False urge to defecate after eating causes. What can a false urge to defecate signal? Non-drug treatment methods. Behavioral therapy

When a person wants to empty his bowels, he has the urge to defecate. There are situations when these urges turn out to be false. This happens because the intestinal muscles contract convulsively and cause pain. In people with some serious intestinal infection, the urge to defecate may be false.

Causes of false urge to defecate

When the rectum becomes inflamed, a person experiences a false urge to defecate, pain, and diarrhea. If within three days a person has diarrhea, and blood and pus are noticeable in the stool. You should consult a doctor.

The onset of inflammation is usually characterized by very severe pain and diarrhea. Sometimes emptying is involuntary. Proctitis or inflammation of the rectum can occur due to damage to its mucous membrane, for example, during an enema.

Under no circumstances should you prescribe laxatives to yourself. Strong laxatives make bowel movements a blast.

The cause of false urge to defecate can be tumors, for example, of the rectum or colon. Stool often contains mucus and blood. Benign rectal tumors, such as polyps, do not worsen the patient's well-being. Malignant tumors provoke not only diarrhea, but also constipation. These two unpleasant phenomena constantly alternate. Blood in the stool is also a sign of cancer.

Sensitive people in stressful situations feel the urge to have a bowel movement. Everything will pass if you eliminate psychological stress.

Frequent urge to defecate

Frequent urge to defecate is medically called tenesmus. They can be real or false. Patients feel exhausted and develop erosions and cracks on the perianal skin. As a result of reflex stimulation of the activity of the colon, tenesmus appears. The reflex zone of the mucous membrane is exposed to mechanical stress or the influence of infections.

False urge to defecate

Frequent urge to defecate is accompanied by convulsive contraction of the sphincter and rectum. Since in this case the rectum is most often empty, the act of defecation does not occur.

False urge to defecate may indicate the presence of the following diseases: enterocolitis, dysentery, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic colitis, salmonellosis, tumors of the sigmoid and rectum, as well as chronic paraproctitis. In order not to think and guess, but to know the exact diagnosis, you need to visit a doctor. And without explanation it is clear that this is not normal when a person, instead of quickly emptying his bowels, goes to the toilet just like that.

Urgency to defecate

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) lasts from 12 weeks to 12 months. This stable set of functional disorders is accompanied by abdominal pain, discomfort, flatulence and a frequent urge to defecate.

With this disease, the nature of bowel movements changes over time. If you suffer from diarrhea, then attacks occur more than three times a day. If constipation occurs, a person may have bowel movements less than three times a week. The consistency and volume of stool also changes. The stool may be watery, unformed, thin, hard, or granular. With IBS, the stomach swells and the process of defecation changes, that is, with a strong urge to defecate, there is a feeling that the intestines are not completely empty.

Irritable bowel syndrome is often accompanied by anxiety, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, sexual dysfunction and urinary problems.

Even doctors can't say exactly where IBS comes from. Why, in the absence of tumors and inflammations, motor activity is impaired? digestive tract? Hard to tell.

Urge to defecate can be treated with medication and non-drug methods.

In order to reduce gas formation, you must follow a certain diet. There is no list of specific foods that should be avoided, it all depends on individual characteristics person.

Psychotherapy works well for depression and tension. The patient learns to respond to stress and pain in a new way.

Concerning drug treatment. Antispasmodic drugs are used to provide short-term relief. They are not used all the time because they stop working. Urgent urge to defecate and flatulence are treated with Dicyclomine, Hyoscyamine and other drugs.

If the patient has neuropathic pain, he is prescribed antidepressants. Tricyclic antidepressants slow down the transit of stool, so they can be used for diarrhea. If a person is prone to constipation, it is better not to prescribe antidepressants.

Constant urge to defecate

Frequent urge to defecate occurs with diarrhea. If a person does not have fecal matter, or its quantity is too small, but there is a constant urge to defecate, then we can safely talk about false urges.

When the rectum becomes inflamed, the patient experiences diarrhea, pain, and a frequent urge to defecate. There are cases when the intestines empty involuntarily, and pus, mucus and blood are found in the stool. The rectum becomes inflamed various reasons, it can be damaged during an enema or anal sex. It heals quickly and without complications. If a person often uses laxatives, has hemorrhoids, or has some kind of infection in his body, he will be bothered by a constant urge to defecate.

No urge to defecate

If a person does not have the urge to defecate, he is most likely constipated. There are many ways to cope with this unpleasant phenomenon. One of effective methods is considered special gymnastics.

You need to start slowly, gradually increasing the pace. Starting position: sitting on a chair, you need to make sure that not only your buttocks, but also your hips are in the seat. Without looking up from the chair, you need to touch the table with your chest, arching your back at the lower back. Extend your arms to the sides. The position is fixed for five seconds. You need to do four approaches. The good thing about this exercise is that you can do it right at your workplace and you don’t need to waste time on equipping the exercise area.

There is also one good exercise called “Bumps”. Your hands should be placed on the outside of your thighs, palms up. In your head you should imagine that you are driving along a broken road in an old cart. You need to shake for about ten seconds so that you feel like you are driving over bumps.

In order for the gastrointestinal tract to function well, you need to eat right. It is advisable to eat wholemeal bread, bran, cabbage, carrots, spinach, beets, soy, dried fruits, and so on.

Disturbances in the act of defecation, such as pain during defecation, false urges, burning, going to the toilet after every meal, or bowel movements in small portions, can be a sign of a variety of diseases: nervous, endocrine, oncological, and not just rectal fissures or hemorrhoids.
Disorder of bowel movement can occur for several reasons, which are associated with a disorder of nervous regulation and diseases of the pelvic organs, namely the rectum.

Discoordination of the act of defecation

Disturbances in nervous regulation lead to a malfunction in the coordinated functioning of the smooth muscles of the intestines and the anal sphincter. Anismus is a defecation in which an involuntary spasm of the sphincters occurs (the name is reminiscent of vaginismus, in which a spasm of the vaginal muscles occurs. A false urge to defecate occurs, but the act of defecation itself does not occur. Dysshesia(dyschezia), dyschezia, essentially constipation, is the most severe manifestation of a violation of the act of defecation, as a result of excessively weak tension of the rectal muscles or a rather strong tone of the anal sphincter. The patient describes that when defecating he has to strain very hard, while helping himself with pressure on the perineum, but still there is a feeling of incomplete emptying. Dysshesia must be distinguished from a mechanical obstruction to emptying.
The urges that arise cannot realize themselves independently and even with significant stress on the person, which leads to chronic and persistent constipation and abdominal pain. Sometimes doctors do not immediately recognize the disease, but perceive it as false symptoms of intestinal atony.

It is clear that not only constipation, but also incontinence of feces and gases can also be associated with disruption of the synchronous functioning of muscles and sphincters.

Defecation disorders are determined using defecography. The sigmoid colon is filled with a barium suspension, through the anus, and the bowel movement is observed using a fluoroscopic method. This method can be used to determine the anorectal angle during defecation, prolapse or prolapse of the rectum, and weakness of the pelvic floor.
Anorectal manometry documents some parameters of the act of defecation, this study will help determine how the anal sphincter works, the relaxation reflex of the internal sphincter when the intestine is filled, the pressure that is perceived as a signal for emptying. Both studies are not pleasant, but they must be done to determine the advisability of a particular treatment.

Rectal prolapse

This disease develops mainly in women after childbirth, when the pudendal nerve is damaged, and also in old age. In addition, it is possible with severe persistent constipation. Usually the disease has only one symptom - this is rectal prolapse, which, if pinched, can cause quite severe pain during bowel movements and a burning sensation.
There are 3 types of rectal prolapse:
Complete protrusion of all layers of the intestinal tube through the anus.
Protrusion of the rectal mucosa only
Internal rectal prolapse without external prolapse through the anal ring.
Treatment of this pathology is mainly surgical; there is no drug treatment.

A type of rectal prolapse in women is.

Sometimes it is not the intestine itself that falls out, but the one that has a leg.


Hemorrhoids develop in severe forms of constipation, after childbirth, with a sedentary lifestyle or with frequent strain. During defecation, hemorrhoidal nodules prolapse through the anus, which causes pain in the area. anus. A burning sensation in the anus area is also one of the manifestations of hemorrhoids.

Anal fissure

The causes of anal fissure lie in damage to the mucous membrane of the anal sphincter due to hard feces, loose stools, and also due to exotic sexual relations. In most cases, an anal fissure heals on its own when stool normalizes or other factors are eliminated. If rapid healing does not occur, then a chronic anal fissure may form, and the process will constantly worsen. Pain during defecation will intensify spasm of the anus, which will lead to even greater injury to the fissure.
Characteristic symptoms of an acute anal fissure are pain during defecation, as well as for several minutes after it. If the crack goes into chronic stage, then the pain after bowel movement significantly exceeds the pain during bowel movement itself. Also characteristic symptom An anal fissure is the appearance of light, scarlet blood in the stool.

Symptoms of defecation disorder

Pathology of the act of defecation may be consequences various pathologies intestines and improper food intake and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Pain after defecation;
  • Defecation after every meal;
  • Frequent bowel movements in small portions;
  • False urge to defecate;
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel movement

Pain during and after defecation, as well as pain in the abdomen, can occur against the background of a spasm of the smooth muscles of the sigmoid colon, which occurs with severe constipation, requiring powerful tension. Excessive distension of the sigmoid and rectum by feces also leads to abdominal pain for a short time.

Symptoms inflammatory diseases intestines, such as abscess, infection, hemorrhoids, oncology, can worsen after defecation, so if you have persistent and prolonged abdominal pain, you need to see a specialist.

Defecation after each meal is most often associated with accelerated peristalsis, which is observed in irritable bowel syndrome. Frequent bowel movements in small portions after each meal are also typical for infectious diseases accompanied by diarrhea. Sometimes bowel movements after each meal and chronic abdominal pain are observed with pancreatitis, which is especially common in alcoholics. Defecation after each meal is very common in women with hyperthyroidism and during menstruation. In all cases, diagnosis does not cause problems for specialists.

False urge to defecate and feeling of incomplete bowel movement - dangerous symptoms. The urge to defecate occurs when feces act on the receptors of the rectal mucosa. False urges to defecate appear when the mucous membrane is irritated by something else. Can act as an irritant inflammatory process rectum, infection, or cancer. Alas, false urges do not arise in the first place. With the development of any pathological process in the rectum, not only false urges are characteristic, but also pain during defecation.

Attention! The early ones are very vague and non-specific. False urge to defecate, they are also called tenesmus, not a good symptom! You need to contact a gastroenterologist.

Burning during bowel movements: the reasons that cause burning are due to the occurrence of damage to the mucous membrane of the rectum or anus. Burning sensation during bowel movements may be caused by mechanical damage when wearing tight and tight underwear. In children, itching and burning are most often caused by helminthic infestations and diaper rash. Hemorrhoids and anal fissures can cause both burning and pain during bowel movements. Rectal polyps, when injured by feces, can cause symptoms similar to an anal fissure.

The presence of problems with stool and bowel movements, constipation, in most cases are the result of eating food harmful to the body, and only a small percentage is caused by intestinal diseases and nervous disorders. Following all the rules healthy image life, you can forget about constipation and other disorders forever.

    Dear friends! Medical information on our website is for informational purposes only! Please note that self-medication is dangerous to your health! Sincerely, Site Editor

Impairment of the defecation process may develop as a result of progression various diseases. The cause is not only proctological problems, failures are provoked by the progression of endocrine, nervous, and oncological diseases. The causes of false urges to defecate can be identified after a detailed examination.

Provoking factors

It is difficult to figure out what exactly caused the disruption of the defecation process and the appearance of false urges. After all, the causes of such problems are diverse.

  1. If there are disruptions in the process of nervous regulation of the smooth muscles of the intestines and anal sphincter, anismus can be diagnosed. This is an act of defecation in which the sphincter involuntarily contracts. In this case, the person is bothered by the urge, but emptying does not occur.
  2. With strong sphincter tone and weak rectal muscles, a diagnosis of dyschesia can be made. This condition is characterized by the fact that a person generally cannot go to the toilet normally. The urge is present, but it is not always possible to have a bowel movement. Patients must strain significantly, help with pressure on the perineum, and often remain with a feeling of incomplete emptying.
  3. Persistent problems can be caused by proctitis. This is the name for inflammation that has developed in the rectum. It is characterized by involuntary bowel movements or frequent ineffective urges. Inflammation is caused by damage to the integrity of the inner membrane.
  4. At bacillary dysentery there is severe diarrhea accompanied by pain. After bowel movement, the urge remains. If you are sick, your stool may be mixed with blood, mucus, or pus.
  5. Without diarrhea, false urges can appear with benign tumors in the colon. If the neoplasms are malignant, the patient may find blood in the stool. He may complain of alternating constipation and diarrhea.
  6. Often, rectal tenesmus (painful urge in which very little or no stool is released) indicates irritable bowel syndrome. In this condition, malfunctions are observed nervous system, the intestinal microflora is disrupted.
  7. Tenesmus can result from food poisoning, exacerbation of chronic diseases digestive system(ulcerative lesions, gastritis, pancreatitis), microflora disturbance, sigmoiditis.
  8. Excessive use of laxatives can provoke imperative urges. Sometimes problems begin even with a single dose of potent drugs.

It is not always possible, even with a full examination, to identify the reasons that led to the appearance of false urges. This problem can develop in impressionable people due to stress or excessive prolonged emotional tension.

This condition can be caused by hemorrhoids, rectal fissures (they are found more often in women), periproctitis, Crohn's disease, colitis, stenosis, polyps or intestinal fistulas.

Characteristics of the problem

If there is a desire to empty the intestines, it means that the rectum contracts, as if pushing feces to the exit. If it is empty, then nothing is highlighted. But it is impossible to understand on your own why this happens. With spastic contractions of the rectal muscles, which are not accompanied by reflex relaxation of the sphincter, a jerky release of excrement in small portions is observed.

The patient requires examination: it is necessary to contact a therapist and proctologist. The study should be aimed at establishing which group of causes provoked the disease:

  • lesions of the large intestine;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • perinial crises (a condition caused by frequent diarrhea or copious stools);
  • idiopathic proctospasm (without specific causes).

Main symptoms

Having figured out what tenesmus is, you need to understand in what situations you cannot delay the examination and you need to see a doctor. Conditions in which:

  • there are spastic pains in the lower abdomen;
  • urges are strong, but ineffective;
  • When excrement is released, mucus, blood, or pus may be visible.

In addition, with tenesmus, prolapse of the rectal mucosa and itching in the anal area may occur. Some have erosive lesions in the rectal area.

For effective treatment our readers advise hemorrhoids. This natural remedy quickly relieves pain and itching, promotes the healing of anal fissures and hemorrhoids. The drug contains only natural ingredients with maximum effectiveness. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven clinical studies at the Research Institute of Proctology.

A child may develop tenesmus due to gastrointestinal diseases. Children complain of pain, while there is no stool or feces are excreted in small portions. When palpating the abdomen, there is a splashing sensation, pain, and compaction in the area of ​​the sigmoid colon.

Diagnostic methods

When you visit a proctologist, you should be prepared for a detailed survey and research. The doctor will be interested in the frequency of urges and the amount of feces released. It is important to know whether excrement is released in small portions or in regular portions. The following tests are prescribed:

  • general blood examination;
  • bacteriological culture of stool;
  • coprogram.

The examination does not end there. The proctologist conducts a digital examination of the anus area, determining the condition of the mucous membranes and surrounding tissues.

Many patients are prescribed a colonoscopy. This is enough informative method research: an endoscope is inserted through the anus into the large intestine. There is a microscopic video camera on it. From the endoscope, the image is transmitted directly to the screen. The doctor can see the expansion of hemorrhoids, ulcers, polyps, fistulas and other pathologies of the large intestine.

This diagnostic method is contraindicated in acute infectious lesions, cardiac and pulmonary failure, ischemic or ulcerative colitis, peritonitis and disorders of the blood coagulation system. With its help, you can determine the cause of frequent bowel movements, constipation and false urges.

If there are contraindications to colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy may be prescribed. This is an examination of the rectum and distal sigmoid colon. The examination distance is up to 35 cm from the anus. The doctor assesses the condition of the mucosa, its elasticity, relief, and vascular pattern.

Selection of treatment tactics

Treatment options for men and women can be determined after completing the examination process and identifying the cause of the problems. The main therapy should be aimed at eliminating the found pathology.

If the doctor believes that tenesmus is caused by irritable bowel syndrome, then a special gentle diet is prescribed. Patients are also advised to pay attention to the state of the nervous system, work with a psychologist or consult a psychiatrist. A condition characteristic of irritable bowel syndrome can bother the patient for a period of 3 months to a year. At the same time, patients complain not only of false tenesmus, but also of flatulence, pain, and general discomfort.

The proctologist may prescribe antispasmodic drugs. But with prolonged use their effectiveness decreases. Hyoscyamine and Dicyclomine sometimes help to get rid of imperative urges. These drugs reduce smooth muscle tone and reduce motor skills.

For anal fissures, fistulas, and hemorrhoids, different treatment is required. The doctor will prescribe local ointments and suppositories, the action of which is aimed at tissue regeneration, pain relief, and increasing the tone of the veins. A positive effect is observed with the simultaneous administration of drugs intended to improve blood circulation. Sometimes surgery is required.

Regardless of the causes of tenesmus, get rid of painful sensations antispasmodic drugs allow. They are prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories or tablets.

Other methods of therapy are also used if the patient complains of a frequent urge to defecate without feces. Among them:

  • sitz baths with potassium permanganate, a decoction of medicinal herbs;
  • microenemas with heated vegetable oil, silver nitrate solution;
  • special diet.

If neoplasms are detected, a biopsy is performed. Further treatment tactics are determined depending on its results. Some diseases require antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. Therefore, figuring out how to treat tenesmus should be done after an accurate diagnosis.

Incomplete bowel movement is a common occurrence that plagues many people. Especially in large cities. It leads to severe emotional and physical discomfort, and this is the main danger of the disease. The quality of life of a person who lives with this syndrome decreases.

Quite often, incomplete bowel movement accompanies other diseases. This happens with hemorrhoids, rectocele, condylomas, polyps. Constipation and diarrhea may occur, and their alternation is common. In addition to everything else, there is abdominal pain and general malaise. All this ruins a person’s life.

Causes that lead to the syndrome

A gastroenterologist diagnoses and treats this unpleasant disease. But sometimes, depending on the reasons why this disease developed, consultation with other specialists is required. This will be discussed later.

Many people experience discomfort during and immediately after eating. These discomfort may be different - nausea, feeling of heaviness and distension, increased formation of gases. But more often, these symptoms do not mean that a person has incomplete emptying syndrome. Perhaps it is gastritis or gastroeterocolitis. But the illness that will be discussed in this article is sometimes even more unpleasant than the above-mentioned diseases.

The discomfort it causes interferes with a normal life. Why is this happening? The answer is quite simple: a person may constantly feel the urge to go to the toilet, pain, bloating, and a feeling of dissatisfaction. False urges to evacuate can occur anywhere. At work, on vacation, in a public place. Moreover, this most often happens in society, since a person focuses on his feelings precisely when he is worried. At home, in a quiet environment, symptoms are usually not so pronounced.

Therefore, they consider the psychological component to be the main cause of this illness. And the main doctor who can really help cope with it is a psychotherapist or even a psychiatrist.

Incomplete emptying does not just happen. There are reasons for everything, let’s look at the main ones. The syndrome may appear as a result of the following factors:

Constant stress, increased nervous excitability, suspiciousness, hypochondria.

As a result of injury to internal organs (namely parts of the stomach and intestines).

Advanced form of dysbacteriosis.

Infectious diseases that severely affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Hormonal disorders (this often happens with diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity, during menopause, as well as during the premenstrual period).

Gynecological diseases that directly affect intestinal function.

Errors in nutrition, as well as changes in daily routine. Fiber is not supplied with food, so the gastrointestinal tract malfunctions.

Sedentary lifestyle. How does constipation occur in adults? Physical inactivity often leads to them, and subsequently there is a syndrome of incomplete emptying.

Hereditary factors.

Elderly. In older people, all processes in the body slow down, so constipation is a common occurrence. And under the influence of constipation, incomplete bowel emptying is also observed.

But, as already mentioned, the disease is most often found in extremely sensitive people prone to introspection. Their psyche is unstable, they seem to be predisposed to psychological and neurological ailments.

With poor nutrition, incomplete bowel movement syndrome also very often occurs. If you eat a lot of junk food (fried, fatty, spicy, pickled), then you will definitely have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Flavors, flavor enhancers, and dyes are harmful. Lack of fiber also affects it - this can lead to chronic constipation.

With a sedentary lifestyle, the risk of developing intestinal pathology increases significantly.

Heredity plays an important role in the occurrence of the syndrome. If close relatives suffered from such an illness, then there is a chance that you will also have it.

If there is a tendency to, incomplete emptying syndrome occurs. Normally, a person should not go to the toilet less than 3 times a week. It's better to do this every day. Then feces will not be deposited in the intestines, and toxins will not accumulate.

The causes of constipation in adults can be abnormalities in the structure of the intestines, adhesions, the occurrence of neoplasms that grow and interfere with the passage of feces, as well as disturbances in the secretory function of the intestines, which occurs with IBS or irritable bowel syndrome.

Treatment of such an illness is often problematic, since the psychological component is large. But in any case, it must be comprehensive. One doctor is not enough, so consultation should be obtained from several (proctologist, psychotherapist, gastroenterologist, and in some cases a neurologist).

The selection of treatment methods is carried out on an individual basis, everything depends entirely on the patient’s symptoms and complaints. We will consider the main signs of incomplete bowel movement below.

How dangerous is the condition?

The act of defecation is a natural process. Normally it should be 1 time a day, sometimes 2 times. Should pass without any pain. Only under such conditions can the human body function without deviations.

If the intestines are not properly emptied, the person’s well-being and appearance suffer. The functioning of the nervous system is disrupted, nails, hair, and skin deteriorate. General fatigue appears and vitality disappears.

Also, incomplete bowel movements and constant urge to defecate make a person emotionally unstable, hot-tempered, headaches, tinnitus, insomnia, and frequent urination.

If this is caused psychological reasons, then as soon as a person calms down and returns to his usual routine, all the symptoms disappear without a trace. In this case, no special treatment is required.

Incomplete bowel movement: symptoms

But there are cases when a person suffers from incomplete bowel movements for a very long time. And the signs of the disease are already more serious and painful:

Constipation occurs (this is a common occurrence in adults) with mucus in the stool.

Diarrhea, with mucus also present in the stool.

Feeling of fullness in the intestines.

Heaviness in the stomach.

Pain in the abdomen (usually on the right).

False urge to defecate, with the stomach characteristically “twirling.”

A feeling of dissatisfaction after the act of defecation, it seems that you want more, but you can’t.

Rumbling in the intestines, which is observed constantly, regardless of food intake.

Blood in stool large quantities.

In rare cases, general health is disturbed, there is insomnia, weakness and body aches, and pain in the back.

Symptoms are not always present all at once. They manifest themselves differently in each person. If a person experiences such symptoms, he should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe certain tests to correctly establish the diagnosis. How to get rid of the feeling of incomplete bowel movement? To do this, you must first undergo examination, then treatment.


Special medical tests will help you understand the diagnosis. It is necessary to differentiate the syndrome of incomplete bowel movement from other, more serious diseases.

Sometimes a person himself becomes the culprit of his condition because he eats completely incorrectly. He eats foods that cause increased peristalsis and lead to increased gas formation. For effective diagnostics you need a strict diet. Perhaps then the feeling of incomplete bowel movement will go away without any medications. Let's consider its basic principles:

Excluded are products harmful to the intestines, namely those that provoke gas (all types flour products, cabbage).

Antibiotics and laxatives are not allowed, and in general it is better not to take anything before the examination, then the diagnosis will be as accurate as possible.

You need to eat fiber in large quantities to improve intestinal function (bran, fresh vegetables and fruits). Oatmeal for breakfast can help a lot. The porridge must be boiled well, then it will envelop the intestines, which will have a positive effect on its condition.

All dishes must be baked or steamed, but under no circumstances fried.

To help, eat small portions, but often.

It is not recommended to drink tea, alcohol, coffee, or any type of soda, as, again, this can cause gas in the intestines. Better to switch to non-carbonated mineral water. Especially if there are frequent false urges to defecate.

Diagnosis of incomplete emptying syndrome

So, the diet is prescribed and followed in full, but the discomfort is still present. and its incomplete emptying does not go anywhere. In this case, the patient must undergo examinations prescribed by the doctor:

Conduct bacteriological culture to determine infection in the intestines;

The blood is examined for biochemistry;

An irrigoscopy or an X-ray of the intestine with a contrast agent is performed;

Colonoscopy is prescribed in especially severe cases when there is a suspicion of cancer;

A sigmoidoscopy is performed (the gastrointestinal tract is examined using an endoscope).

Before all procedures, the patient is specially prepared. An enema is given to empty the intestines of feces. If necessary, pain relief is provided, especially for such an unpleasant procedure as a colonoscopy.

This comprehensive approach will help identify abnormalities and establish an accurate diagnosis. After which a certain treatment is already prescribed. You need to understand that incomplete bowel movement (we have discussed the reasons) is not a death sentence.

Treatment with medications

Taking certain medications will help alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

Firstly, it is necessary to get rid of gas formation in the intestines. To do this, they use probiotics, products enriched with enzymes that improve the process of digesting food and absorbing nutrients. The normal microflora in the intestines is well preserved by special preparations with bacteria and acids. These include "Hilak Forte", "Linex", "Bifidumbacterin". It is imperative to enrich your diet with lactic acid products. Particularly effective for incomplete bowel emptying are kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, and various live yoghurts.

Secondly, if there is a tendency to diarrhea, then it would be advisable to use drugs that have a fixing effect. These include Smecta and Loperamide. It is better not to get carried away with these remedies, since you can achieve the opposite effect, and then you will have to deal with constipation. As aids can be used traditional methods treatment of diarrhea. Eat, for example, millet porridge or drink herbal decoctions (oak bark, St. John's wort, elderberry). Then the patient will not be haunted by the feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

Thirdly, if a person suffers from constant constipation, medication cannot be avoided. These are special prokinetic drugs. For example, “Duphalak”, “Motilium”, “Mukofalk”, “Sennade”. Beet juice and prunes have proven themselves well as folk remedies.

You should take any medicine only after consulting a doctor. Even if we are talking about drugs with beneficial bacteria in their composition.

Antispasmodics for pain

At severe pain in the intestines it is necessary to take antispasmodics. The most famous are “No-Shpa”, “Papaverine”, the drug “Espumizan” removes gases. Herbal infusions (chamomile, mint, dill water) have been used for a long time to get rid of intestinal colic. In case of pain and gas, you cannot do without a special diet, because if you do not stop eating harmful products, there will be no point. The feeling of fullness in the stomach will still be present.

What to eat?

The following products have a very calming effect on the intestines:


Strong tea.

By consuming them regularly, you can get rid of attacks of pain during bowel movements.

The effectiveness of psychotherapy

If there is a constant feeling of incomplete bowel movement, in addition to drug treatment, psychotherapy will be effective. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to visit a psychotherapist, because his services are quite expensive. But sometimes this cannot be avoided, since in 70% of cases the psyche is to blame for the development of this illness. It turns out to be peculiar vicious circle: the patient has problems with the act of defecation, he becomes fixated on them, as a result they appear twice as often. You can get rid of this syndrome on your own, but this will require time, willpower and the ability to escape from your own experiences.

Psychotherapy can be individual or group. Depending on individual characteristics, patients themselves choose a convenient way to attend classes. Some people will need several sessions, and they will feel better, while for others, even a dozen will not be enough.


Suspicious people should focus less on themselves and their well-being. Communicate more with people around you, get maximum positive emotions. Perhaps then the feeling of incomplete bowel movement after bowel movement will go away on its own. If not, don’t hesitate - go to the doctor!

Incomplete bowel movement is a syndrome characteristic of many intestinal diseases and functional digestive disorders. Almost every person sooner or later encounters this problem, which signals a violation of intestinal function and requires the adoption of therapeutic and preventive measures.

More often, residents of large cities suffer from incomplete bowel emptying syndrome, which is associated with low physical activity and not best quality food. But residents of rural areas who eat fresh, high-quality foods and exercise a lot rarely suffer not only from this syndrome, but also from other gastrointestinal diseases.

The feeling of incomplete bowel movement is not just an unpleasant symptom, but also a factor that disrupts a person’s lifestyle

What are the causes of incomplete bowel movement?

  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Colon polyps;
  • Malignant intestinal tumors.

This article is not a guide to action. With its help, we want to draw patients’ attention to the importance of any unpleasant symptom, and emphasize that prevention and timely treatment of diseases will help maintain health for a long time. long years.

The feeling of incomplete bowel movement is most often a component of irritable bowel syndrome. This is a condition in which there are no organic changes in the intestines, but under the influence of constant emotional stress and stress, the correct innervation of the intestines is disrupted, which is manifested by incomplete emptying syndrome and diarrhea, followed by constipation.

In addition to stress, pathology can be caused by the following factors:

  • Frequent overeating. Overfilling and distension of the intestine increases the sensitivity of nerve receptors.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Women with this pathology note an increase or appearance of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in the first days of menstruation.
  • Poor nutrition. Consumption of fatty and smoked foods, as well as carbonated drinks provoke intestinal disorder in individuals with a predisposition to developing irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Dysbacteriosis and intestinal infection can serve as a trigger for the feeling of incomplete bowel movement.
  • Hereditary predisposition in the development of intestinal pathologies also plays an important role.

With this disease, the feeling of incomplete bowel movement is accompanied by abdominal pain and bloating, which precedes the urge to go to the toilet. The symptom of incomplete emptying intensifies and the urge becomes more frequent, often under stress.

Treatment of incomplete bowel movement in irritable bowel syndrome

How to eliminate the feeling of incomplete bowel movement if there are no objective reasons for its development? You should change your lifestyle. It is recommended to rest more, walk in the fresh air; in severe cases, doctors may advise changing jobs to remove the source of stress.

Advice: Distraction from problems will remove the main pathogenetic mechanism of incomplete bowel emptying - a violation of nervous regulation. It is also recommended to take sedatives based on plant extracts (valerian extract, glycine).

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And the second, important part of the treatment of incomplete bowel movement is to change the nature of the diet. You need to eat often and in small portions, give preference to soups, steamed or baked foods, increase the consumption of lean varieties of fish and meat, vegetables and fruits typical for the region at this time of year.


Hemorrhoids are a progressive varicose veins veins in the anus. The main cause of the disease is chronic blood stagnation in the pelvis. This is often facilitated by the patient’s sedentary lifestyle. The development of the disease is accompanied by ulceration, bleeding, compaction and thrombosis of the affected veins of the rectum.

Causes and possible localization of hemorrhoids

Incomplete bowel movement with hemorrhoids is combined with pain during bowel movements. And bleeding of hemorrhoids leads to the appearance of red blood on the surface of the stool. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a proctologist based on examination, colonoscopy, radiology and ultrasound.

Important: Today, treating hemorrhoids is not difficult, and with early diagnosis, doctors even use minimally invasive surgical methods.

In general, treatment of incomplete bowel movement due to hemorrhoids comes down to the following measures:

  • Normalization of digestion and treatment of constipation;
  • Drug therapy for hemorrhoids (stimulants, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • Gentle surgical intervention: ligation with latex rings, sclerotherapy, electrocoagulation, laser treatment, radio wave coagulation;
  • Classic radical surgery with excision of the rectal mucosa and hemorrhoids (used in advanced stages).

After treatment, the patient should be periodically observed by a surgeon, who can promptly detect a relapse.

Colon polyps

Colon polyps are benign mucosal formations that cause intestinal dysfunction. Single and small polyps can exist asymptomatically for many years, and the patient will not be aware of their presence. In this case, the polyps are not subject to surgical removal: the patient is recommended to undergo regular monitoring and, if necessary, surgical removal.

Detection of colon polyp during colonoscopy

However, if polyps disrupt the function of the gastrointestinal tract and the intestines do not empty completely, they should be surgically removed. The operation is performed without opening abdominal cavity through the anus. After the polyps are removed, bowel function is restored and the feeling of incomplete bowel movement goes away. It is impossible to get rid of this symptom caused by polyps by other methods.

Malignant intestinal tumors

A feeling of incomplete bowel movement may also accompany extreme dangerous diseases, such as colon cancer. Therefore, we once again emphasize the importance of timely contacting specialists. Malignant tumors can be successfully treated in the early stages, therefore early diagnosis- the key to complete recovery.

In addition to the feeling of impaired bowel movement, colon cancer is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea followed by constipation;
  • Blood in the stool;
  • Weakness, decreased performance;
  • Unreasonable increase in temperature;
  • Night sweats.

This diagnosis can only be confirmed with the help of histological examination– During a colonoscopy, a small area of ​​the identified tumor is removed. The removed tissue is examined under a microscope for the presence of malignant cells. Treatment depends on the stage of the tumor and includes surgery along with radiation or chemotherapy.

Advice: As you can see, the feeling of incomplete bowel movement is not always a harmless symptom, so consult a doctor as soon as possible. Due to the widespread prevalence of oncology, preventive examination will not harm anyone.

Other causes of incomplete emptying

Other reasons for the feeling of incomplete bowel movement include a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, poor diet, premenstrual syndrome, diabetes. However, having prescribed a standard set of examinations (stool analysis, radiography of the abdominal organs, endoscopy) and not finding any visible pathology, the doctor will still make a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome.

Important: The International Classification of Diseases does not identify such a disease as incomplete bowel movement. The diagnosis will sound like irritable bowel syndrome.

In this case, treatment for incomplete bowel movement will consist of changing lifestyle and diet, as well as drug therapy for stress, impaired intestinal motility and dysbiosis.

Prevention of development

In order to prevent incomplete bowel movement and the diseases that cause it, you should follow the following nutritional rules:

  • Frequent, fractional meals (small portions 4-5 times a day);
  • Avoid snacking on the run;
  • Refusal of fast foods and carbonated drinks: cookies with kefir will better satisfy your hunger;
  • Adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables;
  • Increasing the diet of liquid foods, as well as steamed or oven-cooked foods.

Recommendation: Move every day. A half-hour walk will tone your body, refresh your head and improve your mood. Take a break from everyday activities so that everyday problems do not disturb you emotional condition. This is an excellent preventative measure not only for the feeling of incomplete bowel movement, but also for other nervous and somatic pathologies.

Urges are disturbances in the body associated with a strong and irresistible desire to urinate or defecate. These phenomena are symptoms of diseases genitourinary system and intestines.

Urinary dysfunction

The imperative urge to urinate causes discomfort to a person and interferes with leading a full life. This is due to the fact that after emptying the bladder, after a short time, a person feels a strong desire to go to the toilet again. There is a feeling that urination will happen immediately, and there is a fear that it will not be possible to hold it.

Sometimes this happens: in some cases, the symptom is accompanied by urinary incontinence. Usually such phenomena are a sign of an inflammatory process urinary tract, less commonly, the cause is an increase in intravesical pressure, and the disease can also be triggered by sexually transmitted infections, surgeries, and even spinal cord injuries and spinal injuries.


Imperative urges (urgency) constantly haunt a person with urinary disorders, preventing him from concentrating on ordinary everyday affairs. Do not confuse the usual strong urge to urinate with urgency. When it appears, it immediately becomes clear that not everything is in order in the body. It is characterized not only by incredibly strong urges, but also by their very frequent occurrence. Such symptoms cannot be controlled; they bother you constantly, regardless of the time of day, gender and age. Previously, statistics spoke of a more frequent susceptibility to the disease in older people, but now this phenomenon is increasingly occurring among young people.

There are cases when urgency is accompanied by nocturia (mainly night urination) or incontinence. Urgency often leads a person to an incapacitated state. Among urinary disorders, urgency is the most common, and among other diseases it occupies a fairly high position. If present, they speak of overactive bladder (OAB).


Previously, it was believed that the state of urgency was most often caused by urological and gynecological diseases, and it could also be a consequence of surgery. Now modern methods Studies have established that the main cause of symptoms of imperative uncontrollable urges is OAB syndrome. An overactive bladder refers to abnormal bladder activity, which can be chronic. The reason for this is not fully understood, but diseases have been identified that provoke the appearance of OAB, and these are not only diseases of the genitourinary system (acute cystitis, adenoma, cancer prostate gland, tumor of the bladder neck). Such provocateurs include heart failure, diabetes mellitus, neurological disorders, menopause, age-related changes, multiple sclerosis.


People who experience constant urgency are examined comprehensively, in several stages, so that the doctor can diagnose the real reason these manifestations. To identify concomitant diseases, the patient undergoes an ultrasound of internal organs - bladder, prostate, kidneys. Next, a urine test, sediment, and culture are examined for sterility; the doctor conducts a physical examination (including a general examination and palpation).

The diary of the patient's urination is studied, on the basis of which conclusions about the diagnosis can also be drawn; OAB is diagnosed if there are more than eight urinations per day and more than one per night. To identify the causes of hyperactivity, cystometry (measurement of bladder volume), tests with water and Lidocaine are performed - a technique used to exclude neurological causes affecting the functions of the detrusor (bladder muscle).


Treatment of urgency, in which urination is frequent and unbearable, should be carried out as quickly as possible. After all, it is impossible to live a full life with such symptoms; a person experiences not only physical inconvenience, but also constant stress. The goal of treatment is to control fluid accumulation in the bladder. Anticholinergic drugs are used for this. They block the nerve impulses that cause persistent urinary urgency.

In addition, antispasmodics are used in treatment to reduce muscle tone. urinary tract. Among such drugs, Spazmex is especially popular, which does not exclude combination with other medicines and practically does not cause side effects. In addition to drug therapy, for a more effective result in treatment, Kegel exercises (alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles responsible for urination) and behavioral therapy (going to the toilet strictly according to schedule) are used.

Non-drug treatment methods. Behavioral therapy

Application combination medicines and alternative treatment methods gives effective results in the fight against urinary disorders. The main directions of non-drug treatment are strengthening the bladder muscles, as well as gaining the ability to control visits to the toilet. Behavioral therapy involves limiting fluid intake if it exceeds the norm, correcting the drinking regime, eliminating alcoholic and caffeine-containing drinks, and refusing to drink before bed. Most The fluid entering the body during the day should be pure non-carbonated water. The amount is determined purely individually, taking into account age and concomitant diseases. Behavioral therapy involves setting a routine for going to the toilet at a specific time to train the bladder. This approach helps cut imperative urges in half.

Kegel exercises for women

This is a set of exercises for women designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. As you know, women more often suffer from incontinence, including stress incontinence (when laughing, sneezing, coughing). Regular exercise helps to reduce the urgency to stool and learn to control the pelvic muscles. The complex is very simple, easy to use and accessible to any woman.

Exercises train the muscles that are responsible for the bladder, rectum, uterus, and urethra. They help pregnant women cope with incontinence in 70% of cases and alleviate the condition of older women. Kegel exercises improve blood circulation in the pelvis and rectum, speed up rehabilitation after childbirth, and prevent the development of hemorrhoids.

Urinary disorders in children

The child’s frequent demands to “go potty” should alert parents, especially if urination does not occur (the urge is false). If your baby asks to go to the toilet almost every 15 minutes, this is a reason to consult a doctor to find out the cause of such manifestations and eliminate it as soon as possible. There are several reasons why imperative urges occur in children:

  • balanoposthitis in boys;
  • vulvovaginitis in girls;
  • urethritis (inflammation of the urinary tract);
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • pyelonephritis, kidney disease.

Such diseases are caused by infections or hypothermia. But this is not the only reason; in some cases there is an anomaly in the development of the genitourinary organs or a disease of the nervous system, including birth defects and trauma, psychiatric illnesses, neuroses.

Urge to defecate

When there is a physiological need to empty the intestines, a person feels the urge to defecate. In case of normal functioning, such phenomena do not cause any discomfort. If there is a malfunction in the intestines, an imperative urge to defecate may occur. They are caused by convulsive contraction of the intestinal muscles, usually accompanied by pain. These symptoms may be the result of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In addition to frequent urge to stool, it may be accompanied by diarrhea (more than three times a day), constipation (stool less than three times a week), abdominal pain, and flatulence.

After stool, there is a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. Antispasmodic drugs, such as Dicyclomine, are used for treatment. Required condition therapy - following a diet, avoiding fatty, spicy and fried foods that irritate the intestines. One of the varieties of the disease is tenesmus. These are excessively strong imperative urges, accompanied by contraction of the rectal muscles and pain, but defecation does not occur. In this case, they also talk about false urges. The reason for this may be a tumor of the rectum, infections, chronic or acute colitis.

The main causes of false urge to defecate (rectal tenesmus) are pathological conditions in which a futile urge to empty the bowel occurs. This symptom of various diseases is quite painful and does not lead to a full-fledged act of defecation: it ends with the release of only a small amount of feces. Tenesmus is essential to a person’s life - they limit freedom of movement and force them to make adjustments to their vacation plans. False urge to defecate is accompanied by a disorder of the digestive system: increased gas formation and impaired intestinal motility.

The causative agents of salmonellosis provoke intestinal infection and intestinal tenesmus

Pathogenesis of the disease

Under the influence of provoking factors, the excitability of the autonomic nervous system is disrupted, which causes spasms of the smooth muscle muscles of the intestines. False urge to defecate most often occurs as a result of spastic contractions of the muscular walls of the sigmoid and (or) rectum. Pathological process affects abdominal wall, pelvic organs and perineum - their muscle tone rapidly increases. Spasmodic contractions are unproductive:

  • the intestinal contents do not move forward;
  • feces are not excreted from the body.

The cuts are chaotic and uncoordinated. In this condition, normal peristalsis is impossible, which becomes the cause of intestinal tenesmus. The pathology is accompanied by the development of chronic constipation. The disease is characterized by inflammation of hemorrhoids and impaired blood supply to the pelvic organs. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle often suffer from false urges to defecate. In the absence of medical intervention, the severity of symptoms increases:

  • the color of the skin around the anus changes and darkens;
  • erosion develops;
  • anal fissures appear.

A bacterial infection often attaches to the damaged rectal mucosa, increasing the spread of the inflammatory process. To prevent the development of events in such a negative scenario, you should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist at the first sign of a false urge to defecate.

Causes of the pathological process

Rectal tenesmus is one of the symptoms of diseases of the digestive system. If no such pathologies were identified when diagnosing the patient, then a neurologist is involved in the treatment. Often false urges are provoked by disruption of the central nervous or autonomic system human body.

Intestinal infections

After pathogenic viruses or bacteria penetrate the intestinal lumen, they begin to actively multiply. In the process of life, microbes produce a huge amount of toxic products. Harmful substances cause not only general intoxication of the body, but also damage to the intestinal mucosa. As a result of digestive disorders, dyspepsia occurs:

  • rumbling and seething in the stomach;
  • sour belching, heartburn;
  • bloating.

The causative agents of rectal tenesmus include: salmonella, staphylococci, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella, streptococci. They enter the human body along with spoiled food products - milk, meat, vegetables.

Warning: “If a person is frivolous about food poisoning and prefers self-medication, then it is not surprising that he soon develops an inflammatory process in the small or large intestine.”

Damage localized in the rectum leads to diarrhea, pain and false urge to have a bowel movement. Clinical picture complicated by fever, nausea, vomiting, weakness.

Diseases of the rectum

If the mucous membrane of the lower intestine is damaged, bowel movements are disrupted. The main causes of tenesmus are:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • rectal fissures;
  • a chronic form of paraproctitis, characterized by the formation of deep pathological canals.

Such diseases are accompanied by constipation, pain with each bowel movement, and the appearance of blood clots, mucus, and pus in the stool. Tenesmus occurs due to the development and progression of the inflammatory process affecting the rectum or perirectal tissue.

Malignant and benign tumors

After the formation of tumors on the mucous membrane or in the deeper layers of the intestine, peristalsis is disrupted, and the urge to defecate without feces occurs. Tens of thousands of people die from colon cancer every year. The danger of the pathology lies in the absence of any symptoms on early stage. After the gradual growth of the tumor, pain appears during bowel movements, and blood and pus are released along with the stool.

The main reasons for the development of rectal tumors are precancerous diseases:

  • one or more polyps in the intestines;
  • chronic constipation;
  • ulcerative lesions of the rectum;
  • decreased immunity;
  • genetic predisposition.

Warning: “Gastroenterologists, proctologists and surgeons never tire of repeating that timely treatment of anal fissures and hemorrhoids is an important part of the prevention of rectal cancer.”

Neoplasms provoke the occurrence of spastic contractions, slow movement of feces, the release of a small amount of feces or their complete absence. Often the cause of problems with bowel movements is not the tumor itself, but the metastases that have formed. The tumor cell spreads through the blood or lymph flow to healthy areas of the rectum, where it begins to grow rapidly. Often, metastases significantly exceed the size of the initial malignant formation.

False urge to defecate occurs with rectal cancer


Intestinal dysbiosis often provokes not only chronic constipation, indigestion, but also rectal tenesmus. The disease develops after penetration of pathogenic pathogens into the gastrointestinal tract or activation of opportunistic microflora bacteria. A person experiences the following negative signs:

  • abdominal pain;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • the appearance of blood streaks or clots in the stool.

After antibiotic therapy, the patient may develop dysbiosis. To prevent it, doctors recommend that patients take a course of probiotics and (or) prebiotics containing lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and saccharomycetes. Dysbacteriosis can be provoked by food poisoning, poisons of plant and animal origin, heavy metals, caustic alkalis and acids. The false urge to defecate that occurs in this case disappears after detoxification therapy.

Autoimmune pathologies

Non-specific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are autoimmune inflammatory pathologies, one of the symptoms of which is a constant urge to defecate. The etiology of the development of diseases has been little studied. Most scientists are inclined to believe that the inflammatory process of the intestinal mucosa occurs as a result of a decrease in functional activity immune system human body. Symptoms associated with rectal tenesmus nonspecific colitis and Crohn's diseases are a sharp decline body weight, iron deficiency anemia, as well as a lack of vitamins and microelements due to impaired absorption.

CNS dysfunction

The reasons for the urge to defecate, which does not bring relief to a person, are disorders of the central nervous system:

  • neurotic conditions;
  • mental disorders;
  • specific reactions to stressful situations;
  • emotional instability.

IN Lately Patients are often diagnosed with “irritable bowel syndrome,” which can be caused by diseases of the central nervous system. The pathogenesis of tenesmus is based on a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses in the colon.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of rectal tenesmus begins with interviewing the patient, assessing general health, and studying a history of diseases. If you suspect bacterial infection a biological sample is inoculated into a nutrient medium to identify the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Laboratory and biochemical tests will help detect qualitative and quantitative changes in blood composition. To determine the cause of false urge to defecate, instrumental studies are carried out:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasonography;
  • CT scan;
  • X-ray examination.

Treatment of intestinal tenesmus is aimed at eliminating its cause. For this, patients are prescribed drug therapy, and if benign or malignant tumors surgical intervention. Most often used in etiotropic treatment:

  • antibiotics;
  • antimicrobials;
  • probiotics and prebiotics;
  • antiulcer drugs;
  • hemostatic drugs;
  • adsorbents and enterosorbents;
  • drugs to reduce excess gas formation with simethicone.

To reduce the severity of tenesmus, antispasmodics are used - Drotaverine or its analogue No-shpa in the form of tablets or solutions for parenteral administration. They have the ability to normalize the functioning of intestinal smooth muscle muscles, eliminate pain systems and prevent the occurrence of tenesmus.

Treating false urges to defecate on your own is extremely dangerous. If you constantly put off visiting a doctor and take it at random pharmacological preparations, then the underlying disease will begin to progress rapidly. A timely visit to a doctor often saves a person’s life.