Destructive and constructive conflict. Causes of conflicts

In the minds of many people, conflicts are associated with purely negative phenomena: wars and revolutions, civil strife and scandals. Therefore, as a rule, conflict is presented as an undesirable and harmful phenomenon. In reality, this is not always the case. The consequences of conflict can be both negative and positive.

Thus, the question of the place and role of conflicts in the life of an individual, social group, organization and society as a whole is significantly significant. It is not for nothing that thinkers Ancient world and the Middle Ages saw in conflicts a certain means to mutual understanding and good agreement. In modern times, most of those who laid the foundation for conflictology pointed to conflicts as a means of resolving social contradictions and maintaining balance in the social order. On modern stage Both the condemnation of hostile confrontations at any level and the recognition of the important role of peacefully resolved conflicts in establishing mutual understanding and cooperation between people are clearly highlighted.

To explain the functions of social conflict, one should turn, first of all, to the very concept of “function”. In social sciences function means the meaning and role that a certain social institution or private social process performs in relation to the needs of the social system more high level organization or the interests of its constituent communities, social groups and individuals. In accordance with this, under conflict function we will understand the role that conflict plays in relation to society and its various structural formations: social groups, organizations and individuals. Thus, the function of conflict expresses, on the one hand, its social purpose, and on the other- the dependency that arises between it and other components public life. In the first case, the consequences of the conflict are taken into account, in the second - the direction of the relations of conflicting subjects of social ties.

A conflict is one of those phenomena that cannot be assessed unambiguously. It acts as a way of social interaction in conditions of heightened tension between people, when incompatible views, positions and interests are revealed, and there is a confrontation between parties pursuing goals far removed from each other. By its very nature, a conflict can be a carrier of both creative and destructive tendencies, be good and evil at the same time, bring both benefit and harm to the parties involved.

Therefore, its functions are characterized taking into account positive and negative consequences. Positive, functionally useful results of the conflict are considered to be the solution to the problem that gave rise to the contradiction and caused the clash, taking into account the mutual interests and goals of all parties, as well as achieving understanding and trust, strengthening partnerships and cooperation, overcoming conformism, humility, and the desire for superiority. The negative, dysfunctional consequences of conflict include people's dissatisfaction common cause, withdrawal from pressing problems, increasing hostility in interpersonal and intergroup relations, weakening cohesion among employees, etc.

In terms of their content, the functions of conflict cover both the material sphere (related to economic interests, benefits or losses) and the spiritual and moral sphere (can increase or weaken social activity, encourage or suppress optimism, inspiration of people). All this has an emotional impact on efficiency. joint activities, can facilitate or complicate the process of managing an organization. Life presents countless facts confirming the functional diversity of conflicts in terms of direction, beneficial and harmful consequences.

There are explicit and latent (hidden) functions of conflict. Explicit functions of conflict functions of conflict are characterized by the fact that its consequences coincide with the goals that were proclaimed and pursued by opponents of the conflict. For example, the Russian government, starting military operations with “Chechen” bandit formations, announced their liquidation. The obvious function of the conflict is also the victory of the miners in their conflict with the administration, if they pursued precisely this goal.

Hidden(latent) functions of the conflict - those when its consequences are revealed only over time and which, to a certain extent, differ from the intentions previously declared by the parties to the conflict. Latent functions can also be expressed in the fact that its consequences may generally be unexpected and not meet the goals of the parties to the conflict. Thus, none of the participants in the “Chechen” conflict imagined that during it oil refining installations, of which there were in the republic, would be destroyed a large number of, and as a result, there will be a danger of environmental disaster not only in Chechnya, but also beyond its borders. The striking miners, who demanded that the government of the country in the late 1980s - early 1990s cancel the state order and give them the opportunity to freely dispose of profits, did a lot to reform society, but they did not even imagine that already in the late 1990s years will demand the return of the government order.

From the point of view of functions, conflict is enough controversial phenomenon. By entering into confrontation, people can achieve their goals. But it is often difficult to predict even not very long-term consequences that will follow. The consequences can be both positive and negative character for the parties to the conflict. An employee who has entered into a conflicting relationship with the administration can achieve his immediate goal, for example, payment of compensation for forced absence. But after some time, this may be followed by his dismissal from work under some plausible pretext. For a fired employee, this will most likely be a latent function of conflict and a negative one at that. But after this he can get a job that is more attractive than before. And then this will be a positive latent function of conflict. In this case, they often say “there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.”

Thus, both explicit and latent functions of conflict can be both negative and positive, that is, they can have dual character. If the function of the conflict is positive for its participants, we speak of functional conflict, otherwise it dysfunctional conflict, the results of which are negative for its participants, and for which they did not count.

It should be especially emphasized that the assessment of the functions of conflict as positive or negative always carries specific character. From the point of view of one subject of the conflict, it can be considered as positive, from the point of view of another - as negative. In other words, there is subjective relativity in assessing the nature of the functions of the conflict. In addition, the same conflict in different relationships and in different time can be assessed from different or even opposing positions. This indicates the relativistic nature of the conflict functions. Thus, the October Socialist Revolution, as well as the victory in the early 1990s of the forces that acted under the slogan of reforms, in our country were viewed differently at different times and by different social strata.

All this indicates that conflict- this is a functionally contradictory phenomenon, and the relationship between its positive and negative functions must always be considered specifically. If we keep in mind objective criterion assessment of the functions of conflict, then in general terms we can apparently say that social conflict is functional if it contributes to the development of the wider social system. For an intrapersonal conflict it will be a person, for an interpersonal conflict it will be a group, etc. However, in this regard, not everything is going smoothly. For one should always keep in mind the costs (the price of the conflict) that are associated with it. Thus, an organization that realizes its goals through the exorbitant intensification of people’s work and health; an army that wins due to heavy losses, etc. - these are examples indicating that victory in a conflict can be Pyrrhic. Thus, in this case, too, we are faced with the functional inconsistency of the conflict - not everything that benefits the development of a broader social system is functional for its constituent elements.

According to their consequences, conflicts are divided into constructive and destructive.

Constructive ones presuppose the possibility of rational transformations, as a result of which the object of the conflict itself is eliminated. When handled correctly, this type of conflict can bring great benefits to an organization. If the conflict has no real basis and is not created, therefore, there are no opportunities for improving intra-organizational processes, it turns out to be destructive, since it first destroys the system of relations between people, and then introduces disorganization into the course of objective processes.

The specific causes of constructive conflicts most often turn out to be unfavourable conditions labor, imperfect payment; shortcomings in the organization; overload at work; inconsistency between the rights and responsibilities of employees; lack of resources; low level disciplines.

Destructive conflicts are usually caused by improper actions, including abuse of power, violation labor legislation, unfair assessments of people. Thus, if in constructive conflicts the parties do not go beyond ethical standards, then destructive, in essence, are based on their violation, as well as on the psychological incompatibility of people.

The laws of intra-organizational conflict are such that any constructive conflict, if not resolved in a timely manner, turns into destructive. People begin to demonstrate personal antipathy to each other, find fault, humiliate partners, threaten them, impose their point of view, and refuse to solve problems that have arisen for mutual benefit.

In many ways, the transformation of a constructive conflict into a destructive one is associated with the personality traits of its participants themselves. Novosibirsk scientists F. Borodkin and N. Koryak identify six types of “conflict” personalities who, voluntarily or unwittingly, provoke additional clashes with others. These include:

1) demonstrative, striving to be the center of attention, becoming the initiator of disputes in which they show excessive emotions;

2) rigid, with high self-esteem, not taking into account the interests of others, uncritical of their actions, painfully touchy, inclined to take out evil on others;

3) uncontrollable, characterized by impulsiveness, aggressiveness, unpredictability of behavior, and poor self-control;

4) ultra-precise, characterized by excessive demands, suspiciousness, pettiness, and suspicion;

5) purposefully conflict-oriented, considering conflict as a means of achieving their own goals, inclined to manipulate others in their own interests;

6) conflict-free people who, with their desire to please everyone, only create new conflicts.

At the same time, conflicting individuals, having found themselves in a favorable situation, often do not show themselves as such.

Positive and destructive functions of conflict

Despite the relativity of assessments of the functions of conflict, according to their meaning, significance and role, they can be divided into two groups:

1. constructive (positive) functions of conflict;

2. destructive (negative) functions of conflict.

6. Conclusion

Although relationships with other people should promote peace and harmony, conflicts are inevitable. Every sane person should have the ability to effectively resolve disputes and disagreements so that the fabric of social life does not tear with every conflict, but, on the contrary, strengthens due to the growth of the ability to find and develop common interests.

To resolve conflict, it is important to have different approaches at your disposal, to be able to use them flexibly, to go beyond the usual patterns and be sensitive to opportunities and act and think in new ways. At the same time, conflict can be used as a source life experience, self-education and self-education.

Conflicts can be turned into beautiful educational material, if you find time later to remember what led to the conflict and what happened in conflict situation. Then you can learn more about yourself, about the people involved in the conflict, or about the surrounding circumstances that contributed to the conflict. This knowledge will help you make the right decision in the future and avoid conflict. warning social conflict


1. Kolominsky Ya.L. Psychology. - Mn., 1993.

2. Vilyunas V.K. Psychology emotional phenomena. - M., 1973.

3.Izard K.E. Human emotions. - M., 1980.

4. Jung K.G. Problems of the soul of our time. - M., 1996.

5. Anikeeva N.P. Psychological climate in the team. - M., 1989.

6.Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., 1998.

7. Sieger W. Lang L. Lead without conflicts. - M., 1990.

8. Scott J. The power of the mind. Methods of conflict resolution. - St. Petersburg, 1993.

9. Fair M. Everyone can win. - M., 1992.

10. Sheinov V.P. Conflicts in our lives and their resolution. - Mn., 1996.
11.Alexandra Vladimirovna Palagina, teacher of English.

12.Andrey Stegantseva Psychologist.

27. Constructive and destructive conflicts.

According to their consequences, conflicts are divided into constructive and destructive.

Constructive ones presuppose the possibility of rational transformations, as a result of which the object of the conflict itself is eliminated. When handled correctly, this type of conflict can bring great benefits to an organization. If the conflict has no real basis and is not created, therefore, there are no opportunities for improving intra-organizational processes, it turns out to be destructive, since it first destroys the system of relations between people, and then introduces disorganization into the course of objective processes.

The specific causes of constructive conflicts most often include unfavorable working conditions and inadequate remuneration; shortcomings in the organization; overload at work; inconsistency between the rights and responsibilities of employees; lack of resources; low level of discipline.

Destructive conflicts are usually caused by incorrect actions, including abuse of power, violation of labor laws, and unfair assessments of people. Thus, if in constructive conflicts the parties do not go beyond ethical standards, then destructive ones are, in essence, based on their violation, as well as on the psychological incompatibility of people.

The laws of intra-organizational conflict are such that any constructive conflict, if not resolved in a timely manner, turns into destructive. People begin to demonstrate personal antipathy to each other, find fault, humiliate partners, threaten them, impose their point of view, and refuse to solve problems that have arisen for mutual benefit.

In many ways, the transformation of a constructive conflict into a destructive one is associated with the personality traits of its participants themselves. Novosibirsk scientists F. Borodkin and N. Koryak identify six types of “conflict” personalities who, voluntarily or unwittingly, provoke additional clashes with others. These include:

1) demonstrative, striving to be the center of attention, becoming the initiator of disputes in which they show excessive emotions;

2) rigid, with high self-esteem, not taking into account the interests of others, uncritical of their actions, painfully touchy, inclined to take out evil on others;

3) uncontrollable, characterized by impulsiveness, aggressiveness, unpredictability of behavior, and poor self-control;

4) ultra-precise, characterized by excessive demands, suspiciousness, pettiness, and suspicion;

5) purposefully conflict-oriented, considering conflict as a means of achieving their own goals, inclined to manipulate others in their own interests;

6) conflict-free people who, with their desire to please everyone, only create new conflicts.

At the same time, conflicting individuals, having found themselves in a favorable situation, often do not show themselves as such.

Positive and destructive functions of conflict

Despite the relativity of assessments of the functions of conflict, according to their meaning, significance and role, they can be divided into two groups:

    constructive (positive) functions of conflict;

    destructive (negative) functions of conflict.

All constructive (as well as negative) functions of conflict, with a certain degree of convention and for the sake of convenience of presenting the material, can be divided into:

    general functions of conflict - take place at various levels of the social system;

    functions of conflict at the personal level - relate to the impact of conflict directly on the individual.

They are expressed as follows:

    conflict is a way of detecting and fixing contradictions and problems in a society, organization, or group. In addition, the conflict indicates that these contradictions have already reached great maturity and it is necessary to take urgent measures to eliminate them. Thus, every conflict performs an informational function, giving additional impulses to the awareness of one’s own and others’ interests in the confrontation;

    conflict is a form of resolving contradictions. Its development helps eliminate those shortcomings and miscalculations in social organization that led to the conflict;

    conflict helps to relieve social tension and eliminate stressful situation, helps to “let off steam”, defuse the situation and relieve accumulated tension;

    conflict can perform an integrative, unifying function. In the face of an external threat, the group uses all its resources to unite and confront the external enemy. In addition, the very task of solving problems that have arisen brings people together. In search of a way out of the conflict, mutual understanding and a sense of involvement in solving a common problem are developed;

    resolution of the conflict leads to stabilization of the social system, because in this case the sources of dissatisfaction are eliminated. The parties to the conflict, taught by “bitter experience,” will in the future be more inclined to cooperate than to conflict. In addition, conflict resolution can prevent more serious conflicts that might have occurred if the conflict had not occurred;

6) conflict intensifies and stimulates group creativity,

contributes to the mobilization of energy to solve the problems facing subjects. In the process of searching for ways to resolve the conflict, the analysis of difficult situations is intensified, new approaches, ideas, innovative technologies, etc. are developed;

    conflict can serve as a means of clarifying the balance of power of social groups or communities and thereby can warn against subsequent, more destructive conflicts;

    conflict can serve as a means for the emergence of new norms of communication between people or help fill old norms with new content.

Within the framework of the constructive functions of conflict at the personal level, the conflict also influences individual characteristics of the individual:

    conflict can serve a cognitive function in relation to the people who take part in it. It is in critical (existential) situations that the true character, values ​​and motives of people’s behavior are revealed; It is no coincidence that they say that “a friend is a friend in need.” The ability to diagnose the enemy’s strength is also related to the cognitive function;

    conflict can contribute to self-knowledge and adequate self-esteem of the individual. It can help you correctly assess your strengths and abilities and identify new, previously unknown aspects of a person’s character. It can also strengthen character, contribute to the manifestation of new qualities, such as a sense of pride, dignity, etc.;

    conflict can help get rid of undesirable character traits, such as feelings of inferiority, humility, servility, etc.;

    conflict is the most important factor socialization of a person, his development as an individual. In a conflict, an individual in a relatively short period of time can gain as much life experience as he may never receive outside of the conflict;

    conflict is a significant factor in a person’s adaptation in a group, since it is in conflict that people reveal themselves to the greatest extent and one can say with confidence who is who. And then the personality is either accepted by the group members, or, on the contrary, rejected by them. In the latter case, of course, no adaptation occurs;

    conflict can help relieve mental tension in a group and relieve stress if the conflict is resolved positively for the person. Otherwise, this internal tension may even intensify;

7) conflict can serve as a means of satisfying not only primary, but also secondary needs of the individual, a way of self-realization and self-affirmation.

The destructive functions of conflict manifest themselves at various levels of the social system and are expressed in the following:

    the conflict may be associated with violent methods of its resolution, which may result in great human casualties and material losses. In addition to the parties involved in a military conflict, civilians may also suffer;

    conflict can lead the opposing parties (society, social group, individual) to a state of destabilization and disorganization;

    conflict can lead to a slowdown in social, economic, political and spiritual development society. Moreover, it can cause stagnation and a crisis of social development, the emergence of dictatorial and totalitarian regimes;

    conflict can contribute to the disintegration of society, the destruction of social communications and sociocultural alienation social entities within the social system;

    the conflict may be accompanied by an increase in pessimism in society and a decline in morals;

    conflict may lead to new, more destructive conflicts;

    Conflict in organizations often leads to a decrease in the level of organization of the system, a decrease in discipline and efficiency.

At the personal level, the destructive functions of conflict are expressed in the following consequences:

    conflict can have negative impact on the socio-psychological climate in the group; may, in particular, such negative mental states, as feelings of depression, pessimism and anxiety, leading a person to a state of stress;

    conflict can lead to disappointment in one’s capabilities and abilities, to de-identification of the individual;

    conflict can cause feelings of self-doubt, loss of previous motivation and destruction of existing value orientations and patterns of behavior. In the worst case, the conflict may result in disappointment and loss of faith in previous ideals. And this can have very serious consequences - deviant behavior and (as an extreme case) suicide. There is no doubt about the close relationship in our society in the 1990s. such phenomena as an increase in the number of social conflicts, deviant behavior and suicide. In terms of suicide, in particular, our country today ranks among the first in the world;

    conflict can lead to a person’s negative assessment of his partners in joint activities, disappointment in his colleagues and recent friends;

    As a reaction to a conflict, a person can “turn on” defense mechanisms, while demonstrating types of behavior that are negative for communication, such as:

a) retreat - silence, lack of enthusiasm, isolation of the individual in the group;

b) frightening information - criticism, curses, demonstration of superiority over other members of the group;

c) strict formalism - formal politeness, literalism, establishment of strict norms and principles of behavior in a group, monitoring others;

d) turning the matter into a joke. This principle is in many ways the opposite of the previous one;

e) conversations on unrelated topics instead of business-like discussion of problems;

f) constant search for those to blame, self-flagellation or blaming team members for all troubles.

These are the main dysfunctional consequences of the conflict, which (just like the functional consequences) are interrelated and are specific and relative in nature. Here it is appropriate to recall a well-known position: there is no abstract truth, truth is always concrete. The victory of one most often means the defeat of the other.

Conflicts arise as a result of a mismatch in cooperation or family of various emotional states, methods of action, motives and needs.

Through conflicts, a person works through many problems - either personal or industrial. Therefore, the conflict cannot be assessed as an unambiguously negative phenomenon.

Constructive and destructive conflicts: characteristics

A conflict resolved in a timely manner significantly improves mutual understanding, and it is called constructive. And a long-term, ever-growing confrontation, which threatens to break all forms of communication, is precisely a negative phenomenon. Such situations should not be allowed either in the family or in the work team. But how to do that?

In many ways, conflict situations improve relationships in a group and strengthen relationships. From time to time, in any team, a “debriefing” is even necessary. Moreover, if this is a company where, in order to achieve overall result the motives and goals of disparate departments must be taken into account.

A qualified manager knows how to manage conflicts; without control and proper leadership, no company will achieve either success or a strong position in the market.

A destructive conflict occurs when one of the participants crosses the social boundaries of what is permitted or deliberately aggravates an already acute situation.

The characteristics of destructive conflict are:

  • all participants have mutually exclusive goals, finding a common denominator is extremely difficult;
  • the parties make efforts to incite contradictions, and not to resolve them;
  • there is no regulation, no one is puzzled by the search for regulating principles of behavior in this situation.

These are the main signs by which a constructive dispute is distinguished from a destructive one. The third point is considered the most important. Because in a constructive situation there is always a third party - arbitration, which is designed to improve relations.

So, what positive functions Are situations of mismatch identified in industrial conflictology?

  • Team building. Having learned to value their work team, people are in no hurry to find another place. There is no staff turnover in production.
  • Each participant begins to better understand the motives of the other and in the future learns to be guided not only by their own, but also by common goals. This means that the staff solves all problems more efficiently.
  • Relieving tension. In a tense team, none of the participants enjoy their work.
  • Incentive for development. Each team member learns, in the process of resolving a conflict, to find a balance between personal and social interests, which will undoubtedly be useful in later life.
  • Subordinates get rid of the so-called obedience syndrome. It is easier for them to express their opinions, and people do not feel like “pawns”.

The destructive functions of conflict are as follows:

  • Decreased motivation to work. Excessive and prolonged emotional stress participants, which can lead to neuroticism among workers.
  • Decreased discipline. When the showdown drags on, the work process stops.
  • Deterioration of the emotional climate. It is very difficult to re-establish normal working relationships.
  • One or more employees may quit.

It is difficult to single out only positive aspects in a tense confrontation. Usually one conflict has both positive and negative meaning for its participants. After all, they both have to compromise and lose something in the process of building relationships.

Development of a destructive conflict situation: stages

For both sides, the development of a destructive conflict is undesirable. Therefore, we will find out the mechanism of its development so that everyone knows how to avoid such incidents.

How does such a conflict develop? There are several stages, smoothly transitioning into one another, by which we can characterize the degree of neglect of the collision.

  1. The emergence of a situation where the interests of the parties are in opposition to each other.
  2. Awareness of conflict.
  3. Development. At this stage, hidden confrontation can turn into open. Supporters may also be involved.
  4. Expansion of the conflict. Increase in negative statements addressed to the other party.
  5. Ending a conflict situation.

The mechanism for the development of constructive conflict is similar. Only in it the parties always come to mutual agreement as a result of a dispute. At the same time, both opponents change their attitudes and values.

A positive conflict occurs without an expansion stage. In most cases, it is resolved through calm negotiations.

But in the event of a destructive conflict, one of the parties ends up defeated and can accumulate strength for further confrontation in the name of “revenge.”

Signs of conflict escalation

When a conflict escalates, the atmosphere becomes so tense that the parties, in principle, cannot see any positive qualities in the other side.

In such a clash of interests, everyone considers the enemy an enemy. Naturally, mistrust arises, as well as the desire to blame the enemy for all failures. All participants on the opposing side are removed from the list of persons deserving ordinary human sympathy and participation.

These factors have an extremely negative impact on psychological condition warring parties. Also considered signs are the generalization of the conflict, the attraction of new participants to one’s side and the use of violence when other methods of influence are not enough.

Types of behavior in conflict

What models of behavior in conflict exist? There is a constructive model, a destructive and conformist one.

Destructive behavior in conflict is noted

  • the desire to expand the conflict and involve new participants;
  • humiliation of the personality of another (as a method of influence);
  • violation of communication ethics;
  • intimidation of an opponent;
  • focusing on one’s own position and authority;
  • using flattery and ingratiation.

The latter always shows passivity in a dispute and agrees with all demands, even contrary to her own values. This model is also not considered constructive, because when a person refuses his own position, responsibility for himself, he unintentionally becomes the cause of conflict.

Accentuation of character and type of behavior in conflict

During adolescence and adolescence, some distinctive features character become clearly expressed. Then these characteristics (accentuations) leave an imprint on a person’s entire life, on the way he interacts with others and on his productive activities.

Accentuations are closely related to human behavior in a conflict situation. Typically, types with stronger emotionality and a desire for communication and dominance behave more aggressively in an argument and show rivalry. These are excitable, exalted and hyperthymic types of accentuation.

Cycloid types are more likely to compromise with their opponents. But opportunism and avoidance are chosen mainly by emotive individuals. Since their functions are to preserve public peace and be responsive to the problems of others.

Conflict resolution strategies

There are several types of strategy in conflict management. And depending on what strategy the opponents chose and how they showed themselves in the dispute, constructive and destructive conflict resolution are distinguished. In both cases the conflict is resolved. But mutual solution as such, in the event of its destructive completion, was not found or there were not even attempts to look for it, since one of the parties simply “broke” the opponent.

According to the strategy developed by Kenneth W. Thomas, there are only five ways to find a solution:

  • avoidance;
  • device;
  • competition;
  • compromise;
  • cooperation.

Cooperation and compromise are the most successful strategies that allow all parties to the dispute to further actively develop. And avoidance and adaptation are more likely to aggravate confrontation than to resolve the issue.

An unmanaged conflict threatens both parties with a negative scenario for the development of relations in the future. If this is a conflict between 2 individuals, for example between a husband and wife, then over time it leads to a depressed state and disorganized behavior of each of them. A depressed person gets tired faster and copes worse with everyday responsibilities, which leads to an escalation of conflict and then the cessation of any relationship.

If we talk about the enterprise, there are several other extremely negative consequences. This is a loss of employee interest in direct production process, inability to cooperate and dismissal.

How to resolve a long-term conflict?

Prolonged intense confrontations between groups completely destroy relationships. All members of the other group are considered enemies. This was confirmed by an experiment conducted in the early 1950s by a group of sociologists led by M. Sherif. The artificially created conflict situation between two camps of boys aged 9-12 years continued even after emotional release (they were allowed to swear). The only way to reconcile the guys was general occupational therapy. Common activity is the only method that experts have tested that has helped restore friendly relations between groups.

Social conflicts - constructive and destructive - are equally resolved by restoring mutual respect and trust. And this is possible precisely in work activity.

The difference between constructive conflict and destructive conflict

Constructive (as well as negative ones) functions conflict with a certain degree of convention and for the sake of convenience of presentation, the material can be divided into: general functions conflicts that take place at various levels of the social system; functions of conflict at the personal level, which relate to the impact of conflict directly on the individual.

Conflict is a form resolution of contradictions. It reveals the gaps, miscalculations and shortcomings that arise in society and because of which the conflict itself flares up.

Also conflict relieves social tension and eliminates the situation of stress, helps to “let off steam”, defuse the situation and relieve accumulated tension.

Conflict resolution leads to system stabilization , while eliminating sources and centers of dissatisfaction. The parties involved in the conflict, taught “ bitter experience", in the future they will be more inclined towards mutual understanding than towards conflict. In addition, resolving a conflict situation can help prevent more serious, significant conflicts that could have occurred if the conflict had not arisen.

Conflict stimulates group creativity, it brings together the energy of the participants, which is necessary in solving a given problem. When people look for ways to resolve a conflict, a process of analysis occurs difficult situations, during which new original ideas arise, the latest ones are developed information Technology, the necessary ways to solve a particular problem arise.

Conflict can be a means clarifying the balance of forces public organizations or communities and can protect against subsequent more destructive conflicts.

Conflict can serve as a link for emergence of new norms of communication between people or help fill old norms with new content.

The impact of the conflict extends to individual personality characteristics.

Conflict can contribute adequate self-esteem and self-knowledge personality. This is a situation in which you need to really assess your abilities, identify new opportunities, and the best previously unknown qualities. This is character building, self-esteem and pride.

Conflict can help eradicate undesirable qualities of human character, for example, feelings of inferiority, humility, servility, etc.

The situation of conflict helps adapt of a person in a group, since it is in conflict that one reveals oneself and returns to square one. Then the person is either rejected by society or joins the team and is accepted by the group members. In the case when a person is rejected by society, no adaptation occurs.

Destructive functions of conflict

The conflict may be related to by violent means its resolution, which could ultimately lead to human casualties and material losses. In addition to the parties involved, for example, in a military conflict, completely innocent people may suffer.

A state of conflict can also slow down the pace of a country's development. Conflict may precede disintegration society, destruction of social communications and cultural alienation social societies within the social system.

A state of conflict leads to the destruction of morals, the decline of social life and, often, an increase in pessimistic mood.

What can conflict leave behind? – decline in the system of the entire organization, decrease in efficiency and discipline. You may also feel stressed, overwhelmed, or depressed.

In addition, each participant in the conflict may be disappointed by its consequences, and there will remain a feeling of disappointment in their abilities, capabilities, and potentials.

Conflict can cause feeling of uncertainty in itself, loss of previous motivation and destruction of existing value orientations and patterns of behavior. In the worst case, the conflict may result in disappointment and loss of faith in previous ideals. Faith in yesterday's friends, in work colleagues, in business partners can be undermined overnight, and distrust in loved ones and relatives can arise.

However, it is appropriate to recall a well-known position: there is no abstract truth, truth is always concrete. If one of the participants wins, then the other loses

Consequences of conflicts

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Most people consider conflict to be a purely negative phenomenon that only leads to quarrels, contradictions and destruction. However, this is a misconception. In addition to destructive ones, there are also constructive conflicts that lead to the resolution of many hidden problems.

Definition of concepts

A conflict is a certain contradiction or opposition that arises due to the incompatibility of the interests of the parties. It can arise between individuals or their groups in the process of life.

In accordance with the nature of the consequences, psychologists distinguish between destructive and constructive conflicts. In the first case, there will be nothing but quarrels, negativity and strained relationships. Sometimes destructive conflicts can progress to the stage of physical violence. They often arise out of bias and the desire for profit.

Constructive conflicts have absolutely the opposite meaning. They help resolve obvious and hidden problems, relieve tension in the team, and strengthen friendly relations. When it comes to enterprises, managers sometimes deliberately provoke conflicts in order to defuse tense situations.

Constructive and destructive conflict - difficulties of assessment

It is worth noting that the confrontation between individuals or their groups is quite difficult to assess. It is not always possible to determine the variety due to the following objective factors:

  • There are no clear criteria according to which constructive and destructive conflict are distinguished. Most often, this can only be done after the confrontation is over, when the consequences can be assessed (and even then the answer may not be clear-cut).
  • Most conflicts, regardless of the environment in which they arise, are characterized by both constructive and destructive functions simultaneously.
  • The characteristics of the confrontation can vary significantly depending on what stage it is at. A constructive conflict can only become such after acute phase or, conversely, move into the area of ​​destruction.
  • When assessing a conflict, it is always worth considering the subjective side. So, one side may consider it constructive, while for the other it will be destructive. In addition, it is important to take into account the interests of third parties who may initiate the confrontation.

Constructive functions of social conflict

Despite the general negative connotation of such a phenomenon as conflict, it performs a number of functions positive value. So, the constructive side of conflicts is as follows:

  • conflict allows us to identify contradictions and problems at the very moment when they have reached the stage of maturity and need immediate elimination;
  • can act as a mechanism for relieving tension in society and resolving situations that are a source of stress;
  • in the process of finding ways out of the conflict, individuals can integrate, showing mutual assistance and understanding;
  • as a result of resolving a controversial situation and eliminating its source social system becomes more stable;
  • A conflict that arises in time can warn against more serious clashes and contradictions.

Thus, it is impossible to speak unequivocally about the negative nature of the conflict. Constructive social conflict is aimed not at aggravating, but at resolving problems.

Constructive functions of interpersonal conflict

Constructive interpersonal conflict performs the following positive functions:

  • allows you to discover the opponent’s true character traits, as well as reveal the true motives of his behavior;
  • conflict situations contribute to strengthening character and personality development;
  • contributes to the adaptation of the individual in society, his self-realization and self-affirmation.

Destructive functions of conflict

Conflicts are characterized by the following destructive functions:

  • due to the fact that the confrontation can move from verbal to physical, there is a high risk of material losses, as well as human casualties;
  • disorganization of society due to tension in relations;
  • slowdown in the pace of socio-economic development due to disruption of interpersonal and intergroup connections;
  • in the process of confrontation, new conflicts may open up, which will be even more destructive;
  • decreased level of discipline and disorientation;
  • deterioration of the psychological climate in a team or society;
  • from the point of view of an individual, self-doubt may develop, disappointment in beliefs and values ​​may occur;
  • negative assessment of others;
  • may work during a conflict defense mechanisms psyches that can lead to or painful conditions.

Types of conflicting personalities

A constructive solution to a conflict is not always possible due to individual characteristics its participants. Psychologists identify six personality types that most often come into conflict with others:

  • demonstrative- they like to be in the center of events, they are quite emotional, and therefore are often the initiators of disputes and confrontations;
  • rigid- due to high self-esteem and touchiness, they often neglect the opinions and interests of others, which leads to serious conflict situations;
  • uncontrollable- characterized by excessive impulsiveness and lack of self-control skills;
  • ultra-precise- too demanding of themselves and others, picky about little things, distrustful;
  • conflict- purposefully enter into confrontation with others, considering such behavior as a way of manipulating and achieving their goals;
  • conflict-free- they are afraid of any disputes and confrontations, as a result of which they can provoke aggression and irritation of others, which leads to the opposite effect.

Models of conflict behavior

Three main models of conflict behavior can be distinguished, namely:

  • Destructive characterized by a desire to escalate confrontation and increase tension. A person may try to involve even more participants in the conflict, expanding its scope. This model is characterized by the following:
    • neglect of the partner in order to reduce his role in resolving the dispute;
    • personal insult and negative performance assessments;
    • open expression of mistrust and doubt;
    • deviation from moral and ethical standards of communication.
  • Constructive behavior in a conflict is aimed at “extinguishing” the confrontation as soon as possible and solving the problem diplomatically. If one of the participants is aimed at reconciliation, then he will show restraint and self-control, regardless of the opponent’s behavior. It is important to behave openly and kindly, while maintaining few words.
  • Compromise model of behavior aimed at finding an alternative solution, it is characteristic of insecure individuals. They act rather passively and avoid direct answers to questions. Participants do not insist on respecting their interests and willingly make concessions.

Constructive development of the conflict

In order for the conflict to develop according to a constructive scenario, the following conditions must be met:

  • participants acknowledge the existence of disagreements, try to understand their nature and recognize the opponent’s right to respect their rights and defend their personal position;
  • before starting to eliminate the causes of the contradiction, negative manifestations of the conflict, such as increased tone, mutual insults, and so on, must be completely eliminated;
  • if it is impossible to reach a consensus on your own, then it is possible to involve a third disinterested party in resolving the controversial situation, who can give an objective assessment of the problem;
  • agreement of all parties to the conflict with the established rules of behavior, which contributes to effective communications.

Smoothing out destructive conflict

It is worth noting that a conflict that is destructive in nature can have a completely favorable outcome. In this regard, the following constructive ways to resolve conflicts are distinguished:

  • Eliminating the cause of the confrontation by limiting contact between the parties. If we talk about managing an organization, then we can talk about the division of powers or
  • Strengthening interaction between conflicting parties. If the confrontation does not directly concern the duties performed, then it is advisable to set a common goal for them, which will force the participants to search for a common language.
  • Stimulation for independent search Moreover, we are not necessarily talking about encouragement in the event of a speedy end to the confrontation. It is quite possible to develop a system of sanctions that will apply if the dispute is not resolved.

Conflict management

Managing constructive conflicts includes the following basic techniques:

  • A clear distinction between its participants. It is unacceptable to criticize personal qualities or interests. Thus, all attention is focused directly on the problem.
  • Development of options that satisfy both parties. To come to a common decision, the parties to the conflict must direct all their efforts not to personal confrontation, but concentrate them on finding alternatives. It is worth uniting against the problem, and not opposing each other. The method works well here " brainstorming", which can also involve third parties.
  • The use of objective criteria implies an objective view of the problem, regardless of the interests of the parties to the conflict. In this case, a decision can be made that will be stable and neutral.
  • Elimination of the influence of principled positions. First of all, each side must decide what its rational interest is in this or that development of events. It is quite possible that the conflicting parties will have them in common or, at least, will not be mutually exclusive.

Ending the conflict

The end of the conflict can occur in the following forms:

  • permission- the opposing sides, through joint efforts, came to final decision, which to one degree or another satisfies their interests;
  • settlement- elimination of contradictions through the efforts of a third party;
  • attenuation- this is a temporary or complete cessation of active confrontation, which can be associated both with the depletion of the resources of the participants and with the loss of relevance of the cause of the conflict;
  • eliminating the conflict consists of "liquidation" of its structural elements(withdrawal from the dispute by one of the parties or a long absence of contacts between opponents, neutralization of the problem);
  • in some cases, an ongoing conflict may lead to the emergence of new confrontations around objects, which were identified during attempts to resolve it.


Despite the fact that most people consider conflict to be a purely negative phenomenon, this is not entirely fair. It may well be constructive in nature. Moreover, in some cases it is simply necessary. For example, the leaders of some organizations deliberately provoke constructive conflicts in work collectives. This helps to identify existing problems, relieve emotional stress and create a healthy work environment. It is also worth remembering that with a competent approach to conflict management, even destructive confrontation can have a constructive conclusion.