Malignant leaf-shaped fibroadenoma after removal treatment. Phylloid or leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland: how to treat pathological proliferation of glandular and connective tissue of the milk ducts. Surgery and rehabilitation

Hello, today our topic is tumor mammary gland with the name leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary glands is a leaf-shaped fibroadenoma or phyllodes tumor.

The second name is considered more correct, because such neoplasms are a whole group of tumors that behave with to varying degrees aggressiveness. We will talk about how dangerous this disease is and what promising treatment methods exist today.

Phyllodes (phylloides) is a word of Greek origin. It just means “leaf-shaped”. The structure of the neoplasm tissue is dominated by connective tissue cells (stroma), but may contain elements of mammary gland lobules.

Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary glands is uncommon (about 0.5% of all fibroadenomas) and in half of the cases it is benign (not cancer). Unfortunately, the other half is:

  • borderline formations tending to malignancy (malignancy);
  • malignant tumors (these formations account for about a quarter of all cases of detection of phylloids).

A leaf-shaped tumor rarely leaves the breast, although its most aggressive form can metastasize (spread its cells through the bloodstream throughout internal organs: liver, bone structures or lungs) or develop into sarcoma. Phyloid usually does not metastasize to the lymph nodes.

The reasons for the development of these neoplasms have not been fully established. But it is believed that the leading role in their appearance is played by hormonal imbalance (lots of estrogen, little progesterone). Therefore, the peak incidence occurs during the phases of maximum hormonal instability in a woman’s life (puberty 11-20 years, premenopause and menopause 40-50 years).

The disease is diagnosed using methods, MRI and biopsy examination.

Signs of pathology

Having dealt with phylloides - what it is and how dangerous the formation is, let’s consider how it manifests itself. Tumor growth can be divided into 2 phases:

  • slow growth and stability (can last for decades);
  • sudden rapid increase in size.

On average, such formations grow to a size of 5-9 cm. But unique cases of tumor growth up to 45 cm have been described. Such a tumor weighed about 7 kg.

Oddly enough, the size of the tumor does not matter for prognosis. Rapid division (proliferation) of cells and proliferation of phyllodes does not indicate malignancy. Large formations may be benign and not malignant. Small ones, on the contrary, can be aggressive.

The symptoms of leaf-shaped fibroadenomas are not specific - it is a nodule detected by the patient herself or a mammologist in the breast area. Knot:

  • painless;
  • mobile;
  • dense.

Only with serious growths of the stroma are additional signs observed:

  • thinning of the skin;
  • its redness and cyanosis;
  • expansion of saphenous veins;
  • pain.

This type of neoplasm is most often found in the upper part of the mammary gland and its outer quadrants. With a gigantic size, the phylloides can occupy the entire volume of the gland or most of it. You can see what the formation looks like in the photo.


Traditionally, treatment of phyllodes involves the affected gland (the tumor and 2-3 cm of healthy tissue are removed). This type of tumor is not “husked” because leaf-shaped tumors are potentially malignant.

Radical resection is performed only if the formation reaches large sizes, then reconstructive plastic surgery is done with autologous tissues or with the help of. Neither hormonal nor radiation therapy is indicated. Regional lymph nodes are usually not removed.

New technologies in medicine have made it possible to offer patients gentle methods of therapy:

  • laser therapy (an LED is applied to the formation, the laser beam heats, killing cells, the operation is low-painful and practically bloodless);
  • cryoablation (the method involves introducing argon into the formation, the tumor freezes and gradually resolves);
  • high-frequency ablation (tumor tissue is heated to temperatures that cause cell death and removed through a mini-incision under ultrasound control);
  • mammotomy (ultrasound biopsy), the operation is performed with a robotic device under ultrasound control, the tissue incision is minimal (up to 0.6 cm), sufficient local anesthesia;
  • echo therapy - during the treatment process, tumor cells are destroyed by targeted percutaneous exposure to waves in the ultrasound range; tissues are not cut or punctured.

Unfortunately, these methods are applicable for tumors no more than 3.5 cm in diameter. That's why surgical intervention has not lost its relevance.


After surgery or use the latest methods During treatment, regular examination by a mammologist and monitoring of the condition of the mammary glands is required. Since an unpleasant feature of leaf-shaped tumors is their tendency to recur:

  • benign - re-formed in approximately 8% of cases;
  • borderline relapse in 25% of cases;
  • malignant variants tend to recur in 20% of cases.

The phylloides most often recurs within the next 2-4 years after getting rid of the tumor. Moreover, there is a risk of transformation of benign forms into borderline ones, and borderline forms into malignant ones. Mastectomy reduces this risk.

After removal of a benign tumor, the prognosis is quite favorable. Subject to the recommendations of the attending physician. After treatment of malignant forms, prognostic data are less optimistic, but compared to other forms of cancer they also look quite encouraging.

With this we say goodbye to you. We hope our article helped to understand the situation, and you will share the information with your friends via social networks.

Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland has many synonyms: phyllodes cystosarcoma, phyllodes fibroadenoma, fibrosarcoma. This neoplasm accounts for about 2-5% of cases of all types of fibroadenomas.

Causes of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma

A huge number of factors can influence the occurrence of this tumor. The main culprits of the neoplasm:

  1. Heredity - tumor processes can be transmitted from generation to generation, which is associated with mutations in some genes;
  2. Metabolic disorders - obesity and atherosclerosis presumably affect the formation of tumor processes, although there is no exact data yet;
  3. Failure in hormonal status - the likelihood of illness is higher in people with problems thyroid gland, ovaries. This is especially true for tumors that can produce additional hormones. This phenomenon is easily explained - the glands are hormone-dependent, so they immediately fall under hormonal attack;
  4. Early menstruation, a huge number of abortions, early menopause also increase the risk of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma;
  5. Dietary features – a large amount of meat and fats is dangerous in terms of the occurrence of a benign process in the gland;
  6. Radiation background - irradiation promotes the degeneration of healthy cells;
  7. Taking hormonal medicines and COC.

Tissue structure

There are three stages of development of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma:

Benign tumor - there is a clearly defined capsule, there are few or no atypical cells, the cells lack mitotic activity (they do not divide). Fibrous and glandular tissue are evenly distributed;

Malignant leaf-shaped fibroadenoma – the capsule is no longer there, fibrous tissue in large quantities and significantly predominates over the ferrous component. Cells are actively dividing, which leads to an increase in the number of atypical cells. Tumor growth in the breast tissue is observed.

The borderline process is the division of atypical cells, although the process is not yet active. Slow growth of cancer into organ tissue may be observed.


If the tumor is small, it does not appear, but it can be detected through a thorough examination of the gland and diagnostic measures. As the node enlarges, a nagging pain appears in the organ; there may be discomfort. If the size of the formation exceeds 3 cm, then the skin above it becomes thin, almost transparent, shiny, and dilated veins are clearly visible. When located close to the skin, a bulging node appears, which spoils the appearance of the organ, causing moral suffering to the woman. The tumor itself is large, densely elastic, the edges are clearly palpable.

As the tumor grows and invades neighboring tissues, constant pain appears in the gland, and sometimes clear discharge from the nipple is observed.

A malignant leaf-shaped tumor gives hematogenous metastases. In most cases, the lungs and bones are affected. Metastasis through the lymphatic tract is not typical for this neoplasm, so nearby lymph nodes rarely increase in size.

Leaf fibroadenoma develops into cancer in about 5% of cases.


  • The results of mammography reveal a dense round or oval node with a sharply defined, smooth edge. In rare cases, the tumor contains foci of calcification (calcifications).
  • Ultrasound examination can detect a tumor with a clear contour and small cysts.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging is a highly effective method for diagnosing leaf-shaped fibroadenoma. The images clearly visualize a tumor with a lobular structure. This study carried out with or without contrast, this is necessary for a more detailed diagnosis. MRI helps to clarify the size, nature and type of tumor, and the extent of surgical intervention.
  • Radioculide study is carried out in cases where other studies have not been able to accurately determine the type of tumor.
  • A biopsy in the case of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is performed, but its effectiveness is very low - approximately 30%.
  • If suspected, bones and lungs are examined. To exclude lung damage, a plain radiography is done. For bone pain and pathological fractures, a scintigraphic examination is performed.


If the tumor is small and there are no signs of malignancy, sectoral resection of the organ is resorted to. In this case, the affected sector of the mammary gland is excised, capturing healthy tissue, this helps reduce the number of relapses of the disease. If the doctor decided to take care of the patient and performed enucleation - removal of only the tumor with a capsule - this will result in a recurrence of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma for the woman.

If there is a large tumor that changes the appearance of the mammary gland, they resort to. The peculiarity of the operation for this form of cancer is the preservation of lymph nodes. Subsequently, cosmetic reconstructive surgeries with implants are performed.

If a malignant leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is detected, the affected gland is removed and then the woman undergoes chemotherapy.


Disease in most cases proceeds favorably. Early detection of the tumor allows the node to be quickly removed and the woman returns to ordinary life. With sectoral resection, the recurrence rate of fibroadenoma is only 20%.

During enucleation surgery, the probability of recurrence of the disease is 100%!

At malignant degeneration everything will depend on the woman herself and the response to the treatment.


There is no specific prevention. But there is a chance to reduce the risk of developing leaf-shaped fibroadenoma if you follow a number of measures

To do this you need:

  • lead healthy image life, preferably with high physical activity;
  • change your diet - increase the amount of seafood and sea fish;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • avoid stress;
  • follow recommendations for the treatment of chronic diseases.

For early diagnosis of the process you need to examine your mammary glands yourself for lumps and lumps, and visit the examination room annually. Since the small size of the tumor node sometimes does not allow it to be detected during examination, it is extremely important to undergo ultrasound and mammography of the mammary glands if necessary.

Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland carries the potential danger of developing into malignancy. Diagnosis of this pathology early stages can prevent such a serious complication, although the risk of the tumor becoming malignant is 3-5% of all existing cases. A special peak is observed in those age groups, where the greatest hormonal surges occur, and this is in the period from 11 to 20 years and from 40 to 50 years.

What is this new formation?

Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the breast is a tumor, most often of a benign type and having a borderline state between fibroadenoma and malignant sarcoma. It belongs to the group of fibroepithelial neoplasms. Its name is justified due to the special structure in which leaf veins can be traced.

If we consider this neoplasm from a description point of view, we can highlight the following characteristics:

  1. Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma can reach a size from 1 to 35 cm and have a round or irregular oval shape.
  2. The tumor has a shade from grayish-white to pink, it is very mobile and has demarcations from the surrounding tissues.
  3. If a leaf-shaped neoplasm reaches a size greater than 5 cm, it always has cracks, as well as cystic cavities.
  4. When examining a leaf-shaped fibroadenoma in section, you can see a mass of viscous mucus; it is also prone to the presence of one or several nodules.
  5. If the neoplasm is large, then polyp-like growths are possible in the cystic cavities.
  6. The structure of the tumor is expressed as lobular, and it itself does not have its own capsule.
  7. If we compare leaf-shaped fibroadenoma with a regular adenoma, then in the first case the structure of the tumor will be more complex, and the presence of large quantity stromal cells (connective tissue component).

In addition, as already mentioned, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma can degenerate and in this regard it is customary to distinguish 3 forms of such a tumor:

  • border;
  • malignant;
  • benign.

This neoplasm is prone to rapid growth or it is possible that the tumor develops over a long period of time, which is then replaced by sudden growth. In this regard, the clinical symptoms such a pathology.

The causes of this pathology

There is no disease without a cause.

As in any other cases, with leaf-shaped fibroadenoma, a number of factors can be identified that provoke the development of a pathological neoplasm:

  • hormonal imbalance associated with a lack of estrogen and progesterone;
  • the presence of tumor-like processes in the pituitary gland and adrenal glands;
  • diabetes;
  • nodes developing on thyroid gland;
  • mastopathy, expressed fibrocystic nature;
  • lactation period and pregnancy;
  • diseases of the liver and other organs;
  • metabolic disease;
  • the presence of tumors on the ovaries;
  • obesity;
  • frequent use hormonal drugs emergency or regular contraception;
  • frequent abortion procedures;
  • excess body weight, etc.

Such reasons are observed in most people, however, in this case, you need to understand that all of them are subject to diagnosis and timely treatment. In addition, you need to learn to stick proper nutrition and maintain a daily routine.

If the patient has chronic course provoking factor, you need to try to prevent relapses to prevent the formation of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma.

Symptoms shown

If the tumor reaches sufficient size skin above it they become thinner, acquiring a bluish tint. Because of this phenomenon, the saphenous veins become visible, which are also dilated.

When considering two-phase clinical course This pathological neoplasm can be characterized by slow development, which can last for years, and then begin to grow rapidly.

Moreover, in the given example, the size of the tumor does not matter in any way for it to become malignant. Even in case big size it can be benign, and if small, it can be malignant, having the ability to metastasize.

With this disease it is possible to distinguish general symptoms, which develop against the background of the presence and growth of a tumor-like neoplasm:

  1. When you feel your breasts, dense spherical lumps may clearly stand out.
  2. With this disorder, the chest hurts, and the nature of the pain and its intensity depends on the size and location of the leaf-shaped fibroadenoma.
  3. Some women may notice discharge from the nipple.
  4. With rapid growth, there is a deterioration in well-being and the possible appearance of weakness, dizziness, etc.

How is diagnosis and treatment carried out?

To correctly diagnose this pathology, at the moment there are several stages and methods that include such a study:

  1. Consultation with a doctor, where the patient’s medical history is collected, examination and palpation are performed mammary glands.
  2. After this, an ultrasound and biopsy of the tumor may be prescribed, where a small piece of the tumor is taken and, using histological examination, a conclusion is drawn about the nature of the tumor.
  3. Another additional diagnostic method is mammography.

Based on the data obtained, a decision is made on the method of treating the tumor.

Most often this is a surgical intervention, which has the following indications:

  • the wish of the sick woman herself;
  • suspicion of malignant neoplasm;
  • rapid tumor growth;
  • pronounced cosmetic defects.

If we consider the methods surgery, then the following types can be distinguished:

  1. Enucleation. IN in this case By peeling, the neoplasm itself is removed directly.
  2. Sectoral resection. With this method of surgical intervention, a certain segment of the mammary gland is removed along with the leaf-shaped fibroadenoma, or in case of repeated relapse, amputation of the mammary gland itself is possible.

Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland has its own symptoms and pathogenesis of development. To prevent the worst consequences of this disorder, you need to respond in time to the clinical manifestations and consult a doctor for diagnosis in case of the slightest suspicion of pathology.

Leaf-shaped tumor of the mammary gland is rare disease, which is a type of fibroadenomas. It includes leaf-shaped cystosarcoma and fibroadenoma. It can be benign, intermediate and malignant.

Diseases female breast associated with hormonal disorders of the reproductive system. The ovaries produce estrogen, progesterone and androgens, which regulate menstrual cycle and affect the condition of the mammary glands. Mastopathy and its derivative diseases begin due to the proliferation of glandular tissue. Pathology develops due to an excess of estrogen. As the tissue grows, benign tumors form, which develop into malignant ones.

Types of mastopathy:

  • Diffuse – dense nodules and cords form, the chest hurts before and during menstruation.
  • Nodular - seals the size of Walnut, the condition is accompanied by constant breast tenderness and enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits.
  • Fibrocystic – formations various forms and sizes, connected in conglomerates and interspersed with cystic cavities with fluid, the condition is accompanied by radiating pain under the scapula, in the arm, and a milky, bloody, watery secretion is released from the nipples.

Nodular and diffuse forms are benign. Fibrocystic appearance often develops into malignant tumors.

Fibroadenoma is a hormone-dependent dysplasia. In 90% of cases it is a single node.

Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland is a type of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Types of fibroadenoma:

  • Intracanalicular - tissues are characterized by looseness, blurred boundaries, lobular structure, and occurs in the lumens of the milk ducts.
  • Perikanalicular – located near the milk ducts, a dense formation with clear edges, the formation of calcifications is inherent, and occurs in old age.
  • Leaf-shaped, phylloid - is a fibroepithelial type and is formed from two components - epithelial and connective tissue. The cellular form is distinguished by a pronounced stromal basis and nuclear polymorphism. This is a limited formation with a lobular structure.

It also happens mixed type fibroadenomas, which includes the characteristics of the described types.

Leaf fibroadenoma

Pericanalicular fibroadenoma is the most common type of fibroadenoma. Leaf-shaped is considered a type of pericanalicular tumor.

Initially, the formation is benign. The malignant process begins in the connective tissue. A separate section of it is degenerated, while the rest of the area remains benign. On ultrasound, a leaf-shaped tumor looks like a complex structured cyst, with lobules and gaps between them visible.

Fibroadenoma can be either fully or incompletely mature. The mature form is enclosed in a capsule and does not change its dense structure for decades. The immature form is loose, plastic and prone to rapid growth.

Sarcoma and fibroadenoma are related to the leaf-shaped tumor, which is a middle form between them. Breast adenoma can occur separately, but it is distinguished from fibroadenoma only after studying the macroscopic specimen after removal.

Phylloid fibroadenoma develops as a primary disease or can transform into a sarcoma, carcinoma, or carcinosarcoma. Malignant phyllodes cystosarcoma is distinguished by the fact that it is formed from connective tissue.

Occupying the entire area of ​​the chest, fibroadenoma deforms it and grows to gigantic size. But the round shape is always maintained. Dangerous view tumors may contain several nodes that differ in histological characteristics. The tumor is capable of metastasizing when it recurs. The ability is inherent in the stromal base, which is similar in structure to sarcoma.

During clinical diagnosis, it is difficult to distinguish leaf-shaped fibroadenoma from a leaf-shaped tumor with a solitary cyst, primary sarcoma, or adenoma. Therefore, surgical removal is indicated.

Leaf fibroadenoma is a rare type of cancer that cannot be treated conservative therapy without surgery.


A group of predisposing factors that cause hormonal imbalances and changes in the mammary glands:

  1. Violation of the ratio of estrogen and progesterone in the direction of increasing estrogen;
  2. Age – up to 20 years and from 40 to 50;
  3. Pregnancy;
  4. Abortion;
  5. Lactation;
  6. Endocrine diseases;
  7. Diabetes;
  8. Formations in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland;
  9. Obesity;
  10. Liver diseases.

The disease occurs during periods hormonal changes– adolescence and menopause. Prolonged exposure to the open sun, solarium, and hot baths provoke the growth of formations.

The initial stage of the formation of leaf fibroadenoma begins in adolescence, when the estrogen content increases. If the development of the disease goes unnoticed, growth stops after the hormonal levels stabilize. The first stage can last for decades. Over long-term development, the formation accumulates types of adenomas, sarcomas and their derivatives that transform into each other.

The next stage of activity may begin during pregnancy. During menopause, the amount of estrogen in the body decreases. A progressing tumor may stop developing. Abnormally high level estrogen during menopause causes endocrine disorders, which change the structure of mammary gland tissue. Therefore, it is possible that a sluggish benign tumor may degenerate into a malignant one.


On initial stage the woman does not feel discomfort, but upon palpation, nodes are felt, united into a common structure. Symptoms gradually appear:

  • Skin color and breast shape change;
  • The vascular network is visible;
  • The chest sags;
  • Asymmetry of the nipples is noticeable;
  • Fluid is released, sometimes with blood.

A leaf-shaped tumor is characterized by pain that does not go away with painkillers.

The disease develops in two stages. At first there is slow growth, then it accelerates sharply. The neoplasm reaches a large size, more than 20 cm. Its structure resembles the pattern of a leaf. The structure includes cavities, hemorrhages and necrotic foci.


If the lump has grown within three months, you need to contact a mammologist. After the interview and examination, laboratory and instrumental studies will follow:

  • Blood chemistry;
  • Mammography;
  • Biopsy.

A three-dimensional image obtained using MRI provides information about the number of formations and the degree of involvement of surrounding tissues in the tumor process. The method is also used to monitor the dynamics of development and relapses of the disease.

Dopplerography - technique ultrasound examination, which shows vascular changes characteristic of a leaf tumor.

Diagnosis is complicated by the fact that fibroadenomas contain signs of several types. Set specific type using instrumental methods is impossible, so the tumor is most often removed immediately and then studied on a biopsy.

Biopsy material is taken from a tumor or cystic cavity. Based on the result, further treatment is prescribed, since histological examination provides accurate information for diagnosis.


For a lesion of 1 cm, observation is prescribed. Indications for surgery:

  1. Rapid increase;
  2. Noticeable breast deformation;
  3. Size from 5 cm;
  4. Planned pregnancy.

Operation methods:

  1. Enucleation - an incision is made and the tumor is removed, leaving a small scar after the operation.
  2. Sectoral resection - excision of the tumor along with a healthy area.
  3. Mastectomy is the complete removal of the mammary gland, done when the tumor is huge.

With sectoral resection, relapses are likely within two years. The operation takes place under general anesthesia and lasts 30 minutes. Then the patient’s health is monitored in the hospital for 4 days. If the disease recurs, the mammary gland is completely removed.

Enucleation is done only for benign tumors.

After the operation, a course of radiation therapy is prescribed. Metastases are treated with chemotherapy. Metastasis occurs to the liver, lungs, and bones.

From conservative treatment They also don’t refuse. It is used to treat nodes up to 8 mm in size. At positive result formations resolve. Medication therapy is discontinued if there is no improvement.

After removal, the breast is restored using mammoplasty using endoprostheses or the patient’s own tissue. Before placing an implant, they wait a while to make sure there is no relapse. But after mastectomy, local recurrences are rare.

Within two years after surgical treatment It is necessary to undergo regular examination by a mammologist and take mammography pictures. Phylloid foliate tumor recurs over four years. After partial removal, 8% of cases of relapse are noted benign tumors, 20% malignant and 25% borderline. Reappearing, the benign species undergoes abnormal changes.

Leaf phyllodes fibroadenoma can be self-diagnosed, but cannot be treated folk remedies. At the first suspicious signs, you should not delay visiting a doctor. Hormonal dysplasia can be cured if diagnosed correctly.

Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is a tumor of the mammary glands. Education is formed during periods of active hormonal imbalance. Under the influence of provoking factors, malignancy of tumor cells is possible.

How to prevent the formation of fibroadenoma? When is an urgent consultation with a mammologist necessary? What treatments are effective? The answers are in the article.

What it is

With pathological growth of the glandular and connective tissue of the milk ducts and lobules, a leaf-shaped or phylloid fibroadenoma is formed. In the structure of a dense neoplasm, fibrous fibers predominate; there are significantly fewer glandular cells.

The tumor body consists of many cystic cavities similar to leaves. Inside each element there is a thick mass. The node does not have a dense capsule, is not attached to the skin, and easily moves when palpating the chest.

Important features of the tumor process:

  • the size varies from 1 to 10 cm or more. In advanced cases, with active growth, the tumor reaches 30-35 cm or more, weighs 5-6 kg;
  • characteristic feature: high risk of malignant degeneration of fibroadenoma into sarcoma. The likelihood of malignancy does not depend on the size of the tumor: a small tumor may turn out to be malignant, a large cavity often does not have atypical cells;
  • risk group - women and girls during the period of active changes in hormonal levels. Breast fibroadenoma is more often detected during puberty (from 12 to 18 years) and as menopause approaches (40-50 years). IN reproductive age leaf-shaped tumors rarely form in the structures of the mammary glands;
  • a specific feature is a long latent period: the neoplasm can develop for years without discomfort or enlargement of the fibroadenoma body. Under the influence of provoking factors, against the background of a sharp increase in the concentration of estrogen and a decrease in progesterone levels, the tumor begins to actively grow;
  • the risk of malignant degeneration is in 10% of patients with a leaf-shaped tumor. Phyloid fibroadenoma is rarely detected: no more than 2% of total number women with diagnosed breast tumors.

Reasons for tumor formation

The main factor provoking changes in fibrous and glandular tissue is. A sharp increase in secretion with a simultaneous decrease in concentration negatively affects the structure of breast tissue, tumors of various types are formed.

Hormonal imbalance occurs in the following cases:

  • frequent abortions;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • liver damage;
  • development and;
  • development ;
  • pregnancy;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • pathological processes in the uterus and ovaries that negatively affect the secretion of hormones;
  • receiving oral contraceptives for several years. High doses of estrogen-containing drugs can provoke the formation and growth of a tumor;
  • fluctuations in hormonal levels during age-related changes in organism.

To reduce the strength of negative manifestations in premenopause and menopause doctors recommend that women take herbal decoctions, fenugreek and flax seeds, eat legumes, soy, dairy products, nuts, greens. Natural compounds contain substances that have a positive effect on the body. During the tumor process and for prevention hormonal disorders Flax seed and black cumin oil are useful. Hormone-like substances in plants and products act “gently”, normalize the condition of blood vessels, the central nervous system, and the functioning of the glands internal secretion, organs of the reproductive system. Taking herbal medicines eliminates the manifestations of hormonal imbalance, which negatively affects the skin, nails, and hair.

Clinical picture

Phyllodine adenoma develops in stages: for a long period, the woman is unaware of the presence of a small nodule with viscous mucus inside the formation. Against the background of hormonal imbalance, increased tumor growth and malignant degeneration are possible.

When palpating the mammary glands, you can feel a small moving nodule. In most cases, the small tumor is located in the upper part of the breast. Sometimes tumors form in both mammary glands. If a mobile structure is identified, you need to visit a mammologist for further examination: it is small fibroadenomas that often have atypical cells.

With the growth of a leaf-shaped tumor in the chest, symptoms pathological process becomes more pronounced:

  • discharge appears from the nipple;
  • the epidermis in the tumor area changes color and becomes thinner. The problem area becomes cyanotic, dilated veins are clearly visible;
  • some women develop ulcers on the mammary glands;
  • often the tumor process leads to the development of weakness, deterioration of health, and increased temperature;
  • if a woman does not see a doctor, the disease progresses, fibroadenoma grows, reaches 10-15 cm in diameter;
  • with malignant degeneration, pain appears in the chest, fluid with bloody inclusions is released from the nipple;
  • in advanced cases, against the background of cancer pathology, the process of metastasis begins. Doctors identify distant foci in the lungs, bone tissue, liver, nearby lymph nodes are not affected.

On a note! Modern mammology distinguishes three types of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma: benign, borderline and malignant tumor process.


It is difficult to identify a neoplasm at an early stage: breast fibroadenoma is small in size and there is no pain. Most often, doctors discover small tumors by chance, during an ultrasound or mammography to diagnose other types of pathologies. If a woman examines her breasts every year for preventive purposes using ultrasound or x-ray, then even a small leaf-shaped fibroadenoma in the breast can be detected in time.

If the development of a tumor process is suspected, the following is prescribed:

  • (the technique is indicated after 40 years and with low information content of ultrasound examination);
  • carrying out . The best option examination of the mammary glands in young women (up to 35-40 years).

IN difficult cases, if cell malignancy is suspected, additional types of studies are needed:

  • Doppler ultrasound to assess blood flow in the affected area;
  • conducting MRI to obtain high-precision sections in increments of 1-2 mm;
  • or puncture biopsy of tumor tissue. The method shows with 100% certainty whether malignant changes or leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is benign.

Effective treatments

If phyllodes fibroadenoma of the breast is detected, surgery is indicated. It is important to prevent active tumor growth and cell malignancy.

It is imperative to stabilize hormonal levels and eliminate the main cause of the tumor process. If confirmed, additional radiation or chemotherapy is prescribed.

The optimal type of surgical intervention is chosen by a mammologist. During development cancerous tumor You need to consult an oncologist. Delay in starting therapy can lead to the development of metastases and rapid growth of the tumor. It is important not only to remove the tumor body, but also to reduce the risk of relapse.

After resection of borderline or malignant fibroadenoma, radiation therapy is prescribed. In the presence of distant pathological foci (metastases), chemotherapy is needed.

Go to the address and read about the treatment features trophic ulcers on the legs with diabetes.

Types of operations to remove breast fibroadenoma:

  • enucleation. The method is used to confirm the benign nature of fibroadenoma and the small size of the tumor. Through a small incision, the surgeon removes the tumor body;
  • lumpectomy or sectoral resection. Optimal method to prevent the re-formation of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma. During the operation, the surgeon cuts out not only the body of the tumor, but also adjacent tissue at a distance of 1 to 3 cm around the tumor;
  • mastectomy. Removal of the affected mammary gland. Depending on the size of the tumor, partial or complete resection of the organ is performed. Indications: active growth of the tumor, the tumor has a diameter of 5-10 cm or more, the presence of several nodes. A mastectomy is performed if the breast is small and it is impossible to remove the fibroadenoma without damaging a significant area of ​​the gland.

If provoking factors persist, non-compliance preventive measures or with incomplete removal of tumor cells, relapses of the pathological process are possible. In most cases, new tumor growth begins a year or two after surgery. For timely detection pathological changes Once every 6 months, the patient must have a mammogram or ultrasound and donate blood for tumor markers. If the tumor develops again, a mastectomy is performed.


Breast self-examination in combination with annual ultrasound or mammography - effective methods diagnostics of the tumor process. A woman needs to pay more attention to monitoring the health of the reproductive system, visiting a gynecologist and mammologist once every 12 months. If negative symptoms appear, be sure to make an appointment with a specialized specialist.

It is important to find an experienced doctor to reduce the risk of making inaccurate diagnoses. The best option is to monitor a woman with one highly qualified specialist throughout her life.

Measures to prevent tumor processes in the breast:

  • proper nutrition;
  • normalization of psycho-emotional state;
  • weight control;
  • treatment of pathologies that cause hormonal imbalance;
  • prophylactic use of drugs with phytoestrogens in premenopause and menopause;
  • regular visits to a mammologist and gynecologist.

The prognosis for the treatment of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma depends on the type of tumor, the stage of the malignant process, and the size of the tumor. With timely identification and removal of one or more nodes, the risk is reduced severe complications. It is important to follow preventive measures and pay more attention to monitoring the condition of the mammary glands. It is useful to study information about the causes and symptoms of diseases of the breast, reproductive and endocrine systems.