Acupuncture treatment: what are the benefits and harms of Chinese medicine? What are the benefits and harms of acupuncture in treatment and prevention What is acupuncture and what are the benefits

The range of possibilities of the popular technique alternative medicine– acupuncture, or acupuncture, or acupuncture – great.

The need for the services of masters is growing, and followers and critics of the direction argue - acupuncture: harm or benefit?

The principle of this branch of medicine is based on the stabilization life processes, stimulation of energy balance in the body. Acupuncture helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract relieves tension and normalizes the nervous system as a whole.

According to ancient Chinese teaching, the whole body is a single whole. Changes in one department entail a transformation in the work of the whole organism. Acupuncture, or bioactive points, are areas on the body where it can be blocked. Vital energy body - energy Qi (qi). Western scientists give another explanation: when pressing on certain reflex points, the body releases endorphins - painkillers, which provide an analgesic effect.

The technique of the technique is simple: the specialist introduces the thinnest (up to 0.5 mm) and sharp metal needle, sharpened in a special way, into certain bioactive points under the skin and underlying tissues. Current acupuncture involves the use of sterile stainless steel needles.

Pain from the injection is minimal, the patient feels only the numbness, aches, and bursting provided for by the treatment.

The procedures are similar to each other: before the start of the session, the specialist conducts diagnostics, places the needles in the required quantity (depending on the nature of the disease) and in order, and leaves the patient alone for 20-40 minutes. The peculiarity of acupuncture sessions is that each subsequent session is somewhat more painful than the previous one. The explanation for this effect is that the conductivity of the nervous tissue gradually increases and the sensitivity to injections increases.

A course of acupuncture often consists of 10-12 daily sessions. Then take a break, and, if necessary, repeat.

Often, acupuncture is combined with traditional methods treatment. As a result, you can significantly reduce the feeling of pain in the pre and postoperative period.

Preparing for an acupuncture session

Before the session are prohibited:

  • physical exercise;
  • intravenous injections;
  • take the procedure on a full or empty stomach;
  • take the procedure on a full bladder.

During the course of treatment, it is undesirable to eat spicy and spicy dishes, take alcoholic beverages.

It is also necessary to inform the specialist about all medications and physiotherapy procedures that you receive at the same time as acupuncture. Women are not recommended to perform the procedure during menstrual cycle.

Indications for the use of acupuncture

The technique of acupuncture, or acupuncture, affects the body by activating dozens of active points. For this reason, the range of application of the method is unusually wide:

  1. Eye diseases: acute form of conjunctivitis, cataract, retinopathy, myopia;
  2. Diseases digestive system: ulcers, constipation, acute form of gastritis, colitis, diarrhea, dyskinesia;
  3. ENT diseases: rhinitis, incl. allergic, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis;
  4. Diseases oral cavity: gingivitis, toothache;
  5. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:, and others, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, sprains of the tendons and inflammation of some ligaments;
  6. Diseases nervous system: migraine, neuralgia, poliomyelitis, headaches, depression, radiculitis, sleep disturbance, facial paralysis;
  7. Respiratory diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis;
  8. Diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, urinary incontinence, sexual disorders, renal colic.

Acupuncture activates the internal reserves of the body, which contributes to weight correction, normalization of metabolic processes, rejuvenation of the body, shows good results in the fight against smoking and alcohol abuse.

Pros and cons

For an objective answer to the question “What are the benefits and harms of acupuncture?”, It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the opinions of supporters and critics of the technique.

Proponents of acupuncture claim that side effects are not characteristic of it. Unlike drug therapy, which affects both affected and healthy organs, professionally performed acupuncture brings only benefits. A reflexologist with appropriate qualifications and experience can successfully deal with pain relief. The number of bioactive points on the body reaches 700 - only a professional knows exactly how and where they are located.

Opponents of acupuncture are skeptical about the results of the technique. According to them, acupuncture is not a panacea, and far from universally copes with the elimination of pain. There is also a significant side effect - the risk of introducing an infectious disease through the use of non-sterile needles. Among the others side effects- hematomas, bleeding at the injection site.

Trusting a “non-professional”, you will optimally not feel anything, in the worst case, you will cause serious harm to the body.

Therefore, before making a decision “for” and “against”, we recommend that you carefully read the reviews about the benefits and harms of acupuncture.

Contraindications and limitations for acupuncture

  • Damage to the skin;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • post-infarction condition;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Alcohol intoxication and drug trance;
  • Severe depletion of the body;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Age over 75 years - it is considered ineffective to use acupuncture.

Acupuncture is widely used in the combined treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Positive result achieved through the coordinated action of three factors: pain, muscle relaxation and normalization of metabolism through improved blood circulation.

This triple effect key reason, according to which acupuncture for arthrosis knee joint effective and very popular non-traditional method of treatment.

Acupuncture for osteoarthritis of the knee

Under the correct influence on bioactive areas, a specialist in several sessions can achieve the following results:

  • Cupping pain with minimal harmful effects on the body;
  • Muscle relaxation, which leads to the suspension of the inflammatory process;
  • Reduce puffiness by saturating tissues beneficial substances and oxygen.

If the patient complains of increased pain, dizziness, coldness, nausea and sudden sweating, the session must be stopped.

Cost of the procedure

On this moment Acupuncture has proven effective to most and the demand for it is growing. At the same time, the price remains affordable for everyone. To the question "How much does acupuncture cost?" There is no definite answer for the reason that the cost of the course depends on many circumstances:

  • The general state of the organism;
  • Diseases;
  • Individual characteristics of the patient, etc.

Summing up all of the above, the question "What is acupuncture?" It can be argued that this is an effective prophylactic agent.

Minimum contraindications, no side effects and allergies, the cost of expensive medicines - make acupuncture as attractive as possible for both prevention and treatment.

Reflexologist Elena Dudkina

– What is acupuncture? What is its use? How does it work?

Reflexology refers to unconventional methods treatment for European countries. This is the impact on the human body through energy channels and points of various physical methods. It can be needles, tsuba, warming up with wormwood cigars, acupressure special probes, as well as other physical influences(various electromagnetic fields, ultraviolet radiation, heating, etc.).

For example, there is such a method as electroacupuncture: needles are placed on a person at specific points, electrodes are attached to them and an alternating or direct current is passed through them. This also affects the acupuncture point itself and has a healing effect.

With its help, you can both treat the disease itself, remove acute symptoms pain, cough, headaches, back pain, and carry out prevention. On each channel there is a point of stimulating and calming influence. There are also harmonizers. Influencing them, we achieve a certain effect - the calming of the point or its excitation. Which leads to analgesic processes or brings healing functions.

For whom is acupuncture indicated?

- It is shown as healthy people for prevention purposes, as well as for the most various pathologies: colds, injuries, pain in the head or in the abdomen.

Acupuncture can also be used by athletes, for example, to stimulate muscle strength. Often we are approached by people with a breakdown, because with the help of reflexology it is possible to restore the reserves of the human body.

How old is acupuncture?

- From any age. Younger children are somewhat limited in access to reflexology, except for certain pathologies. I think it has more to do with the mentality of European countries. People perceive this method as some kind of violent influence. Not every mother will agree to have her child pricked with needles or warmed up with burning cigars, but, in my opinion, this is more due to prejudice.

I took infants up to a year old with pathology of the neck muscles and, of course, with such serious diseases as cerebral palsy. The main thing is to overcome psychological resistance parents.

Basic tools for reflexology

How is this therapy carried out? Is it necessary to undergo a preliminary examination?

- First you need to come to the doctor-reflexologist. There is no such training. Each energy channel gains strength at a certain time of the year, as well as at a certain time of day. There is such a thing as daily and annual rhythms, therefore, depending on which organ or organ system a given energy channel is responsible for, it is necessary to act at a certain time of the day and year.

But, unfortunately, patients come to the clinic when someone advised them, when they feel bad, or when they themselves decided. As a doctor of state medicine, I do not have such an opportunity to say: “Come to me in the fall, on the full moon, from 11 a.m. to one, because this is how your channel works at this time”. Our people just don't get it.

Like any procedure, reflexology should be carried out on a rested body, not immediately after eating.

However, there are certain limitations. For example, if we conduct therapy sessions to calm an aggravated disease, then on the same days and in the near future it is impossible to undergo procedures that excite the body. Taking off pain syndrome and relaxing the muscles, we cannot send the patient to the pool. Because the pool has a stimulating effect on the muscular system. Then the result will be leveled. It is desirable to separate these procedures in time with reflexology.

– What kind of needles are used? Can they break? How many needles do you put in a session?

– Today, needles made of metal alloys of various thicknesses and lengths are used. The choice of needles depends on the doctor and the disease we are treating. The average depth of acupuncture points in the human body is from half a centimeter under the surface of the skin to 13 cm deep in the tissue, so the sizes of the needles are appropriate.

The needles also differ in thickness. The number of needles that are placed in a patient depends on the disease, age, and his psycho-emotional state. For example, young children should not be given many needles of a thick diameter, not because we will harm, but because they are more emotionally stressed.

I use 6 to 12 needles per session and the kids generally do well with this.

It is not necessary to lie down during acupuncture. The main thing is to be in a calm psycho-emotional state. During acupuncture for certain diseases, you need to move the muscles more at that point. The more you move, the more the acupuncture point is stimulated, sending impulses to the nervous system. Physical rest is not prerequisite.

How does the person feel after the session?

– It is important that the person feels during the session. Reflexology is a joint work of a doctor and a patient. Whatever method you apply to the point, we must get the intended sensations. IN classic version it is aches, bursting and irradiation (spread of pain sensations beyond the affected area or organ - approx. ed.). These are the standard sensations at the point that most patients describe.

In the absence of such sensations, the work falls on the doctor. We must place the needle in such a way that these sensations are determined, because the size of the point itself can reach up to 0.01 mm. And if you don’t get there with a needle, you won’t get an answer.

As for pain, all three of these sensations are its equivalent.

- When you insert a needle and pierce the skin, does it hurt?

- It's a little unpleasant, but it all depends on the doctor's ability to quickly insert the needle.

How do you prepare children for a session?

- At first I just talk so that the patient is a little discharged in the atmosphere of an almost surgical room. And then I use all the recommendations that are needed for small interventions, because in this situation there is a violation of the integrity of the skin. The needles are always disposable and sterile. After each individual patient, they are disinfected and destroyed.

The place above the point is wiped with a cotton swab with alcohol. Only then is the needle inserted. The patient does not need anesthesia.

- Does it happen that the parent agrees to conduct a session, but the child is categorically against it?

– This rarely happens. We remove such children from the course. Sometimes parents insist on acupuncture, but from the psycho-emotional state of the child, I see that there will be no benefit from this. Because in a state of excitation, the flow of energy through the channels stops, which means that the procedure itself loses its meaning.

Reflexology room in a children's clinic

– How many procedures do you need to go through in a course to achieve a therapeutic effect?

- From 10 to 15, it all depends on the pathology with which the patient applied. Sometimes there is a need to repeat courses with the same goal, for example, to relieve inflammation.

- And how many times a year can I undergo a course of acupuncture?

– It also depends on the problem. If we are treating the same disease, we can prescribe it quite often - 3-4, even 5 times a year. If different goals are pursued, that is, today we are treating one disease, and after a certain period of time another, then it is advisable to take a break between courses. For example, we removed the pain syndrome, a person does not experience pain for a month or two and wants to come to treat another disease. It is advisable not to take the patient during this period, so as not to disturb the established balance in the body.

- How long is the session?

– A session can last up to 60 minutes. Time depends on the method of exposure. There is an exciting method and inhibitory (soothing). Excitatory method is short - up to 15 minutes, inhibitory - 60 minutes.

Is it possible to do acupuncture for prevention?

- Can. There are points a wide range actions. Through exciting points we raise the reserves and defenses of the body. By influencing the combination of points, you can strengthen the heart, liver, etc.

Can acupuncture be combined with other treatments?

- Yes. If you become a master of your craft, then warming up is a non-contact effect on the body, without needles. For a point, it doesn’t matter how you influence it, even with a sunbeam. You can cut a hole in a piece of paper, put it on the fabric around the point and act there with ultraviolet radiation. And it will also be reflexology.

Acupuncture is one of those healing methods that is not fully understood, due to which it is surrounded by countless myths. There are those who believe that with the help of needles, specialists are able to perform a miracle and cope even with an incurable disease. There are also people who do not believe at all in the effectiveness of this method, believing that it does not bring any benefit. At the same time, the facts tell us that today acupuncture is a recognized treatment method that has strictly indicated indications and contraindications. What is this branch of medicine, what is the cost of the procedure and how realistic is the positive effect - you can find out from this article.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is called differently: acupuncture, acupuncture and acupuncture. Its essence lies in the impact of the thinnest needles on special biologically active points, of which the human body has quite a lot.

This is interesting!
The specific time of the origin of acupuncture is not exactly known. At the same time, some scientists believe that a similar procedure was carried out with the help of especially pointed stones, starting from the Neolithic. The found hieroglyphs, telling about this method of treatment, archaeologists attribute to 1600-1100 years. BC e. Today, acupuncture is popular not only within China, but is also widely used in Asian and European countries.

The duration of an acupuncture session depends on factors such as:

  • type of impact points;
  • disease;
  • needle insertion technique.

The duration of the procedure sometimes reaches an hour. The sensations that accompany the procedure are different different people, and in one person during different sessions. The process of inserting a needle is usually completely painless, but it also happens that the patient feels pressure, fullness, mild soreness and even itching at the injection site. Any of these reactions is considered normal. Most often, acupuncture sessions in patients do not cause much discomfort, up to complete relaxation, as a result of which some people even have time to take a nap during the treatment. There is no reason to be afraid of this method of treatment.

Varieties of acupuncture

Acupuncture is divided into corporal and auricular types. The first involves the impact on points located throughout the body. In the second, knowledge of the reflexogenic zones is used, which are located on auricle. It happens that these two types are opposed to each other, although in fact the acupuncturist needs to master both types of techniques. At the same time, there is an opinion that even within the framework of one treatment course, one technique can be supplemented by another in order to achieve the maximum effect.

It is important to note that different types of needles are used in acupuncture. Their choice is determined by the zone of influence. In the manufacture of corporal needles, high-quality metal is used, and for auricular needles, surgical stainless steel is used. Needles are both disposable and reusable, in addition, gold and silver needles are sometimes used.

Sometimes acupuncture accompanies the supply electric current using needles as conductors. In addition, along with the installation of needles, the following methods of exposure are used:

  • cauterization;
  • warming up;
  • pressure on reflex points;
  • the use of substances that can cause irritation;
  • other types of manipulation.

These methods are not considered acupuncture, although they have a similar principle of influence.

According to the testimony of acupuncturists in China, acupuncture can cure many ailments of various kinds (more than 250 different types diseases). Among those subject to cure are attributed:

Some people turn to acupuncture as a "last resort" after conventional medicine fails to treat their condition. This position cannot be considered correct due to the fact that the greatest effect from acupuncture is achievable when applied to it in early period the development of the disease, before deviations in the functioning of the organs have time to provoke changes in them of an organic nature.

The works of Eastern scientists argue that any disorders that occur in the body, excluding traumatic ones, occur as a result of a prolonged malfunction of specific organs. Such subtle failures, including those of a psychological and emotional nature, can develop over many years. They can be considered the primary indicators of disease. Only at this stage, acupuncture can achieve maximum efficiency, as well as prevent the development of diseases and irreparable changes in organs.

Contraindications for acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture is not able to cure everything, it cannot cope with all diseases. Acupuncture is just one of the official treatment methods, albeit a rather specific one. This indicates the presence of contraindications for use, such as, for example, heat body or any kind of infectious diseases.

Acupuncture is not a first aid treatment applicable to people with organ diseases. abdominal cavity flowing into acute form, including appendicitis, acute pancreatitis, or various kinds of injuries, including fractures - acupuncture can do little to help with them. In these circumstances, it is urgent to communicate with surgeons, and after that, during recovery period, it is permissible to consult an acupuncturist.

The period of pregnancy is also considered best time for the use of this treatment technique, especially in the later stages.

With regard to children under the age of seven, as well as to people of an advanced period of life, this method is much less effective than for the middle age group.

There is also no positive impact oncological diseases, refuting the myths about the miraculousness of this technique.

Modern medicine has ceased to challenge the positive effects of acupuncture on human health. This is undoubtedly the merit of numerous reviews of satisfied patients, but, in addition, this is confirmed by the results of recognized clinical studies.

On the basis of the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, during 2006, scientists conducted work to study the therapeutic role of acupuncture in relation to diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, connective tissues, respiratory, nervous and genitourinary systems. Many indicators were studied, including the analysis of the constituents of blood cells, their ability to oxidize and biochemical parameters, the results of ultrasound scans, monitoring the level blood pressure. As a result, the study proved the significant effectiveness of acupuncture, which ultimately had an 80-91% success rate.

Other researchers are also working on works of this kind. Achievements of these researches are actively discussed within the framework of international scientific conferences. However, the question of the mechanisms that trigger recovery processes as a result of acupuncture still does not have a clear answer and causes controversy between scientists.

There are about 20 different theories born after various studies, clinical, biochemical or immunohistochemical nature.

Thus, the capillary theory claims that effective acupuncture effects are directly related to the fact that the installation of needles stimulates the activation and restoration of blood flow moving through the capillaries under the skin. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the mutual blood exchange between the skin and tissues. The disadvantages of this version include its inability to explain the positive impact received by the internal organs.

The tissue theory assumes that from the installation of a needle at the level of the upper layers of the skin, activation of the release of biologically active substances in damaged cells and tissues occurs. Thanks to these substances, the body is stimulated, leading to the activation of pressure and recovery process in cells, improves the passage of oxygen through the tissues and increases the level of body resistance to external negative influences.

This is interesting!
To confirm the tissue theory, a full-scale study was conducted in 2010. Prior to facelift surgery, specialists (with the permission of the patients) inserted acupuncture needles into reflex points on the face, then took skin samples to determine the content and distribution of a substance called histamine. These manipulations actually served to increase the histamine content, in addition, there was a difference in its distribution in the thickness of different skin structures.

To date, the neuro-reflex theory has achieved maximum popularity among scientists, suggesting that from irritation of points located in a certain way on the skin area, a stimulus is transmitted through nerve fibers to spinal cord. And then - in special parts of the brain. As a result, all this triggers a complex chain of reactions, including a change in blood circulation, and also allows you to cause the release of biologically active substances, and get a hormonal response. Among other things, there is the production of a certain amount of endorphins, also called "hormones of happiness." They, in turn, have a positive effect on the emotional component of the state and reduce the perception of pain. The study of nervous, biochemical and electrical reactions resulting from the impact of needles on reflex points continues to this day. The difficulty of establishing unambiguous patterns is associated with the complexity of the biophysical system, which is the human body.

The skillful hands of a specialist with sufficient qualifications are the key to the success of an acupuncture procedure. Under such conditions, this treatment technique is valuable for those who have functional disorders.

With insufficient qualifications of the acupuncturist, the result of acupuncture can be deplorable, in best case- there will be no benefit, and in the worst case, harm will be done to health.

  1. In environments where reusable needles are not sterilized and are used for different patients, there is a high likelihood of contracting a serious infectious disease or developing an inflammatory process. It is for this reason that it is necessary to pay attention to the storage condition of the needles before agreeing to the procedure.
  2. Equally important is the correct selection of points for proper treatment, otherwise the effect will not be curative at all. Here, any mistake threatens both the loss of a significant amount of money in the hope of improving health, and the violation of the state of blood vessels, nerve endings, reflexogenic zones, provided that the basic rules for installing needles are not observed. To achieve the maximum effect from the treatment, the acupuncturist should observe some important conditions.

First of all, it should be noted the obvious fact that the diagnosis must be made correctly. At the same time, it is allowed to use the gifts of traditional medicine, which allows you to undergo a fairly detailed preliminary examination. Do not neglect the results of blood tests, ultrasound and MRI. In addition, the traditional diagnostic technique widely used in China can be used. The key to the correct selection of acupuncture scheme can be the usual diagnosis of the pulse and the state of the tongue. The choice of method for obtaining information about the patient's health is determined individually by a specialist who needs to know exactly the anatomy and location of all 1700 acupuncture points.

A doctor with the appropriate qualifications will cope with this task without difficulty, because most of points is associated with landmarks of anatomical origin, which include exit points of nerves, vessels, some muscle and tendon areas. In addition, there is a special device that can also easily determine their position.

The most difficult condition for the success of the session is the correct combination of acupuncture points that require exposure to a specific diagnosis. An unorganized influence on the points, including if they are “indicated” in the treatment of an existing disease, will not help bring the cure closer. Throughout the session, it is very important to observe the many conditions and rules of acupuncture. This is the reason why a competent acupuncture on the human body can only be carried out with sufficient qualifications, that is, a specialist must undergo a long and full-fledged training course.

Acupuncture service cost

Many are surprised that with a fairly short duration of the “needle treatment” session, its cost can be quite high, because the procedure does not require the use of expensive medicines or medical equipment. In fact, the price of the service is determined by the qualifications of the acupuncturist. For example, training in acupuncture in China takes several years and requires a basic medical education. This time should be enough for a detailed study of the topography of acupuncture points, the theory of meridians, the principles of combining points, and the technique of placing needles. The learning process is carried out exclusively in person, and therefore entails time and financial costs. Of course, the three-month-long training courses don't compare to the quality of the traditional-style teaching provided at universities in China.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that when choosing a clinic, it is worth evaluating not the cost of services, but the skill level of acupuncturists. On average, the duration of a course of acupuncture is about 10-15 procedures. For a smaller number of sessions, it is usually not possible to have time to get the desired level of therapeutic effect. If we consider various Moscow clinics, then it is worth focusing on the amount of 15,000–55,000 rubles per course. It is advisable to repeat the procedures 2-3 times at intervals of several months.

Video: acupuncture - what heals and how it works

Acupuncture is an ancient method of healing among Chinese healers, which has gained wide popularity in modern world. This method is used in combination with the main treatment for various ailments and diseases.

So-called acupuncture needles are used in this therapy to treat various diseases they help even for weight loss. These needles are specially shaped. They are screwed into the skin without injuring, but as if pushing the skin apart due to their rounded edge shape.

Needles are applied to certain areas (depending on the disease) and have an irritating effect on the nerve endings in the patient's tissues. So these needles cause a reflex response body in parts of the nervous system. Such a procedure can only be carried out by a qualified specialist and only according to the indications of the attending physician, then you can get the benefits of acupuncture.


Chinese acupuncture has its own rules, according to which therapy is carried out, these are:

All three parameters are selected individually for each patient, depending on the state of his health. The technique is selected by the doctor. Procedure time fluctuates 20 to 40 minutes, during which the needles are gently rotated. The therapy itself is not painful, but the sensations may be accompanied by a slight tingling sensation, a feeling of numbness, warmth or coldness. If the sensation of one of the above feelings occurs, then this is a sign that the point "works" and is chosen correctly.

Theories of acupuncture

To date, there is no consensus on what results in acupuncture, so there are several theories about this. How useful acupuncture can be considered in the theories of its functioning.

  • Theory about histamine normalization

Some experts are of the opinion that in the process of acupuncture there is an effect on histadin in the affected tissues. Thus, nerve impulse restores normal state of histadin, thereby improving metabolic processes and blood flow in capillaries.

  • hypnosis theory

There are experts who are of the opinion that acupuncture is a process of an altered state of consciousness for pain, when the patient's feelings are disturbed during anesthesia. That is, acupuncture has a hypnotic effect. Research has been done about hypnosis, where an inhibitory state of pain was confirmed with an increase in blood pressure. But there is also a directly opposite opinion, where the therapeutic effect of acupuncture in people in an unconscious state has been confirmed.

  • The theory of tissue therapy and normalization of capillary blood flow acupuncture

The youngest of the theories. Scientists are of the following opinion: during injury to the skin with a needle, protein decay substances and necrohormones are formed, which normalize capillary blood flow and lead to a person's recovery.

  • electrical theory

This theory is supported by specialists who are of the opinion that the human body has a biocurrent. When inserting a needle on the active points of the body, a current arises, with a wavelength and fluctuations in proportion to the human biocurrent. Therefore, it is formed chain reaction which has a curative effect.

During the impact of the needle on the active point, the mechanism of acupuncture assigns the main role to the human central nervous system. Changes begin to occur in the body even at the slightest fluctuations of light or sound in certain functions of organs, that is, the brain is responsible for all reflex reactions, and the nervous system helps it in this. It was necessary to find out what causes excitation and what causes inhibition in the functions of the organs. As it turned out, it's all about the strength and nature of the impact. For example, with a light pressure on the skin, a white mark remains, and with a strong red one.

How Acupuncture Works

When the needle is inserted into active points, impulses are sent to the brain through sensitive nerve endings, as a result of which interneurons are activated. The brain stops receiving signals from the diseased organ, as its impulses are slower about interneurons. The excitatory impulse from the needle has superiority over the latter. Improving general state well-being. When the nerve endings come into contact with the needle, these endings are excited and endorphins are released by the pituitary gland. The patient relaxes, the pain goes away.

The blood supply in the capillaries is activated. When does acupuncture affect reflex point, then there is an activation of the brain responsible for the functioning of a particular organ. This stimulates and leads to recovery of this organ.

Let's summarize the effects of acupuncture on the body:

What does acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture should not be used as an independent therapy. To cure or alleviate a health condition, it is necessary in a complex approach to treatment: medication, diet therapy or other. Acupuncture cannot cure as an independent therapy, but it greatly alleviates the course of the disease. Acupuncture treatment is prescribed for diseases:

Contraindications for acupuncture

Patients for acupuncture can be persons in the age range from 1 year to 70 years.

Children's age up to 1 year is an absolute contraindication, as there is a risk of damage to thin and delicate skin, as well as penetration of the needle deeper than possible.

Below is a list of contraindications for the procedure:

It is forbidden to insert needles on the face of children under 7 years of age and on the front of the head, in places where the skin is damaged, varicose veins veins, in scars and scars.

In any treatment, a positive attitude is necessary for the appropriate result. Therefore, if you do not believe in acupuncture and approach with distrust or have a negative attitude, then no benefit for the body will be achieved. On procedure must come in a normal state of the stomach (neither hungry, nor just eaten). It is important to warn the specialist about intravenous injections (if any) and medications that are taken at the time of treatment. Before the procedure, do not visit the bath, sauna. Great value has a human condition - you need to feel calm and comfortable.

How is an acupuncture session performed?

The procedure can be accompanied by light relaxing music, the office is decorated in oriental style. The acupuncturist disinfects the surface of the patient's skin and then, with gentle movements, twists the needles into special biological points (depending on the disease). There are special devices that determine the active points for acupuncture. The number of sessions is determined by the doctor. The needles are removed painlessly for the patient.

Already after the first procedure, many experience a feeling of relief and a significant improvement in their health. Is the procedure painful? There is no single answer because the threshold of sensitivity is different for each person. In general, there is no discomfort and the session is well tolerated. There is a pulsation, slight pressure, tingling or a feeling of warmth at the points of acupuncture.

If after the session the injection site hurts, regardless of whether it is a leg, arm or other part of the body, it becomes bad or the pain worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid complications and infection.

Side effects

No one is immune from medical errors. There have been cases when acupuncture caused significant harm to health. The slightest inaccuracy and negative processes can be irreversible.

Side effects I can be:

All this indicates violations in the procedure. If, after completing acupuncture, you experience dizziness, chills, nausea, the appearance and exacerbation of pain, then you should immediately seek medical attention. medical care. Normally, such sensations should not be.


Fans and opponents this method plenty of healing. Someone advocates the dangers and high risks of therapy, for someone it is a panacea for all diseases. You can talk for a long time the benefits and harms of acupuncture: no definite answer. Most often, needles alleviate the patient's painful condition, but do not cure completely. But it would also be wrong to say that a well-chosen acupuncture program does not help and does not benefit.

The therapeutic effect will be achieved as much as possible if the method was applied in combination with other types of treatment. Needles are a benefit and a danger, it all depends on the choice of a specialist, how competent and qualified he will be. It's worth the procedure only a good acupuncturist with a reputation for quality work. Take care of your health!

Acupuncture (acupuncture) is used in medicinal purposes for more than three and a half millennia. It is widespread and recognized official medicine in most developed countries of the world. The impact of thin needles on the so-called acupuncture points contributes to the normalization of metabolism and hormonal levels, activates the body's defenses, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and stabilizes the state of the psyche.

Despite the recognized effectiveness of the method, many people have a misconception about it and are afraid to follow the recommendations of doctors who prescribe courses of acupuncture for them. It is worth debunking the most persistent myths about acupuncture in order to remove unfounded fears and draw the attention of patients to a unique medical and health-improving procedure.


Needle treatment causes severe pain

This is wrong. The specialist performs the procedure almost imperceptibly for the patient. At the time of the injection, a slight pain may be felt, which immediately disappears.

For an experienced reflexologist, the process of setting the needles to the desired depth is not difficult. If the patient is afraid of the procedure and is in a state of tension, discomfort may intensify. To avoid stress, you need to take a course of acupuncture from a doctor who has a good reputation and has earned the trust of patients.

Official medicine does not recognize acupuncture

In our country, acupuncture has been officially used for more than half a century. The programs of many medical universities include relevant courses. Acupuncturists work in hospitals, district clinics and health resorts.

Acupuncture is incompatible with conventional therapy

Acupuncture courses perfectly complement drug treatment. There is no official information about any cases of incompatibility of the method with taking medications or treatment with other methods of physiotherapy.

Acupuncture only helps with pain

The procedures do have a strong analgesic effect, but this is not all that acupuncture is capable of. Courses of treatment are prescribed:

  • with allergies (itching, skin rashes);
  • in diseases of the digestive system ( peptic ulcer, bile stasis, constipation);
  • with disorders of the nervous system (neuritis, migraines, hysteria, nervous tics, enuresis);
  • with respiratory diseases ( bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, tracheitis and tonsillitis);
  • with inflammatory diseases of the joints (myositis, bursitis, arthritis);
  • with injuries (fractures, sprains, etc.);
  • with cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmias, hypotension, arterial hypertension);
  • with problems with the excretory system (chronic cystitis, nephritis, prostatitis);
  • with gynecological pathologies (menstrual irregularities, hormonal infertility, ovarian dysfunction, severe cases of menopausal syndrome);
  • with diseases of the organs of vision (oculomotor disorders, strabismus, etc.);
  • with malfunctions of the endocrine glands.

In addition, acupuncture helps to get rid of excess weight And bad habits(alcohol, nicotine or drug addiction).

Acupuncture has negative consequences

In a person who has no contraindications, the procedures do not contribute to the appearance of any side effects. It should be remembered that acupuncture should not be used in the treatment of:

  • children under the age of 1 year;
  • cancer patients;
  • patients suffering from blood pathologies;
  • patients with acute mental disorders;
  • patients with elevated temperature body;
  • people diagnosed with purulent inflammatory processes or infectious diseases;
  • pregnant women, if the process of gestation proceeds with complications.

With caution, acupuncture is prescribed for uncomplicated pregnancy, advanced age of the patient (over 70 years), severe exhaustion, a state of serious nervous or physical overwork, multiple sclerosis and cerebrovascular accidents.

Acupuncture is addictive

It is widely believed that patients, once having undergone a course of acupuncture, subsequently feel bad if long time cannot repeat this procedure. This is not true. Perhaps the misconception has arisen due to the fact that some chronic patients have to be treated repeatedly, because acupuncture sessions bring them temporary relief, relieving unpleasant symptoms, but not eliminating the disease itself.