Introduction. Planned, systematic observation of the teacher over the educational work of students in class and outside of class. Periodic monitoring serves to check the educational activities of students in mastering a relatively large amount of material. Usually carried out by

From the experience of a physics teacher

Control of knowledge in physics in the classroom.

The issue of increasing the efficiency of studying physics has acquired last years particular urgency, since society living in the age of scientific and technological revolution, to a greater extent than before, needs highly qualified specialists in the field of exact sciences. Therefore, our task is to give students deep knowledge of physics, to educate creative person who is able to work independently to study the subject.
One of the ways to improve the quality of training is knowledge control, presented in the form didactic system. By using various methods knowledge tests can provide complete information about the level of results achieved; readiness for further study of new material, as well as for its repetition, consolidation and systematization; about memory, thinking, speech of students; about understanding general approaches to teaching; effectiveness of teaching methods. Testing can also stimulate learning: a positive assessment aims for successful further study; fair criticism makes you want to pull yourself up. It is known that the more interesting and varied the forms of knowledge control, the more firmly the studied material is consolidated and retained longer; visual-figurative control components are extremely effective; the control technique must correspond age characteristics students' thinking. In practice, separate fragments of this system are used, which represent both traditional methods of control - tests (tests, problem solving), and non-traditional ones - physical dictations, crosswords, oral questioning on topics, conducting non-standard lessons.
Let's focus on non-traditional forms of control.
I. Incoming control.
The purpose of the entrance control is to establish the level of preparedness of students in physics. Conducted at the beginning school year in the first lesson. Based on the results of the entrance control, one can judge the specific knowledge in physics, the intellectual level of students, their culture and outlook. It is better to conduct it in test form and include questions or tasks containing interdisciplinary connections.
II. Organization of current control.
Any educational work is serious and hard work, which is fruitful and brings joy if the student knows how to work. In what ways can this be achieved?
The system of educational space created on the basis of modular technology helped me.
The basis for my use of a modular program in teaching is the principle of “Teaching the student to learn,” that is, independently acquiring knowledge according to the proposed plan, taking into account personal characteristics, taking into account the personal pace of learning and to the extent that the student determines for himself. Various ways self-control will help the student to objectively assess his knowledge and skills, predict the result, and the combination of individual and group forms of work will help relieve anxiety and create psychological comfort in the lesson.
The development of students’ cognitive activity is greatly facilitated by properly organized testing of learned material. The proposed annual control consists of separate modules, the boundaries of which are determined by the main topics of the courses. The module is completed by each student at an individual pace. Completion of the course is counted only when the student has mastered and reported to the teacher for each module of the course.
Working using this method, I overcome many problems. One of them is the small number of hours spent studying physics. In this case, it is necessary to conduct not only a written survey, but also interview each student orally on this topic. I also try to ensure that every student covers all the paragraphs of the topic. There are students who study only for the sake of assessment (they learn one lesson, answer, get a mark - and relax). Therefore, I create a situation in which it is necessary to learn all the paragraphs of the topic. To do this, I introduce my own survey system: “mini-exam”. To conduct it, it is necessary to give students questions for control before studying the topic. The questions are written in such a way that the student not only reads, but studies and works through every line of the textbook. Questions are posted on a stand in the physics classroom. The time for studying is long (control is carried out in the last block). During the test lesson, as in an exam, tickets are laid out (each with 1-2 questions from the list). To avoid printing tickets for each topic, I created cards with numbers. These are the ones I lay out on the teacher’s desk, and the students take them as exam papers.
The guys come out one by one. In front of the teacher’s desk there is a desk with test questions, at which there are two students during the test: one answers, and the other prepares. I give each person 1-3 minutes to prepare and the same amount to answer. Depending on the set of questions and the number of students in the class, the time varies.
Students' answers should be short and concise, expressing the very essence of the physical phenomenon. If necessary, the teacher has the right to ask an additional question if he is not satisfied with the answer or if the question is not fully covered.
The questions held by the teacher and on the desk for control are numbered. The student answers the question with the number that corresponds to the number on the card taken. After answering, the student takes his place in the class. The second student begins to answer, and the next person takes the vacated seat, and while his friend is answering, he prepares to report on the chosen question. Therefore, the composition of students at the control desk changes throughout the lesson. At this time, the rest do written work (a test or a test). During the time allotted for the lesson, I have time to interview all the students in the class and at the end of the lesson I also check a number of problems. Notebooks can be collected and all students will receive a second grade for their written work.
This survey technique I created allows you to survey all students in a short time, and at the same time I am convinced that the children do not selectively read the textbook, but study the topic completely. I do not give negative marks for the oral answer on the first test; you are allowed to report at another time.
This approach relieves tension and allows students to believe in themselves and assert themselves. It is also possible increased level preparation, which consists in a larger volume of acquired knowledge and skills and is determined by their depth.
III. Physical dictations.
Physics dictations test students' knowledge of the formulas of a given section of physics. Done on half a notebook sheet. The teacher makes 10 questions, students must write 10 formulas in a column.
Grading criteria: 0-4 correct answers correspond to “2”, 5-6 – “3”, 7-8 – “4”, 9-10 – “5”.
Questions may include the definition of units of measurement of physical quantities and numerical values ​​of physical constants. If the section contains mainly theoretical material, then you can use a question, the answer to which will be 1-2 words. Such dictations are called mixed.
Students must be informed in what form they will be controlled: by formulas, by definitions, mixed dictations, etc.
IV. Physical tests or graphic dictations.
Physics tests play an important role in monitoring knowledge in physics, as they allow us to assess the depth of students’ understanding of theoretical material. They should be carried out in parallel with physical dictations, since physical dictations test knowledge of formulas and definitions, and physical tests test the depth of understanding of the theoretical material of the topic.
To conduct a physical test, the teacher makes a series of statements, some of which are both true and false. The student, after listening to the statement, must either agree with it or disagree. If the statement is true, then the student writes “+”. If the statement is incorrect, completely or partially, then he writes “-”. The result should be a chain of “+” and “-”. It is very convenient for the teacher to check such work by comparing the resulting chain with the correct option.
The graphic dictation differs from the physical test in that if students agree, they draw an arc two cells to the right. If the statement is incorrect, then there is a dash in two cells. The result will be the following: . This work is very convenient to check on the workpiece.
The evaluation criteria are the same as in the physical dictation: 5-6 correct answers – “3”, 7-8 – “4”, 9-10 – “5”.
V. Physical crosswords.
This section offers crossword puzzles for final control in thematic blocks. For example, the names of the physics course topics are encrypted vertically, and the answers to the questions posed vertically. Crosswords add an element of variety and unusualness. Students enjoy solving them. This relieves tension. The teacher, in turn, receives information about the level at which the topic has been mastered by the students.
The time allocated for filling out the crossword table varies, depending on the number of questions and the level of preparation of the class. You can also fill out a crossword puzzle with the whole class if you display the table through a multimedia projector on the board.

A didactic knowledge control system can be useful for a teacher working in any textbook and for any program.

Control and testing work in physics, grades 7 -11, Kabardin O.F., Kabardina S.I., Orlov V.A., 1997.

The manual contains variable, with varying degrees of complexity, tasks, exercises, tests for current and final control in all sections of the physics course in general education institutions.

Why, when fired from a gun, is the speed of the projectile significantly greater than the speed of the gun barrel moving in the opposite direction?
A. Because the density of the substance from which the projectile is made is greater than the density of the substance from which the gun barrel is made. B. Because the density of the substance from which the projectile is made is less than the density of the substance from which the gun barrel is made. B. Because the mass of the projectile is significantly less than the mass of the gun barrel. D. Because the force of the gases on the projectile is much greater than the force of their action on the gun barrel. D. Because the powder gases act on the projectile only from one side, and the pressure on the gun barrel is distributed in all directions.

Is it possible to divide a molecule and an atom into smaller particles?
A. Both a molecule and an atom can be divided. B. It is possible to divide a molecule, but it is impossible to divide an atom. B. It is possible to divide an atom, but it is impossible to divide a molecule. D. It is impossible to divide either a molecule or an atom.

How do molecules of any substance interact with each other?
A. They just push off. B. They just attract each other. B. They attract and repel, at very short distances the attractive forces are greater than the repulsive forces.
D. They attract and repel, at very short distances the repulsive forces are greater than the attractive forces.

Table of contents
7th grade
Test 7-1. Structure of matter. Interaction of bodies
Test 7-2. Pressure. Work and power. Energy
8th grade
Test 8-1. Thermal phenomena
Test 8-2. Electrical and electromagnetic phenomena
Test 8-3. Light phenomena
9th grade
Test 9-1. Fundamentals of kinematics
Test 9-2. Dynamics Basics
Test 9-3. Conservation laws
Test 9-4. Mechanical vibrations and waves
Test 9-5. Final test (primary school)
Grade 10
Test 10-1. Fundamentals of molecular kinetic theory
Test 10-2. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
Test 10-3. Electric field
Test 10-4. Laws of direct current. A magnetic field
Electric current in various environments
Grade 11
Test 11-1. Electromagnetic induction
Test 11-2. Electromagnetic oscillations and waves
Test 11-3. The quantum physics
Test 11-4. Final test (high school)

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Faculty of Physics

Department of Methods of Physics and OTD

Test control of students' knowledge in physics

Diploma work on the theory and practice of teaching and education,

specialty Physics


Scientific adviser:


  • Introduction
    • § 1. Types of tests in physics
    • § 4. Generalization and systematization of knowledge in physics in preparation for centralized testing
    • Chapter 3. Organization and results of the pedagogical experiment
    • Conclusion
    • List of used literature
    • Application. (test 2007)


Until now, the main type of control of students' knowledge in physics was a written test, including 2-3 tasks or questions. This type of control has a number of advantages: it makes it possible to establish a qualitative picture of the mastery of the material covered, as well as to identify shortcomings in students’ knowledge. It is also easy to use - positioning a large number problem books and methodological manuals in physics, the teacher can easily select problems for test options and multiply them. At the same time, this method causes some specific features that do not meet the requirements for the final knowledge control.

Namely: the amount of test knowledge is small. An analysis of test papers in mechanics shows that it often covers only 30-50% of the material covered. Two or three tasks or questions are not able to cover the topic or section fully enough;

checking test papers is a very labor-intensive operation that takes up a lot of time from teachers.

Recently, the search for objective quantitative measures of knowledge has attracted the attention of methodologists to the test methodology for testing knowledge.

The following characteristic features of tests are noted in the pedagogical literature:

1) the relative simplicity of the procedure and the necessary equipment;

2) direct recording of results;

3) the ability to use both for individual work and for testing the knowledge of entire groups of students;

4) convenience of mathematical processing;

5) short duration;

6) the presence of established standard norms.

As you know, testing is widely used abroad (USA, UK, Holland and Japan). In recent years, countries of the former Soviet Union have also become interested in this method. Now on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Unified State Exam, which is structured as a test, has been adopted as a final test of knowledge.

Testing is also used as a method of monitoring knowledge on the territory of modern Ukraine.

An analysis of domestic experience, which has been accumulated in recent years in various academic disciplines, as well as foreign experience, shows that with sufficient care in preparing tasks, subject to a number of requirements and the correct application of mathematical statistics methods, it is possible to use tests as objective measures of knowledge.

Purpose This thesis is an in-depth study of knowledge testing as a new effective form of knowledge control, as well as the use of knowledge testing during the final control in physics.

During the thesis, the following decisions were made: tasks:

1. Study and analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on knowledge testing.

2. Acquaintance with the experience of using knowledge testing in our country and abroad.

3. Preparation and conducting a final test of knowledge in physics in the 11th grade of high school on the topic "Electric current in liquids. Electrolysis. Laws of electrolysis"

4. Analysis of the results of experimental tests of the final test of knowledge in physics in 11th grade.

In the process of working on the diploma, the content and technology of centralized testing in physics were studied, as the most developing area of ​​​​the final test of knowledge of students and school graduates. Tests No. 1 of the CB RB of 2007 and 2008 were also solved.

Chapter 1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for testing knowledge, skills and abilities in physics

§ 1. Basic functions of testing knowledge, skills and abilities in the educational process

The study and analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the topic of the thesis, , , led to the following results and conclusions:

In training, monitoring and taking into account knowledge and skills plays a significant role. The main function of knowledge control in the educational process is the guidance and management of students' educational activities. Knowledge control contributes to the development of students’ creative powers and abilities and is carried out in full accordance with the principles of learning.

As a result of control, the following is established:

depth and completeness of acquired knowledge.

readiness of the class to learn new knowledge.

level of independent work of students.

difficulties and mistakes of students in understanding certain issues.

Knowledge control is the final stage in training and an integral part of training. The essence of knowledge control is to determine the quality of students’ assimilation of educational material and increasing their responsibility in educational work.

Knowledge control serves the purpose of improving the educational process. If unsatisfactory knowledge is detected among students, the teacher must review and make changes to the organization and methodology of educational work.

When unsatisfactory knowledge is revealed only in individual students, the teacher makes changes to individual work with students.

Knowledge control is carried out on the basis of scientifically based and empirically proven principles, which include:



Individual, differentiated and educational nature of testing and assessing knowledge. There are a number of control methods, e.g. ways by which the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity of students and the pedagogical work of the teacher is determined.

The main ones are:

1. Planned, systematic observation of the teacher over the educational work of students in class and outside of class.

2. Methods of oral control, which include: questioning students, control reading of maps, drawings, graphs, technical or technological documentation.

3. Methods of written control - dictations and presentations, written answers to questions, solving various problems and exercises.

In comparison with oral written control, it is characterized by high efficiency in time, the manifestation of greater independence by students, and the ability to simultaneously identify the overall preparedness of the class and each student individually. However, written control is marked by the presence of certain difficulties in organization and implementation, as well as the need for the teacher to spend significant time checking the work performed.

These methods also include testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

4. Methods of practical control. Such methods are: solving various experimental problems, performing laboratory work, conducting simple experiments, observations, individual operations in school educational workshops, and others. This group also includes methods of graphic control: the ability to make drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams.

5. Exams. This is a separate type of knowledge control. It is carried out for the purpose of final verification of students’ academic work and serves as a means of state control over the work of teachers and schools.

All of the above methods of knowledge control are organically combined with other aspects of the process of education and training.

The main types of knowledge control are: current, periodic and final control.

Current control is carried out by the teacher at each lesson, during daily work, through frontal and individual questioning, heuristic conversation, and checking homework completion. This type of control helps to increase interest in learning, systematic independent work of students, and instilling a sense of responsibility for the assigned work.

Periodic monitoring serves to check the educational activities of students in mastering a relatively large amount of material. Usually carried out after studying a logically completed part, section of the program or at the end of the training period.

Final control is carried out at the end of each academic year.

Proper implementation of all types of control helps to obtain appropriate results.

At the moment, the tasks of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus are being implemented: to give the younger generation deep and solid knowledge of the fundamentals of science, to develop skills and the ability to apply them in practice, to form a materialistic worldview.

Improving the educational process also involves improving the control of students' knowledge, skills and abilities.

§ 2. Forms of control of knowledge, skills and abilities

Since the same content of education can be expressed verbally, figuratively, or in action, information about the quality of assimilation educational material and development of students should be different in form. The main forms of monitoring students' educational achievements in physics are oral (individual and frontal), written, practical and their combination. The choice of form of control depends on the content and specifics of the educational material, the stage of training, age and individual characteristics students, etc.

Depending on the didactic conditions (learning goals, types of control, stage of training, etc.), methods are determined by which one or another form of control allows one to obtain the most objective information about the quality of the educational process and the results of students’ educational activities. The main methods for testing and assessing knowledge and skills in physics: conversation (frontal survey), individual survey, independent and test work, testing method, laboratory and practical work, physical dictations, tests, abstracts, etc.

Let's define didactic requirements and briefly describe the main forms and methods of testing and assessing students' knowledge and skills in physics.

Oral test, which is held at the beginning of the lesson, as a rule, is an introduction to the study of new material, serves the purpose of updating basic knowledge (and not just controlling it). Relying on previously acquired knowledge allows you to create problematic situations, which has great importance for their conscious and lasting assimilation. For example, when starting to study Ohm’s law for a complete circuit, it is necessary to update students’ knowledge about external forces and their significance in the creation of stationary current, the role of the current source in the circuit, EMF, etc.

Questions for the student's oral response should be formulated based on key problems and require not only the presentation of educational material, but also the analysis of physical phenomena in a variety of situations. In this case, students are required not only to have knowledge of factual material and the ability to present it in their own words, but also to create conditions for the development logical thinking, skills to compare, identify similarities and differences in objects and phenomena.

The student’s oral response should not be interrupted unless absolutely necessary. This can only be done if there are gross errors in it. If a student has difficulty answering, he is offered guiding questions that help him overcome particular difficulties. Additional questions are offered after the answer to clarify the student's actual state of knowledge.

Oral answers must be accompanied by drawings, graphs, and demonstrations of feasible experiments. The student answering at the board should be given time to think about the answer, and with the class, for example, conduct a frontal survey, check the completion of homework, or solve an oral calculation problem.

Individual An oral test of knowledge in physics promotes the development of logical thinking and oral speech of students, allows you to follow the train of thought of the respondent, study his individual qualities and personal properties, and identify the level of mental development.

Flaws individual oral test of knowledge in physics:

It is not suitable for identifying most of the skills that are formed during the study of physics;

It is difficult to equalize the measure of identifying students’ knowledge, since these are oral questions, and it is difficult to make them equally significant for all respondents;

It is difficult to achieve sustained attention from the entire class when a student responds. In this regard, it is advisable to invite students to review the answers of their comrades, correct and supplement them. Significant and correct additions should be taken into account when assessing knowledge.

Frontal Oral knowledge testing is usually carried out in the form of a conversation at all stages of the lesson: to update basic knowledge, during repetition, in the process of learning new material, during independent work. The suggested questions require a short answer and the whole class should participate in the conversation. At the same time, the activity of students increases, their interest increases, and attention develops.

However, such a knowledge test must be combined with an individual one, since students get used to answering small questions and then it is difficult for them to give logically consistent detailed answers.

During a frontal oral assessment, the student can be graded after completion and at the end of classes, taking into account work at all stages of the lesson.

Frontal assessment allows you to evaluate a large number of students in one lesson; promotes the development of skills to accurately express one’s thoughts; the verification functions combine well with the functions of generalizing repetition and systematization of knowledge. However, with such a test it is difficult to objectively assess the knowledge of students, since each of them has the opportunity to answer what he knows well.

In practice, physics teachers use compact knowledge testing; while some students answer orally, others do written, graphic, experimental tasks, etc.

Written test in physics is carried out when performing tests and independent work, educational projects, writing reports and abstracts.

Tests are carried out after studying major topics or sections of the physics course. Their content includes theoretical questions, quantitative and qualitative tasks. This takes into account the need to identify all levels of students’ assimilation of educational material (factual knowledge; ability to apply knowledge in a familiar situation; creative application of knowledge in modified and unfamiliar conditions).

Tests, as a rule, include 10 tasks corresponding to the accepted five levels of mastering educational material in physics (2 tasks of each level). Assignments (in the form of tests and word problems) may involve formulating laws, writing formulas, reading graphs, explaining phenomena, solving 2-3 step problems, as well as combined and creative problems, etc.

Current tests and independent works (calculated for part of the lesson) are compiled in a similar way in content and structure, but include a smaller number of tasks (usually 5).

Some students are asked to write essays. Some essays are read in class, discussed and assessed.

A written knowledge test is more objective than an oral test. It requires students to be more precise in expressing thoughts and to be completely independent. In this case, it is easier to achieve equality in the measure of identifying students’ knowledge. This physics knowledge test helps develop skills writing and saves teaching time (all students in the class are tested, the number of grades increases).

In cases where it is necessary to check students’ mastery of physical definitions, formulas, graphs, terms, etc., it is effective physical dictationT.D To conduct it, the teacher must select a test text in the form of questions or logically incomplete expressions that students must complete. For example, a dictation text to test comprehension graphic image uniformly alternating motion may have the following content:

The body whose velocity graph is given in the figure has an initial speed...

The acceleration of this body is...

The equation for the speed of movement of a body has the form...

Conducting a physical dictation allows you to measure the time for completing each task, promotes the development of students’ attention, and disciplines them.

§ 3. Test control of knowledge

Currently, the testing method is used to monitor the results of students' educational activities. It is based on the use of a special system consisting of a large number of test tasks that require a short answer or a choice from a set of proposed ones.

In many countries around the world, intellectual tests are widespread - special tasks for studying the individual psychological characteristics of a person (level of talent, speed of mental processes, perseverance, ability to self-control, etc.) and for identifying abilities (spatial concepts, ability to operate with numbers, etc.). ). Tests are also used to study small groups (crews, teams, brigades), in clinical psychology, and in psychological and pedagogical research.

Test(from the English word test - check, task) is a system of tasks that allows you to measure the level of knowledge acquisition, the degree of development of certain psychological qualities, abilities, and personality traits.

The founders of testing are F. Galton, C. Spearman, J. Cattell, A. Binet, T. Simon. The term "mental test" was coined by Cattell in 1890. The beginning of the development of modern testology - the widespread use of tests in practice, is associated with the name of the French doctor Binet, who, in collaboration with Simon, developed a metric scale mental development, known as the Binet-Simon test.

The wide dissemination, development and improvement of tests has been facilitated by a number of advantages that this method provides. Tests allow you to evaluate an individual in accordance with the stated purpose of the study; provide the ability to obtain a quantitative assessment based on the quantification of qualitative parameters of a person, the convenience of mathematical processing; are a relatively quick way to assess large number unknown persons; contribute to the objectivity of assessments that do not depend on the subjective attitudes of the person conducting the research; ensure comparability of information obtained by different researchers on different subjects.

It is possible to manage and correct any process only on the basis of control data over its course; the process of educational activity is no exception. Effective application of standards is possible only under conditions of objective control of students’ knowledge and skills. There are two methods of control - subjective and objective.

The subjective control method means identifying, measuring and assessing knowledge,

abilities, skills, based on the personal ideas of the examiner. This evaluation method

knowledge is not suitable for final control, since it does not have the necessary accuracy and reproducibility of results.

Objective control means control that has the necessary accuracy and reproducibility of results.

A tool that allows you to objectively assess the quality of assimilation is a criterion-based test, which combines a control task and a standard by which the quality of assimilation can be judged.

However, as real practice shows, it is not always possible to achieve a sufficient degree of objectivity and efficiency of control in training.

As a result, the understanding of students' learning activities is often reduced.

For operational control of knowledge and skills in physics of secondary school students, didactic materials are traditionally used - specially selected and systematized exercises.

The planned results of teaching physics, specified in the program in the form of specific requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, allows the use of such a form of control as tests.

If students' knowledge is tested by testing, then test tasks are compiled on the basis of element-by-element analysis, i.e. elements of knowledge to be tested are clearly identified: the required level of their assimilation is determined and tasks are formulated in such a way that their implementation requires the use of selected elements of knowledge of the appropriate level. When compiling tasks, the belonging of the elements to one of the following is also taken into account. structural components physical knowledge (phenomenon, concept, law, etc.), and the sequence of their presentation usually corresponds to the structure and logic of construction educational topic(or section). Thus, the test work should include tasks to identify all levels of knowledge, taking into account their structure. The same element of knowledge can be tested at any level. This will make it possible to identify the level of knowledge of each student.

When organizing and conducting a knowledge test, the following requirements must be met:

Determine what needs to be revealed using the test (knowledge of factual material, understanding, ability to apply knowledge, etc.), and highlight the criteria for what is revealed (memory properties, ability to carry out logical operations, presence of significant signs of intelligence, etc.), those. find out the purpose of the test, as well as its difficulty;

Clearly organize the working conditions of students, establish time limits for completing test tasks, the procedure for collecting and processing the received data;

Compare the results of testing and traditional methods of knowledge control, and in case of their discrepancy, one should not make generalizing and categorical conclusions about the mental abilities of students.

In the practice of teaching physics, the best known are success (or achievement) tests - targeted systems of tasks for testing and assessing students' knowledge of a certain part of the educational material. The test results can be used to analyze the individual characteristics of knowledge acquisition and determine the content of work with students in each specific case. The testing method is also appropriate for identifying the effectiveness of various teaching methods and techniques when deciding on the use of a particular physics textbook, visual aids, videos and other teaching aids. It is widely and successfully used in our republic to test and evaluate the knowledge of applicants to secondary and higher educational institutions.

Besides , The tests have certain requirements:

Validity(adequacy) of the test, i.e. the degree of compliance of the test task with the material being tested, taking into account the objectives of the study. Each test must be characterized by a certain level of difficulty and fully correspond to the level of knowledge that it tests.

Reliability test, i.e. compliance of test results with actual knowledge, which is an indicator of measurement accuracy. One way to determine the reliability of a test is that students are offered two (or more) versions of equivalent tasks and if their results are in good agreement, then they are considered reliable;

"Weight" significance test is expressed by a certain number of points assigned to each task. This is usually carried out by a group of experts;

Formulation and the test must be clear, concise, unambiguous and understandable to every student. It should contain only one task of a given level. This should provide the student with an understanding of what knowledge needs to be demonstrated, what activities need to be performed and to what extent.

These properties of the test should lead to its unambiguity, i.e. the absence of discrepancies in the assessment of test results by different teachers.

When choosing test evaluation criteria, also taken into account mental skills that should be obtained by students during the learning process:

* information skills(recognizes, remembers);

* understanding(explains, shows);

* application(demonstrates);

* analysis(thinks, reasons);

* synthesis ( combines, models);

* comparative assessment(compares by parameters),

This allows you to determine the difficulty level of the test.

Test validity reflects what the test is supposed to measure and how well it does it; shows the extent to which the test measures the quality (property, ability, etc.) for which it is intended to assess. Tests that lack validity are not suitable for practical use. Highlight three types of validity:

Content- provides answers to the questions whether the content of the test covers the entire complex of program requirements for knowledge of this particular subject and to what extent these tasks (selected from a variety of possible) are suitable for assessing knowledge in this subject;

Empirical- means checking a test using another test that measures the same indicator as the given one, in order to assess the individual predictive power of the test;

Conceptual- is established by proving the correctness of the theoretical concepts underlying the test.

The reliability of a test is the extent to which repeating it will produce the same results. Increasing the reliability of the test is facilitated by its simplicity, strict adherence to testing conditions, and the exclusion of the possibility of influence of extraneous factors (hints, cheating, etc.).

The predictive value of the test means that the test should be such that the survey results can be used in subsequent activities, for example, when repeating poorly learned material.

General didactic requirements for knowledge control include: systematicity, depth, comprehensiveness, objectivity, individualization, transparency, and differentiated assessments.

From this point of view, traditional means of knowledge control have quite a lot shortcomings. These include, for example, the following:

1) Large expenditures of labor and time for successful surveys (exams), checking written tests;

2) Low efficiency in using control results to manage the progress of the educational process;

3) Absolutely unsatisfactory objectivity in assessing students’ knowledge, the impossibility of comparing grades received by different teachers or, even more so, in different educational institutions.

Chapter 2. Methodology for testing knowledge control

§ 1. Types of tests in physics

The tests are very diverse and therefore there are numerous classifications of them according to various criteria. Depending on which feature is used as the basis for the classification, the following main types of tests are distinguished:

By the nature of the answer - the so-called. "closed" (selective), or so-called. "open" (constructive);

For didactic purposes - to reproduce educational material, to apply knowledge in familiar or new situations, etc.;

According to the level of mastery of educational material - tests of levels 1-5;

By type of inspection - current, thematic, periodic, final;

By purpose - training, monitoring, diagnostic, etc.;

By the nature of the formulation - verbal, symbolic, numerical, etc.

Let us give a brief description of some types of test tasks and the basic principles that are followed in their preparation.

"Closed" test tasks contain a set of ready-made answers with one correct answer. The test taker must indicate the correct answer. The correct answer is the one for which all the information contained in the task is used. Most simple form A “closed” test requires the subject to identify one of two alternative solutions: “yes - no” or “true - false”.

IN " open" In tasks, the test taker must independently give the correct answer. Such tasks can take the form of questions, require you to exclude the unnecessary, add the missing, supplement, systematize, solve, etc.

Variations of multiple choice questions are multiple choice questions and ratio questions. Each of these types of questions ensures sufficient effectiveness of the audit at its various stages.

Questions with alternative answers provide students with significant opportunities to guess the correct answer. Therefore, they are expediently used in cases where such guessing by students does not make sense. For example: in the process of programmed learning of new material. Moreover, correlations presuppose the presence in tasks of 3-5 questions on the same concept, law, phenomenon, and this turns out to be very useful in consolidating educational material. However, during the final test in conditions of limited time to complete the work, tasks composed of questions on correlations do not sufficiently cover the program material.

Questions with a free answer structure satisfy many requirements, but at the same time they create significant difficulties when checking work. During the final control, one of the most effective forms of test work seems to be multiple-choice tasks, in which several answers are attached to each question to select the correct one.

The effectiveness of using this form when testing knowledge is ensured by the fact that the tasks satisfy a number of specific requirements for the final control.

Test tasks for testing knowledge in physics are built on the basis of didactic principles of teaching and control (scientific, accessible, systematic, connection between theory and practice, etc.). In addition, tests are developed taking into account the structure of knowledge in physics, i.e. they include tasks to identify the level of assimilation of all elements of physical knowledge (facts, phenomena, concepts, processes, laws, theories, experimental and practical skills, etc.), which allows for complete and comprehensive control of knowledge.

One of the essential principles of test development is taking into account the structure of the knowledge acquisition process, i.e. those levels of knowledge and skills that students can achieve in the process of studying physics. There are different approaches and opinions on this issue. A productive opinion is that in the learning process students can achieve five levels of mastery of educational material:

First level(low) - actions to recognize, recognize and distinguish concepts (objects of study).

Second level(satisfactory) - actions to reproduce educational material (objects of study) at the memory level.

Third level(medium) - actions to reproduce educational material (objects of study) at the level of understanding; description and analysis of actions with objects of study.

Fourth level(sufficient) - actions to apply knowledge in a familiar situation according to the model; explanation of the essence of the objects of study; performing actions with clearly defined rules; application of knowledge based on algorithmic prescriptions to solve new educational problems.

Fifth level(high) - actions about applying knowledge in unfamiliar, non-standard situations to solve qualitatively new problems; independent actions to describe, explain and transform objects of study.

The most widely used nowadays are the following: types of tests:

Single-choice tests. For each task, several answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. In physics, these are usually formulas or definitions of physical quantities and laws.

Tests with multiple answer. More than one correct answer can be entered into the answer options, but in different forms. Or some of the answers may not be correct. Then, as a result, each task number should be assigned the number of correct answers, or a dash.

Addition tests. In these tests, tasks are written with missing words or symbols. The missing space must be filled by students.

Cross-choice tests. They offer several tasks and several answers to them. It is recommended to plan a slightly larger number of answers than tasks. As a result, the student must provide a string of two-digit numbers. These tests can also be single-valued or multi-valued.

Identification tests. They use graphical objects or analytical descriptions.

While improving the methods of teaching the subject, we came to the conclusion that a very important component of modern teaching technology is the test, as a tool for measuring the level of knowledge and the complexity of tasks.

During the educational process, the test performs the following: functions:




developing and educating.

Advantages and disadvantages of multiple choice items.

Based on the literature studied, we can highlight the following advantages of multiple-choice tasks:

Multiple-choice tasks allow you to determine with a high degree of accuracy the indicators of material mastery both by each student individually and by the class as a whole. This opportunity is determined by the simplicity of answering questions in this form of verification. The lack of time spent by students on completing the answer allows you to increase the number of questions included in each task. This circumstance, in turn, leads to the possibility of testing in each version of the task not only a whole complex of skills and knowledge (as in traditional tests), but the assimilation of the final elements of many knowledge separately.

Multiple-choice tasks provide the teacher with an opportunity for differentiated testing of students' knowledge while maintaining a unified approach to them. A unified approach is ensured by the fact that all students receive the same task or equivalent options. At the same time, multiple-choice tasks also have the possibility of differentiated testing of knowledge, because they may contain questions of different complexity. Among them there are those over whom and so-called. “strong” students will have to think seriously. In order to get a good grade, they need to answer these questions. Therefore, these students find themselves overwhelmed during the entire process of testing their knowledge, which significantly reduces their ability to help a neighbor, let them cheat, or give a hint.

Working on a task requires serious efforts from “strong” students, and therefore, the students, having completed it, receive moral satisfaction, real proof of their capabilities. This circumstance stimulates them to further work.

The so-called “weak” students do not suffer from the presence of difficult questions in the assignments, because they can focus their attention on less difficult questions, the correct answers to which allow them to get satisfactory grades.

Thus, this form of work allows all students to demonstrate their strengths and knowledge to the maximum.

Multiple-choice tasks allow you to establish clear grading standards. This feature is ensured by the fact that when developing them, a list of correct answers to all questions is compiled, which does not allow for discrepancies. In addition, the normalization of grades is established in advance by the number of correct answers to the assignment questions. As a result, student work is assessed regardless of who checked it. This eliminates the shortcomings that occur when assessing traditional tests.

Of all types of tests, including various types of tests, multiple-choice tasks provide the greatest ease of checking student work and suitability for statistical processing by machine verification.

Checking the work by the teacher comes down to comparing the indexes of answers chosen by students for each question with the code of the correct answers. Such a comparison can be carried out using pre-prepared stencils that have holes in the places corresponding to the correct answers.

Multiple-choice tasks are capable of meeting most of the teaching and character-building tasks facing the final knowledge test.

Multiple choice items can be a useful tool for many educational studies. This circumstance is explained by the possibility of obtaining a quantitative picture of assimilation based on the results of tasks with a choice of answers.

As can be seen from the above analysis, multiple-choice tasks well satisfy most of the requirements for materials for the final knowledge test. A number of specific features of this form of testing create the best opportunities for quantitative measurement of knowledge acquisition.

However, like other forms of testing, multiple choice items have disadvantages.

Multiple-choice tasks, due to the large number of questions they contain, do not allow testing students’ ability to solve combined problems. Having the ability to reveal students’ knowledge of individual elements, multiple-choice tasks turn out to be ineffective when it is necessary to test a whole complex of skills and knowledge.

Multiple-choice questions also do not test the culture of the means of expressing knowledge.

The answer options they contain inevitably serve as hints for students and can significantly reduce their independence. When choosing an answer, the possibility of guessing is possible.

In tasks with the choice of one correct answer out of three, the probability of guessing is 1/3, which leads to the fact that one third of all tasks can be solved not by knowledge of the educational material, but by answering at random. In a test consisting of, say, thirty tasks, there may be about ten such “correct” answers, for which teachers can assign the usual three points. But this is a wrong practice. It is no coincidence that students and schoolchildren like tasks with three answers, where there is always real opportunity guessing.

The phenomenon of guessing the correct answers in the theory of pedagogical measurements has been studied repeatedly; it is considered as a source of measurement errors - the larger the proportion of guessed correct answers. To correct test scores of subjects, the formula is used

Xci = Xi - W/k-1

where Xci is the subject's guess-corrected test score. Hence the meaning of the index: c from English. corrected, the symbol i denotes the number of the subject.

Xi - test score of subject i, without correction;

Wi is the number of erroneous answers for the same subject.

k is the number of answers in the test tasks.

This formula is used under the assumption that the test taker does not know the correct answer to any task and tries to answer at random throughout the test. In it, the most likely number of answers that can be guessed without knowing anything is subtracted from the total points scored.

If we take, for example, a test consisting of 30 tasks with four answers, then in the case of 20 correct and 10 incorrect answers we get Xci = 20 - 10/4-1 = 16.6, or rounded, 17 points. From the structure of this formula it is clear that with an increase in the number of correct answers, the number of points deducted for guessing in tasks with four answers noticeably decreases. From which it is clear that well-prepared subjects should not be bothered by the correction of their guess scores.

Things are a little better in tasks with choosing one correct answer out of five answers. Such tasks are widely used in all Russian and foreign testing centers. When choosing from five answers, about a fifth of the correct answers can be guessed. total number tasks. As a result, subjects receive points they do not deserve. This is one of the most common forms of distortion of test results due to outdated and imperfect forms of tasks.

§ 2. Test control of knowledge on the topic "Electric current in liquids. Electrolysis. Laws of electrolysis"

According to the physics curriculum, students should know what electric charge carriers are in liquids. Distilled water does not conduct current. Aqueous solutions or melts of electrolytes (acids, bases and salts) have electrical conductivity. The carriers of electric charges in them are positive and negative ions. Electric current in electrolytes is the ordered movement of these ions in an electric field created between electrodes lowered into the electrolyte.

Students become familiar with the laws of electrolysis: the first law states that the mass of a substance released on any of the electrodes is directly proportional to the charge passing through the electrolyte.


Second law: the electrochemical equivalent is proportional to the chemical equivalent of a given substance:

You can introduce students to Faraday's combined law for electrolysis.

At the same time, students must not only remember these laws, but also be able to apply them when solving problems on this topic.

As noted earlier, to assess students’ knowledge on a 10-point scale, the final test must cover all the material on the topic and include tasks of all levels of difficulty.

It should contain tasks of the first level - actions to recognize, recognize and distinguish concepts (objects of study).

The second level - actions to reproduce educational material (objects of study) at the memory level.

And the third level - actions to reproduce educational material (objects of study) at the level of understanding; description and analysis of actions with objects of study.

There may be students in the class who do not want to limit themselves to six points. For such students, the test should contain tasks that require a higher level of intelligence.

To ensure independence, it was necessary to create at least two versions of tests.

It is also possible that some of the students, after graduating from high school, will try to take centralized testing tests in physics and enroll in technical universities. To implement the continuity of school tests and CT tests, it was necessary to use common approaches.

It would be advisable to use a collection of tasks in physics for final exams for a high school course, testing, entrance exams to higher educational institutions and other aids. At the same time, it was necessary to take into account the features of the experimental 11 "G" class.

As a result, the following two versions of the test were compiled on the topic "Electric current in liquids. Electrolysis. Laws of electrolysis."

Options for experimental tests of verification work:

Option 1.

No. 1. Obtaining exact metal copies of relief products using electrolysis is called:

1) electroplating

2) electroplating

3) dissociation

4) refining

No. 2. Tinning is the electrolytic coating of metal with a layer:

1) zinc

2) tin

3) nickel

4) lead

No. 3. The process of obtaining highly pure metals using electrolysis is called:

1) electroplating

2) electroplating

3) distillation

4) refining

No. 4. The authorship of the laws of electrolysis belongs to:

1) G. Devi

2) A. Lavoisier

3) M. Faraday

4) A. Avogadro

No. 5. Electrolysis is:

1) disintegration of the electrolyte into ions

No. 6. How many minutes did nickel plating last with a current of 2 A, if the mass of released nickel is 1.8 g? Electrochemical equivalent of nickel 0.3 mg/C.

1) 10

2) 20

3) 30

4) 40

5) 50

6) find it difficult to answer

No. 7. Which of the following quantities corresponds to the SI unit of Faraday's constant?

1) kg/mol

2) C/mol

3) A*s/mol

4) A*mol/s

5) A/mol

No. 8. The part must be coated with a layer of chromium 50 microns thick. How long will it take to coat if the current density for chrome plating is 2kA/m2

No. 9. Knowing Faraday’s constant and using the periodic table, find the electrochemical equivalents of divalent and tetravalent tin.

No. 10. After what period of time?t will the copper anode become thinner by?x = 0.04 mm, if the current density during electrolysis is 1.25 A/m 2?

Option 2.

No. 1. Electrolysis is:

1) disintegration of the electrolyte into ions

2) interaction of cations or anions with water

3) redox reactions under the influence of electric current

4) passage of electric current through an electrolyte solution

No. 2. The process of obtaining highly pure metals using electrolysis is called:

1) electroplating

2) electroplating

3) distillation

4) refining

No. 3. A positively charged electrode is called:

1) cation

2) cathode

3) anion

4) anode

No. 4. Faraday's first law:

1) the mass of the substance released on any of the electrodes is directly proportional to the current strength.

2) The electrochemical equivalent is proportional to the chemical equivalent of a given substance.

3) the mass of the substance released on any of the electrodes is directly proportional to the charge passing through the electrolyte.

4) There is no correct answer

No. 5. In electrolytes, charge carriers are:

1) electrons

2) electrons and ions

3) ions

4) electrons and holes

No. 6. How many minutes did nickel plating last with a current of 2 A, if the mass of released nickel is 3.2 g? Electrochemical equivalent of nickel 0.3 mg/C.

1) 44

2) 75

3) 56

4) 89

5) 100

6) find it difficult to answer

No. 7. Which of the following ratios corresponds to the unit of measurement of the electrochemical equivalent, through the basic SI units?






No. 8. How long did nickel plating last if a layer of nickel weighing 1.8 g was deposited on the product? Current strength 2A.

No. 9. The part must be coated with a layer of chromium 62 microns thick. How long will it take to coat if the current density for chrome plating is 2kA/m2

No. 10. Determine the time period?t that will be required for electrolytic coating of a product with a layer of gold, thickness d=5 mm, if the current density j=10 A/m 2 in a gold chloride solution.

§ 3. Centralized testing in physics

In 2002, the organization RIKZ, the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control, was created in Belarus. As an experiment, pedagogical tests were held in the Republic in the same year Russian Federation, which were prepared by the Russian Academy of Sciences, and already in the next 2003, based on previous experience, RIKZ conducted the first centralized testing for applicants in our country.

Since 2004, the practice of conducting DT in Belarus has become increasingly widespread: the knowledge of future applicants is tested using state tests.

Some of them are mandatory, some are optional. The applicant registers for the test and then takes it in a general classroom together with other test takers. Tests in the same subject are carried out on the same day throughout the country, so all applicants are subject to the same conditions.

In the beginning, tests were carried out in April-May. You can take practice testing before the official state tests. This is good training: you can get an idea of ​​the testing procedure itself and gain experience in filling out paperwork and managing time correctly.

Tests are prepared and checked by the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control. A reliable test security system is in place, so exam questions cannot be leaked onto the Internet before the test is administered. Therefore, you should not believe the charlatans who try to sell answers over the Internet every year. After checking the tests, a certificate is issued indicating the amount of points received (from 0 to 100), which applicants then submit to the university admissions committee. Applicants who received from 1 to 8 points inclusive are not allowed to participate in the competition for admission to a university (2008).

Centralizes A This test in physics is carried out for 180 minutes (3 astronomical hours). During testing, you can use only the simplest calculators that perform only addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and percentage calculations. Programmable calculators are prohibited. For cheat sheets and mobile devices are removed from testing, and the next opportunity to take the test will be only in a year.

To conduct centralized testing (CT) in Belarus in 2007, 10 equivalent test versions were prepared. Each option offered 30 tasks:

23 problems in open-type physics (A1 - A23): for each problem there are 5 answer options, from which you need to choose only one correct one. 7 problems in closed-type physics (B1 - B7): you need to solve the problem and write down the answer received in the form, having first rounded it according to the rounding rules.

The average test score in physics in Belarus in 2007 was 24 out of 100 possible (for comparison: in mathematics - 32). The maximum score in physics was 95.

In 2008, the structure of the test changed slightly, although the total number of tasks remained the same (30 tasks):

1st group of problems (A1 - A18) - 18 open-type physics problems: for each problem there are 5 answer options, from which you need to choose only one correct one.

2nd group of problems (B1 - B12) - 12 closed-type physics problems: you need to solve the problem and write down the answer on the form, having first rounded it according to the rounding rules.

Statistical data on the results of the CT in physics for 2008 will be published in analytical collections that are being prepared for publication in each subject (including physics). In the Mogilev region, the average score on the CT in physics was 19.83 (about 5 thousand applicants, according to the Mogilev Vedomosti newspaper). The maximum score is 100 points. For comparison: the average test score in physics in Belarus as a whole in 2007 was 24 out of 100 possible. The maximum score was = 95.

In accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (No. 55 of July 1, 2008), applicants who received from 1 to 7 points in physics inclusive are not allowed to participate in the competition for admission to a university. In other words, only starting from 8 points, the mark of the entrance test in physics is considered positive. For comparison: in 2007 there were 14 points.

Centralized testing is a form of entrance examinations organized on the basis of pedagogical tests, standardized procedures for conducting test control, processing, analysis and presentation of results, used to conduct a competition for admission to institutions of higher, secondary special and vocational education of the Republic of Belarus.

Educational material tests the acquired knowledge and skills. This, in turn, relates to centralized testing - this is a form of entrance tests, organized on the basis of pedagogical tests, standardized procedures for conducting test control, processing, analysis and presentation of results, used to conduct a competition for admission to institutions providing higher, secondary specialized and professional -technical education.

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Purpose of testing

The test allows Form of conduct - 45 minutes.

Test structure

View document contents
“Final control of knowledge in physics in 8th grade”

Final test of knowledge in physics in 8th grade

Purpose of testing: to evaluate the general educational preparation of students enrolled in the basic school program (authors: E. M. Gutnik, A. V. Peryshkin - Physics grades 7-9 collection: “Programs for educational institutions“Physics” Moscow, Bustard -2004,” in physics for the 8th grade course, studying using the textbook “Physics. 8th grade” edited by A.V. Peryshkin. The content of the final work corresponds to the Federal component state standard main general education in physics.

The test allows check the following activities: understanding the meaning of physical concepts; physical phenomena; physical quantities; physical laws. The ability to solve problems of various levels of complexity, express units of physical quantities in units of the International System, and practically apply knowledge. Form of conduct test thematic control: in writing. Such a test provides an individual approach and will allow you to quickly and accurately assess the success of each student in mastering the knowledge and skills that meet the mandatory requirements of the curriculum. The test uses a closed and open form tasks: one of several. This test contains tasks of varying difficulty levels. Job completion time - 45 minutes.

Test structure: 2 options for the final work with a choice of 1 correct answer, consisting of 14 tasks each. In the tasks of Part A, you must choose the correct answer; in part B, write down the formula and choose the correct answer; in part C, select the answer and make a detailed solution.

Test Assessment:

one task from part A – 1 point;

one task from part B – 2 points;

one task from part C – 3 points (if the entire problem is solved correctly).

Total 22 points.

Evaluation criteria:

2 points are given if there is a formula and the correct answer is chosen. If one of these conditions is met, then 1 point is given.

3 points are given if correct solution, i.e. the brief condition is correctly written, the SI system is written, formulas are written, mathematical calculations are performed, and the answer is presented.

2 points are given if there is an error in recording the brief condition or in the SI system, or there is no numerical calculation, or an error is made in mathematical calculations.

1 point is given if not all the initial formulas necessary to solve the problem are written down or if all the formulas are written down, but an error is made in one of them.

1 option


Each task has several answers, of which only one is correct. In task A, choose the correct answer and circle the number of the selected answer. In tasks B, write down the formula and circle the number of the selected answer. In tasks C, circle the number of the chosen answer, and complete the detailed solution on separate sheets of paper.

Part A

1. The internal energy of a lead body will change if:

a) hit it hard with a hammer; b) raise it above the ground;

c) throw it horizontally; d) cannot be changed.

2. What type of heat transfer is observed when heating a room with a water heating radiator?

a) thermal conductivity; b) convection; c) radiation; d) all three methods are the same.

3. Which one physical quantity denoted by the letter ƛ and has the dimension J/kg?

4. During the boiling process, the temperature of the liquid...

a) increases; b) does not change;

c) decreases; d) there is no correct answer.

5. If bodies repel each other, this means that they are charged...

6. Resistance is calculated using the formula:

a) R=I/U; b) R = U/I; c) R = U*I; d) there is no correct formula.

7. From which pole of the magnet do the lines come out? magnetic field?

a) from the north; b) from the south; c) from both poles; d) don't go out.

8. If an electric charge moves, then around it there is:

a) only magnetic field; b) only electric field;

c) both electric and magnetic fields; d) there is no field.

Part B

9. What amount of heat must be imparted to water weighing 1 kg to heat it from 10°C to 20°C? Specific heat capacity of water 4200 J/kg °C?

a) 21000 J; b) 4200 J; c) 42000 J; d) 2100 J.

10. How much heat will be released in a conductor with a resistance of 1 Ohm within 30 seconds at a current of 4 A?

a) 1 J; b) 8 J; c) 120 J; d) 480 J.

11. The work done by the current in 600 seconds is 15,000 J. What is the current power?

a) 15 W; b) 25 W; c) 150 W; d) 250 W.

12. Two conductors with resistance R 1 = 100 Ohm and R 2 = 100 Ohm are connected in parallel. What is their total resistance?

a) 60 Ohm; b) 250 Ohm; c) 50 Ohm; d) 100 Ohm.

Part C

13. To heat 3 liters of water from 180 °C to 1000 °C, one hundred degree steam is introduced into the water. Determine the mass of steam. ( Specific heat water vaporization is 2.3 J/kg, specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/kg °C, water density is 1000 kg/m3).

a) 450 kg; b) 1 kg c) 5 kg; d) 0.45 kg.

14. The voltage in an iron conductor with a length of 100 cm and a cross section of 1 mm2 is 0.3 V. Resistivity iron 0.1 Ohm mm2/m. Calculate the current in the steel conductor.

a) 10 A; b) 3 A; c) 1 A; d) 0.3 A.

Test work on physics teaching__ 8 "__" grade

Last name First name___________________________

Option 2

INSTRUCTIONS on completing the final test.

Each task has several answers, of which only one is correct. In task A, choose the correct answer and circle the number of the selected answer. In tasks B, write down the formula Make calculations and circle the number of the selected answer. In tasks C, circle the number of the chosen answer, and complete the detailed solution on separate sheets of paper.

Part A

1. The internal energy of bodies depends on:

a) mechanical movement of the body; b) body temperature; c) body shape; d) body volume.

2. In what way is the most heat transferred to the human body from a fire?

a) radiation; b) convection; c) thermal conductivity d) all three methods are the same.

3. What physical quantity is denoted by the letter L and has the dimension J/kg?

a) specific heat capacity; b) specific heat of combustion of fuel;

c) specific heat of fusion; d) specific heat of vaporization.

4. When melting solid his temperature...

a) increases; b) decreases; c) does not change; d) there is no correct answer.

5. If charged bodies attract each other, then they are charged...

a) negative; b) differently; c) of the same name; d) positive.

6. Current strength is calculated using the formula:

a) I = R/U; b) I = U/R. c) I = U*R; d) there is no correct formula.

7. If there is both an electric and magnetic field around an electric charge, then this charge:

a) moves; b) motionless;

c) the presence of magnetic and electric fields does not depend on the state of charge;

d) magnetic and electric fields cannot exist simultaneously.

8. When the current strength in the electromagnet circuit decreases, the magnetic field...

a) will intensify; b) will decrease; c) will not change; d) there is no correct answer.

.Part B

9. What amount of heat is required to heat a piece of copper weighing 4 kg from

25°C to 50°C? The specific heat capacity of copper is 400 J/kg °C.

a) 8000 J; b) 4000 J; c) 80000 J; d) 40000 J.

10. Determine the energy consumed by a flashlight bulb in 120 seconds if its voltage is 2.5 V and the current is 0.2 A.

a) 1 J; b) 6 J; c) 60 J; d) 10 J.

11. Calculate the amount of current in the winding of an electric iron if, when connected to a 220 V network, it consumes 880 W.

a) 0.25 A b) 4 A; c) 2.5 A; d) 10 A.

12. Two conductors with resistance R1 = 150 Ohm and R2 = 100 Ohm are connected in series. What is their total resistance?

a) 60 Ohm; b) 250 Ohm; c) 50 Ohm; d) 125 Ohm.

Part C

13. How much energy will be released during crystallization and cooling from the melting point of 327°C to 27°C of a lead plate measuring 2 cm · 5 cm · 10 cm? (Specific heat of crystallization of lead 0.25 J/kg, specific heat capacity of lead 140 J/kg °C, density of lead 11300 kg/m3).

a) 15 kJ; b) 2.5 kJ; c) 25 kJ; d) 75 kJ.

14. The current strength in a steel conductor with a length of 140 cm and a cross-sectional area of ​​0.2 mm2 is 250 mA. What is the voltage at the ends of this conductor? Steel resistivity 0.15 Ohm mm2/m

a) 1.5 V; b) 0.5 V; c) 0.26 V; d) 3B

1. Scale for converting the number of correct answers into a rating on a five-point scale

Number of points scored

Score in points

2. Distribution of tasks on the main topics of the physics course




Difficulty level

Thermal phenomena

Electrical phenomena

Electromagnetic phenomena

Light phenomena

3. Table of distribution of tasks in the final test by difficulty level


in the test


difficulty level

4. Answers



(1 var)


(2 var)

Test work verification protocol

8th grade students of MBOU "Secondary School No. 2"

Date: 2018

Teacher: Malinovkina E.B.

Number of students:

Number of students completing the work:

Completion: 100% Quality: 75% Average: 4

Task No.

Number of points

Number of students

% completed

Task No.

Number of points

Number of students

% completed

Basic mistakes


Number of mistakes

Thermal phenomena

Changes in aggregate states of matter

Electrical phenomena

Electromagnetic phenomena