Venus teeth what. Step-by-step technology for installing veneers and all its features. Indications and contraindications for use

Greetings, dear readers. You all want to have beautiful, straight and white teeth. How to achieve this? Dentistry offers many methods. This is not only Zoom, but also the installation of crowns and veneers. Here we will talk about the latter. So, the topic of the article is veneers, pros and cons. My story will touch upon both technical issues and the opinions of those who have become clients of dentists.

What it is?

What are veneers? A dentist friend of mine compared them to tiles. Just imagine that you have a terrible looking wall - old, peeling, uneven. You constantly see her yourself, guests look at her. Everyone does not like it and something urgently needs to be changed. The result - we buy a beautiful tile and level the wall. We get a beautiful glossy surface with any desired appearance. Approximately works on the same principle. These plates-overlays for teeth have a thickness of no more than ½ millimeter.

Veneers - pros and cons

The installation of such overlays belongs to the field of microprosthetics. It's like a crown, only on the front surface of the tooth. It looks impressive, as if you had new, white and beautiful teeth inserted.

So, what are the main pros and cons of modern veneers for teeth? The pluses include the ability to improve not only the appearance, but also the shape of your natural teeth. Bite defects can also be corrected. The second advantage is the ability to strengthen teeth, protect against mechanical damage. If you play wind instruments, this is especially true.

Video - What are dental veneers

Materials used

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that dental materials should be of the highest quality. After all, you hardly want to pay dentists for work ten times.

There are several main types of veneers on the dental market. These are composite, ceramic and lumineers.

The latter are transparent and expensive ceramics, the original of which is produced by only one laboratory in the USA, and we only make analogues.

Ceramic dental veneers are plates that are made in special laboratories according to the exact impression of the client's tooth. First, the tooth is ground, then a temporary veneer is placed on it, which protects the surface while the permanent one is being made. The onlay is stained according to the color of the patient's enamel, and then mounted on the tooth using a cementing material.

The advantage of ceramics is the ability to retain their color. It does not change over time in the same way as composite counterparts. Ceramic veneers allow you to recreate the surface with high precision. Others will decide that you have put artificial teeth or have undergone a whitening session. If transparent ceramics were installed, the teeth look 100% natural.

Advantages and disadvantages of veneers:

Correction of ugly teethThe strength of the teeth does not depend on the veneer, only the appearance changes
Hide the presence of visible fillings on the front teeth, as well as chips and cracks
Poor quality pads can peel off, break or crack
Remove wide spaces between teeth
Composite types of veneers must be changed after 5 years, after installation
Hides the broken color of the enamel, not amenable to chemical bleaching
Teeth whitening is much cheaper than veneers.
Hides enamel wear, as well as demineralization after wearing braces
Discomfort and pain in the mouth
Corrects malocclusion (small deviations)Shade difference

If only a couple of teeth need correction, composite dental veneers are usually used. To install them, there is no need to sharpen the tooth much. A small layer of enamel is removed, and then a layer of composite is applied.

Composite veneers - before and after

The disadvantage of this method is that the veneer lasts no more than five years. Plus - the high strength of the material, it is installed in one visit to the doctor.

The disadvantages of veneers in general boil down to three main points.

  1. First, it's the price. The procedure, of course, does not cost fabulous money, but the cost of veneers for teeth cannot be compared with conventional procedures such as filling carious teeth.
  2. Secondly, the veneer is not eternal. Sooner or later it will have to be changed.
  3. Thirdly, to install the plate, a layer of enamel is removed. That is, without a veneer, the tooth is not protected. Therefore, if it was removed, it is necessary to undergo a restoration procedure.

Ceramic veneers

The main indications for the installation of veneers

  1. The color of the enamel has changed after the use of any medications, in particular tetracycline and its analogues.
  2. Fluorosis and other changes in the body that cause spots on the enamel.
  3. The tooth changed color after the nerve was removed.
  4. With malocclusion, anomalies in the development of teeth.
  5. For closing large interdental spaces (trem / diastema).
  6. With erosion and cracks in the enamel.

Many cosmetic defects - congenital and acquired as a result of mechanical injuries - can be easily eliminated using different types of veneers.

Contraindications for the installation of veneers

You will not be able to install a veneer in the following cases.

  1. If you have severe bruxism. That is, you grind your teeth at night. This leads to the destruction of thin plates, which are completely not designed for such loads.
  2. The situation is similar if you often gnaw on pens, pencils, and other objects.
  3. Veneers are contraindicated in direct bite. This is when the incisors of the upper and lower jaws close, and do not find each other.
  4. It makes no sense to put a plate on a tooth with a large filling. It is necessary to have a sufficiently large volume of hard dental tissues.


The main stages of installing veneers

How are veneers placed on teeth? In most cases, the entire procedure, that is, the creation and installation, takes from seven to ten days. It can be conditionally divided into several main stages.

First stage. preparation. Simply put, the surface of the tooth enamel is ground to the required depth - under the veneers, which will be installed later. If the shape of the teeth is good, and the dimensions are small, then turning will be minimal. What is characteristic, the preparation procedure is absolutely painless.

Second phase. Creating impressions. Due to the fact that the installation of veneers is an extremely accurate and individual procedure, the doctor makes impressions of the teeth after turning for subsequent transfer to the dental laboratory.

Third stage. creations. In the laboratory, for the manufacture of perfectly accurate veneers, computerized equipment is used, through which the resulting casts are scanned and three-dimensional models of each individual product are created. Next, the milling machine, controlled by automation, grinds veneers from blanks. Usually the production takes one day, however, the installation of products is carried out during the second visit to the dentist.

Fourth stage. Installation. After the microprostheses are made, the client is invited to the clinic for installation. It will take about half an hour to an hour, it all depends on the specific number of veneers.

Important! The procedure for installing indirect veneers is described above, while direct (composite) veneers can be installed in one visit.

Video - Stages of installing veneers

Experience of real people

In almost every city there are clinics offering the installation of veneers. Therefore, it is fair to believe that one of the clients had to leave their opinion about the success of the procedure and about how long certain types of dental linings last. I decided to read reviews of dental veneers available on the Web.

Have you ever wondered what is the secret of a beautiful Hollywood smile? After all, it is not given to celebrities by nature! Yes, in most cases it is the result of the professional work of a dentist. And, as a rule, veneers on the front teeth are used for this. It is these inconspicuous plates that create a perfectly even row of snow-white teeth, which are so admired by others. Why is this procedure recommended by dentists and what you need to know before trying it out for yourself? Let's look at all the necessary nuances in more detail.

What are veneers and how do they work?

Veneers are special plates with a thickness of 0.5 - 0.7 mm, made of durable material, which are glued to the teeth (usually the front ones).

How veneers are attached

Depending on the type, such plates are put on both immediately and after several trips to the dentist. During these visits, the doctor examines the condition of the teeth, cleans them and fills them, if necessary. Then a suitable material is selected, a color similar to the native color of the enamel, an impression is made. According to the cast, individual veneers are created that will hide the identified defects and irregularities. During the same visit, the dentist grinds off the top layer of the teeth (anesthesia is possible) and it is a must! puts temporary plates on the worn areas.

Good to know. Grinding is necessary in order to avoid unnatural bulges when putting on the plates.

After some time (usually after a couple of weeks), ready-made, permanent veneers are put on. They are attached with a special glue, the color of which is also selected individually.

Types of veneers


They are created from a filling-like material and can be placed from the first visit to the dentist. The cheapest of all. But also the most unstable. Their service life, on average, is from 2 to 4 years. They are not recommended to be used in an effort to give an aesthetic smile. This is due to the fact that they darken over time under the influence of various factors (drinking tea, coffee, carrots and other coloring foods). Therefore, periodically you will need to visit the dentist for grinding.

Ceramic (porcelain)

Most Popular. They are made of ceramic, resembling tooth enamel in appearance. Can last 7-15 years with proper care. Do not darken over time.

Zirconium dioxide

It is based on a zirconium dioxide frame coated with ceramics. The most durable, but it is difficult to fix them. And the manufacturing technology itself is quite complicated. Zirconia veneers are made on special equipment, in the process of three-dimensional turning.


Much thinner than all (about 0.2 mm). When using them, grinding is not necessary. Mounted on a special cement enriched with minerals. Service life - up to 20 years. They are the most expensive, but also help to achieve the best aesthetic effect.

Indications for use

ugly shape of native teeth;

unaesthetic enamel color that cannot be bleached;

elimination and concealment of chips, cracks, crevices.

What you need to know before the procedure

Despite the fact that veneering makes teeth more beautiful and a smile more perfect, the result depends on the professionalism of the dentist. An experienced specialist will not convince you to resort to this procedure if there is another way to fix the problem. After all, teeth wear down irrevocably, and veneers will have to be worn all the time. In addition, there are cases when they cannot be placed at all and a competent doctor will tell you about it.

Possible contraindications

bruxism (teeth grinding);

excessive abrasion of enamel;

hobbies associated with an increased risk of jaw injuries (boxing, etc.);


The absence of chewing teeth can also become an obstacle, since then the load will go to the front teeth and this will lead to damage to the veneers. But all this is discussed on a case-by-case basis. You can get the right advice at Esthetic Classic Dent - the clinic of implantology and aesthetic dentistry of Dr. Shmatov.

Remember, veneers are for life, which means that they need to be installed with high quality and with guarantees. And may your smile always be irresistible.

Photo: Veneers on front teeth

Veneers are micro-prostheses that allow you to restore the color and shape of one or a group of teeth.

Veneers are placed on the front surface of the tooth. They are used to restore the front teeth that fall into the smile line.

Teeth with veneers are no different from real ones, since the color of the patient's teeth is taken into account in their manufacture.

Veneers are used in cases where the restoration and whitening of teeth will not give the desired result. Restoration of teeth with veneers allows you to quickly restore teeth that have large defects.

Types of veneers for teeth

Veneers are made from ceramic and reflective composite materials.

Classification veneers, according to the type of material used for the manufacture of plates, can be as follows:

  • Ceramic veneers. For their manufacture, medical porcelain and zirconium dioxide are used. They are considered the best because they have high strength, do not change color over time, and are outwardly indistinguishable from real teeth. The thickness of ceramic veneers is only 0.3 - 0.5 mm.
  • Composite veneers. This type of veneers is outdated and less preferred, as it has many disadvantages from an aesthetic point of view and limitations in service life. The advantages of their use are the speed of installation (in the dentist's office) and the sparing technique.
  • A variety of porcelain ceramics is Hollywood laminates. The thickness of such plates is only 0.2 mm. Compared to conventional porcelain veneers, they are easier to use and last longer. The technique of their manufacture allows not to grind the tooth enamel. Hollywood veneers can be glued onto artificial crowns.

Stages of making veneers

There are two technologies for making porcelain veneers:

  • Layer-by-layer application of the ceramic mass followed by firing (non-pressed ceramics).
  • Injection molding at high temperature under pressure (pressed ceramics). This technology allows you to create very strong veneers. Their service life is longer than structures made of non-pressed ceramics.

Composite veneers can be made in two ways:

  • In the dentist's office. Such designs are called therapeutic veneers or direct veneers. The doctor removes a small layer of enamel on the front surface of the tooth, and then applies a light-polymer composite material on it in layers, restoring its surface.
  • In the dentist's office. To do this, the dentist grinds the tooth under the veneer and takes an impression. In the laboratory, a plaster impression of the teeth is made from the cast. A veneer made of composite materials will be modeled on it.

Production of ceramic veneers

  • Preparation for dental veneers and making a three-dimensional cast.
  • The computer produces a simulation of the future veneer.
  • Turning a structure on a milling machine from zirconium dioxide (without human intervention).
  • A temporary laminate is applied to the turned tooth.
  • Processing the inner surface of the veneer (roughening it) for better installation.
  • Applying cement to the tooth and the inside of the plate and fixing it to the tooth.

Indications for installation

  • Pronounced yellowness of the teeth (tetracycline teeth).
  • Discoloration of teeth due to depulpation.
  • Fluorescent teeth.
  • Erosion of tooth enamel.
  • Dental defects with extensive damage to hard tissues.
  • Incorrect position of the teeth (crowding of the incisors, rotation of the tooth around the axis). Aligning teeth with veneers looks more aesthetic if the plates are applied not to one tooth, but to several at once.
  • Abnormal shape of the tooth.
  • In the case when the restoration measures did not give an effect.
  • The presence of old fillings, the color of which differs from the color of the teeth.
  • Chipped teeth.
  • The presence of large interdental spaces.
  • Creating a Hollywood Smile.


  • Pathological abrasion of teeth.
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding).
  • Bad habits: biting nails, opening bottles, cracking nuts, etc.
  • Veneers are not recommended if the patient has a malocclusion.
  • Absence of 6 - 7 chewing teeth.
  • Destruction of the tooth from the side of the tongue.
  • The presence of a large filling on the inside of the tooth.
  • The presence of a risk of injury to the front teeth (passion for boxing, etc.)

How is the installation

Installation of veneer structures takes place in several stages:

  • Preliminary stage. At this stage, it is necessary to decide on the material from which the veneer will be made, and also to agree on the color of the future plate.
  • Tooth preparation. Depending on the thickness of the veneer plate, a layer of hard tooth tissues is removed from the front surface of the tooth.
  • Taking an impression of the teeth and sending it to the laboratory.
  • Installation of a temporary plastic plate.
  • A plaster model of the patient's teeth is made in the laboratory. According to it, a ceramic plate is made by one of the methods described above.
  • Fixation of veneers on the tooth with a special adhesive.
  • Removal of excess cement and bite assessment.

You can install veneers without grinding your teeth. Modern dentistry has in its arsenal such a type of dental structures, which are called "Lumineers". Lumineers are thinner constructions than veneers. They look like petals that are glued to the surface of the teeth with dental glue.

Lumineers are standard and custom. Individual designs are made in laboratory conditions. Standard - are selected, like nails from a set. about adhesive.Neer than veneers designs. They look like petals that are glued to the surface of the teeth with dental glue.

Recovery and rehabilitation

  • After the veneer is installed, you can lead a normal life. It is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations for the correct use of the device.
  • It is possible that in one to two weeks it will be necessary to visit the dentist again for a follow-up examination. The doctor must check the location of the structure on the tooth and check the reaction of the gums to the presence of a veneer plate.
  • As a result of tooth grinding, increased sensitivity of the tooth to cold or hot drinks may occur. The teeth on which the veneers are installed can be subject to destruction, which may be an indication for crowning the tooth.

Video: "Veneers"

Frequently asked Questions

Currently, there are different ways of prosthetics with veneers. Which method is to be preferred? What material to choose for dentures?

Experts answer these and other questions of patients.

  • Question: Which veneers are better - porcelain or zirconia?

Answer: Veneers made of porcelain and zirconium dioxide look equally aesthetically pleasing. Porcelain veneers are more fragile and can break.

  • Question: What to choose - a veneer or a crown?

Answer: If there is at least one contraindication to the installation of veneers, then it is better to make a choice in favor of a crown.

  • Question: Can veneers be bleached if they darken?

Answer: Veneers made of composite materials can darken. You can't bleach them. Such structures require replacement.

  • Question: Which is better? Restoration or veneer?

Answer: Restoration is inferior in many respects to veneers. Therefore, a more reliable way to correct a defect in the teeth is to install veneers.

  • Question: Are veneers bad for teeth??

Answer: Veneers are absolutely safe for teeth. They are made from biocompatible materials.

Pros and cons of dental veneers

Advantages of ceramic veneers over composite ones:

  • High esthetics of ceramic veneers.
  • Veneers made of ceramics retain color consistency, do not fade or darken over time.
  • Reliability. High wear resistance.
  • Biocompatibility.
  • Ceramic veneers are durable. Their shelf life is unlimited.

Disadvantages of ceramic structures:

  • More production time is required.
  • Expensive.
  • Irreversibility of the preparation process.
  • Not repairable.

Advantages of composite veneer restorations:

  • They are made quickly, sometimes in one visit to the dentist.
  • Cheaper than porcelain veneers.

Composite veneers have disadvantages:

  • Short service life.
  • Color instability.
  • Unaesthetic.
  • Fragility and unreliability of plates.
  • Poorly hide defects of the teeth.
  • The irreversibility of the turning process.
  • Not being repaired.

Veneer Care

  • Dental veneers do not require special care.
  • Careful daily oral hygiene should be observed, using a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss. This will allow the veneer to retain its shiny surface.
  • Foods that tend to stain teeth (red wine, pomegranate or cherry juice, coffee, tea, etc.) should be avoided.
  • To minimize the possibility of displacement or loss of the veneer, do not put pressure on the teeth in any way (biting ice, nails, nuts, etc.).
  • For bruxism during sleep, it is necessary to use a mouthguard.
  • Once every six months, you need to visit a doctor for a physical examination and possible correction of the veneer.

Prices for veneers

The cost of veneer plates depends on the condition of the patient's teeth, as well as the technology used to manufacture the structure.

Composite veneers: the cost of one tooth - from 5000 rubles - with a direct method of manufacturing the structure.

The cost of a composite veneer made in a laboratory will be higher, but slightly less than the cost of a ceramic veneer.

Life time

Composite veneers are as strong as fillings. But with sufficiently good oral care, they can have a service life of more than 7 years. Over time, their appearance deteriorates greatly.

Veneers made of ceramics have a longer service life - from 10 years or more.

  • They can fail only due to unforeseen situations: hitting a hard object on the teeth while eating, injuries, cracking nuts. Opening bottles with teeth, etc.
  • After 10 years or more, the veneer may fall out due to de-cementing. Such a veneer must be brought to the dentist and he will glue it again.

Hollywood porcelain records last over 20 years.

Veneer- a thin plate (0.2-0.6 mm), which is fixed on the front surface of the tooth after it has been turned. Modern veneers require very little enamel grinding - 0.3–1 mm. Veneers are used if the teeth are very large or strongly protrude forward. Then they should not be increased even more due to overlays on top of the enamel, but it is better to grind them minimally.

Lumineer- this is also a very thin plate (0.2–0.3 mm), but is fixed on the front surface of the tooth without turning. Lumineers are sometimes referred to as "laminate" because they are made very precisely and seem to be glued to the surface of the tooth. Such plates are used in the case of small teeth, in the presence of gaps between them. The teeth should not protrude too much. If this is the case, then the doctor will advise you to choose veneers.

You may have also come across the name "ultraneers", but they are not a separate type of such records. This is a marketing ploy that their manufacturer came up with at one time.

What are veneers and lumineers made of?

At first, veneers were made from feldspar porcelain. They were quite thick, but not very strong, and now this material has practically disappeared from the scene, because it was replaced by more advanced designs.

More than 40 years ago, the American company DenMat created a material such as Cerinate. The plates made of it became thinner, as they were stronger than feldspar ones, and when they were installed, significant tooth turning was no longer required. This is how Lumineers were born. However, their strength was still not as high as we would like. In addition, this material did not allow creating transparency and a natural appearance of the tooth: more dense and yellowish at the neck, more transparent and lighter at the edge. They tried to achieve this by coloring, but it turned out not natural enough.

The next step in the evolution of veneers was the nickel disilicate-based material - E-Max from the German company Ivoclar Vivadent. This is nickel-reinforced porcelain, which makes it possible to produce very thin plates that do not require turning. At the same time, it is twice as strong as Cerinate, allows you to completely recreate the structure of the tooth, its microrelief, transparent cutting edges, the transition from one shade to another, and so on.

Indications: what problems do veneers and lumineers solve?

Both veneers and lumineers solve two groups of problems: aesthetic and functional. Aesthetics include:

  • the shape and height of the teeth;
  • uneven enamel, its ugly color or pigmentation;
  • the presence of old fillings that the patient wants to hide.

The functional ones include:

  • tooth defects such as cracks and chips;
  • increased interdental spaces;
  • slight bite defects (for example, one tooth is shorter than all the others in the row).

Also, veneers and lumineers help fight age-related changes and create a rejuvenating effect. With age, in all people, the teeth are erased due to chewing loads and friction of the teeth on the cheeks, lips and tongue when talking. Firstly, because of this, the height of the smile is lost, and secondly, dentin shines through from under the worn enamel, in which there are pigments that give the tooth a yellowish or grayish color. The installation of veneers or lumineers helps restore the height and beautiful color of the teeth and thus rejuvenates the smile.

Contraindications: for whom veneers and lumineers are not suitable

Relative contraindication - age up to 16 years. During this period, the bite, enamel and teeth are maturing, and therefore veneers are not placed so as not to disturb the natural course of this process.

The only absolute contraindication for lumineers or veneers is very badly damaged teeth. This type of restoration is suitable for relatively intact teeth with some defects. For example, if the front teeth were sealed and restored several times by artistic restoration due to cervical caries, then they can be closed with veneers or lumineers. This will avoid changing fillings, which have a limited lifespan, while veneers or lumineers will solve problems for many years. But if the front teeth were broken or lost a large volume of the crown part, then all-ceramic crowns will have to be used.

Disadvantages of veneers made from obsolete materials

Previously, feldspar veneers had a significant drawback - the thickness, and the turning of the teeth was more significant than now: up to 2 mm of enamel was removed. Modern materials make it possible to remove 0.3–0.5 mm even with teeth turning, maximum 1 mm. Why is it better? If you grind your teeth hard, then all the enamel is actually ground off, the dentin is exposed, and the porcelain is worse glued to it. These veneers easily fly off the tooth. The smaller the turn, the better the fixation. Now the turning is carried out in such a way as to preserve healthy enamel, and the veneers hold up very well.

Issue price and service life

Products made of E-Max material cost about 50-60 thousand rubles apiece. Lumineers and veneers from Cerinate (and this material can only be ordered in America) will cost from 50 to 64 thousand rubles per tooth. Records made from these materials will last 15 or even 20 years. But the cost of products very much depends on the work of the technician: the more highly artistic it is, the higher the price.

Recreation of transparency, tooth microstructure, enamel microrelief, complex color reproduction - this is what determines the high prices for veneers or lumineers. You can make veneers for 25-30 thousand, but they will be monochrome - the color will be obtained by coloring, there will be no three-layer transition of shades into each other, that is, naturalness will be lost. But products made at a high artistic level, even with very white shades, look completely natural.

How are veneers and lumineers installed?

It all starts with a consultation with a doctor, during which you choose with his help which plates you want to install, for how many teeth and what shade. At the same time, the doctor uses fitting rooms, “phantom” lumineers, tries on your teeth. So you will immediately understand how a smile will look like if the teeth increase by the thickness of the lumineers, whether it suits you or not in terms of aesthetics.

Also during the aesthetic consultation, computer design is used: you are photographed and a suitable option is modeled on a computer - with veneers or lumineers.

If you have chosen veneers with turning, then the doctor grinds the teeth, installs temporary veneers on them, and sends the pre-made cast to the laboratory, where permanent plates will be made on it. If your choice is lumineers or veneers without turning, then everything is limited to taking an impression.

You will need to wait 2-3 weeks and then come back for a second appointment. The doctor will remove the temporary veneers, if you are wearing them, and try on your teeth what was done in the laboratory. For this, water glue is used. If you like everything, then you will be sent to brush your teeth, and then the plates will be installed on fluoride cement.

When working with lumineers, microscopic equipment is used for maximum accuracy in the manufacture and installation of plates, and the doctor puts on glasses that magnify several times.

Caring for veneers and lumineers

They do not require any special care. Just like natural teeth, you need to brush them twice a day, morning and evening, and once every six months, undergo an examination and professional cleaning at the dentist. No special toothpaste or brushes needed. You can use floss (dental floss to clean the interdental spaces) and an irrigator (a device that cleans the teeth and the spaces between them with a stream of water). If veneers are made of feldspar porcelain or Cerinate, hard and hard foods (nuts, crackers, etc.) should be avoided.

Differences from other types of dental restoration

Of course, veneers and lumineers are not the only way to get a beautiful smile. The first thing that comes to mind is whitening. However, it does not affect the shape of the tooth in any way, and the resulting color inevitably loses its whiteness over time, it must be regularly maintained. At the same time, all fillings and crowns are not affected. So there is a risk of getting multi-colored teeth: the enamel will lighten, and the filling or crown will remain the same color. They will have to be changed. Veneers and lumineers can be matched to match, plus they fit on sealed teeth without any problems.

The second type of smile correction - artistic restoration. The doctor applies layers of composite material to the tooth, forming a beautiful surface and color. However, this is a long time, and if necessary, it will take a lot of time to process six teeth in each row. In addition, teeth after such restoration need regular examination and periodic correction - polishing in the doctor's office at least once a year.

The third kind - installation of crowns. Not a single crown can be installed on a tooth without turning - neither metal-ceramic, nor all-ceramic. Although their service life is not inferior to veneers and lumineers, and the crowns themselves reliably protect teeth, it is still not worth using this restoration method in the presence of healthy or slightly damaged teeth.

Veneers and pregnancy

If we are talking about installing veneers with turning in time, then this can be done, but, as with any intervention during childbearing, it is better to do this in the second trimester. In the first three months, important organs and tissues of the baby are laid, and in order to exclude the slightest influence on these processes, it is better to postpone aesthetic procedures to a later time.

If you want to put lumineers or veneers without turning, then this is possible at any time, as there is no turning, pain and anesthesia. In fact, this is the gluing of porcelain plates on the teeth, which does not affect the condition of the pregnant woman in any way.

If there are already veneers, and the woman becomes pregnant, then this will not affect either the pregnancy or the teeth in any way: the veneers have always stood and will stand.

Veneers and sports

This applies not only to veneers, but also to natural teeth: for boxers, hockey players, people involved in martial arts, doctors create individual protective sports caps. They are made of special silicone, and even if the impact falls on the area of ​​​​the teeth and veneers, this cap protects them from damage. Otherwise, sport does not affect the wearing of veneers or lumineers.

What to look for when choosing

The first is the price. It is important to remember: only modern, high-quality products can have a high price.

The second point is the choice between veneers with or without turning. Here you can not do without consulting a doctor: there are situations when turning is necessary.

And finally, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of clinic and doctor. Patients should evaluate three aspects:

  1. How long has the doctor been installing veneers and lumineers. Doctors who have been working for a long time have enough experience and can demonstrate their work.
  2. What methods does the doctor use? It is important that it works with both veneers and lumineers, as the technology of work is different. When installing lumineers, a different method of fixation on the tooth is used, otherwise the choice of the transparency of the material, the choice of color, and so on. In addition, it is always better to do without turning the teeth, since this is an irreversible process - it is no longer possible to return the ground enamel.
  3. Recommendations of friends and acquaintances who have already done such procedures with this doctor.

One of the external manifestations of a person's success has always been considered a snow-white and perfect smile. Modern dentistry offers a wide range of procedures that will help correct natural or lifelong dental defects. Among the practiced methods, the installation of veneers is quite effective and fast.

This procedure allows you to get a perfect smile for a period of several decades in just a couple of weeks. However, before choosing this technique, you need to understand what dental veneers are, when they are used, and what are the negative consequences of such a procedure.

Veneers are artificially created dentures in the form of plates that are installed on the labial side of the front teeth in order to give them the perfect shape and color. The thickness of such plates is usually in the range of 0.5 to 0.6 mm. But there are also ultra-thin prostheses called lumineers, having a thickness of 0.2-0.3 mm.

Very often, answering the question of what veneers are for teeth, they are referred to as one of the types of crowns. However, this opinion is erroneous, since these types, although often made from the same materials, perform different functions, and also have significant differences in the form and method of their installation.

Veneers, unlike crowns, are not installed on the entire tooth, but only on its front side and cutting edge. Therefore, in shape they resemble a plate with a recess on the inside of the prosthesis, with which they are fixed on the tooth.

In terms of functionality, such prostheses are used mainly to give the teeth a beautiful and aesthetic appearance. In rare cases, they can be used to correct minor defects.

The main advantage of veneers over crowns is that when they are installed, there is no need to remove the nerve and all the hard tissues of the tooth. This allows you to save the tooth in a normal state, which will significantly extend its life. With a crown, the nerve is definitely removed, and often after a few years, under the prosthesis, the tooth completely rots, and it is removed.

Types of veneers, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

The service life of veneers and their characteristics are very much dependent on the material from which they are made. Dental prostheses of this type can be made of ceramic or composite.

The main material in the manufacture is ceramics, which allows you to get a strong and reliable denture that completely imitates the color of neighboring teeth.

It is important to note that manufacturing work is usually carried out in specialized laboratories, in which dental technicians and orthopedic dentists create a future veneer from a cast.

The advantages of this type of prosthetics include:

  • Almost 100% color identity to your own teeth.
  • High hardness and mechanical stability of the cutting edge.
  • Stable color throughout the life of the product.
  • Long service life of veneers, which, with proper care, is 10 years or more.

Among the disadvantages of this type of prosthesis, there is a higher cost compared to other types and a long manufacturing and installation time.

In the production of ceramic veneers, two types of material are mainly used - porcelain and zirconium dioxide.

Porcelain veneers are the most common, since this material is almost completely identical in structure to tooth enamel and has similar mechanical strength. Porcelain veneers are made in two different ways - layering and pressing.

The first method of production is based on the construction of a denture in separate layers. After each layer is applied, it is fired. This technique allows you to get a 100% match of the color and shade of the veneer with the original.

The second method involves the creation of a prosthesis from a single piece by pressing the material. Veneers made in this way have a higher mechanical hardness index than those made using layered construction, since pressing is due to high division and temperature. However such prostheses have minor deviations in color.

Dental prostheses of this type consist of a zirconium framework covered with a porcelain shell. For the manufacture of a ceramic plate, an accurate cast of the tooth is required, which is taken using special equipment. The obtained parameters are transferred to an ultra-precise milling machine, which grinds the future veneer from the workpiece.

Zirconium prostheses in terms of strength occupy the first place among other types. The service life of veneers of this type is 15 years or more. The disadvantages of this type of dental plates include a small set of colors and high cost.

Composite veneers are a cheap substitute for porcelain dentures. They are made from filling material. According to the production technology, they are identical to layer-by-layer ceramic veneers.

However, in order to save time, dentists often make them directly in the patient's mouth, which leads to a deterioration in their quality.

Among the advantages of this technology, one can note the speed of manufacturing prostheses and their low cost. But there are also disadvantages:

  • Low mechanical strength of the dental lamina, which deteriorates significantly during the service life.
  • Low color identity to the patient's native teeth.
  • Darkening and tarnishing of the dental plate 1-2 years after installation. This leads to the fact that the patient needs to visit the dentist every year to whiten them.
  • Short service life, which is about 4 years.

This is the latest type of micro-prostheses, which are considered the best veneers today. They are plates of superhard ceramic material, 0.2 mm thick. Their main advantage is the absence of the need to grind off the hard layers of the tooth during installation.

You can put such prostheses directly on tooth enamel using a special adhesive that provides reliable fastening for 20 years. In addition, lumineers have all the advantages of ceramic microprostheses. The service life of veneers of this type is at least 15-20 years.

The main and only drawback of lumineers is their high price, which is 2-3 times higher than the cost of conventional ceramic types.

Indications for use


Although the installation of veneers is considered the safest type of prosthetics, in some cases it is worth refraining from using them. Contraindications are:

Before installing this type of dentures, the dentist must tell the patient the following:

  • Possible material options.
  • Which veneers are better.
  • What risks and negative consequences can a person face in the future.
  • Rules for the care of this type of prosthesis.
  • How long is the veneer guaranteed to last?

If the patient is fully aware of what a veneer is and agrees to the procedure, the dentist performs the following step-by-step actions during installation:

  1. Inspection and preparation of teeth on which prostheses will be installed. In preparation, special attention is paid to the presence of fillings and caries. Caries must be cured and fillings replaced with new ones.
  2. The color and shade of the future plate is selected. This takes into account the wishes of the patient and the appearance of the remaining teeth.
  3. Hard tissues are removed, usually no more than 0.5 mm. enamel. However, each situation is individual and the decision is made by the dentist.
  4. An impression of the treated tooth is taken, according to which the veneer will be made.
  5. A temporary plate is installed on the treated tooth in order to protect hard tissues from getting substances on them and developing caries until a permanent prosthesis is made.
  6. Veneer making. At the initial stage, a plaster model of the tooth is made from the cast, on which the manufactured denture is tried on.
  7. Installing a micro-prosthesis on the prepared tooth. Initially, the plate is again tried on to the treated tooth. In the presence of inconsistencies, a correction is made directly on the spot.

After an exact match, the prosthesis is glued with a special glue, which has a certain color, selected in such a way that the shade of the veneer exactly matches the ordered one.

Rules for the care of installed prostheses

Since the installation of veneers is prosthetics, the following rules must be observed. Strictly observe personal oral hygiene: brush your teeth at least twice a day, use rinses after meals, floss. This is necessary in order to prevent the appearance of foci of caries and inflammation of the mucosa and gums.

Refrain from contact sports where the risk of jaw injury is increased. Do not try to chew hard objects (nuts, solid food, etc.) with the teeth on which the veneers are installed.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature on the teeth. For example, do not drink coffee with ice cream or eat food from the refrigerator.

Get rid of bad habits that can damage your teeth: do not grind your teeth, do not chew pen caps, nails, pencils, etc. Visit the dentist twice a year to examine the teeth for caries or mechanical damage.

The cost of prostheses

Before you decide to install veneers, you should be aware that beauty requires money. The cost of this type of prosthetics is not small and seriously depends on the material, the amount of work and the installation site.

Depending on the material, veneers are conditionally divided into three price categories:

  • A budget option in which composite plates are installed. The cost for one is from 10 thousand rubles, plus or minus 1-2 thousand.
  • The average price range, which includes the installation of a porcelain prosthesis. The price for one such microprosthesis is 20 thousand rubles.
  • The highest quality veneers, which include zirconium and lumineers, the cost of which can exceed 50 thousand rubles per tooth.

An important role in the price is played by the condition of the oral cavity and the amount of work required to install veneers. In advanced cases, the price will rise from 30 to 40 percent. In addition, the cost of prosthetics depends on the status of the clinic, the higher the qualification of dentists, the more expensive their labor will be.

The whole truth about veneers - personal experience

The use of veneers is a modern trend in prosthetics, which will correct problems with the appearance of teeth for 10-20 years: darkening, curvature, small chips and defects. In addition, this type of prosthesis allows you to keep the tooth alive. Learn about the disadvantages and advantages of veneers from the video with a real story.