260 g of rice how many spoons. How many grams of rice (dry, boiled) are in a tablespoon? How many grams of dry rice in a tablespoon

To cook rice porridge or any dishes that include rice, you need to measure a certain amount of rice in grams according to the recipe, but what to do if you don’t have scales at home? Let's look at how to measure rice using a glass and find out how many grams of rice are in a glass (200 ml, 250 ml).

How many grams of rice are in a faceted glass (200 ml)?

A full cut glass of rice, filled to the brim, holds 225 grams of rice.

1 faceted glass filled to the top holds 180 grams of rice.

How many grams of rice are in a 250 ml glass (in a thin glass)?

One 250 ml glass filled to the brim holds 280 grams of rice.

One 250 ml glass filled to the top holds 225 grams of rice.

Answers to popular questions, how to measure rice in grams using a faceted glass?

  • 900 grams of rice - how many glasses? 900g rice = 4 full cut glasses of rice, filled to the brim.
  • 800 grams of rice - how many glasses? 800 g of rice = 4 faceted glasses of rice, filled to the brim + 4 tablespoons of rice without a slide.
  • 700 grams of rice - how many glasses? 700 g of rice = 3 cups of rice, filled to the top (to the brim) + 1 heaped tablespoon of rice.
  • 600 grams of rice - how many glasses? 600 g of rice = 3 cups of rice, filled to the brim + 3 tablespoons of rice without a slide.
  • 500 grams of rice is how many glasses? 500 g of rice = 2 full faceted glasses of rice, filled to the brim + 2 heaped tablespoons of rice.
  • 400 grams of rice - how many glasses? 400 g of rice = 2 faceted glasses of rice, filled to the brim + 2 tablespoons of rice without a slide.
  • 300 grams of rice - how many glasses? 300 g of rice = 1 full faceted glass of rice, filled to the top + 3 heaped tablespoons of rice.
  • 250 grams of rice - how many glasses? 250 g of rice = 1 full glass of rice, filled to the brim + heaped tablespoon of rice.
  • How much is 200 grams of rice in a glass? 200 g of rice = 1 faceted glass of rice, filled to the brim + 1 tablespoon of rice without a slide.
  • 150 grams of rice is how many glasses? 150 g of rice = 6 heaped tablespoons of rice.
  • 100 grams of rice - how many glasses? 100 g of rice = approximately half a cut glass of rice = 4 heaped tablespoons of rice.

It is more convenient to measure a small amount of rice using a regular tablespoon, so we advise you to read the article:

Housewives often face the problem of measuring ingredients. Meanwhile, the process is very important for preparing delicious dishes for guests and family. It’s easy to take measurements when you have a scale in the kitchen, but if you don’t have one, you can easily find out the mass of the component using kitchen utensils.

Measure of weight in a glass

Many instructions for preparing delicious dishes indicate ingredients in grams. Housewives often do not have the opportunity to weigh the ingredients. For some foods (yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, kefir), this process is significantly difficult, since it cannot be placed on the scale. You can correctly measure the ingredients in a measuring cup, but this kitchen item is not always available. Then it’s easy to weigh bulk and liquid components using:

  • teaspoon and tablespoon;
  • plastic, glass cup;
  • cans with a volume of one and a half or one liter.

To correctly apply the second method, you need to know exactly how many grams are in a faceted glass, and it should be taken into account that each component has its own measure of mass for a specific volume, so it is important to study special tables that show the weight of products. Liquid ingredients should be poured in, and solid and viscous ingredients should be poured or transferred with a spoon. You will get the correct measure of how many grams are in a glass if you fill the container almost to the top. There should be approximately 1 millimeter between the edge of the container and the ingredient.

How many grams of flour are in a glass

Sometimes recipes for delicious baked goods indicate the amount of this bulk ingredient in grams, so it is useful for housewives who do not have the opportunity to use a kitchen scale to know how much flour is in a glass. Inside the faceted container, which people have been accustomed to using since ancient times, 130 g of wheat product is placed. If you use a more modern vessel that has a capacity of 250 ml, you will scoop 160 g at a time. When it comes to corn, the capacity is 130 g and 160 g, it depends on the volume of the container. Potato flour weighs 150 g, 180 g.


The amount of granulated sugar inside the container needs to be known when making original desserts, pastries and jams. Such sweet dishes require a large amount of the ingredient, so measuring how many grams of sugar are in a glass is convenient. Having determined what volume the container is, you can begin counting the required mass of the component:

  • a 200 ml glass contains 180 g of sugar;
  • A 250 ml glass holds 200 g.


Rice cereal is a popular raw material for preparing delicious dishes from the cuisines of different countries. If you want to create an interesting product, you need to use the exact amount of an ingredient. Such recipes will require knowledge of how many grams of rice are in a glass. A 200 ml container will contain 180 g of white cereal. If the cup capacity is 250 ml, you can pour 240 g of product into it. When cooking, you need to remember that you must strictly follow the proportions of rice and water so that the result comes out the way you need.


The most common liquid on the planet is a measure of the volume of dishes. Knowing how much water is in a cut glass helps determine that it is 200 grams. The tea version of this container contains 250 ml of liquid. Experienced housewives use these measurements as a starting point when determining the mass of food without the help of a kitchen scale. The indicated nominal volume of the container depends on the water content inside, since this substance completely fills the container due to its density and elasticity. This fact is known to many from school physics courses.


Tasty and healthy buckwheat has a shape close to spherical. When filling a container with it, you can see small gaps between the grains, so the indicators of how many grams of buckwheat in a glass differ from the amount of rice in the same container. A little less buckwheat will fit inside - this fact must be taken into account when preparing your favorite dishes. The faceted version of the dish holds 165 g of product, the tea version – 210 g.


Liquid milk, like water, fills the container completely and has a high density. However, there are several products based on it. A glass of milk - how many grams:

  • Dry milk concentrate fits into a 200 milliliter container in the amount of 100 g; 250 ml will contain 120 g.
  • Condensed milk weighs 250 g and 300 g.
  • A whole milk product will weigh 200 g inside a faceted one and 250 g for a thin one.

Sour cream

Sour cream is often used by chefs. A large amount of it may be required to prepare original sauces, delicious pastries or other desserts. The thick mass is an excellent substitute for mayonnaise. The weight of a fermented milk product is slightly lower than that of sweet condensed milk, so for a certain container its weight will be less. A glass of sour cream - how many grams:

  • a 200 ml glass can hold 210 g of product;
  • 250 ml will contain the same amount of sour cream.


Kefir is considered a dietary and very healthy product. Housewives often use it to create sauces, gravies and dough. When preparing these dishes, it is important to use a certain amount of fermented milk drink. Knowledge will come in handy here: 1 glass of kefir - how many grams does it contain? A liquid product can occupy the entire space of the container, so experts have long determined how many grams are in a faceted glass of kefir and tea. The result is no different from the weight of the milk.


Salt is often measured in tablespoons or teaspoons since most recipes require little. However, such weight measures may be inconvenient when creating brines or salting lard. Such dishes require awareness of how much salt is in a glass: a thin glass contains 320 g; the usual faceted measuring stick will hold 220 g. Such values ​​are due to the high specific gravity of salt.


To make tasty and healthy porridge for their child, mothers use semolina. This raw material is an integral part of pies, casseroles and cutlets. In order not to make a mistake with the proportion, you need to determine exactly how many grams of semolina are in a glass. It has been known since ancient times that 160 g of this type of cereal can be placed inside a faceted container. However, there are times when it is more convenient to use a thin one: such a vessel will hold 200 g of semolina.


Light oatmeal is an essential component of the diet of people on diets. It is able to gently envelop the stomach, preventing damage to the walls of this organ. Vegetarians use rolled oats as an alternative to eggs because the flakes become sticky when wet. In addition, the product contains many useful substances. How many grams of oatmeal in a glass:

  • inside faceted – 80 g;
  • inside thin-walled - 100 g.


Since ancient times, peas have been used as the basis for a large number of dishes: soups, jelly, casseroles, and porridges and purees were prepared from legumes. Such popularity of the culture, which came to us from eastern countries, is explained by its nutritional value, calorie content and a huge supply of nutrients. In modern kitchens, pea raw materials are often used. Consuming the product will help you lose weight and cleanse your body of harmful toxins and waste.

Producing tasty dishes is determined by using the correct proportions. A glass of peas - how many grams:

  • 200 ml will hold 185 g of raw materials;
  • tea – 230 g.


The popularity of the fruit in modern kitchens is explained by the combination of taste and benefits. Nuts have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular systems, and brain. Women who are losing weight should not consume a lot of the product, since it has a high calorie content. Housewives add walnuts to sauces, meats, and sweets. A small amount of it can be eaten separately. How many walnuts are in a glass.

Rice is used in almost every home when preparing various dishes and as a side dish, so it will be useful for many to learn how to weigh rice without scales in grams at home, as well as how much rice (dry and boiled) fits in one tablespoon or teaspoon.

How many grams of dry rice are in a tablespoon?

One heaped tablespoon holds 24 grams of dry rice.

1 tablespoon contains 12 grams of dry rice without a slide.

How many grams are in a tablespoon of boiled rice?

One tablespoon contains 30 grams of boiled rice with a heap (the heap is not very large, since boiled rice sticks together and you can put a very large portion into a spoon).

1 tablespoon contains 15 grams of boiled rice without a slide.

How many grams of dry rice are in a teaspoon?

One teaspoon contains 8 grams of dry rice with a slide.

1 teaspoon contains 5 grams of dry rice without a slide.

How many calories are in 1 tablespoon of boiled rice?

The calorie content of 1 heaped tablespoon of boiled rice is approximately 35 calories.

One level tablespoon of boiled rice contains 17 calories.

Answers to popular questions on the topic: how to measure rice in grams without scales using a tablespoon?

Let's consider below the most popular calculations of the required number of spoons of rice in order to measure the required mass of rice, both dry and boiled:

Measure cooked rice with a tablespoon

  • 300 grams of boiled rice is how many tablespoons? 300 g of boiled rice = 10 heaped tablespoons of boiled rice (not very large).
  • 200 grams of boiled rice is how many tablespoons? 200 g of boiled rice = 6 heaped tablespoons of boiled rice + 1 heaped tablespoon.
  • How many tablespoons are 100 grams of boiled rice? 100 g of boiled rice = 3 heaped tablespoons of boiled rice + 1 level tablespoon.
  • How many tablespoons are 50 grams of boiled rice? 50 g of boiled rice = 1 heaped tablespoon of boiled rice + small mounded tablespoon.

Measure dry rice using a tablespoon

  • How many tablespoons are 500 grams of rice? 500 g rice = approximately 21 heaping tablespoons of rice.
  • How many tablespoons is 400 grams of rice? 400 g of rice = 16 heaped tablespoons of rice + 1 level tablespoon.
  • 300 grams of rice is how many tablespoons? 300 g of rice = 12 heaped tablespoons of dry rice + 1 level tablespoon.
  • How many tablespoons is 260 grams of rice? 260g rice = approximately 11 heaping tablespoons of rice.
  • How many tablespoons is 250 grams of rice? 250 g of rice = 10 heaped tablespoons of rice.
  • How many tablespoons is 200 grams of rice? 200 g of rice = 8 heaped tablespoons of rice + 1 heaped teaspoon of rice.
  • How many tablespoons is 150 grams of rice? 150 g of rice = 6 heaped tablespoons of rice + 1 heaped teaspoon of rice.
  • How many tablespoons is 120 grams of rice? 120 g of rice = 5 level tablespoons of dry rice.
  • 80 grams of rice is how many tablespoons? 80 g of rice = 3 heaped tablespoons of rice + 1 heaped teaspoon.
  • 75 grams of rice is how many tablespoons? 75 g of rice = 3 heaped tablespoons of rice.
  • How many tablespoons is 70 grams of rice? 70 g of rice = 3 level tablespoons of rice + 2 level tablespoons of dry rice.
  • How many tablespoons is 60 grams of rice? 60 g of rice = 2 heaped tablespoons of rice + 1 heaped tablespoon of rice.
  • How many tablespoons is 50 grams of rice? 50 g rice = approximately 2 heaped tablespoons of rice.
  • 40 grams of rice is how many tablespoons? 40 g rice = 1 heaped tablespoon of rice + 2 heaped teaspoons of dry rice

You will also be interested in learning how to measure a large amount of rice using a faceted glass (read in the article.

So that you decide to cook, for example, rice porridge, pilaf or, finally, cabbage rolls, the filling of which includes rice, you may need to measure out 100 grams of this cereal. It’s good if scales are permanent inhabitants of your kitchen, but what if the reality is far from ideal? We will now tell you how to use improvised objects (spoons, glasses), and how exactly.


Knowing that a tablespoon filled with rice holds 20 grams, we can easily measure 100 grams of cereal. Just scoop up 5 spoons.

About 17 grams can fit in a spoon filled with cereal, but without a slide. Thus, 100 grams of rice is 6 heaped tablespoons.


It is not difficult to measure the amount of rice indicated in the recipe using a teaspoon. Yes, it will be somewhat more tedious and longer than if you used the first method, but it will not affect the accuracy of the result in any way.

One teaspoon holds 8 grams. How many times will you need to dip the spoon into the bowl of cereal to measure out the required portion? That's right, a little over 12.
A level teaspoon holds even less rice - only 5 grams. Don't lose count when you count out 20 spoons.


You can’t write off, if necessary, measure out 100 grams of rice and a faceted glass (if you don’t have one, then use any 250-gram glass). Typically, the net weight of a glass filled to the brim with rice is 230 grams. Therefore, 100 grams is a little less than half a glass.

For many who read the title, the word glass brought up the image of a measuring cup. This is not surprising, because quite often housewives turn to him for help when the need arises to measure the exact amount of any cereal or spice. On the walls of such a glass there are notches, each of which indicates the exact weight of the substance in the glass.

Dear visitors to our portal, perhaps in your culinary practice you also faced the need to measure 100 grams of rice, but you didn’t have a kitchen scale at hand, share with other readers of the online magazine site in the comments to this article, how did you get out of this situation?

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How many grams are in a glass?

To measure the weight of products in the absence of scales, you can use the old proven method: measure the weight of a particular ingredient in a faceted or thin glass, which is also often called a tea glass. To find out the volume of a glass, it is customary to take water. So 1 glass of water, in a faceted glass is 200 ml and 250 ml in a thin glass. Naturally, instead of water, some product will be used when measuring. Often the amount of flour, sugar, salt, and milk is measured in a glass. Often, cereals are measured using glasses, for example, a glass of rice, semolina or buckwheat. Also, quite often, many people try to find out how many grams are in a glass of sour cream or kefir. One way or another, glasses can be used to measure a huge number of different products, both bulk and liquid, viscous and even piecemeal, such as berries.

Table of weights and measures

Measure of food weight in grams

ProductThin glass - 250 gFaceted glass - 200 g
Legumes ↴
Peas230 185
Peas, unshelled200 175
Beans220 175
Lentils210 170
Mushrooms ↴
Dried mushrooms100 80
Cereals ↴
Hercules90 70
Buckwheat210 170
Corn grits180 145
Semolina200 160
Oatmeal170 135
Pearl barley230 185
Wheat groats180 145
Millet groats220 180
Rice groats230 185
Barley groats180 145
Rice230 180
Sago180 160
Oatmeal140 110
Corn flakes50 40
Oat flakes100 80
Wheat flakes60 50
Oils and fats ↴
Melted margarine230 180
Melted animal butter240 185
Vegetable oil225 180
Melted butter245 195
Ghee240 185
Rendered lard245 205
Milk and dairy products ↴
Kefir250 200
Milk250 200
Condensed milk300 220
Powdered milk120 95
Ryazhenka250 200
Cream250 210
Sour cream 10%250 200
Sour cream 30%250 200
Flour and flour products ↴
Pasta230 190
Potato flour180 150
Corn flour160 130
Wheat flour160 130
Drinks ↴
Water250 200
Juices250 200
Nuts ↴
Peanuts, shelled175 140
Cedar140 110
Almond160 130
Crushed nuts120 90
Hazelnut170 130
Seasonings ↴
Potato starch160 130
Poppy155 120
Powdered sugar190 140
Ground crackers130 110
Vinegar250 200
Sweets ↴
Honey415 330
Fruit puree350 290
Sauces ↴
Mayonnaise230 180
Tomato sauce220 180
Spices ↴
Pile sugar200 140
Granulated sugar200 160
Salt325 260
Dried fruits ↴
Raisin165 130
Dried apples70 55
Berries ↴
Cowberry140 110
Cherry165 130
Blueberry200 160
Blackberry190 150
Strawberries170 140
Strawberry150 120
Cranberry145 115
Gooseberry210 165
Raspberry180 145
Fresh rowan160 130
Red currant175 140
Black currant155 125
Cherries165 130
Blueberry200 160
Mulberry195 155
Eggs ↴
Egg powder100 80
Egg without shell6 pcs-
Egg white11 pcs9 pcs
Egg yolk12 pcs10 pcs