How to wear a trench collar. Orthopedic trench cervical splint - how to choose the size and wear it correctly for adults or children. Collar Care

When pathologies of the spinal column appear in the neck area, doctors recommend using such a special device as Shants's collar. But the doctor will recommend this medical device only when the patient undergoes a thorough examination.

Not so long ago, patients tried to make such orthopedic products with their own hands. But it was not possible to achieve the required quality. Real factory collars (or tires - they are also called so) are made from the corresponding material in different densities. It is selected in a special way so that the collar fulfills its intended functions. It is impossible to do this on your own.

Properties and types of collars

The Shants collar is an orthopedic product that can temporarily replace the lost different reasons functions of the cervical support apparatus. Outwardly, it looks like a dense flexible frame. Has a clasp for fixing the vertebrae. Possesses the following properties:

  • does not allow the patient to bend and unbend the neck, rotate it;
  • provides complete rest for the diseased spine;
  • renders and warms.

Wearing a cervical collar relieves the neck muscles from stress, has a positive effect on the blood supply to the sore spot.

This device, which can help a patient with osteochondrosis, is of 3 types:

  1. The Shants-type collar is similar to a device in which the inflatable mechanism is located between 2 strips of fabric. The collar is fixed at the neck and inflated with a special pear. Wearing such a product allows the spine to stretch in the cervical region. The inter-articular space increases, blood circulation in the diseased section and in closely located organs improves.
  2. Padded collar - fully inflatable. With its help, you can fix the diseased area at the desired level. This type of collar helps stretch the vertebrae and reduces pain.
  3. A rigid collar is a plastic or metal construction. It is recommended to use this type in case of damage and.

The attending physician must adjust the tire on the patient.

A neck collar is not a medicine. It will not cure the problem. It is only a companion tool that can temporarily relieve the painful symptoms of the disease. It is called a crutch for the neck, compared to the effect of a crutch in a broken leg - to help, but not to cure.

This product provides support for the neck by redistributing the load. The neck muscles, tendons and ligaments are not fully loaded, while the head is in the position that it needs. Also, wearing a collar has a light massage effect on the diseased area and warms it.

The products are worn by people of any age, including the elderly. Sometimes they are even prescribed to newborn babies. The term of wearing is determined by the attending doctor.

The Shants collar is considered effective. He is appointed in the following cases:

  • newly born babies who show signs of torticollis ();
  • at ;
  • after surgical treatment cervical;
  • with neurology in the neck and dizziness;
  • with (inflammation of the skeletal muscles);
  • with osteochondrosis.

The product also has contraindications. You cannot use it in the following cases:

  • with instability of the cervical spine (as a result of injury or illness);
  • at dermatological diseases any degree of severity.

The splint should fit snugly over the damaged area, but not squeeze the neck. It won't do any good to wear a collar if it dangles around your neck. It is necessary to provide a reliable fixation, which relieves the load on the cervical muscles.

Muscle relaxation will begin gradually. The massage and warming effect will help in this. And the inability to make turns and tilts will help faster healing.

Indications for use in infants

An orthopedic collar isn't just prescribed for adults. Sometimes babies may also need it.

Not so often, but it still happens that childbirth is complicated, and the baby is born with injuries. The most common of these is cervical injury. In the future, this can affect the health of the child. The doctor will recommend that the mother use an orthopedic collar for the newborn, which will help correct the defect and maintain health.

Short neck syndrome, hyperexcitability, a depressed nervous system and some other pathologies - that's what a baby needs a neck brace for.

It will correct the position of the neck, lightly massage it and warm it, will have a positive effect on its extension.

No amateur performance should be allowed. Only a doctor can prescribe the wearing of orthopedic products even for an adult. And if we are talking about a newborn, then even more so.

You can buy a children's one in an orthopedic salon. And the doctor will help you choose the appropriate size. He will make the necessary measurements and determine the size. Often doctors advise to order individual collars for babies.

The doctor will tell the parents how to put the splint on the baby. You should learn to do it right. The notch should be located in a strictly defined place - under the baby's chin. The clasp is at the back. The chin and cheeks should be above the collar. Breathing should be free, a tight splint will squeeze your neck. An incorrectly worn corset can injure delicate skin baby.

The doctor will tell the mother how to wear the collar for the baby and how long to do it. Usually the term does not last more than a month. But the cases are different. During the day, the collar is also worn in different ways: for someone it is prescribed for 10 minutes, and for someone for a day.

If the collar must be worn at all times, then you can only remove it from the baby when bathing.

You should not use homemade gadgets, especially when it comes to such a small person. These devices are unlikely to help the baby, but they can do much harm. Without calculating the strength of the impact, you can damage the fragile spinal cord.

Do not use an orthopedic splint for a healthy baby.

The most important thing is to decide on the correct tire height. important before purchasing, as orthopedic products cannot be returned or exchanged.

For the right choice tires need to measure the distance from lower jaw to the collarbone. This is the collar height. If it is difficult to do this on your own, then a consultant will help in the salon where these products are sold.

You should familiarize yourself with the rules for selecting a neck brace:

  • its height is equal to the length of the neck;
  • from below, the product should reach the level of the collarbones, and from above it should reach the lower jaw;
  • from the back, the lower edge of the collar should be located at the base of the neck, and the upper one at the base of the skull;
  • the neck in the bandage should maintain a straight position, and the head should be kept straight;
  • if a person is able to move his neck freely, then the orthopedic bandage is not chosen as it should be.

An incorrectly chosen tire will not do any good, but, on the contrary, will do harm. Dizziness may occur frequently.

The collar comes with instructions for use, which should be read before using it.

The product can be worn on a bare neck, or you can use a cotton pad. Putting on the tire is easy. The fasteners are comfortable, in the form of velcro. Checking whether the collar is correctly positioned around the neck is quite simple - a finger should pass between them.

If you wear a cervical corset correctly, then there will be no discomfort. But this cannot be done constantly, since the cervical muscles quickly atrophy without proper load.

Is it possible to sleep in Shants' collar?

Sometimes patients have a question, is it possible to sleep in a collar? If you need to use it continuously, then you can sleep in it. But in this case, the pillow must also be orthopedic. Usually the doctor prescribes wearing a collar for no more than 4 hours a day. It all depends on the pathology that led to the need to wear an orthopedic corset.

The rules for using the cervical brace should be observed. It can only be washed by hand. The water should not be heated. Only neutral detergents can be used. After washing, the garment should be rinsed thoroughly so that the detergent does not irritate the skin. It should be dried in natural conditions in a flattened form. This is the only way the collar will last long time.

A modern person leads a sedentary lifestyle, which negatively affects the musculoskeletal system and provokes development. The cervical spine experiences daily stress and stress. The disease causes discomfort and stiffness of movement. As it develops, they join additional symptoms, the state of health worsens, pain and dizziness occur. Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis helps to reduce the load on the spine, reduce pain, and smooth the clinical picture.

The purpose of the Shants bus

The structure that fixes the neck is called a collar or Shants splint. The main purpose of the bandage is to immobilize the cervical spine, relieve the load on the spine, and give the muscles a chance to "rest".

Why do adults need a collar? The Shants bus is used when. It protects the damaged areas of the spine from overstrain, relieves the pressure of the head on the neck, improves blood flow and oxygen access to brain cells.

Does Shants' collar help with osteochondrosis? The massage and warming effect allows you to reduce pain and restore damaged areas in a shorter time. Before purchasing a product, you need to understand how the Shants collar works.

The bandage allows you to improve the patient's condition and has a lot of advantages:

  • stabilizes the vertebrae in the cervical spine;
  • relaxes smooth muscles;
  • improves blood supply to adjacent tissues and the brain;
  • has a light massage effect;
  • moderately relieves pain.

There are several types of collars: soft latex, inflatable rubber, semi-rigid with reinforcing inserts, rigid plastic.

Correct selection of a bandage

The biggest challenge is choosing neck collars. How to choose the right tire size? Manufacturers pay more attention to adjusting the girth of the neck than to its height. An important point is the distance from the clavicle to the angle of the lower jaw, which is perpendicular to the floor - both parameters are the most significant.

On a note. A well-chosen collar should rest on the lower part of the collarbone and create light pressure on the lower jaw, and from behind it should reach the base of the skull and rest on the neck.

How to wear a tire? When applying a bandage, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Wash and dry the skin of your neck - the collar is worn only on a clean body.
  2. Wrap the splint around your neck and fix it firmly so that it is impossible to tilt and turn the head.
  3. Do not tighten too tightly, as this may cause breathing problems and dizziness.
  4. Inflate the inflatable collar after positioning on the neck.
  5. Check the correct fit - stick your finger between the collar and the neck, it should pass with little effort.

The splint is applied correctly if the person experiences slight discomfort. In this case, breathing remains free, and rotation of the head is impossible.

How to wear a bandage for cervical osteochondrosis? The duration of wearing depends on the stage of the disease, physiological characteristics person and must be agreed with the attending physician. It is recommended to wear the bandage several times a day for 15-30 minutes or 2 hours twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime.

On a note. One session of using the Shants collar should not exceed 3 hours.

How long should you wear a collar? Typically, the course of treatment varies from 20 to 30 days. It is not recommended to use the bandage for a long time. Smooth muscles can atrophy and cease to perform their direct functions - to support the cervical spine.

Bandage benefits and indications

Shants' splint is designed to fix the cervical vertebrae in anatomical position. This gives the muscles and spine extra time to relax, rest, and recover.

Wearing a bandage has several advantages:

  • recovery after operations and injuries of the cervical spine is accelerated;
  • with the right selection, no side effects;
  • minimal contraindications.

Prescribed only as part of complex therapy... The product relieves the main symptoms and promotes recovery process.

Some are interested in the question, is it possible to sleep in Shants's collar? A short sleep will not harm your health, the main thing to remember is that wearing should not be prolonged. You cannot rest all night in a bandage.

Shants' orthopedic collar is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • instability of the vertebrae;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • anatomical abnormalities;
  • fatigue syndrome;
  • myositis;
  • hernia and protrusion;
  • torticollis of newborns;
  • oppression nervous system during pregnancy.

Important. Wearing a bandage has minimal contraindications. These include injuries and diseases skin, high instability of the spine.

Shants' child splint

Sometimes childbirth proceeds with various complications, because of this torticollis may occur. If untreated, the baby remains disabled. Shants' children's collar is the solution to the problem. The doctor should choose the right product, taking into account the height and weight of the baby.

How to use a child tire:

  1. Place the retainer under the baby's chin.
  2. Buckle the tire at the back.
  3. Check if the installation is correct.

The frequency and time of wearing is determined by the doctor. Put on the collar after massage. A bandage for children requires constant care, is washed by hand and dried in a flattened form.

Shantz's bus is preventive measure... The collar helps to reduce pain symptoms, relieve stress from the cervical spine for a short time, relax "tired" muscles, and improve blood circulation. Even a short unloading contributes to the recovery process and improves the patient's well-being.

An orthopedic collar or head holder is a special device for reducing the load on the cervical spine and fixing it.

The need for orthotics arises in case of injuries, some diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as in the presence of a pronounced pain syndrome.

The orthopedic collar for the cervical spine is a medical device for fixing the movement of the patient's neck.

Read about here.

Varieties of bandage

Cervical spine orthotics are classified according to the following criteria:

  1. Material, from which the collar is made;
  2. Fastening rigidity and the degree of immobilization of the patient's neck.
  3. According to the criterion of the material used, there are the following types of collars:
  • suede hollow construction with tube and pump;
  • foam base, covered with hypoallergenic breathable fabric;
  • flexible plastic or polyethylene foam (PPE) with clasps, treated with soft fabrics on the inside and sides.
  1. The criterion for the degree of rigidity of fixation assumes a wider type range of orthoses, namely:
  • Inflatable- makes it possible to adjust the rigidity of the attachment and the required volume of the inflated cavity, but difficulties arise in the selection of the optimal size.

    The bandage, if used incorrectly, can pinch large cervical vessels and lead to temporary hypoxia of the patient's brain. Also, this collar does not cope with the main task - unloading the cervical spine.

    However, inflatable collars are used to stretch the spine in the cervical spine, the need for which may be caused by the neurological consequences of osteochondrosis, etc. The inflatable collar is on the border medical use, some of its types are used to relax the muscles of the cervical spine. These include, for example, non-closed inflatable circuits, which are actively used in road conditions, if you need to rest in a sitting position. Read about here.

  • Cervical with a semi-rigid or soft fixing effect, made of foam rubber covered with fabric, with a contact fastening at the back. This type of collar is used for pain and anatomical changes in the muscles to keep the head in the correct position and partially relieve the load on the cervical spine.
  • Shants collar for babies- in fact, it is a kind of cervical collar with soft fixation, but small in size. The collar or splint of Shants is an open-ended foam rubber circle with Velcro at the ends, covered with a soft fabric. The main metric indicators for such an ortho collar are length and height.

Below is a table of the relationship between the size of the orthosis and the age of the patient:

Patient age Collar length Collar height
Premature (up to 28 days) 28 2,7
Newborn (1 month) 32 3,7
Baby (up to 1 year old) 33 4
Children's short 36 5,5; 6,5; 7,5
Baby long 42 5,5; 6,5; 7,5
Adult 53 7,5; 9; 10; 11.
  • Cervical hard- this is a collar for the neck, leading to its almost complete immobilization. It is made from thermoplastic polyethylene foam, usually directly on the patient.

    At the manufacturing stage, the height of the collar is immediately modeled for a particular patient, as well as the recess for the chin and the convenience of the collar on the upper part are adjusted. chest... The bandage is fixed at the back with a contact type fastener.

    This orthosis is used during an exacerbation of chronic diseases in the cervical spine - osteochondrosis and spondylosis, as well as in postoperative period when the anterior neck muscles underwent surgery.

  • Craniocervical collar It is also made of flexible plastic, and, by analogy with a rigid cervical cut, is modeled according to the needs of a particular patient. The difference lies in the capture of the patient's occipital region, as well as the lower part of the chin for more reliable fixation of the cervical spine. If necessary, the posterior part of the orthosis can be increased up to the 4th thoracic vertebra.
  • is a rigid structure made of PPE, fixed on the back of the head. This orthosis is used for injuries of the upper spine, when it is necessary to fix the head in a fixed position in a vertical plane.
  • with two supporting segments on the lower jaw and the back of the head, as well as with four vertical supports, it is possible to gently stretch the spine in the cervical spine. It is used in patients with unstable spinal injuries, as well as before surgery in patients with a diagnosis of cervical instability.
  • birth trauma leading to damage to the cervical spine;
  • hyperexcitability and fearfulness in the behavior of the child;
  • depression of the nervous system;
  • torticollis;
  • short neck syndrome.

Interesting are the results of a study of the degree of immobilization of the cervical spine by types of orthopedic collars in three planes:

  • vertical - tilting the head back and forth;
  • frontal- lateral head tilt to the right and left;
  • horizontal- turning the head to the right and to the left.

The research results are presented in the table:

Planes for head movements Vertical Frontal Horizontal
Norm (no collar) 100% 100% 100%
Soft-fit cervical collar 67% 51% 59%
Cervical collar, rigid fixation 53% 26% 40%
Craniocervical collar 22% 22% 35%
Craniocervical collar with frontal fixation 2% 11% 18%
Splint for fixation of cervical vertebrae 32% 29% 44%

Consequently, the best immobilization of the cervical spine is achieved by double fixation of the craniocervical orthosis on the neck and frontal part of the head.

Read about here.

Indications for use

An orthopedic collar can be used:

  • for newborns, the appearance of symptoms of muscle torticollis;
  • pain syndrome of a neurological nature;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • damage to the cervical spine as a result of injuries, including birth (the severity of the injury determines the type of cervical orthosis in the following relationship: the more serious the damage, the more rigid the fixing structure);
  • with some chronic diseases musculoskeletal system, namely osteochondrosis, spondylosis, arthrosis;
  • during the rehabilitation of the patient after neck surgery.

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Too long and unjustified, from a medical point of view, wearing orthopedic collars can lead to atrophy of the muscles of the patient's cervical spine.

For example, for newborns with injuries to the vertebrae of the cervical spine, it is considered optimal to wear a Shants splint for a month.

However, for other indications, a podiatrist may prescribe a splint for a few minutes a day after a warming neck massage. In this case, the purpose of the collar is no longer in fixation, but in a warming effect.

There are specific contraindications for wearing head holders, namely:

  • instability of the vertebrae in the cervical spine;
  • emergence itchy skin and an allergic reaction at the collar contact with the patient's neck.

It should be remembered that the pain relief from wearing orthopedic collars is temporary.

The collar is not a panacea, but a means of keeping the head in the correct position, which means that it must be combined with other therapeutic agents, for example, massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, etc.

The use of a collar for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a fairly common disease in modern world... It is caused by changes in the intervertebral discs, namely the depletion of cartilage, as a result of which the spine loses its shock-absorbing properties, and the vertebrae collapse when in contact with each other.

The reason for these unfavorable changes is the lifestyle of the average person who is forced to exist outside the physiological resting positions with minimization of physical activity. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis involves an integrated approach.

One of related methods therapy is wearing an orthopedic collar in order to relieve the neck muscles and relieve pain.

An additional effect of using a head holder is to normalize vascular network in the neck area, therefore, the blood supply to the brain improves, dizziness, migraines, sleep disturbances, etc. are eliminated.

Summary of the results of wearing a collar for osteochondrosis:

  • reducing pain;
  • restoration of injured intervertebral discs, ligaments and muscles;
  • elimination of spasms of the muscles of the neck and shoulders;
  • increased blood supply in the cervical region, namely the brain, spinal cord, neck and shoulders;
  • hearing, vision are normalized;
  • psycho-emotional mood improves;
  • the mobility of the neck and head is restored.

Thus, the collar with osteochondrosis not only facilitates the current condition of the patient, but also prevents the exacerbation of the disease in the future.

Back pain and crunching over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete limitation of movements, up to disability.

People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy that orthopedists recommend to heal their back and joints ...

How to choose the right collar?

The orthopedic collar should be tailored to suit the individual anatomical features the patient, the patient should carefully deal with the presented size range and purchase the best option.

In case of errors in the selection of the splint, if its dimensions are larger or smaller than required, the owners of a short neck will find it uncomfortable to wear a bandage, and patients with a long neck will lose the therapeutic effect.

A properly fitted soft to medium hardness orthosis should be positioned as follows:

  • in front, the upper edge under the lower jaw;
  • in front, the lower edge reaches the clavicle;
  • behind the upper edge at the base of the skull;
  • behind the lower edge at the base of the neck.

The main condition for a properly selected neck brace is to restrict the freedom of movement of the neck and head. The degree of neck immobilization depends on the indication for the use of the collar and the severity of the disease.

How to wear a bandage correctly?

The rules for dressing and wearing a collar vary depending on the type of collar.

When using the Shants bus, you should consider:

  • the collar is put on directly on the patient's body, the skin on the neck should be clean and dry;
  • the top of the collar is marked with a depression under the chin;
  • the mount is located at the back;
  • the patient should be comfortable in the collar, to avoid impaired circulation and breathing difficulties;
  • the collar should fit snugly against the skin, so that the cheeks and chin do not fall inside the bandage;
  • a finger should easily fit between the patient's neck, including infants, and the Shants splint an adult;
  • you need to wear a neck brace exactly as much as the doctor recommended. If necessary, the patient should wear the orthopedic collar at all times, without removing it even while sleeping. Or wear it at certain times during the day for the time prescribed by your doctor, for example, after a neck massage.

Orthopedic collars rigid fixation is put on in a hospital setting.

Orthopedic collar care

Soft orthopedic collars must be hand washed in cool water, carefully washing away traces of detergents. The collar is in direct contact with sensitive skin on the patient's neck, so you should choose soft and hypoallergenic detergents.

It is necessary to dry the collar under natural conditions, avoiding intense push-ups and contact with heating devices, as this can lead to deformation of the orthosis and loss of its shape.

Hard plastic orthopedic collars should be wiped with a damp cloth and allowed to air dry.

The neck brace is an effective means of relieving muscles and fixing the head in the correct position, but it should only be used as directed by a doctor, strictly following the recommended wearing pattern.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a chronic progressive pathology occurring against the background of destructive and degenerative changes in cartilage tissues. His clinical manifestations there are sharp or aching pains, restriction of movements in the neck, dizziness. It is no longer possible to completely restore damaged cartilage, therefore, the main goals of treatment are to alleviate symptoms, prevent the spread of the disease to healthy vertebrae, intervertebral discs.

X-ray diagnosis.

For this, the patient is recommended, regular exercises remedial gymnastics wearing bandages. Orthopedic devices are designed to reduce the load on the vertebrae, stimulate blood circulation, and prevent the progression of cervical osteochondrosis.

Exercises for the prevention of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine.

What are orthopedic products for?

The use of bands or orthoses in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis contributes to the correct distribution of loads on upper section spine by increasing the distance between the vertebrae and discs. While wearing, spasmodic muscles relax, compression of sensitive nerve endings, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels... The displaced vertebrae take an anatomically correct position, which significantly increases the functional activity of the entire spinal column.

Shants collar fixes cervical vertebrae in the anatomically correct position.

One of dangerous symptoms osteochondrosis - often occurring dizziness due to compression of blood vessels and oxygen starvation brain cells. The use of a collar allows you to normalize blood circulation, restore the supply of all tissues with nutrients and biologically active substances, molecular oxygen. To improve the well-being of patients, two conditions must be met:

  • reducing the load on the vertebrae. Any intense static or dynamic movement provokes not only increased pain and stiffness of the neck. Touching, the vertebrae and discs are even more damaged - the cartilage tissue becomes thinner, and the edges of the bone plates grow pathologically;
  • improvement of blood circulation, production of a sufficient amount of synovial fluid that acts as a shock absorber. While wearing the bandage, the movements in the cervical spine are not completely limited. Rhythmic oscillations with a small amplitude appear. This is enough for the production of synovium, the flow of blood to the tissues that have undergone degenerative changes.

The use of an orthopedic collar for the neck in osteochondrosis eliminates the deficit nutrients in the absence of intense damaging movements. When treating NSAIDs, analgesics, glucocorticosteroids, it is necessary to periodically wear a soft or hard collar. With a combination of physical unloading of the cervical spine and drug treatment it is possible to reduce the dosage of drugs that often have severe systemic side effects.

The constant use of collars of any degree of rigidity is strictly prohibited, as it can provoke further degenerative changes in the cartilage. It is necessary to increase the duration of breaks between wearing for classes physiotherapy exercises... A brace is an artificial support and support for the cervical vertebrae and discs. Regular exercise will help build up, strengthen your own muscle corset, and in the future do without any retainers.

Types of fixing devices

Independent choice of collar - common reason aggravation of symptoms, deterioration of the patient's well-being, progression of the disease. When determining which retainer is needed for a particular patient, the vertebrologist takes into account many factors. This is the stage of the pathology, the degree of damage to the cartilaginous tissues, the age, and the weight of the patient. The results of instrumental studies are taken into account. The images obtained show osteophytes (bone growths) compressing the vessels and nerve roots. The more such formations in the cervical region, the more rigid the orthosis should be. The assortment of pharmacies and medical equipment stores is presented different kinds orthopedic products:

  • rigid and semi-rigid orthoses with hard inserts - metal or plastic knitting needles, hinges, plates, spirals;

Height-adjustable cervical spine support.

  • collars with soft fixation, which are suitable both for the treatment of degenerative disc disease of 1-2 severity, and for prevention;

Anatomical splint collar.

  • inflatable products, reliably fixing the vertebrae, massaging, warming the neck, preventing pinching of the nerves;

Inflatable neck collar with osteochondrosis.

  • of various designs and sizes, preventing abrasion, wear of intervertebral discs and vertebrae.

Shants collar.

Each type of retainer has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are well known to the vertebrologist. An excessively rigid collar will worsen the condition of the vertebrae in a patient with initial stage osteochondrosis, preventing the strengthening of skeletal muscles. But a disease complicated by chondrosis or spondylosis requires wearing a rigid collar. Its upper part is in contact with the chin, and the lower one is located in the chest area. This helps to unload the cervical spine as much as possible, reduce the severity of pain syndrome, and prevent pinching of nerve endings.

Recently, preference is given to inflatable models. The design provides for the possibility of pumping different volumes of air to ensure the necessary fixation of the neck, which distinguishes them from other types of bandages that have several sizes. But the most popular model of retainers is the Shants collar. When worn, it has a multifaceted effect: it relaxes the muscles, supports the vertebrae, massages, warms, increases the gaps between all structures of the cervical spine.

Indications and contraindications

Wearing bandages has a number of contraindications. They cannot be used if there are open wound surfaces, deep cracks, ulcers on the neck. The temperature under the bandage is always elevated, which can provoke tissue infection, the development of an inflammatory process. If there are warts, papillomas, large moles on the neck, then the patient is referred for a consultation with a dermatologist or oncologist. Do not use a collar in case of severe instability of the vertebrae. In this case, the patient can only be helped surgical intervention with the installation of implants.

In what cases vertebrologists, traumatologists, neurologists recommend that patients wear orthopedic devices:

  • relapses of osteochondrosis, deforming osteoarthritis, spondylosis, not accompanied by severe instability of the elements of the cervical spine;
  • torticollis - a disease in which the head tilts and simultaneously turns in the opposite direction;


  • muscle pain caused by trauma, physical strain, exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • sciatica affecting the spinal roots in the cervical spine;
  • - the inflammatory process in the skeletal muscles;
  • shaping intervertebral hernia- representing a protrusion intervertebral disc between the vertebral bodies;

Intervertebral hernia in the cervical spine.

  • narrowing of the lumen vertebral artery, provoking disorders of the vestibular, vascular and vegetative nature.

Supportive collars or orthoses are indicated for patients recovering from surgery or injury. People who spend a lot of time at the computer notice that after a few hours in the neck area there are uncomfortable sensations... This condition often becomes a prerequisite for the development of osteochondrosis. Disease prevention will be the use of a soft elastic band for 1-2 hours.

How to use collars

The use of cervical braces relaxes the skeletal muscles and reduces the intensity of pain. But long-term wearing should not become a habit, as it can lead to atrophy of part of the muscle fibers. The optimal duration of the treatment procedure is about 3 hours a day. Vertebrologists also give the following recommendations:

  • do not apply ointment with a warming effect on the neck area, and then put on a collar. The temperature under it will rise significantly, which increases the likelihood of a chemical burn;
  • It is strictly forbidden to sleep with a corset around your neck, especially a rigid or semi-rigid orthosis. The state of health will worsen significantly due to compression of the nerves and blood vessels;
  • you need to put on a bandage before any physical activity, for example, lifting weights. This will prevent protrusion of the vertebrae and displacement of the discs.

All collars are equipped with fasteners: Velcro, plastic buttons, wide ribbons, lacing. The vertebrologist will tell you how to fix the device on the neck so that it does not restrict breathing, but reliably fixes the vertebrae.

Cervical osteochondrosis refers to pathologies in the therapy of which drugs are used only to eliminate symptoms. The main methods of treatment are physical education and the regular use of support collars. This combination will allow you to get rid of painful muscle spasms and stiffness without pills, and prevent relapses of osteochondrosis.

Persistent neck pain, as well as fatigue associated with the peculiarities of the work regime, are effectively eliminated by wearing a Shants collar. The product is applied in the morning and in the evening and is worn for no more than a month. It has a relaxing healing effect and relieves pain.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a very common disease. It is found mainly in age group over 45 years old, however, recently, younger ages are often affected by this pathology. One of the most effective treatments is wearing a Shants collar. You will learn about why adults and children need it and how to wear it correctly right now.

Shants collar: indications for use

Questions are often asked how much the wearing of a Shants collar helps with osteochondrosis, in which cases it benefits the neck and whether there are contraindications. Before choosing a specific type of product for an adult or a child, you should familiarize yourself with those diseases or complications in which the use of a collar (also called a head holder) is prescribed by the attending physicians:

  • collar immobilization is often used to relieve constant neck fatigue syndrome, especially due to systematic tension of its muscles (for example, in the work of a violinist);
  • the product is used to treat subluxation of the cervical vertebra, which is observed with a strong displacement of one or more vertebrae; the most common pathology is the atlas - the first vertebra that supports the head;
  • the use of a collar for trauma of the cervical spine is always combined with the main methods of treatment; collar in in this case performs the function of a means of rehabilitation;
  • vertebral artery syndrome - in addition to extraneous sensations in the neck, aggravated by turning and tilting the head, this pathology is accompanied by severe headaches, dizziness and even bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • a hernia of the cervical spine is a destruction of the internal structure of the vertebral bone, which occurs due to injuries or against the background of osteochondrosis, improper lifestyle, as well as age-related reasons;
  • myositis - inflammatory processes in the skeletal muscles of the neck, which develop against the background of hypothermia, injuries, infectious diseases, excessive stress and other reasons;
  • after surgery on the bones and / or muscles of the cervical spine;
  • torticollis in newborns is a congenital abnormality in which the neck is to the fullest turns to the right, but practically does not turn to the left; at risk - boys; often torticollis begins to develop as a short neck syndrome;
  • instability of the vertebrae - pathological mobility of the vertebrae of the cervical spine, in which severe pain even if the head turns are insignificant;
  • various complications during and after pregnancy due to complications of the central nervous system;
  • some types of depression of the nervous system.

The Shants collar allows for quick recovery of the neck after osteochondrosis

Thus, it is possible to distinguish 3 groups of patients who can be prescribed a Shants collar:

  1. A remedy for an auxiliary effect in the treatment of diseases of the cervical vertebrae and muscles.
  2. Rehabilitation measure for fast postoperative recovery.
  3. Remover pain, feelings of rapid fatigue due to an improper lifestyle (long-term work at the computer, constant neck strain, etc.).

Collar types

Most often, the collar has a soft fixing effect on the vertebrae and blood vessels of the neck, therefore it is often called a soft splint. In some embodiments, rigid tires are used. It is on this that the most common classification of Schanz collars is based:

  • soft (most common);
  • semi-rigid;
  • tough.

Depending on the material of execution, there are such products:

  • inflatable - made of dense material that has great elasticity;
  • rigid structures made of metal or plastic - for the treatment of more complex cases.

On the outside, there are foam and cotton-gauze collars.

Asymmetrical collars belong to a separate class. They are intended for children (torticollis treatment). Since such collars are needed to correct the deviation of the neck to one side, they are reinforced on one side, which is why they got this name.

Collar selection rules

In order to choose the right orthopedic product, one should take into account the stage of development of the disease, as well as take into account such important points:

  • collar size (determined individually);
  • what are its indications for use and what is it for a collar;
  • how to use the collar depending on the patient's age and lifestyle;
  • how to dress and wear the product correctly during the day;
  • is it possible to sleep in it without taking off;
  • is it possible to lie in it;
  • how long to wear a collar for quick results;
  • how long to wear (i.e. duration of therapy)
  • how to choose a specific product from several types of collars;
  • are there any features of the selection of a collar for adults and for children;
  • whether the collar can be washed, and if so, how to wash and care for it so that the product will last as long as possible.

Note! In order to select the correct tire size and other important points, you should definitely consult with your doctor. Self-selection in this case will not help, since cervical osteochondrosis is a complex disease that has its own developmental characteristics in each case. Therefore, all of the above questions should be clarified with a specialist.

Collar prices

One of the most frequently asked questions: how much does a Chance collar cost, and what determines the cost of such products. Approximate prices for some popular models are presented in the table.

The price depends on the manufacturer, as well as on the purpose of the product - children's tires are cheaper than adults.

How to use a Shants collar

Outwardly, the collar looks like a collar - it is almost impossible to hide it under clothes. Therefore, when wearing it, you should protect it from the effects of precipitation, dust and other adverse factors. Along with how to determine the size, it is important to immediately understand the rules for wearing a tire, which are always spelled out in detail in the instructions for use:

  1. The collar is always worn on the naked body, while the neck must be thoroughly rinsed and wiped dry.
  2. You need to wear a splint when pain occurs (after a working day) or twice a day: after waking up and before going to bed for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. One wearing session should not exceed 3 hours.
  4. The course of treatment is from a crescent to a month.

Note! Wearing for too long (longer than prescribed by the doctor) should not be abused. In this case, the therapeutic effect can be completely leveled by the fact that the muscles of the neck will weaken greatly and then for a long time will not be able to perform their functions.

You can wash the collar only according to the instructions: in cool water with baby soap and only by hand. The collar is dried in natural form, out of direct sunlight.

Criteria for the correct application of the Schanz collar

To check if the splint technique is performed correctly, several criteria must be considered, which must all be fulfilled at the same time:

  1. Breathing freely, without difficulty. There is no sensation of slight suffocation and / or pressure on the blood vessels.
  2. Any one finger freely passes between the neck and the tissue surface.
  3. In terms of height, the collar should ideally match the length of the neck: from base to beginning occipital bone behind and jawbone from the side of the face.
  4. Along the lower part, the splint should completely rest on the collarbone. The upper maintains a normal head position at all times (without tension in the neck muscles). That is why the collar is called a head holder - this is its direct function.

It is important to always focus on your feelings. In the first few weeks, a habit will form, so the onset of extraneous sensations is inevitable. Subsequently, compliance with the rules for applying a splint practically guarantees a comfortable wearing.

How Shants collar works and its benefits

The principle of operation of the soft splint is based on the fact that the collar constantly supports the head in a normal position. As a result, the cervical vertebrae and muscles receive additional rest time and have time to recover from illness or injury.

Therapeutic effect due to unloading of the cervical vertebrae and soft tissues from the constant stress associated with head movements, turns, as well as keeping it in one position. This explains why such head holders should be used in the treatment of hernia of the cervical spine and in other diseases.

The use of a soft splint has a number of advantages:

  1. Recovery after serious illness, as well as the period of postoperative recovery, is significantly accelerated.
  2. The product has no side effects, provided that all wearing rules are followed.
  3. The collar does not cause much discomfort - you can get used to it quickly enough.

Note! The Shants collar is always prescribed as an auxiliary remedy (the main therapy is medicines, massage, etc.). It should be learned to put on and wear correctly so that the muscles of the neck and cervical vertebrae receive additional rest during illness or postoperative recovery.

The use of a collar when treating children

Congenital pathologies, cesarean section, difficult labor can lead to the fact that the baby:

  • neck muscles are damaged;
  • cervical vertebrae are injured;
  • torticollis develops.

The course of therapy is applied depending on the specific case, but often babies are prescribed wearing a Shants collar. As a rule, purchase the product yourself small size Is a real challenge. In rare cases (with individual characteristics of the anatomy of the neck or severe injuries) you can order the product specifically for the parameters of the child's neck.

The choice and rules for wearing a splint are strictly agreed with the doctor. As a rule, one session takes several hours (up to a day), then small breaks are made. In the case of newborns, hygiene of the baby's skin and the surface of the head holder is of fundamental importance. Delaying the course of treatment is fraught with muscle atrophy, due to which the child will not be able to keep the head above the surface for a long time.

the selection and mode of wearing a collar by a baby requires mandatory agreement with a doctor

Collar Shants: contraindications and alternatives

There are practically no contraindications to wearing a splint - it is often prescribed even for seriously ill patients who have had a stroke or surgery on the cervical and other parts of the spinal column. However, there are 2 groups of reasons that exclude wearing a Shants collar:

  1. Skin rash, allergic reactions, itching and other skin diseases.
  2. Instability of the cervical vertebrae, which has a strong developmental dynamics. In these cases, resort to more radical measures.
  3. Abnormal features of the neck structure (too long or, on the contrary, too short).

Questions are often asked how to replace the collar in case of contraindications. Usually, you can use the order of an individual product for the specific features of the neck, which makes the purchase more expensive. At the same time, the medical equipment store has a number of other analogs that can be used if available. allergic reactions... Again, the choice of another model must be agreed with the doctor without fail.

In the case when you need to relieve tension in the neck muscles after a hard day at work, you can make a corset with your own hands. To do this, take:

  • Velcro fasteners (50 mm long and 10 mm wide);
  • natural fabric that will not cause allergies;
  • small plastic jar.

The technology for manufacturing your own tire is as follows:

  1. Measurements of the neck are made (in circumference and height).
  2. A rectangle 300 mm wide is cut out of the fabric, in length it should exceed the circumference by 20 mm.
  3. The fabric is folded inward so that it is 100-120 mm wide.
  4. A jar is taken, a strip is carefully cut out of it, which should be 20 mm less than a strip of fabric in width.
  5. The fabric is applied during inner side(to the neck), followed by a strip from the jar, and the outer layer is Velcro, which fix the product on the neck. It is important that the edges of the strip are completely covered with cloth to prevent cuts.

Such a remedy can be used as a temporary emergency measure. In any case, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed, since constant pain in the neck may indicate the beginning of the development of osteochondrosis and other unpleasant pathologies.