Garden planning according to Feng Shui on a personal plot. Feng Shui of the garden and vegetable garden: attracting fertility and abundance

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of a meaningful and purposeful life of existence in harmony with oneself and the world around us. If we purposefully change the elements of our environment in the garden, we will be able to improve our lives, make the garden not only beautiful, but also bringing good luck, wealth, well-being and health, good relationships, and new opportunities.

Basic principles and symbolism of Feng Shui

In accordance with Eastern teachings, the world is a single whole - nature, space, man. All these are parts of a huge organism that are closely interconnected. Any changes in the surrounding world lead to resonance. The Chinese call this unifying force qi energy - spirit, breath, vitality, life energy. Everything in the world is permeated with cosmic energy qi; it unites all living things. The name feng shui is made up of two hieroglyphs: feng - wind, shui - water. They are the fundamental forms vital energy qi.

One of the basic principles of Feng Shui is the theory of qi, according to which it is possible to arrange living space in such a way as to harmoniously direct and strengthen the flow of qi energy in order to improve this energy in a person, increase his vitality, happiness and well-being. The nature of qi is such that it flows like a meadow stream in undulating curves.

In Chinese philosophy, everything has its opposite. Excess qi energy rectilinear movement leads to its transition into negative and destructive sha energy ( torrent, waterfall). That is, qi energy, like everything in this world, has inherently opposite characteristics: yin (feminine) and yang (masculine).

There are also five basic energies, five elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal. These are not material substances, but properties Space Force. The tree represents spring, morning, east, green, blue, tall, thin, straight, columns, garden trees. Fire - summer, noon, south, red, orange, pyramid, triangle, red flowers, sculpture, lanterns, barbecue. Earth - late summer, afternoon, brown, yellow, circle, square, clay products, paving. Metal - autumn, evening, west, white, silver, gold, ball, round flower beds, arcs. Water - winter, night, north, blue, wavy lines, water on the site, bells. The elements are interconnected by a positive transfer of energy along vicious circle: from water to wood, from wood to fire, from fire to earth, from earth to metal, from metal to water - the cycle of generation. In contrast to the cycle of generation, there is the cycle of destruction or incompatibility.

Another fundamental feng shui concept is the Bagua octagon, which is based on the eight trigrams. It has 9 fields that correspond to the most important areas of our lives. By influencing them purposefully, we can improve certain areas of our lives. Tai Chi - energy center, located in the middle, represents vitality, physical and mental health. Career is responsible for success in the professional and social sphere. Good helpers - relationships with friends, travel. Children are your children, as well as pets, hobbies, interests. Partnership is an attitude towards close people, towards a loved one. Wealth - material well-being, spiritual wealth, experience. Family - a situation in a family, belonging to a certain group. Knowledge - academic knowledge and professional skills.

In accordance with the principles of Feng Shui, magical animals should be present on the site in symbolic form, which provide protection and patronage to the owners. The white tiger is associated with the West, metal, personifies energy, and can fight back. The black turtle is located in the north, correlates with water, personifies reliability, stability, and longevity. The green dragon lives in the east, promotes reliability, well-being, and stability. The red phoenix bird is located in the south, its symbols are fire and summer, it helps to obtain information and encourages action.

Selection of site and location of the house

A garden planned according to the principles of Feng Shui can be made in any style - oriental, rustic, landscape. The main thing is that the laws of movement of qi energy are taken into account and that it is directed correctly: the flow of qi energy must freely reach the area, then penetrate it with smooth bends, without accumulating anywhere. Important point at the same time - choosing a site and placing a garden house on it. It is not advisable to locate the garden near industrial enterprises, power lines, sewage treatment plants, on the top of a hill, a busy street, in a dead end, near a large building or wall.

The optimal location of the site is in a place that would meet the principle of a deep chair: the site should be protected from behind, to the right and left (mountain, hill, group of trees), and in front there should be open space with a beautiful view (river, lake, valley).

The shape of the site is important: ideal - a rectangle or square (elements of earth and wood), as well as a round shape, undesirable - a triangle, an inverted trapezoid (the qi energy will stagnate in sharp corners). The optimal orientation to the cardinal points is determined taking into account the celestial animals: protection is necessary from the north (turtle), west (white tiger), east (green dragon), open space should be in the south (red phoenix).

Since the main conductor of qi energy is water (a network of streets and roads), it is very important to correctly place the house on the site. Best option- when a river (or road) passes by your house in a winding route, flowing not too fast or slow. It is good when the house is located on a smooth bend of a road or river with moderate traffic. The central path to the house should not be straight; it is desirable that it curves smoothly and is located at an angle. But if sharp corners are directed at your house (the corner of a large building, a road intersection, a telegraph pole or a large tree, a boiler room chimney, a narrow opening between buildings, antennas, spiers, satellite dishes etc.), which means that he is affected by secret arrows or negative sha energy. In this case, you need to take measures to protect them harmful effects: a hedge or fence in front of the house, a high threshold, a small fountain in the entrance area, an octagonal mirror on the wall of the house (do not point at the living quarters!), a small cannon or crossed swords at the entrance to the house. A straight path can be made winding by placing flowerpots with flowers along its edges.

Site layout and zoning

Planning a garden in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui has much in common with conventional zoning of the territory. That is, you first need to determine the general purpose of the garden (for relaxation, growing vegetables), choose the style of the garden (romantic, landscape, country style), and then make a list of necessary elements (sports ground, vegetable garden, pond, gazebo, bathhouse, barbecue area, etc.) etc.), then you should highlight the main zones in accordance with the Bagua octagon.

But first you need to determine which element your garden is associated with. To do this, stand with your back to the house and look at the garden: the side to which your face is turned determines, according to Feng Shui, the subordination of the garden to a certain element. When oriented to the east and southeast - to a tree; to the south - to fire; to the southwest - to the earth; to the west, northwest - to metal; to the northeast - water. Accordingly, the necessary element for balance should be introduced into the garden. For example, if the garden is subject to the fire element, you need to bring in the water element.

Next, you need to superimpose the octagonal bagua diagram (drawn on tracing paper) onto the garden plan so that the quarry area is on the side of the main entrance to the garden. Proper arrangement of the garden will help enhance the impact on individual areas of the bagua. In the quarry area there is a fountain, a stream, which symbolizes the course of life: in the children's area - a playground, a playhouse, fruit bushes; in the zone of good helpers - a bench, souvenirs from distant countries, a Mediterranean corner; in the partnership zone - a gazebo, an alpine hill, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse; in the glory zone - a garden sculpture; in the wealth zone, clean running water, a place for reading and meditation, and a rose garden are desirable; in the knowledge zone there is a decorative pond, a Japanese garden, a shed for equipment, in the family zone there is a patio, a play area, and a swimming pool. The tai chi zone (center) is left free - a lawn and gravel area are arranged.

The garden plot should harmoniously complement the house, the lines should be smooth, the paths should be winding, the paving should be made of natural materials (stone, wood, bark, gravel). Paths should not cross the center of the site. Flower beds and ponds should have an irregular, free shape. Most of all, the principles of Feng Shui correspond to a garden in a landscape style.

The Chinese consider the side of the house where the front door is located as the face of the house, and the door is like a mouth on this face. Therefore, the entrance area and the front door must be decorated with special care, since this is the business card of the owners. This could be a sign on the door, a wreath, a horseshoe, a lantern, as well as plants in containers, but not symmetrically located.

It is important to provide the necessary protection and privacy on the site. It should not be completely cut off from external energy flows (solid fence). On three sides the site can be surrounded by a high fence, including a living one, and on the entrance side the fence should be lower (to the window sills of the first floor) and preferably transparent (forged lattice).

Placement of main elements

The garden must have open and closed spaces, sunny and shaded areas where you can relax and hide from the sun. Pergolas, gazebos, arches entwined with decorative vines are appropriate. Feng Shui allows the use of garden sculptures made of stone, terracotta, and metal. All kinds of ceramic and stone flowerpots and bowls, Japanese stone lanterns are suitable. But there is no need to place too many such items in the garden and, of course, bright plastic items (figurines of gnomes or animals) are completely inappropriate.

Proper design of the gate attracts good luck to the house. Previously, the goal determined the wealth and luck of the owners. It is better to make them rounded at the top - this is due to the rainbow - a symbol of the heavenly gates. In the Feng Shui system, there are rules for designing gates depending on the sector in which they are located. The gates in the southern sector are made of red or green wood, in the western sector - metal white or brown, in the north - also metal black or blue, eastern gates - wooden green or blue.

Magical animals in symbolic form must be present on the site. For example, a dragon can be depicted as bushes of different heights or a children's slide, a white tiger as a heap of light pebbles (but without plants), a black turtle can be easily laid out from dark stones of the required size, and a phoenix bird can be depicted as a red gate with a cockerel on top or a flowerbed with bright red flowers.

Water on site

The Chinese believe that without a pond, a garden does not comply with Feng Shui. Water very strongly attracts qi energy, it directs the energy flow, strengthening it. Water attracts a lot of life to the garden - beetles, butterflies, dragonflies, birds and small animals - which brings more life to the garden. Flowing water energizes the area more than standing water. For the Chinese, water symbolizes material well-being.

It is advisable to locate the pond in the southern or eastern part of the garden so that it is illuminated by the sun for at least 5-6 hours a day. It should not be larger than the house, that is, dominate the site, the reservoir should not be located under trees, the water in it should always be fresh and clean, otherwise negative energy will accumulate. Plants should not cover more than 1/3 of the water surface. It is good to make an island in a large pond.

A stream even better represents the movement of life and stimulates the flow of chi energy. It should be natural and meandering with small waterfalls.

If there is very little space in the garden, then you can place a small fountain or geyser in the stones. As a last resort, they make a dry stream bed from pebbles so that it symbolizes water in the garden.

Plants in the garden

Plants in the garden have a decisive influence on the formation of space in the garden, creating a feeling of security and tranquility. They constantly change their appearance throughout the year. By changing the appearance of the garden, plants symbolize the changes taking place in nature. Plants regulate humidity in the garden, create shade and coolness, and purify the air. harmful substances, reduce noise, create a certain microclimate, fill the garden with aromas, and have a great aesthetic impact. The correct selection of plants can significantly increase the level of qi energy in the house and garden.

Trees dominate the garden, defining it appearance, reaching a height of 5 -30 m. In many cultures, trees were revered as deities; they were attributed masculine and feminine. They were considered powerful transformers of nature. Therefore, it is recommended to plant a family tree near the house to protect the whole family. In China they plant coniferous trees, in our country they plant apple, maple, birch, and rowan. The tree will constantly increase your internal energy. It is good to place a bench under it. Trees in the garden, in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui, cannot be shaped by artificial pruning; the crowns must develop naturally. Trees cannot be cut down, but dead trees must be removed.

Shrubs are the younger brothers and sisters of trees. They also form the basis of the garden; they can be tall (up to 5 m) and very small (0.5 m). Shrubs are planted in groups and individually, with their help they divide the garden into zones, and are used for hedges (preferably free-form). In accordance with the rules of Feng Shui, it is better to plant shrubs that have lush foliage, bloom profusely, bear fruit and live long. Such plants symbolize longevity (these are rhododendrons, spirea, mock orange, snowberry).

Herbaceous annuals and perennials will help complement garden compositions. They sometimes delight people more than other elements of the garden. Flowers also increase the quantity and quality of chi energy. It is important to consider the needs of plants when choosing a planting site. According to the laws of Feng Shui, it is better to plant flowers in different sectors different color: in the southern sector, all red flowers will work as good luck talismans, and evergreens will also work; in the southwestern and northeastern sectors it is advisable to use yellow and red flowers; a rock garden would be appropriate here; in the western and northwestern sectors - white and yellow flowers; in the north - blue, light blue and white flowers; in the southeast and east - any flowers.

Text and photo: Natalya Yurtaeva, landscape designer

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A rich harvest and aesthetically pleasing appearance of the garden is the dream of any summer resident. And you can achieve it using the principles... of the ancient Taoist art of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is a Chinese art whose essence is to live in harmony with the environment.
The main goal is to detect favorable flows of Qi energy (“breath” or “vital energy”)
and use them for good in everyday life.

Organizing beds according to Feng Shui

Choose correct location beds, and the crops to grow on them, is not an easy task. You can solve it with the help of Feng Shui.

3 rules for site planning according to Feng Shui:

1. Avoid straight lines and angularities

Qi flows should circulate freely and smoothly in space, and sharp corners and geometrically correct shapes of the beds only hinder this. Rounded shapes that go around winding paths, on the contrary, promote the flow of energy.

2. No consistency or symmetry

The closer the garden bed is to its natural shape, the more it attracts positive energy. Thanks to it, vegetable and green crops will grow more intensively, and yields will only benefit from this.

3. Combine vegetables and flowers in one bed

Growing flowers and vegetables together not only looks great, but also has several positive aspects. Many ornamental plants can repel pests: petunias will protect legumes, and tansy is not to the liking of the Colorado potato beetle, cabbage white, weevil, etc. Also, flowers (borage, nasturtium, calendula) can improve the composition of the soil, and thus increase the yield of vegetable crops growing nearby.

Keeping the planning rules in mind, we begin to give your beds a shape. They can be organized in several ways.

Beds in the form of a yin-yang symbol
Chinese wheel
Vegetable garden qi

"Yin Yang"

A bed of this shape accommodates four types of crops - two in each sector. The main area is filled with low-growing plants, and the circles are designated by taller, brighter or contrasting ones. For cultivation, you can use various varieties of cabbage, parsley, coriander, and basil.

"Chinese Wheel"

It is a round bed divided into several sectors, each of which is sown different cultures approximately the same height (cereals, vegetables). In the center you can place a round bed of small diameter, or a small fountain. Of the crops in our strip, tomatoes are suitable for planting the center of this bed; cabbage and beets are suitable in the middle; green onions should be planted along the contour.


This is rather the principle of organizing the entire complex of beds. The idea is to ensure free and smooth circulation of energy between crops throughout the entire plot of land. To do this, the beds are designed across the entire area with a gradual rounding in a spiral and convergence to the center, which is an excellent place to place a small pond.

When choosing crops, preference should be given to low-growing plants when planting near the path, with a gradual increase in their height towards the middle of the bed. This form of organization allows for efficient watering.

on a barbecue in a yin-yang shape
Herbs in a spiral bed


The contour of the bed is indicated by brick, stone or wood. Almost any plants can be planted inside: for example, melons (pumpkin, melon) can be planted in the center, and various varieties of lettuce can be planted in the sectors.

Zoning a vegetable garden according to Feng Shui

Zoning by elements

According to the rules of Feng Shui, zoning of a site should be carried out taking into account the mutual influence of the cardinal directions. In total, the site must be divided into 8 parts. The entrance to the site is taken to be north, and further division into sectors comes from the entrance gate.

Best place in the West. But you need to organize a place for family gatherings, set up a gazebo with a barbecue in the southwest, the sector responsible for well-being in marriage and in the home. If a fountain is planned on the site, then the ideal place for it would be southeast(“money” corner).

Northeast Great for organizing a vegetable garden, beds with root vegetables and herbs, or placing an alpine slide.

In the center the plot must have a house located. If this place is free, then make a round flowerbed here with the most beautiful flowers. bright colors, blooming with early spring until late autumn. Such a riot of life will constantly attract good luck to you.

Pagan religions are distinguished by the fact that in them the reverence of nature and the perception of it by some people comes first. However, thanks to the baptism of Rus' by Prince Vladimir of Kyiv, the Slavs do not adhere to pre-Christian religions.
But the inhabitants of Asia, in particular the Chinese, are convinced that trees, streams and blades of grass influence the fate of people: some of them give a person positive energy, while others, on the contrary, take away vitality.
The harmony of man and nature was called geomancy, the laws of which underlie the life of Tibetan monks. IN Western countries(including in Russia) people are familiar with only one branch of this science - Feng Shui. This trend is widely used in arranging personal spaces for some people - their homes, plots and even wardrobes. Some people are sure that having arranged feng shui garden plot, they will live happily, positive energy (love, fame and others) will be attracted to them.
In addition, there is an opinion that the more correctly your space is arranged, the faster a person will move towards his goal. But for this you need to know the theory of how to arrange a garden in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui: having examined in detail each of the existing zones.

Site planning according to Feng Shui rules

Watching his own garden from the window of the house, its owner feels that the garden has an impact on him inner world. A properly and beautifully landscaped area can give its owners vital energy, which differs and depends on what season it is:

  1. If it's winter outside, the garden can calm you down.
  2. When spring comes, a person becomes energetic.
  3. In the summer, the garden gives joy.
  4. And when autumn comes - prosperity.

According to Feng Shui, the best garden is one that is rectangular or square in shape with a flat surface. According to people who are keen on Feng Shui, the presence of hills, depressions, holes on the site, as well as if the shape of the garden is uneven, this prevents vital energy from moving straight. All unevenness traps energy and isolates it from the owners of the land.

Most often, land plots cannot be called ideal, but every defect or unevenness is corrected by planting plants, using in various ways decoration (small architectural forms, waterfalls, etc.).

The Chinese consider their garden plots to be one organism that is not able to function properly if it does not have all life systems, or the interconnectedness between them. There must be nine zones on the site.

If the plot is divided into zones taking into account the rules of Feng Shui, it should have nine zones of the same size, and be a total area that corresponds to the size of the plot.

Correct design of a summer cottage according to the teachings of Feng Shui.

In order to divide the territory of the site into zones, they stand at the entrance to the garden, which appears before the eyes of the owner.

  1. The first stripes of zones that the owner of the site sees are considered the zones of Reliable Friends, Career and Wisdom.
  2. The second stripe includes the zone of Children, Tai Chi and Family.
  3. The opposite side of the site should be occupied by the zones of Fame, Wealth and Relationships with people.

Each of the existing nine zones must be properly arranged, only in this case its energy will be retained on the site.

Planning to fill each zone with plants, done with a pencil and paper, is easier than other jobs. a sheet of paper is taken from which a figure is cut out, the parameters of which correspond to the site. For example, if the site area is 70 meters long and 50 meters wide, a rectangle is cut out on a scale that you determine for yourself.

Then, theoretically, you divide the area into even parts in the number of nine zones, and in each row you get three zones. After this, the sectors are signed (the name of each zone is taken).

If the area does not have even shapes and has curvatures, then you need two sheets of paper, one of which is used to depict the real shape of the area, and on a transparent sheet of paper or film you need to ideally draw a rectangle into sectors, placing it on the first sheet.

In this way, it will become clear which zones will be filled and for which there is not enough land. Those areas in which there is not enough land are developed first, since their influence will be weakest.

Wisdom Zone, first to the left from the entrance to the site

This zone should be located in the corner of the site. It is the most calm and balanced sector, which is perfect for relaxing in solitude and is usually hidden from the prying eyes of strangers.

The zone of Wisdom, which is more hidden from outsiders, has a more favorable effect on the owners of the garden, helping them to think smart thoughts.

The area is arranged so that everything in it is subject to privacy. It is necessary to make it as beautiful and quiet as possible. This can be achieved by planting a hedge or a row of trees with dense crowns on the side of the adjacent area. A good solution would be to create a kind of “cave” inside the zone. To do this, install a single bench or hang a hammock, surrounding the area on all sides with the help of planted climbing plants or shrubs, creating the appearance of an enclosed space.

It’s not bad if the only exit from this area is the path to the house. The Wisdom Zone should be performed in the colors of the sun (yellow, orange, pink, red). You need to choose this color flowering plants, tiles, painting rocking chair, hammock and other elements.

Career Zone, in the first row of the center of the site

In order to confidently climb the career ladder, this zone is arranged in the form of a kind of oasis, which must be concentrated on a water source. You can create a fountain or stream in which there is a constant movement of water, like the flow of your life.

Make sure that the water in the Career zone flows only towards the house, and its energy should be stored inside the garden without leaving it.

It is not recommended to dig a pond because standing water will stop the quarry from growing. It is better to complement a water feature (stream, waterfall, fountain) with winding paths, flower beds with smooth and uneven shapes, hills and mounds.

Arrangement of ponds in the garden according to Feng Shui.

In this case, it is necessary to select plants with special care so that they have exclusively silver-blue and golden-white tones. Using the sun's gamma can reduce success and career growth.

Zone of Reliable People in the lower right corner of the site

This zone is being developed for friends to communicate on its territory. For this reason, it is necessary to create a platform where noisy groups and trusted friends will have fun spending their free time. A gazebo or patio will perfectly decorate and make this area cozy.

Try to provide for the location of the gate of the site - it is best for it to be in the zone of Reliable Friends - this way you open the way for the energy of friends.

You definitely need to place a round lantern in the corner of the area, capable of attracting friends to visit you with its light. You can place a parking lot for cars in this area, since it is the beginning of the territory of your suburban area, which makes it possible not to drive cars throughout the entire garden. In addition, a parking lot or carport will attract other cars into the house, so you will be hosting good friends in your home more often.

Family Zone in the left square of the central stripe

The relationship between family members and close relatives depends on how you arrange this area.

The Family Zone needs to be arranged in such a way that it would be pleasant for all family members to gather there, where they could unite and learn everything about each other.

It’s not bad if you spend time in this zone family holiday(for example, it can become your summer living room). You can put a table and chairs in the area for evening gatherings for the whole family.

It may happen that this zone ends up on the terrace - that’s great. You can make it cozy and pleasant to relax. And if the residential building is located on the other side, you can arrange a terrace or pave the area for installing the necessary furniture on it.

And since the Family zone is located on the side of the plot, the side facing the neighboring plot can be hidden from prying eyes that could disturb the family’s rest with the help of green plantings.

The creation of a small artificial pond or other body of water will greatly enliven the area. Any body of water allows thoughts to flow smoothly, and communication between people is smooth and calm.

Tai Chi zone in the central part of the site

In the central square of the garden plot there is a zone responsible for your health and vitality. It is capable of accumulating energy that enters the site from the outside and transferring it to the garden owners.

If the area is open and visible from any side of the site, all family members will be healthy. Therefore, it is not recommended to erect any buildings that could interfere with the free movement of energy.

In the central zone of Tai Qi, the vitality and health of the people who own the site accumulate. For this reason, it is necessary to remove any obstacles that could prevent the energy from entering the zone.

The best arrangement option may be a flat lawn and a flowerbed with a spiral shape in its center, as well as a mirror ball on a leg, which greatly enhances the influence of this zone on the garden owners. It is necessary to ensure that garden paths lead from the lawn to each of the other zones, along which life-giving energy flows into the central zone of the site.

Children's zone on the right side of the center row

The most vibrant and fun area in the garden is the Children's area. There should always be a lot of fun, excitement, smiles and laughter on its territory. For small children, you can organize a playground by installing a slide, a sandbox, and a swing.

Constant daily activity, which will be observed in the Children's area, will make the owners of the garden cheerful and energetic.

For children who have grown up and can no longer be called small, the area can be equipped with the help of pets or flower beds, which will be filled with interesting and fragrant flowers, over which butterflies circle and bees fly. The movement of butterflies, bees, pets and their children will bring energy, cheerfulness and enthusiasm into the lives of the owners of the site. The owners themselves will be interested in working with flowers, planting them and caring for them.

Wealth Zone on the far left

The Wealth Zone should be equipped only with tall elements: columnar trees, tall sculptures, garden lanterns with high legs. These high elements catch the energy of money and leave it on the site.

A good symbol for future wealth is a compost heap with fertilizer ripening in it. The main thing is to decorate it and give the pile an aesthetic appearance, since it is treated as a symbol big money and prosperity must be treated with respect.

The use of water in this zone can attract flows of money, therefore, if there are no streams or fountains on its territory, you need to place various containers and pour water into them.

You can also attract wealth with running water; however, settled water, which can be used for watering garden and vegetable plants, is also suitable for this.

Glory Zone in the center of the rear strip of the site

According to the laws of Feng Shui, glory is subject to the power of fire, so this area is perfect for arranging a barbecue, grill, installation of a grill or a simple fire pit.

The Glory Zone should be decorated in all red shades: noble red roses, barberries, wine grapes and other plants are planted. The zone should not have clay accessories that have earth energy that holds back fire.

Zone of Relationships with People in the right rear corner of the site

The Area of ​​Relationships with People is a fairly important sector of your garden. If you notice that plants in the area grow poorly or often get sick, this indicates that you often have conflicts with people, you do not get along with your neighbors or acquaintances.

Pergolas, arches and other vertical structures installed in large quantities in this area will make your relationships with people better and kinder.

Since the rear entrance to the site is located in the area of ​​​​Relations with people, equip it with pergolas and gazebos so that people will enjoy walking under the arches and through tunnels equipped with climbing plants. Plant grapes that will weave trellises with their vines. It’s a good idea to install a carved bench with a gazebo to communicate with people who come to you.

In order to always have like-minded people, you need to plant identical plants in pairs, put up a couple of lanterns and try to keep other elements in pairs. Thanks to pair symbolism, conflicts are removed and male and female energies are balanced.

After laying the foundations of the Feng Shui garden, it is necessary to engage in a more detailed selection of accessories and plants in order to ennoble each sector.

Feng Shui is the teaching of harmony with the earth. It appeared in Ancient China 5 thousand years ago. According to him, all things are characterized by positive qi energy, which attracts well-being, happiness, and health. There are two main reasons why adherents of the Chinese theory want to grow a feng shui garden with their own hands, creating an abundance of qi. First, be able to enjoy the Qi in your garden. Secondly, direct as much qi energy as possible towards the house so that it can easily enter it.

Principles of Feng Shui garden

Yin and Yang

A popular feng shui principle is the opposites of yin and yang, neither of which can exist alone. In a Feng Shui garden, you need to achieve a balance between yin and yang. If you have a flat area (yin), include vertical objects in it: walls, pergolas, partitions (yang). The best solution to balance a flat landscape (yin) is to do geoplasticity, i.e. create artificial hills or alpine slides.


It is undesirable to create straight lines and angles (sha). Energy should not flow through the garden too quickly, such as in a garden with a long straight path leading directly to front door to the house. A more successful solution would be a winding path, the contours of which resemble a stream. Trees and shrubs can also be used to conceal your front door.


In the Russian version it is pronounced as bagua. To decorate the garden according to the laws of Feng Shui, a magic bagua grid is used, with the help of which the area is divided into nine sectors. These zones are wealth, fame, marriage, family, children, knowledge, career and teachers. According to Eastern philosophy, they reflect the cycle of human life. The zones are grouped around the tai chi center, from which all life force flows into other zones.

Apply bagua grid(pa-kua) to your site and plan each zone in accordance with it. This way, you can increase the flow of chi energy by improving these specific areas of your garden, and activate the area of ​​your life that you want to change or improve.

Blocks in a feng shui garden

It is important that the chi energy can move around the garden without interference and not be blocked by anything. Such “blockers” could be, for example, a garbage can next to a place to rest, or a very dense and high hedge that blocks the view of the surrounding landscape.

Trees and plants

Keep trees and plants healthy. They will create abundant qi. Remove any dying or rotting trees or plants. Otherwise they will bring negative qi.


Water symbolizes wealth and prosperity and should be running, clean and placed at the front of the house. This could be a small fountain, pool or pond. If a stream flows through your site, it should gently curve the house. flowing water creates qi. Be sure to provide a pond when creating a Feng Shui garden with your own hands.

Sound and movement

Objects that create sound and movement, such as bamboo bells, are useful in creating chi. Another great way to create sounds is to feng shui attract birds and beneficial insects to your garden. They bring beneficial joy to the garden. Use bioprotective agents to control pests.

We recommend you a site dedicated to sustainable gardening, where you can find a large number of tips on the use of biological methods of growing plants

Color and aroma

Color and aroma are also beneficial for your feng shui garden. In Feng Shui, all visible and invisible things in our environment are subject to the five elements (natural forces of nature): Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. Each of them has properties. You must choose colors and scents based on their location in the garden and in accordance with the Ra-Kua teachings of the five elements.

DIY Feng Shui garden. Where and what plants should be planted

The southern corner of your garden regulates fame and fame

Flowers planted here are predominantly red and pink. Flowers that bring glory: poppies, roses, bluebells, violets. Trees: cherry, orange, hazel, heather and all ferns. Herb: anise. Garden plants: strawberries, leeks, chili peppers. This corner also represents the Fire element, so it is a good area to set up a barbecue or place a small fire pit.

The southwest corner governs marriage and family happiness.

The predominant color should be yellow. Flowers: daffodils, lilies, tulips, asters, daisies, gardenias, lavender, poppy, primrose, periwinkle, hyacinth, violet, geranium. Trees: magnolia, plums, juniper. Herbs: basil, marjoram, dill, mint, rosemary, thyme. Garden plants: raspberries, tomatoes. This zone is governed by the Earth element, so you can place a stone statue or a large stone or boulder here.

The Western Angle rules children and fertility

The predominant colors here should be yellow and white. Flowers: lavender, cyclamen, lily of the valley, morning glory. Trees: oak, olive Tree, banana, apple tree, pine. Herb: mustard. Garden plants: beans, carrots, cucumbers, grapes. This side of the garden is influenced by Big Metal. Place small metal objects here that will reflect the sun, bells would also be appropriate.

Northwest corner - teacher or mentoring area

Preferred plant colors should be white, yellow and orange. Flowers: sweet pea, sunflower, iris, carnation. Trees: lemon, peach, beech, walnut, rowan, myrtle tree. Herbs: mint, lemon balm, sage. Garden plants: pepper, dill, pumpkin. This zone is ruled by Metal, so it is a good place to place benches and gazebos.

The North Angle rules career prospects.

Flowers here should be predominantly dark purple or of blue color. Flowers that enhance careers: camellia, honeysuckle, jasmine, periwinkle, poppy, daylilies, snapdragons, dandelion. Trees: orange, elderberry, apple, oak, maple, poplar. Herbs: dill, mint. Plants: bromeliads, myrtle, all mosses, ferns, cashews, rice, grapes, onions, oats, peas, wheat. This direction is influenced by Water, so it is perfect place to place a fountain or pool. Better yet, dig a pond and put fish in it - this will double your luck.

Northeast corner governs education and wisdom

The flowers here should be predominantly yellow and orange. Flowers: jasmine, marigold, roses, iris, sunflower. Trees: peach, acacia. Herbs: eyebright, mint, saffron, thyme, rosemary, caraway, savory. Garden plants: celery, garlic, grapes. This area is called "Little Earth", so it is a good place to place a rock garden, a small altar or a birdbath.

The East regulates longevity and health

This area should be saturated with green spaces: shrubs and trees. Flowers: loosestrife, meadowsweet, morning glory, violets, daisies, hosta. Trees: any trees, especially pine and spruce, magnolia. Plants: purslane, tobacco, hemp, hops. Herbs: lavender, verbena, sage. Garden vegetables: avocado, rhubarb, rye. This area is called A big tree, so it's good to have at least one large tree in this area.

South East rules wealth and prosperity

This area should be as lush as possible. Flowers that bring wealth: camellia, honeysuckle, daylilies. Trees: all fruit trees, pecans, Walnut, oak, pine. Plants: all bromeliads, mosses and ferns. Herbs: basil, clover, dill, mint. Garden vegetables: lettuce, corn, peas, oats, onions. This zone is ruled by the Wood element, so complement this direction with a windmill, swing or other structure made of wood that moves and circulates energy.

There are many other things involved in a DIY Feng Shui garden, but the basic principle still remains an atmosphere of goodwill and hospitality, which brings happiness, attracts chi, creates a balance of yin and yang, and strengthens the Ra Kua area.