not to agree to this offer, no matter how tempting it may look, in the future it will bring nothing but troubles and losses.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Old Russian dream book

see a pleasant acquaintance; to receive is constancy in love.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Dream book of the future

A fresh bouquet - joy, pleasure; faded - betrayal in love.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream means quarrels with your beloved woman.

Tearing or destroying a bouquet of flowers means a desire to break off a relationship with a woman.

Buying a bouquet of flowers or collecting them is a sign of a romantic date with a lady who will make a stunning impression on you.

Yellow flowers in a bouquet mean a break in relationships.

White flowers - love will make you change your life and reconsider many principles.

They give you a bouquet - you will receive an unexpected and original offer from a friend that will bring you profit.

If the flowers in the bouquet are red, it is better not to agree to this offer, no matter how tempting it may look, in the future it will bring nothing but troubles and losses.

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, receiving a bouquet from someone means meeting a true friend.

If you dreamed that he was presented by a young man, you will soon meet the ideal man.

If you dream, you hand it over yourself - your trust and hopes will not be justified.

For a man, giving someone a bouquet in a dream means experiencing mutual love.

If you dreamed that the gifted flower arrangement immediately fell apart - your relationship will not last long.

If you don’t want to take flowers given to you in a dream, you will make a decision that you will not be happy with.

A dream in which you caught a bouquet foretells you a meeting with your loved one, but if you leave him yourself

To see scarlet flowers in a dream - in the near future you will receive an offer that promises you serious problems; snow-white

If you dream that the bouquet has withered, problems await you in literally all areas of life.

A bouquet of pink roses - a lyrical mood, pleasant love emotions. Your soul sings and rejoices.

A dream with a bouquet of daisies is a bright joy, real happiness. However, if the flowers in the bouquet have drooped and dried out, then your wishes will not come true.

Collecting a bouquet of flowers is a great time for you to be decisive during this period. Confess your feelings to those you love.

How nice it can be to see an amazing dream in which there are flowers of various varieties and colors! Elegant fresh bouquets are fragrant with aromas discernible in a dream. After waking up, a joyful feeling remains in your soul, because in reality, it’s not every day that you receive a lush bouquet as a gift. But what does such a dream mean, what does it prepare the dreamer for?
Miller's new dream book

  • Miller's Dream Book: bouquet. The famous British writer gives the bouquet meanings that influence fate and bring changes to the dreamer in various areas of life.
  • Miller's Dream Book: flowers, bouquets. If a person dreams of such images, he must notice all the details of the dream. What color were the flowers? Are these famous plants or something magical? Where did the person collect them or who gave him the gift? What feelings did seeing flowers evoke? Sometimes dreams have a direct interpretation, but depending on additional details their meaning changes to the opposite. The more information you can remember, the more accurate the prediction will be.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet? A dream in which you receive a beautiful, lush bouquet foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance from distant relatives. You know practically nothing about these people.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers? For young people and girls, the dream predicts a joyful meeting and a pleasant pastime.
  • For what ? The dream suggests that you may receive a marriage proposal. For a man, it is a symbol of the passionate love of his lady of the heart.
  • Why do you dream of a bouquet of fresh flowers? This is a good dream that promises a long and happy life.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of red flowers? Such a dream prophesies the emergence of a passion. The dream also portends good health and good luck in business.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of red roses? Red roses collected in a bouquet foretell the appearance of a rival woman in matters of the heart. If roses have thorns, you can be seriously injured.
  • Why do you dream of a white bouquet? White color symbolizes spiritual purity and also indicates children. The dream could mean an upcoming pregnancy. If you already have children, they will grow up to be healthy, smart and honest people.
  • Why do you dream of fresh flowers in bouquets? Fresh flowers are a symbol of life and prosperity, spiritual strength and energy. Holding bouquets in your hands means concentrating your efforts on difficult matters that will be resolved and bear fruit.
  • Why do you dream of giving a bouquet? Thank you for the help or service provided.
  • Dreaming of “given a bouquet”? They will return what you borrowed or help you, just as you once helped another person. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of tulips? Tulips are a symbol of family, femininity and fertility. A bouquet of tulips indicates that everything will be fine in your home for a long time.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of white roses? Such a dream symbolizes a request for forgiveness. Perhaps you have offended someone, or regret some action.
  • Why do you dream about “a bouquet of flowers being given”? Such a gesture in a dream has a good meaning. The person who gave you flowers has sincere intentions for friendship and business cooperation, and admires your inner qualities.
  • Seeing a bouquet withered or dry in a dream means the appearance of a disease leading to death.

Modern folk dream book

  • Why do you dream of a big bouquet? To have a dream with such a plot means to be deeply loved in life. It also means recovery for the sick. Purposeful people are foreshadowed to receive rewards for their efforts.
  • Why do you dream about many bouquets? The dream predicts many fans, among whom you cannot choose.
  • Why do you dream about a bride’s bouquet? Catching a bride's bouquet in a dream means taking on other people's worries.
  • Why dream about a pink bouquet? Pink flowers are a symbol of youth, sincere spiritual impulse, innocence, and love. For a young girl, a dream foreshadows a young man in love. For a guy, the dream foreshadows an acquaintance with the object of his dreams.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of pink roses? If the bouquet contains thorns, this portends disappointment in matters of the heart. An ennobled bouquet testifies to the partner’s honesty.
  • Why do you dream about a wedding bouquet? Seeing a bouquet in the hands of the bride means avoiding trouble. To hold it in your hands - to troubles and sad times. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of picking a bouquet? Collecting a lush bouquet of small flowers means working hard and earning a lot for your work. A bouquet of large flowers means dishonest receipt of money that will not bring any benefit.
  • Why dream of catching a bouquet? To catch it from the bride is to find yourself in a difficult situation and ask for help. Another bouquet means successfully overcoming an obstacle in your destiny.
  • Why do you dream of receiving a bouquet? Such a dream means that in life you will be rewarded for your merits. Receiving a bouquet anonymously means unexpected changes in any area of ​​life.
  • Why do you dream of a big bouquet of roses? Such a dream suggests that your chosen one or chosen one has a big, sincere heart. Be sure: the person will not leave you, even if trouble happens and it’s hard.
  • Why do you dream of being given a bouquet of roses? If a woman gave the bouquet, expect troubles and quarrels in the family and with your loved one. If a man gave it, you will be thanked for your thriftiness.
  • Why do you dream of catching the bride’s bouquet? Take other people's worries upon yourself.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of lilies? symbolize career and work. A beautiful, lush bouquet portends a promotion, successful transactions, love and trust of colleagues. A weak, small bouquet indicates the presence of problems in the team, a loss of strength, and an inability to fulfill responsibilities fully.
  • Why do you dream of living roses in a bouquet? The dream symbolizes the hope that your plans will come true. The higher the bouquet, the closer you are to the goal.
  • Why do you dream of white tulips in a bouquet? White tulips symbolize peace and prosperity in the family, warm relationships between household members. There will always be food on your table, and love in your heart.
  • Why do you dream of blue flowers in a bouquet? Such a dream foreshadows travel and trips, everything related to the road and movement in space. Perhaps you will have the opportunity to fly to another country.
  • Why do you dream of white chrysanthemums in a bouquet? Chrysanthemums are a symbol of longevity. They are known to last a long time in a vase and tolerate cold temperatures. For a sick person, a dream prophesies a speedy recovery and complete recovery from his illness. A healthy person, having seen such a dream, will not get sick for a long time. A dream can also mean receiving a voucher or going on vacation.
  • Why do you dream of lilies of the valley in a bouquet? Lilies of the valley symbolize financial relationships, like any plants with small flowers or petals. Collecting lilies of the valley in a bouquet means receiving a reward for your labors. A presented bouquet of lilies of the valley foreshadows material encouragement and bonuses. Seeing someone have a bouquet, but not touching it - watching how others got it, but missed you.
  • Why do you dream of asters in a bouquet? The dream foreshadows an improvement in your financial situation, gifts and unexpected receipt of money. It is possible to win the lottery.
  • Why did you give it in a bouquet? Daisies are a symbol of frivolity and immaturity. The person who gave you a bouquet of daisies in a dream will try to shift responsibility for his actions onto you in life or will puzzle you with his problems. If you don't react in time, it will be difficult to get out, be careful.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Dream interpretation: a bouquet was presented. Your inner loneliness does not allow you to live. You place high demands on yourself and others, and therefore you are often disappointed. It is worth reconsidering your principles, becoming simpler, otherwise there will be no one to satisfy your claims.
  • Dream Interpretation: red roses, bouquet. The dream indicates both a love relationship and relatives who have reasons to visit your home.
  • Dream interpretation: bouquet of white flowers. If a sick person dreams, he will recover. I dreamed about a woman who has children - they will grow up obedient.
  • Dream interpretation: a bouquet of flowers was presented. Get the news. Beautiful flowers - good news, a liquid bouquet, devoid of strength - someone is sick from afar and will ask you to solve his affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: tulips, bouquet. Yellow tulips portend separation from the person who gave them. If there are flowers in the house, leave. Blue tulips - for a trip. Red - to passions and gossip. White - to the successful conduct of business. Pink - for matters of the heart. Black - to sorrow.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet. The dream foretells joy in the family and replenishment.
  • Dream Interpretation: receive a bouquet. As a thank you, you will suffer from other people’s worries. As an offering, you will deal with new people who want to win your favor.
  • Dream Interpretation: white roses, bouquet. A symbol of repentance and mental confusion. You will ask for forgiveness from some person and sincerely repent.
  • Dream Interpretation: many bouquets. Indecisiveness. Dispersion of interests, lack of concentration, extroversion. You will spin around in life, try yourself in different areas of activity, but you will find yourself only when you calm down and listen to your inner voice.
  • “Giving a bouquet of flowers” ​​- the dream book predicts indulgence in the giver in matters where success depends on the ability to communicate with people.
  • Dream interpretation: a bouquet of roses was presented. If the gift is from a woman, expect a love affair that will not be resolved bloodlessly.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of pink roses. Such a dream predicts for a young girl the appearance of a young man with whom she will become very interested. For a married woman, it is predicted that the love of her husband will cool. A man is foreshadowed by discord and squabbles with his other half due to her excessive demands.
  • Dream Interpretation: collecting a bouquet. The dream shows that you are a person who strives to gain knowledge in every possible way. This knowledge is important in order to be able to comprehend the world around and understand its laws.
  • Dream Interpretation: white flowers, bouquet. A new acquaintance that will bring variety and sincere joy to life.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquets of fresh flowers. A good sign that speaks of a real outlook on life. You live for today, do not create illusions, work and receive rewards for your efforts, everything will be just as harmonious in the future.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of daisies. Such a dream warns against rash actions. It also portends deception, due to your gullibility.
  • Why do you dream about “bouquets of roses being given”? A gift from a man foreshadows the birth of a new relationship in which there will be a place for betrayal and betrayal, but these circumstances will make the union fiery and emotional.
  • Why do you dream of many flowers in bouquets? The dream speaks of your secrecy and reluctance to show and open your feelings to other people.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers? For a young unmarried girl, a dream prophesies an early marriage. A married mature woman is adding to her family. Death for the old widow.
  • Why do you dream about a huge bouquet? The sign portends a successful acquaintance and great love, with the opportunity to start a family.
  • Why do you dream of a big bouquet of flowers? For a man, this is not a very good sign, as it foreshadows quarrels and disagreements with the lady of his heart.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a bouquet of roses? Roses speak of spiritual secrets. Dreaming about a woman shows her secrecy. A man who sees roses in a dream will become a victim of the intrigues of his business partners.
  • Why do you dream of white flowers in a bouquet? A favorable sign that foreshadows happy moments with family and friends.
  • Why do you dream of a bouquet of flowers in your hands? This means that you yourself manage the situation that has arisen, you have taken the reins of government, although no one insisted on this.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of lilacs? The dream warns that someone is going to mess with your head.
  • To see a bouquet of lilies of the valley in a dream means to be in need of money, to lose financial stability.
  • The dream “flowers, a bouquet of tulips” foreshadows an evening with close friends, a family meeting or a quiet, relaxing holiday.
  • The dream “they gave you a bouquet of white roses” speaks of the trust placed in you by another person or team.
  • In a dream you were given a bouquet of red roses - they are gossiping behind your back, even though there is no good reason for it. People tend to envy other people's successes, don't worry too much.
  • A bouquet of chrysanthemums in a dream portends good health and strength to cope with difficulties for a man, and emotional stability and well-being for a woman.
  • Making a bouquet in a dream means planning changes in life. A bouquet of small flowers means small changes, and a bouquet of large flowers means big changes.
  • To see a bouquet of gladioli in a dream means to fight enemies. Gladiolus means "sword" in Latin.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Why do you dream of receiving a bouquet of flowers? The dream undoubtedly promises long-awaited happiness in love.
  • Why do you dream about a field bouquet? A bouquet of wildflowers represents freedom of action. Unexplored horizons will open up for you, you will have the chance to take a fresh look at your everyday life, and test yourself in a new business.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of yellow roses? The dream suggests that in the near future you will have to say goodbye to someone or something. This could be an unstable relationship, an insincere friendship, or old things in the house.
  • Why do you dream of a bouquet of yellow flowers? A yellow bouquet foreshadows tangible losses, both material and spiritual. Perhaps someone will leave, a loved one will leave, a necessary thing will break, or you will have to change jobs.
  • Why do you dream of collecting flowers in a bouquet? Walking through a field or forest and picking flowers is a good symbol. Your open soul desires to understand the universe more deeply and understand itself. Everything you collect in a bouquet is your knowledge. The dream foretells studying and developing useful skills.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of black roses? A sign of many sorrows, sadness and shed tears. Hard times and heartache are expected.
  • Why do you dream of daisies in a bouquet? This means a romantic date is just around the corner, and the betrothed and the bride are thrilled, waiting for the opportunity to see each other.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of peonies? To eloquent conversations that will turn out to be empty in practice. No one will fulfill the promises you listen to. Don't lend money, it won't be returned.
  • Why do you dream about an artificial bouquet? A bad sign showing poor health, sickness. It also means insincerity, veiledness. The state of things is different than you imagine.
  • Why do you dream of red flowers in a bouquet? Red is the color of strength, love, health, energy. Everything that is planned during this period will be fulfilled. Luck is on your side.
  • Why do you dream of a caught bouquet at a wedding? The person you trust will begin to test your strength. If you fail to have a heart-to-heart talk and find out the reasons for the omissions, expect betrayal.
  • The dream of “holding a bouquet of flowers in your hands” foreshadows obtaining a leadership position, a promotion, or the completion of a business related to training.
  • If you dreamed of a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, the dream foreshadows material enrichment, receiving a large sum of money or gold jewelry.

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

  • Dream Interpretation: bouquets of flowers, a lot. Dream images portend receiving pleasure in all sorts of ways.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers? For lovers, he predicts many days of tender feelings and strong relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: caught a bouquet. You will gain great luck in all areas of life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a bouquet of roses? Smooth stems of roses mean love and harmony between a man and a woman, while thorns predict a caustic relationship.
  • Dream Interpretation: receiving a bouquet of flowers. If someone gives the dreamer a bouquet, he will receive valuable advice regarding family and marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving a bouquet of roses. A situation will arise in which the dreamer will have to be too sincere in order to convince others to take his side.
  • Dream Interpretation: see a bouquet of roses. Dreaming about an unattainable woman or a man with whom you are not destined to be. The dream is a symbol: you can look, but you cannot touch.
  • Dream Interpretation: making a bouquet. Plan matters of the heart. For those in love, he prophesies a wedding or marriage.
  • Dream interpretation: bouquet of wild flowers. A light hobby that will not develop into a whirlwind romance.
  • Dream Interpretation: lilies, bouquet. The doors of the house of a person who dreamed of lilies will always be open to friends and those in need of help.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of carnations. Material well-being will not be able to change for some time, then things will go uphill sharply and the dreamer will even be able to get rich.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bouquet of flowers is a bad symbol, meaning imprisonment or even a dead person. The dream may refer to the dreamer's relatives.

Witch's dream book

  • Seeing a bouquet in a dream promises the dreamer pleasures associated with the acquisition of goods, if the bouquet has an attractive and fresh appearance. Withered and worthless bouquets are harbingers of troubles and worries.
  • For an unmarried girl, receiving a bouquet in a dream means acquiring many fans.
  • Seeing a white bouquet in a dream means approaching sadness and sadness.
  • Did you dream about a bouquet of lilies? The dream warns of a love spell.
  • Dream Interpretation: white lilies, bouquet. Flowers in buds mean chastity, and predict bright, pure love. Blooming corollas indicate old age and loss of energy.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of chrysanthemums? The dream speaks of your wisdom and thoughtfulness in your actions. Portends long life and excellent health.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of carnations? In witch magic, carnations are flowers used to protect finances. A bouquet of carnations seen in a dream predicts an improvement in the financial situation, receiving a bonus, fee, winnings, repaying a debt, receiving an inheritance, finding money on the road and similar joys.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of gladioli? Since ancient times, this flower has had the magical power to protect soldiers from death and protect travelers on the road. It is a symbol of victory over difficulties and difficult life situations. A dream in which gladioli are present foreshadows a successful resolution of problems and a calm road. In some cases, relief from toothache and dental diseases.
  • A bouquet of daisies in a dream symbolizes the victory of good over evil. A peaceful sky will be above your head, enemies will disappear, and disputes will be resolved in your favor.
  • The dream “given a bouquet of tulips” has different meanings, depending on the color of the flowers. The tulip is used by witches in love magic, in particular for love spells and lapels. Please note what kind of person gave you such a gift in a dream, this is very important. If changes begin in your destiny, you will know who is involved in them. A red bouquet of tulips portends increased attraction and love feelings. Yellow tulips portend a cooling of passions, even to the point of hatred for the former object of adoration. White tulips dream of fulfilling desires and plans. A black bouquet portends misfortune and death from poisoning.
  • Dream Interpretation: peonies, bouquet. A dream in which you have a bouquet of peonies is a wonderful symbol of home and harmony in the family. You are a beloved woman if you see peonies. For young and single people, the dream prophesies the acquisition of a second half and a wedding.
  • Dream Interpretation: large bouquet of roses. Roses are used by “white” witches in spells to attract health, love, and friendship. Often for lapels of rivals. Roses seen in a dream can have many interpretations. You need to know their color, and also remember the feeling with which you held the bouquet in a dream.
  • Seeing a bouquet of white roses in a dream is a good sign. This is the purity with which people treat you, a sign of goodwill and friendliness. Holding such a bouquet in your hands means having good relations with everyone, excluding squabbles and quarrels.
  • Why do you dream of a bouquet of blue roses? The blue attributes of a witch are designed to protect against the evil eye and black witchcraft. To see blue or light blue roses in a dream means to receive protection from troubles, misfortunes and the bad influence of people in real life. If someone gave a bouquet, remember this person. You still have to thank him.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of burgundy roses. The burgundy color of roses symbolizes wisdom, power, and authority. To receive such a bouquet is to gain control of the situation into your own hands, a promotion or the opportunity to lead. Seeing a bouquet but swinging it means dreaming of a high position, but not achieving it. To give or give to someone - to relinquish authority, ask for help, shift your work to others.
  • The dream “bouquet of scarlet roses” has a contradictory interpretation. On the one hand, scarlet roses portend ardor and passion in love, on the other hand, they make the connection with a partner superficial and short-lived. For people doing business, sleep means loss of interest and perseverance, procrastination, lack of concentration.
  • Dream Interpretation: willow, bouquet. In magic, willow is used in many rituals related to health, children, fertility, and agriculture. A dream of a bouquet of willow foretells the dreamer a long absence of diseases, strong immunity, and being in good physical and spiritual shape. For farmers, the dream predicts an increase in livestock and large harvests. To consolidate sleep, you can bring a willow twig into the house and attach it to the door frame.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of lilies of the valley. Lily of the valley in magic can bring both benefit and harm, it all depends on the intentions of the person using it. If in a dream you yourself picked a bouquet of lilies of the valley, such a dream promises to protect your loved one’s loyalty to you, as well as maintain the purity of thoughts. If a bouquet was presented to you, you found it or received it from a person for whom you have negative feelings - the dream foreshadows all sorts of seduction, betrayal and separation from your loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: asters, bouquet. Asters are traditionally used in white magic and symbolize feminine traits: refinement of nature, modesty, charm and charm. A bouquet of asters in a dream does not foretell either troubles or changes in life. Everything will be calm.
  • Dream Interpretation: orchids, bouquet. In magic, the orchid symbolizes the masculine principle. Seeing a bouquet of orchids in a dream means strengthening an existing union with a man, getting married, getting married. For lonely people, the dream foreshadows a fateful meeting of the betrothed. For married people, adding children to the family. A bouquet of orchids is a sign of great passionate and sincere love, mutual support, understanding and harmony.
  • Dream Interpretation: presented with a bouquet of lilacs. Lilac is a protector from past events and cuts off old memories on the mental plane. Witches use lilacs to help a person part with the past and open the way to new things, love, happiness, and a career. A bouquet of lilacs given in a dream foreshadows changes in life, which, no doubt, will be beneficial. What pulled you down and made you suffer will turn out to be a passed stage. The sun will illuminate your destiny again, bringing new good people and romantic relationships into it.

Plant dream book

  • Why do you dream of white lilies in a bouquet? Oddly enough, the plant dream book interprets the lily as the onset of severe trials, in which illnesses and sorrows will be present.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of chrysanthemums. Such a dream predicts leaving your partner because of your own pride. Between love and arrogance, you are destined to choose the latter and lose everything.
  • Why do you dream of flowers in a bouquet, roses? The beautiful appearance of the bouquet indicates that some very joyful event awaits you. It will be calm in love, your partner will remain faithful to you.
  • Seeing a bouquet of roses in a dream and catching their aroma portends pure joy, which nothing can overshadow.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of flowers, roses. A bouquet in which the buds will be unopened promises stability of financial situation.
  • The dream “a bouquet of wild flowers” ​​foreshadows a very pleasant, joyful event.

English dream book

Family dream book

Freud's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet. Freud compares the bouquet with the groom and interprets dream plots based on this analogy.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of flowers. Seeing a bouquet of flowers portends changes in your personal life. Most likely, a fateful acquaintance will occur in the life of a lonely person. Those who have a couple will be able to enter into a marriage union.
  • Dream Interpretation: gladioli, bouquet. The long inflorescences of gladioli symbolize the male genital organ, the strength and power of the libido. A woman who has not had a sexual partner for a long time can see such a dream. A man dreams of gladioli in the morning, signifying an erection.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet. According to Freudian ideas about flowers, lilac symbolizes relationships between people, in particular, between partners. Sniffing a bouquet of lilacs in a dream predicts meeting a pleasant person.
  • The dream “lilacs, bouquet” may occur before a chance pleasant acquaintance, which, although tempting, will in fact turn out to be short and unpromising.
  • To see a bouquet of lilacs in a dream means to prepare for a conversation with a lady of your heart or a gentleman, during which shocking details of an intimate nature may emerge.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of red flowers. Red flowers in a dream show your passion and sexual desire. If you give such bouquets to someone in a dream, you have strong feelings for this person. If you received a bouquet from someone, it means that in life this person shows you signs of attention that you stubbornly ignore.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving a bouquet. The dream indicates a desire to strengthen an existing intimate relationship. Dream Interpretation: bouquet of roses.
  • Dream Interpretation: wedding bouquet. Such a dream speaks of the dreamer’s reluctance to part with his freedom. In fact, the prospect of marriage scares you.

A Guide to Dreams by D. Altman

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a bouquet of flowers means enjoying a wonderful time.
  • Dream Interpretation: receiving a bouquet of roses means participating in an entertainment event.
  • Dream Interpretation: catching the bride’s bouquet means getting good luck in business.
  • Dream interpretation: a bouquet of pink roses was given - inspiration in creativity, love.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bouquet of flowers in your hand - control your own destiny.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bouquet of gladioli - victory over the enemy; win the argument.
  • Dream Interpretation: a huge bouquet of roses - happiness in matters of the heart.
  • Dream Interpretation: two bouquets - a choice between two chosen ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a bouquet of red roses means accidentally finding yourself in an advantageous position.
  • Dream Interpretation: collecting flowers in a bouquet means putting things in order.
  • Dream Interpretation: a large bouquet of flowers is a big benefit from the deal.
  • Dream interpretation: a bouquet of red roses was presented - a declaration of love, a marriage proposal.
  • Dream Interpretation: making a bouquet of roses means overestimating the relationship with your partner.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bouquet of yellow flowers - separation from a loved one. Departure.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of snowdrops - sincere friendship that is just emerging.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man gives a bouquet of flowers - recognition in society, praise.
  • Dream Interpretation: gave a bouquet of pink roses - family happiness, respect, support in a difficult situation.
  • Dream interpretation: many bouquets of fresh flowers - longevity, excellent health, excellent physical shape.
  • Dream Interpretation: red tulips bouquet - a strong family hearth, deep strong love.
  • Dream Interpretation: black roses, bouquet - sadness, disappointment, unrealistic hopes, illness, death.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of “bouquet of flowers”. Esotericists tend to interpret dreams in which a bouquet is present as a manifestation of higher feelings and refined taste. But it all depends on the details of the dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams bouquet. If in a dream you tear off the petals of flowers and pinch the buds, this means that you are setting up failures and misfortunes for yourself with your own hands, but you are not ashamed of your emotions and do not hold back.
  • Dream Interpretation: a huge bouquet of red roses, elegantly folded and fragrant, foreshadows the dreamer an aristocratic reception.
  • To dream of a bouquet of red flowers that attract attention with their colors means increased emotionality. It sometimes gets out of control and can damage your reputation.
  • The dream book interprets a dry bouquet seen in a dream as a boring time, emptiness of the soul after joyful events that have occurred.
  • Dream interpretation: a bouquet of white flowers was given. White flowers in a dream are a harbinger of worries about the donor. A gift can have negative consequences.
  • Dream Interpretation: making a bouquet, picking flowers in a field or forest - such a dream promises the dreamer good luck and joy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a large bouquet of red roses, with a lush bow on it, speaks of a generous lover. This person has refined manners.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bouquet of yellow roses warns of the possibility of betrayal, and also foreshadows separation from a lover.
  • The dream book interprets a bouquet of white and red roses seen in a dream as inconsistency of feelings, confusion of impressions, joy through tears.
  • Dream interpretation: a bouquet of flowers in a vase. The vase is a symbol of relationships with a partner (male or female). A bouquet in a new vase indicates flirting; in a brightly painted vase - the superficiality of feelings.
  • The dream “bouquet in a vase,” in which the vessel is unattractive in appearance, speaks of fatigue from relationships and a desire to change partners. A bouquet in a cracked vase portends a break between partners.
  • “A bouquet of flowers in a vase” in a dream, if it was given to you by someone, then shows the desire of some person to get to know you better.
  • Dream Interpretation: receiving a bouquet of flowers from a man foreshadows the expenditure of great effort on organizing your personal life and its intimate sphere.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bouquet of roses from a stranger. If the bouquet exudes a divine aroma, the dream foretells bliss in bed with the person you love or adore.
  • Giving a bouquet of roses to someone in a dream speaks of boredom due to the constant presence of an obsessive, boring person in life.
  • To see a bouquet of birch branches in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing pleasant troubles in the family, an atmosphere of love and understanding.
  • Buying a bouquet in a dream means wanting to win the love of a certain person by any means, including deception. However, such tactics are unlikely to bring success, because you won’t be nice by force.
  • Seeing lilies of the valley and a bouquet in a dream. The dream foreshadows hours of tenderness and romance in the arms of a person who has been your friend for a long time.
  • Giving a bouquet of lilacs in a dream foretells a strong friendship with a new person.
  • The dream “you don’t like a bouquet of flowers” ​​means that the people you communicate with flatter you too much. The same applies to the sphere of love: your partner is not as sweet as he wants to seem, and you subconsciously notice this.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

  • Seeing a bouquet in a dream means having superiority over others. Also means a promise made or a loan of money.
  • Seeing a bouquet of roses in a dream - conveying dreams and love fantasies
  • A wedding bouquet in a dream means a promise of love to some person, flirtation, intrigue, but this is only flirting and nothing more shines for the poor fellow.
  • Seeing a bouquet of tulips in a dream means showing feminine charm and luring a man into your net with attractiveness.
  • The dream of a “bouquet of red flowers” ​​for a man is a symbol of false femininity and warns him against the tricks of familiar ladies.
  • Seeing a bouquet of tulips in a dream means naivety in communicating with a man who views women only as a sexual object.
  • A bouquet of yellow flowers in a dream speaks of reduced potential, an inability to maintain relationships at a certain level for a long enough time.
  • Seeing a bouquet of daisies in a dream is interpreted as an inexperience of a sexual partner who still has a lot to learn in bed.
  • The dream “bouquet of peonies” is a symbol of female sexuality and desirability for a partner.
  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of scarlet roses. The dream foreshadows love affairs tied to strong emotional dependence.
  • Dream interpretation: bouquet of pink flowers. The dream promises tender love pleasures and a quiet time for lovers.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet of burgundy roses? The dream book interprets this as a desire to show one’s sexuality, even to the point of dissolute behavior, in order to win the man of one’s dreams.
  • Dream interpretation: bouquet of black roses. The dream indicates the presence of sadistic tendencies in bed, a love of pain, humiliation and dependence.

Dream book for the whole family

Mirror dream book of psychological states

  • Seeing a bouquet of red roses in a dream - such a dream warns of danger and portends an anxious state. The compiler of the dream book gives an analogy with a traffic light, where red is a call to stop and slow down.
  • Receiving a bouquet of red roses in a dream can also symbolize strength and excitement.
  • Why do you dream of a large bouquet of pink roses? Pink flowers are interpreted as pure love, in which jealousy and nervousness are absent. Sleep means liberation from negativity, calming an excited state.
  • A bouquet of white flowers in a dream has an interpretation of spiritual and physical purity. Depending on religion, it can symbolize both life and death. Usually white flowers speak of sincerity, honesty, and morality.
  • Catching a bride's bouquet of white flowers in a dream foreshadows unmarried people getting married or getting married in a church. Sick people will be cleared of their diseases.
  • The dream “a bouquet of scarlet roses” shows raging love passions, even if they occur exclusively in the dreamer’s head. You can burn with desire and not be familiar with the object of passion. Red roses in a dream indicate that a person is wasting his energy and will very soon feel empty.
  • A black bouquet in a dream most often brings negative information. The dreamer is foreshadowed by various manifestations of evil and injustice, misfortune, misfortune, and troubles. A lot of negative emotions are expected. On the other hand, black flowers symbolize maturity, peace, humility. Not everyone will be able to withstand the attacks of fate with dignity, but those who can will gain inner strength and wisdom.

Ukrainian dream book of Dmitrenko

  • Dream Interpretation: bouquet of flowers. A bouquet breathing with freshness shows that joy awaits the person who sees such a dream.
  • Why do you dream about a bouquet? Warns the dreamer that a pleasant acquaintance and all kinds of happiness in matters of the heart with a gentleman or lady await him ahead.
  • The dream “kviti, bouquet” can also mean the emergence of laziness in a person.
  • The dream “bouquets of fresh flowers” ​​means that any business will be successful.
  • The dream of “receiving a bouquet of flowers” ​​describes an incident of toadying that can happen or has already happened in your life.
  • The dream of “plucking flowers into a bouquet” soon foreshadows the receipt of good news.
  • A large bouquet of roses in a dream that has withered means that things will go badly in love and the chosen one may decide to cheat.
  • When you are presented with a bouquet of flowers in a dream, expect an acquaintance soon that will bring many joyful moments.
  • Making a bouquet in a dream from flowers collected with your own hands portends tears.
  • A bouquet of white roses in a dream can be seen before great joy.
  • The interpretation of the dream bouquet may be such that changes in life await you.
  • Catching a bouquet in a dream for a girl foreshadows meeting potential suitors.
  • I dreamed of a pink bouquet - the dream is a harbinger of some joyful event.
  • Why do you dream about a bride’s wedding bouquet? And there will soon be a wedding celebration in your house.

Islamic dream book

  • Seeing bouquets of fresh flowers in a dream means that soon great prospects will open up for you to start a new business, and in general, to prove yourself in different areas of life.
  • The meaning of the dream “bouquet” is interpreted as betrayal of a husband or close friend if the flowers were dreamed of withered or withering.
  • Seeing bouquets of flowers in a dream is a good sign. The dream foreshadows a quiet time of leisure.
  • Why do you dream of bouquets of flowers? The dream is interpreted as a meeting with a person who loves you and for whom you have tender feelings.
  • Seeing a large bouquet of roses in a dream, the stems of which are broken, means impending troubles and a time of sorrow.
  • The dream “a huge bouquet of roses” may mean committing the wrong, rash actions, provided that you tore these roses yourself, trampling on other flowers.

Old Russian dream book

  • The interpretation of dreams “bouquet of flowers” ​​in the Old Russian dream book is presented in two popular directions:

Seeing a large bouquet of flowers in a dream means a pleasant acquaintance will be made;
- receiving a bouquet of roses in a dream means acquiring enviable constancy in the love sphere.

  • If in a dream you were given a bouquet of roses that looks like a broom, there will be material losses.
  • Seeing a wedding bouquet in a dream means attending a funeral.
  • Catching a bride’s bouquet in a dream and missing it means a blowjob is a major misfortune; you will be able to avoid trouble.
  • The dream of “catching a wedding bouquet” means bringing sorrow, grief and death.
  • Why do you dream about many bouquets of roses? The more bouquets, the deeper the sadness in the heart.
  • Seeing white flowers in a dream, or a bouquet of them, portends a wedding.

“Hints received in a dream” - D. and N. Zima

  • A bouquet of flowers in a dream, what does it mean? This dream shows you as a person who has bold hopes and plans the future with special care.
  • Did you have a dream about “bouquets of flowers”? In most cases, such dreams have a love background. However, other life values ​​can also be metaphorically described.
  • To see a huge bouquet of roses in a dream means to enlist the support of providence regarding any undertakings.
  • Seeing a bouquet of pink roses in a dream means experiencing almost childlike tenderness for the object of your affection.
  • To see a bouquet of roses that has withered in a dream means saying goodbye to plans and dreams. There is a high probability that due to slowness you are missing out on many opportunities.
  • Why dream of a bouquet of roses as a gift? Such a dream hints at a great feeling that a certain person experiences towards you.
  • Why dream of a bouquet of flowers given by a man? If they were white, then they figuratively show the sincerity of the admirer and the sincerity of his actions.
  • Why do you dream about “a man giving a bouquet of flowers”? If they were red in color, then the person has the courage to offer you ardent friendship in this way.
  • Did a man give a bouquet in a dream? If you really like the bouquet, then the dream predicts fatal passions.
  • If in a dream a man gives a bouquet of flowers, but some of the stems are broken and the petals of others are falling off, such a dream is a bad omen of separation from loved ones and a lot of tears.
  • The dream “a bouquet of pink roses with thorns” warns the dreamer that a loved one is being tempted by another woman or man and may commit treason.
  • I had a dream “a bouquet of roses that withered” - get ready for disappointment. Having decided to resurrect lost feelings, you will stumble upon your own insensitivity towards your former lover.

General dream book

Flowers and bouquets of them, seen in a dream, have their own interpretation in each dream book. This is natural, because every culture and every nation perceives the symbol of the same plant or its color differently. Dreams are not always prophetic in themselves. Often a person, having read the interpretation, begins to adjust his actions to it, plan his life according to the recommendations of the dream book, and thereby fulfill the prophecy. If you come across a negative interpretation of a dream, do not despair. This is not a verdict, but just a general assumption. Pay attention to recurring dreams in which you see a bouquet of flowers over and over again. Listen to your intuition, because sometimes it suggests much more than a collection of predictions can do.