"Quest game" is a new educational technology. Modern problems of science and education

Quest as modern educational technology

Elmuratova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna,

teacher of additional education MAU DO "FCDO"

In middle and older adolescents school age, today's youth have a lot of new hobbies: computer games, action-adventure films, action-adventure games and other genre specifications. The use of a genre that is familiar and popular among children in the virtual world allows not only to gain a lot of positive emotions and gain intellectual drive, but also contributes to the formation of a culture of team interaction, the development of communication skills, self-realization, unlocking one’s potential and professional self-determination.

“Quest” or “Adventure game” (translit. English: Quest - search, Аdventure - adventure) is one of the main genres of games that require the participant to solve mental problems to advance through the plot. The plot can be predetermined or give many outcomes, the choice of which depends on the actions of the player.

The concept of “quest” in pedagogical sciencedefined as specially organizedtype of research activity, for which the student carries outsearch for informationBy specified addresses(in reality), including the search for these addresses or other objects, people or tasks.

The relevance of using quests today is recognized by everyone. The new generation Federal State Educational Standard requires the use of activity-type technologies in the educational process. Life shows that modern children better assimilate knowledge in the process of independently obtaining and systematizing new information. The use of quests contributes to the education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society, the discovery of abilities and the support of children's giftedness. Educational quests include project activities.

Quest - project activities, based on a synthesis of the design method and gaming technologies, consists of a long, purposeful search associated with adventure or play. She may have various shapes implementations: educational web quests; adventure or game quests; "live" quests.

Of particular interest are “live” quests aimed at completing a specific problem task that realizes educational goals, with plot elements, role playing game related to the search for places, objects, people, information. In this case, to achieve the goal, the resources of the territory within the boundaries of which the movement occurs, information resources can be used.

It is successful to use quest projects in the classroom.

The advantage of quest technology is the use of active learning methods. Quest - an activity can be intended for both group and individual work.

In the process of working on such a quest project, the student comprehends real processes, experiences specific situations, and becomes involved in penetrating into the depths of phenomena and constructing new processes and objects. From the point of view of information activities, when working on a quest project, its participant requires the skills of searching, analyzing information, the ability to store, transmit, compare and synthesize new information based on comparison.

In April - May 2015, this pedagogical technology was tested at the questoria “Once upon a time there was a girl”,dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The questoria takes place within one room, a room “from the past.” The guys, having received the roles of scouts, put on raincoats, found themselves in front of the door. Watching an excerpt from the Soviet film “Once upon a time there was a girl” directed by Victor Eisymont gives a start. The guys have exactly one hour to complete the mission. There's not a minute to waste. After an hour, the guys must leave the room and answer the questions: what kind of people were in this room and what happened to them? The passage of the game, the plot of which was based on the story of the Leningrad Savichev family, caused many enthusiastic reviews. And the younger generation, unfortunately, is sad known fate Tanya Savicheva was unknown before the game. Therefore, for some participants, the game caused tears, smiles, and pride

In SeptemberIn 2015, the quest technology was used as part of the implementation of the project “Unified ECO environment in the urban settlement. Fedorovsky through modern genres of intellectual activity: quests (action adventures), photocrosses, projects.”

Teams were invited to participate in the Quest- students of grades 9 - 11 of educational organizations of the city. Fedorovsky. In total, 5 teams took part in the game (FSOSH No. 1, FSOSH No. 2, FSOSH No. 5, FDDT and FCDO). Each team consisted of 6 students from educational institutions. Fedorovsky.

The duration of the quest was 5 hours, during which each team walked from station to station a certain route with a total length of 12 km.

As part of the social partnership, city-forming enterprises and organizations of the urban settlement were involved in this event. Fedorovsky, who provided their base and specialists for the game. During the quest, the guys visited: the security department workshop environment NGDU "Komsomolskneft" OJSC "CIS",17th detachment of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (fedorovsky settlement), a children's clinic at the Fedorovskaya City Hospital, a library, the Russkinskoe district forestry and the Podvorye peasant farm.

In conclusion, I would like to give some tips for teachers on preparing quest classes:

prepare an interesting speech;

with formulate interesting task;

draw up a work plan;

make a list of information resources.

The student in turn:

chooses a role;

draws up a resource search plan;

explores information resources;

prepares a report.

In the process of defending completed quest assignments, the student can realize that for each action, task, problem, there may be several points of view, several options for solving the tasks. The child learns to compare, compare, and accept other points of view. The use of quest technology in the classroom contributes to the formation of students' information competencies, knowledge and skills that contribute to information activities, foster self-respect and an emotionally positive attitude towards oneself, determination and perseverance in achieving goals, and imply maximum independence of children's creativity.

It is also worth noting that, as a modern pedagogical technology, the quest solves the following tasks :

Educational - everyone in active cognitive process. Organization of individual and group activities of participants, identification of skills and abilities to work independently on the topic.

Developmental - development of interest in the subject of activity, creativity, imagination of participants; skills formation , skills independent work with information; expansion of horizons, erudition, motivation.

Educational - fostering personal responsibility for completing a task, fostering respect for cultural traditions, , health saving.

This technology is extremely popular among modern schoolchildren and can not only broaden students’ horizons, but also allow them to actively apply their knowledge and skills in practice, and also instill a desire to learn in general. The future is behind her.

Elena Melnichenko
Master class “Quest game as an educational technology and its application in the educational process of preschool educational institutions”

Subject: « Quest game as an educational technology and its application in the educational process of preschool educational institutions».

Target: providing practical assistance to teachers in using Quest technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.


1. Form among the participants master- class representation of Quest technologies in a preschool educational institution.

2. Promote practical development of design skills educational activities using Quest technology.

Move master class:

introductory part:

Dear colleagues!

Today we will show you how you can use quest-game when working with children. Goal and tasks master-class you see on the screen. (presentation)

In light of recent trends, when the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education came into force, the implementation of preschool programs education occurs in a form specific to preschoolers - in play, cognitive and research activities, creative activity. Educational activities in the format quest fits perfectly into the concept set by the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. And it becomes an excellent opportunity for the teacher and children to organize life in an exciting and original way. kindergarten.

A quest is a type of plot(literary, computer, gaming, in which the journey to the intended goal passes through overcoming a number of difficulties.

During QUESTA Children develop in all areas educational areas and different types are implemented activities:

o Gaming

o Communication

o Cognitive and research

o Motor

o Fine

o Musical

o Perception fiction and folklore

Quest, with its almost limitless possibilities, provides invaluable assistance to the teacher, providing the opportunity diversify educational process, make it unusual, memorable, exciting, fun, playful. The advantage of this technology in that that it does not require any special training for educators, purchase additional equipment or investment of funds. The main thing is the great desire of the teaching staff to lay the foundations of a full-fledged socially successful personality during preschool childhood.

Classification quest technologies

Today, according to various estimates, it is customary to distinguish several types. When planning and preparing quest The plot itself plays an important role, and then educational the space where the game will take place. Will it be a closed space or a wider field of activity, how many participants and organizers will there be, where will the participants start, will they move in a certain sequence or choose their own route. Depending on this quests can be divided into three groups (Kinds quests) .

Kinds quests by passing method

o Linear - the game is built on a chain - having solved one task, participants receive the next one. And so on until they complete the entire route.

o Assault (not linear)- players receive the main task and a list of points with tips. But at the same time, they independently choose ways to solve problems.

o Ring – represents the same "linear" quest, but closed in a circle. Teams start from different points, which will be their finishing points.

We most often use linear lines in our work. quests, where participants go from one point along a specific route and meet at another point, at the final station.

By deadline quests differentiate: short-term - target: deepening knowledge and its integration, designed for one to three lessons; long-term - target: deepening and knowledge transformation, designed for long term- maybe for a semester or academic year.

The role of the teacher-mentor in quest-the game is organizational, i.e. the teacher determines educational goals of the quest, makes up the game's storyline, evaluates process activities of children and the final result, organizes search and research educational activities.

Main quality criteria quest are its safety for the participants, originality, logic, integrity, subordination to a certain plot, and not just a theme, creating an atmosphere of the playing space.

The general game goal is known to the participants from the very beginning and determines the game "legend", features and rules of tasks. Regardless of whether there is an element of competition in the game or not, the ultimate game goal is common to all teams. The overall goal is paramount “the internal motivator of the program”.

To organize quest game is necessary:

Game preparation plan:

o Develop a scenario

o Create an environment for each action area

o Prepare musical accompaniment

o Develop a presentation for the introductory part

o Create visual materials ( "cards")

o Consider the methodology and organization of game tasks

o Prepare the necessary props to pass each test.

Structure quest

The organizational moment is the introductory speech of the presenter in order to switch the children’s attention to the upcoming activity, increase interest, and create an appropriate emotional mood.

Dividing children into groups of 5 - 7 people

Discussion of rules quest

Distribution of maps and guides showing the order of passage of zones

Traveling through zones and completing game tasks (STAGES OF WALKING OUT, LIST OF QUESTIONS, ETC.).

The location of the zones and the route of each team are organized as follows: way

Reflection (summarizing and evaluating the event) The teacher focuses on 4 types of reflection for assessment Events:

Communication - exchange of opinions and new information between children and teachers;

Informational - children’s acquisition of new knowledge;

Motivational - encouraging children and parents to further expand the information field;

Evaluative - correlation of new information and children’s existing knowledge, expressing one’s own attitude, assessment process.

A mechanism for stimulating reflection can be asking questions. conversations: “What new did you learn?”, “What was interesting?”, “What surprised you?”, “What was difficult?”, “Did everything work out the way you wanted?”.

In our kindergarten quests are held in different age groups, starting with the youngest. But most often older groups participate in them, where children already have skills and a certain amount of knowledge and abilities. Educational quests take place on the territory of the kindergarten, in group rooms. To create a route, we use different options:

Route sheet (the stations can simply be written on it sequentially and where they are located; or there can be riddles, rebuses, an encrypted word, the answer to which will be the place where you need to go);

"Magic Ball"(on a ball of thread there are notes sequentially attached with the name of the place where you need to go. Gradually unwinding the ball, the children move from station to station);

Map (schematic route image) ;

"Magic Screen"(tablet or laptop, where photographs of the places where participants should go are sequentially located)

Participants can learn where to go next after completing a task at a station (from the organizer; the answer to the task is the name of the next station; you need to find a hidden clue in a certain area), etc. The location of the zones and the route of each team are organized like this way to avoid them intersecting with each other.

Searching through notes requires minimal preparation and practically does not require a leader. In the very simple version Children receive a note pointing to the cache; in the cache there is another note with the address of the next cache. Moving from one cache to another, the children reach the final treasure. But what if the child can’t read?

There are several ways to work around this problem. For example, the note may contain a plan of the room, on which the next cache is marked with a cross (but you need to teach your child to search according to plan in advance). You can also draw a cache, attach a photo of it or a picture with image similar object. Caches in the quest should be like this, so that each note has to be retrieved and found. Options caches:

o Freeze in an ice cube.

o Write with milk or lemon juice. Pack this leaflet along with a candle and lighter.

o Place it in a container, tie a string to it and hang it out the window. The child's task is to wind the string around the pencil until a note appears.

o Place signs of objects to the next hiding place or mark the path with stickers.

o Name an object, of which there are several in the room (table, window sill, shoe)– the child’s task will be to remember and search all such places.

o Bury in a bowl of cereal. An additional condition here may be not to rummage with your hands, but to use chopsticks, forks, or blow small grains through a cocktail tube.

o Look for the container with the note by touch. It would be nice to come up with a natural limitation here. For example, hide the note, and with it all sorts of small toys, in a shoe box, carefully seal it with tape and make a hole for one hand.

o Let the note in the container float in the water. But first, attach a loop to the container, by which you can pull it out using a fishing rod. Or you can make several containers - with a note and fake ones - and invite the child to catch them from the water with a net.

o Hide it in a box and close it with a padlock. Finding the key can be a separate entertainment.

o Make many packages, and hide a note in only one of them.

o Write the text with white wax crayon. The child’s task is to paint the sheet with paints so that the text becomes clearly visible.

o Place the container high enough and offer to knock it down with “snowballs” made of crumpled paper.

o Specify a name instead of the next cache. To receive the next note, the child will need to complete the task of this person.

Practical part

So, we want to invite you to participate in quest game"Treasure Search".

We will use a map for the route.

We will begin our journey with you with a fairy tale story.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a Teacher. He worked in a kindergarten for a long time. In total he has plenty: both knowledge and skills. He was known as a competent person, had a lot of experience and was happy to give the warmth of his soul to small children. The teacher was confident in himself, knew that he master of his craft, and was proud of it. One day, the Teacher was sitting under the tree of wisdom, enjoying the sounds of nature, the murmur of a stream, the chirping of birds - and was in the best mood. The Teacher thought and thought, how can he create a wondrous miracle, a wonderful miracle - create a pedagogical process even more interesting and exciting, using modern technologies. But here clouds gathered over the tree, the wind of change blew (alarming music sounds) and brought the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. The standard was written, everyone was amazed. Everything about it is smooth and beautiful. But how to implement it? Forgot to really explain. The Teacher jumped up in surprise, and the Federal State Educational Standard speaks: Federal State Educational Standard: Don’t worry, you have plenty of experience and knowledge. I'll tell you about a chest with three locks, which contains a clue about modern technologies, applying which can be fun and original to organize life in kindergarten.

Here's a miracle to help you - a magic map that will help you find the chest. You have to complete 3 tasks. For each correctly completed task you will receive a key. If you collect 3 keys, you can open all 3 locks and get a hint about the modern technologies. Here's my card. I believe in you!

Would you like to find this chest? (Yes)

But to get to the chest, we need to go through an obstacle course according to the Federal State Educational Standards map, that is, complete several tasks and receive keys for completing them correctly. You are ready? (Yes)

While the team is finding the keys, colleagues (who remained in the hall) performed the same tasks on the screen.

Let's look at the map.

Where does the arrow go? (directly to the green circle)


We are at the table with the green chip. And here the task of the first test awaits us

1 test.

Diagnostic game "Experts quest games » . You need to take one ticket from the pack with the question and give the correct answer. All team members can help and advise each other.

List the options for planning a route in quest game?

Which quest requires minimal preparation and practically no need for a presenter?

(Quest according to notes)

What are they? quests by duration?

(Short-term or short-term

Long-term or long-term)

List the species quests by passing method

(Linear, assault (not linear, ring).

So we got the first key. We can move on.


We are at the table with a red chip. And here the second test awaits us.

2 test


(Participants analyze two GCD notes; you need to choose from them the one that corresponds in its structure quest. The other two notes, if not read carefully, can be confused with quest).

So we got the second key. We can move on.

How many keys do we need to find to open the chest?

How many did we find?

So how many more tests are left to pass?

So, we have the last task before us.

3 test

(the names of the principles and their meanings are mixed up. We need to combine them.)

Construction principles quests meaning

Navigation principle. The teacher acts as a coordinator education process, guides children, "pushes" on correct solution, but children make final conclusions on their own. Task teacher: motivate the child to independently search for information. Teacher-coach (a specialist who helps achieve the most important thing in life - happiness).

The principle of task availability. The tasks are age appropriate and individual characteristics preschoolers.

Systematic principle. The tasks are logically connected with each other, as well as with the tasks of previously completed quests.

The principle of emotional coloring of tasks. Methodological and educational tasks are hidden behind game techniques.

The principle of integration. Usage different types children's activities and integration educational areas when conducting quests.

Reasonable Time Principle Quests V preschool age can be short-term, or can be long-term, when completing tasks takes several days. At the same time, the organizers quests should take into account the age-related characteristics of the memory of preschool children.

The principle of voluntariness educational activities of the child. The moment of obligation reduces motivation in preschool age. The teacher needs to build it like this educational process, in order to motivate the child so much and to such an extent that will allow him to fulfill our requests (tasks) voluntarily, without coercion and authoritarianism. For this purpose, the tasks must be interesting to preschoolers. If a child does tasks voluntarily, but is bored, it means there is no interest. If the tasks are interesting for the child, but they force you to do them "under the stick"- no desire, positivity and freedom. Volunteering is also an acceptance (gives the child the opportunity to open up). Mandatory requests apply

to be, but to a minimum extent ( diversity patterns are generated by the child’s sincerity towards the teacher).

The principle of the presence of choice. Sometimes it is very important for the teacher that the child does something, then it is necessary to present it in such a way that the child perceives the task as a result own desire, he must be given a huge choice of means - a bright way of forming "illusions of voluntariness". Adults who give only 2 options are wrong; it is necessary to give 6-7 tasks and the means to implement them.

Principle "Scheherazades". Continuity quest by time. No need for completion quest. Quest-the game slowly transitions to role-playing game. Subjects quest can be used throughout the day, week, like Scheherazade's tale. Then the feeling of expectation of continuation will keep the child emotionally positive for a certain time, and the desire to find out answers to questions of interest will lead to an independent search for information.

Well, we got the third key.

So how many keys do we have? (three).

Where is the chest with the modern technology? Let's look for him. (find a chest)

All obstacles were overcome and the treasured chest was received.

(each lock can be opened if desired. There are booklets in the chest « quest game in preschool educational institution» )

Did you like the lesson?

Do you think everyone completed the tasks?

Who found something difficult? What seemed easy?

Why do you think we were able to find the chest?

All we have to do is call the Federal State Educational Fund and say that we found his chest with three locks with clues about modern technologies« Quest game» . And we definitely will put it into practice.

Reflection "Fill the keg"

Our master- the class has come to an end. We thank all teachers for their activity. It is very important for us to know your opinion, and tokens will help us with this. (There are yellow and red circles on the table for all participants master class.)

If you liked Master Class -"add a spoonful of honey" (yellow token).

If you didn't like it “add a fly in the ointment” (red token).

Appendix 2

Using modern quest gaming technology in the educational process.

“Play is the way to understand the world in which they (children)

live and which are called upon to change.”

M. Gorky

The game as a pedagogical technology never loses its relevance.

People have used games as a teaching method since ancient times. And currently it finds the widest application in pedagogy.

In modern education play activity used as active method training for mastering academic subjects, and can be used for both group and individual work, which allows you to increase interest in the topic being studied and increase motivation.

Today, the goals of education force us to choose those that promote active process knowledge teaching methods and forms of work organization that develop the ability to learn: find the necessary information, use various information sources, remember, think, judge, decide, organize oneself in work.

The word “Quest” is relatively new to our audience.

Literally from English it is a “search” that can be associated with adventure or play; also serves to designate one of the varieties of computer games.

In another way, quest games are called “mind games” and secrets.

To achieve all his goals, the quest hero should properly use the objects of the game world. The entire plot of the quest is replete with various tips that help you decide how exactly you can cope with this or that difficulty that has arisen. Thus, completing the quest is somewhat reminiscent of solving a kind of puzzle.

A quest is a way of research.

Quest games are popular among people of all ages. They help adults to get distracted and relax, and children - to develop the ability to think correctly and find a way out of their difficult situations.

What are live quests? Live quests are games that take place in the real world, not on a screen. Each player transforms into one of the heroes, but if in the film everything is known in advance, then the course and outcome of the live quest is determined by the participants. The game takes place in communication, but not at the same table.

Complete immersion in the atmosphere of adventure and an incredible concentration of actions and events - these are the mandatory components of a live quest, which good film or a book, leaves behind vivid memories and makes you think.

How modern educational technology quest solves the following tasks:

Educational - involving everyone in an active cognitive process. Organization of individual and group activities of participants, identification of skills and abilities to work independently on the topic.

Developmental - development of interest in the subject of activity, creativity, imagination of participants; formation of research skills, skills of independent work with information; expansion of horizons, erudition, motivation.

Educational - fostering personal responsibility for completing a task, fostering respect for cultural traditions, history, and preserving health.

Quest rules

In the world of game quests there are a number of unspoken rules.

Rule one: When you see an item, be sure to take it - what if it comes in handy?

Rule two : when you meet a new character, be sure to talk to him - what if he says something important?

Rule three: finding yourself in a new place. Read the description carefully - what if some hint is given in the text? Hints are broken down into three categories: items, characters, and “what to do?”

Dictionary of quests

- Place. Any sufficiently spacious room will do. Consider the number of participants and, if possible, divide them into teams.

- Travel time – time spent on completing the game.

- Dress code. The ideal dress code is a T-shirt and jeans. You can give badges or medallions to all participants, and write the theme, date and intricate motto of the quest on them.

- Decor. It wouldn’t hurt to decorate the room with all sorts of spy stuff, fake maps, hints, cards with flags. You can also create collages from newspaper clippings. Part of the decor can be directly part of the hints and the quest itself.

- Tasks – a stage of the game scenario, which consists of one or more questions.

- Captain – an obligatory member of the team who represents its interests before the organizers.

- Team – a voluntary association registered to participate in the game.

- Map - this is a map of the area

- Tags - these are the very tips that allow you to find and complete tasks, and sometimes even help you decipher and complete the task itself, which brings you closer to the finale and victory.


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TO modern lesson V primary school there are many requirements. One of the main things is that the student is included in active cognitive activity. And what can help solve this problem better than a game? After all, this is due to both the nature of children and their age characteristics. Children love to play. Only the forms of games change. Nowadays various QUESTS are becoming extremely popular.



Prepared by: primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution of secondary school Severny

Khvalynsky district

Saratov region,

Kuptsova O.V.

"Use of QUEST - technology in elementary school"

There are many requirements for a modern lesson in primary school. One of the main things is that the student is included in active cognitive activity. And what can help solve this problem better than a game? After all, this is due to both the nature of children and their age characteristics.

Children love to play. Only the forms of games change. Nowadays various QUESTS are becoming extremely popular. And this is not surprising.

First of all, it's modern.

Secondly, every child can be active in such a game thanks to its unusual format.

Third, this technology universal. This can be a web format or live, they can be used both in class and in extracurricular activities. Based on the QUEST, you can build an entire lesson or just a certain stage of it. With the help of QUEST you can solve various problems: test previously acquired knowledge or monitor their assimilation, explain new material and systematize the past. QUESTS develop attention and the ability to think logically, teach you to make decisions in non-standard situations and work as a team.

So what is QUEST?

QUEST is an adventure game in which you need to overcome difficulties in order to move further along the plot towards your intended goal. The plot, in turn, can be computer, literary, or game. In it, children may encounter various problems, characters. The main thing is to achieve your goal through a series of obstacles.

As an example, I will give the experience of using QUEST technology during a mathematics lesson in the 2nd grade (topic: “Reinforcing what has been learned over the year”).

The lesson begins by dividing the children into groups:

Today our lesson will not be easy. And we will start it in an unusual way. I have a magic hat in my hands that will help us divide into teams. Come to me and choose a card. (Children take out houses from different colors roofs and are seated in pre-prepared places).

How many teams did we have? (Three).

Which fairy tale has it in the title? (Three piglets)

We will go on a journey with these fairy-tale characters and help them.

Next comes the stage of updating knowledge and posing the problem. A special feature of the QUEST is the presence of a “hook” in the plot. This could be an intricate plot, a riddle, a detective story, a search for “treasures,” rescuing a character, or some other activity in the form of a game. This is necessary to motivate children. Therefore, the main thing is to use your imagination.

I chose the following story: “Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One day they decided to take a walk in the forest. The weather was great. The piglets were so carried away by their walk that they did not even notice how far they had gone from their houses. Moreover, the evil Wolf met them in the forest, and they barely ran away from him. And when they came to their senses, they realized that they were lost in the forest. And they don’t know how to get home.” And then the task is set:

– We need to complete tasks to get a map that will help the heroes return home.

After this, work with route sheets begins. I explain to the children that solving tasks will not only help the hero, but will give them the opportunity to get a grade. While completing tasks, I provide individual assistance and add points to the route sheet. Groups begin to solve tasks. Each of them is a logical continuation of the next. And in the end it leads to the desired result. Children help the heroes pass through the “Mathematical Swamp”, get over the “Geometric Mountains”, cross to the other side of the “Zadachki” river (the detailed content of the tests is presented on the page). Completed tasks are assessed by a certain number of points recorded in the route sheet. As for the format of the tasks, they can be done in the traditional form (printed cards) or in an interactive version using numerous services for creating puzzles, crosswords, interactive tasks, rebuses (then for this, at the stage of the game where such tasks will be present, you need access to Internet).

After completing the tasks, you must count how many points each group scored (children do the counting and give a grade). The rating can be given overall for the entire group or for each participant. Then this should be written down in the route sheet.

As I noted earlier, QUEST is a universal technology. It can be used on various objects.

It's interesting to use it in the classroom literary reading. There is a “time chest” technique. In it we place unknown words, ancient objects from the work, and the names of the main characters encrypted using puzzles and anagrams. And based on this we come up with tasks: find the meaning of words or compile a dictionary of unknown words ourselves, choose proverbs with them, create a crossword puzzle, write a syncwine, etc.

Lessons using a “time machine” are of great interest. You can, for example, go to Ancient Rus' and there, having completed the tasks, get acquainted with a new epic or visit Lukomorye, where the scientist cat will not only tell fairy tales, but test the students’ knowledge about the work of A.S. Pushkin.

You can conduct a QUEST on the work of one or a group of writers united by one theme or genre of works.

For example, when studying the section “Russian fabulists. Creativity I.A. Krylov", the class is divided into three groups. Each is given certain fables by the writer. Within the group, children distribute roles (artists, linguists, writers). After reading the works, participants complete their tasks:

Artists match the illustrations of the work with the passage, draw covers; draw up a picture plan of the work;

Linguists find unknown words, explain their meaning or correlate them with data already given, compile a dictionary, a crossword puzzle based on a fable, select proverbs and set expressions with these words;

Writers determine the moral of the fable, establish which character spoke certain words, and give definitions to literary terms.

Group assignments can be presented in the form of a test or quiz.

The end result is a discussion of the results, an exchange of opinions and a dramatization of the fable you like.

In extracurricular activities, QUESTS in primary schools are used in organizing subject weeks, conducting cool hours, excursions.

As an example, I will give a plan for a subject week on the surrounding world in primary school(grades 1-4). Assignments for each class are selected according to age. Captains are selected from among the students and given score sheets. They will display points after each completed task. They are counted on the last day of the week.

Day of the week/stage name

Day 1 “Forest Experts”

Opening of the subject week. Familiarity with the event plan and rules of the game. Quiz.

Day 2 “Mysteries of Nature”

Solving crosswords, puzzles, riddles

Day 3 “Pathfinders”

Compiling proverbs about nature from encrypted tasks, solving charades, working with illustrations.

Day 4 “Friends of Nature”

Drawing and poster competition

Day 5 “How beautiful this world is”

Performance by propaganda teams ( homework), scoring, determining the winners. Rewarding.

The subject week in the Russian language was structured in the form of a trip to the “Land of Grammar”. Instead of route sheets, children were given a map. Each test passed was evaluated with a word from a statement about the Russian language. After completing the last task, the children had to put this phrase together.

Thus, QUEST teaches children to plan their activities, work in a team, take other people’s opinions into account, and solve non-standard problems. Many will say that QUEST is the same lesson - a journey. May be. But there is wonderful saying of our people, that everything new is well forgotten old. After all, the main result is the children’s knowledge and their interest in learning. And QUEST really helps in achieving this goal.

Using modern quest gaming technology in the educational process

T.V. Matygulina,

teacher, highest category,

GOKU "SKSHI Cheremkhovo",

Irkutsk region

“Play is the way to understand the world in which they (children)

live and which are called upon to change.”

M. Gorky

Education is a process, i.e. a constantly changing, dynamically developing system of interaction between the teacher and the child. It varies depending on both the personality of the teacher and the personality of the student. Any child with severe speech impairment, delay mental development, neuropsychiatric disorders, complex disorders, should not be socially disabled and a potential ballast for those around him, his family, the state - he must become an optimally developed personality, capable of adequately entering the public environment at every stage of age development. This becomes possible only if a special space is created, which includes the presence of an integrated approach, qualified personnel who know special techniques and technologies of correctional training and education.

Education of children with disabilities health provides for the creation of a special correctional and developmental environment for them, providing adequate conditions and equal opportunities with ordinary children to receive education within special educational standards, education, correction of developmental disorders, social adaptation.

One of the conditions proper organization educational process in special correctional classes is knowledge of the complex structure of the defect and the understanding that developmental deviations can be corrected and corrected. Therefore, there is a need for an in-depth study of the characteristics of students. Knowledge of them allows us to identify general pedagogical and correctional tasks of education, solved in organic unity. This is the main feature of raising children with disabilities.

The introduction of technology into extracurricular activities increases interest, and it is this resource that must be used to intensify educational work in new conditions. The main factor ensuring efficiencyeducational process is the inclusion of students in the active life of the class and school. Using new, exciting technologies, we can ensure this inclusion. Modern technologies allow you to diversify the forms of work with students, make them more creative, and simplify the process of communication with students and their parents.

Teachers at our school use modern technologies not only in educational work, but also in educational work. The teaching staff of the school, within the framework of methodological topics, is working on the following questions:

How to keep students interested in extracurricular activities?

How to increase motivation and involve students in active extracurricular activities?

The game as a pedagogical technology never loses its relevance.

The use of quest technology is due to the following factors:

Quest is a popular game form and its use creates additional motivation for participants to engage in activities.

Quest, as a universal gaming technology, it includes competitive mechanisms, which also creates conditions for more active participation in the game, to improve the quality of task completion.

Quest, how universal gaming technology allows players to unobtrusively engage players in a variety of children's activities in a short time.

Quest allows participants, through a system of riddles, hints, and assistance, to track their own progress and reflect on their activities.

First of all, let's definewith the main concepts - what is itquest - game, what are its tasks and how is it structured.

Quest (from the English Quest - “search, subject of search, search for adventure”)

Quest - this is a type of plot (literary, computer, game), in which the journey to the intended goal passes through overcoming a number of difficulties.

It is clear that the idea of ​​a quest is ideal for students:

children encounter various problems or characters creating problems,

They figure out how to deal with them and at the end of the game they come to a certain result.

Quest is a team game that involves not only endurance and erudition, but also ingenuity, creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

The idea of ​​the game is simple - teams, moving around points, perform various tasks. But the highlight is in the tasks! They are selected in such a way as to be as original as possible, interesting, suitable for the situation and not requiring special knowledge or skills from the players.

During the organization of work on quests, following tasks.

Educational :

involving each child in an active creative process,

organization of individual and group activities for children,

identifying skills and abilities to work independently on a topic.

Developmental :

development of interest in the subject, creativity, imagination, search activity, desire for novelty;

formation of research skills, public speaking, independent work skills;

broadening one's horizons and erudition.

Educational :

education of tolerance,

personal responsibility for performing work.

In order for these tasks to be solved most successfully, when developing a quest it is necessaryfollow the following principles:

Accessibility of tasks - should not be too difficult for the child.

Systematicity - tasks must be logically connected with each other, as well as with the tasks of previously completed materials.

Emotional coloring tasks. Methodological tasks must be hidden behind game forms and techniques.

Reasonableness in time. It is necessary to calculate the time for completing tasks in such a way that the child does not get tired and remains interested.

Using different types of children's activities during the quest.

Availability of visible final result and feedback.

When preparing the quest you needremember the conditions:

Games must be safe. It is unacceptable to set tasks that are associated with health risks, for example, climbing a tree, jumping from high altitude, go down into the well.

Questions and assignments must be age appropriate.

Disputes and conflicts must be resolved only peacefully.

Quest structure

General game goal - is known to the participants from the very beginning and determines the game “legend”, features and rules of tasks. Regardless of whether there is an element of competition in the game or not, the ultimate game goal is common to all teams. The overall goal is the main “intrinsic motivator of the program.”

Stages of the game . During the game, players move sequentially through stages, solving various tasks (active, logical, search, creative, etc.). Completing each stage allows a team of players to move on to the next stage. The team receives the missing information, hint, equipment, etc.

Team action . Participants are united into gaming teams, or everyone is on the same team. When going through stages, the team does not split up, but acts together.

Players are accompanied by an instructor “The team instructor is an adult.” His task is to ensure security, provide advice on game logistics and the specifics of tasks, support participants, help in solving organizational issues and, if necessary, help in organizing team interaction.

From this description you can understand that in quests:

there is a specific goal towards which the participants are moving;

the search takes place both in the “real world” and on an artificially prepared site;

events and trials are varied and, sometimes, unexpected;

Each step taken either brings the participants closer or further away from the final goal.

Quest - game has enormous development potential; not only creates conditions for the support and development of interests and abilities, but is also aimed at developing the child’s individuality, his independence, initiative, and search activity. This is, first of all, a child’s activity in which he, independently or together with an adult, discovers new practical experience.

On February 17, a quest - the game "Journey to a Fairy Forest" - was held for grades 1-4. All pupils were divided into groups according to their abilities.


Develop cognitive activity, curiosity, and the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Stimulate and develop children's speech creativity.

To promote the manifestation of children's research activity in the process of solving problems of various types and searching for results through original actions.

To form a conscious need for physical activity and physical improvement.

Develop confidence, self-esteem, communication culture, friendliness and emotional responsiveness

Children, together with teachers, plunged into Magic world riddles and secrets, received positive emotions from achieving the assigned tasks, of course, the quest - the game helped to carry out our plans with ease and interest.

Helped the fox go through the maze and get to his house.

Inflating the cereal in saucers, we determined the further route.

Fairy-tale heroes helped the children complete route assignments. For completing the task correctly, children received “magic” bags.

With the wolf, the children found the names of fairy tales among the letters, named the fairy tales from the pictures, put the pictures in order and found out the next route.

With the bunny, the guys found the task in the ball, then found the bunny's tracks. One of the hare's tracks showed the following route.

Having completed Baba Yaga's task, the guys found the key to the magic chest.

There was a sweet fruit gift in the chest for the guys.

And, of course, a disco with fairy-tale characters.

The result was the publication of a newspaper.

The meaning of the quest game:

Is attractive to the student, allows him to activate his attention and develop cognitive interest during the execution of tasks.

Forms in children a feeling of personal interest in completing a task.

Enriches with similar impressions for joint discussion.

Forms a unified knowledge base and ideas that can be accessed while working in a group.

Allows the teacher to highlight for familiarization those objects that he considers the most significant from the point of view of solving educational problems in the group.

Thus, as a result of designing a quest game, each teacher has the opportunity to:

Carry out pedagogical activities in forms specific to children of a given age group, primarily in the form of play, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

To contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the abilities and creative potential of each student.

Summing up, I would like to emphasize that the quest is a very attractive activity for children, allowing them to realize themselves. In such a game, acting in a conditional situation, the child feels free, independent, smart and skillful, which expands the range of his ideas about the world and provides internal emotional comfort.If you want to plunge into the magical world of mysteries and secrets with your children, help them make new discoveries and get positive emotions from achieving their goals, then, of course, the quest game will help you accomplish your plans with ease and interest.

Conduct a quest - a game for pupils of all classes in the autumn-spring period on the street, in the winter - in the school building.

Invite parents of students to participate in the quest game.

Electronic resources
