Arterial blood definition. Deoxygenated blood. Why are tests taken from a vein?

Venous circulation occurs as a result of the rotation of blood to the heart, and in general, through the veins. It is deprived of oxygen, as it is completely dependent on carbon dioxide, which is necessary for tissue gas exchange.

As for human venous blood, as opposed to arterial blood, then it is several times warmer and has a lower pH. In its composition, doctors note a low content of the majority nutrients, including glucose. It is characterized by the presence of metabolic end products.

In order to obtain venous blood, you must undergo a procedure called venipuncture! Basically everything medical research in laboratory conditions, venous blood is used as a basis. Unlike the arterial one, it has a characteristic color with a red-bluish, deep tint.

About 300 years ago, an explorer Van Horn made a sensational discovery: It turns out that the entire human body is penetrated by capillaries! The doctor begins to conduct various experiments with medications, as a result of which he observes the behavior of capillaries filled with red liquid. Modern doctors know that capillaries play a key role in the human body. With their help, blood flow is gradually ensured. Thanks to them, all organs and tissues are supplied with oxygen.

Human arterial and venous blood, difference

From time to time, everyone wonders: is venous blood different from arterial blood? The entire human body is divided into numerous veins, arteries, large and small vessels. Arteries facilitate the so-called outflow of blood from the heart. Purified blood moves throughout the human body and thus provides timely nutrition.

In this system, the heart is a kind of pump that gradually pumps blood throughout the body. Arteries can be located both deep and close under the skin. You can feel the pulse not only on the wrist, but also on the neck! Arterial blood has a characteristic bright red hue, which when bleeding takes on a somewhat poisonous color.

Human venous blood, unlike arterial blood, is located very close to the surface of the skin. Along its entire surface, venous blood is accompanied by special valves that facilitate the calm and smooth passage of blood. Dark blue blood nourishes tissues and gradually moves into the veins.

In the human body there are several times more veins than arteries. If any damage occurs, venous blood flows slowly and stops very quickly. Venous blood is very different from arterial blood, and all because of the structure of individual veins and arteries.

The walls of veins are unusually thin, unlike arteries. They can withstand high pressure, since powerful tremors may be observed during the ejection of blood from the heart.

In addition, elasticity plays a key role, thanks to which blood moves through the vessels quickly. Veins and arteries provide normal blood circulation, which does not stop for a minute in the human body. Even if you are not a doctor, it is very important to know a minimum of information about venous and arterial blood that will help you in the event of open bleeding to quickly provide first aid medical care. The World Wide Web will help replenish the stock of knowledge regarding venous and arterial circulation. You just need to enter the word of interest into the search bar and in a few minutes you will receive answers to all your questions.

Blood moves continuously through the vessels of the human body. The heart, due to its structure, clearly divides it into arterial and venous. They should not be mixed normally. Sometimes there are difficult situations, for example, during bleeding or taking fluid from a vessel, in which it is necessary to accurately determine its type. This article will tell you how it differs from venous. And we should start with anatomy.

Structure of the circulatory system

The four-chamber structure of the heart helps to separate arterial and venous fluid. Thus, they do not mix, which is necessary for the adequate functioning of the body.

There are 2 circles of blood circulation: small and large. Thanks to the first, blood passes through the capillaries of the lungs, is enriched with oxygen in the alveoli, becoming arterial. Then it goes to the heart, which, with the help of the powerful walls of the left ventricle, pushes it into a large circle through the aorta.

After the body tissues have taken all the nutrients from the capillaries, the blood becomes venous and returns through the large circle vessels of the same name to the heart, which sends it through pulmonary arteries to low to saturate with oxygen again.

So how does arterial blood differ from venous blood? What are their features?


First of all, this species differs from the other in composition. The main function of blood is to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues. The process occurs in capillaries - the smallest vessels. In exchange for oxygen, cells give off carbon dioxide.

In addition to the most important for all living things chemical element, such blood is rich in nutrients that are absorbed into gastrointestinal tract and enter the venous system. Further her path is blocked by the liver. All substances coming from the gastrointestinal tract must be filtered. Dangerous and poisonous remain there, and pure venous blood gets the right to pass through the lungs and be converted into arterial blood. It delivers nutrients to organ cells that need nutrition.

Another distinctive feature This type of blood serves as a color. It has a bright scarlet color. The reason is hemoglobin. He has different composition. So what is the difference between hemoglobin in arterial and venous blood? This is a special protein that can carry oxygen. The combination with it gives the liquid a bright scarlet color.

Another important sign What distinguishes arterial blood from venous blood is the nature of movement through the vessels. This directly depends on the force with which it is expelled from the heart into a large circle, as well as on the structure of the artery wall. They are strong and elastic. Therefore, in case of injury, the contents of the vessel are poured out in a strong pulsating stream.

It is very difficult to compress arteries using soft tissue. Therefore, to stop blood loss, there are points where the vessels are as close as possible to the bone structures. It is necessary to press the artery tightly against the bone structure located above the injury site, since the arteries carry blood from top to bottom. It must be remembered that most arteries are deep and require a lot of effort to compress them.


This look has a darker, deeper burgundy color with a slight bluish tint. Hemoglobin gives it this color. The arterial system gave maximum oxygen to the tissues of the body. But therefore, venous blood differs from arterial blood in the presence of another substance in hemoglobin - carbon dioxide. This is how carboxyhemoglobin is formed. It just colors the substance in a dark red hue.

After the transfer of nutrients, the tissues give up their metabolic products, which must be removed from the body. Such substances include uric acid and others. Because of them high content Compared to arterial blood, it is venous blood that is used in laboratory research for the qualitative determination of a particular indicator.

Venous blood differs from arterial blood in that if a vessel is damaged, it will flow more systematically. Stopping this type of bleeding is much easier, especially when superficial trauma. It is enough to apply a pressure bandage. This difference in movement through the vessels is explained by the structure of the vein wall. It is very pliable and easy to press against soft tissues, such as muscles.


Due to their differences and opposing characteristics, arterial and venous blood ensure the internal constancy of the body - homeostasis. For full health, you need to keep yourself in good shape and maintain complete balance. Otherwise, if any deviations appear, the condition will be disrupted and the person will get sick.

How is arterial blood different from venous blood? After reading the article, such a question should not bother a person. Based on the knowledge gained, you can easily determine the type of bleeding and save more than one life.

Blood performs in the body important function– provides all organs and tissues with oxygen and various useful substances. It takes carbon dioxide and decay products from the cells. There are several types of blood: venous, capillary and arterial blood. Each type has its own function.

General information

For some reason, almost all people are sure that arterial blood is the type that flows in arterial vessels. In fact, this opinion is wrong. Arterial blood is enriched with oxygen, which is why it is also called oxygenated. It moves from the left ventricle to the aorta, then goes through the arteries of the systemic circulation. After the cells are saturated with oxygen, the blood turns into venous and enters the veins of the BC. In a small circle, arterial blood moves through the veins.

Different types of arteries are located in various places: some are deep in the body, while others allow you to feel the pulsation.

Venous blood moves through the veins into the CD and through the arteries into the MC. There is no oxygen in it. This liquid contains a large number of carbon dioxide, decomposition products.


Venous and arterial blood are different. They differ not only in function, but also in color, composition and other indicators. These two types of blood have differences in bleeding. First aid is provided in different ways.


Blood has a specific and general functions. The latter include:

  • nutrient transfer;
  • transport of hormones;
  • thermoregulation.

Venous blood contains a lot of carbon dioxide and little oxygen. This difference is due to the fact that oxygen enters only the arterial blood, while carbon dioxide passes through all vessels and is contained in all types of blood, but in different quantities.


Venous and arterial blood has different colour. In the arteries it is very bright, scarlet, light. The blood in the veins is dark, cherry-colored, almost black. This is related to the amount of hemoglobin.

When oxygen enters the blood, it enters into an unstable combination with the iron contained in red blood cells. Once oxidized, iron colors the blood bright red. Venous blood contains many free iron ions, which is why it becomes dark in color.

Blood movement

When wondering what the difference is between arterial blood and venous blood, few people know that these two types also differ in their movement through the vessels. In arteries, blood moves away from the heart, and through veins, on the contrary, towards the heart. In this part circulatory system blood circulation is slow as the heart pushes fluid away from itself. Valves located in the vessels also affect the reduction in movement speed. This type of blood movement occurs in big circle blood circulation In the pulmonary circle, arterial blood moves through the veins. Venous - through the arteries.

In textbooks, on schematic representations of blood circulation, arterial blood is always colored red, and venous blood is always colored blue. Moreover, if you look at the diagrams, then the number arterial vessels corresponds to the number of venous. This image is approximate, but it fully reflects the essence vascular system.

The difference between arterial blood and venous blood also lies in the speed of movement. The arterial is ejected from the left ventricle into the aorta, which branches into smaller vessels. Then the blood enters the capillaries, nourishing all organs and systems at the cellular level with useful substances. Venous blood collects from capillaries into larger vessels, moving from the periphery to the heart. When a fluid moves, different pressures are observed in different areas. Arterial blood pressure is higher than that of venous blood. It is ejected from the heart under a pressure of 120 mm. rt. Art. In the capillaries the pressure drops to 10 millimeters. It also moves slowly through the veins, since it has to overcome the force of gravity and cope with the system of vascular valves.

Due to the difference in pressure, blood for testing is taken from capillaries or a vein. Blood is not taken from the arteries, since even minor damage to the vessel can provoke extensive bleeding.


When providing first aid, it is important to know which blood is arterial and which is venous. These species are easily identified by their flow patterns and color.

With arterial bleeding, a fountain of bright scarlet blood is observed. The liquid flows out pulsatingly and quickly. This type of bleeding is difficult to stop, which is the danger of such injuries.

When providing first aid, it is necessary to raise the limb and compress the damaged vessel by applying a hemostatic tourniquet or pressing it with finger pressure. In case of arterial bleeding, the patient must be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Arterial bleeding may be internal. In such cases, a large amount of blood enters the abdominal cavity or various organs. With this type of pathology, a person suddenly becomes ill, skin turn pale. After some time, dizziness and loss of consciousness begin. This is due to lack of oxygen. Only doctors can provide assistance with this type of pathology.

With venous bleeding, dark cherry-colored blood flows out of the wound. It flows slowly, without pulsation. You can stop this bleeding yourself by applying a pressure bandage.

Circulation circles

There are three circles of blood circulation in the human body: large, small and coronary. All the blood flows through them, so if even a small vessel is damaged, severe blood loss can occur.

The pulmonary circulation is characterized by the release of arterial blood from the heart, passing through the veins to the lungs, where it is saturated with oxygen and returns back to the heart. From there it goes along the aorta in a large circle, delivering oxygen to all tissues. Passing through various organs, the blood is saturated with nutrients and hormones, which are carried throughout the body. In the capillaries there is an exchange of useful substances and those that have already been used. This is where oxygen exchange occurs. From the capillaries the fluid enters the veins. At this stage, it contains a lot of carbon dioxide, decay products. Through the veins, venous blood is carried throughout the body to the organs and systems where cleansing occurs. harmful substances, then the blood approaches the heart, passes into a small circle, where it is saturated with oxygen, giving off carbon dioxide. And everything starts all over again.

Venous and arterial blood should not mix. If this happens, it will reduce physical abilities person. Therefore, in case of heart pathologies, operations are performed that help lead a normal life.

Both types of blood are important for the human body. During blood circulation, fluid changes from one type to another, ensuring the normal functioning of the body, as well as optimizing the functioning of the body. The heart pumps blood at tremendous speed, without stopping its work for a minute, even during sleep.

Blood performs the main function in the body - it supplies organs with tissues with oxygen and other nutrients.

It takes carbon dioxide and other decay products from the cells. Thanks to this, gas exchange occurs, and the human body functions normally.

There are three types of blood that constantly circulate throughout the body. These are arterial (A.K.), venous (V.C.) and capillary fluid.

What is arterial blood?

Most people think that arterial view flows through the arteries, and venous flows through the veins. This is an erroneous judgment. It is based on the fact that the name of blood is associated with the name of blood vessels.

The system through which the fluid circulates is closed: veins, arteries, capillaries. It consists of two circles: large and small. This contributes to the division into venous and arterial categories.

Arterial blood enriches cells with oxygen (O 2). It is also called oxygenated. This blood mass from the left ventricle of the heart is pushed into the aorta and flows through the arteries of the systemic circle.

Having saturated the cells and tissues with O 2, it becomes venous, entering the veins of the systemic circle. In the pulmonary circulation, the arterial mass moves through the veins.

Some arteries are located deep in the human body and cannot be seen. The other part is located close to the surface of the skin: the radial or carotid artery. In these places you can feel the pulse. Read from which side.

How is venous blood different from arterial blood?

The movement of this blood mass occurs in a completely different way. The pulmonary circulation begins from the right ventricle of the heart. From here, venous blood flows through the arteries to the lungs.

More information about venous blood -.

There it gives off carbon dioxide and is saturated with oxygen, turning into an arterial type. The pulmonary vein returns blood to the heart.

In the large circulatory system, arterial blood flows from the heart through the arteries. Then it turns into V.K., and through the veins it enters the right ventricle of the heart.

The venous system is more extensive than the arterial system. The vessels through which blood flows are also different. So the vein has thinner walls, and the blood mass in them is a little warmer.

Blood in the heart does not mix. Arterial fluid is always in the left ventricle, and venous fluid is always in the right.

Differences between the two types of blood

Venous blood is different from arterial blood. The difference lies in the chemical composition of the blood, shades, functions, etc.

  1. The arterial mass is bright red. This is explained by the fact that it is saturated with hemoglobin, which has added O 2. For V.K. Characteristic is a dark burgundy color, sometimes with a bluish tint. This suggests that it contains a high percentage of carbon dioxide.
  2. According to biology research chemical composition A.K. rich in oxygen. Average percentage of O 2 content healthy person– over 80 mmhg. IN VK. the indicator drops sharply to 38 – 41 mmhg. The carbon dioxide indicator is different. In A.K. it is 35 - 45 units, and in V.K. the proportion of CO 2 ranges from 50 to 55 mmhg.

Not only oxygen, but also useful microelements enter the cells from the arteries. In the venous there is a large percentage of breakdown and metabolic products.

  1. The main function of A.K. – provide human organs with oxygen and nutrients. VC. necessary in order to deliver carbon dioxide to the lungs for further removal from the body and to eliminate other breakdown products.

In addition to CO 2 and metabolic elements, venous blood also contains useful material, which suck digestive organs. The blood fluid also contains hormones secreted by the endocrine glands.

  1. Blood moves at different speeds through the arteries of the large circulatory ring and the small circulatory ring. A.K. ejected from the left ventricle into the aorta. It branches into arteries and smaller vessels. Next, the blood mass enters the capillaries, feeding the entire periphery with O 2. VC. moves from the periphery to the heart muscle. The differences are in pressure. Thus, blood is ejected from the left ventricle under a pressure of 120 millimeters of mercury. Further, the pressure decreases, and in the capillaries it is about 10 units.

Blood fluid also moves slowly through the veins of the systemic circle, because where it flows, it has to overcome gravity and cope with the obstacle of the valves.

  1. In medicine, blood sampling for a detailed analysis is always taken from a vein. Sometimes from capillaries. Biological material taken from a vein helps determine the condition of the human body.

The difference between venous and arterial bleeding

It is not difficult to distinguish between types of bleeding; even people far from medicine can do this. If an artery is damaged, the blood is bright red.

It flows in a pulsating stream and flows out very quickly. Bleeding is difficult to stop. This is the main danger of arterial damage.

It will not stop without first aid:

  • The affected limb should be elevated.
  • Hold the damaged vessel a little above the wound with your finger and apply a medical tourniquet. But it cannot be worn for more than one hour. Before applying a tourniquet, wrap the skin with gauze or any cloth.
  • The patient should be urgently taken to the hospital.

Arterial bleeding may be internal. This is called a closed form. In this case, a vessel inside the body is damaged, and the blood mass enters the abdominal cavity or spills between organs. The patient suddenly becomes ill, the skin turns pale.

A few moments later he begins to severe dizziness, and he loses consciousness. This indicates a lack of O 2. Only doctors in the hospital can help with internal bleeding.

When bleeding from a vein, fluid flows out in a slow stream. Color – dark burgundy. Bleeding from a vein can stop on its own. But it is recommended to bandage the wound with a sterile bandage.

There is arterial, venous and capillary blood in the body.

The first moves through the arteries of the large ring and veins small system blood circulation

Venous blood flows through the veins of the greater ring and the pulmonary arteries of the lesser circle. A.K. saturates cells and organs with oxygen.
Taking carbon dioxide and decay elements from them, the blood turns into venous. It delivers metabolic products to the lungs for further elimination from the body.

Video: Differences between arteries and veins

The blood that constantly circulates in the body is not the same everywhere. In some parts of the vascular system it is venous, in others it is arterial. What is this substance in each case, and how does venous blood differ from arterial blood? This is discussed below.

General information

Among the functions of blood, the most important is supplying nutrition and oxygen to the tissues, as well as freeing the body from metabolic products. All this movement of vital fluid occurs along a closed trajectory. In this case, there is a division of the system into two sectors, called circulatory circles. Small - passes through the lungs, where oxygen enters the blood. Large - permeates the entire body, its organs and tissues.

The beats of the heart make the blood move. The largest vessels come directly from this organ. Gradually they narrow, branch and turn into capillaries. Arteries, veins and smaller vessels are depicted below and the movement of blood is shown:


Each type of blood has its own composition. Arterial- This is the one that is saturated with oxygen. In addition, it contains a sufficient amount of useful elements, as it nourishes the cells of the body. In a large circle, such blood flows, respectively, through the arteries, in the direction from the heart. But in small things, despite the name, through the veins.

Everything happens the other way around in the case of venous blood. In the large circle it moves to the main organ through the veins, and in the small circle it moves from the heart to the lungs through the arteries. Such blood carries a lot of carbon dioxide and metabolic products, but there are practically no nutrients in it. Arterial blood turns into a liquid with the specified composition after releasing useful components to the body tissues. Thus, an important substance, circulating along a closed path, regularly changes its type when passing through certain sections.

Let us name other signs that make up the difference between venous blood and arterial blood. The visual differentiating factor is color. U venous blood it is deep, dark red with a cherry tint. Arterial fluid, in turn, is brighter. It was revealed that her temperature was slightly lower.

Another feature by which comparison can be made is the speed of movement of the train of both types. Thus, venous blood has a more measured flow. This is explained both by the action of certain physical forces and by the fact that the veins are equipped with valves that control such movement. By the way, these vessels are clearly visible under the skin in certain areas of the body, for example in the wrist area.

Because of low pressure venous blood, which is also thicker, comes out calmly when the body is damaged. It's easier to stop her. Meanwhile, arterial bleeding, which has an intense pulsating nature, is very difficult to cope with. This phenomenon is very dangerous for human life.

What is the difference between venous and arterial blood? The fact is that when determining diseases, the first type of material is more often collected. After all, it is venous blood, saturated with waste products, that can tell more about any problems in the body.