Dermatitis on legs from cement. What does dermatitis on the legs look like and how to treat it. Antibacterial and antifungal ointments

The disease has a diverse etiology. Therefore, it develops against the background of an allergen or infection. Dermatitis on the legs can occur at any age, both in an adult and in a child, and it affects skin covering lower extremities. This is not an infection; it is not a contagious disease. Therefore, when timely diagnosis you can easily get rid of it.

The main causes of dermatitis on the legs

A common cause is skin contact with chemicals. This applies not only to the use of creams or ointments for the feet, but also to the wearing of shoes. Especially if it is made of aggressive dye.

Additional causes of the disease are mechanical effects. Dermatitis often occurs for this reason. lower limbs in children, as parents dress the baby in tight synthetic clothing.

A biological factor can also cause the disease. For example, a variety of plants, insects and viruses that cause an allergic reaction in humans. That is why this type of disease is called allergic dermatitis of the lower extremities. Not only the legs are affected, but also the feet; plaques also appear on the fingers.

In medicine, there are several other factors, such as internal (endogenous) causes.

These include disruption to work endocrine system, frequent emotional shocks, as well as genetic predisposition.

Depending on the causes of dermatitis on the legs, the doctor prescribes the necessary examination, and only then prescribes treatment.

What dermatitis occurs on the legs?

There are several types of diseases that affect the lower extremities.

For example, allergic dermatitis occurs due to close contact with an allergen. Therefore, treatment will primarily be aimed at eliminating contact with the aggressive allergen. Note that there is a second type of this disease, called toxic-allergic dermatitis. With this type, the allergen penetrates through the gastrointestinal tract or respiratory system.

Phytodermatitis common species a disease that occurs in a patient upon contact with plant pollen. In this case, the patient experiences severe redness on the skin of the legs, itching and pain.

Contact- is often confused with, so it is important to make a correct diagnosis. Contact dermatitis causes swelling and rashes on the epidermis that look like blisters. In addition, there will be severe itching that accompanies the patient throughout the day.

Vascular occurs only with primary damage to one of their systems: dermohypodermal or vascular. Treatment of dermatitis on the legs in this case is prescribed in a comprehensive manner, since vital systems are also affected.

In rare cases, a person's leg may become neurodermatitis. With this disease there is a bright clinical picture. The patient will have a rash on the lower extremities, which appears in the form of spots. As the disease progresses, the affected areas of the epidermis begin to peel off and take on the appearance of scales, see photo.

How to treat dermatitis on the legs?

We said that before treatment is prescribed, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis in order to identify what kind of dermatitis has arisen and for what reason. Only after this, doctors prescribe the necessary individual treatment.

Can be used as a treatment for dermatitis on the legs of a child and an adult. hormonal ointments.

For dermatitis on the legs, all ointments will have different quantities hormones, so they cannot be used independently in treatment.

They can prescribe

Advantan. With this drug you can quickly eliminate inflammatory process. Often used for neurodermatitis on the lower extremities or infectious dermatitis.

A drug wide range Akriderm actions. The ointment belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids and has a good antibacterial effect, so it is prescribed for almost any skin disease.

Fucicort can be produced in the form of ointment and cream. The drug helps heal cracks and wounds that occur with this disease. In addition, Fucicort is actively used in the treatment of seborrhea and dermatosis.

With some types of dermatitis on the legs, the patient's epidermis begins to dry out greatly. Therefore, doctors prescribe the drug Flucinar. It helps to moisturize the affected skin and also eliminate itching.

Celestoderm has proven itself well. This drug belongs to the corticosteroid group, so it has a wide list of contraindications. However, the drug quickly eliminates signs of inflammation, dry skin and itching.

Kura hormone therapy for each patient is individual, it all depends on the severity and type of dermatitis.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe non-hormonal medicines. Such drugs help achieve positive dynamics in many skin diseases.

Bepanten- one of the most effective means, which can be used in the treatment of this problem. It helps to moisturize the affected epidermis and also protect the skin from irritation. Bepanten is often prescribed for severe illness, since active ingredients the drug helps speed up the regeneration of the skin. For cheaper products with a similar spectrum of action, you can buy D-Panthenol or Pantoderm.

Recently they began to use ointment in treatment triple action called Skin-Cap. Effective when dermatitis occurs on the lower extremities due to a fungus or virus. Skin-Cap has a good anti-inflammatory effect, so it quickly kills fungal or microbial flora in the body.

How else to treat dermatitis? In addition to the medications described above, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroid therapy. It is this therapy that will help dry the affected wet areas on the skin.

Important! This group agents have their own classification, therefore they are divided into low active, moderately and highly active agents. It is prohibited to use such medications on your own, as serious health complications may occur.

Low active:

  1. Prednisolone.
  2. Hydrocortisone.

The drugs are prescribed for mild cases of the disease, in which the clinical picture is not very pronounced.

Moderately active:

  1. Elokom.
  2. Beloderm.
  3. Lokoid.

At severe symptoms, you must use the prescribed drug 2-3 times a day.

Strongly active:

  1. Dermovate.
  2. Cyclocort.

The products help to quickly improve the affected skin and relieve all signs of the disease. They are prescribed under the strict supervision of the attending physician, as they have a wide list of indications and contraindications.

Traditional methods of treating dermatitis on the legs

Traditional medicine is prescribed in complex drug treatment in order to quickly improve the patient’s condition.

Homemade celandine ointment is used as treatment. To prepare, you will need to chop the leaves. medicinal plant. Then mix with butter. The ratio is strictly 1:5. Mix everything and apply to the affected areas. The course of treatment is from 3-7 days.

Oils can be used for external use. For example, collecting sea buckthorn, castor oil and some ground aloe leaves. Mix everything well and apply to the skin. Use no more than twice a day. Prescription course of treatment complex therapy 14 days.

Important! Before preparing any recipe, you should consult a doctor, especially if the disease is allergic. If the prescription is chosen incorrectly, the condition can worsen, and there is also a risk of complications. You should not self-medicate.

Therefore, at the first symptoms of dermatitis, seek help from a doctor who can prescribe the correct treatment.

Video about dermatitis on the legs

Dermatitis on the legs is a fairly common inflammatory skin disease that appears in both adults and children. This illness has two causes. It's either a matter of illness internal organs that cause a rash, or that the patient came into direct contact with the object that causes such a skin reaction in him. Fortunately, dermatitis cannot be contracted from someone nearby. If the patient consults a doctor in time and begins treatment for dermatitis on the legs, then the prognosis will be the most favorable for him.

Causes of dermatitis on the legs

As mentioned above, the disease can be of both an external and internal nature, therefore the causes of dermatitis on the legs will also be divided into two groups according to the same criteria.

External reasons

  • Direct skin contact with chemicals or low-quality cosmetics.
  • Frequent wearing of uncomfortable, low-quality shoes that contain aggressive dyes.
  • Viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation of the epithelial tissue on the legs.
  • Factors such as x-ray radiation, exposure to too low or high temperatures, the presence of poor ecology.

Internal reasons

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Frequent stress, emotional outbursts, overwork, chronic lack of sleep.
  • Hereditary predisposition to this kind of disease.
  • General decrease in immunity.

Video: “About dermatitis on the legs”

Types of dermatitis on the legs

Symptoms and treatment of the disease depend on what type of leg dermatitis is bothering the person. Symptoms can range from simple redness in the legs to quite painful eczema. What types of dermatitis are there?

Venous dermatitis on the legs

This is stagnant dermatitis, which is chronic in nature. This is all due to diseases of the veins and blood vessels, which are not given due attention. This happens because circulatory processes are disrupted in the lower extremities, and the body signals about this skin rashes. Symptoms of venous dermatitis on the legs are:

  1. Edema.
  2. Peeling and redness of the skin.
  3. Severe itching.
  4. A burning sensation in the limbs that borders on pain.

Attention! If varicose dermatitis is not treated, then at first small islands of lesions will turn into large trophic ulcers.

Contact dermatitis on the legs

This is a fairly simple and most harmless type of dermatitis in general. Contact dermatitis on the legs appears immediately after a person comes into contact with an irritant. Irritants can be completely different aspects, such as: excessive friction, insect bites, contact with chemicals, contact with plants, phenomena environment. Symptoms of contact dermatitis on the legs are:

  1. Redness.
  2. A little irritation.
  3. Swelling.
  4. Rash in the form of small blisters.

Attention! If on contact dermatitis on the legs, react immediately, remove the irritant and treat the inflamed areas, then the dermatitis will disappear in a couple of days without cases of relapse, if you carefully follow all the necessary restrictions.

Allergic dermatitis on the legs

Allergic dermatitis on the legs occurs as a reaction to a substance entering the human body, causing allergies. It can be a food product or medicinal product, and household chemicals (for example, detergent that was poorly washed from dishes). Most often, the allergen enters the body through digestive system or through the respiratory system. Allergic reaction does not appear immediately, but only after some time, and the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Skin itching.
  2. Numerous rashes (and not only in the leg area).
  3. General weakness of the patient, deterioration of his condition.

Atopic dermatitis on the legs

This disease is associated with a disorder nervous system sick. In addition, it also has an allergic nature. The disease is dangerous because in most cases it becomes chronic for its carrier. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis on the legs are:

  1. Severe itching, which especially bothers the patient at night.
  2. The itching rarely stops and haunts its owner almost constantly.
  3. Skin rashes may appear and disappear. However, the itching does not weaken at all.
  4. Often a person simply cannot stand it and scratches the skin violently. This can cause weeping eczema.
  5. If there are uncombed rashes on the body, then by their nature they resemble bubbles. When the time comes for them to heal, they become covered with a crust.
  6. The skin itself is excessively dry and rough, flaking.
  7. During an exacerbation of this disease, the patient feels much worse than usual. Apathy, depression, high fatigue, and weakness are noticed.
  8. For some people, constant itching leads them to become aggressive, stop sleeping, and experience a nervous breakdown.
  9. During an exacerbation of the disease, blood pressure levels decrease significantly.

Attention! All of these types of dermatitis can appear not only on the legs, feet and toes, but also on other parts of the body. If diseases are not treated, then very soon they will become chronic.

Video: “About the most important things: Cholesterol, ice cream, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis”

Treatment of dermatitis on the legs

In order for the treatment of infectious dermatitis on the legs to be successful, it is necessary to identify its cause, since treating dermatitis on the legs without this will be pointless. Even if you cannot find the cause of dermatitis on your own, you should consult a doctor. To identify the cause, he will prescribe the following tests:

  • blood analysis.
  • immunological tests.
  • scraping from a damaged area of ​​skin.

After the doctor has the results of these tests in hand, he will tell you how and with what to treat dermatitis. Treatment will consist of the following:

  1. Stop contact with the irritant. This could be shoes made of low-quality material, cosmetics, jewelry, or clothing. In any case, you will have to refuse to wear these things and use such cosmetics.
  2. For success in treatment a huge impact diet provides. If the patient is allergic, then at first he will have to abstain from foods such as: all types of nuts, spices, honey, tomatoes.
  3. Taking antihistamines. These can be tablets and products such as Tavegil, Suprastin, Zodak, Dezal, Claritin, Diazolin and many others. The main thing is to follow the dosage of the drug prescribed by the doctor. On average, the doctor prescribes taking 1-2 tablets per day.
  4. For severe itching of the skin, the patient is prescribed ointments and gels on a hormonal basis. The most popular products today are Advantan, Fenistil, Elidel. They need to smear a thin layer on the damaged area of ​​the skin and wait until the ointment is completely absorbed. The ointment can only be used for 3-5 days, no more, as it is addictive.
  5. Since the skin on the legs is very dry during an exacerbation of the disease, special salicylic Vaseline is prescribed for its treatment. They need to be used 2 times a day, and the ointment should be applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin.
  6. To get the job done immune system in order, the patient is prescribed vitamins and vitamin complexes.

Prevention of dermatitis on the legs

  1. To refuse from bad habits.
  2. Regularly ventilate the room to remove any infection.
  3. Keep the house clean.
  4. Wear comfortable and high-quality shoes, preferably with low heels.
  5. Accept cold and hot shower and baths with the addition of sea salt.
  6. Drink vitamins.
  7. Choose bed sheets from natural material.

Thus, dermatitis on the legs is not a death sentence at all. The disease can be easily treated, the most important thing is not to let it get worse.

Video: “Elena Malysheva. Symptoms and treatment of dermatitis"

A more complex mechanism than human body does not exist in nature. It is quite natural that for normal operation the whole system needs to pay attention to each “element”. The skin is considered to be the largest of all organs, so it is there that the first signs of a malfunction of the “mechanism” appear.

Dysfunction of one of the internal organs manifests itself in the form of a rash on different parts of the body. This rash is commonly called in medicine dermatitis, photo which can be seen below.

Causes of dermatitis

Leather healthy person has protective properties. Under the influence of negative factors and decreased immunity, the skin loses them and develops dermatitis on the legs, hands and other parts of the body.

Dermatitis symptoms can manifest itself under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors. Exogenous provocateurs – external allergens – include:

  • mechanical damage skin;
  • contact with aggressive chemicals and detergents;
  • long-term exposure sun rays, radiation exposure, frostbite of the skin;
  • contact with poisonous plants, mushrooms and animals;
  • allergens that are transmitted by airborne droplets.

Also dermatitis symptoms may manifest itself due to the influence of endogenous factors, that is, internal allergens. Such provocateurs include:

  • general decrease in immunity, vitamin deficiencies;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
  • violation of diet, consumption of foods that cause allergies;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Separately, I would like to note such a factor as hereditary predisposition to the disease dermatitis on legs or hands. There is a certain type of person with hypersensitive skin.

Violations of its integrity and normal state can provoke the slightest contact with an irritant and malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs. This sensitivity can be inherited from parents to children.

Types of dermatitis and symptoms

Dermatitis (photo presented below) includes a group of skin inflammatory diseases, which differ severe itching, redness and swelling of the skin. Today, medicine distinguishes the following types of disease:

  • allergic;
  • dry;
  • infectious;
  • fungal;
  • contact;
  • medicinal;
  • seborrheic;
  • atopic.

As is already clear from the above types of diseases such as skin dermatitis, treatment which is mandatory, classification is carried out depending on the cause and location of skin inflammation. So what does dermatitis look like ? Each type of disease has its own characteristics, for example, dry dermatitis usually appears on the feet in the cold season. It is rarely seen in other places. Dermatitis on legs characterized by increased dryness and flaking of the skin on the heels and other parts of the foot.

Allergic dermatitis on the legs and other parts of the body appears only after contact directly with the allergen. The doctor’s task is to determine the provocateur of the reaction, and the patient’s task is to avoid this irritant in the future. Feature allergic form The disease is that in the absence of prolonged contact with the allergen, the symptoms of the disease go away on their own.

The contact type of the disease is somewhat similar to the allergic one, but it occurs precisely through tactile contact with the allergen. It manifests itself in the form of redness and swelling of the skin on the legs. If these manifestations are not treated, blisters and weeping ulcers form on the skin.

Both adult patients and children are affected by seborrheic disease. It requires deep examination and immediate treatment, as it is provoked by saprophytic flora, which begins to multiply en masse in the body.

Atopic dermatitis, photos, symptoms and treatment in adults Xwhich we are now considering may be a consequence of undertreated allergic type diseases. The atopic form of the disease can be hereditary and sleep in the human body long time, until a provoking factor appears that will give impetus to the visible manifestation of the disease.

Infectious type illness may appear as a result of a recent chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever or staphylococcal infection. Fungal, as the name suggests, is caused by fungi of the genus Candida and Aspargellus, which can enter the human body.

Treatment of dermatitis on the legs

Skin dermatitis treatment carried out by a dermatologist based on what it looks like, what type it is and based on individual characteristics human body.

In order to cure skin inflammation, the provoking factor is initially removed. For example, for allergic and contact dermatitis, testing for irritants and taking antihistamines are indicated. For other forms of the disease, initial cleansing of the body with enterosorbents and taking hormonal and non-hormonal, depending on each case, external medications are indicated.

For infectious, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, antibacterial and antibiotic agents are sometimes prescribed for treatment. If there is fungal dermatitis, then use antifungal creams, ointments and internal preparations.

It is mandatory for all types of illness to prescribe therapy to normalize the functioning of internal digestive organs, normalization of diet and a course of vitamin therapy. As a supplement, phototherapy and treatment with folk remedies can be prescribed.

What does dermatitis look like? , and also how to eliminate it if it appears on the legs, now you know. At the first symptoms, you can begin treatment of the disease and prevent it from developing into chronic form.

Dermatitis on the legs is a disease in which an inflammatory process of the skin develops due to the influence of various unfavorable factors.

Regardless of the reasons that caused the disease, dermatitis is always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - peeling, redness and itching.

Untimely or ineffective treatment can significantly aggravate the course of the disease, so you should contact a specialist when you notice the first symptoms.

Causes of the disease

There are a huge number of factors that contribute to the occurrence of dermatitis on the legs. All causes according to the method of impact on the human body are divided into two groups:

  • exogenous - affect the body from the outside;
  • endogenous - have a negative effect inside the body.

The exogenous group includes factors:

The endogenous group includes:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • vitamin deficiency, mineral deficiency;
  • ingestion of food - allergen;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • taking medications;
  • diseases that cause self-intoxication of the body.

There is another type of classification of factors that cause dermatitis on the legs.

The reasons are divided according to the frequency of the reaction caused:

  1. Mandatory (or obligate) factors - a reaction after their influence will occur in absolutely any person. This group includes: very aggressive liquids - highly concentrated acids and alkalis, strong radiation, ultra-low or ultra-high temperatures, strong allergens.
  2. Optional (facultative) factors - the reaction does not occur in every person, and only due to certain circumstances: allergens that cause a reaction only if the body is sensitive to it, temperature below +4 degrees - in this case, some people may experience cold dermatitis .

In children, the development of dermatitis on the legs can begin under the influence of the same factors as in adults.

Types of dermatitis

Classification of dermatitis by type is a rather difficult multifaceted process, which is why there is no single classification of the disease:

  1. Depending on the location of the skin lesion, there is dermatitis of the palms, face, genitals, legs and other things.
  2. According to the place of influence of the factor that caused the development of the disease, atopic and contact dermatitis are distinguished. In this case, the contact type of disease is usually divided into allergic and simple.
  3. According to the causes of dermatitis, the disease can be inflammatory, toxic-allergic, allergic, fungal, infectious, stagnant.
  4. According to the duration of development pathological process The disease is divided into chronic and acute.
  5. According to the type of rash that occurs - vesicular, erythematous, scaly, bullous.
  6. The nature of the main symptom is weeping, dry, itchy, purulent.

Signs of disease development

The external symptoms of the development of dermatitis may be different, but since in any case the disease is characterized by the onset of an inflammatory process on the skin, there is a certain list of classic signs.

These include:

  • redness of the affected areas of the skin;
  • swelling and puffiness - the appearance of these signs is facilitated by the plethora of small blood vessels skin;
  • an increase in the temperature of the whole body or an increase in the temperature of the skin in the affected area;
  • a feeling of heat that occurs in a specific area of ​​the body;
  • burning or itching of the skin;
  • the occurrence of thickening of the skin or the occurrence of trophic changes;
  • appearance of a rash of various nature- vesicles, papules, scales, blisters, ulcers, cracks;
  • Some time after the rash appears, it may begin to fester.

These symptoms of dermatitis may occur in a specific area of ​​the body or may spread to all parts of the body. Extensive spread of the rash throughout the body is most often observed with the toxic-allergic and allergic nature of the disease.


Taking an anamnesis plays an important role in diagnosing the disease: it is important to understand what factors preceded the onset of painful sensations and rashes on the legs.

The doctor is trying to understand whether the patient has eaten any new, unusual food products, medical supplies, or there has been contact with any cosmetic or detergent.

Diagnosis of dermatitis on the legs most often occurs after external examination patient. However, to determine the exact cause of the development of the disease, scrapings and allergy tests for further microscopic analysis. It is possible to prescribe biochemical and general analysis blood.

Methods for treating dermatitis

Treatment of dermatitis on the legs primarily depends on the cause of the disease. However, there are general therapeutic methods, used to eliminate an illness of any specificity:

  • elimination of the factor that provoked the development of the disease - cessation of interaction with the allergen, elimination of the temperature regime that negatively affects the body;
  • maintaining a special diet that includes only hypoallergenic foods;
  • taking antiallergic drugs;
  • implementation of measures aimed at reducing the body’s sensitivity to factors that have a negative impact;
  • if the disease is infectious, antibiotics are prescribed;
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs, if necessary, hormone-containing drugs;
  • the use of drugs that have local action- anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial ointments; for weeping dermatitis, it is necessary to use various powders and special creams;
  • reduction physical activity to the optimal level, bed rest may be prescribed on the recommendation of a specialist.

Treatment of venous dermatitis

Venous dermatitis is characterized by dryness, redness, hardening of the skin, the formation of scales, and in some cases, the appearance of ulcers on the affected areas of the body.

Dermatitis is caused by insufficiency of the venous system and varicose veins, so therapy for dermatitis should also include treatment of venous diseases:

  • carrying out conservative or surgical treatment varicose veins veins on the recommendation of a specialist;
  • reducing stress on the legs - you can’t wear uncomfortable shoes, stand for a long time, or walk;
  • during rest, it is necessary to take a position in which the legs are on a hill - this way the venous outflow is facilitated;
  • reducing fluid and salt intake;
  • the use of anti-inflammatory and heparin ointments; to relieve itching, it is recommended to use antiallergic ointments.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis

Symptoms of allergic dermatitis appear under the influence of an allergen. The first thing to do when treating this type of disease is to identify and eliminate the substance that causes negative reaction body. Otherwise, the therapy will be ineffective.

At allergic disease apply:

  • antihistamines;
  • in case of exacerbation of the disease it is possible to use steroid hormones(application is carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist!);
  • carrying out procedures that reduce the body's sensitivity to allergens - taking calcium-containing drugs, saline solutions;
  • applying anti-inflammatory, hormonal and itching-reducing ointments.

Therapy for cold dermatitis

Dermatitis on the legs may be a vascular reaction of the body to low temperature regime, causing capillary spasms and blood flow dysfunction. Another cause of this disease is a change in the proteins of the skin, the body’s reaction to them as a strong allergen.

To get rid of cold type illness you need:

  • eliminate the source of cold;
  • take antihistamines internally;
  • take a complex of vitamins A, E, B, PP;
  • use medications whose action is aimed at improving microcirculation and vascular condition;
  • apply nourishing creams and anti-inflammatory ointments to the affected areas.

Treatment of infectious dermatitis

Infectious dermatitis is most often the result of diseases such as chickenpox, syphilis, measles, but it can also be an independent disease.

Treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the infection by applying antibacterial agents. How adjuvant therapy, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines

Treatment of stasis dermatitis

The stagnant form of the disease is a type of venous dermatitis. The cause of the disease is impaired outflow of blood and lymph, causing a deficiency of skin nutrition. With stagnant dermatitis, the skin becomes susceptible to secondary infections and allergens.

When treating a congestive illness:

  • normalize blood flow;
  • eliminate allergens;
  • moisturize and soften the skin;
  • use antiallergic and anti-inflammatory medications;
  • if an infection occurs, use antibacterial agents.


Any disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. To prevent dermatitis, you must follow proper diet, perform optimal physical activity.

It is necessary to carefully ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins. If you have an allergy, you should avoid exposure to the allergen.

It is worth observing foot hygiene; you can only use soft detergents. You need to stop wearing uncomfortable shoes and clothes.

In the presence of infectious diseases they must be treated promptly to prevent the development of complications.

If any signs of dermatitis occur, it is important to immediately seek help from a specialist.

Dermatitis on the legs is an inflammatory process that develops as a result of the influence of various physical and biological factors on the skin of the lower extremities. Dermatitis is not transmitted from a sick person to other people. Timely and properly selected treatment contributes to a speedy recovery.

Clinical symptoms

Symptoms of the development of dermatitis on the legs depend on the form of the disease. Most often, they appear in the form of a skin rash.

At allergic dermatitis redness, the appearance of a weeping rash, and swelling of adjacent tissues are observed.

In some cases, dryness, peeling, and weeping erosions may occur. In advanced cases, pain is present.

There are several types of dermatitis that are localized specifically on the lower extremities. Quite common atopic dermatitis, having an allergic nature. All types of the disease affect the feet, toes, legs, and thighs. Rashes on the toes, where the skin is very sensitive, cause particular discomfort.

In advanced cases, the development of eczema is observed. If the disease has become chronic, the treatment will be long-term and the patient will need to strictly follow all the dermatologist’s recommendations.

Types of diseases on the legs:

How is the treatment carried out?

Treatment of the disease depends on the cause that triggered the onset of the disease. If dermatitis on the legs was caused by an external irritant, it is necessary to identify and eliminate it.

Therapy should be comprehensive: the use of external agents, desensitizing and sedative medications.

Therapeutic measures carried out for dermatitis of the lower extremities:

Varicose dermatitis

Therapy for the disease is aimed at restoring blood circulation in the legs, improving lymphatic drainage and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

The main methods of treating pathology that will help get a positive result:

Allergic dermatitis

The main requirement is to identify and eliminate the allergen, otherwise symptomatic therapy will not be effective.

Prescribed medications with antiallergic effects, desensitizing therapy, and in severe cases, administration of steroids. Hormonal ointments are used to reduce itching.

Infectious dermatitis

The disease is caused by fungi, viruses, pathogenic bacteria. In most cases, it is a sign of ongoing infectious diseases. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the primary infection (antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral drugs, immunomodulation). Anti-inflammatory and antihistamines are prescribed in the form of tablets, ointments, and injections.

Positive effects of diet

Excluding foods that cause dermatitis on the legs from the diet significantly facilitates the course of the disease and promotes a speedy recovery. For dermatitis, a hypoallergenic diet is indicated and drinking plenty of fluids. All possible allergens are excluded from the menu, even those that were not the cause of the rash.