Shiba Inu story. Shiba Inu dog breed: how to care for a Japanese dwarf “smiley”. Origin history and interesting facts

Shiba Inu breed standard of the Japanese organization NIPPO

One single standard for all six Japanese dog breeds of three sizes (small, medium and large) was developed by the NIPPO organization in 1934.

The 1934 standard was revised twice: in 1987 and 1993. A comparison of the two versions of the standard shows significant differences, such as the acceptable tail shape. The 1934 standard did not yet require a tail to be carried over the back; a hanging tail was also allowed. The first standard allowed such colors as white, fawn, black and tan and black with shades of gray. Only in 1987 these points of the standard were adjusted.

Detailed comments on the NIPPO standard were compiled by Mr. Hajime Watanabe in his book Nihon Ken Hyakka. The comments were published in hieroglyphs in NIPPO journals. The author of the book "Shiba" - Gretchen Haskett, in the section "Ideal Shiba Inu" also published comments on the NIPPO standard in English.

Based on the sources listed above, we will try to determine what kind of Shiba Inu dog should be. Unfortunately, we can now state the fact that Shiba in the European concept and Shiba in the concept of the organization for the preservation of Japanese dog breeds have quite serious differences. The main differences lie in the fact that Japanese judges pay great attention not only to the external appearance of the dog, but also to the inner spiritual strength that a Japanese dog must have. European judges evaluate a dog only based on its external data, without taking into account the internal components of the dog’s character and the expression of its essence.

The NIPPO standard includes 12 very important points, according to which dogs are assessed at NIPPO shows. In this article we have combined some points, for example, such as “Fore and hind limbs”, “Dog’s head - eyes, ears”, etc.:

1. Essence and its expression

The first section of the Japanese dog standard is "Essence and Expression", which deserves 15% out of 100% when evaluating a Shiba. This percentage is higher than any other section of the Standard. The word "essence" refers to the dog's temperament, personality and character. How a dog shows its character is an expression of its essence.

The Nippo standard states:

There is a bold audacity in a dog with a good character and a sense of simplicity. She is alert and able to move quickly, deftly and easily.

The Nippo Standard uses three words to describe the temperament of the Japanese dog: bold audacity (kan-i), good character (ryosei) and simplicity (soboku). These are the three mental traits that a Japanese dog should have.

What is Kan-i?

Kan-i is considered the most important feature Japanese dog. In his book, Mr. Hajime Watanabe states that kan-i is courage and calm, audacity and simplicity, regulated by submission. In other words, a dog with kan-i is bold but not recklessly brave, courageous but alert to danger, and always under the control of its owner. In a dog with these qualities, dignity and strength are automatically manifested.

To determine whether a dog has kan-i, you need to take a closer look at its mental abilities. In Japan, two dogs can be pitted against each other for this purpose. Observing the behavior of these dogs at such a moment can tell a lot. In a duel, a dog with kan-i boldly meets the opponent and looks at him without turning away. If the dog lowers its eyes from the opponent, showing the whites of the eyes, or looks at the opponent and then away, this behavior indicates a lack of kan-i.

A dog possessing kan-i will keep its tail curled or in a sickle shape. It is okay if the tail trembles slightly under the influence of strong emotions, but if the tail droops, then this indicates an absolute lack of kan-i. Good property kan-i indicates that the dog will hold its head high and will not change position (in Japanese shows, the owner stands behind the dog and is not allowed to touch it). Kan-i shows energy combined with a calm disposition. A dog that attacks an opponent for no reason, provokes a fight, or ignores its owner may be impudent, but such behavior is not typical of kan-i.

What is Ryosei?

The literal translation of ryosei is “good character.” Good character includes gentleness, loyalty and submission - all qualities of a good guard dog and a companion dog.

To be a good guard dog or companion and obey the demands of its owner, the dog must be intelligent; Thus, it is very important that the Japanese dog is intelligent and has good habits and a submissive nature. A dog with a good character responds quickly to commands. Although complete submission to the will of the owner does not mean a cowardly temperament. For example, a dog may need to respond to a command that requires fighting spirit or courage, in which case the dog should obey immediately without fear.

The discussion of good character shows that kan-I and ryosei are truly yin and yang—two sides of the same coin. A Japanese dog with true kan-i will also have true ryosei - one cannot exist without the other.

What is Soboku?

The Japanese word soboku is defined as "simplicity". Innocence means ingenuousness, sincerity and simplicity, which speaks of an open soul that is touching not because it tries to seem so, but because it is so by nature. According to Mr. Watanabe, "soboku" is modesty and kindness, where character and qualities should be expressed spontaneously. Expressed differently, soboku means a simple appearance without pomp or vulgarity. "Soboku" is not a rare physical beauty, but a combination of kan-i and ryosei is required, and soboku is a harmonious feature for the natural beauty of a Japanese dog, these three traits reproduce the essence that a Japanese dog should be endowed with.

The second provision of the first section of the Japanese dog standard states: “It (the dog) is alert and capable of moving quickly, adroitly and easily.” The dog must always be aware of what is happening around it, so it must have well-developed senses, which are necessary in view of the fact that its survival depends on them. Well-developed sense organs are the weapon and the only defense for a hunting dog fighting a bear or a deer; for a guard dog, developed sense organs are necessary to fulfill its duty.

The dog may be too cautious, which indicates some kind of nervousness - worrying about nothing or a manifestation of cowardice. The Japanese comment on this as the most serious defect of the Japanese dog. The opposite of over-vigilance is dullness, stupidity, slowness and lethargy. To be ideal, a dog needs to be between these two extremes. A moderately alert dog is calm and unshakable, reliable and capable of swift, decisive action - attack, defense or warning.

In order to put the senses into practice, the Japanese dog must “move quickly, deftly and easily.” She can express her agility in the forest, for example, where she must be “quieter than the grass” to catch prey. All three gaits - walking, jogging and running - should be smooth, although smaller and medium-sized breeds make more noise than a large Akita, which moves smoothly and softly, like a cat. An easy gait depends on physical structure, but good structure alone is not enough. The torso must be trained and conditioned to achieve the required strength. The Japanese usually train dogs participating in exhibitions by running 6-10 kilometers every day. In Japan, exhibiting a Shibu that lacks any of the above criteria is considered a waste of time.

Proper mental qualities, sensory organs and agility allow the Japanese dog to show its skills. All of these qualities make up her temperament (i.e., “essence”), which is the most important characteristic when assessing a Shiba.

2. General physical characteristics

2.1. Sexual dimorphism

The Nippo Standard states: “Males and females differ greatly in body proportions. The structure is dense with well-developed muscles. The ratio of the height and length of the body of males is 10 to 11, while the body of females is slightly longer. Males reach a height of 39.5 cm, females – 36.5 cm, 1.5 cm higher or lower is allowed.”

As already mentioned, males and females are very different in many respects. A real male Siba is characterized by a certain masculinity in appearance, and a female Siba is characterized by femininity. It is wrong if a bitch has traits of a dog and vice versa. The difference between male and female is quite significant, and Mr. Watanabe notes that proper development individuals is important for all animals. Thus, the requirement that Shibs have different sexual differentiations reflects the view that the dog is the most highly developed creature of all animals. When judging a dog, Japanese judges talk about “sex characteristics”, where the gender of the dog must be immediately visible at first glance. A male dog must be characterized by dignity and greatness. The head, skull and muzzle of a male dog are wider, longer and thicker than those of a female dog. The forehead is flat and wide, the cheekbones are very pronounced (with “bags under the eyes”), the muzzle is large and strong, the gaze is firm. The female's head is smaller and narrower, her gaze is gentle. The bitch's features should show softness and femininity.

Talking about physical structure, males have a healthy vital energy, in females - feminine sophistication. But even in females, the physical characteristics should be clearly expressed, the muscles and tendons should be well developed. The bitch's bones should be lighter and her body smaller. The height and weight of a bitch and a dog are also different.

2.2. Balance of all body parts

The second important aspect in the General Physical Characteristics section of the Standard is the issue of ratio or proportions. Here you need to consider the entire body as a whole. The torso proportions mentioned in the Standard are best known as balance. Balance is harmony and balance in the structure of the dog, which has a direct connection with all parts of the body - head, neck, torso and limbs. The forehead, muzzle, eyes and ears should be in proportion to the head.

Harmony means that all parts of the body should fit together well. For example, long limbs do not harmonize with a small body, and small ears do not harmonize with a large head. Harmony refers to the entire structure of the dog, from the skull to the paws. The proper relationship of all parts means that the dog can perform its functions correctly. If the torso is too short compared to the height, the gait will be cramped.

Equilibrium means that one side of the scale is equal to the other, so any difference between left and right right sides, upper body and lower, front and back oscillates the balance. For example, if a dog's head and shoulder blades are well developed, but the hindquarters are thin, then the dog is considered to not have good balance.

Standards were set for Shiba to show the ideal ratio different parts dog's body. These standards are shown in Figures 1 and 2, but it should be remembered that the torso is depicted in three dimensions and kinetically. The height of the Shiba given in the standard is from 38 to 41 cm for a male and 35 to 38 cm for a female (note that European and American measurements will be slightly higher, since Nippo measures the dog behind the shoulder blades). The average weight of a Shiba should be 10 kg, with males 10 percent more and females less.

Dog height measurement: left in FCI system, right in NIPPO system

The angles of the limbs must also be balanced. If they are correct, the dog will move great. The angles of the Shiba's front and rear legs should be moderate.

In conclusion, we can say that balance, which at first glance seems like a fairly simple aspect, is actually very complex. Figure 1 shows the structure of body balance, but there are many other aspects (eg joint and muscle development, facial expression) that cannot be captured in numbers. For example, a dog with a gloomy and pitiful expression on its face cannot be considered harmonious.

Japanese dog proportions:

A: front part of the body; B: middle part of the body; C: back of the body; D: chest depth; E: height from floor to elbow; E+D: dog height; F: body length; G: muzzle length; H: length of the back of the skull; G+H: head length

I: muzzle width; J: chest width; K: paw circumference; L: hip width


If the dog's height = 100

Length = 110

Paw circumference = 19-20

Hip width = 28-30

Chest depth = 45-50

Chest circumference = 116-120

Chest width = 36-38

If length = 100

Front = 28.5

Middle part = 43

Rear = 28.5

If head length = 100

Muzzle length = 40

Muzzle width = 56-58

3. Dog's head

3.1. Ears

Proper ears for a Shiba dog are as important as, for example, eyes or tail set.

Shiba has erect ears. Drop ears are prohibited for this breed by the Standard.

The NIPPO standard requires relatively small ears for the Shiba, but the size of the ears must be commensurate with the size of the dog's head. If a dog has a large head and small ears, then that dog will not have the necessary balance between its body parts. It’s also the other way around - a small head and big ears do not make the right impression.

Cartilage auricle should be thick, fleshy and elastic, densely covered with hair. Thin, weak ears are considered a fault.

The very top of the ear should not be sharp, but rounded.

Shiba's ear should be in the shape of a scalene triangle with the correct location on the head.

The most common deviations from the norm are: ears that sit too far apart on the edges of the head and tilt not forward, but to the sides (in the picture above); ears sitting too close to each other with the tips of the ears pointing towards the center (center in the picture). The worst option is ears that, although they fit correctly, are not triangular in shape.

Also, the ears should not be too wide at the base (too open and flat) or too narrow, i.e. be tube-shaped (too rolled up).

The standard states that the ears are slightly tilted forward. The correct tilt of the ears is considered to be when the line of the ear is a continuation of the line of the dog's neck. Incorrect ear tilt: Ears that stand straight up or ears that are tilted too far forward.

3.2. Eyes

Eye Shape: The eye should have a “triangular shape”, it can be wider or narrower, but the outer corner of the eye must extend to the lower point of the outer end of the dog’s ear.

Proper eye shape

Line A: a horizontal line connecting the inner corners of both eyes; Line B: a line from the inner corner of the eye, passing through the outer corner and extending to the lower point of the ear

Eye location

The location of the eyes depends on two factors: the distance between the eyes and how deep the eyes are set in the sockets. The distance between the eyes depends on the structure of the forehead and differs due to its width. If the eyes are too far apart, the features appear "blurry" and the expression in the eyes does not show the proper character of the Shiba. On the other hand, if they are set too close, the expression takes on a stern, gloomy appearance.

Proper eye socket depth is very important for proper eye contour. If the eye socket is too shallow, the eyes are somewhat bulging and most likely appear round, which is called protruding eyes. How to distinguish between shallow and deep set eyes? If the highest point eyeball extends beyond the edge of the orbit, then the eyes are bulging, but if the highest point of the eyeball does not reach this edge, then the eyes are set too deep. Ideally the highest point should be at the edge of the eye socket, but again the factors above are considered when assessing a dog. There are other factors that influence the position of the eyes, these include coat, health, and the degree of development of the muzzle muscles.

Eye color is determined by the number of pigment spots (called melanin) that are found in the iris. The eyes are always brown, but there are exceptions due to the amount of melanin and its density. The ideal dark brown color (it has a hint of black) comes from pigment spots that are numerous and dense. When there are few spots, the eye color is light brown or yellowish, and if their number is too small, the eyes are gray or bluish.

The color of the iris is important not only for the aesthetic perception of the eyes, but also for its proper influence on the expression of the dog's essence. Very dark brown eyes, matching the color of the pupil, give the muzzle a calm expression. On the other hand, lighter eyes in contrast with the black pupil give the appearance inconstancy and unreliability, as well as a resemblance to the eyes of a bird of prey. The Shiba breed comes in four different eye colors:

Very dark brown. Thanks to this perfect color, the iris and pupil merge into one dark spot. If you look closer, you will see that the iris is slightly different from the pupil, as it is black in color, while the iris is a very dark brown. But the colors of the pupil and iris are so similar that they merge into one color.

Dark brown. This eye color is slightly lighter than the ideal very dark brown, but nevertheless also acceptable. But if you take two dogs, one with very dark brown eyes and the other with dark brown eyes, the first one will win. However, a dog with lighter eye color will not have any points deducted from the evaluation. Dark brown differs from very dark brown in that the iris and pupil do not merge into one color; it is immediately clear that they are a different shade.

Light brown or yellowish. Such colors are very disadvantageous when evaluating a dog; they are incorrect. The iris is quite light, which represents a bright contrast against the background of the black pupil (totally unacceptable). If the iris is slightly lighter than the pupil, the contrast is not particularly visible, then such a brown color can be considered normal.

Grey, light yellow or light blue: these colors are completely wrong and are immediately rejected when grading. Although they are very rare for Shiba, they still occur from time to time.

Correct placement of ears and eyes

Eye expression

The eyes can express emotions in the following ways: Joy - by narrowing the eyes; delight - sparkling eyes; surprise – eyes widening; sadness - with crying eyes; and anger - with piercing eyes and raised eyebrows. In humans, eyes can replace words when expressing emotions, and in dogs, eyes have the same property. The expression in the eyes of a Japanese dog can show character traits such as courage, composure, obedience, loyalty and high intelligence. On the contrary, bad temperament is reflected when the dog looks into the distance, rolls his eyes so that the whites are visible, or restlessly looks here and there. These eye movements indicate that the dog is suspicious or obsequious.

3.3. Muzzle

The Nippo standard states: “Muzzle: The bridge of the nose is straight, the mouth is firm, the nose is hard, the lips are compressed.”

When judging a dog, the face plays a very important role. The muzzle consists of the nose, bridge of the nose (bridge of the nose), upper and lower jaws, lips and oral cavity. The length of the muzzle should be 2/5 of the entire length of the head (40% of the entire length of the head), the total length of which is measured from the very top of the head to the tip of the nose.

The Nippo Standard states that the bridge of the nose should be straight. Any unevenness on the bridge of the nose, convex (bulge or hump on the back of the nose) or sunken (like a scoop) is a serious defect.

The width and depth of the muzzle should be of medium size. A long, thin, shallow muzzle is not at all suitable, because in this case it is weak and lacks sufficient strength, while at the same time a short and stocky muzzle spoils the appearance. In females and males, the width and depth of the muzzle are somewhat different, which is taken into account if the female has predominant masculine traits, and the male has femininity.

The muzzle should point towards the tip of the nose. A non-pointed muzzle takes on a “tubular shape,” which is incorrect, and a not quite correct narrowing gives the shape of a wedge. However, the muzzle should not narrow so much that the tip of the nose becomes very sharp. The tip should be deep and wide enough to show the full force of the external data. A strongly tapering muzzle gives a sharp or hesitant appearance, which is in any case incorrect.

The muzzle should be strongly built, with lips tightly compressed. The drooping chin of the Shiba, as well as the drooping jowls, is a fault and is considered atypical for the breed. The pigment on the lips should be black and this black color should be limited only to the lips and not extend into the hairs around them. The standard calls for a contrast between the muzzle (firm) and the cheekbones (plump). Shiba's cheekbones are very full and look like pouches. This fullness shows a clear contrast with the hard, tightly compressed lips and muzzle in general, which is specified as special condition, since the muzzle seems to protrude somewhat from the cheekbones. Shiba's nose is quite hard to the touch and has black pigmentation.

The pigment of the tongue is also very important - the tongue should be pink without black spots. The standard states that small tiny spots (no larger than a fingertip) are allowed on the tongue, but it also says that the size of the spot depends on the size of the dog, which means than smaller dog, the smaller the allowed spot should be. If the largest dog (Akita) is allowed to have a spot the size of a fingertip, then the smallest dog (Shiba) can only have very tiny spots!

The fur on the cheeks and under the jaw should be whitish. The hair on the bridge of the nose of red dogs should be red, while that of black dogs should be black. Red dogs should not have black hairs on their faces, but their nose and lips should be black.

Under no circumstances should the whitish hair on the cheeks extend to the bridge of the nose. A white bridge of the nose and white areas around the eyes are considered a serious flaw.

Japanese breeders believe that the black hair on the adult Shiba's face and chin indicates crossbreeding with non-Japanese breeds, which is very bad sign. A true Japanese dog cannot have such features in its genes. However, it should be noted that red Sibs are often born with a black muzzle or black hairs on the muzzle, but by the age of two years, the dog's cheeks and chin must acquire a whitish tint.

In conclusion, the most important aspects can be formulated as follows: the muzzle is strong, gradually and evenly taking on a wedge shape; firm and round; in proper proportion to the head; nose and teeth are correct; lips tightly compressed; the lips and nose have black pigment.

3.4. Teeth

The Nippo standard states: "Teeth are strong, sharp, with a scissor bite." A Shiba must have a full set of teeth - 42 teeth. The three characteristics of strength, sharpness and a complete set of teeth are natural requirements for a Shiba. The Japanese word we translate as "strong" , also implies health. Of the modern Japanese breeds, four medium-sized breeds have best teeth, but only after the big Akita. It is known that little Siba has the worst teeth - the problem is not enough teeth. Japanese experts found that this problem arose after the Second World War, when it was impossible to develop the breed without the use of close and close inbreeding.

Overshot and undershot are not allowed.

3.5. Skull and neck

The forehead is wide, with a pronounced longitudinal groove (hollow), which must be present. The transition from forehead to muzzle (stop) is moderate - the frontal part should be parallel to the back of the nose. A transition that is too smooth or too sharp is not acceptable.

The neck is strong and muscular, of moderate length and thickness. The neck line should form an angle of 45 degrees with the back line. The upper (occipital) part of the neck is slightly convex and forms one line with the ears of the Shiba. The neck should not be too long or too short; such a neck can deprive the Shiba's body of harmony and balance. The skin on the neck should fit snugly to the body.

On the image:

Above - too smoothed stop.

In the middle the stop is too steep.

Below is a normal stop.

The photo shows a dog named Ishi Go, photo from 1936.

In the opinion of many Japanese breeders, Ishi Go had the perfect neck.

4. Limbs

4.1. Forelegs

The Shiba's forelimbs should have strong bones and developed muscles. The forelimbs account for more than half of the dog's weight (60%). That is why the correct stance and correct movements of the dog while running depend on the strength of the forelimbs.

Shiba should have correctly positioned shoulder blades (number 1 in the figure), which form an angle of 110-120 degrees with the humerus (number 2). Due to this angle, the dog’s chest is correctly formed and the front limbs fit under the body. Sometimes the angle of the glenohumeral joint is more developed, approximately 130 degrees, then the limbs are not located deep enough under the body, but if this does not interfere with the correct stance of the dog, it may not be considered a serious fault. A more significant drawback can be considered the elbows turned outward. Shiba's elbows should fit snugly to the body.

The forearm (3) is the part of the limb from the shoulder to the wrist joint. The forearms should be strong and straight, without any bends or growths. The angle between the shoulder (2) and forearm (3) should be 140-150 degrees.

Shiba's pasterns should be slightly inclined, in which case the dog's paws will spring well when jumping or running when in contact with a hard surface. The correct position of the pasterns is shown in the uppermost picture on the left. Below - insufficiently inclined pasterns and too inclined pasterns.

The paws of the forelimbs should be round, with the toes gathered into a tight ball. Flat feet with weak, splaying toes are highly undesirable, as are elongated feet (rabbit feet). The girth of the forelimbs should be approximately 1/4 greater than the girth of the hind limbs.

The position of the forelimbs (the distance between them) is determined by the width of the chest and general physical development. In the picture in the middle - the correct position of the forelimbs, in the lower center - the position is too wide, in the bottom right - the position is too narrow.

4.2. Hind limbs

The hind limbs are muscular and well developed. The bones are strong. The joints are strong with correct angulations.

The hind limbs determine the strength and power of the Shiba's movements. The NIPPO standard is aimed at preserving the functionality of the dog, preserving its hunting characteristics, and therefore the dog must be fast, dexterous and resilient. The dog's movements should be light and elegant. Therefore, much attention is paid to the structure of the dog’s hind limbs. Any deviation in the structure is considered a serious defect.

The dog's hind limbs should not be twisted and should have moderate articulation angles that guarantee powerful forward movement.

The figure shows the degree values ​​of the articulation angles of the hind limbs:

between the thigh and shin - 120-125 degrees;

between the shin and metatarsus - 145-150 degrees.

In the picture: on the left - correct angles; the corners in the center are too wide; on the right - too right angles

The most common fault in Shiba is that the angles are too wide, in which the hind legs are straightened almost in one line. Also, in some Shibas, on the contrary, the thigh is too long, which leads to a decrease in the angle between the thigh and lower leg.

The picture shows:

on the left - the correct position of the hind limbs, in which the limbs stand vertically and at the correct distance from each other; on the left, closer to the center, there is a close position, characteristic of a narrow, poorly developed pelvic part; on the right, closer to the center - the metatarsus is turned inward; on the right - the metatarsus are turned outward. The last three pictures show deficiencies in the structure of the hind limbs.

Since the front and hind limbs work together, proper movement requires the correct structure of both. If, for example, the front legs are crooked or the hind legs are too long, the dog will not move correctly.

5. Chest and belly

The chest is wide. The chest is voluminous, egg-shaped. The anterior section is well developed and muscular. It is especially noted that the anterior section of the Shiba should be strong and very developed.

The ribs are strong, durable, and can reliably protect the dog’s internal organs from damage.

The depth of the chest is 45-50% of the height of the dog at the withers.

If the chest is too narrow, then the internal organs are constrained and do not function properly. With a narrow chest, the stance of the forelimbs is also too narrow, as shown in the figure in the “Forelimbs” section.

Too wide rib cage- barrel-shaped, leads to a general irregular structure, imbalance and makes the dog heavier.

The stomach is tucked.

6. Topline

The Siba's topline is smooth and strong, forming a straight line from the withers to the tail. The topline consists of the back, loin and croup in a ratio of 2:1:1, respectively.

The most undesirable fault is the arched (domed) topline. This defect can be either congenital - incorrect structure of the spine, or acquired as a result of illness internal organs, invasion, fearful and uncertain behavior.

A concave topline (sagging) can occur in dogs that are too fat or in bitches that have had offspring while not yet fully formed (early mating).

It is also considered a fault if the loin is too long, which can lead to a weaker topline.

On the image:

1. Smooth, straight top line; 2. Weak, concave topline; 3. Domed topline.

7. Tail

The tail is one of the main indicators by which dogs are evaluated in the rings of NIPPO exhibitions. Proper tail structure is of great importance.

The tail is strong, moderately thick, and stands in the direction of the dog's spine. Under no circumstances should the tail rest on the dog’s croup; it should stand firmly. If a dog swings its tail out and down, this is a very serious fault and the tail is considered weak.

The root of the tail should be like this: if you look at the dog from above, the anus should not be visible. The length of the untwisted tail should almost reach the hock joints.

In the pictures below, NIPPO employee Mr. Uki Terukuni depicted the correct and irregular shapes of Shiba's tails:

* Photos are the property of Akatsuki Nursery

In the pictures: 1. Absolutely correct tail - there is a round gap between the top line and the tail, an excellent slope of the tail root behind the dog’s body (backward); 2. A good tail, but the root of the tail has insufficient slope behind the dog’s body; 3. Incorrect tail structure - the tail lies on the dog’s croup; 4. Incorrect structure of the tail - when looking at the dog from above, the anus is visible; 5. I would like to tilt the root of the tail a little more behind the dog’s body (backward).

From the point of view of curl and set, Shiba can have the following tail structure:

1, 5 - correct, desirable;

2, 3, 4 - acceptable, but less desirable;

6, 7 - acceptable, but undesirable;

8 is incorrect.

8. Wool

The Shiba's coat consists of guard hair and undercoat. The guard hair is needle-shaped, longer than the undercoat hair and very hard.

The undercoat is short in length, soft and very dense.

Due to the dense undercoat, the guard hair should be at least at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the dog's body. In some dogs this angle reaches 70-80 degrees, which is welcome.

Soft and lying wool is not allowed. Velvet coat is also not recommended when the guard hair is the same length as the undercoat hair.

Due to such a dense undercoat, Siba is well adapted to frost, winds and rain. Shiba's coat has the property of not getting completely wet, so the dog's body remains dry in any weather.

The length of the Shiba's coat varies in different parts of the body: the shortest hair is on the face and limbs. Medium length - on the body, and the longest - on the tail. The hair on the tail should not gather into a ridge (mohawk) in the center of the tail, but should be even in length over the entire area of ​​the tail.

9. Color

The standard provides for three colors of Shiba: red, sesame (sesame) and black and tan.

Color red - in the center, sesame - on the right, black and tan - on the left

A Shiba dog must have an urajiro. The word urajiro is translated as the wrong side. Urajiro is a whitish coat on the chest, lower neck, cheeks, inner ear, chin, belly, inner limbs, and outer tail.

Urajiro is a distinctive feature of some Japanese dog breeds (Akita, Shikoku, Hokkaido and Shiba). Urazhiro should have symmetrical shapes and not have spots of a different color (speckled). The transition from the main color to urajiro should not be abrupt, but gradual. Sesame and black and tan dogs have a butterfly pattern on their chest.

The urajiro should not be too wide or raised too high. That is, when looking at the dog from the side, the “whitish parts of the dog” should not be too visible (except for the cheeks and a little of the neck).

Shiba should have 80% base color and 20% urazhiro. 60% of the urajiro occurs on the front of the dog and 40% on the back.

The figure shows the areas of distribution of urajiro along the dog's body. The bottom photo shows a dog with a perfect urajiro.

When the decision comes to get one, everything matters: the purpose, size, color, character of the animal. If you want to have a pet dog and are ready for the complexity of its character, then choose a Shiba Inu (or Shiba Inu), in other words, a Japanese husky.

Breed description and photo

The international standard corresponds to a specific description of the Shiba Inu breed.

  • A country: Japan.
  • Purpose: hunting, nowadays often a companion dog.
  • Size: small of the medium-sized breeds.
  • Height: at the withers 35-40 cm.
  • Weight: 7-13 kg (males – more, females – less).
  • Color: there are only three standard options: red, black and tan, and also zonal (sesame, sesame, has an uneven distribution of pigment). The most common is red. Outside the standard, the color is more varied.
  • Wool: the undercoat is short and soft, the top layer is coarse, longer than the undercoat.
  • Body: strong, muscular. The back is flat and wide. The dog is proportionally built.
  • Paws: strong, strong. The front ones are slightly inclined, the toes are closely spaced. The hindquarters are well developed, the upper part is larger than the lower part.
  • Tail: thick, curled into a “donut”, with long bristling hair, set high.
  • Head: wide pointed muzzle, wide forehead, developed cheeks, moderately developed cheekbones, dense lips, scissor bite.
  • Ears: triangular, small, sticking out forward.
  • Eyes: brown, triangular, small in size.
  • Nose: black with open nostrils.
  • Lifespan: 13-16 years old.
  • Litter: 1-3 puppies (usually 3).

Did you know? Shiba Inu are caring mothers, but they raise puppies very strictly: if the baby is naughty, they press it to the ground with their teeth and hold it tightly until it calms down.

History of the breed

It is possible that the Shiba Inu is the oldest Japanese breed. The mention of it dates back to the 6th century BC.

The breeding dogs from which the modern one was bred through selection belonged to three main types:

  • red shinshu-shiba;
  • dark red mino-shiba;
  • black and white san'in-shiba.

The resulting breed made it possible to set a standard.

Did you know? "Shiba Inu" means "small bush dog."

The Shiba Inu dog standard was approved in Japan in 1934, later revised in 1987 and 1993. During World War II, the breed was under threat, but Japanese specialists were able to restore the population. And now the breed is recognized by all world canine organizations.
Today, the Japanese Shiba Inu dog breed is widespread on all continents: Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, Australia, North and South America.

Did you know? The Shiba Inu is one of the most popular breeds in the United States.

Features of care

Cleanliness is the main trait of the Shiba Inu breed. The puppy becomes one from the age of 3 months. Therefore, there are no problems or special features in care. There is much less hassle with a Siba than with other dogs.


Grooming is the most difficult part of caring for a pet in general. The Japanese husky has a very thick undercoat. During the molting period, which occurs twice a year, it requires combing twice a day. At other times - traditionally 2-3 times a week. You need to scratch in different sides various brushes: both metal and rubber.
Shiba does not need to be cut, otherwise it will not meet the standard. Only the fur between the pads on the paws needs to be trimmed.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

To care for your eyes and ears, you need to buy a special product from veterinary clinic. Once a week you should wipe your eyes and ears with a cotton swab soaked in the product.

If you and your dog often walk for a long time, the dog will wear down its claws on the asphalt or hard ground. That's why You need to trim your claws with a special pruning shears once every two weeks.

If grinding does not occur because you walk with your dog in parks and squares, he runs mainly on the grass, then you need to trim his nails more often. You definitely need to brush your teeth. To do this, you need to purchase a special brush and meat-flavored paste. Clean once every 3-4 days.


Bathing a dog is often not allowed. Yes, and there is no need for this. As already mentioned, the Shiba is a very clean dog. During a walk, she will never get into a puddle or mud, she will definitely go around it. Wool is designed in such a way that moisture and wet dirt do not penetrate it, but come off easily when shaken off.

The pet will wash its paws itself. Dust and dirt irritate the animal. After the walk, the dog lies down and washes its paw pads and claws for a long time. So it is enough to bathe your Shibu Ina twice a year. The exception is severe contamination (which is unlikely with this level of cleanliness).


Dogs need an active lifestyle. Therefore, walks should be frequent and long. Active games are required. The dog needs a lot of physical activity.
A dog will be grateful to its owner if he takes it for a morning run, plays with it in the yard at lunchtime, and exercises it in the evening. Walks must be interesting. The effect of novelty is important: a new route, a new game or a toy, a new exercise. You need to walk your dog on different types of soil: asphalt, rocky soil, lawn, path in the forest. In general, an adult dog should have at least 1.5-2 hours of active walking per day.


Japanese huskies are unpretentious eaters. They don't need variety. Content with small portions. You can feed it ready-made or natural food.

You should take into account the fact that this is a breed of dogs with allergies, so best option for nutrition - well-selected ready-made super-premium food.

Important! Never overfeed your dog.

It is better, of course, to feed with high-quality, balanced dog food containing about 30% protein and 15-18% fat. The food can be soaked or given dry. At 2 months, the puppy eats 1/3 cup of dog food three times a day. As you grow older, the portion is gradually increased.

From 8 months we switch to two feedings a day. An adult Shiba needs 1-1.5 glasses of food per day. If the dog has not finished the portion, it must be removed after 15 minutes. Can be given at the next feeding.

Important! When changing food, the transition should be gradual over 10 days.

If you choose natural nutrition, then you must remember a certain set of rules:
  • any food at room temperature;
  • “straight girl” – from 1.5 years of age;
  • meat - only beef;
  • cut the meat into small pieces, not mince;
  • frozen meat, pour boiling water over it;
  • bird bones are prohibited;
  • porridge: only steamed Hercules or boiled rice;
  • It is not allowed to give river fish;
  • alternate sea fish with meat;
  • vegetables, fruits, greens, blanched, raw, with 3 drops of vegetable oil;
  • boiled quail eggs only 1-2 times a week with shell;
  • raw eggs are not allowed;
  • hard cheeses, smoked meats, sweets, flour, nuts are strictly prohibited;
  • be careful with milk and fermented milk products - there may be an allergy (do tests);
  • You cannot feed the dog from your hands or from your table;
  • periodic vitamin complexes are required;
  • constant access to clean water.

Dogs can be prone to obesity. Therefore, you need to feed in such a way that the spine and ribs are palpable and do not stick out. Sometimes you can reward your dog with treats, especially when...


In the description of the Shiba Inu breed, according to the standard, attention is necessarily paid to the character of the dog. To achieve this, the Japanese use three concepts: good character, energetic calm and artlessness.

Regarding the first, we can say that the dog is very good-natured. If she respects her master, she is obedient and faithful. At the same time, complete submission is not weakness, but a manifestation of respect. Pets do not like rudeness and harshness, so you need to establish friendly or partnership relations with them. The artlessness of individuals is naturalness, sincerity and simplicity. But at the same time, dogs are proud. To suppress this quality, the owner simply needs to win the dog’s favor and earn the respect.
Energetic calm can be deciphered as courage and audacity in various situations. But a dog will never show these qualities without assessing the situation.

Understanding the situation is a hallmark of the Shiba. She knows exactly when she should stand up for herself, for her owner, she knows exactly when danger threatens. If something threatens her or her loved ones, the faithful protector will show herself.

The above traits appear in an adult dog, and during childhood and adolescence, pets require a very careful approach to education. If you don’t teach a dog to follow house rules, don’t get used to people, and don’t force it to respect its owner in a timely manner, you won’t be able to cope with it in adulthood.

Even if you have already trained your dog, it will remain very self-confident. She may be mischievous and not listen if she thinks she is right. To teach a dog everything, to help it understand the “dos” and “don’ts,” the owner will need maximum patience, precision, skill, delicacy and caution.
A dog of this breed does not want to share anything: its motto is “what’s mine is only mine.”

If he gets into trouble, he “sucks up”: he rolls around, caresses himself, makes faces, talks like a bird. If the offense is left unattended, he will definitely repeat it. The dog is active and loves to play. If the owner shares her interests, then she will reward him with respect and, accordingly, obedience.

Important! Sibs take 2nd place among dogs in the desire for freedom: escapes, digging, bending fence bars.

Shiba's mood is always written on his cute face: satisfied, dissatisfied, happy or vice versa, interested, indifferent. Do not forget that the Shiba Inu is a hunting dog. If you are not a hunter, then at least organize a game so that the dog realizes its instincts.

Possible illnesses and difficulties

The Shiba Inu is in excellent health and has no genetic abnormalities. But certain problems may arise. Firstly, this hereditary diseases. When purchasing a puppy, study the parents' health record.

Among the hereditary ones, the following are highlighted:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • violation of skin and coat pigment;
  • shortened spine;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • uveitis;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • dislocation of the kneecap, etc.

Sometimes vision problems occur. In addition, as already mentioned, representatives of the breed are prone to allergies: to food, shampoo, household chemicals, etc. If the disease is diagnosed in time, the pet can be cured.

Important! Do not self-medicate.

The character of the Shiba Inu determined the approaches to education and training. The first thing you need to do with a Shiba Inu is education, and then training. A well-mannered dog will be easier to train. If you start training a dog that is not accustomed to your rules of behavior, then most likely you will not succeed.
First, accustom your pet to yourself and always to other inhabitants of the house. The socialization process is extremely important for representatives of this breed. Then teach them the rules of behavior. Here the training process begins with the simplest commands: “come to me”, “sit”, “place”. WITH early age train him to use a leash. A leash is required in crowded places.

Even at the stage of education, even during training, intonation is especially important. Encouragement – ​​playful tone, endearing language. You can talk like you would a small child. The dog loves it very much. If you are unhappy, you should not ask your dog to do something; a strict tone is better. The dog does not like to be “ignored”. Use this to show that you are unhappy.

Sibas are very proud and stubborn. To achieve success in training, you need to put in a lot of effort and show maximum patience.

Advice: be a purposeful and uncompromising owner to match your independent pet. If you need to take something away from your dog, be sure to give it something to play with in return.

  • The first Shiba Inus were kept by Buddhist monks even before our era.
  • Shiba Inus practically do not bark, but they are capable of making amazing sounds and copying people.
  • Shiba can vocalize in an inhuman voice if she is upset or under stress. Moreover, stress can be caused by bathing or nail trimming, examination by a veterinarian or vaccination.
  • A Shiba Inu puppy was filmed as little Hachiko in the film of the same name, although the film is about a different breed. The creators of the film thought that a more beautiful puppy could not be found for the role.

If you want to have true friend and a companion, if you are ready to devote maximum free time to him, if you are ready to endure complex nature pet – buy a Shiba Inu. If you are attentive to the dog, you will respect its independence, you will love it with all its shortcomings - it will thank you with respect, obedience, and loyalty.

This is the smallest representative of the hunting breeds bred in Japan, and today is bred in rural areas as an assistant in hunting and on the farm. Shiba Inu, or Japanese smiling dog, in last years became a popular companion.

A small, compact, neat and very intelligent animal is perfect for keeping in an apartment. The Shiba Inu, which is often described in Japanese fairy tales, is very affectionate with all members of the household. She loves to play, but is also quite distrustful of strangers.

The smiling Shiba Inu dog is an excellent friend who will not leave anyone indifferent, thanks to his smiling face and wonderful character.

History of the breed

It was formed naturally, with virtually no human intervention. The ancestors of the Shiba Inu dog breed were dogs that were used as peasant helpers in ancient Japan. Small-sized animals were valued for their ability to move in dense thickets at high speed. Hunters used them to hunt wild boars, bears and game.

The development of the Shiba Inu continued for several millennia. Experts believe that its formation began in the 3rd century BC, when the ancestors of these animals were brought by Korean settlers from Asia. In the course of crossing with animals of local breeds, the appearance of the animal known in our time began to emerge. Purebred individuals Japanese dogs Shiba Inu breeds were selected only in the 20th century. The standard was developed and approved in 1934. Two years later (1936), representatives of the breed received the status of a national treasure of the country.

In the 20th century, the Shiba Inu gradually began to spread outside of Japan: in Australia, Europe, and North America. Successful breeding was suspended by the Second World War. It was during this period that many individuals died, most breed clubs closed, and animal owners, due to a lack of food, were forced to euthanize their pets.

Only after the end of the war did enthusiastic breeders begin to collect surviving specimens to restore the breed. It was decided to combine all the breed lines that existed at that time into one. Of the varieties that existed before the start of the war, three lines remained: San-shiba, Mino-shiba, Shin-shu.

It recovered along with the country's economy. The hunting qualities of representatives of this breed are still valued today. However, in modern Japan and beyond, due to the nature of the Shiba Inu, the animal is more often used as a pet. The US Kennel Club recognized the new breed in 1992. A little later, the National Kennel Club of Canada joined him.

External features

Descriptions of the Shiba Inu today can be found in all cynological publications. In its appearance the animal resembles a fox, and in its habits it resembles a cat. This is a miniature dog with a proportionate, strong build. A lively and strong dog has a proud posture, the silhouette of his body resembles a square in shape. Among other Asian Spitz dogs, the Ulybaka Shiba Inu dog is not much different. She has a strong build, natural proportions, and a dry, toned stomach.

The size of the Shiba Inu is small: height does not exceed 41 cm, with a weight of no more than 14 kilograms. In accordance with the Japanese standard, animals have pronounced sexual dimorphism: the male is distinguished by more powerful bones and developed muscles, and is endowed with a confident and courageous look. Bitches are smaller, have more refined body shapes, a meek and gentle look, and soft movements.

Another requirement of the standard is the strict geometry of the dog’s head and its relationship to the body. Exceeding the size of the head is a non-compliance with the standard. The following deviations are allowed:

  • snack or undershot;
  • cowardice.

Disqualifying faults include:

  • short or uncurled tail;
  • floppy ears.

The pointed, fox-like muzzle should not be too narrow. Slightly slanted small eyes look at the world with cunning, but at the same time the gaze is tenacious and firm. One characteristic feature All representatives of the breed have. The smiling dog really almost always smiles and this captivates many animal lovers.

The erect ears are tilted forward, giving the animal a concentrated appearance. A rather thick tail can be straight, but more often it is wrapped in a ring.

Coat and color

The adult Shiba Inu has a double coat and a dense, felt-like undercoat. The guard shaft of the hair is hard and elastic. The length of the fur is the same throughout the entire body. Only on the muzzle and paws is it shorter by about 5 centimeters.

The tail is more densely covered due to the raised position of the hair. The coat color can be different: black or red with red or silver tan. With zonal coloring, the ends of the hair are black.

Zonal colors can be:

  • black sesame (black predominates over white);
  • red sesame (a mixture of black and red flowers);
  • sesame (white with black).

Almost white or light sand colors are considered rare and undesirable, according to experts. Such dogs are not allowed to show. The most preferred color is bright red coat. In addition, at exhibitions, preference is given to animals that have white or cream-colored markings (urajiro) on the lower part of the neck, chest, inside the ears, on the cheeks, tail, on the inside of the paws, and on the stomach.

Physical data

The Shiba Inu dog is a very hardy animal. It has an instant reaction, the ability to move through snow and rough terrain with great speed, and maneuverability in motion. Representatives of the breed have an extremely developed instinct of self-preservation, so they become excellent watchdogs, but are not used as a guard.

These cute dogs with a fox face are very sensitive to any suspicious sounds: they inform the owner of the appearance of unwanted guests with a ringing bark. This type of pet is ideal for active, athletic people. The animal happily runs behind a bicycle or accompanies its owner on morning runs.


The character of the Shiba Inu is very independent; by nature they are true individualists. In relationships with people, they prefer equal partnership. The dog loves the owner and his family and expects attention from them. If you do not pay attention to your pet for some time, the Shiba Inu begins to get nervous. At the same time, they absolutely cannot tolerate long or annoying caresses. Such a pet will not violently express its feelings. Most often he keeps some distance from the owner.

The animal loves attention to itself, but it does not require close physical contact. The Shiba Inu has an independent character: only she decides what she should do at the moment, where she should go for a walk. If she doesn’t like a command, it is unlikely that a novice in dog breeding, and sometimes even an experienced owner, will be able to force her to carry it out.

The smiling Shiba Inu dog is socially minded: it builds special relationships with each family member. Some of them are playmates, others - during walks. They are happy to make new acquaintances, but only if they do not feel threatened by the new person.

It’s not for nothing that the dog was nicknamed Smiley. And this is connected not only with the expression of her face. This is a very cheerful and playful animal that enjoys communicating with children. Games and mischief are a favorite pastime for such pets. Sometimes furniture and interior items suffer during such entertainment. The dog, as a rule, splashes out excess energy on the street, if the walks are regular and active.

Families with small children should not have such a pet. Excessive activity can be dangerous for babies. If, while eating or playing, the baby encroaches on the animal’s personal space, the dog may bite. But older children, who already understand the rules of communication, get along well with these animals.

Often in the description of the Shiba Inu in different sources It is noted that representatives of this breed do not get along well with other animals. However, experienced dog handlers are confident that, provided proper upbringing, the Shiba Inu gets along with other dogs and even cats.

Features of training and education

If you decide to buy a Shiba Inu puppy, the price of which is quite high, you should know that such a pet needs training from the very first days the baby appears in your home. If you allow a puppy to do whatever he wants at the time of adaptation to a new place, then in the future it will be extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible, to re-educate him. The stubbornness of representatives of this breed can nullify all the efforts of the trainer.

But you can’t put too much pressure on such a pet. Such attempts will only cause protest from the freedom-loving animal. The more harshly you treat this dog, the more stubborn he will become. Understanding and obedience from these animals can be achieved only by building partnerships. It is necessary to make it clear to the animal that its interests are recognized and taken into account.

You should not punish a Shiba Inu (reviews from owners confirm this) if the dog does not immediately follow your command. Sometimes this behavior of a dog is explained by a demonstration of its own importance. However, serious violations of discipline and order in the home cannot be ignored. If your four-legged friend chewed on something or growled at a family member, he should be punished. But this excludes screaming, excessive emotions and physical force. Do not hit the dog under any circumstances: it will only become embittered and completely stop obeying.

The owner must become a true friend of this dog, who can always help and provide support in difficult times. It is important for the owner to convey to his pet that he cannot do without human help. To do this, you should use a variety of situations when the animal feels helpless and insecure:

  1. Traveling on public transport.
  2. Visiting a dog park when large dogs are walking around.

In these cases, the owner becomes an assistant and protector of the dog, which will respond to him with obedience in gratitude.

Leash training

The most difficult thing is to accustom a Shiba Inu to a leash, without which it is impossible to walk the dog: a puppy found on the street can rush off in an unknown direction. You need to start with a collar, which is put on the puppy for several days. After this, a leash is attached to it and the puppy is taken outside.

You should go where the dog suggests you. It is necessary to train the puppy to follow its owner gradually, alternating his directions with yours. The character of the Shiba Inu Ulybaka dog is so independent that some individuals cannot be trained to a leash.

Shiba Inu remember commands very quickly, but most often carry them out according to their mood. It is quite difficult to find an animal of this breed that will obey all commands on demand. Most dogs that are, for example, chasing a cat or watching birds are unlikely to respond to the call of their owner calling them to him. However, if these animals are offered a game, the Shiba Inu will enthusiastically fulfill all the requirements.

The Shiba Inu perfectly maintains the cleanliness of its body on its own. Caring for her is easy. When walking, they diligently avoid puddles and mud, and lick themselves thoroughly when returning home. The fur of these animals practically does not get dirty, and therefore caring for it requires only combing. The dog is rarely bathed, unless absolutely necessary. It is quite difficult to wash a dog well because of the dense undercoat through which water rolls without getting inside. It is necessary to keep your pet in the shower for a long time until the undercoat is completely wet.

Detergents intended for humans dry out the coat, so only use shampoos intended for animals. Shiba Inus are bathed only at night, in the warm season, so that the undercoat can dry before the morning walk. It is not advisable to use a hair dryer for drying.

The Japanese Shiba Inu dog sheds twice a year, and the process is quite intense. At this time, the wool is combed out with a special brush with metal teeth and a slicker brush twice a day. Molting lasts about a month, sometimes a little longer. If you don't comb out the coat, replacing the coat will take longer. You should not comb dry fur: this causes discomfort to the animal and injures the skin. Before combing, you should moisten the coat with oil or a special conditioner.

Once every two weeks, the pet needs to trim its claws, wash its eyes and ears three times a month, and brush its teeth twice a week. Keeping a representative of this breed involves organizing active walks. Such a pet is not suitable for people who spend a lot of time working. Shiba Inus need to be active physical exercise and new impressions. If this dog is left locked in the house for a long time, it will become aggressive, nervous and unruly.


Poor nutrition can lead to stunted growth and development, since the dog needs nutrients, especially during periods of active growth. The Shiba Inu's diet should include cereals, meat, dairy products, vegetables. Up to six months, the dog is fed 4-5 times a day. After this, the animal is transferred to two meals a day.

For this breed, natural food is preferable to ready-made dry food. But if you don’t have time, you can also use ready-made formulations. Veterinarian usually recommends the most preferred brand, although more often owners choose it by trial. Pay attention to the composition of the feed: it should not contain soy, and the amount of protein should be increased. Avoid food with preservatives, as well as products made using offal. Breeders recommend Grandorf, Monge, and Eukanuba food.

Shiba Inu puppy: price

It is necessary to purchase a puppy of this breed from breeders with a good reputation. It is even better if the dog is purchased from a specialized nursery. These are available today in many large cities.

For example, in Moscow this is the Akatsuki nursery. Here you can buy purebred puppies of this breed starting at $500. In St. Petersburg, the cost of puppies is higher - from 700 dollars. In the regions prices are lower.

Shiba Inu: owner reviews

Many owners are happy that they purchased a smiling dog. This is a very clean, active, energetic animal that loves active walks. Most owners confirm that the Shiba Inu is an intelligent companion. However, such a pet should not be owned by beginners in dog breeding: it will take a lot of patience and experience to raise it. Many emphasize that self-training for four to five months did not produce any results and they had to turn to professional dog handlers for help.

The Japanese dog breeds Akita Inu and Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu) are very popular among breeders and are a sign of high social status owner. Both breeds have a long pedigree dating back to ancient times. At that time, people were just beginning to domesticate representatives of the dog tribe. Still best representatives Akita Inu and Shiba Inu puppies are transported from there.

If an Akita Inu and a Shiba Inu are nearby, the differences are obvious

People inexperienced in the “dog business” mistakenly believe that there is no difference between these two breeds, and confuse them with each other. In fact, these are two completely different breeds: Akita Inu and Shiba Inu have differences both in external signs and in character traits. In this article, we will look at the features of both types, and also help you figure out which puppy is right for you.

Akita Inu is a Japanese dog breed. The presence of such a dog in the house is not only an indicator of the owner’s success as a consumer, but also a demonstration of his high cultural values ​​and respect for history. This is explained by the special role of the Akita in the Russo-Japanese War, as well as its natural origin.

Akita Inu couple

Origin of the breed

The main feature of the Akita Inu dog, which determines its high value as a pet, is the fact that it was not bred through selective breeding. This breed was completely created by nature, and its representatives began to live with humans only as a result of a long and diligent process of domestication. Currently, there are very few such breeds (not artificially bred), which increases their value and authority in the eyes of dog breeders.

Akita Inu puppy

The Akita Inu breed is more than eight thousand years old; it was then, even before our era, that archaeologists first discovered its remains, along with the remains of primitive people. Originally Akita Inu are Japanese dogs, adapted exclusively for guarding houses. They lived with eminent citizens and were a kind of indicator of social status. Rich Japanese dressed their pets luxuriously, placed them in separate rooms in their houses and assigned servants to satisfy their every need. At night, Akita Inu guarded their master's house, warned about the invasion of strangers, and were very aggressive when an outsider tried to enter their domain.

Peculiarity! Despite the rather low cost of an Akita Inu dog compared to the cost of a Shiba Inu, the Akita Inu is valued much higher due to its “noble” past and its status as a rank dog. Has changed over time in Japan public order, and Akita Inu became available to less wealthy citizens, but the high rank, secured over millennia, left an imprint on their cost.

Many years later, the widespread spread of Akita throughout the country literally made a breakthrough in increasing the number of the breed; individuals were born even stronger, hardier and smarter. Dog breeders carefully monitored the purity of the breed and crossed only purebred representatives with each other.

Japanese dog breeds

A whole army of Akita Inu was formed - powerful, agile, possessing high intelligence dogs adapted to protect the property and lives of their owners. These unsurpassed qualities inspired the Japanese to make Akita dogs their comrades not only in peacetime, but also in war. Dogs participated in hostilities along with people, protecting and defending their owners to the last. After all, the devotion of representatives of this breed knows no bounds.

Akita Inu - adult

On the other hand, despite the agility and endurance of the Akita, in war conditions they were completely destroyed. The number of the breed decreased every day, and by the end of the war only a few specimens remained, carefully protected by Japanese dog breeders. After the war, the value of the breed increased significantly; now it is not just a high-ranking guard dog, but also a “war hero” dog. The breeders began to diligently multiply the number of puppies among the remaining individuals and achieved great success in this matter. All the losses that the Akita suffered in the war were more than compensated for, and a large number of purebred puppies, which many dog ​​lovers strive to purchase to this day.

Character traits

By nature, Akita Inu are more sedate than playful. These are proud, but loyal dogs to their owners, ready to give their lives for a person at any moment. Don't expect them to chase a stick or play with their owner and children like puppies. They are excellent watchdogs, and are rightfully considered one of the best breeds - “nannies”, but are more suitable for younger children school age than for preschool children. They will never react to clumsy children's provocations with aggression, but they will not tolerate it either, but will simply hide from the offender in a secluded place. But among dogs that save and protect the lives of children in the absence of adults, they have no equal; they can really be trusted to look after a child.

Akita Inu is one of the best “nanny” breeds

As for the aggressiveness of the Akita Inu, it is worth noting that the breed as a whole hardly shows itself to be hostile: neither to people nor to its relatives. An Akita is more likely to sedately walk past a “bullying” dog or cat than to reciprocate.

Peculiarity! The only exception is when an Akita Inu can behave extremely cruelly and aggressively - this is an attack on the owner’s property or on himself. The dog will fight to the last, protecting what it must - and this is another reason why the Akita Inu was taken to war.

If you are interested in a peaceful and calm dog that is loyal and loyal, the Akita Inu will undoubtedly be an excellent option. In addition, choosing such a dog is a great opportunity to emphasize your cultural level.


When viewed from the side, this dog is quite compactly built, with strong and well-developed muscles. With its flat and short muzzle, the Akita Inu “looks” like a bear, and with its thick build, it looks like a wolf.

Black and white Akita Inu puppy

Features of care

Akita Inu are not picky about their care, but they require compliance with certain features in the organization of their life, in which they are as comfortable as possible. First of all, this concerns food. Due to the fact that the dogs are of original Japanese origin (although they can be purchased in any other country), their bodies have an evolutionary intolerance to fatty meats. Their digestive system is fully adapted to the following foods:

  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

Mostly their menu should consist of these food ingredients. But, since the breed has adapted over time to new countries and living conditions, the menu may also include:

  • veal, lean beef;
  • chicken;
  • cereals: buckwheat, millet, pearl barley;
  • low-fat broths;
  • dairy products: fermented milk, cottage cheese, cheese.

The following ingredients are prohibited:

  • flour products: pasta, bread, rolls, pies;
  • lard, fatty meat;
  • sweet.

Important! Dry food is also strictly prohibited for use - the dog’s gastrointestinal tract can be seriously damaged. The only one affordable way Its application is to soak it in a small amount of milk or water.

As for walks, Akita loves them very much, preferring long ones. The dog should be allowed to run without a leash at least once a week in order to relieve the accumulated stress from life at home. Sometimes you can practice active games.

Akita Inu on a walk

Walks are required at least twice a day for one hour. It is advisable to do them in the fresh air, away from highways and polluted atmosphere. Healthy air and an abundance of oxygen will instantly affect the appearance of the Akita Inu - its coat will begin to shine and shine.

You need to comb your dog two to three times a week, using combs of various sizes, against the direction of hair growth. During seasonal molting, the procedure must be done every day, sometimes twice (determined individual characteristics dog).

Akita Inu prefers a bed made of natural, easy-to-clean fabrics, preferably in the hallway. In such a place that the dog has an overview of all the premises - this will satisfy its guardian instinct. The litter should not be placed near heating devices (dry air affects the quality of wool) or under open windows.

The dog requires periodic washing. Twice a week, the pet’s face is wiped with a wet cloth, and the ears are cleaned once a week with a damp cloth or cotton pad. It is not recommended to wash your dog often - 2-3 times a year is considered the norm. Otherwise, care is universal, just like for any other breed of dog.

Akita Inu price

The cost of a dog is entirely determined by the depth of its pedigree chart, the nursery in which it was born and raised, as well as the compliance of the individual’s parameters with those generally accepted for this breed. On average, the cost of an Akita Inu in Russia is about 10,000 rubles, but it can reach up to 30,000 due to the above price components.

Shiba Inu: description of the breed and character traits

Despite the fact that the Shiba Inu and the Akita Inu are very similar in appearance (except for size), these dogs are absolutely different breeds, very different from each other in character and origin.

Origin of the Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu breed is about two thousand years old. It was bred by Japanese monks at the dawn of our era for the sole purpose of protecting monasteries. But at the same time, the main requirements for the hatched individual were silence and small size. This was considered extremely important for maintaining an atmosphere of peace and quiet in Japanese monasteries.

Shiba Inu in all its glory

In addition, the dog had to have physical endurance, agility, and quick response. She needed these qualities in order to successfully fulfill the duties of a hunter.

The Shiba Inu has been used for hunting since time immemorial.

Shiba Inu is not easy watchdogs– These are part-time hunting dogs. The combination of these two qualities was what the Japanese monks needed. When they finally developed the desired breed through selective breeding (crossing Akitas with other dogs), they zealously preserved the purity of its blood, breeding Shibas only in monasteries. Originally, the Shiba Inu is a monastery dog, and it was inaccessible to ordinary residents of Japan.

Later, ownership of the Shiba became widespread, many people acquired it as a guardian of the territory, but its ardent disposition, restlessness and unsatisfied desire to hunt provoked outbursts of aggression in it, which could be dangerous for all family members. Today, this dog, like the Akita Inu, is highly valued due to its character traits and ease of keeping at home due to its small size.

Character traits

Today, the Shiba Inu is a hunting dog, and it is this fact that determines all the traits of its character. She is dexterous, agile, playful and very active. Even as an adult, she is always an active participant in games, often excited, and easily gets into fights with other dogs and people who threaten the well-being of her owner (this shows her guard qualities). Shiba is a very loyal dog, just like the Akita Inu, she will stand to the last, protecting her human “pack” from offenders. Despite her violent temper, she is not aggressive towards children, although she does not like excessive tenderness, but rather prefers games. But, if the children begin to annoy her with their “stroking” and hugs, then she will not show aggression - she will simply leave.

Shiba Inu - hunting dog

As for the unrepressed hunting potential, which results in aggression, it can be neutralized with the help of active walks. Then the animal’s aggressiveness disappears, because by nature the Shiba Inu is very good-natured and gets along well with people. This breed of dog has high intellectual abilities; it can be cunning with its owner and plaintively beg for a “bone” or other delicacy. The Shiba Inu is fun and ideal for families with small children.

Interesting! Shiba Inu is especially sensitive to her toys; they should not be taken from her. She herself will bring them to the person to play with. This shows her instinct as a hunter - the toy symbolizes prey.

Shiba Inu - sometimes the dog smiles


Despite its small size, the Shiba Inu is very strong and strong dog. When hunting, she can kill not only a duck, but also a larger animal, quickly attacking it, causing deep damage and holding it until the hunter approaches.

Shiba Inu dogs can come in different colors.

Features of care

Since Shiba Inu and Akita Inu are of the same origin, their food preferences are the same. It is also not recommended to feed your dog dry food and fatty meat. This can undermine its health (the dog’s gastrointestinal tract suffers) and provoke serious diseases.

The same applies to the walking regime - here the needs of the Shiba Inu and Akita Inu are not very different. Siba requires daily, active walks, each of which should be at least an hour and a half long. Two to three times a week the dog should be allowed to run without a leash.

Attention! Walks should be carried out twice a day: morning and evening.

The Shiba's coat, like that of the Akita, is very thick and requires combing. During shedding almost every day, at other times two to three times a week. Metal combs and plastic dog combs are used.

The rest of the care is similar to that of an Akita; the preferred location for the bed is a corridor with a wide view. The only problem that a Shiba owner may encounter is her “craving” for shoes.

Shiba Inu loves to chew shoes

She can drag it around the apartment and chew it - this is how her hunting instinct manifests itself. Solving this issue is as easy as shelling pears - buy a toy for your dog that he can carry with him everywhere.

Shiba Inu price

The cost of a Shiba will be significantly higher than an Akita, despite its “historical advantages”. You can purchase a dog from a professional nursery for an amount from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. The amount will also vary depending on the dog's pedigree and its external characteristics.

Comparative analysis of external characteristics

In 1992, world-class breeders came to a consensus regarding the parameters of Akita and Shiba, characterizing their purebred and ideal fit for the breed.

Table 1. External characteristics of Akita Inu and Shiba Inu dogs

External characteristicsParameters of an adult Akita InuParameters of an adult Shiba Inu
Height (height at withers)60 – 70 cm35 – 40 cm
Weight30 – 40 kg8 – 10 kg
ColorTwo-color (with a predominance of a dark shade) - light parts are on the chest and belly, the inside of the tail and paws.

Color mixing options:

  • Black and white;
  • Red and white;
  • Black and red.;
  • Black and steel.

    Both females and males can have the same color. Puppies are often born light-colored, gradually gaining thickness of fur and color intensity.

The color of the Shiba is in many ways similar to the color of the Akita, with the exception of unique individuals with a “sesame” color. It represents an indistinct ripple on the dog’s back, which visually adds volume to the pet’s body.

Color mixing options:

  • Black and white;
  • Black and red;
  • Black and steel;
  • Red and white;
  • Red and steel
Muzzle shapePointed, wide (similar to a fox), black nose - cold, thin lips, not massive teethThe muzzle is pointed and wide. The jaws are powerful, the lips are thin, the teeth are not large, moderately pointed
Eye colorDark brownBrown
Ear shapeTriangular, pointed upwardsTriangular, pointed, looking up
FrameNot wide, smoothly transitioning from the short neck to the sternum. The abdomen is strongly retractedNot wide, blends smoothly into the sternum from a short neck
TailLong, elastically bent into a ring, sticking upFluffy, wrapped in a ring
LegsShort, straight. The hind ones are slightly higher at the hip than the front onesShort, strong and straight. Same length. Wide paws
WoolDense, hard, the undercoat is much softer, very denseElastic, hard, thick. The undercoat is especially voluminous

Important! Any deviation from the above parameters may indicate a mixture of Akita Inu with Shiba Inu (which is often found) or other breeds. The purity of the blood can be easily checked using the pedigree, which is attached to any puppy from an official kennel.

Akita Inu and Shiba Inu differ in physical characteristics

Conclusion: Which dog should you choose?

Both breeds are good in their own way, but to decide which one is right for you, answer the following questions:

  1. Do you have any children?
  2. What kind of pet character is attractive to you: calm or playful?
  3. How much time are you willing to devote to walking your animal?
  4. What size dog would you like?
  5. How much do you intend to spend on purchasing a pet?

Usually the answer comes immediately. But it is worth saying that each of these breeds is truly unique; they both combine a natural love for people and the ability to stand up for their owner in the event of an attack. But this is the main task of a dog - to be a guard.

Video - Shiba Inu and Akita Inu: differences

After watching this video, you can clearly see the differences between dogs, and also hear a lot of new things. interesting information about the described breeds.

They differ from each other not only in character, but also in breed. The variety of breeds is simply off the charts, so sometimes it becomes difficult to make a choice in favor of one of them.

Shiba Inu breed quite a rare occurrence in our area. And this is not surprising, because shiba inu is a Japanese hunting dog. It was bred to hunt feathered game in dense thickets, but this dog was often used to hunt and.

Description and characteristics of the Shiba Inu breed

This is a very ancient breed, it has existed for about 2500 years. It was bred from three small Japanese dogs, the main purpose of the breed is hunting. Shibo Inu dog is the most popular and widespread breed in Japan.

This breed is small, the weight of an adult does not exceed twelve kilograms. Life expectancy usually exceeds thirteen years. Shiba Inu dog can have any color, but sand is most common.

In fact, it's very beautiful breed. Photo of Shibo Inu highlight the beauty of this breed. She has thick fur, so she often looks like a plush toy that you just want to touch. If you still haven't met on dog walkers Shiba Inu, photo will help you realize the beauty of this breed.

If we talk about character, he is quite independent. The dog loves his owner very much, but requires independence. The dog loves to demonstrate that it can do just fine without its owner, but this property is typical for almost all hunting breeds. Surprisingly Shiba Inu dog breed is an excellent guard.

Shiba Inu at home

Japanese Shiba Inu more intended for living in an enclosure or a private house. In the apartment, alas, things will be difficult for her. loves freedom very much, since she is very independent, she can find activities for herself, and for this she needs a private house. Otherwise, you risk that she will find something to do in the apartment, destroying shoes and furniture.

Considering that the dog’s fur is very thick, when it sheds, your house will be covered with a carpet of its wool. However, this dog is very clean. From three weeks of age shiba inu puppies They stop shitting in the place where they live, which is an undoubted advantage of this breed.

Pictured is a Shiba Inu puppy

This breed is very energetic, so it should not be owned by people who are limited in time. This breed is perfect either for hunters, as it will be an excellent companion, or for very active people.

It is worth noting that she gets along well with children, but she does not get along with other animals. Therefore, you should refuse to choose this breed if you already have some kind of animal. And if you live in a private house, then you will have to carefully hide chickens, geese, and turkeys, since the Shiba Inu dog has very strong hunting instincts.

Considering that the dog is difficult to train, it is not worth getting for those who have decided to adopt a dog for the first time. Even experienced dog breeders are better off turning to professionals for help in training.

Shiba Inu care

As mentioned above, dogs have very thick hair. She constantly needs to be brushed, and during shedding, this should be done two to three times a day. If, however, the dog lives in an apartment, then long, exhausting walks are required so that the dog spends energy. The dog is not picky when it comes to food, so it can eat both dry food and natural food.

Shiba Inu is an excellent hunter

You should not bathe your dog again, so as not to wash off its natural protection from the skin. You should definitely treat your Shiba Inu, since finding a tick in such thick fur is not an easy task.

If we talk about the health of this breed, they are often prone to dysplasia hip joints. Also very often this breed experiences a sharp deterioration in vision. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your health shiba inu, buy It is possible, of course, without documents, but it is better when choosing a puppy to fully study its heredity, so that the puppy will subsequently grow up healthy.

Shiba Inu price

Considering that this breed is quite rare in our country, it is best to purchase a puppy from a nursery. There they will help you with your choice, explain the characteristics of this breed, and help with training.

The photo shows a Japanese Shiba Inu dog.

It's not easy to choose a puppy shiba inu, price, as a rule, starts from 40,000 rubles. However, this is not very large sum for an elite puppy of this breed. Considering that these dogs are rare, you can easily exhibit your pet at exhibitions.

In fact, Shiba Inu is a very interesting breed, with its own characteristics. By getting a puppy, you will get an excellent friend, a wonderful guard, and also an excellent hunter. Before you adopt a puppy shiba inu, you should carefully weigh and think through everything, since the dog requires a lot of attention and care from the owner.