Effective time management in a feminine way

Time management today is not just a buzzword. Its topic is actively discussed by both professionals and laymen. In particular, women who are busy with family and work try to manage time. At the same time, not many people know that they are engaged in scientific work, and even more so they are aware of how this science is called, so first we will deal with the terminology.

Time management- this is a branch of science and practice devoted to the study of problems and methods for optimizing time costs in various fields of activity, that is, a technology that allows you to use the time of a person's life in accordance with his goals and values.

Time management- this is a whole system of organizing time, including your own. It is suitable for everyone who has time, and especially for those who do not have enough. Time management allows you to learn not only to set goals, but also to achieve them, properly managing work and personal time. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves results at the same time, as they often act haphazardly.

For successful time planning, first of all, you need to learn how to properly manage it and make it a habit. Of course, someone can say that time is not subject to people and life often brings surprises that destroy all plans. This statement is correct. No wonder there is a wise saying: do not make plans - do not make God laugh. However, the surprises of life are somewhat predictable. Agree: even if something planned was not done, at the end of the day, along with remorse, there is also a sense of satisfaction from the fact that part of the plans has become a reality.

This happens when a person has made every effort to do everything in time. It’s another matter when you haven’t implemented anything planned, because all the time at work is spent on coffee breaks, conversations with colleagues and smoke breaks.

Time management will help in both the first and second cases, if you approach the issue with all responsibility.

First, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of time. It is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health, and other resources. You just need to determine what exactly you need. Few people do this, resulting in people mismanaging their time and then regretting it.

This feeling has been familiar to man since ancient times. Time management is far from the only attempt to learn how to properly plan your own time. One of the first to be puzzled by this was the man whose portrait took its rightful place on the hundred dollar bill - Benjamin Franklin. It was his system of distribution of goals and tasks that became the basis for the development of modern time management.

The methodology is based on four main principles.

1. Plan, otherwise you will be planned. You can manage only if you have a specific plan, a vision of your future.

2. Time is the most valuable resource. Since it cannot be stretched, accumulated or added, the only solution is to organize it intelligently.

3. It is necessary to be able to distinguish the main from the secondary. Time management implies the distribution of working time into strictly regulated (must be done) and soft (it is desirable to do it, but if urgent matters appear, you can postpone it).

4. Only methodical adherence to a given course can lead a person to the goal.

Remember these principles and try to follow them at all costs. It should not be assumed that time management involves rigid planning. The philosophy of time management is different - people cannot be free in everything: if a person wants to get freedom in something

one, he must limit it in the other. For example, if you want to be able to quit your job at any time and hide from the hustle and bustle - go to the countryside, closer to nature, then first you must make your business process perfect, running like clockwork.

Time management allows you to free up time for what you would most like to spend it on. This is a tool for setting life goals and spending time to achieve them. Time management is the doctrine of making time for the most important things in life, and the sooner you comprehend its secrets, the richer and more interesting every day will be.

Why are you not doing anything

Happy is the one who finds the right answer to this question, because then there is a chance to correct the situation. However, what if the opposite happens? Let's try to figure this out.

First you need to determine the root cause. She lies on the surface. As a rule, it is not possible to organize oneself because of the unwillingness to do so. Admit that you just don’t want to organize your time, because if a person wants to, he does it, and if he doesn’t want to, then he comes up with excuses for this. Try to explain this phenomenon to yourself in order to change your life. The second reason for failure is one's own laziness and lack of concentration, especially when it comes to unpleasant things that sooner or later will have to be done anyway. It often happens too late...

The third follows from the second: lack of interest. Even if you are busy doing what you love, sometimes you have to deal with tasks that, if they are done, then according to the principle: put off until the day after tomorrow what you can do today, and you will have two free days. In other words, even if there are motives and desire, the habit of putting everything off until later destroys.

Let's say you made up your mind and made a schedule of the main things to put on. Some of them are good and some are not so good. It’s just these not very pleasant ones that you put off as much as possible, and in the free time you find, paint your nails, read fashion magazines, or just lie on the couch. Because of this, the next day, plans are shifted, schedules are violated, all efforts are in vain, and life returns to normal ...

The fourth reason is the waste of time rocking before work. For example, you can drink morning coffee, already immersed in work, or you can - before getting down to business, and during an idle conversation with colleagues. In the first case, your working day will start on time, in the second - much later. All of the above can be summed up as a lack of motivation. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get started. To begin with, learn to convince yourself that even the most unpleasant task is worthy of close attention and speedy implementation, and immediately proceed to it. Fill unpleasant activities with motivation and interest. Next, you will learn how to do this.

Life is not a swing. It is a rollercoaster and only moves forward, so there is no time to build up in it before work. Remember how many times you put off the main thing for later, doing all sorts of nonsense instead of it. The associative method will help you learn how to get down to business right away.

In psychology, there is such a thing - "anchor". This is a material attachment, an association with a certain occupation or state - music, action, color, silence, the taste of food or drink, etc.

If you need to do something, use the appropriate “anchor” that will lead you to the right place. emotional condition. Remember: if you have an "anchor", use it only for its intended purpose. For example, if a cup of coffee next to the computer sets you up for work, it is better to drink tea during rest so as not to put your mind into a state of confusion, in which coffee is already associated with intellectual work. "Anchors" allow you to tune in to rest. Anchors help you switch to work. However, there is one “but”: the work is often very complex and, accordingly, requires a higher level of switching, so if the “anchor” does not help, use the opposite method. With a difficult beginning, the randomness method will help. Do not try to do everything in order, but do the more enjoyable or easier tasks first. For example, when preparing a report, do not dive into the details in the first minute. First, design the title page, write the introductory and final parts, draw tables. The main thing is to start, and then the process will go on.

Another way to cope with difficult tasks at the lowest cost is the method of encouragement. Break big work into parts. After completing each of them, give yourself bonuses: a trip to the smoking room, a cup of tea, a short visit to the next office - to chat. These small bonuses are often more motivating than final result great work.

You may ask what to do with small unpleasant tasks. You need to get rid of them. In time management, there is the concept of "frog". So they call small, but very unpleasant things that pose a great threat to your peace of mind.

For example, ironing clothes or checking your son's diary. Admit it, you've been putting off and putting off doing these tasks. As a result, they, which once required five minutes of attention, develop into global problems, the solution of which takes a lot of time. Try to "eat a frog" every morning or at least during the day. The result will exceed expectations, you will feel relieved and proud of yourself and your discipline.

By the way, big unpleasant tasks can also be divided into "frogs", and then it is much easier to solve them.

A normal Russian person is most afraid of complex and difficult tasks, the time for solving which is limited. Women are no exception: cook dinner for guests in an hour, write a six-month lesson plan in one night, write an annual report in three days, lose 10 kilograms in a week ...

Motivation must be present when performing any, especially complex, tasks. Here the well-known method of stick and carrot will come to the rescue.

Another method of stimulation is counting, as they say, not by quality, but by quantity. For example, compose

results table and keep track of the number of completed tasks (pages scored, emails sent, squats, etc.) daily. In parallel, you can keep track of the time spent. This is the most unpleasant activity, but the amount of time spent on it will push you to complete the current task as soon as possible from the category of difficult and unpleasant.

It is also possible to achieve the result on time by more stringent measures. For example, artificially create a burning deadline. It is not necessary to drive yourself into a rigid time frame in achieving the ultimate goal. Reduce the time for preparing interim reports, washing windows during the general cleaning process, etc. Make a promise to your friend that when she comes to visit, the windows will be cleaned to meet the deadline. Tell your boss that you will turn in the interim report on Wednesday, not Friday. The incentive is obvious - the unwillingness to experience a sense of shame for an unfulfilled promise, because reputation is too valuable a thing to lose it so easily.

First step to success

Use the following as a guide:

Learn the four principles of time management and try to follow them;

Each case must be approached with the appropriate mood; use "anchors" to tune in to tasks and rest;

Swing already in the process of work - apply methods from the opposite and randomness;

Do not put off solving small unpleasant problems - every day "eat" at least one "frog";

Approach the ultimate global goal;

Stimulate yourself - come up with bonuses (gifts for completed cases);

Develop self-discipline using the carrot and stick method;

In extreme cases, set yourself burning deadlines, then you will definitely have time for everything.

Time for the essentials

A woman wants everything at once: success in work, happiness in her personal life, order in the house, communication with her friends, a beautiful figure and a lot of money. I want to do everything and at the same time often indulge in idleness. Dear ladies, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to do everything.

Sooner or later you will have to stop and think about what you want more - to build a successful career, create the comfort of a family hearth or live for your own pleasure and not depend on anyone, you will be forced to make a choice, and it is better to make it sooner than later, and ideally - in time. Unfortunately, no one teaches this and does not explain how to be guided in such a complex matter. We will help you prioritize and make the right and informed choice.

Learn to say no. The first thing to start prioritizing is getting rid of imposed cases. You need to be able to say “no” when they try to impose something on you that does not correspond to your life principles, views and values, and most importantly, your goals. You, not someone else, should be in charge own time and make your life balanced. Do not go with the flow - only in this case you will achieve personal and professional goals.

But in our country, our person will perceive a refusal of a request as a personal insult. Saying “no” means ruining the relationship forever. There are situations when you really need to help, but it often happens that there is no other way out and you have to choose: to help yourself or a friend. The following are ways to get out of this situation.

Lies to the rescue. Many are convinced that there is no lie for the good - it is, by definition, evil. However, the mass of people save their precious time with just such a lie. For example: “Mashenka, you know, I would love to sit with your baby, but my husband and I were invited to the restaurant by his boss.” Or: “Anna Nikolaevna, I would certainly take you to the airport, but the car is out of order - I’ll chase after work for repairs.” Here it is - a white lie, which often ... comes out sideways, as it tends to float out. Remember the immutable truth about everything secret that becomes clear? In this case, the relationship can be spoiled irrevocably.

iron argument. People who do not want to spend their personal time solving other people's problems use logic in a lie, citing irrefutable arguments to prove their words, and often begin to believe in what they say.

“You know, we could lend you some money, but we're going on vacation down south in two weeks. You see, the husband does not want to take risks - what if you cannot repay the debt on time if you are not paid a fee.

This can go on ad infinitum. Every argument has a counter-argument. There is a chance that in the end it will not work out to refuse the request.

The main thing is to promise. Then turn off the phone. This is the most effective way to spend a minimum of time on a conversation. Our mentality is to perceive hope as a promise. Don't even give hope for hope.

Resist the desire to ask. This option is a combination of white lies and iron arguments, suggesting all their consequences.

Third - given. The best of the worst is to offer that very third way out of the situation. You have learned four escape routes. Among them there are no forbidden or panaceas. Usually people use one or two. Try to expand the list and use several at the same time, depending on the situation. Surely it will work!

Reliability and willingness to help are valued in society, especially in a team, but you need to know the measure in everything. A rare beggar will appreciate your self-sacrifice, so you need to be able to adjust relationships with work colleagues, friends and loved ones. Otherwise, others will develop the habit of asking you for something, and you can only blame yourself for this. best way out- creation

a situation that allows you to satisfy other people's requests without harming yourself, and if the damage is obvious, correctly, but refuse the request. If you can find a compromise and partially fulfill the request, this is normal; if appeals complicate your life and take up time, learn to say “no”. In addition, if you have two roles in the process, one of communication and the other of reflection and focus, you should determine which is more important. I think this is the second, so try to stop colleagues from trying to strike up an idle conversation with you. See the manual for help if necessary. There will be a conflict - go to the boss again: for sure he will take your side.

Your personal life is yours, and, accordingly, your personal time, and no one has the right to take it away to meet their own needs. At the same time, be prepared for a firm “no” to you as well - as revenge or because of a clear conscience. But the effect can be incredible: you will be trusted and respected, because how firm your “no” is, your “yes” will be just as unambiguous. People will quickly understand this and change their attitude towards you. The main thing is to understand: the art of saying “no” does not make a person an enemy, since you should not refuse requests. Not always an emotional solution to the problem is optimal. Do not give in to feelings that it is inconvenient, ugly, it is not good to refuse this or that request. You know for sure that "yes" is impossible - say "no" with confidence, be guided by cold calculation. Don't be afraid to say "no" firmly. A smart person will understand, but you should not mess with stupid people.

Let's continue the conversation about how to allocate time for the main thing, getting rid of unnecessary imposed cases. The second method after a firm “no” is a philosophical attitude to the matter: if you cannot change the circumstances, change your attitude towards them. Whatever task appears on the horizon, relax, calm down and consider whether you need it. In this regard, women have a lot to learn from the military, who have a golden rule: remember the principle of air defense - wait to do it, they will cancel it.

The first question to ask yourself when a task appears is whether it is necessary to do it at all. The analysis begins with this question. Analyze your day for tasks that are not as necessary as you or someone else thinks. Now ask yourself the following question: why should I do this. The topic of dealing with people who shift their responsibilities to others is no longer from the field of time management, but it can help with an effective method: unbiased facts and figures. For example, for several days at work, record the tasks you perform and the time spent on them. Then show the notes to the manager, but remember: you need to argue this not by creating personal comfort, but by the interests of the department or manager.

You should not abandon colleagues and friends in difficult situations, but it is not difficult to distinguish the desire to satisfy the general interests of the company from the attempt to shift work to someone else.

Task delegation

Time can not only be organized or saved, it can be bought for a fee. This method is called task delegation. We are talking not only about the assignment to a subordinate, but also about transferring the task to a work colleague or husband, about buying services, etc.

For example, if the duties entrusted to you take up too much time with their little importance, you should consider buying the services of an assistant or secretary. The expansion of the state is a global issue and not always solvable, but the purchase of one-time services is much easier. At the same time, it is necessary to justify your decision to the management. Another example: if there is no time to do laundry at home, you can talk with your husband about laundry services. He will certainly understand and accept such an offer. Another option is to hire a housekeeper. Don't be afraid of this word. The opinion that this is an unaffordable luxury is erroneous. In Soviet times, only professors and generals could afford such chic, but today such services are inexpensive. A housekeeper will come to you once a week and do housework - washing, cleaning, cooking, etc. It is easy to calculate how much time, and most importantly - how much nerves you will save.

There is a possibility that for the family you are a wife and mother, and for employees of a department or company - a leader. We are sure that you do not always succeed in correctly delegating tasks to subordinates in order to free up your time for the main thing. We will not consider in detail how and in what quantities to give instructions to subordinates. Now we are talking about delegation in personal time management. When giving orders, be sure to materialize them for yourself, that is, do not shift to the subordinate along with the task a reminder of it. It usually happens like this: the employee must perform, he must also remind the manager of what he has been entrusted with and when it should be done. Retain control. Mark who was assigned, the essence of the tasks, deadlines and who is responsible for it. This can be done on a computer or on paper - the method is not important, the main thing is that the situation is under your control. First of all, teach not only subordinates to come into your office with a notebook and a pen, but also keep these tools at hand - fix task reminders and control their implementation. Do not rely on memory - it is unreliable, although many believe otherwise. The above does not mean that you will make a note and hide this sheet away. Keep it in front of your eyes, for which it is more convenient to keep statistics of orders on the computer by placing the file on the Desktop. Subordinates will know: you never forget anything and it is better to carry out all your assignments in a timely manner and with high quality.

What is the most important

By bringing together the ability to say no, buying time and delegating tasks, you get the well-known method of elimination - you eliminated the unnecessary, freeing up a lot of personal time. Now your task is to understand which of the remaining is the most important in order to devote maximum time to it.

Try to analyze the events of yesterday, determining the importance of the completed tasks. Highlight the priorities. All cases cannot be ahead - something will definitely be in second place, in third, etc.: if everyone goes into the queue without a queue, everyone will still be in the queue.

If all tasks are considered important, the very importance will disappear - they will become the same. This problem has a solution. All cases can be important, but in different ways. For example, significance for you personally, for a family, for a manager, for a client, etc. To determine the degree of importance, the multicriteria method should be used.

Every day a person begins by determining what to do first and last. This choice depends on many factors: on the profession, character, type of personality. Everyone has their own prioritization system. Having compiled a system of criteria, you will be able to prioritize the task not intuitively, but systematically. There is no template: everyone has their own life and profession with its own specifics. Organize your prioritization of tasks according to your own lifestyle. Do not spare a few minutes for this - you will save hours and even months, because you will always make the right decisions, correctly determining what is most important to you.

Each person has many long-term plans, the implementation of which seems to him the highest happiness, bringing a sense of satisfaction. This is true, but most people tend to want a lot, and a person is often not able to determine what exactly in the first place. Therefore, if you dream of starting your own business, building a career, buying an apartment and having three children, you should know that together it is impossible. Remember the proverb about what happens if you chase two hares. You can not go to achieve at the same time a dozen or two major long-term goals. In everything, and in goals too, there must be order - priority. This does not mean that something will have to be abandoned.

You just need to line up the order: it is obvious that at the age of 40 it is too late to give birth to the first child, but to get a promotion is just in time.

Remember: without long-term global goals, life is uninteresting, and big tasks are made up of small ones: there will be no first - there will be no second. Make it so that later you do not have to reproach yourself for a life spent aimlessly.

Learn to get rid of useless, imposed cases and highlight the main tasks using specific criteria, always finding time for the main thing.

For this:

Provide yourself with an escape route;

Teach others to your firm "no";

Be philosophical about everything, do not rush to do anything - perhaps the task will be canceled;

Buy someone else's time, freeing up your own;

Delegate tasks while monitoring their implementation;

Formulate and use your criteria for prioritization;

Set long-term goals and focus on priority ones.

How to achieve your goals

Most of our compatriots make little or no effort to change their lives in better side. Not many set global goals, and if they do, in rare cases people manage to achieve them. Remember how many times you promised yourself to realize something and even set a specific date for the fulfillment of your cherished dream: “I will give myself, my beloved, a car for my 30th birthday”, “I will collect money and next year I will go south” or “I need to change jobs, In the fall, I will definitely sign up for design courses. ” However, simply setting global goals is not enough. It must be borne in mind that their implementation will require considerable effort.

Many people are accustomed to just go with the flow and have not forgotten how, but never knew how to take care of themselves and manage their own lives. They live every day as God sent it, and do not think that sooner or later they will have to regret it. To this inaction can be added “so my mother said”, “it was advised by the boss”, “this is what the husband wants”. Think about what exactly you want, why you have enough strength to implement other people's plans, but you don’t have enough for your own. Do not be like those whose lives are built on the excuse that it just happened. Build your life the way you want - do not change your dreams, otherwise over time you will simply cease to respect yourself. First of all, you need to understand what you want from life: a successful career, wealth, or clean dishes in the kitchen. Perhaps you want everything at once. It's impossible. Will have to decide. Something must be more important than everything else. Let's try to highlight the main thing.

Imagine in detail one of the future days of your life in five years. It is better not just to dream, but to write on paper. You can do this by answering the following questions:

How the day started

What made the most vivid impression;

Who is nearby, what is he talking about;

How and what did they work on?

What results have been achieved;

What problems did you get rid of?

What was achieved during the day;

How they rested;

The most important event of the day.

Try to make it not a survey, but a short story called "One day in my life." Most likely, it will not be possible to write it right away. Do not rush things: carefully consider each item, weigh each future event. As a result, you will create a tangible outline of your big dream, and believe me, it will materialize.

“A day in my life” is an emotional representation of what you want. For its implementation, it is necessary to determine life values, on the basis of which long-term goals are formulated - this is the second step towards a dream.

You must do the following:

1. Set aside a few minutes of free, quiet time each evening.

2. Write down in a diary or notebook the main event of the day - GSD. It should be especially meaningful to you personally. It is not necessarily a result or action; the most important thing may be, for example, a call from a mother or daughter. Note that this event can be both positive and negative. Imagine that you were sent to a desert island and were allowed to take one book with you. By this principle, select the GSD.

3. At the end of the week, write down the main event of the week - one of the GDS or a new one. At the end of the month - the main event of the month, at the end of the year - the main event of the year. Next to each event, write down exactly the value on the basis of which you made the event the main one. For example, an event is a daughter's phone call, a value is a family, children. Define your personal values.

Recordings will allow you to form life priorities, and perhaps make you reevaluate them and rethink the importance of what is happening around you. They will accustom you to everyday thoughts about the main thing, and even in the routine of everyday problems you will not lose your values.

The third step towards a dream is the definition of a personal mission. One of the Western business consultants said that goals are what we take from life, conquer, receive, and the mission is what we give, bring into this world. This is the correct definition of the concept of purpose, but remember the meaning of the word "missionary". This is a person who leaves his home, perhaps his homeland, work, family and goes to a distant country disinterestedly to carry some idea that seems to him the only correct one.

It is not necessary to drop everything and rush to the ends of the world. Try to understand why you were sent to this world, what is your destiny; what will happen if you are gone, what will you leave behind. By asking these global questions, you will determine your values ​​​​and the main goal. Remember: you need to not only take, but also give, because your mission is your main goal, whether it is reaching the peak of your career or raising seven children. There are exceptions - in the form of a black limousine, but this is only part of a big deal.

You must have thought about the meaning of the word "vocation". It is more often used when speaking about a person's inclinations to a particular profession - a teacher by vocation, a doctor by vocation. A vocation is a derivative of a mission. The difference is that the mission can be changed depending on the circumstances, but with a vocation this is not possible. A vocation is the highest degree of a person’s lack of freedom, but it has an amazing effect, since its realization gives a person the opportunity to become happy, successful, feel the real meaning of his life, gives strength and energy for new achievements. The vocation may not only be preventing the end of the world or inventing a cure for all diseases, you have already taken the first steps towards the realization of a dream. You should think about what to do now.

The next step is to determine your life guidelines, that is, the areas into which you can divide your life. For example:


Professional development/education/work/career;

Friends/collective activities/communication with people;

Business/prosperity/financial independence.

It is necessary to break each goal into several more

small ones that help to achieve the main thing.

The easiest way to do this is as follows. Do not indulge in dreams - proceed from reality. For example, on pieces of paper, write down everything you do during the day - writing a report, going grocery shopping, helping your son with homework, etc. Then arrange the notes that are close in meaning into piles. It remains only to come up with a name for each stack, and your life guidelines are ready.

Define your personal values ​​and set long-term goals to make your dreams come true.

For this:

Manage yourself like your own corporation; describe your day in a few years;

Define your own values ​​with notes;

Formulate a personal mission;

Find your calling;

define life priorities (key areas of life);

make an overview chart of life goals by key areas and future years;

Specify the closest and most understandable goals, tying them to time.

Following these simple rules, you can get rid of the daily time pressure.

Is it possible to succeed at work and at the same time not deprive the household of attention? Quite! The main thing is to properly organize your time. It's not so easy not in vain there is a whole science of time management - time management. The most important and effective principles of this science will be taught in this book. Readers will learn how to run a successful business and cook incredibly delicious dinners at the same time. And most importantly, they will find out how not to suffer themselves, eliminating the imbalance between work and family.

Time management is the art of managing time.
Time management today is not just a buzzword. Its topic is actively discussed by both professionals and laymen. In particular, women who are busy with family and work try to manage time. At the same time, not many people know that they are engaged in scientific work, and even more so they are aware of how this science is called, so first we will deal with the terminology.

Time management is a branch of science and practice devoted to the study of problems and methods for optimizing time spent in various fields of activity, that is, a technology that allows you to use a person's life time in accordance with his goals and values.

Time management is a whole system of organizing time, including your own. It is suitable for everyone who has time, and especially for those who do not have enough. Time management allows you to learn not only to set goals, but also to achieve them, properly managing work and personal time. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves results at the same time, as they often act haphazardly.

Table of contents
Time management - the art of managing time
Why are you not doing anything
Life is not a swing
If it's tobacco
Here comes the frog
Bishop's move in the fight against the mentality
The stick and stick method
First step to success
Learn to say no.
Say "no" only once.
We do not care
Task delegation
What is the most important
What is more important today
With a long range
Second step to success
How to learn to manage yourself
Look at the root
Change of world view
Not only to receive, but also to give
moment of truth
life guidelines
Setting long-term goals
Concretization is a must
The third step to success
Agile, or contextual, scheduling
Day - week - year
Solving routine tasks
How many minutes does it take to clean the floor
little secrets
Fourth step to success
The most important thing is the weather in the house
No one should know that you are a careerist
Organize family time
Fifth step to success
Planning household chores
Indisputable Truths
Real life examples (good and not so good)
It's easier to be a man
Sixth step to success
Time Eaters
How to take into account the waste time factor when planning
Data measurement
Typical time waster
How to find time for time management
The seventh step to success
Late - don't rush
Precision is the courtesy of queens
Force majeure
Creativity and self-discipline are compatible
Save time
Eighth step to success
The best rest is sleep
Resting at work
Ninth step to success

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TIME MANAGEMENT FOR WOMEN How to do everything



Time management - the art of managing time

Why are you not doing anything

Life is not a swing

If it's tobacco

Here comes the frog

Bishop's move in the fight against the mentality

The stick and stick method

First step to success


Learn to say "no"

Say "no" just once

We do not care

Task delegation

What is the most important

What is more important today

With a long range

Second step to success


How to learn to manage yourself

Look at the root

Change of world view

Not only to receive, but also to give

moment of truth

life guidelines

Setting long-term goals

Concretization is a must

The third step to success



Agile, or contextual, scheduling

Day - week - year

Solving routine tasks

How many minutes does it take to clean the floor

little secrets

Fourth step to success


The most important thing is the weather in the house

No one should know that you are a careerist

Organize family time

Fifth step to success



Planning household chores

Indisputable Truths

Real life examples (good and not so good)

It's easier to be a man

Sixth step to success



Time Eaters

How to take into account the coefficient of junk time

when planning


Data measurement

Typical time waster

How to find time for time management

The seventh step to success



Late - don't rush

Precision is the courtesy of queens

Force majeure

Creativity and self-discipline are compatible

Save time

Eighth step to success


The best rest is sleep

Resting at work

Ninth step to success




The wise distribution of time is the basis for activity.

Jan Amos Comenius

I will take the liberty to continue the aphorism, saying that the wise distribution of time is the basis of peace of mind - when everything necessary is done and there is time left for rest and communication, a person receives tremendous satisfaction and lives in harmony with himself and others.

However, you are among the readers of this book, which means that things are not going smoothly for you. At work, hundreds of unfinished business hang like a sword of Damocles, and at home, like the famous heroine of Korney Chukovsky, Fedora: "Would a woman cook cabbage soup, but go look for a pan!" At night, instead of sleeping, you intensely remember what you didn’t have time to do in the past day: “I sent faxes, bought sausage, cooked dumplings, was late for a meeting with a client, but got there, stroked my husband’s shirt, checked my son’s lessons ... Oh my God! Tomorrow is my son's birthday, but there is no present! You begin to compose justification speeches in the morning (one for your son, the other for your husband, because the faithful will reproach you not only for falling behind family life, but also in two folds on the sleeve of his shirt). After an almost sleepless night, having somehow coped with family troubles, you rush to work, naturally, late, which causes indignation among the boss, and at the same time you need to manage to persuade him to let you go early today for your son’s birthday.

Even if the story is different from yours, it probably isn't by much. Sighing, you will complain about the bitter woman's share. However, you can change any situation. Tried - didn't work? You may have chosen the wrong path.

Do not look for a panacea for all misfortunes. Stop and think: are you in control of time or is it over you? Are you building your life or is it managing you? Are you manipulating circumstances or vice versa? Surely you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and no one appreciates or even notices this, and the reproaches of others do not let you sleep at night. It is in your power to change everything. In this book you will find the answer to the question of how to do it. Be patient and call upon willpower when you decide to put into practice the theory described here, and the result will not be long in coming.

You will get acquainted with the concept of "time management", learn how to succeed at work and not deprive your family of attention, comprehend the secrets of a successful business and delicious dinners cooked on time. Finally, you will learn the most important thing: how not to suffer yourself, restoring the balance between work and family. The main weapon of a woman is her charm, which must be preserved, as well as the foundation of everything - her own health. You will learn how to properly relax, take care of yourself and at the same time do everything.

You are a woman, therefore, just as there is female logic, female psychology, there is also a female model of time management, which differs from the generally accepted one. The task of a man is to organize mainly working and free time. The woman also has a kitchen, laundry, cleaning, checking the lessons of children, as well as a solarium, massage, a beautician and a hairdresser. Your task is to learn not to rush about, but to cope with all these things in time.

After reading this book, you will learn how to learn how to properly manage an invaluable capital called "time".

Chapter 1


time management - the art of managing time

Time management today is not just a buzzword. Its topic is actively discussed by both professionals and laymen. In particular, women who are busy with family and work try to manage time. At the same time, not many people know that they are engaged in scientific work, and even more so they are aware of how this science is called, so first we will deal with the terminology.

Time management is a branch of science and practice devoted to the study of problems and methods for optimizing time spent in various fields of activity, that is, a technology that allows you to use a person's life time in accordance with his goals and values.

Time management is a whole system of organizing time, including your own. It is suitable for everyone who has time, and especially for those who do not have enough. Time management allows you to learn not only to set goals, but also to achieve them, properly managing work and personal time. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves results at the same time, as they often act haphazardly.

For successful time planning, first of all, you need to learn how to properly manage it and make it a habit.

Of course, someone can say that time is not subject to people and life often brings surprises that destroy all plans. This statement is correct. No wonder there is a wise saying: do not make plans - do not make God laugh. However, the surprises of life are somewhat predictable. Agree: even if something planned was not done, at the end of the day, along with remorse, there is also a sense of satisfaction from the fact that part of the plans has become a reality.

This happens when a person has made every effort to do everything in time. It’s another matter when you haven’t implemented anything planned, because all the time at work is spent on coffee breaks, conversations with colleagues and smoke breaks.

Time management will help in both the first and second cases, if you approach the issue with all responsibility.

First, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of time. It is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health, and other resources. You just need to determine what exactly you need. Not many people do this, as a result of which people mismanage their time, then regret it.

This feeling has been familiar to man since ancient times. Time management is far from the only attempt to learn how to properly plan your own time. One of the first to be puzzled by this was the man whose portrait took its rightful place on the hundred dollar bill - Benjamin Franklin. It was his system of distribution of goals and tasks that became the basis for the development of modern time management.

The methodology is based on four main principles.

1. Plan, otherwise you will be planned. You can manage only if you have a specific plan, a vision of your future.

2. Time is the most valuable resource. Since it cannot be stretched, accumulated, or added to, the only solution is to organize it intelligently so that, as Redyard Kipling said, "fill the inexorable minute with sixty full seconds."

3. It is necessary to be able to distinguish the main from the secondary. Time management implies the distribution of working time into strictly regulated (required)

but do it) and soft (it is desirable to do it, but if there are urgent matters, you can postpone it).

4. Only methodical adherence to a given course can lead a person to the goal.

Remember these principles and try to follow them at all costs. It should not be assumed that time management involves rigid planning. The philosophy of time management is different: people cannot be free in everything: if a person wants to get freedom in one thing, he must limit it in another. For example, if you want to be able to quit your job at any time and hide from the hustle and bustle - go to the countryside, closer to nature, then first you must make your business process perfect, running like clockwork. Time management allows you to free up time for what you would most like to spend it on. This is a tool for setting life goals and spending time to achieve them. Time management is the doctrine of allocating time for the most important thing in life, and the sooner you comprehend its secrets, the richer and more interesting every day will be.

Here is a simple example. My friend is 32 years old. She is the editor of her own magazine. Entering her office for the first time, people are surprised, because they expected to see a woman at least forty years old. She has written three books, completed her PhD, and set up a business on her own, with a pool every day, at least an hour of fiction reading, and time for her personal life. In her years, she managed to achieve a lot thanks to the use of time management, and this is the best proof that this system works.

However, not all of her life goes according to plan. She has six or eight days off a month, which she spends at her own discretion; when she realizes that she is tired,

she says: my affairs are rolling on reliable rails, I can afford to disappear for a couple of days. She loves to go to a remote village - nature, fresh air, a bathhouse ...

Someone may say: I don’t believe it, time management is an ideal technique, it is almost impossible to apply it in life. However, you just need to raise the bar as high as possible and strive to reach it. One wise man accurately expressed it: demand the impossible and you will get the maximum. This also applies to you. No need to strive to achieve the ideal, try to at least get as close to it as possible by adapting the time management system to the conditions of your life and work.

Why are you not doing anything

Happy is the one who finds the right answer to this question, because then there is a chance to correct the situation. However, what if the opposite happens? Let's try to figure this out.

First you need to define main reason. She lies on the surface. As a rule, it is not possible to organize oneself due to unwillingness to do so. Admit that you just don’t want to organize your time, because if a person wants to, he does it, and if he doesn’t want to, then he comes up with excuses for this. Try to explain this phenomenon to yourself in order to change your life.

The second reason for failure is one's own laziness and lack of concentration, especially when it comes to unpleasant things that sooner or later will have to be done anyway. It often happens too late...

The third follows from the second: lack of interest. Even if you are busy doing what you love, sometimes you have to deal with tasks that, if they are done, then according to the principle: put off until the day after tomorrow what you can do today,

and you will have two free days. In other words, even if there are motives and desire, the habit of putting everything off until later destroys.

Let's say you made up your mind and made a schedule of the main things for the day. Some of them are good and some are not so good. It’s just these not very pleasant ones that you put off as much as possible, and in the free time you find, paint your nails, read fashion magazines, or just lie on the couch. Because of this, the next day, plans are shifted, schedules are violated, all efforts are in vain, and life returns to normal ...

The fourth reason is the waste of time rocking before work. For example, you can drink morning coffee, already immersed in work, or you can - before getting down to business, and during an idle conversation with colleagues. In the first case, your working day will start on time, in the second - much later.

All of the above can be expressed as lack of motivation. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get started. To begin with, learn to convince yourself that even the most unpleasant task is worthy of close attention and speedy implementation, and immediately proceed to it. Fill unpleasant activities with motivation and interest. Next, you will learn how to do this.

Life is not a swing

It is a rollercoaster and only moves forward, so there is no time to build up in it before work. Remember how many times you put off the main thing for later, doing all sorts of nonsense instead of it. The associative method will help you learn how to get down to business right away.

In psychology, there is such a thing - "anchor". This is a material attachment, an association with a certain occupation or

state - music, action, color, silence, taste of food or drink, etc. If you need to do something, use the appropriate "anchor" that will put you in the right emotional state. Here are some examples of anchors.

Elena, journalist:“As a student, a ritual appeared in my life: I started self-study in the hostel with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. "When working at home - the same thing. Such an environment sets me up for productive work."

Irina, economist:“Working with numbers requires a lot of concentration and attention, but without the sound of unobtrusive music, I can’t start counting. This habit began after a year of being in the same office with a senior music lover economist who, upon arriving at work, first turned on the radio, and then hung up in the outerwear closet.

Svetlana, housewife:“I don’t like cleaning, but you can’t get away from it. Much faster and morally easier, I cope with household chores to the voices of popular pop artists who can sing quite loudly in my apartment all day long.” “Anchor” was born in my youth - then I just I loved listening to music, no matter what I did at the same time, and now I do it mainly while cleaning the apartment.

If there is nothing to become attached to, but you need to work, you can start with something that does not require much effort. Do any mechanical prep work: as the artists say, sharpen your pencils before sketching.

Remember: if you have an "anchor", use it only for its intended purpose. For example, if a cup of coffee next to the computer sets you up for work, while relaxing

better drink tea, so as not to enter into a state of confusion the mind, in which coffee is already associated with intellectual work.

"Anchors" allow you to tune in to rest. For example, I spend the summer in a remote village almost without people, roads, telephones, radio and TV. Reading is the only thing that loads the brain. During this time, I fully recover. In those places - wonderful nature: everything is green around, and the freshness of the air just makes you dizzy. The "anchor" of the rest was the greenery and the evening sounds of nature, namely, the chirping of crickets. As soon as I just close my eyes and remember this wonderful picture during a break between tasks, my consciousness automatically switches to off-line mode. After 10 minutes, I start working again with a new supply of strength and energy.

If it's tobacco

"Anchors" help to switch to work. However, there is one "but": the work is often very complex and, accordingly, requires a higher level of switching, so if the "anchor" does not help, use the opposite method. For example, I taught my editor to write an article first and then come up with a headline, that is, I start from the end, although the editor is convinced that it is right to do the opposite. In the first months of work in the plans for the week, he required to indicate not only the topic of the article, but also its title. In fact, there is no such rule as such, and it is easier for many authors to first write the text, and then put the key idea into the title.

With a difficult beginning, the randomness method will help. Do not try to do everything in order, but do the more enjoyable or easier tasks first. For example, when preparing a report, do not dive into the details in the first minute. First, design the title page, write an introductory

and the final part, draw the tables. The main thing is to start, and then the process will go on.

Another way to cope with difficult tasks at the lowest cost is the method of encouragement. Break big work into parts. After completing each of them, give yourself bonuses: a trip to the smoking room, a cup of tea, a short visit to the next office - to chat. Such small bonuses are often more motivating than the end result of a lot of work.

Here comes the frog

You may ask what to do with small unpleasant tasks. You need to get rid of them.

In time management, there is the concept of "frog". So they call small, but very unpleasant things that pose a great threat to your peace of mind. For example, ironing clothes or checking your son's diary. Admit it, you've been putting off and putting off doing these tasks. As a result, they, which once required five minutes of attention, develop into global problems, the solution of which takes a lot of time. Try to "eat a frog" every morning or at least during the day. The result will exceed expectations. You will feel relieved and proud of yourself and your discipline.

By the way, big unpleasant tasks can also be divided into "frogs", and then it is much easier to solve them.

For example, recently I needed to re-register a car in my name, which I had been driving for several months, and someone else's name was in the registration certificate. It is a simple task, but troublesome, it takes time to complete it. I decided to break the unpleasant procedure into several parts and made a list of items like the following.

1. Call the point of re-registration of cars.

2. Arrange a meeting with the previous owner of the car.

3. Re-register the car.

4. Pay insurance.

5. Pass inspection. Five points - five days, and the job is done. Postponed

months, and managed within a working week.

Bishop's move in the fight against the mentality

A normal Russian person is most afraid of complex and difficult tasks, the time for solving which is limited. Women are no exception: cook dinner for guests in an hour, write a six-month lesson plan in one night, write an annual report in three days, lose 10 kilograms in a week ...

Time management calls such tasks "elephants". The main problem of the Russian people is the ability to globalize already big things.

The human resources director of one of the large Russian companies at the board of directors on the issue of short-term expansion of the retail network expressed his opinion: "Of course, our budget and capacities allow us to open new retail outlets, but I believe that the staff is not ready. Yes, and staff expansion is necessary. This takes a lot of time. I'm against rushing." This was followed by the response of the president of the company: “In general, you are right. But you are against haste, and I am against passivity. Now, if you proposed to start the expansion process, open stores, train staff and expand the staff at the same time.” Here it is, the Russian mentality:

Napoleonic plans in our opinion. Inflate an elephant out of a fly - and the fly will burst! However, such an "elephant" can be eaten by making a couple of hundred "cutlets" out of it. A day for two "cutlets" - and meet the quarter. The main thing is to sculpt such "cutlets", "eating" which will really allow in the end to absorb the "elephant".

For example, when starting a renovation in a house, you should not tear off the old wallpaper in all rooms at once: start and finish the renovation in the bedroom, then proceed to remove the furniture from the kitchen. At the same time, do not take unnecessary actions: buying furniture and planning for its placement in an apartment is not a repair, and this will not bring its end closer.

You don't have to memorize the rules traffic while studying at a driving school, it is enough to solve practical tickets and attend all driving classes. When passing the exam and the subsequent daily driving, it is enough to remember a few signs like "give way" and a couple of rules like "interference on the right."

The stick and stick method

Let's return to the key concept of this chapter - motivation. It is she who must be present when performing any, especially complex, tasks. It is not enough to make "cutlets" out of the "elephant". You need to constantly maintain your appetite in order to regularly eat them. Here the well-known method of stick and carrot will come to the rescue.

For example, my friend Katerina, a business woman by vocation, once admitted: “For me, shopping is not entertainment or consolation, but a reward for achievements in business. In this way I stimulate myself and develop my business: if I manage to conclude a profitable contract, I allow a couple of new things for myself. I like to dress stylishly and fashionably, so I strive to complete my tasks. The deal fell through (which happens rarely) - I'm mocking myself - not a step towards the shops. This is such self-education. "

Another method of stimulation is counting, as they say, not by quality, but by quantity. For example, make a table of results and note the number of completed tasks (pages typed, emails sent, squats, etc.) daily. In parallel, you can keep track of the time spent. "Elephant" is the most unpleasant activity, but the amount of time spent on it will push you to complete the current task as soon as possible from the category of complex and unpleasant.

It is also possible to achieve the result on time by more stringent measures. For example, artificially create a burning deadline. It is not necessary to drive yourself into a rigid time frame in achieving the ultimate goal. Reduce the time for "meat eating": preparing interim reports, washing windows during spring cleaning, etc. Make a promise to your friend that when she comes to visit, the windows will be washed to meet the deadline. Tell your boss that you will turn in the interim report on Wednesday, not Friday. The incentive is obvious - the unwillingness to experience a sense of shame for an unfulfilled promise, because reputation is too valuable a thing to lose it so easily.

First step to success

Let's summarize the first conversation.

I hope you have carefully read the first chapter and have yourself deduced the main principles of motivation for performing various tasks, including difficult and unpleasant ones. Use the following as a guide:

learn the four principles of time management and try to

follow them;

each case must be approached with the appropriate mood; use "anchors" to tune in to tasks and rest;

Swing already in the process of work - apply methods from the opposite and randomness;

do not put off solving small unpleasant problems - every day "eat" at least one "frog";

Approach the final global goal - make digestible small "cutlets" out of "elephants";

Stimulate yourself - come up with bonuses (gifts for completed cases);

develop self-discipline using the carrot and stick method;

In extreme cases, set yourself burning deadlines, then you will definitely have time for everything.

Chapter 2


A Russian person (in our case, a woman) wants everything at once: success in work, happiness in his personal life, order in the house, communication with friends, a beautiful figure and a lot of money. I want to do everything and at the same time often indulge in idleness. Dear ladies, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to do everything. Sooner or later, you will have to stop and think about what you want more - to build a successful career, create the comfort of a family hearth, or live for your own pleasure and not depend on anyone. You will be forced to make a choice, and it is better to make it early than late, and ideally on time. Unfortunately, no one teaches this and does not explain how to be guided in such a complex matter. This chapter will help you prioritize and make the right and informed choice.

Learn to say "no"

A friend asked to sit with the child, a work colleague - to help with the report, every 15 minutes they are called to the smoking room to chat, relatives ask to help their nephew rent an apartment ... Familiar situations?

The first thing to start prioritizing is getting rid of imposed cases. You need to be able to say "no" when they try to impose on you something that does not correspond to your life principles, views and values, and most importantly, your goals. You, and not anyone else, must manage your own time and make your life balanced. Do not go with the flow - only in this case you will achieve personal and professional goals.

Russia is not America: our people will perceive a refusal of a request as a personal insult. Saying "no" means ruining the relationship forever. There are situations when you really need to help, but it often happens that there is no other way out and you have to choose: to help yourself or a friend. The following are ways to get out of this situation.

Lies to the rescue

Many are convinced that there is no lie for the good - it is, by definition, evil. However, the mass of people save their precious time with just such a lie.

For example: "Mashenka, you know, I would love to sit with your baby, but my husband and I were invited to the restaurant by his chef." Or: "Anna Nikolaevna, I would certainly take you to the airport, but the car is out of order - I'll chase after work for repairs." Here it is - a white lie, which often ... comes out sideways, as it tends to float out. Remember the immutable truth about everything secret that becomes clear? In this case, the relationship can be spoiled irrevocably.

iron argument

People who do not want to spend their personal time solving other people's problems use logic in a lie, citing irrefutable arguments to prove their words, and often begin to believe in what they say.

"You know, we could lend you some money, but we're going on vacation down south in two weeks. You know, your husband won't want to take the risk of you not being able to repay the debt on time if you don't get your fee."

This can go on ad infinitum. Every argument has a counter-argument. There is a chance that in the end it will not work out to refuse the request.

The main thing is to promise

Then turn off the phone. This is the most efficient way to spend minimum time on a conversation.

When I changed my place of work, as it turned out later, useful connections remained in the past: immediately after my departure, a friend was appointed editor of the department in which she worked. One of my friends couldn't find a job.

I let him know about the appointment of a friend for a new position. A request followed: "Maybe you can call her, otherwise my situation is hopeless." I answered: "Okay, I'll talk to Vika and call you back," that is, I gave my friend hope. The trouble is that the mentality of the Russian person involves the perception of hope as a promise. I explained the situation to my friend, to which she replied: "Let him come to the editor-in-chief and say that according to the announcement. We really need journalists, but I can't vouch for strangers." I relayed our conversation verbatim to a friend, who was offended: “I see. I didn’t have to promise if I couldn’t help. I just wasted my time waiting for an answer.” We didn't speak for several months after that.

Now I understand that it was necessary to immediately say that Vika would not be able to help, since she had recently received a position and did not have the necessary influence, but to call her herself: if she suddenly helped, I would have made my friend happy. Otherwise, she would have lived without remorse. Don't even give hope for hope.

stop asking

This option is a combination of white lies and iron arguments, suggesting all their consequences.

“Tanya, I would give you a lift to the station, but my husband will definitely go with us - he doesn’t trust me with a car, and you can’t stand each other.”

"I can talk to a friend to get you a job with them, but keep in mind: there the editor is a petty tyrant and the salary is low."

Third - given

The best of the worst is to offer that very third way out of the situation.

For example: "Tanya, my acquaintance, the director of the service station, is now resting in the south. Try to pass the technical inspection yourself, it will suddenly work out" or "I'm unlikely to get you this job, but I can look at job advertisements and help call employers."

You have learned five escape routes. Among them there are no forbidden or panaceas. Usually people use one or two. Try to expand the list and use several at the same time, depending on the situation. Surely it will work!

For example: "I'll talk to the director about your candidacy. I know we need managers. Call me back in a week." After about a week, you drop the petitioner's calls, pretending to be very busy. Or: if he starts calling his work phone, colleagues pick up the phone and say that you are busy, with the director, on a business trip. You are trying to talk to your boss. Or else: in case of refusal after some time, pick up the phone and say: “Sorry, I was very busy, so I talked to the boss only yesterday. good conditions And we definitely need workers.

I'm not teaching you how to lie. This is just a method of saving personal time and yourself. Applies only when necessary. You do not refuse to help a person, maintain a clear conscience and good relations.

say "no" just once

people dodge, refusing requests, and only in rare cases find the strength to say once firmly and decisively: "No. I'm sorry, I can't help you" - without explaining the reasons and without excuses. Unfortunately, Russian culture does not provide for an unequivocal refusal. It is in our blood to promise, to reassure and not to fulfill, and with incredible

fantasy and cunning. It is not customary to honestly say "no" without any consequences - resentment and discontent. All of Russia lives under the motto "one for all, and all for one." On the one hand, it is convenient: there is someone to turn to if necessary. On the other hand, you will ask for help once, and you will be contacted at least three times. Our problem is failure. We simply do not know how to say "no", even if it will negatively affect our own affairs.

Reliability and willingness to help are valued in society, especially in a team, but you need to know the measure in everything. A rare beggar will appreciate your self-sacrifice, so you need to be able to adjust relationships with work colleagues, friends and loved ones. Otherwise, others will develop the habit of asking you for something, and you can only blame yourself for this. The best way out is to create a situation that allows you to satisfy other people's requests without harming yourself, and if the damage is obvious, it is correct, but refuse the request. If you can find a compromise and partially fulfill the request, this is normal; if appeals complicate your life and take time - learn to say "no". In addition, if you have two roles in the process, one of communication and the other of reflection and concentration, you should determine which is more important. I think this is the second, so try to stop colleagues from trying to strike up an idle conversation with you. See the manual for help if necessary. There will be a conflict - go to the boss again: for sure he will take your side.

Your personal life is yours, and, accordingly, your personal time, and no one has the right to take it away to meet their own needs. At the same time, be prepared for a firm "no" to you as well - as revenge or because of a clear conscience. But the effect can be incredible: you will be trusted and respected, because how firm your “no” is, it will be just as unambiguous

your yes. People will quickly understand this and change their attitude towards you. The main thing is to understand: the art of saying "no" does not make a person an enemy, since you should not refuse requests. If necessary (and if it doesn't hurt you) you can babysit a friend's baby one of the evenings. This way you save a good relationship with loved ones without temporary damage to themselves. However, if for some reason you can't do it, don't be afraid to say "no" politely but unequivocally.

Not always an emotional solution to the problem is optimal. Do not give in to feelings that it is inconvenient, ugly, it is not good to refuse this or that request. You know for sure that "yes" is impossible - say "no" with confidence, be guided by cold calculation.

It's the way it is in Russia: not only do we not want to raise topics related to refusal in conversation, but we are afraid to do it, although sometimes it is necessary.

The example that I personally followed has led certain people to know that it is useless to ask me for some requests, but I will be happy to help in other matters.

Here is that example. A friend told me: “My cousin asked me to become a godmother for her daughter. I agreed without hesitation. I knew that this was a big responsibility, but I love the girl very much. Moreover, I believed that my sister’s impulse was sincere. was in profit - connections and money. At first there were only debts under the guise of "Masha needs a suit." Naturally, I did not take the money back - they were needed for the child. Then there were requests to "borrow for a couple of weeks" without explanation, my sister asked for everything , but, as I understood later, she was not going to return. Kindergarten, my sister again turned to me for help to arrange a child in the garden. I helped. Then followed requests to sit with a sick child,

since at work her sister was not allowed to go to the ballot, then the girl needed to find a good dentist and pediatrician and pay for everything - there is no money due to salary delays. Requests poured in one after another. I began to refuse, because I did not have time for a personal life - I lived with my sister's problems. Resentments and reproaches began; then I just spoke frankly with my sister, explaining to her the reason for my refusals. I said that I would always help her if it was really necessary and possible. Otherwise, I say "no" once, and you should not apply again. My sister understood everything, and now we have a great relationship."

Don't be afraid to say "no" firmly. A smart person will understand, but you should not mess with stupid people.

We don't care

Let's continue the conversation about how to allocate time for the main thing, getting rid of unnecessary, imposed cases. The second method after a firm "no" is a philosophical attitude to the matter: if you cannot change the circumstances, change your attitude towards them. Whatever task appears on the horizon, relax, calm down and consider whether you need it. In this regard, women have a lot to learn from the military, who have a golden rule: remember the principle of air defense - wait to do it, they will cancel it.

The first question to ask yourself when faced with a task is: whether it needs to be done at all. The analysis begins with this question. For example, a correspondent of one of the Moscow magazines, in addition to the main work, was forced to turn on the head computer in the local network in the morning and turn it off at the end of the working day. He was forced to wait every day for 18 hours to turn off the equipment, although he could be free at 17 and even at 16. The correspondent went on vacation, during which no one in the editorial office

the computer lived: it was turned off by the one who left the office last. Upon his return from vacation, his duties returned to the unfortunate. Analyze your day for tasks that are not as necessary as you or someone else thinks.

Now ask yourself the following question: why should I do it. The topic of dealing with people who shift their responsibilities to others is no longer from the field of time management, but it can help with an effective method: unbiased facts and figures. For example, for several days at work, record the tasks you perform and the time spent on them. Then show the notes to the manager, but remember: you need to argue this not by creating personal comfort, but by the interests of the department or manager.

For example, in one of the advertising firms, the head of the personnel department asked the advertising manager (directly looking for orders) to take the documents to the other end of the city. The manager spent three and a half hours on this, during which four of his clients contacted the company to place an order. The manager with whom they worked was not there, so due to the urgency, they turned to another company. As a result, due to the fault of the manager, possible income was lost, and the head of the personnel department saved on courier costs. The advertising manager, having learned about what had happened, went to the director, where he described the situation and offered to clearly divide official duties between employees and monitor their performance. The director took the proposal positively and, for a start, fired the head of the personnel department, since it was he who was supposed to prevent what happened, and not initiate it.

You should not abandon colleagues and friends in difficult situations, but it is not difficult to distinguish the desire to satisfy the general interests of the company from the attempt to shift work to someone else.

task delegation

Time can not only be organized or saved, it can be bought for a fee. This method is called task delegation. It is not only about an assignment to a subordinate, but also about transferring a task to a work colleague or husband, about buying services, etc.

For example, if the duties entrusted to you take up too much time with their little importance, you should consider buying the services of an assistant or secretary. The expansion of the state is a global issue and not always solvable, but the purchase of one-time services is much easier. At the same time, it is necessary to justify your decision to the management. Another example: if there is no time to do laundry at home, you can talk with your husband about laundry services. He will certainly understand and accept such an offer. There is another option - to hire a housekeeper. Don't be afraid of this word. The opinion that this is an unaffordable luxury is erroneous. In Soviet times, only professors and generals could afford such chic, but today such services are inexpensive. For $ 100-200 per month, a housekeeper will come to you once a week and do housework - wash, clean, cook, etc. It is easy to calculate how much time, and most importantly - how much nerves you will save.

There is a possibility that for the family you are a wife and mother, and for employees of a department or company - a leader. I am sure that you do not always succeed in competently delegating tasks to subordinates in order to free up your time for the main thing. We will not consider in detail how and in what quantities to give instructions to subordinates - read about this in books on management. Now we are talking about delegation in personal time management. When giving orders, be sure to materialize them for yourself, that is, do not shift to the subordinate along with the task a reminder of it. It usually happens like this: the employee must perform, he must also remind the manager of what he has been entrusted with and when it should be

made. Retain control. Mark who was assigned, the essence of the tasks, deadlines and who is responsible for it. This can be done on a computer or on paper - the method is not important, the main thing is that the situation is under your control. First of all, teach not only subordinates to come into your office with a notebook and a pen, but also keep these tools at hand - fix task reminders and control their implementation. Do not rely on memory - it is unreliable, although many believe otherwise. The above does not mean that you will make a note and hide this sheet away. Keep it in front of your eyes, for which it is more convenient to keep statistics of orders on the computer by placing the file on the Desktop. Subordinates will know: you never forget anything and it is better to carry out all your assignments in a timely manner and with high quality.

What is the most important

By bringing together the ability to say "no", buying time and delegating tasks, you get the well-known method of elimination - you eliminated the unnecessary, freeing up a lot of personal time. Now your task is to understand which of the remaining is the most important in order to devote maximum time to it.

Try to analyze the events of yesterday, determining the importance of the completed tasks. Highlight the priorities. I'm sure you'll think something like this: it's a mess, there's no way without it, the boss asked about it. Thus, everything will be important. You have to solve this problem.

Translated from Latin, priority means "one who goes first." All cases cannot be ahead - something will definitely be in second place, in third, etc.: if everyone goes into the queue without a queue, everyone will still be in the queue. If all tasks are considered important, the very importance will disappear - they will become the same. This problem has

solution. All cases can be important, but in different ways. For example, the significance for you personally, for the family, for the leader, for the client, etc. To determine the degree of importance, you should use the multi-criteria method.

household example. You need to decide which school to send your child to. One has good teachers, the other is closer to home, the third is for work, the fourth has recently been renovated, the fifth has a swimming pool, but for a fee.

The multicriteria method is as follows.

1. Determine the criteria by which you evaluate the choices.

2. Compare the criteria and determine the degree of importance of each of them.

4. Calculate the weighted scores and choose the best option.

Let's consider each point in more detail and turn to arithmetic.

1. To simplify the calculations, we will choose three criteria: good teachers, location and additional paid services for recovery.

2. Determine the importance of the criteria. It is better if the total score is equal to one. For example, good teachers - 0.5, location - 0.3 and additional paid health services - 0.2, that is, the most important thing is the quality of education, then the location of the educational institution and the least significant additional paid services.

3. Let's evaluate the options for each criterion. To do this, it is better to use a three-point scale, a maximum of five, since the convenience of 10- and 100-point scales is a delusion: a person does not perceive more than five to seven gradations.

AT this case we get:

st. Sadovaya - good quality of education, good location, no swimming pool; evaluate: 2; 2; one;

city ​​center - low quality of education, excellent location, excellent inexpensive pool; we evaluate:

Suburb - excellent teachers, poor location, there is a pool, but a little expensive; evaluate: 3; one; 2.

Let's calculate the weighted scores: sum up the scores for the criteria, multiplied by the weights of these criteria:

st. Sadovaya: 2 0.5 + 2 0.3 + 1 0.2 = 1.8;

city ​​center: 1 * 0.5 + 3 0.3 + 3 0.2 = 2;

suburb: 3 0.5 + 1" 0.3 + 2 0.2 = 2.2.

The results obtained may not coincide with your intuitive choice - in this case, you should reconsider the importance of the criteria or the criteria themselves. Perhaps you missed something, such as the bias of educational institutions (in-depth study of certain subjects). Everyone has their own system of criteria. The main thing is to follow the above principle. At the same time, it is important to remember that mathematical calculation is more effective than intuitive one, since it allows you to evaluate priority according to criteria that are difficult to remember.

Visually, such calculations can be presented in the form of a table (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1. Evaluation of schools according to criteria

Table 2.1 (continued)

what is more important today

Every day a person begins by determining what to do first and last. This choice depends on many factors: on the profession, character, type of personality. Everyone has their own prioritization system. For example, I have two managers: the head of the department and the editor-in-chief. Often I have to complete tasks of one or the other, and sometimes both at the same time, so I evaluate the priority of the tasks set according to such criteria.

1. The source of the task, its perseverance (the level of the leader, the priority of the task for him).

2. The contribution of the completed task to overall result(timely release of the newspaper, the importance of the subject of the corresponding section).

3. Urgency.

4. My interest in the topic of the assignment.

5. Complexity, time costs (difficult tasks are top priorities).

6. Availability at the moment of the necessary information.

Having compiled such a system of criteria, you will be able to prioritize the task not intuitively, but systematically. There is no template: everyone has their own life and profession with its own specifics. Organize your prioritization of tasks according to your own lifestyle. Do not spare a few minutes for this - you will save hours and even months, because you will always make the right decisions, correctly determining what is most important to you.

With a long range

Each person has many long-term plans, the implementation of which seems to him the highest happiness, bringing a sense of satisfaction. This is true, but most people tend to want a lot, and a person is often not able to determine what exactly in the first place. Therefore, if you dream of starting your own business, building a career, buying an apartment and having three children, you should know that together it is impossible. Remember the proverb about what happens if you chase two hares. You can not go to achieve at the same time a dozen or two major long-term goals. In everything, and in goals too, there must be order - priority. This does not mean that something will have to be abandoned. You just need to line up the order: it is obvious that at the age of 40 it is too late to give birth to the first child, but to get a promotion is just in time.

The above mathematical method will help to prioritize. Calculate what is more important and compare the results with the intuitive choice. If they match, determine what to give preference to today, and what to postpone for a couple of years or devote a minimum of time to it. As a result, you will be able to build an apartment or buy a car much faster than expected. Remember: without long-term, global goals, life is uninteresting, and big tasks are made up of small ones: there will be no first - there will be no second. Make it so that later you do not have to reproach yourself for a life spent aimlessly.

Second step to success

Learn to get rid of useless, imposed cases and highlight the main tasks using specific criteria, always finding time for the main thing.

For this:

provide yourself with an escape route;

Teach others to your firm "no";

Be philosophical about everything, do not rush to do anything - perhaps the task will be canceled;

Buy someone else's time, freeing up your own;

Delegate tasks while monitoring their implementation;

Formulate and use your criteria for prioritization;

Set long-term goals and focus on priority ones.


At all times, Russian people have been distinguished by a breadth of soul, a voluminous attitude to life, daydreaming and the futility of every day, year and, in general, their whole life. We love to lie on the couch, stare at the ceiling and dream. How many new ideas and thoughts have been given to the world by the Russian people - and, paradoxically, very few have done anything to make their dreams come true. A rare idea was brought to life by its author, and not by someone else.

Perhaps the reason is that for 70 years our great state took care of the people. During this time, several generations have changed, so people have lost the habit of taking care of themselves, own efforts to buy an apartment, a car, get a good education and find a decent job. However, the time has come to build your own life - to set goals and achieve them. So far, few people know how to turn a dream into a goal and move towards its achievement. Let's learn how to do it.

From the previous chapters, you learned how to find the strength and energy in yourself to solve local, everyday problems. Now let's talk about achieving long-term goals.

How to learn to manage yourself

Most of our compatriots make little or no effort to change their lives for the better. Not many set global goals, and if they do, in rare cases people manage to achieve them. Remember how many times you promised yourself to realize something and even set a specific date for the fulfillment of your cherished dream: “I will give myself, my beloved, a car for my 30th birthday”, “I will collect money and next year I will go south” or “I need to change jobs, I will definitely sign up for design courses in the fall." However, simply setting global goals is not enough. It must be borne in mind that their implementation will require considerable effort.

Many people are accustomed to just go with the flow and have not forgotten how, but never knew how to take care of themselves and manage their own lives. They live every day as God sent it, and do not think that sooner or later they will have to regret it. To this inaction can be added "so my mother said", "this was advised by the boss", "this is what the husband wants." Think about what exactly you want, why you have enough strength to implement other people's plans, but you don’t have enough for your own. Do not be like those whose lives are built on the excuse that it just happened. Build your life the way you want - do not change your dreams, otherwise over time you will simply cease to respect yourself. Let's learn to manage ourselves.

Everyone has dreamed of being in charge at least once in their life. You have a chance to fulfill this dream and take a step towards success. Gleb Arkhangelsky, the leading domestic expert in the field of time management, the creator of the Russian time management community, suggests: “Try to consider yourself not as a specialist in such and such a department or manager of such and such a service, forget for a while that you are part of a large system, dependent on superiors, clients, many rules, etc. Look at yourself as a Personal Corporation, CJSC "I". This corporation has all the same controls as any firm, for example:

personal strategic planning - setting long-term goals;

Marketing - study of the labor market;

Personal accounting - accounting and planning of money, etc." (Arkhangelsky G. Time drive: how to manage to live and work. - Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2007).

You have everything to develop an autonomous strategy for your corporation. Main principle- activity. Stop adaptive existence. Forget about the fact that you are not paid on time or in an insufficient amount,

that the report is not ready because the computer is not working, and you have nothing to do with it; forget that there is an empty refrigerator at home, and at work - a bunch of unfinished business that needs to be completed in the evening in the kitchen. Now you do not depend on circumstances, but circumstances depend on you. You are an autonomous company that needs to get out of the crisis without anyone's help. A competent leader in such a situation will seek profitable cooperation, establish long-term profitable relationships, and conclude contracts. Do the same. Build your development strategy by establishing profitable relationships with other corporations - your employer or your husband. Remember: for prosperous companies there are no unambiguous solutions and the only true path to success. Success lies in the fact that everyone is looking for an individual approach to life. A person is not necessarily successful just because he keeps a diary, makes plans, or delegates tasks. Everyone has their own methods - stick to this principle. Choose the right technique for yourself and be guided by it always. The main thing is to see the goal ahead and confidently go towards it, despite external circumstances.

look at the root

It is not easy to turn into an autonomous company, to actively plan your future, not to wait for favors from fate, but to take it yourself is not easy. First of all, you need to understand what you want from life: a successful career, wealth, or clean dishes in the kitchen. Perhaps you want everything at once. It's impossible. Will have to decide. Something must be more important than everything else. Let's try to highlight the main thing.

Imagine in detail one of the future days of your life in five years. It is better not just to dream, but to write on paper. You can do this by answering the following questions:

How the day started

What made the most vivid impression;

Who is nearby, what is he talking about; how and what they worked on;

what results have been achieved;

What problems did you get rid of?

What was achieved during the day;

How they rested;

The most important event of the day.

Try to make it not a survey, but a short story called "One day in my life." Most likely, it will not be possible to write it right away. Do not rush things: carefully consider each item, weigh each future event. As a result, you will create a tangible outline of your big dream, and, believe me, it will materialize.

At the dawn of the development of time management in Russia, Gleb Arkhangelsky, analyzing the stories of the first students of the time management school, formulated the concept of native goals. Its meaning is as follows.

For example, one doctor from a provincial town wrote about how he would create a medical center. It was clear that a person knows what he wants and why he needs it, and most importantly, people. His goal is hard-won, comprehended and meaningful. There are other dreams of a happy future; put on paper, they will resemble Hollywood movie scripts: “I leave my three-story mansion, the doorman in snow-white gloves kindly opens the door for me, I go to my black limousine, the driver in a snow-white shirt opens the car door, I drive up to the huge building of my own corporation "etc. Life can turn out like this, but not for every Russian woman. Perhaps, for some, a doorman and a black limousine are really a native goal, but such

goals are often imposed: a friend has a "cool" husband, hence a red Ferrari, a three-story cottage and a housekeeper. However, if your husband is an engineer at a factory, you are a Russian language teacher and you live in a three-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, stop and think about whether you need dozens of rooms, a strange woman before your eyes every day and sleepless nights spent in fear for the fate of your husband. Perhaps it is enough to make repairs in the apartment, move up the career ladder with her husband and live happily.

The choice of a person who determines the main goal in life is influenced by many factors. Often friends, acquaintances, advertising and society as a whole impose their dreams on us. It's like a girl needs to get married before 25, because then she will turn into an old woman. I am sure that now, when you are 35 or 40 years old, you do not feel like an old woman. I also do not think that the answer to the question of whether you or your girlfriend is happy in marriage will be unambiguously positive. There is no need to live with stamps. A woman, having married on the recommendation of the same parents, as a rule, does not find happiness and does not become self-sufficient. Arrange your life at your own discretion, and not as it is customary or advised. To begin with, weed out the unnecessary, someone else's and go for it.

I agree, understanding and deciding what you want from life is not easy. However, it is necessary to do this, otherwise you will realize someone's dreams all your life.

Change of world view

"A Day in My Life" is an emotional representation of what you want. For its implementation, it is necessary to determine life values, on the basis of which long-term goals are formulated - this is the second step towards a dream.

Vitaly Korolev, corporate governance and business succession consultant, came up with a simple

and an effective tool for identifying values ​​- a memoir. The principle is as follows.

1. Set aside a few minutes of free, quiet time each evening.

2. Write down in a diary or notebook the main event of the day - GSD. It should be especially meaningful to you personally. It is not necessarily a result or action; the most important thing may be, for example, a call from a mother or daughter. Note that this event can be both positive and negative. Imagine that you were sent to a desert island and were allowed to take one book with you. By this principle, select the GSD.

3. At the end of the week, write down the main event of the week - one of the GDS or a new one. At the end of the month - the main event of the month, at the end of the year - the main event of the year.

Next to each event, write down exactly the value on the basis of which you made the event the main one. For example, an event is a daughter's phone call, a value is a family, children. Define your personal values.

The memoir will allow you to form life priorities, and perhaps make you reevaluate them and rethink the importance of what is happening around you. He will accustom you to everyday thoughts about the main thing, and even in the routine of everyday problems you will not lose your values.

not only to receive, but also to give

The third step towards a dream is the definition of a personal mission. One of the Western business consultants said that goals are what we take from life, conquer, receive, and mission is what we give, bring into this world. This is the correct definition of the concept of purpose, but remember the meaning of the word "missionary". This is a person who leaves his home, perhaps his homeland, work, family and goes to a distant country disinterestedly

carry some idea that seems to him the only correct one.

It is not necessary to drop everything and rush to the ends of the world. Try to understand why you were sent to this world, what is your destiny; what will happen if you are gone, what will you leave behind. By asking these global questions, you will determine your values ​​​​and the main goal. Remember: you need to not only take, but also give, because your mission is your main goal, whether it is reaching the peak of your career or raising seven children. There are exceptions - in the form of a black limousine, but this is only part of a big deal.

moment of truth

I am sure that you have thought about the meaning of the word "vocation". It is more often used when speaking about a person's inclinations for a particular profession - a teacher by vocation, a doctor by vocation. I do not quite agree with this, since here we are talking more about the abilities of a person, and not about a calling. In my opinion, vocation is a derivative of mission. The difference is that the mission can be changed depending on the circumstances, but with a vocation this is not possible. A vocation is when at one fine moment you realize that you are playing the role of a steam locomotive and no one will lead the train along the rails except you, and if you relax and the train stops, you will never forgive yourself for this and life will lose its meaning. A vocation is the highest degree of a person’s lack of freedom, but it has an amazing effect, since its realization gives a person the opportunity to become happy, successful, feel the real meaning of his life, gives strength and energy for new achievements. The vocation may not only be preventing the end of the world or inventing a cure for all diseases. It may be less global, for example, the vocation of a simple rural woman - grown

bear children, bring them up and educate them. The main thing is not the scale, but the self-realization of the individual.

This is a thin, little explored area, so no one can yet offer a specific way to find a calling. However, you have to try. Who knows, maybe your calling is to find it. In any case, it will manifest itself over time.

One example of this is the fate of the director of one of the large companies engaged in cargo transportation. Once, having received an education at the University of Transport, for a long time he could not find a job in his specialty. A good friend, the editor of a transport magazine, offered him the position of the head of the department, arguing this with the similarity of the subject matter of the publication and the scope of his education and suggesting that he study the rest in the process of work. A year later, the newly minted journalist told a friend: “Let me go. It doesn’t work, it’s none of my business. If I don’t find a job, I’ll buy a van, I’ll transport goods.” And so it happened. Only in a van he did not drive for long - only two years. He opened a firm that today, after seven years, has grown into a huge company. Man himself organized his moment of truth.

life guidelines

You have already taken the first steps towards making your dream come true. You should think about what to do now.

The next step is to determine your life guidelines, that is, the areas into which you can divide your life. This is a summary table that will help present the big picture. Thanks to this, it will be easier for you to maintain a life balance, that is, you will be able to eliminate gaps in one area or another.

Identify a few main directions in which your life develops. The optimal number is from five to nine.

For example:


Professional development/education/work/career;

Friends/collective activities/communication with people;

Business/prosperity/financial independence.

Such a map of life's landmarks can be compared to a desk, on which, instead of randomly scattered papers, there are neatly folded stacks of documents. Such a technique will help you cope with the setting of life goals and give a clear idea that in your life the most important thing is what you need to devote most of your time to.

Drawing up such a map at first seems difficult - there are a lot of things to do. I advise you to break each goal into several smaller ones that will help you achieve the main thing. The easiest way to do this is as follows. Do not indulge in dreams - proceed from reality. For example, on slips of paper, write down everything you do during the day - writing a report, going grocery shopping, helping your son with homework, etc. Then put notes that are close in meaning into piles. It remains only to come up with a name for each pile, and your life guidelines are ready. Here is an example of a landmark map (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1. An example of a life landmark map

Setting long-term goals

Time management as a time management system, in my opinion, is not quite precise definition. Time management is impossible. It cannot be returned, stopped, increased or decreased. Hours, seconds, minutes are units of measurement not invented by us, and we cannot change them. Time management is self-management. It is in our power to make every minute useful, and life is made up of minutes, that is, time management is life management - setting long-term goals and identifying tools to achieve them. You have already learned the tools. Now comes the hardest part - setting goals. To do this, you can use a tool that is simple in form, but complex in content - a map of long-term goals in the form of a pivot table. In it, horizontally there are years of life (starting from the current one) and age, vertically - life guidelines (key areas of life), and at the intersection of years and landmarks - small goals.

In some cases, the outlook may be long-term, while in others it may only be for the next few years. Some goals may be clear, some - unclear and blurry. Do not be alarmed: it is better to use an approximate map of the area than to go without one at all.

When my acquaintance, a young businessman, was going to get married, he decided to talk to the bride about his plans for the future. He told her, "It's such-and-such a year. We'll get married. In a year, I'll register my company, create a staff, expand business ties, and profits will increase by so-and-so. Next year we'll buy an apartment and think about children. In in such and such a year our son or daughter will go to school and we will need to think about his education.In such and such a year our parents will grow old.

grandchildren will appear ... "The girl was indignant: "How can you talk about old age so easily?" To this he replied: "I must think today about what will happen the day after tomorrow, since tomorrow it may be late."

The bride was right about something. Life flows and changes, and nothing can be completely sure. However, this happens in the smallest cases. For example, when you are driving a car, you are also not 100% sure of anything - the car may break down or get into an accident. This happens in life, but you need to manage - both the car and life in general. Unlike motorways, the road of life does not have an oncoming lane along which you can go back and go in a different direction, so you need to clearly understand where you are going, and most importantly, why.

Define life goals not easy. First, it is not always easy to understand what exactly you want from your own life. Make an approximate map, leave empty columns, add question marks, in the end, instead of a graph, just draw pictures. Do not be afraid to fantasize about the future - this does not oblige you to anything. As desires and circumstances change, correct the card accordingly. This will take a few minutes, but it will allow you to more clearly imagine the future - its circumstances and direction of movement, and the map will not constrain this movement. Remember: the choice of direction is your prerogative, and the map will only help you move forward.

The second problem is the fear of tying goals to deadlines. You have to realistically look at your life, which is not always pleasant. For example, a simple “I want to become a director” most likely will not lead to anything, but “I want to become a director by the age of 35” is already a clear goal. This is where small goals come in. For example, if "I want to become a director by the age of 35", then "to enter the Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship" should have been a long time ago.

The third problem is the unwillingness to be responsible even to oneself (what if it doesn't work out?). It is much more pleasant to abstractly dream of a good life than to clearly state what you want, what you are going to achieve and what for. this needs to be done. If something didn’t work out, it can be scary to admit it.

For too many years we have lived in a country where the most purposeful, intelligent, creative and determined people were destroyed. Today is a different time, and there is a real opportunity to stand out from the passive crowd and turn into a thinking person who achieves his goals. You need to try to independently and confidently move in the right direction. Examples are numerous. Many of our compatriots have created globally competitive enterprises from scratch, thus proving that they can do a lot. The main thing is to want.

specification is a must

Classic time management recommends setting goals using the SMART technique (an abbreviation of the first letters of the English words specific (specific), measurable (measurable), achievable (achievable), realistic (realistic), time-bound (time-bound). For example, do not just “I want to occupy a good position”, but “no later than in the next two years I want to become the head of the department in which I work, with such and such a monthly income.” The more clearly the time frame is outlined, the closer the goal is in time, the more obvious it is, the more useful it is to detail it, and vice versa, the further away from you the goal in time, the less obvious it is, the less need for rigid specification and, accordingly, the less likely it is to be achieved. you sail, and the second is impossible to reach.

third step to success

Define your personal values ​​and set long-term goals to make your dreams come true. For this:

Manage yourself like your own corporation; describe your day in a few years;

Define your own values ​​with the help of a memoir;

Formulate a personal mission;

Find your calling;

define life priorities (key areas of life);

make an overview chart of life goals by key areas and future years;

Specify the closest and most understandable goals, tying them to time.


Everyone faces the lack of time, from ordinary housewives to business leaders. According to international studies, 36% of working time (78 days a year) is wasted. With non-working time, things are hardly better. The planning you learn in this chapter will help you deal with this problem. Most people think of it as a time planning system on the principle: the more order, the better results. This is not entirely true. Planning is an integral part of time management, but it is not the only method offered by modern time management. Using planning, one should not forget about other ways, without which it is unlikely to be effective.

When mastering the principles of business planning, there will be many difficulties. The first thing to overcome is the Russian mentality. Our man hears the word "planning", and he cringes, as this concept is still associated with the five-year plan and the motto that the plan is the law. Proper planning has always been hampered by the broad Russian soul, whose creative impulses are difficult to bring into a system. Two well-known problems of Russia also interfere - fools and roads, because of which promises are not kept, trains do not arrive on time, etc.

However, in order to build a life of your own free will, it is necessary to meet deadlines. Keeping promises, not being late for meetings, calling your mother back are the natural rules for a modern person. No one needs an explanation why every morning and evening you need to brush your teeth and take a shower; the same applies to cleanliness in the management of one's own time.

Do not associate planning with the concepts of hard and detailed. Everyone has their own, depending on the type of activity, lifestyle and the presence or absence of a family. Planning can be flexible, not just strict.

The first thing to learn is to take the time to make plans, but don't go to the other extreme either. The main advantage of planning is that the time spent on it leads to a reduction in the time that will be spent on work and other planned activities. Time spent planning is decision time. Any planning should be carried out in two stages. First, make a list and prioritize, that is, those things that are more important than others. To do this, first write a draft, and then a final one, which you will follow. In the first list, all cases will be equivalent to you. By numbering, rank the items in order of importance at the present time. Then rewrite everything again. Remember: no list is complete until it reflects the order of importance of the cases. This is the ABC of planning.

Agile, or contextual, scheduling

The justification for the incompleteness of the planned cases can always be found in unpredictable situations and unexpected visitors, in apathy and unwillingness to do something, in the absence of a clear statement of the task and criteria for its implementation, in the stupidity of the boss or the cycle of life. However, it is the ability to plan that will help you not only complete the necessary tasks on time, but also complete them efficiently. You need to plan wisely.

When calculating your day, plan no more than 60% of your working time. Leave the so-called buffer zones between cases - this spare time will allow you to resolve current issues or be distracted by unforeseen circumstances. Proper planning of the day provides for the allocation of time for non-urgent matters, which, having accumulated,

can ruin months of hard work. For example, this could be cleaning the workplace, sorting papers and mail, or cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry.

For competent planning, review current and immediate goals and objectives (this was already mentioned earlier). Be sure to give them a tangible look - write down on paper or in a computer. Knowing the situation will allow for competent planning without additional stress. For example, each person has immediate tasks that are easy to predict: writing a report or buying groceries for a birthday party. However, there are tasks that cannot be tied to a specific time. To solve them, there is flexible planning.

For example, the plan may include such things as paying the rent if you are sent to work in a bank, or signing an agreement with the boss when he is on site. It is difficult to tie this to a specific time, since you do not know exactly when you will get to the bank or when the boss will come to work.

To solve such problems, there is a convenient moment and suitable circumstances - contexts. Think back to your work day. The usual rigid planning in the diary is not adapted to the management of cases that cannot be written down for a clear time, so contexts must be used. The most common of these are the place (at the office, in the bank, on the street, on the road), a person or group of people (at a meeting, when meeting with the boss, in a conversation with a friend), internal circumstances (when the mood or inspiration strikes), and external circumstances (when a friend will have time, when her husband will be given a vacation, when the boss will be in the mood). These are just examples of contexts to guide you. It is important for you to identify your own and learn how to use them to the maximum effect.

A contextual planning system can be created using a regular diary. To do this, do the following.

1. Identify suitable contexts for you (five to seven are enough).

2. Create sections in the diary that correspond to these contexts.

3. When approaching contexts (suitable cases, favorable circumstances), look into the diary and see the task necessary to solve.

It is more convenient to do this on a computer using Outlook or Excel. For those who know how to use them, it is not difficult to imagine the principle of operation. For less experienced PC users, I would recommend Word as the most common text editor. We will consider this option in more detail (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1. Context Planning Example

For example, when leaving the office, we looked into the "Places" section - we saw the task "Call at the hairdresser", leaving the office, looked into the "Office" section - there the task is "Sign the contract with the boss", we decided to take a break at work, looked into the section "Internal Circumstances" and remembered about "Call Mom".

Looking at the diary at the right moment will become a habit if you do it constantly.

You can not write down tasks in the diary, but fix them on stickers (adhesive pieces of paper) and stick them on the pages of the diary, where you expect an opportunity to appear. With this method, the task can be easily moved to another day if the opportunity does not present itself at the right time. In this way, it is psychologically easier to cope with business, since tasks crossed out, but not completed due to circumstances, will disappear from your diary.

Day - week - year

You got acquainted with the planning of cases without reference to a specific time. However, there are tasks that have not only an assigned execution time, but also certain time costs for their solution. They can be streamlined with rigorous planning.

For example, write down two days: yesterday and tomorrow, fixing absolutely all the cases and noting their duration to the nearest minute. Then count the number of tasks, sum up the time to complete them for each day separately and compare the results. I’m sure the picture will turn out like this: the total amount of time that you allotted for the future execution of daily tasks significantly exceeds the length of the day, and the number of tasks for tomorrow is much greater than the number of tasks completed yesterday. Don't be scared. You can reduce the time you plan to spend on certain tasks. It is no coincidence that you painted not only

to tomorrow, but also to yesterday: you may think that mopping takes 40 minutes, but when you time your cleaning time, you will be surprised to find that you spent only 10, and next time you will plan real figure. Knowing exactly how much time you need for a particular task, you will be able to work efficiently without the distraction of counting and checking schedules or washing dishes while cleaning the carpet to speed up the process. You will also avoid going to the supermarket if all you need to do is buy some bread from the nearest deli.

The next rule: it is better to do the urgent at the beginning of the day. However, consider whether such cases are tied to a specific time. For example, you need to get an appointment with a doctor who, on the day you are going to see him, is open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; or you need to submit a tax return to the district inspection department, which receives citizens from 10 am to 12 pm. Be prepared for this turn of events: other plans that, due to time-bound business, may remain unfinished, will have to be postponed until tomorrow. However, it is not necessary to carve out a day in the grid dedicated only to things that were once unfinished - this is useless. Is it realistic to write an annual report or dissertation in one working day? Of course not, so do not be afraid to do certain work in parts, allocating time in your daily plan to complete them. Determine the time for completing parts of one large task and allocate only as much as necessary to them. Learn to plan in blocks by breaking large blocks into smaller ones. This will help you better estimate the time needed to complete what you have planned. For example, imagine building a house. Digging a foundation pit, laying a foundation, erecting walls, laying out floors, laying down communications, finishing, handing over a house - these are small blocks of a large target block - the construction of a building. Small blocks of tasks, in turn, are divided into even smaller and periodic, repeating with a certain frequency - hiring

workers, erecting one wall of the house, another wall, finishing one room of the apartment, another room of the apartment, floor, repeating this process on another floor, etc. The same planning scheme can be applied to any business, whether it is raising children or buying a country house , career advancement or education. The most basic thing is the awareness of the goal, that is, for the sake of which you perform certain actions, and in order to keep under control global tasks that have more or less tight deadlines, you need only three sections in the diary - "Day", "Week" , "Year":

day: tasks for today, plan of the day in the diary;

week: medium-term tasks, the implementation of which is planned for a week - a month;

year: long-term goals.

When a person thinks about medium-term planning, the first thing that comes to mind is hard planning for the day, week, year. This is futile work. Believe me, the plan for the week will collapse on the first day, the plan for the year - in the first week. The secret of success is not in rigid planning, but in the correct movement of tasks across sections. For example, when making a plan for tomorrow in the evening, look at the "Week" section and move from there to tomorrow's schedule the tasks that are ripe for completion. Accordingly, when planning the next week, look in the "Year" section and move everything relevant to the "Week" section.

There is no need to create the "Month" or "Quarter" sections: all tasks that could be located in them are already in the "Year" section and will be moved to the "Week" section when it is viewed weekly.

Using this method of planning, you can, on the one hand, not drive yourself into the framework of a rigid plan and not try to prescribe the future in detail, making plans for a week or a month. On the other hand, this method will

ensure that the right task pops up at the right time by regularly reviewing the "Week" and "Year" sections.

The "Week" section can contain the following tasks: a list of tasks for the next few weeks on a separate page of the diary;

a to-do list or sticky stickers in a special section of the diary; when viewing a section daily, it is convenient to transfer stickers with actual tasks to another section.

The "Year" section is usually simpler - a tab with a list of key tasks for the next six months or a year. This section may also contain:

a plan of key tasks for the year (delivery of quarterly and annual reports, learning a foreign language, losing 20 kilograms);

Information on the critical deadlines for key tasks (the start date of writing the book, the timing of the preparation of the report, etc.);

A list of less global tasks with a long-term deadline, if these tasks did not fall into the "Day" or "Week" sections of the diary (submit an income declaration at the end of the year, change a car during the year);

Schedule of birthdays and other memorable dates.

Solving routine tasks

You have probably noticed that the routine of small things interferes with the solution of important tasks: paying bills, clearing the desktop or watering flowers. Day after day, you endure such cases, worry that your hands do not reach them, or even forget about their existence. They are obvious, and therefore forgotten - you do not attach importance to them.

When there are a lot of routine tasks, they bring chaos to the work, so it is better to follow their implementation. This is not about rigid planning, but about ensuring that such tasks are performed at least once a week. To do this, you can create the following table: put frequently occurring regular tasks in the left column. Further from left to right - columns by calendar weeks. Completion of a task is marked with a "+" sign in the corresponding column, non-completion - with a "-" sign. Approximately it looks like this (Table 4.2).

Table 4.2. Routine planning

Once again I draw your attention: this is not a rigid planning table. It does not matter which day to clear the desktop or check the son's diary. It is important that this is done about once a week.

It's okay if the task was not completed this week (for example, you did not find time to clean up your desktop). Just put a dash. However, when the dashes start to accumulate, this will be a signal that the task has not been completed for a long time, so it's time to do it.

Here are examples of these types of tasks.

Backup information. Important electronic documents you need to regularly save to a USB flash drive, floppy disk or disk so that in case of technical problems they remain safe and sound. It is desirable to transfer contact data from business cards and pieces of paper to a single contact database (alphabetical index, computer file, mobile phone). Significant paper documents should be photocopied and kept separately in case the originals are lost.

Desktop clearing. Few people manage to constantly maintain perfect order on the desktop, but it is necessary to clear it regularly (once a day - the main working area, once a week - drawers and shelves). In the same way, you should regularly clean the Desktop and My Documents folders on your computer.

Checking the diary of a schoolboy son.It is not necessary to demand from the child a daily report on academic progress, but it is not worth running it either: children quickly notice this and begin to be lazy. If the son knows for sure that on Friday evening his mother will definitely ask him to show the diary, the child will have an additional incentive to get good grades.

My friend's son, a sixth grade student, complained to me that his mother rarely praised him for his good grades. I told my friend about the boy's problem. She, as a systemic person, added the item "Praise her son for good grades" to the schedule of daily routine tasks and every day marked the completion with a "+" sign. As a result, the son began to study even better, and after a few weeks he no longer expected his mother to ask him about his affairs at school, but he himself told her everything that reminded him of encouragement instead of a diary.

You need to store a schedule of routine tasks in the "Week" section, then you will see it at least once a day and will not forget anything.

How many minutes does it take to clean the floor

The pinnacle of hard planning is the precise determination of the weekly time budget for a major task in order to meet the deadline for its implementation.

For example, you need to write a book, a dissertation, or a semi-annual report. You need to determine how much time you need to allocate weekly or daily to the parts of the task, so as not to turn it from important, but not urgent, into emergency.

Let's remember student years and preparation for exams: there are 15 days left before the exam, 45 tickets need to be prepared; you need to spend at least an hour on each ticket, which means that three hours a day are allotted for preparing for the exam.

The following algorithm is used: determine the total amount of work in any units of measurement (45 tickets); calculate labor productivity (one ticket per hour); using deadlines and productivity, set a time budget (three hours a day for exam preparation).

The same can be done with any major task.

For example, I need to finish this book in 20 days. The remaining volume is 200 thousand characters. My speed is 4000 characters per hour. I calculate according to the formula 200,000 / 20 / 4000 = = 2.5 hours a day. Playing with indicators, you can calculate a more or less exact date for the completion of a global task. For example, if I write 4,000 characters per hour, and I can spend 4 hours a day on work, then it will take me 200,000 / (4000 4) = 12.5 days to complete a volume of 200,000 characters.

Thus, you have specific deadlines. This is much more motivating and makes it possible to track whether you fit into the planned time, as well as predict the timing of the task.

When using this method, you acquire, which is important, the reputation of a punctual and reliable person who is able to complete even voluminous creative work in tight deadlines.

little secrets

It is still far from the end of our communication with you, but I want to believe that you are already ready to properly organize yourself. For those who already want to change their lives, I will formulate a few tips. However, they will also be useful to those who decide to put everything aside until they finish reading this book.

Consider the beginning of the day, which involves the absence of haste and fuss for the successful implementation of the planned activities. In the morning it is better to wake up a little earlier than usual - for 20-30 minutes. When you arrive at work, immediately go over your to-do list. Make a plan the day before. Start the day without swinging, with important things. It is typical for many to start with little things: look at the mail, make a photocopy of a document, call on a personal issue, drink coffee, etc. will go to waste, and important things will have to be done after its completion. At the same time, do not go to extremes: do not strive to do everything at once, in your opinion, urgent and important things. It should be remembered that if a person lives and works on the principle of doing everything as important and urgent, he is in a state of chronic stress and, therefore, loses his own health. Don't overestimate the importance of things or your abilities. Reassign them to your subordinates; if not, do it yourself when it's convenient. Alternate important with significant. Despite the advice to start the day without swinging, live in harmony with yourself - consider your own work schedule. It is known that there are people with pronounced morning activity - "larks", with daytime activity - "thrushes" (or "pigeons") and evening - "owls". Plan the most important and responsible things for the period of your highest performance. In addition to morning viewing, it is desirable to clarify your to-do list two more times - in the middle of the day and in the evening: if you have done something, cross it out; if something is not done, reschedule for another day.

Remember: until you learn to manage your time, you will not be able to manage anything else. A working day or a 24-hour day is not a natural phenomenon to which one must adapt with least loss. This is the time that is under your control, and there is a concept

time management, which allows us to make sure that it is not time that controls us, but we do it with the help of a plan that defines both the solution of operational issues and a good rest. Surely already at this stage it begins to seem to you that you understand everything and that from this moment on, much in your life will go in a new way. However, understanding something is not enough. Even mastering the techniques of time management is not all. It is necessary that the new way of life becomes a habit, so that the sorting of cases occurs automatically: important - not important; entrust this - I will do it myself, but later; with this she asked me not to touch me at all, unless the irreparable happened, however, if the irreparable did not touch me either - it’s irreparable anyway, but I don’t have time to be upset now. So there is still a lot of work ahead. As for planning, I want you to draw the main conclusion from everything: try to strike a balance between planning and putting your plan into practice - it’s not worth thinking for 20 minutes where to put a five-minute business.

It is not necessary to fill up the apartment with notebooks or diaries with your plans for the future. Use your home or pocket computer, laptop, electronic organizer for notes. These information carriers will not only contain a huge amount of it, but will also remind you of the planned event to the nearest second, and they will take up little space in the apartment.

It is important not only to materialize your plans, but also to successfully implement them. A common mistake of beginners inspired by time management is the inability to measure their desires and capabilities. Many want everything at once and therefore fill their schedule to capacity, leaving no time for rest, and therefore quickly burn out and cannot follow their plans for a long time. When developing a strategy for allocating your time, it is very important to correlate your strengths with the tasks set, and even more important - to take time to rest.

One clever man said: "Do you know the difference between poor people and rich people? For the poor, time is a liability, they do not know how to make money from two free hours. For the rich, time is an asset. It can be distributed in such a way as to benefit." So it is better to spend free hours, for example, studying a foreign language, lying on the same sofa.

You need to be able to control time, increase the day, not adding hours, but saving them, and then you can do everything. One of the secrets of a long day is early awakening, which is directly related to the daily routine: you go to bed earlier, you get up earlier. This will allow you to always be collected, fresh and sane woman. Distribute your strengths and deeds wisely, let the daily ones become a habit, and build all the rest around them. For example, inspire yourself that going to kindergarten is a metal rod in the schedule, not amenable to outside influence, and the whole day is divided into before and after it. Plan no more than two global tasks per day, especially if they are related to long trips. Do not allow others to adjust your day unless absolutely necessary, as people who load you with requests and instructions will be the first to tell about your lack of focus and irresponsibility. If you are late for a meeting, do not panic: a disheveled look and a lump in the throat will not add attractiveness and health, and a successful outcome of the meeting in this case is impossible. Situations vary, but don't be too hard on yourself. We are all living people, and this is not the end of the world. Each of us has an individual perception of events, his own temperament, certain style life and actual freedom of action, and the day itself can be one continuous force majeure circumstance. The main thing is to take every day as a gift that needs to be treated with due respect and attention. The key to success is in a good mood, confidence in yourself and your own strengths, then the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bworldly problems will be knee-deep.

fourth step to success

Set up a personalized scheduling system with hard and flexible tasks to plan according to reality and always get things done:

allocate time per day to plan for tomorrow, next week, year;

For journal entries, use various methods- different colors or stickers;

Plan no more than two global affairs per day and start it with them;

Start waking up in the morning 20-30 minutes earlier than usual;

Remember: no list is complete unless it reflects the order of importance of things, this is the ABC of planning.


Everyone talks tirelessly about the problem of lack of time and its solution. We also joined this discussion. In fact, the problem of lack of time does not exist, there is only the question of prioritization, as mentioned earlier. This is the most important thing to talk about.

In addition to priority tasks, every woman sooner or later faces a choice: family or work. This is a life priority choice. It is he who determines what is more important: a completed task or a call from a sick child, a good relationship with the boss or the possibility of additional earnings after work, communication with friends or the realization of professional ambitions. It is precisely ignorance of her own life priority that often leads a modern woman to not being able to do anything. A hundred years ago, a Russian woman knew what she was living for and what her purpose was, but in the modern world it is very difficult for her to determine the most significant aspects of life. Therefore, she must decide how much time to spend at work, how often to walk with the child and how to cook dinner - faster or tastier. Let's try to understand what is important and what is secondary.

the most important thing is the weather in the house

Once my friend said: “I can’t do this anymore! At work, problems are due to regular sick leave, at home claims are due to inattention to the family. What should I do: get a divorce or quit my job?” I was surprised, but after thinking it over, I advised her to decide what is more important for her - family or work, and then proportionally divide her time and effort and start planning things. Olga immediately bought all kinds of foreign manuals on time management. For almost a month she tried, tried to please everyone, began to write schedules and plans, and then crossed everything out. At a certain moment, it suddenly dawned on her: the way of life of Russian people does not fit

in line with the recommendations of Western business time management. She nevertheless learned the main thing: a working woman should devote enough time to her family, and this time should be enough to create comfort, for an attentive conversation, for a gentle look, for carefree laughter, that is, for Family and Love with a capital letter.

After some time, Olga turned to me with the question of how to learn how to properly manage time. She said: “Twice in my life I had to choose: family or career.

The first time I chose a career. There was success, but no one was waiting for me at home in the evenings, the child was raised by grandmothers. The second time, like Winnie the Pooh, I chose both. I realized that it is important for me to realize my potential, feel my own importance and discover new opportunities at work, but it is equally important for me to see the happy eyes of my loved ones, spend time with them, filling the house with comfort and peace. I need time management to live and love. It would be nice to find a Russian version specifically for women. "It is this option that you hold in your hands. I hope it will help not only my friend.

I'm sure, just like Olga, most women argue. Nature takes over, and sooner or later a woman realizes the meaning of her stay on earth. However, there are also opposite situations.

Once, when discussing life priorities, one of my colleagues, who recently came to the team, said: "Priorities are determined by management." I was confused, but tried to open her eyes, asking if she had children. It turned out that she already has a grandson. I asked: "Does your family also prioritize the plans of your family?" "Of course. After all, everything ultimately depends on the work," the woman answered without hesitation. Comments are superfluous. For this woman, there is not only time management, but also a family. There is only a guide that defines everything.

This is a rare, almost exceptional case. Here you can reflect on the topic of corporate culture, professional deformation and much more. The only good news is that my colleague is in the minority: basically, people want to determine their own priorities. Most women prefer a family hearth, but not everyone knows how to create it correctly, because they barely have enough time even to maintain order in the house.

Almost everyone is dissatisfied with the efficiency of managing their own time, and even if they are, they still wanted to manage this irreplaceable resource even better. To succeed in this, it is necessary to clearly define the key goal and choose the main performance indicator. No need to rack your brains - this indicator has long been known. This is happiness. For a woman, the main goal of the strategic management of her own time is to be happy both at work and with her family.

The problem is that success in business does not always bring happiness, more often the opposite. However, there is an opinion in society that happiness will come along with success: the more successful (richer, higher on the social or professional ladder, more famous) a person is, the happier he is. However, no man, much less a woman (as a more subtle being), has found happiness through money, a career, or other business achievements. Significant professional, financial and social success often brings disappointment. A person who has set a transcendent goal for himself and achieved it through many years of hard and honest work is faced not with the world of his dreams, but with a void that he is forced to fill with something, in best case new achievements. He runs the risk of becoming a workaholic, for whom it is no longer the result that is important, but the process itself, which has become for him something like a gambling game.

One of the common misconceptions successful people is the belief that the closest people from

he needs material goods and help in solving problems. This is undoubtedly important, but first of all, relatives and loved ones - husband, children, parents - need an expression of love for them - not in money, but in the time spent together, in warm words in communication and empathy. For the closest people, the emotional and spiritual value of relationships is much more important than the material one. However, often, bogged down in the routine of everyday affairs, we forget to wish Good night child and kiss her husband in the morning. A woman mistakenly believes that her household needs hot food and clean shirts. This is not so: if you really love your family, then you should not strive for another promotion, but to create comfort in your own home. Plan your work day and household chores more carefully, leaving as much time as possible for communication with your family.

No one should know that you are a careerist

Well, if the main thing in your life is family happiness; and if you need it, just so that family troubles do not interfere with work? No need to pretend to be a worried keeper of the hearth. Find the strength to admit otherwise, then these pages will help you in the main thing: neither at home nor at work should you even suspect that the goal of your life is a chair CEO company where you currently run a small department. To do this, you should properly manage your time, yourself, as well as your household.

Let's start with the main thing - what a woman's time consists of. Since you are an incorrigible careerist, then your time primarily consists of time for work, the most important block for you.

Second is family time. This is housekeeping and communication with the child and husband.

Finally, from a busy schedule, you need to allocate time for yourself - for personal and professional development, rest and self-care.

Let's consider everything separately.

Time to work

It is important here to be able to properly organize your work schedule, minimize working hours as much as possible, distribute workloads so that by the end of the working day you are not exhausted, and most importantly, find time for your family during the working day. It is possible and necessary. Let us consider in more detail the basics of art to combine career and family happiness.

Personal example. At first, in a new, important position for me, I stayed in the office until late. She came home after nine or even later and was barely alive. Weekends also took place at work. Family care has taken a backseat. As a result, problems began both at work and at home. I decided to urgently correct the situation. With some effort, I learned, and then got used to planning working time, working quickly and efficiently, delegating tasks to subordinates. A year has passed. As a result, one day a week I work from 9 am to 5 pm. Usually on Friday. The rest of the working days - strictly until 18:30. Weekends are sacred.

At work, they know that my family is important to me, and I come to work to work, not to live.

The main thing is that in the evening I am flying or at least walking briskly home, and not dragging myself with the sole purpose of falling on the sofa and falling asleep.

The secret is that in addition to the standard principles of accounting and time planning, it is necessary to properly plan rest during the working day.

There are three important points here: install a chronometer on a computer, plan 10-15 minutes for a good rest in a secluded place, use every opportunity for a physical and moral workout.

In the chronometer, the most convenient form for me is 45:5, that is, 45 minutes work, 5 minutes - a break. Main benefits: 45 minutes for maximum focus on one task - optimal time, then attention is scattered, execution is stretched and time is used inefficiently; 5 minutes can be used to work with papers, put things in order (organize the space around you), just think, run down the stairs three times to another floor, calmly drink tea, etc. In addition, there is a benefit for business: your mode is organizing moment for your subordinates. Firstly, they also have to do everything on time and not pull you over trifles, and secondly, they are imbued with respect for you.

At the beginning of the month, when planning my workload, I add an event such as a warm-up to the calendar - this is 1015 minutes for a good rest. To do this, I book a computer layout room for the whole month in advance. Every day at 14:30 I lock myself in the room and do a warm-up. For those who have not done this, I can advise my method. Just sit or lie down comfortably, relax, and do some spinal stretching exercises. In the office, you can stretch your spine by hanging between two chairs or on the door frame.

To increase your efficiency, to think not about lower back pain, but about something more substantial, use every opportunity for a physical and mental warm-up.

For example, sitting on a chair (you still have to sit almost all day), you can strain your buttocks 10 times. You can also rotate your feet. No one sees this, and you do not attract unnecessary attention. While standing at the photocopier, you can make lifts for calf muscles- one leg to tighten and climb on the other (10 times on each). More

run up the stairs, jump - useful for a day physical activity it turns out more than an hour - almost a gym! Let the thought settle in your head not to allow a single minute lost for the gift of health, and then you will be pleasantly surprised by your achievements in a couple of months. The press will swing easier, push-ups will be easier to do, and walking to the twelfth floor will not only be useful, but also pleasant.

As for the moral warm-up: have you ever watched the sunset from your office windows? People on the street, hurrying about their business, so different? Kids jumping in puddles? The eyes of your colleagues, their smiles, your reflection in the mirror?

Let's get to the rear - devote time to our beloved family. By the way, in this case, the five-minute breaks of the chronometer also serve as reminders: it's time to call your loved ones. Make time for a few encouraging calls to your child. For no reason or reason: "I called to say that I love you very much." A couple more calls to my beloved: "My only one, I missed you so much." There is no work so important that in eight hours it is impossible to find time for loved ones.

There are also urgent matters when I can’t even talk on the phone (planning meeting, interview, the boss went into the office), I try to warn my loved ones about this in advance. Usually they treat it with due understanding.

An amazing charge of joy and love for you bring pleasant surprises.

For example, on Wednesday you managed to plan things so that from 13 to 15 hours you were able to escape home. No one is waiting, but here you are, and in the hands of a cake or ice cream. There is already a holiday in the family, and which one you will definitely come up with. On Friday evening, you can book a table in a restaurant, rush home, grab everyone in an armful, the main thing is not to say where you are going. You can always find time for small holidays, and how much joy they will bring to your loved ones!

family time

This includes the usual household chores: cleaning, washing, cooking, maintaining family budget, raising a child, communication with her husband and joint rest. Consider how to free up more time for this.

Time management is just as important here as it is at work. It’s better to start with accounting: how much time do you spend cleaning the apartment per day, per week and per month, how much for cooking, etc. I would recommend focusing on the following numbers: from 20 to 30 hours per week.

In the distribution "weekdays-weekends" it turns out 40 and 60%, respectively. Since you are working, most household chores are carried over to the weekend. The same principles of effective leadership apply here.

To begin with, assess the situation, prioritize and determine the available resources (human, time, money). After that, set specific tasks for each (you don’t have to grab everything yourself) and monitor their implementation.

For example, in the morning before work, when everyone has left, go around with a notebook and a pen. Record: the son scattered things, cut pieces of paper on the windowsill, one sock is there, the other is not. The next day, raid the apartment before the household leaves. The result should be something like this: the son put all the things in the closet, put them away on the windowsill, found the second sock and put it in the wash. For non-compliance - a fine of 20 rubles from pocket money.

Perhaps it looks strange, but for a child it will be a game - a serious and adult one, which will save 15-20 minutes of your time every day.

In the evening before going to bed - one more round with strategic goals and with a notepad (so as not to forget who, what and when should do). As a result, such tasks appear on the mirror in the hallway (bulletin board).

Vanya, wash your socks and winter boots. Sasha, put Vanya's boots in the box and put them in the closet. Sashenka, you need to wash the sink in the bathroom. Thank you!

Such reminders can be used more actively. For example, they baked pancakes - they ran out of flour (sugar, salt) - immediately in the corridor there was an announcement: "Buy flour. Sasha, can you?" You can simply accumulate them by Saturday, and on this day centrally purchase products. An effective way of keeping track of time is that the list is already ready, time and money have been allocated. No need to go shopping every day: you make a purchase once a week. The time spent is three hours, including the road. You can run into the store only for bread, milk, and some other trifle. Spend the saved time on a family movie show or a walk in the park in the same composition.

Avral is also a game. We organize emergency cleaning for a time: 15 minutes and not a minute more. The main thing is to warm up the people and create a stir, and if your enthusiasm is not shared, arrange this emergency in such a way that next time there will be a queue of those who want to. By the way, such 15 minutes will perfectly organize you during general cleaning. Especially if you like to put things in order, you do it carefully, with pleasure and, being carried away, do not fit into the allotted time. The method is simple. 15 minutes to the kitchen - and that's it. We switch attention - 15 minutes to the bathroom, then 15 minutes - wipe the dust everywhere, 15 minutes - the kitchen again, etc. The main thing is a complete stop - the time is up. This allows you to control the time and maintain the pace.

There is a little trick here. For example, you almost finished cleaning the kitchen in 15 minutes, only dirty dishes remained. What to do? "Sasha, I don't have time! Save me!" Who will refuse such a plea for help?

Another find. Cooking is a simple process, but sometimes you puzzle over what to cook to please everyone. On the doors of the kitchen hang the menu on a non-

I divide in which the cells "Breakfast", "Lunch", "Dinner" (first, second, sweet, salad) are empty. Just imagine with what enthusiasm your child will fill this menu. You can enter a "Chef's Comments" column. There, a note would be appropriate: "I don't have time! We didn't buy mushrooms! Guys, we need your help!" Here is an example of such a menu (Table 5.1). Monday and Tuesday are given, for other days the "preparation" is the same. Table 5.1. Menu for the week

This way you can organize your family. All goals are achieved at once: saving time, cheerful communication with loved ones and the absence of reproaches. The ability to manage a family is just as important as the ability to manage a business. A smart leader will not do everything himself. He knows how to organize the process and control its execution, and most importantly, he does it with love.

time for yourself

Courses, sports (pool, warm-ups, fitness, dancing), health (cleansing, fasting, massage, baths), beauty (vitamin-mineral complexes, cosmetologist, makeup artist, hairdresser, masks, facial gymnastics) - this is necessary for any woman to maintain her health and beauty.

I recommend simple rituals: morning "Jazz" (gymnastics, coffee, make-up, costume), evening for myself (usually on Saturday), I'm busy (writing a report, studying English). Beautiful and pleasant rituals of health are also needed - proper breathing and healthy eating.

Yearly planning, breakdown by weeks and days will not interfere. At first it seems difficult, then it becomes a habit. Over time, you will start to wonder why others don't. For example, trips to the dentist, cosmetologist and hairdresser can be scheduled three months in advance, and serious costly events (English courses, trips abroad, admission to college) without global planning (at least for a year) are generally impossible.

arrange family time

You probably thought that I was repeating myself: after all, the organization of time at home has already been discussed. Quite right. Now we will learn to separate life from relationships with the family, especially with the husband. Let's think about how to organize time in family relationships, which will positively affect the results, for example, of your work and, in general, the mood with which you will spend each passing day and meet a new one.

Ideally, I would like to love everyone at once, but in reality this is impossible due to time constraints, preferences, etc. It is necessary to effectively prioritize so that it does not work out, like the famous bard Alexander Dolsky: "The least of all love goes to our most beloved people ". Unfortunately, this is often exactly what happens, so when compiling a personal calendar for a day, a week, a year, it is necessary to allocate time for communication with the family.

A person does not live to work, but works to live and love. Unfortunately, many people confuse the end with the means and, as a result, find themselves overboard the family ship. This explains the sad fact that there are so few happy people and so many are unfortunate.

Let's try not to fall into the category of the latter by creating a model of family relations. We should start with a review of family psychology sources. However, some of them are superficial or represent a set of banal truths, while others frighten with excessive and unnecessary depth. Let's try to independently develop ways to organize intra-family relations. These will not be numbers and calculations - there is no love by calculation. Of course, if your marriage is concluded on this basis, then everything will work out even if you do not see your husband for weeks. This state of affairs will suit both of you. However, when you feel a lack of communication, you hear constant reproaches from loved ones, this not only worries you, but does not allow you to live fully. This happens because there is no mutual understanding between you and your spouse. Believe me, even in conditions of the most severe lack of communication, remorse will not torment you when the relationship is harmonious. Do not be alarmed - this indicator of family well-being can be improved, like any other.

To begin with, everyone has their own idea of ​​love. Hence the first barrier - different views on relationships, as a result - different ideas about love, as a result - different languages ​​of love. Do not be surprised - there are several of these languages. One of the authors of publications on family psychology suggests starting from five love languages: attention, touch, gifts, words of encouragement and help. I would add two more - pity and the maternal attitude of the wife towards her husband. All of them are due to the past - upbringing, the attitude of parents, friends, etc. For example, someone believes that they love him if they pay a lot of attention and spend

a lot of time for communication. Others understand love as a desire to help in everything or to regret like a mother. In most cases, this applies to men, and women predominantly perceive the manifestation of attention, gifts and touches as love. It turns out that women and men understand love differently. In this case, what to expect from their union? There is an exit. It might not be for everyone, but it's worth a try.

Find out who speaks what language in your family. It's easy to do: write on a piece of paper options for continuing the phrase: "I believe that he (she) shows his love for me when he does the following." Then compare your versions, and I'm sure you'll end up speaking completely different languages. Do not be surprised, remember the reason: men and women differ in their ideas about love. Then it's up to both of you: build your relationship on the basis of the model that follows from your ideas, that is, show love the way your husband wants it, and ask him for the same. You should also learn to consider each other's interests. Try to enter into the position of your husband, and not harbor resentment at his inattention and busyness. This applies not only to work: sometimes men meet with friends, go fishing, play football on Tuesdays, etc. Try also to take into account your lack of attention to your husband. Take great care of him and you will see - he will answer the same. In this way, you will be able to come to an understanding. However, this is not yet a sufficient condition for family happiness. Let's not forget that there are also external potentially aggressive circumstances. The threat of a family idyll can be fraught with work, relatives, friends and even children, so it is important to develop rules for relationships outside the family.

An overview of external influences helps create the following model. A family man is constantly under the influence of either the forces of the personality (internal), or the forces of short-range action (family attraction) - in the arms of his wife, or outside

the best forces - in the arms of your favorite work. For this reason, if you try to improve relations in the family by working on weekends, that is, being under the influence of an external force, you will first have to leave its field and only then, once in the field of close-range forces, make the necessary changes with their help. In the language of time management, this can be interpreted as a rotation of "personal/family/external" priorities throughout the day. You need to be aware of what forces are currently determining your actions.

In this sense, for my friends, the first months after the wedding were the most difficult. He is used to doing his outside projects when he wants to, and for as long as it takes. At first, he and his wife got up together in the morning, had breakfast, got ready and went to work by the beginning of her working day, which began much later than that of her husband. Thus, after the wedding, he started external affairs much later. He considered it impossible to proceed as before, since he believed that he should devote time to his wife in the morning. In the evenings, he had to stay late at work, almost every evening he also worked at home. As a result, it became annoying for both of them. Here my advice influenced that early awakening can be beneficial for the daily routine. At the family council, it was decided in the morning to start external affairs as early as possible. Now my husband was driving to the office early. The wife, since her working day began later, had time to do her external affairs at home. This allowed both to actively start the day. They made it a rule: mornings and weekdays are the priorities of external affairs. But weekday evenings are unconditional family territory. A few months of such practice will confirm the effectiveness of the chosen rules.

For example, I developed a habit after eight in the evening to forget about any external work. At the same time, spending the evening together is not necessary: ​​we can go to different rooms to read or do something personal (provided that the other does not mind). By the way, in a relationship

we note with pleasure the decrease in objections and irritation. As an assessment, I will quote the words spoken to my husband about this by my girlfriend, the heroine of the previous example: “You know, when I see how you try for me, it reminds me of my feelings from our meetings and the attention that you showed me after we met. Now I feel happy and believe in our great future together."

Bring family happiness

The modern young lady is simply obliged to keep up with everything. And this is not an imposed stereotype, but the bitter truth of life. Do you want to be successful? Kindly work very hard. Do you dream of a family and children? This means that you will have to live on an even tighter schedule. But there are also small female joys, such as shopping, attending aerobics classes, going to the hairdresser and beautician.
Many ladies sigh, regretting that there are not 48 hours in a day. Most of them have to decide for themselves the question of how to manage to live and work? To be honest, often the necessary time is cut out from sleep and rest.

The advice that will sound now seems banal. But it is planning and a clear daily routine that is the only way not to get bogged down in a lot of things, not to exhaust yourself in a long distance called "the life of a modern woman."

We will share all the difficulties equally

Most often, the question arises before a lady who has a husband and children. And this is not surprising, because in this case, household chores take no less time, and sometimes even more than the main work. Wife and mother, running from work, grabs several things at the same time. You need to feed your family, check your children's lessons, wash and iron your spouse's clothes. Sunday is even worse: cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping. And in such a wheel you can spin endlessly, with short breaks for sleep. Involuntarily, you wave your hand - how to keep up with everything if the heap of everyday tasks does not become smaller. But it is not so. You will be surprised how much free time you will find with proper planning and a clear distribution of responsibilities among all family members.

To get started, make a list of all the tasks, distributing them into groups: priority, secondary, not mandatory, but desirable.

Now think about how to keep up with everything, while allocating enough time for sleep, rest, communication with children.

Take, for example, the daily dishwashing or laundry. Today, all these operations can be performed Appliances. In addition, washing machines and dishwashers are not too expensive. Communication with them with a light heart can be entrusted to a spouse or older children.

With today's food abundance, we have completely forgotten how it is to buy for future use. But in this way you can easily save not only money, but also time. You just need to make a list of goods that are long-term and buy them all at once for the whole month. If you always have a full refrigerator at home, there is no need to drag yourself to the supermarket after work, waste time standing in line. By the way, you can trust your child to buy milk and bread.

Any hostess knows that the apartment takes a whole day. And you have to perform it, as a rule, on your legal day off. But if you entrust the work to professionals, then the apartment will shine with cleanliness, and the family will rest. If your financial situation allows such expenses at least once a month, do not neglect this opportunity. By the way, the services of singles will cost less. You can find relevant offers on the Internet.

Be sure to set aside one day a week for rest and communication with loved ones. No matter how urgent things may seem to you, put them off for another time. Explain to everyone that the day off is sacred, and you will not sacrifice it under any circumstances.

Well, the last tip - prepare for everything in advance. By doing this, you will save yourself from the fuss of fees, stop being late everywhere and everywhere.

Does the question of how to do everything still seem rhetorical to you? To some extent, you are right, it will still not work to do everything without exception. And there is no need to strive for this. It is better to be a caring mother and a tender wife than an ideal housewife.

How to manage to live and work

For many modern women, a career is of great importance. Often, completely surrendering to work, they forget about their personal lives. Now we will not discuss the correctness of such a choice, this is the topic of a separate article. But few people doubt that the work needs to be somehow combined.
One of my acquaintances, the head of a large firm, told me that he never allows his subordinates to stay overtime. He firmly believes that a good worker will keep within eight hours of working time.

How to do everything without sacrificing personal time? I think that you yourself know the answer to this question. It is necessary to focus attention, concentrate on one thing and bring it to the end. Always set clear time limits and do not allow them to be violated. You will be surprised how much you can get done in a working day if you do not run around smoking, not being distracted by phone chatter and social networking.

It should be noted that sometimes the question of how to keep up with everything has an elementary answer. Spend your time wisely and economically. Keep track of what your day consists of. How much time do you spend on makeup, useless sitting at the computer, watching TV? Perhaps by giving up some habits, you will free up a few hours in your schedule for more useful activities, and the thoughts “I don’t have time for anything” will stop visiting you. Perhaps my advice will seem too boring to someone. Others will dismiss it, saying that there is not enough time anyway, and you still need to sit and plan something. But believe me, sometimes half an hour of time spent on making a to-do list frees up several hours every week.


The wise distribution of time is the basis for activity.
Jan Amos Comenius

I will take the liberty to continue the aphorism, saying that the wise distribution of time is the basis of peace of mind - when everything necessary is done and there is time left for rest and communication, a person receives tremendous satisfaction and lives in harmony with himself and others.
However, you are among the readers of this book, which means that things are not going smoothly for you. At work, hundreds of unfinished business hang like a sword of Damocles, and at home, like the famous heroine of Korney Chukovsky, Fedora: “Would a woman cook cabbage soup, but go look for a pan!” At night, instead of sleeping, you intensely remember what you didn’t have time to do in the past day: “I sent faxes, bought sausage, cooked dumplings, was late for a meeting with a client, but got there, stroked my husband’s shirt, checked my son’s lessons ... Oh my God! My son's birthday is tomorrow, but there is no present! You begin to compose excuses in the morning (one for your son, the other for your husband, because the faithful will reproach you not only for being behind family life, but also for two folds on the sleeve of your shirt). After an almost sleepless night, having somehow coped with family troubles, you rush to work, naturally, late, which causes indignation among the boss, and at the same time you need to manage to persuade him to let you go early today for your son’s birthday.
Even if the story is different from yours, it probably isn't by much. Sighing, you will complain about the bitter woman's share. However, you can change any situation. Tried - didn't work? You may have chosen the wrong path.
Do not look for a panacea for all misfortunes. Stop and think: are you in control of time or is it over you? Are you building your life or is it managing you? Are you manipulating circumstances or vice versa? Surely you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and no one appreciates or even notices this, and the reproaches of others do not let you sleep at night. It is in your power to change everything. In this book you will find the answer to the question of how to do it. Be patient and call upon willpower when you decide to put into practice the theory described here, and the result will not be long in coming.
You will get acquainted with the concept of "time management", learn how to succeed at work and not deprive your family of attention, comprehend the secrets of a successful business and delicious dinners prepared on time. Finally, you will learn the most important thing: how not to suffer yourself, restoring the balance between work and family. The main weapon of a woman is her charm, which must be preserved, as well as the foundation of everything - her own health. You will learn how to properly relax, take care of yourself and at the same time do everything.
You are a woman, therefore, just as there is female logic, female psychology, there is also a female model of time management, which differs from the generally accepted one. The task of a man is to organize mainly working and free time. The woman also has a kitchen, laundry, cleaning, checking the lessons of children, as well as a solarium, massage, a beautician and a hairdresser. Your task is to learn not to rush about, but to cope with all these things in time.
After reading this book, you will learn how to learn how to properly manage an invaluable capital called "time".

Chapter 1
Motivation: how to overcome reluctance

Time management - the art of managing time

Time management today is not just a buzzword. Its topic is actively discussed by both professionals and laymen. In particular, women who are busy with family and work try to manage time. At the same time, not many people know that they are engaged in scientific work, and even more so they are aware of how this science is called, so first we will deal with the terminology.
Time management is a branch of science and practice devoted to the study of problems and methods for optimizing time spent in various fields of activity, that is, a technology that allows you to use the time of a person’s life in accordance with his goals and values.
Time management is a whole system of organizing time, including your own. It is suitable for everyone who has time, and especially for those who do not have enough. Time management allows you to learn not only to set goals, but also to achieve them, properly managing work and personal time. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves results at the same time, as they often act haphazardly.
For successful time planning, first of all, you need to learn how to properly manage it and make it a habit.
Of course, someone can say that time is not subject to people and life often brings surprises that destroy all plans. This statement is correct. No wonder there is a wise saying: do not make plans - do not make God laugh. However, the surprises of life are somewhat predictable. Agree: even if something planned was not done, at the end of the day, along with remorse, there is also a sense of satisfaction from the fact that part of the plans has become a reality.
This happens when a person has made every effort to do everything in time. It’s another matter when you haven’t implemented anything planned, because all the time at work is spent on coffee breaks, conversations with colleagues and smoke breaks.
Time management will help in both the first and second cases, if you approach the issue with all responsibility.
First, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of time. It is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health, and other resources. You just need to determine what exactly you need. Not many people do this, as a result of which people mismanage their time, then regret it.
This feeling has been familiar to man since ancient times. Time management is far from the only attempt to learn how to properly plan your own time. One of the first to be puzzled by this was the man whose portrait took its rightful place on the hundred-dollar bill, Benjamin Franklin. It was his system of distribution of goals and tasks that became the basis for the development of modern time management.
The methodology is based on four main principles.
1. Plan, otherwise you will be planned. You can manage only if you have a specific plan, a vision of your future.
2. Time is the most valuable resource. Since it cannot be stretched, accumulated, or added on, the only solution is to organize it intelligently so that, as Rudyard Kipling said, "fill the inexorable minute with sixty full seconds."
3. It is necessary to be able to distinguish the main from the secondary. Time management implies the distribution of working time into strictly regulated (must be done) and soft (it is desirable to do it, but if urgent matters appear, you can postpone it).
4. Only methodical adherence to a given course can lead a person to the goal.
Remember these principles and try to follow them at all costs. It should not be assumed that time management involves rigid planning. The philosophy of time management is different: people cannot be free in everything: if a person wants to get freedom in one thing, he must limit it in another. For example, if you want to be able to quit your job at any time and hide from the hustle and bustle - go to the countryside, closer to nature, then first you must make your business process perfect, running like clockwork. Time management allows you to free up time for what you would most like to spend it on. This is a tool for setting life goals and spending time to achieve them. Time management is the doctrine of making time for the most important things in life, and the sooner you comprehend its secrets, the richer and more interesting every day will be.
Here is a simple example. My friend is 32 years old. She is the editor of her own magazine. Entering her office for the first time, people are surprised, because they expected to see a woman at least forty years old. She has written three books, completed her PhD, and set up a business on her own, with a pool every day, at least an hour of fiction reading, and time for her personal life. In her years, she managed to achieve a lot thanks to the use of time management, and this is the best proof that this system works.
However, not all of her life goes according to plan. She has six or eight days off a month, which she spends at her own discretion; when she realizes that she is tired, she says: my affairs are rolling on reliable rails, I can afford to disappear for a couple of days. She likes to go to a remote village - nature, fresh air, a bathhouse ...
Someone may say: I don’t believe it, time management is an ideal technique, it is almost impossible to apply it in life. However, you just need to raise the bar as high as possible and strive to reach it. One wise man accurately expressed it: demand the impossible and you will get the maximum. This also applies to you. No need to strive to achieve the ideal, try to at least get as close to it as possible by adapting the time management system to the conditions of your life and work.

Why are you not doing anything

Happy is the one who finds the right answer to this question, because then there is a chance to correct the situation. However, what if the opposite happens? Let's try to figure this out.
First you need to define main reason. She lies on the surface. As a rule, it is not possible to organize oneself due to unwillingness to do so. Admit that you just don’t want to organize your time, because if a person wants to, he does it, and if he doesn’t want to, then he comes up with excuses for this. Try to explain this phenomenon to yourself in order to change your life.
The second reason for failure is one's own laziness and lack of concentration, especially when it comes to unpleasant things that sooner or later will have to be done anyway. It often happens too late...
Third follows from the second: lack of interest. Even if you are busy doing what you love, sometimes you have to deal with tasks that, if they are done, then according to the principle: put off until the day after tomorrow what you can do today, and you will have two free days. In other words, even if there are motives and desire, the habit of putting everything off until later destroys.
Let's say you made up your mind and made a schedule of the main things for the day. Some of them are good and some are not so good. It’s just these not very pleasant ones that you put off as much as possible, and in the free time you find, paint your nails, read fashion magazines, or just lie on the couch. Because of this, the next day, plans are shifted, schedules are violated, all efforts are in vain, and life returns to normal ...
The fourth reason is the waste of time rocking before work. For example, you can drink morning coffee, already immersed in work, or you can - before getting down to business, and during an idle conversation with colleagues. In the first case, your working day will start on time, in the second, much later.
All of the above can be expressed as lack of motivation. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get started. To begin with, learn to convince yourself that even the most unpleasant task is worthy of close attention and speedy implementation, and immediately proceed to it. Fill unpleasant activities with motivation and interest. Next, you will learn how to do this.

Life is not a swing

It is a rollercoaster and only moves forward, so there is no time to build up in it before work. Remember how many times you put off the main thing for later, doing all sorts of nonsense instead of it. The associative method will help you learn how to get down to business right away.
In psychology, there is such a thing - "anchor". This is a material attachment, an association with a certain occupation or state - music, action, color, silence, the taste of food or drink, etc. If you need to do something, use the appropriate "anchor" that will put you in the right emotional state.
Here are some examples of anchors.
Elena, journalist:“Even in my student years, a ritual appeared in my life: I started self-study in the hostel with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. I thought better that way. This is still going on. I come to work, turn on the computer, make coffee, light a cigarette and start writing. The same is true when working from home. This environment sets me up for productive work.”
Irina, economist:“Working with numbers requires a lot of concentration and attention, but without the sound of unobtrusive music, I cannot start counting. This habit appeared after a year of being in the same office with a senior economist-music lover, who, when she came to work, first turned on the radio, and then hung her outer clothes in the closet.
Svetlana, housewife:“I don’t like cleaning, but you can’t get away from it. Much faster and morally easier, I cope with household chores under the voices of popular pop artists who can sing quite loudly in my apartment all day long. Anchor was born in my youth - then I just loved listening to music, no matter what I did in parallel, and now I do it mostly while cleaning the apartment.
If there is nothing to become attached to, but you need to work, you can start with something that does not require much effort. Do any mechanical prep work: as the artists say, sharpen your pencils before sketching.
Remember: if you have an "anchor", use it only for its intended purpose. For example, if a cup of coffee next to the computer sets you up for work, it is better to drink tea during rest so as not to put your mind into a state of confusion, in which coffee is already associated with intellectual work.
"Anchors" allow you to tune in to rest. For example, I spend the summer in a remote village almost without people, roads, telephones, radio and TV. Reading is the only thing I load the brain with. During this time, I fully recover. In those places there is wonderful nature: everything is green around, and the freshness of the air just makes you dizzy. The "anchor" of the rest was the greenery and the evening sounds of nature, namely, the chirping of crickets. As soon as I just close my eyes and remember this wonderful picture during a break between tasks, my consciousness automatically switches to off-line mode. After 10 minutes, I start working again with a new supply of strength and energy.

If it's tobacco

Anchors help you switch to work. However, there is one “but”: the work is often very complex and, accordingly, requires a higher level of switching, so if the “anchor” does not help, use the opposite method. For example, I taught my editor to write an article first and then come up with a headline, that is, I start from the end, although the editor is convinced that it is right to do the opposite. In the first months of work in the plans for the week, he required to indicate not only the topic of the article, but also its title. In fact, there is no such rule as such, and it is easier for many authors to first write the text, and then put the key idea into the title.
With a difficult beginning, the randomness method will help. Do not try to do everything in order, but do the more enjoyable or easier tasks first. For example, when preparing a report, do not dive into the details in the first minute. First, design the title page, write the introductory and final parts, draw tables. The main thing is to start, and then the process will go.
Another way to cope with difficult tasks at the lowest cost is the method of encouragement. Break big work into parts. After completing each of them, give yourself bonuses: a trip to the smoking room, a cup of tea, a short visit to the next office - to chat. Such small bonuses are often more motivating than the end result of a lot of work.

Here comes the frog

You may ask what to do with small unpleasant tasks. You need to get rid of them.
In time management, there is the concept of "frog". So they call small, but very unpleasant things that pose a great threat to your peace of mind. For example, ironing clothes or checking your son's diary. Admit it, you've been putting off and putting off doing these tasks. As a result, they, which once required five minutes of attention, develop into global problems, the solution of which takes a lot of time. Try to "eat a frog" every morning or at least during the day. The result will exceed expectations. You will feel relieved and proud of yourself and your discipline.
By the way, big unpleasant tasks can also be divided into "frogs", and then it is much easier to solve them.
For example, recently I needed to re-register a car in my name, which I had been driving for several months, and someone else's name was in the registration certificate. It is a simple task, but troublesome, it takes time to complete it. I decided to break the unpleasant procedure into several parts and made a list of items like the following.
1. Call the point of re-registration of cars.
2. Arrange a meeting with the previous owner of the car.
3. Re-register the car.
4. Pay insurance.
5. Pass inspection.
Five points - five days, and the job is done. I put it off for months, but got it done within a week.

Bishop's move in the fight against the mentality

A normal Russian person is most afraid of complex and difficult tasks, the time for solving which is limited. Women are no exception: cook dinner for guests in an hour, write a six-month lesson plan in one night, write an annual report in three days, lose 10 kilograms in a week ...
Time management calls such tasks "elephants". The main problem of the Russian people is the ability to globalize already big things.
The HR director of one of the large Russian companies at the board of directors on the issue of short-term expansion of the retail network expressed his opinion: “Of course, our budget and capacity allow us to open new retail outlets, but I believe that the staff is not ready. Yes, and expansion of staff is necessary. This requires a lot of time. I'm against haste." This was followed by the answer of the president of the company: “In general, you are right. But you are against haste, and I am against passivity. Now, if you would offer to start the expansion process, open stores, train staff and expand the staff at the same time. Here it is, the Russian mentality: Napoleonic plans in our opinion. Inflate an elephant out of a fly - and the fly will burst! However, such an "elephant" can be eaten by making a couple of hundred "cutlets" out of it. Two "cutlets" per day - and meet the quarter. The main thing is to sculpt such “cutlets”, “eating” which will really allow you to eventually absorb the “elephant”.
For example, when starting a renovation in a house, you should not tear off the old wallpaper in all rooms at once: start and finish the renovation in the bedroom, then proceed to remove the furniture from the kitchen. At the same time, do not take unnecessary actions: buying furniture and planning for its placement in the apartment is not a repair, and this will not bring its end closer.
It is not necessary to memorize the rules of the road while studying at a driving school, it is enough to solve practical tickets and attend all driving classes. When passing the exam and the subsequent daily driving, it is enough to remember a few signs like “give way” and a couple of rules like “interference on the right”.

The stick and stick method

Let's return to the key concept of this chapter - motivation. It is she who must be present when performing any, especially complex, tasks. It is not enough to make "cutlets" out of the "elephant". You need to constantly maintain your appetite in order to regularly eat them. Here the well-known method of stick and carrot will come to the rescue.
For example, my friend Katerina, a business woman by vocation, once admitted: “For me, shopping is not entertainment or consolation, but a reward for achievements in business. Thus, I stimulate myself and develop the business: if I manage to conclude a profitable contract, I allow myself a couple of new things. I like to dress stylishly and fashionably, so I strive to fulfill the tasks. The deal fell through (which happens rarely) - I'm mocking myself - not a step towards the shops. That's self-education."
Another method of stimulation is counting, as they say, not by quality, but by quantity. For example, make a table of results and note the number of completed tasks (pages typed, emails sent, squats, etc.) daily. In parallel, you can keep track of the time spent. Elephant is the most unpleasant activity, but the amount of time spent on it will push you to complete the current task as soon as possible from the category of difficult and unpleasant.
It is also possible to achieve the result on time by more stringent measures. For example, artificially create a burning deadline. It is not necessary to drive yourself into a rigid time frame in achieving the ultimate goal. Reduce the time for “meat eating”: preparing interim reports, washing windows during the general cleaning, etc. Make a promise to your friend that when she comes to visit, the windows will be washed to meet the deadline. Tell your boss that you will turn in the interim report on Wednesday, not Friday. The incentive is obvious - the unwillingness to experience a sense of shame for a broken promise, because reputation is too valuable a thing to lose it so easily.

First step to success

Let's summarize the first conversation.
I hope you have carefully read the first chapter and have yourself deduced the main principles of motivation for performing various tasks, including difficult and unpleasant ones. Use the following as a guide:
- learn the four principles of time management and try to follow them;
- each case must be approached with the appropriate mood; use "anchors" to tune in to tasks and rest;
- swing already in the process of work - apply methods from the opposite and randomness;
- do not put off solving small unpleasant problems - every day "eat" at least one "frog";
- get closer to the final global goal - make digestible small "cutlets" out of "elephants";
- stimulate yourself - come up with bonuses (gifts for completed cases);
- develop self-discipline using the carrot and stick method;
- in extreme cases, set yourself burning deadlines, then you will definitely have time for everything.

Chapter 2
Priorities: spend time on the main things

A Russian person (in our case, a woman) wants everything at once: success in work, happiness in his personal life, order in the house, communication with friends, a beautiful figure and a lot of money. I want to do everything and at the same time often indulge in idleness. Dear ladies, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to do everything. Sooner or later, you will have to stop and think about what you want more - to build a successful career, create the comfort of a family hearth, or live for your own pleasure and not depend on anyone. You will be forced to make a choice, and it is better to make it early than late, and ideally on time. Unfortunately, no one teaches this and does not explain how to be guided in such a complex matter. This chapter will help you prioritize and make the right and informed choice.

Learn to say "no"

A friend asked to sit with the child, a work colleague - to help with the report, every 15 minutes they are called to the smoking room to chat, relatives ask for help to rent an apartment for their nephew ... Familiar situations?
The first thing to start prioritizing is getting rid of imposed cases. You need to be able to say “no” when they try to impose something on you that does not correspond to your life principles, views and values, and most importantly, your goals. You, and not anyone else, must manage your own time and make your life balanced. Do not go with the flow - only in this case you will achieve personal and professional goals.
Russia is not America: our people will perceive a refusal of a request as a personal insult. Saying “no” means ruining the relationship forever. There are situations when you really need to help, but it often happens that there is no other way out and you have to choose: to help yourself or a friend. The following are ways to get out of this situation.

Lies to the rescue
Many are convinced that there is no lie for the good - it is, by definition, evil. However, the mass of people save their precious time with just such a lie.
For example: “Mashenka, you know, I would love to sit with your baby, but my husband and I were invited to the restaurant by his boss.” Or: “Anna Nikolaevna, I would certainly take you to the airport, but the car is out of order - I’ll chase after work for repairs.” Here it is - a white lie, which often ... comes out sideways, as it tends to float out. Remember the immutable truth about everything secret that becomes clear? In this case, the relationship can be spoiled irrevocably.
iron argument
People who do not want to spend their personal time solving other people's problems use logic in a lie, citing irrefutable arguments to prove their words, and often begin to believe in what they say.