Ambroxol and Bromhexine: comparison of products and which is better. Lazolvan or Bromhexine, which is better? Which drug is better

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead healthy image life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing hands and face, cleaning respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Don't forget to go through your scheduled annual examinations, treat lung diseases initial stages much simpler than in a neglected state. Avoid emotional and physical stress; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • With the onset of cold weather, the likelihood of catching a cold increases sharply, which is accompanied by such an unpleasant symptom as a cough. How to quickly and effectively cope with this disease? What medications are best to take for cough? Which drug is better: Bromhexine or Ambroxol or Lazolvan? Especially for readers of “Popular about health” I will consider the features of these medicines.

    Pharmacological group

    All three drugs, Bromhexine, Lazolvan and Ambroxol, are included in the group of mucolytic drugs. The main indication for the use of these pharmaceuticals is the presence of difficult to separate sputum.

    In such cases, patients complain of a painful, possibly paroxysmal cough, which ends with the discharge of a very small amount of bronchial secretion.

    The purpose of using any of the three drugs mentioned above is to change physical and chemical properties sputum, which increases the fluidity of this biological fluid, promoting rapid cleansing of the bronchial tree.

    In addition, all three drugs stimulate the activity of the so-called ciliated epithelium, which covers the inner surface of the bronchi. In this case, the evacuation function is significantly stimulated respiratory system.

    Moreover, all three drugs are able to suppress inflammatory changes in the bronchial mucosa, thereby reducing the severity of pathological manifestations of the disease and helping to shorten the rehabilitation period.

    Active substance

    Two drugs in Lazolvan and Ambroxol contain the same thing active substance- ambroxol hydrochloride, which makes these pharmaceuticals analogues.

    In the drug Bromhexine, the active substance is represented by the chemical compound of the same name. However, all three drugs have one important thing in common. Ambroxol hydrochloride is a metabolite of bromhexine.

    Essentially, bromhexine is a prodrug that, when it enters the human body, is fermented to pharmacological active component ambroxol, which produces all the effects of the drug.

    Indications for use

    All three mucolytic drugs are prescribed in the following cases:

    Bronchitis and tracheitis of any etiology;
    Bronchial asthma;

    The criterion for prescribing drugs is not the fact of the presence of a cough, but the presence of thick sputum that is difficult to separate.

    Contraindications for use

    Similar to the indications for use, the contraindications are the same for all three mucolytic drugs:

    Pregnancy, especially in the first trimester;
    Breastfeeding period;
    Intolerance to the active substance.

    Relative contraindications: severe renal failure, severe pathology excretory system, the presence of pathology of the respiratory system, accompanied by the appearance of a significant amount of sputum.

    Differences between drugs

    The only difference between the drugs, if you do not take into account their cost, lies in the slow action of bromhexine. Indeed, it may take several hours for the active metabolite to form.

    Thus, the development of the mucolytic effect after taking drugs such as Ambroxol or Lazolvan will take no more than an hour. When taking the drug Bromhexine, it will take about 3 or more hours to form a high concentration of the active metabolite.

    Bromhexine and Ambroxol are available only in tablets and syrup. Lazolvan is produced in the form of syrup for oral administration and solution for inhalation. All three medications are available from pharmacies without a prescription.

    Side effects

    Since the active metabolite of the drugs is the same, side effects are also the same. The following may occur when taking any medicine: unwanted effects: frequent nausea, vomiting, drug-induced liver damage, skin allergic rashes, abdominal pain, the appearance of lesions on the gastric mucosa, dizziness, frequent headaches.

    However, the incidence of side effects when taking Ambroxol or Lazolvan is much lower. Treatment infectious diseases with the help of the drug Bromhexine much more often leads to the appearance negative consequences. So Ambroxol and Lazolvan are better than Bromhexine in this regard.

    Obviously, the reason for this lies in the higher degree of chemical purity of the active substance of the drug. When taking bromhexine, other metabolites, not only ambroxol hydrochloride, can be formed from its active component.


    Of course, modern medicines, such as Lazolvan or Ambroxol will cost significantly more than Bromhexine, which is used in medical practice for several decades now.

    In addition, the manufacturer of the drug is very important. Unfortunately, even if we do not take into account counterfeit drugs, drugs produced at pharmaceutical enterprises in Europe and at factories in Russia will not act the same.

    Obviously, the degree of severity of the pharmacological effect is influenced by many factors: the degree of chemical purity of the active substance, the composition of the auxiliary components, and so on.


    To summarize, medications are not designed to save money. The purpose of their prescription is the recovery of the patient and for this reason preference should always be given to modern highly effective medicines. That is, make a choice in favor of Lazolvan or Ambroxol.

    Quite often, specialists prescribe mucolytic drugs to patients to treat cough. The main task of these drugs is to liquefy mucus, accelerating the process of its separation from the tissues of the respiratory tract and removal from the body. The most common such drugs are Ambroxol and Bromhexine. Which one is better? Let's try to figure this out and provide you with descriptions of both medications.

    A drug such as Ambroxol is deservedly considered one of the best mucolytic agents. It can be used to treat a wide variety of respiratory diseases, and is excellent for the following ailments:

    • inflammatory processes - laryngitis, pharyngitis or tracheitis;
    • bronchitis in acute or chronic form;
    • sinusitis and rhinitis;
    • pneumonia. In case of severe pneumonia, the drug removes excess sputum, significantly alleviating the patient’s condition;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • almost all bronchiectasis diseases.

    In addition, Ambroxol is often used to prevent or completely eliminate respiratory distress syndrome in newly born children, as well as to accelerate the maturation of the respiratory system. The medicine is also indicated for pulmonary tuberculosis - it makes it possible to get rid of phlegm.

    First of all, the drug has a powerful effect on the bronchi, significantly increasing the volume of secreted secretions and active substances. At the same time, it makes it possible to reduce the viscosity of liquids accumulating in the respiratory tract, making it much easier to remove them from the body.

    After taking the tablets, the effect occurs within 30-40 minutes and lasts for 8-12 hours. Thanks to this, the medicine removes phlegm well. The effect on the affected body may vary depending on the age of the patient, as well as factors such as:

    • the presence of any diseases that complicate treatment;
    • identification of disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
    • dosage of the drug prescribed by the doctor.

    Ambroxol release forms

    The active ingredient of the drug is ambroxol hydrochloride. Based on it the following are produced:

    • regular and effervescent tablets;
    • solutions intended for inhalation or injection;
    • capsules and lozenges;
    • syrup, which, due to the low concentration of the active substance, can be given even to small children;
    • solutions for oral use and infusion;
    • concentrate that must be diluted with water

    Such a wide variety of drug release forms makes it possible to choose the appropriate option for any patient, regardless of his age and characteristics of the body.

    Contraindications to taking Ambroxol

    The active substance of the drug has negative impact on the stomach, intestines and others internal organs, therefore it is prescribed with caution or not prescribed at all in the following cases:

    • the patient has a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
    • the patient suffers from seizures;
    • intolerance to individual components of the drug is observed.

    In addition, Ambroxol should not be prescribed for hereditary disorders of carbohydrate tolerance, since it contains lactose.

    Patients who do not have the above problems, in the vast majority of cases, tolerate taking Ambroxol without any complications. At the same time, exceeding the dosage or non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations can lead to the following side effects:

    • stomach upsets – diarrhea or constipation;
    • various allergic reactions– skin rash, urticaria, difficulty breathing (up to anaphylactic shock), swelling, dermatitis;
    • excessive dryness in the respiratory system;
    • dizziness and severe headaches.

    All such effects disappear immediately after stopping the drug. Doctors recommend not taking Ambroxol for a long time, as this can lead to impairment. normal operation intestines, stomach pain, as well as the occurrence of symptoms such as chills, shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure, a feeling of numbness ( this problem occurs when too fast intravenous administration drug).

    What is the difference between Ambroxol and Bromhexine?

    Which is better, Ambroxol or Bromhexine 8 Berlin-Chemie? To answer this question, you need to know the features pharmacological action second medicine. The thing is that Bromhexine, when it enters the stomach, is almost instantly absorbed into the blood and completely restructured. In the process of its change, a number of metabolites are formed that have both secretomotor and mucolytic effects. One of the metabolites is ambroxol.

    Based on this, we can conclude that the drug Ambroxol acts much faster, since when taking it there is no need to wait for the restructuring of the original active substance. Despite the fact that Bromhexine begins to work within 2-4 hours after use, the maximum effect develops only after several days (sometimes up to a week).

    In addition, Ambroxol can be given to children (exclusively syrups in which the concentration of the active substance is minimal). This drug is recommended by a very well-known useful tips, numerous books and television programs by Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky. The only advantages of Bromhexine include its lower cost. However, if you want to get a quick effect, it is better to purchase Ambroxol, which begins to remove phlegm literally 30-40 minutes after administration.

    Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract are often accompanied by a cough. This defense mechanism, aimed at removing phlegm from the bronchi. However, despite its benefits to the body, it can significantly worsen the quality of our life, disrupt sleep, cause unpleasant pain in chest. Of course, in such a situation it is necessary to help the patient.

    One of the most effective groups medications are mucolytics. They are presented in various chemical compounds, but they have the same goal - to improve the removal of sputum from the respiratory system.

    Among medical recommendations, the leaders are Bromhexine and Lazolvan. Let's take a look together at the features of these medications, indications for use, and their effect on lung tissue and cells of the bronchial tree. This information will help you decide which is better to choose: Bromhexine or Lazolvan?

    The history of obtaining bromhexine is quite interesting. First, scientists turned their attention to vasicin, a substance isolated from the tropical plant Justice vascularis. Leaf extract has long been used to treat inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. The effect of vasicin was manifested:

    • decreased inflammatory activity;
    • decrease pain in the chest;
    • diluting and accelerating the evacuation of sputum.

    In the middle of the last century, scientists managed to produce a synthetic analogue of vasicine - bromhexine.

    Bromhexine has several forms of release, all of them are intended for oral administration. Among adult patients, tablets are in greatest demand; for children, syrup or drops are most often recommended.

    Once in the body, bromhexine begins to break down into metabolites - active substances. One of them is ambroxol. It is he who provides the majority therapeutic effects drug.

    Bromhexine belongs to the mucolytic group of drugs. The main effect of such drugs is aimed at changing the rheological properties of sputum and improving its removal from the body. This is achieved by breaking chemical bonds in the protein molecules of the secreted secretion and enhancing the work of the ciliated epithelium lining bronchial tree. Visible effect from bromhexine appears within the first few days after the start of therapy.

    Indications and contraindications

    Bromhexine is used in patients of different ages for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, which are accompanied by difficulty in sputum discharge. This pathology most often includes:

    • bronchitis;
    • combined damage to the trachea and bronchial tree - tracheobronchitis;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • pneumonia, both acute and chronic;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • cystic fibrosis.

    Bromhexine is also often used in the preoperative and postoperative periods. The drug allows you to sanitize the bronchial tree from secretions, which increases the information content when carrying out diagnostic procedures, increases the effectiveness of intrabronchial therapeutic manipulations and surgical intervention. IN postoperative period the drug is used for preventive purposes - it helps to avoid the accumulation of thick secretions in the bronchi.

    The instructions for the drug describe conditions in which the use of Bromhexine is contraindicated. These include:

    • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • stomach ulcer or duodenum in the acute stage.

    Bromhexine should be used with caution in patients with severe damage to the kidneys, liver and diagnosed failure of these organs.

    Side effects and overdose

    Before taking any medicine, you must read the instructions. This document indicates possible side effects that may occur while using the drug. The following conditions may complicate Bromhexine therapy:

    1. Allergic reactions. Most often they manifest themselves as skin rashes, but can be in the form of rhinitis or urticaria. The most dangerous adverse reaction to taking bromhexine is angioedema. In this case, there is swelling of the subcutaneous fat and mucous membranes, which can cause asphyxia.
    2. Dyspeptic phenomena. Some patients who took bromhexine reported nausea, vomiting, and disturbances in normal digestion.
    3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. The instructions for the drug indicate that during therapy with bromhexine, activation of the pathological process in the digestive tract with exacerbation is possible peptic ulcer in the stomach or primary departments intestines.

    Typically allergic adverse reactions and manifestations of dyspepsia disappear soon after discontinuation of the drug. The ulcerative process requires additional treatment. so before starting any drug treatment consultation with a doctor is required.

    Taking doses of Bromhexine that exceed those recommended may adversely affect the patient's general well-being.

    The desire to recover faster or simple inattention can result in diarrhea, vomiting, and dyspepsia. In this case, the first aid for the patient will be gastric lavage. This manipulation must be done in the first hours after an overdose. By removing the remnants of the drug from the body in this way, you can completely get rid of unwanted clinical manifestations.


    A new generation mucolytic drug is Lazolvan. The active ingredient in this drug is ambroxol. Lazolvan has long been known in the domestic pharmaceutical market and has proven itself with best side. In Europe, it was registered in 1978 and still remains one of the leaders among mucolytics, present on the market in more than 80 countries. Perhaps each of us with diseases of the bronchopulmonary system used this medication in the treatment of unproductive cough. Below we will look at how the drug works, indications and contraindications, and features of its use.

    Lazolvan has a complex effect on the cells of the respiratory tract and on the secretion itself. The body receives a ready-made active substance, and in the case of bromhexine, ambroxol is obtained after complex reactions in the liver, which require special enzymes. Their absence leads to the ineffectiveness of the above drug.

    The action of Lazolvan has been described in numerous studies, but we will focus on the most beneficial effects, which are necessary to combat cough:

    1. Changes in the rheological properties of sputum. This occurs due to increased work of secretory cells located in the bronchial mucosa. When activated, they secrete more serous component, which makes the sputum more liquid. The second proven mechanism of Lazolvan affecting rheology is the stimulation of enzyme production in the respiratory system. These chemical substances break the bonds in the secreted secretion, making it less viscous.
    2. Evacuation of sputum. This physiological mechanism at inflammatory diseases The bronchopulmonary system is disrupted, so the secretion is retained in the bronchi. Lazolvan activates the motor activity of the cilia of the epithelium that lines the respiratory tract and prevents them from sticking together. It is the coordinated work of the ciliated epithelium that is one of the key factors on the path to recovery.

    3. Immunomodulatory effect. This effect has been confirmed by numerous studies. It turned out that patients taking Lazolvan increased the production of immunoglobulins - substances that protect cells of the respiratory system from pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
    4. Anti-inflammatory effect. Lazolvan has been proven to reduce the level of inflammatory mediators, which has a positive effect on the activity of the pathological process.
    5. Anti-edema effect. Studies have confirmed Lazolvan's ability to reduce swelling of the bronchial mucosa and remove excess fluid from lung tissue.
    6. Increasing the effectiveness of antibiotics. This effect is important when bacterial cause bronchitis or pneumonia. Simultaneous use Lazolvan and antibiotics increase the concentration of the latter in bronchial secretions. This applies to cephalosporins, amoxicillins and other groups antibacterial agents, used to treat respiratory tract infections.
    7. Analgesic effect. The literature also describes the anesthetic effect of Lazolvan due to the blocking of sodium channels. This allows you to reduce the intensity discomfort, which often accompany tracheitis and bronchitis.
    8. Surfactant synthesis. Another beneficial effect is considered to be increased synthesis of surfactant - a mixture of substances that prevent the alveoli in the lungs from collapsing.

    Indications and contraindications

    According to the instructions for use, Lazolvan can be used in both children and adult patients. For this purpose, the manufacturing company has created several forms of release:

    • Tablets - intended for the treatment of patients over 12 years of age.
    • Syrup - more often used in pediatric practice.
    • Solution for inhalation - suitable for patients of different age groups. Its peculiarity is that, through a nebulizer, the active substance is delivered directly to the problem area of ​​the respiratory tract.

    Indications for use of the drug include acute or chronic diseases bronchopulmonary system, which are accompanied by difficulty in sputum discharge.

    Contraindications include intolerance to ambroxol or the excipients included in the drug. It is not recommended to use Lazolvan in the first trimester of pregnancy, however, there is no data confirming its negative effect on the fetus.

    Adverse reactions and overdose

    As a rule, Lazolvan is well tolerated by patients, however, the instructions describe possible adverse reactions. The most common among them are the following:

    • Disturbances in the normal functioning of organs digestive tract which are manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn.
    • Allergic reactions in the form skin rashes, swelling of the mucous membranes.

    If undesirable symptoms appear, Lazolvan should be discontinued. To remove ambroxol residues from the body, the patient is recommended to undergo gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment.

    No cases of overdose have been described.

    Which is better: Lazolvan or Bromhexine?

    In order to answer the question, which is better than Bromhexine or Lazolvan, it is necessary to understand what criteria are used to select one or another drug. For each patient, the effect of taking the drug, its safety and price are important. Let's look at each criterion in more detail:

    1. Efficiency. Lazolvan is a modern mucolytic containing a ready-made active ingredient. Bromhexine is a prodrug. Once in the body, it must be metabolized in the liver, only after which the effect on pathological process. Based on this, we can conclude that the action of Lazolvan will begin earlier and will have a more pronounced effect.
    2. Safety. The second important criterion for choosing a drug is the minimum amount side effects And drug interactions. Numerous clinical researches Lazolvan demonstrated a higher safety profile compared to other mucolytics. This improves the effectiveness of treatment and allows the patient to undergo full course therapy.

    3. Price. Unfortunately, the issue of the cost of medicines in Lately comes to the fore, leaving both efficiency and safety behind. Many patients, reading information on the Internet about the complete equivalence of original drugs and domestic generics, prefer the latter. Indeed, domestic or Indian bromhexine or ambroxol will cost less than European medicines, but whether it will help you is a rhetorical question. Health is not something worth saving on. If you want to achieve a speedy recovery, then you should buy medicines that meet European quality certificates.

    If we talk about the original Bromhexine or Lazolvan, then the cost of these two drugs will be comparable.

    To summarize, it is worth saying that you need to be treated with high-quality medications. This will reduce the time you are unable to work and will quickly return you to your normal life.