How to find the meaning of life: recipes from professional psychologists. How to understand yourself

Don't know how to find the meaning of life and life purpose? Do you want to become self-sufficient and increase your self-esteem? Then this exercise is for you!

The secret method to help you find the meaning of your life!

This method will allow you to free yourself from the need to constantly confirm your own worth¹. You will become holistic and centered on your own life, find yourself, the meaning of life, and discover your true inner values.

Why is it so difficult to find your life purpose?

In everyday life, values ​​and guidelines for behavior are imposed on us from childhood by parents, teachers and other social authorities. This is precisely the reason for constant dissatisfaction and duplicity. Each person has his own meaning in life, his own goal and mission that he must accomplish, his own life purpose².

This meaning is determined before birth. But, unfortunately, it lies deep in the subconscious and is not realized by us. Public opinion polls have shown that 95% of people do not know why they live, and 30% are thinking about suicide because they realize the meaninglessness of life.

This shows that modern systems education does not pay due attention to the main issues of human existence.

How to find the meaning of life in the stream of endless and “necessary” things?

Often modern man lives the life of an animal, satisfying its most basic needs, indulging its passions and vices. For the time being, many people consider entertainment to be the meaning of their lives, but then they inevitably experience disappointment and loss.

This approach to one’s existence leaves only deep dissatisfaction and disappointment in the face of old age and death. Having gone through the path of a meaningless and worthless life, a person “bites his elbows” and regrets the years spent aimlessly.

The meaning and purpose of this practice is to fill this void and answer the question: “How to find the meaning of life, the true meaning, what you came to this earth for.”

A person who has learned the true meaning of his life makes his decisions independently, for him the concept of the fatality of fate loses its meaning, he himself becomes the master of his life.


This practical meditative reflection will require you to have the courage and determination to abandon all prejudices and other people's opinions. You must be prepared for a complete change in your worldview and lifestyle.

By going deep into your subconscious, you will take a fresh look at yourself and your destiny and find out what your meaning in life is.

A powerful self-transformation technique

Go to a place where no one will disturb you. Get into a relaxed state and daydream a little. Imagine that you already have everything material that you can dream of. Imagine that you already have wealth, a wonderful family, health and everything else. You live in complete abundance and bathe in luxury. You have everything and there is nothing more to dream about.

Now that you have managed to enter this state, think about what you would like to do, what would you like to do? What would you do if you had everything?

Gradually you will realize what you would really like, you will understand what activity would bring you true joy and happiness. This is the meaning of life, your life purpose.

Try it and you might find yourself!

Now, knowing your purpose, you can skip this knowledge and continue living ordinary life, or you can determine the steps and begin to move towards your destiny by setting a goal⁵ to live in accordance with the meaning of your life. And remember, only a meaningful life can bring you real success!

Personal gifts and secret abilities that you have been born with... You probably don't even know about many of them! But maybe they are the ones who can help you achieve what you want! Find out what qualities you should develop, what path to take, what direction to move in! Your personal diagnostics will help you with this. To receive it, fill out the form >>>

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² You will find this guide helpful in your search for your life's purpose.

When a person is happy, thoughts about the meaning of life do not occur to him. Such questions arise if joy and pleasure leave life, strength disappears and life becomes dull and empty. Where can I find the strength and desire to live? and regain lost joy?

Where to find the meaning of life: why did we come into this life?

People often ask themselves questions about what they have achieved in life, whether they have put in enough effort on the path to success in life, how correct the path they are following is. But what is life success for each of them?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan has long been proven that people evaluate and comprehend their life priorities and achievements. Eight vectors - eight groups mental properties and value systems. These are eight types of desires, by realizing which a person is filled with joy and feels pleasure from life.

For some, family values ​​and a traditional way of life are a priority. And if you ask such a person where to find the meaning of life, he will answer - “only in the family.” The meaning is wife, children, parents, friends. He lives to raise children, teach them, pass on experience and knowledge.

He takes care of his parents, providing them with a dignified and peaceful old age. He is always ready to help his friends. And if this can be realized, then he is happy that he lived a life filled with meaning.

If you ask someone else how to find meaning in life, you will hear advice about the importance of material wealth, career growth and status in society. He will advise you to find a higher paying job, buy a cool car, or make a career and become a big boss. He knows how to find the meaning of life: “to achieve success, surpass everyone and achieve material superiority.”

And the third person will very emotionally and openly tell you that the answer to the question of how to find meaning in life was found a long time ago. This is Love. And the meaning of life is love. He will tell a lot of stories from his own and other people’s lives, give advice from psychologists and astrologers, proving that there is nothing more important than love. What is most important is to love and be loved. That feelings and emotions are life.

I want to find the meaning of life: how to fill infinity?

But there are people who will not answer this question for you, although for them, finding the meaning of life is happiness and a dream. In the terminology of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, these are the owners of the sound vector. They are the ones who do not feel the meaning of fulfilling the desires of the material world. Family, career, money and even love - nothing can extinguish the inner fire that leaves behind emptiness and the eternal question: how to find the meaning of life?

A burning desire to comprehend life leads them along the path of searching for special knowledge. Philosophy, religion, science... Everything where they can at least a little fill desire and gain meaning. But if this does not happen and the emptiness remains, a sharp denial of the physical world occurs, which is expressed by the phrase “Life has no meaning.”

In this state, a sound artist can fall into the darkest depression, drugs, suicide. He does not understand with his consciousness what is happening, his soul simply hurts terribly, which is not at all interested in material aspects. What are you interested in?

In fact, it is the sound artist, no matter what state he is in, who wants to find the meaning of life. Only this meaning lies on a different plane. This is the knowledge of the psychic unconscious of all humanity and the revelation of the hidden eight-dimensional unity of the species. Awareness of himself not as an isolated unit, but as part of an infinitely huge single soul shows him “the light at the end of the tunnel.”

Then an understanding of the true meaning of the biblical commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself” arises. This happens when the desires and aspirations of each person are felt as their own, and the sound person forever fills their voids and finds the true meaning of life.

Sounds confusing?

Only at first glance it is not clear what we are talking about. For a person with a sound vector, there is nothing more disgusting than the thought of having to become “part of the crowd.” He strives to escape away from the noise and bustle, and in severe conditions he even dreams of the end of the world, which will end all this “meaningless existence.” Nevertheless, it is the sound artist who is able to receive great joy and find the meaning of life in communicating with people.

“...I get the impression that I have matured a lot over the years. Last year. I no longer expect or demand anything from anyone. You just compare everything sensibly. But what you do or don’t do something is another matter. At least I know for sure that I need to do something and preferably what I need. Chewing rolls on the stove is an expectation of death, death in reserve, as it were. I can't call it anything else. If you do, it means you live. If you don't do it, you die. It is obvious. People get sick from their own inaction or from wrong action...
... A year in system-vector psychology is absolutely New Year in my old life. The beginning of a new life..."

Alexander G., IT specialist, Korosten, Ukraine

“... Yuri Burlan’s SVP training helps you see, understand, and learn how to do it! Do you remember what the shard from the evil mirror did to Kai? So, SVP helps to cleanse our eyes - and you begin to see. See people! Understand them! And interest appears! Meaning of life! Energy! Wish! Everything that makes up happiness!

It’s even scary to imagine that you could live, have wings, but not fly! And now I’m already looking at the sky! She has already spread her wings!..”
Inna U., teacher Prague, Czech Republic

To better understand why this happens, start with free online training System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan. Register - via the link.

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”

We all have those moments when it seems that things can’t get any worse, that the emptiness inside is forever, and that the meaning of life is irretrievably lost. How to return it, this meaning? Everyone has their own answer, according to life experience and level of depression. One will seek the meaning of life through travel, trying to find himself in them or at least get out of a state of melancholy. Another will drown himself in entertainment, a third will go into religion, and a fourth will buy a cat. How can you regain the feeling of fullness of life again? What to look for a way out of the deadlock?

  • A radical change in external image. One of the most popular options among girls drowned in search of the meaning of life. Everything available and not so much is used available funds- strict diets, a complete wardrobe change, a new hairstyle/makeup, a series of procedures in a beauty salon with a course lasting “until it goes away” and even a surgical knife. Will it help? Of course, self-confidence will appear. And many changes in life begin with self-correction. Those very changes that become links in a happy chain leading to happiness and success. Just don't overdo it. Changing your appearance and finding yourself in image experiments can become obsession and a “drug” that, instead of calming down, will bring only problems.

  • In a healthy body healthy mind! And harmony of spirit and body is impossible in the absence of physical strength. AND back side is - the stronger the spirit (the spirit of the winner), the better health. The right image life - like a “pill” for despondency, depression and states of “whatever it is, whatever it is.” Exercises, a swimming pool, morning jogging - like a pleasant tradition, life is a sport (let’s go where we’re most drawn), healthy eating etc. There are no cons! Nothing but advantages. In the process of acquiring the habit of a healthy lifestyle, even the need to search for “meaning” is lost - everything falls into place on its own.

  • Shopping. A typically feminine remedy for “everything.” Any stress is relieved by shopping. Of course, a shopping trip brings a lot of positive emotions. But the danger of this option is not only in useless purchases and irrepressible spending of money, but in the emergence of a bad habit - to cure every melancholy with purchases. As in the case of eating cakes or in the case of changing your image this method has more minuses than pluses. Learn to treat the blues and look for yourself in what has only positive consequences and creative prospects. Don't let your stress pills turn into bad habits and took over you completely. This is not a “treatment”, but a “respite”.

  • Analysis of the situation. Look around. What do you see around you ? Do you have a roof over your head? Don't you go naked? Enough for bread and cheese? And even for a trip to warmer climes? And don’t you particularly complain about your health? So it's time to figure it out psychological problems. When you lock yourself in your shell, think about what is most hindering your life right now? What would you get rid of without thinking? Eliminate sources of irritation, get away from those things and people that make you want to “lie down and go to sleep forever,” radically shake up your life and don’t be afraid of anything. Most often, a state when life loses meaning “covers” in a situation of complete helplessness or loneliness. You have the power to change this. Just start small - understand yourself, stop watching the news that puts you in a state of suspended animation and prostration (sit on social networks, “die” within 4 walls, etc.), look for your inspiration.

  • Creation. The easiest way to cope with the terrible beast “apathy” (as well as blues, depression and other derivatives) is through creativity. Everything that scares you, confuses you, puts you in a state of trance, irritates you, etc., should be thrown out through creativity. Write. As best you can. Clumsily, with errors, in the form of diaries, blank verses or memoirs - this is a powerful antidepressant that allows you not only to lift your spirits and get rid of unnecessary thoughts, but also to understand the meaning. The meaning of everything. Just remember that the ending should ALWAYS be positive! And draw. Whatever you can eat - pencils, construction paints, vegetables from the refrigerator or coal from the stove. Draw your anxieties, fears, emoticons and the future, abstractions and simply your state. Paper and canvas will endure anything. And instead of emptiness in the soul, grace will come. Learn to “drain” the bad in creativity and concentrate the positive from it. Pros: maybe in 5-6 years you will wake up as a famous artist or writer. To all creative people inspiration comes from melancholy and melancholy.

  • Adding new colors to life. What haven't you tried yet? Surely, you secretly dream of learning how to belly dance, jump from a diving board into a swimming pool, shoot (very discharges and shakes up the “psyche”), sculpt jewelry or embroider on sofa cushions? Look for yours! An activity that will not only distract and calm nervous system, but will also become a valuable experience, perspective, the beginning of meetings with interesting people. Get out of the swamp, it's time to act!

  • Help your neighbor. The call that “sets teeth on edge” is known to everyone. But the speech in in this case It’s not about throwing a couple of coins to an aunty with someone else’s child on the subway. We're talking about real help. For many people, real help to others becomes the true meaning of life. Always remember - someone is now much worse off than you. Look around. While you cherish the “meaninglessness” of your existence, someone is already helping lonely, abandoned, sick and people in difficult situations - in orphanages, hospitals, hospices, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations (and even animals in zoos and shelters). On a voluntary basis, at the behest of the heart. By doing good, a person cleanses himself of unnecessary “tails,” brightens his soul, and attracts joy. Start with a couple kind words for your offenders, from an unexpected visit to your elderly mother, whom you have not visited for a long time, from humanitarian assistance to those who need it.

  • Isn't it too quiet in your house? Isn't it time to liven up your apartment with the patter of little feet and the sonorous laughter of children? Children are the main meaning of this life. Our continuation, our mark on earth. The appearance of a baby (whether your own or an adopted one) changes your life instantly and forever. True, if a child is only a way to get out of a psychological impasse, then it is better to wait with this “method”. A child will only be a salvation if you are already ready for motherhood.

  • If the maternal instinct has not yet awakened, and the desire to take care of someone is simply unbearable, get a dog. You definitely won't be bored. You are guaranteed morning jogs ( healthy image life), diet (you can’t eat much when those eyes are looking at you and your long tongue is constantly trying to slide across your plate), new acquaintances (girl, what kind of breed is this? Can Rex and I take you for a walk too?), sincere selfless love and devotion to the tip of the tail.

And most importantly, look for motivation. Without motivation, life controls you. With motivation, you control your life.

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The search for the meaning of life or a higher purpose is what unites all people. If a person feels himself, it means that he has not yet realized what he lives for. A higher purpose always awaits us beyond traditional definitions of success.

If life seems dull and joyless to you, you are probably following someone else's goal, doing what society tells you to do. And this gradually destroys your inner self. After all, the present is not reward, fame or recognition. Happiness is a journey within yourself.

Michael Ray, the most creative person Silicon Valley, offers rules for every day. This internal installations that will help you find. Follow each of these rules for a week and your life will become more meaningful and happier.

1. Do only what you love to do

Spend as much time as possible on things that fit these criteria:

  • light and pleasant, requiring no effort;
  • initially important to you;
  • that seem natural;
  • accelerating the passage of time;
  • eagerly awaited;
  • making you feel like life is wonderful;
  • which you consider the best in the world;
  • giving pleasure by the very process of execution, and not because they are approaching completion;
  • allowing you to believe that you are contributing to the fulfillment of your life purpose.

Determine what exactly you love to do and try to turn your life into a series of moments spent doing these things. These can be absolutely ordinary things. If you like to sit and look out the windows, people-watching, or humming to yourself, feel free to do it. You will notice how your mood gradually improves.

2. Love everything you do

It is not easy to carry out hated and tedious tasks with interest. But you can learn this art. First, try to evaluate uninteresting things in the broader context of your goals. For example, a student may consider a particular course as a necessary step towards graduating from university and doing something that he or she is passionate about.

Almost every person sooner or later thinks about the meaning of his own life. At some point, a comprehension of everything that is happening takes place inside, and the most important thing becomes the question of the significance of one’s own life. Past mistakes and failures, unrealized plans and lost hopes are immediately remembered, and the person begins to engage in soul-searching. Let's take our time and look at this issue thoughtfully.

How to “see” the meaning of life on your own

What is the meaning of life for a butterfly that lives for one day? Or at a flower? Some argue that they are needed to maintain an important role in the ecosystem, others that God wants it this way, others say that it just has to be that way. Who is right? Have you ever thought that you can come up with almost any meaning for anything, for anything? For example, for a person: to be a good father/husband/employee, to be a decent person, to be the best at what you do, and so on. It seems that Buddhists have a metaphor about the Path and the flowers found on it. You walk along the Path and meet all sorts of interesting flowers and all that. But! The Path itself is important, and flowers - yes, they are beautiful and smell good, but they are not the essence (this does not mean at all that you should treat the above described social roles and goals). So, to be good at what you do, to achieve something in life, etc. - these are flowers by the road that have nothing to do with the true meaning of life and purpose. But what then, if not this?

And now, one of the readers is already opening his mouth and thinking that the author will now indicate the true meaning of life... But this will not happen. Let’s do it better - we’ll give you the opportunity to see the truth for yourself, then it will be your living experience and will no longer be subject to doubt. We will point out what will make the Path to Truth easier and you yourself will understand the meaning of life. But he is much more prosaic and at the same time more interesting.

But first, let’s figure out what prevents you from seeing the meaning of life on your own? After all, any creature has direct access to the essence of phenomena. What prevents you from seeing the essence is mental garbage. What is mental garbage? These are: limiting ideas and beliefs, harmful attitudes, emotional trauma, negative emotions(fears, anxieties, resentments, jealousy, etc.) and much more. To clearly see the essence of phenomena (for example, the meaning of life) you need to have a clean mind.

How to clear your mind? The high-speed system for cleansing the mind has proven itself very well. The peculiarity of the system is that it uses hidden resources of the subconscious, which gives quick and sustainable results. The system is easy to use - you just need to be able to read and write.

Done with explanations. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the method described above, then you are welcome to read the materials presented below.

Understanding your importance

When wondering how to find the meaning of life, many people first need to determine their purpose, or more precisely, their role in society. What is meant here is not a narrow professional focus, but what constitutes special person. A woman's role may not only be to be a wonderful mother or a caring spouse, but she may be the most responsible employee or a wonderful friend. The same applies to men. They do not have to be only the breadwinners of the family and a courageous shoulder for their weak other half. Perhaps it is that he is, first of all, an attentive son and a devoted brother, and only then everything else. To determine your significance, you can try to analyze exactly what role a person is forced to play at the moment:

  1. If this is a parent, then you need to try to find the most pleasant moments in this purpose. A child’s smile, his hugs and laughter, his silent gratitude for the help provided - all this forms in a person the awareness that this little or already big man needs him, who at a certain moment becomes his meaning of life.
  2. If a person associates himself with true friend, then you need to remember more often those moments when a supportive word, useful advice or just a timely friendly shoulder played a significant role in the life of his friend or girlfriend. This means that a specific period of time has already been lived not in vain and we should move further in this direction.
  3. When a person is lonely and it is very difficult for him to decide on his social role, then it’s worth thinking about something more global. Perhaps the talents of a true mentor are hidden in him, who can lead the younger generation along the true and correct path. Why not change yours then? professional activity and not start doing something that will really give you an inner awareness of your own importance?
  4. Many people perceive the role of a daughter or son as something taken for granted and does not require any changes in this direction. But perhaps it is for this man or this woman that such a role is the main purpose. And then the meaning of life will be to make your parents the happiest and give them those moments of joy for which life is worth living.

All this is only the first step towards finding the meaning of life.

Pleasure and satisfaction here and now

Many people cease to realize what exactly is their meaning in life when they begin to live the way the majority live. The herd feeling and the desire to prove something to someone further distances a person from realizing his meaning in life. According to any psychologist, another step towards finding true purpose is complete satisfaction and pleasure from what a person does. And this cannot be achieved if you constantly look up to someone. Only with internal harmony, which is achieved through the presence of pleasure and satisfaction in life, will a person be able to understand what exactly his purpose and meaning of life are. And to do this you need to start small:

  1. Try to do only what brings you pleasant emotions and joy. This could be a new hobby, reading a book or self-development courses. The main thing is to overcome existing prejudices and stereotypes that dictate certain rules of age or gender behavior. A woman can practice boxing if she wants. And a man can calmly start planting flowers if he really enjoys it.
  2. Don't pay attention to other people's opinions, but listen more to own desires. Every person has the right to realize himself the way he wants and no one has the right to condemn and reproach him for this. Trying to live to please parents, children or anyone else is the path to self-destruction and the loss of the main meaning of life. Every person is born for this purpose, so that to the fullest make yourself happy. The main thing is not to overstep established moral and ethnic principles and not to try to satisfy your needs by harming others.
  3. Learn to see happiness in little things and in the current moment. Everyone goes their own way. Someone constantly dreams of unrealistic heights, thereby remaining an unhappy and dissatisfied person without their “place in the sun.” And someone finds joy every day, admiring the most ordinary phenomena, in the form of a rainbow or the smile of a stranger. And people who adhere to the second example of behavior will have a higher sense of meaning in their own lives than in the first case. After all, the meaning of life can be not only in some kind of global mission, but in momentary help to another person or in the feeling of the significance of the current moment.

Looking at yourself from the outside

There is one interesting practice, which many can find the answer to the question of how to find the meaning of life. To do this, you first need to take your mind off everyone. obsessive thoughts and questions that torment the mind. Then sit comfortably in a chair or on the sofa and try to imagine a situation where a person is given a chance to live his life again.

As a result, a picture is drawn in your head, similar to an autobiographical film, where all events unfold as the person would like. After this, you need to take a piece of paper and try to write down all those moments that were present in your imaginary life, but which you were never able to achieve in real life. And already, based on the information received, you can understand what exactly a person lacks in order to begin to consider his life filled with meaning. And knowing these points, it will be easier to move forward, since the main goals have been identified and all that remains is to achieve them.

You can also try to abstract yourself from everything that is happening and analyze all the achievements that a person already has. Perhaps it is precisely in what has already been done and what path has been traveled that the meaning of life lies. And in this case, according to experienced psychologist, you need to be able to adequately evaluate yourself and your life, and not belittle the significance of your existence. Because in this case, the search for the meaning of life will only end in disappointment and prolonged depression.

Many people, in their search for the meaning of life, are embarrassed to turn to specialists with this question. And completely in vain. This is a common practice in the West. Perhaps this is why you can rarely meet a person there who would engage in soul-searching and look for his own path of destiny, ignoring the advice of professionals. There a person looks for a psychologist and with his help finds answers to all internal questions. Indeed, otherwise, when a person for a long time cannot find the very meaning of life, he is overcome by apathy and boredom, he may be overcome by suicidal thoughts and alcohol and other narcotic substances. That’s why it’s so important to listen to experienced specialists, and as practice shows, their advice really helps you discover a completely new truth.

  • first you need to understand your true interests and preferences in life, and start devoting most of your free time to them;
  • sometimes it’s worth getting to know yourself again and defining your new goals and life priorities, which may differ from those previously set;
  • some people could use some self-confidence and self-esteem;
  • life should be perceived as a gift that does not require any justifications, or any explanations or reports on the work done;
  • You should not focus on your close circle or your idols, since each person has his own meaning in life;
  • try to live for another, without demanding anything in return;
  • learn to get your own needs met;
  • never stop focusing on your own internal development.

All these tips help build a logical chain of actions that will ultimately contribute to a person discovering his true meaning in life. You need to start with your own perception of this world and with those little things that surround and create personal space. By learning to live your life with some gratitude, a person will begin to see the meaning of his existence in every day and moment. And don’t ignore the help of specialists. The help of a psychologist can be timely support that will only guide the person on the right path.

Sometimes a person complains about the inability to find his meaning in life. Here experts note that this may be due to some mental disorders and diseases. Therefore, in a situation where a person cannot find his purpose and is tormented by this realization, ordinary advice will not help. Here you will need to spend a long time working with a psychologist and, possibly, taking medications and sedatives.

The meaning of life and personality development

Most often, the younger generation resorts to the question of the meaning of life. Teenagers who have not yet decided on their life goals and tasks, they begin to doubt themselves and succumb to some outside, not always positive, influences. It is easier for them to follow the leader and accept his landmark as their destiny. And this is a big mistake, which sometimes leads to a tragic end. Therefore, it is so important to explain to a child from an early age the very concept of the meaning of life and to build his belief that his very appearance in this world is something significant and important in the space of the entire Universe.

Some psychologists advise the younger generation not to ask this question until the process of personality formation is underway. To a young guy or it will be difficult for a girl to decide on her true purpose until she has felt the taste family life, sweetness baby kiss and gratitude from a strict leader.

Many experts also agree that initially a person must decide on his motivation. If there is no motivation, then the meaning of life cannot exist. People lose their bearings and don’t know where to move next or what direction to choose in life. Without the right motivation, they move as if by touch, without comparing their desires with their capabilities. As a result, the younger generation becomes easy to control, and others begin to take advantage of their weakness, which leads to inner emptiness and philosophical reflections about destiny. Therefore, psychologists advise young people to first decide on their motivation, and then try to look for some meaning in their existence.

In conclusion

Questions about the meaning of life are questions of a philosophical nature, the answers to which will be different for each person. You can sit for a long time over these thoughts and try to find your corner in this life, but still not get satisfaction from the brain work done. Or you can begin to live fully today and now, feeling the meaning in every action and deed and appreciating the significance of every moment. It’s not that difficult, the main thing is to try and the feeling of inner fullness will grow every day.

Many psychologists advise starting with the most basic. Try to live, bringing happiness to yourself and your close circle, which can become a person’s truest and truest purpose, and, therefore, his meaning in life. After all, there is nothing more important and meaningful than the feeling that someone needs you, is important to someone and that you can make the most happy man. Maybe this is the main meaning of human existence?