Why do you dream about an office being robbed? Assault robbery

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Why do you dream about Robbery in a dream according to 7 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Robbery” symbol from 7 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Being robbed in a dream- you are tormented by anxiety about your future, it seems to you that you will feel bad and uncomfortable, you are constantly looking for reassurance in memories. In fact, everything is not as scary as you imagine. Be calmer, be less pessimistic about tomorrow, life will become much easier.

Seeing that you yourself are a participant in the robbery- soon you will be offered a risky venture, the success of which will be very doubtful, and the risk is quite high. Think again before accepting this offer.

A dream in which you saw another person being robbed- says that you achieved success at someone else's expense. You try to assure yourself that no one is to blame for this, but nevertheless you feel remorse. Perhaps a conversation with this person will bring you relief, but in order for you to decide to have this conversation, you need a certain mental strength.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To dream about how you rob someone yourself- to wealth.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Robbery - it will come out funny, you will laugh a lot.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Robbery with a weapon- to armed violence.

Medieval dream book

Seeing yourself robbed- this means being robbed by the people closest to you.

If a person sees that he has been robbed- this portends the loss of parents.

Seeing yourself robbed- foreshadows the deprivation of a relative.

Video: Why do you dream about Robbery?

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Did you dream about Robbery, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

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    I dressed up to visit a former employee at her new place of work and was amazed that it was a shabby, dirty workshop and the women working there were the same. They took my bag, I resisted, they beat me, they pushed me, I ran away, I called the police, but they didn’t want to look into it.

    Good afternoon! I had a dream in which a man I knew with a gun and a dog tried to rob our house. He burst into the house, I tried to lock the door but I didn’t have enough strength. When he entered the house a dog (black, fit, on high paws) ran into the house, but passed by as if not noticing me. The feeling of fear was very vivid. But I was able to talk to him and he left to rob others. When he left, the dog was not with him. Then a neighbor came running and said that this man had a clouding of his mind and was behind the death of his wife (in fact, she died several months ago).

    I was returning home with a friend (it was already dark), my grandparents were coming to meet me (I live with them) and as I approached the house I saw a light in the window, although we never leave it on, there is no one at home, I was scared and I immediately thought that there were thieves in our apartment, I ran into the entrance and heard some steps, immediately called my grandmother, called the police, and at that moment I woke up.

    I was with friends, it was night, we went into the museum, and for some reason there were packages with disks. my friends and I sat on a brown bench, then I left the museum, then I went in and I was wearing an ordinary blanket, I went into the museum and there were two women who worked in this museum, they didn’t let us out of the museum, we waited for the police, my friends and I talked about what we will be for this and that’s it!!!

    I, together with a group of people, robbed people who were sitting in some premises. There were three of us. And I led this group. The money we took was from me. After we finished, we left there. But I was alone, and this money remained with me. And the comrades who participated with me in the robberies were no longer there.

    Today, October 1, 2015, I had 2 dreams, the first at one in the morning. I dreamed that bailiffs were looking for me because I had not paid tax. I woke up from sleep. Then I fell asleep again
    And at 7 o’clock in the morning I had an even worse dream: It was as if I was buying 5 pillows as a gift for teachers, but there were no pillowcases included, I thought it was no problem. I open my wallet, and there are 2 holes cut in it and it is completely empty, there is no money or bank cards. And suddenly I discover. that there is no handbag either, but there is a passport and phone in it. I scream, I cry. And I can’t immediately understand where I should run, to the bank, to block the card, but I have neither a phone nor a passport, to the police, write a statement about the theft of my passport, or to MTS and block the phone. And then I woke up in fear. The clock showed 7 hours 10 minutes. What do these dreams mean? And yesterday, at 7 am, I also had a dream that I was left homeless and I also woke up in fear.

    I was sleeping at home alone and I heard that they were removing the window frame and they wanted to climb into the house, I then started screaming as if I was calling the police, he ran away, but then I noticed that the garage was already open and there was one girl walking in the house, an acquaintance (now I don’t remember who it was). I realized that there were a lot of robbers and it felt like they were all familiar and I realized that this would not end well, because I recognized them all by sight and then I begin to distract them, tea set up, set the table, as if I didn’t notice their intentions. And at one moment I ran out into the street and ran to the police, there was no one there and I stood there, not knowing what to do, then I woke up...

    Good afternoon Here is my dream: I am standing at the door of an apartment, but this is not my apartment! Someone's voices were heard behind the door! Looking through the peephole, I understand that these are robbers and they are already starting to break into my door. I grabbed something sharp and launched one of the robbers. After that, I injected it into his chest several times, but he was still standing. After that, he went to the bathroom, I grabbed a long knitting needle and stuck it in his throat, he died, but his face seemed familiar to me. I went to the second robber, but he had already run away. I will be very grateful to your site for deciphering this dream.

    I was sitting in the kitchen in a dream and heard someone opening the front door. I locked myself in the kitchen and hid. After waiting for him to leave, I went out and realized that he didn’t take anything. But I found strange wiring in the socket.. I understand that a mobile phone is connected to the wires

    I dreamed that all sorts of small things were stolen from my garage late at night. But I scared them away. Then I again saw that bricks were being stolen from my yard, I called my husband and we began to stop them. I grabbed one thief by the throat and began to shake him, at which time he began to offer me money so that I would leave behind and let them continue to steal.

    We recently went on vacation to another city. And on the last day before leaving, my mother and I went to the store, came back and my mother discovered that there was no wallet. This was reality. And we didn’t know how he could have disappeared, and then I had a dream that they followed us and pulled out a wallet from our bag. It was some kind of grandma. Then she disappeared into the entrance, before that I turned and saw her smiling as she entered the entrance. What does this all mean?

    Hello! I dreamed that I was walking along some private houses and fences, some guys attacked me, a fight broke out, and when I broke free and ran away, I discovered that there was no wristwatch. I wasn’t alone in the dream (I definitely didn’t see with whom).

    I again dreamed of robbing people.
    First I killed them with pistols, and then I took their money.
    It was a major robbery.
    At the end I remember showing this money to my significant other and being happy

    In winter (in the evening) I accidentally met a girl on the street. later a man attacked me and it turned out that she was at the same time with him... he demanded gold and so on... she didn’t give it back, she ran away. Later I found myself in some long building... I ran along the corridor and called for help. some men caught him. later I saw a robber in the room. he was sitting on the bed naked. there was blood on the floor next to him, he had been raped... for some reason I felt guilty.

    I was walking with a friend to the store and we decided to take a shortcut and go along the dark side of the street. A middle-aged man comes up with a knife and says; Turn around slowly and give back the gold and money.” Since I was wearing a hat and my earlobes were sticking out without earrings, he realized that I didn’t wear gold. I started talking to him, he put the knife away, promising not to do anything to me and said that he needed money. I gave him some cash that I had with me and he took out handcuffs on a long chain and fastened me to the fence, but not all the way so that I could pull it out. He left and called someone. After making sure that he was not visible, I freed myself from the handcuffs, somehow took them off the fence and took them with me. I ran to the store, and a friend was standing there talking on the phone. We went to the store, bought everything, and when we went outside there was a robber standing and talking on the phone. We quickly ran away from there and I said that I had the handcuffs with which he fastened me. A friend wanted to call the police and forced me to go to the police station, but I refused. It feels like this man was robbing not a passerby, but his own daughter. And when I walked onto this street, I knew that they would attack me, as if I was expecting this. And it was very much outside or winter, but everything happened at night. What would that mean?

    They tried to rob him three times, but without success, each time he fought back. They tried to break into the apartment twice, but I pushed them out of the apartment. Once outside in the yard, but equally unsuccessful.

    I work at a gas station, I dreamed that some man arrived in my new car. I thought it was stolen, but I didn’t say anything. And then two men came and began to clean up my place with the aim of robbing me, I managed to close the door in order to avoid this. And I woke up.

    In a dream, a girl came to me with a request and I gave her a significant amount of money. It was night outside, and here and there the lights were on. She quickly walked forward, but I still could not keep up with her. Then they attacked her and took her money, I couldn’t help, because there was a fence made of iron bars. I began to suspect that all this was planned in advance.

    I was in some apartment. It was very dark, gray and black colors predominated. My friend started knocking on the front door (according to the dream scenario, we lived together), I was still surprised why she was knocking because she had the keys. And as soon as I start walking towards the door to open it, the front door swings open. My friend stands in great horror and shock and behind her there is a man who covers her mouth with his hand and most likely has a knife in his other hand, but his face is not visible. Then he lets her go, she drives her into my apartment on the sofa and I understand that they came to rob us and I also understand that in this apartment I have my recent fee right in my purse, about $12,000, and I immediately understand that they will now find them and take them away. I’m sitting on the sofa and I start to fall into it and it’s as if I’m paralyzed with fear. All. I wake up at one in the morning. (This friend, I visited her and lived with her for a week in her city and returned from her only 2 days ago, we are very friendly and trust each other)

    I dreamed that I was robbing my ex-boyfriend’s apartment, and I only stole food. I knew that the keys were under the rug. Lastly, I took some candy and thought he owed me, looked in the mirror and there I was, but my hair was like my friend’s.

    the dream was completely unexpected for me! Well, that’s how it all happened..- me and my friend started talking to me about her name Katya! I woke up, she's still sleeping! I get up from the bed, go to the door, I opened it with my hand, she opened it and I saw there was no door handle, I went to my mother’s room and my mother was not there! I hear Slava Katya, a guy gets up and was talking to someone on the phone, I look out from my mother’s room and scream Slava, he yelled at me with his friends and shouted something, I run to my room, Katya is frightened and crying, I hug her on the bed and shout with her ! and then I woke up

    I dreamed that my parents and I came home and saw that we had been robbed
    my things were not where they usually are and my parents’ things were also missing in their room
    only during sleep I didn’t experience fear, is this normal?

    I saw in a dream that someone was tinkering with my castle from the back side, and I supposedly saw myself standing next to this door. Inside I start saying loudly that I’m going to call the police like that, I look through the peephole and it’s a woman, she opens the next door and leaves, I don’t know my neighbors well by sight, I wish my neighbor was also a tenant, just like I did.

    I dreamed that I arrived in a new area, but if in reality it is not new, I live in it now; A man came up to me and said that houses here are robbed regularly. I didn’t pay any attention to this. That same day there were strange sounds along the street, which meant they had come to rob me. At first they couldn’t open the gate, then my friend ran and opened it for them. A robber runs into the yard, and it turns out to be an acquaintance of mine, a neighbor who died. He was a good person, but then he became an alcoholic, etc. I shook hands with him, he said: “Well, hello, are you still here? Let’s hurry up.” He supposedly told me to take out the valuables faster, but then I answered: “I’m here for the first time, I don’t know what you want.” Then we started talking to him, all this time I thought that my friends would come to me and help stop him. But they didn’t. Soon I saw my friend running down the street, I was happy, and wanted to delay the robber longer so that he would come. Then it was all over.

    I arrived home and saw a robber with big eyes with black hair, an unwashed head and a bag looking at me
    Then I remember how they ran away in the fog, I grabbed something from them
    I called my mom, she didn’t answer, then my dad, he didn’t hear me, and then the police, but then again everything was a fog.
    I went into the house and everything was destroyed, but some money and equipment remained, but it was not my house, but the exterior was mine.
    Then many relatives came to me and helped me clean (I didn’t call them) they also prepared dinner for everyone

    I was standing at a bus stop, and some route pulled up where scammers and thieves came in (at that moment I covered the phone from them with my hand) and each of them wanted to take it, and one of them began to directly take it away from me because it was expensive, I didn’t want to give it away and resisted, but none of the people (there were quite a lot of them there) helped me and didn’t even look like it was completely normal

    I and some person in a disadvantaged area are looking for a place where we can call, since our car is broken. I know that I have money in my wallet and I realize that the area is very unsafe - there are often robberies. We successfully found the place from where we called and on the way back to the car, robbers suddenly appeared in front of us, beat us up and take our money. After this we get up and return to the car.

    This night I dreamed of 2 robberies
    The first robbery was the robbery of my apartment. In the dream, I assumed that they would rob my apartment at night and was on guard. In the morning, when I left the apartment, they began to rob her; they allegedly followed me in my sleep. But we arrived with our comrades and caught and filmed everything that was happening.
    The second dream is a robbery of a bank or cash-in-transit vehicle. I watched from the sidelines and couldn’t give any hints. But my loved ones died in this robbery (Dad, my beloved person)
    The next day after all this, they take me to the registry office and want to get married, but I run away and cry a lot, as if I don’t want to live anymore.

When interpreting a dream in which an apartment was robbed, two main nuances must be taken into account. On the one hand, the home symbolizes the person who is dreaming. Robbery of an apartment in this case will mean an attempt at excessive outside control or a violation of personal space.

On the other hand, the meaning of a dream can be interpreted in the opposite sense. A crime in a dream will not portend anything bad in real life. In order to find out what dreams of apartment robbery mean, you need to turn to several sources.

Dream interpretation

Different people may pay attention to both the psychological and symbolic aspects of the dream. Some sources consider apartment robbery to be a sign indicating an area of ​​life in which maximum vigilance must be exercised.

Compilers of other dream books give a burglarized apartment an exclusively positive meaning, foreshadowing good luck for the dreamer. To find out the most complete interpretation, it is necessary to study the explanations of several sources.

If you were involved in a crime?

Participation in an apartment robbery must be interpreted from a psychological point of view. The commission of this crime indicates the dreamer's strong character traits. Most likely, this person is going headlong towards his goal and does not always do it ethically.

When drawing up the meaning of a dream, it is important to consider what role was assigned to you— whether you were an organizer, a member of a criminal group, or committed an illegal act yourself. Each situation has a special meaning.

Nuances of values:

  • If the dreamer was the organizer of the crime, then in order to achieve the goal you will have to commit an act that does not meet moral standards or abandon some of your principles.
  • Be a group member committing a crime and obediently following the commands of the organizer means that in real life there are financial difficulties and easy income.
  • Participation in an apartment robbery for a person whose professional activity is related to trade, is a good sign. Business will flourish, new partners will appear, and financial problems will be eliminated in the near future.
  • If you took part in a robbery of a friend's apartment, then we will hear from him in the near future. The news can be happy or sad.
  • Some dream books associate participation in a robbery with mistakes from the past. Perhaps you offended someone without attaching importance to your actions, your character became the reason for the deterioration of your reputation, you need to try to correct the mistakes you made.
  • If you tried to break into an apartment with the aim of robbing it, but it didn’t work out, then in real life you are characterized by excessive secrecy and isolation. Such character traits cause difficulties in communicating with other people.

What are your feelings in a dream?

When interpreting an apartment robbery, it is important to take into account not only who committed the crime and whether the dreamer was involved in it, but also your own feelings. Some states can persist for a long time after awakening, for example, fear, panic or even joy and excitement. It is these nuances that can change the meaning of the situation seen. They should be interpreted separately.

The meaning of your own feelings:

  • If after waking up it persists feeling scared or panicked, the decision that you will have to make in the near future will be painful for you. It will be extremely difficult to make a choice.
  • Fear of reprisals in a dream means too much psychological pressure from relatives. Someone from your environment is trying to control all your actions.
  • Enjoy when participating in a robbery, it means that the dreamer has excessive cunning. To achieve your goal, you are ready for any tricks.
  • Bravely trying to stop the thieves and driving them out of the apartment means having a strong character and victory over enemies. You don't need outside help to achieve your goal.
  • Suffering in a dream during an apartment robbery, regardless of who committed the crime, means mental anguish that torments the dreamer due to excessive control by someone from his environment.

When there is aggression within one sex, there is no intervention from the other sex, especially for conflicts between women.

The attack is preceded by the dehumanization of the enemy, which facilitates the direct manifestation of the conflict.

In psychoanalysis, this behavior is associated with passive homosexuality.

Probably, in this case, the replacement of the symbolism of aggression with the symbolism of a safety valve, for example, a sports game in which, as is known, there are gender differences and competitions take place within the same gender.

Interpretation of dreams from Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation - Attack

Attacking someone in a dream with unfair accusations and reproaches is a warning not to be undeservedly insulted. Being attacked by biased criticism means that you will soon receive the long-awaited money.

If someone suddenly attacks you in a dream from an ambush, it means that you are in danger on the road. A dream in which a drunk man attacks you with a pitchfork means that you have or will have personal enemies who will begin to annoy you in every possible way.

A dream in which you are attacked by witches and other evil spirits foreshadows the disruption of affairs both at work and at home. Defending yourself with a spear from the evil dwarfs attacking you means that in reality you will refute all accusations against you, proving your honesty. Attacking someone with a knife in your hands means that in reality you will show bad traits of your character by treating your friends unfairly.

A dream in which sharks attack you predicts failures that will plunge you into extreme despair. If a whale attacks the ship you are sailing on board in the ocean and overturns it, in reality this will result in an accident or illness for you.

Snakes attacking you means that you will find yourself a powerless victim in the hands of your enemies. If an angry cat attacks you, biting hard and trying to scratch out your eyes, this is a threat of loss of property and reputation in the course of an unequal litigation that will cost all your savings.

Interpretation of dreams from

Robbery is an unpleasant situation that many people find themselves in, but sometimes such an incident can even be a dream. If a person is interested in the question: “Why did I dream that I was robbed?”, he should carefully read this article.

What if I dream about being robbed?

“Why do I dream that I was robbed?” - a question that worries many people, because a dream is unlikely to evoke positive thoughts. In fact, a vision in which a person is robbed does not necessarily have a negative interpretation. Rather, on the contrary, such a dream often means that in reality a person will experience major acquisitions and sudden joys. The most important thing is not to miss the very expected positive moment.

If in a dream a robbery is committed with the help of a weapon, it means that in real life a person will face sudden and serious dangers. These hazards may be predictable or unexpected, but if not prepared for, they can cause serious harm to your health.

A dream in which a person himself is a participant in criminal acts means that in reality the owner of the vision will receive a tempting offer. It’s just because of this tempting offer that you can end up in an uncomfortable and stressful situation. It is worth carefully considering every decision you make so that you do not end up facing the consequences of your own frivolity and short-sightedness.

In many dream books, robbery is a sign of acquisitions and future wealth that will overtake a person unexpectedly. Perhaps such a vision predicts financial success, but the person himself will have to work on realizing the dream in real life.

A dream in which a person was robbed on the street means that there are several suspicious personalities in his life. Perhaps excessive kindness towards others will play a cruel joke on the owner of the dream, making him bitterly regret his own soft heart in the future.

If in a dream the apartment of the owner of the vision is robbed, it means that in the future uninvited guests will visit his home. Most likely, these people will not bring the most joyful news and emotions, but hospitality will force them to be accepted. Also, such a vision can mean sudden crises in your personal life. Relations with family members will become very tense, and in order to get out of this difficult situation, the owner of the vision will have to show all his wisdom.

A vision in which a person is robbed, but retains all the most valuable things that he had with him, has an excellent interpretation. Such a dream means that minor problems and everyday failures will not affect the positive picture of the future. Also, this vision may mean that the machinations of ill-wishers will not affect the life of the person himself, allowing him to continue to achieve success.

What does it portend?

A dream in which several people are robbed at once usually predicts trouble on all fronts. Most likely, in the near future, both family relationships and career prospects will be under serious threat.

A dream in which the owner of the vision is beaten and robbed has a negative interpretation. Such a dream foreshadows imminent and unexpected troubles. These problems can be related to both personal life and career success.

If, as a result of a robbery, a person receives a knife or bullet wound, it means that in reality he will face serious trials. Such tests can strengthen character, and after going through them, a person will finally achieve the long-awaited success.

A dream in which a person is robbed by a friend and loved one foreshadows a breakdown in relations with this person in reality. Moreover, a breakdown in relationships can occur on personal grounds, and will have serious consequences. If one of the family members becomes a robber, then some kind of disaster will happen in the house. Such a nuisance can be caused by a simple everyday problem or a serious quarrel between family members.

Robbery in a dream almost never foreshadows a similar incident in real life, but it often has a negative interpretation. It is quite possible that a person will have to go through many trials, but a correctly interpreted dream will prepare its owner for future problems.