Loose stools in an adult but not diarrhea. Causes of loose stools in an adult for a long time, characteristic symptoms and methods of control. How to stop diarrhea and related symptoms

Loose stools cause a lot of inconvenience to a person, be it an adult or a child. The symptom is unpleasant and negatively affects well-being, health and lifestyle.

What is loose stool

During normal functioning of the stomach, bowel movements occur once or twice a day.

If disruption of the gastrointestinal tract occurs over a long period of time, they speak of chronic diarrhea (not diarrhea). How to determine the cause and begin treatment correctly is a question that requires a serious approach and attention.

Chronic loose stools in an adult indicate health problems. This is not only unpleasant, but also a dangerous phenomenon that can lead the body to dehydration. Together with feces, a large volume of water, useful microelements, minerals, and nutrients are released. They are necessary to maintain water-salt balance and normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Signs of dehydration include:

  • Lethargy, drowsiness, constant feeling weaknesses;
  • Dry skin;
  • Loss of body weight;
  • Feeling thirsty, dry mouth;
  • Reducing the number of urinations.

Remember! Long-lasting, loose, smelly stools in an adult should not be ignored. The symptom is dangerous for the body. If you ignore the symptoms, there is a risk of serious harm to your health and serious treatment will be required.

There is a noticeable difference between loose stools and diarrhea. Loose stools differ from diarrhea in that the stool acquires a liquid consistency; it can persist for a long period of time without other symptoms. It appears daily, every other day, or occurs periodically. Diarrhea is frequent and sudden bowel movements. Accompanied by a number of symptoms: sharp pains in the abdomen, high temperature, health quickly deteriorates.

Causes of prolonged loose stools in adults

If a person is bothered by loose stools at least once a day for a long time, this indicates pathological processes in the body. They can cause serious illness and lead to complications. Difficulties with stool vary in nature.

Factors contributing to indigestion:

The list of reasons is incomplete. The main factors that provoke loose stools are given.

When to see a doctor

If a symptom is observed, you should not ignore it, even if nothing hurts. It is recommended to call an ambulance immediately if:

  • Unformed feces, no odor observed for a long time, daily (month);
  • Severe weight loss has occurred;
  • Feeling of constant nausea, bitter taste in the mouth;
  • After treatment, the symptom does not go away;
  • A foul odor appeared;
  • The man experiences severe shortness of breath and an increased heart rate;
  • The stool is very watery;
  • Blood clots and mucus appeared in the stool. This means complications of the disease have begun.

If stomach difficulties persist for a long time, consult your doctor. An adult must undergo a medical examination, take tests and undergo a course of treatment.

How to cure loose stool for an adult

It is necessary to find out the exact cause in the near future, determine the diagnosis and prescribe complex treatment which includes:

  • Reception medications(anti-inflammatory, probiotics, prebiotics, antibacterial, sorbents, etc.).
  • The second tip is to follow a dietary menu (exclude foods that can have a laxative effect or overload a sore stomach).

The treatment method directly depends on the cause of the stomach upset. The diagnosis may be different for each person with this symptom. How and with what to treat is determined by the attending physician. Self-medication is prohibited! If treated incorrectly, there remains a risk of harm to health.

Enterosorbents will help provide first aid in this situation. The substances in the drug absorb and help remove toxic compounds from the body. Harmful substances, together with sorbents, naturally leave the body. The drug is used if there is a case of food poisoning. Sorbents include: Polysorb, Activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel, etc.

Medicine offers a choice of drugs that restore the stomach. Taking probiotics helps normalize digestion (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifiform).

It's important to take more water to restore lost fluid. You can make water with added salt. Rehydration medications are recommended to normalize the water-salt balance.

With the correct diagnosis and compliance with treatment, you can get rid of loose stools in a week.

Diet for loose stools

Proper nutrition will help quickly improve the functioning of the stomach. Strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations regarding diet will shorten the treatment period.

The diet includes:

  • Eating low-fat foods;
  • Lenten broth;
  • Rusks, crackers;
  • Porridge with water (oatmeal, rice porridge);
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Vegetables cooked in a steam bath;
  • Bananas.

If you have loose stools, you should refrain from alcoholic beverages, coffee, dairy products, fatty and spicy foods, baked goods, carbonated water, and fruit juices.


It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Preventive measures:

  • Always wash your hands before eating;
  • Choose food carefully;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Undergo an annual preventive examination.

A single, rare loose stool is not dangerous, but if a person has it for no reason and is regular, the symptom requires surgical treatment.

What to do if you constantly have loose stools, what are the causes of this condition and what to do to improve your well-being - the answers to these and other questions are in the article.

Why does loose stool occur?

Diarrhea, or diarrhea, is a pathological condition in which there is copious and frequent bowel movements (more than 2 times a day).

Feces are liquefied and watery. Diarrhea is often accompanied by abdominal pain, flatulence, and weakness.

Why does constant loose stool occur? In most cases, the reasons for constant loose stools are quite prosaic.

On the condition of organs gastrointestinal tract especially influenced by a person's lifestyle.

If you eat fatty and fried foods for several years, exercise little, experience excessive emotional and physical exercise, then it is very likely that a malfunction in the body will occur.

The digestive system is one of the first to react to stress and poor lifestyle. In such situations, a person may complain that he is constantly bothered by loose stools.

If an adult has constantly loose stools, the first step is to exclude the possibility of an intestinal infection.

Pathogenic bacteria that enter the gastrointestinal tract produce toxins and disrupt the balance of intestinal microflora. Diarrhea is a protective reaction to the presence of pathogens.

Causes of loose stools include liver and gallbladder diseases.

Due to disruptions in the functioning of these organs, the absorption of vitamins and microelements necessary for the proper functioning of the body and good health deteriorates. Constant loose stools are one of the symptoms of diseases of these organs.

Normal operation digestive system depends on production thyroid gland certain hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

An increase in the hormonal activity of the gland (hyperthyroidism) leads to disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and often causes constant loose stools.

Looking at the reasons chronic diarrhea, should not be excluded and is sufficient rare diseases– Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

These conditions are accompanied by constant loose stool mixed with mucus, blood and pus.

Lack of timely treatment can lead to exhaustion of the body and the occurrence of other associated pathological conditions. If blood and pus are detected in the stool, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of persistent diarrhea

If symptoms of persistent loose stools are detected, it is recommended to begin treatment for the condition to avoid dehydration and subsequent intoxication.

Any intervention in the body should be agreed with a doctor. For correct setting diagnosis and choice of treatment regimen, you must contact a gastroenterologist and proctologist.

During a general examination, the gastroenterologist will first of all clarify the symptoms of the condition. The patient may complain of frequent bowel movements (2-3 times a day) for more than 14 days.

Feces with diarrhea are copious and liquid. Diarrhea is often accompanied by bloating and asymmetry of the abdominal area. When palpating the abdomen, painful sensations are possible.

To make a correct diagnosis, the gastroenterologist will prescribe several blood and stool tests, which will help clarify the condition of the liver, gallbladder and identify the presence of infection in the gastrointestinal tract.

The reasons for constant loose stools may be hidden in abnormalities of internal organs. To identify possible pathological changes in the structure and functioning of the organs of the digestive system, radiography, ultrasound and colonoscopy are prescribed.

X-rays without the introduction of a contrast agent are not very informative, so specialists often conduct ultrasound diagnostics to exclude the presence of tumors in the abdominal area, which could lead to a malfunction of the digestive system and the appearance of constant loose stools.

During a consultation with a proctologist, the doctor will pay attention to the condition of the anus, traces of blood and pus in it.

To clarify the diagnosis, in addition to stool tests, a colonoscopy may be performed.

Such a study allows you to assess the condition of the intestines, identify the presence of ulcers, small tumors and polyps.

The colonoscopy procedure sometimes includes the collection of material - cells or tissues (biopsy).

A biopsy will help determine the presence of inflammation and precancerous conditions of the digestive system.

These pathologies can significantly disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and lead to the appearance of chronic loose stools.

Treatment of chronic diarrhea

Different approaches to the treatment of persistent loose stools are explained by the wide range of causes of its occurrence.

Because the most of cases of chronic diarrhea is associated with the patient’s lifestyle; therapy for this condition is based on changes in diet and adjustments to the regimen.

An increase in physical activity and a decrease in the level of everyday stress should be combined with dietary adjustments.

Thus, the diet of a patient with chronic diarrhea must include food that stops the processes of fermentation and gas formation.

The basis of this diet is dishes baked in the oven or cooked in a double boiler. To improve the digestion process and reduce the load on a weakened intestine, it is recommended to grind all food to a puree.

In folk medicine, for constant loose stools, rice water is used or rice porridge is simply included in the daily menu. This choice is explained by the strengthening effect that cereal produces on the intestines.

The danger of constant loose stools lies in the leaching of microelements and water from the body.

This increase in the amount of fluid is also associated with the need to accelerate the removal of toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.

Many gastroenterologists advise taking a course of probiotics for chronic loose stools. These drugs are created to restore intestinal microflora and improve the absorption of nutrients from food. Taking them has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

If the cause of constant loose stools is an inflammatory process of the digestive system, then the doctor will prescribe antibacterial agents.

Antibiotic therapy must be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, who, based on the results of tests and examinations, will establish an individual dosage and develop a medication regimen.

Self-medication in such a situation can provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition and delay the recovery process.

Prevention of persistent loose stools

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Prevention of persistent loose stools is based on monitoring the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the factors that provokes the appearance of chronic diarrhea is non-compliance simple rules hygiene.

When E. coli or other harmful bacteria enter the body, the intestinal microflora is disrupted - the toxins produced by these microorganisms provoke a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to the appearance of loose stools.

Prevention of intestinal infection involves washing your hands with soap after visiting the toilet and before eating.

Due to the alkali contained in soap, most bacteria are destroyed and the likelihood of pathogenic microorganisms entering the intestines is reduced.

Harmful bacteria live not only on hands or household items, but also on raw fruits and vegetables, in water and in meat and dairy products.

Meat and dairy products must be subjected to heat treatment. Hygiene should be especially careful in the summer, as bacteria multiply faster in a warm environment.

When preventing chronic diarrhea, the main focus should be on diet.

Malfunctions of the digestive system are often associated with deterioration of blood supply to organs abdominal cavity.

To prevent decreased blood flow to internal organs It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle.

Fast walking, simple exercises in the morning or playing sports will help improve blood circulation and oxygen saturation of organs.

If you have had chronic diarrhea in the past, after recovery, it is recommended to visit a gastroenterologist once a year for consultation and examination. After 60 years, doctors advise examining the digestive system every six months.

Constant loose stools are an unpleasant and delicate problem that people often prefer to keep silent about.

But don't be shy to ask for medical care, because timely treatment under the supervision of a specialist and adherence to simple rules of prevention will allow you to forget about the disease forever.

The presence of constant or frequent loose stools in adults is an indicator of diarrhea. A pathological condition of this kind can be of two types - chronic or acute, depending on the cause of its occurrence. Serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract develop due to a viral or bacterial infection that has entered the body. However, these are not all possible reasons that can cause liquid feces.

What is loose stool

A disease for which the characteristic symptoms are the appearance of loose or foamy stools is commonly called diarrhea in medical practice. This syndrome often accompanied by pain in the intestinal tract, upset stomach or high temperature. Possible causes of acute or chronic diarrhea are intestinal infections And food poisoning.

Unformed stool in an adult for a long time is a very dangerous syndrome that can lead to dehydration and serious problems with health. Violation of the water-salt balance in the body threatens the development of irreversible pathological changes, therefore, if signs of digestive upset are detected, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.


Watery stools cause a number of reasons, the most common of which are intestinal disorders due to poor-quality or spoiled food, as well as acute infections such as salmonellosis and dysentery. Diarrhea or loose stool may be affected by chronic inflammatory diseases. Other factors that influence the appearance of watery, prolonged diarrhea include:

  • the body's response to taking medications;
  • metabolic disease;
  • symptoms of dysbiosis;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • stress;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • worms;
  • damage to the intestinal mucosa;
  • food allergy.

Loose stools in an adult for a long time

With a high frequency of bowel movements in adult patients, there are complications in the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. In some cases, liquid stool is considered normal, such as during pregnancy. All other precedents indicate an intestinal disorder, therefore abundant infectious diarrhea with foul odor can only be stopped with therapy.

Soft stool in an adult for a long time is considered an unfavorable condition that causes signs of dehydration. To prevent liquid stool, doctors recommend that men and women follow several rules. Be sure to wash fruits and vegetables before eating and cook meat or dairy products. It is important to always check the expiration date of the purchased product and under no circumstances consume spoiled food.

Loose stools, but not diarrhea

Few people know, but there is a difference between liquid feces and diarrhea. U healthy person bowel movements occur once or twice a day, which is considered normal. As the amount of fluid increases, the consistency of stool changes, which indicates health problems. Unlike diarrhea, which is temporary, the duration of this phenomenon is a couple of weeks.

Liquid feces is chronic illness, which without proper treatment can become a person’s constant companion. This reaction on the part of the body sometimes occurs due to a sudden change in diet, for example, vegetarianism. In this case, the color of the stool will have a greenish tint, which indicates a large amount of fiber being absorbed. The cause of a constant urge to go to the toilet may be an infection, so normalizing bowel function is possible only after undergoing treatment.

Twitching stomach and loose stools

Stress, overeating, food poisoning can lead to stomach churning. However, if semi-liquid stool is added to these symptoms, then there is cause for concern. Unlike babies, the appearance of constant mushy discharge in an adult throughout the week signals problems in the functioning of the stomach. The consistency of stool can be different type depending on the cause of the disease. Frequent loose bowel movements cause:

  • oncological diseases;
  • intestinal infection;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • appendicitis.

In the morning

Some people suffer from daily abdominal discomfort in the morning. This problem It has no gender and affects both women and men equally. Pathologies of the abdominal organs or other systems are considered to be provoking factors for discomfort, which may be accompanied by flatulence. Patients experience somatic and visceral pain.

The first type is typical for irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is frequent companion chronic gastritis. Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area become regular, poisoning a person’s life. Visceral pain appears due to the reaction of nerve endings to various irritants. With this pathology, discomfort is not localized in different places.

The stomach does not hurt, but the stool is loose

Digestive disorder, which is characterized by the absence of symptoms of diarrhea, such as fever, indicates the presence of a pathological process in the human body. In the case of mild food poisoning, loose diarrhea without abdominal pain should go away on its own within a couple of days. If the situation remains unchanged over a long period of time, then there is every reason to seek medical help.

Rotavirus infection Most cases are observed among young children. However, adults can also be affected by it. Doctors know exactly what to do if you have loose stools, so if you suspect an infection, you should immediately go to the hospital. Sometimes mushy discharge appears due to severe stress or nervous tension. To solve the problem, you should at least temporarily change your occupation.

Liquid yellow stool

The color of stool can tell a lot about a person's health. So, if a patient regularly has black liquid stool, then there is an open ulcer in the stomach. Yellow and green stools are characteristic of a bacterial infection, in which a person is forced to visit the toilet six to ten times a day. When any problems arise, the body seeks to remove negative infestations through the mouth or anus. Liquid stool mixed with mucus or blood is a serious symptom, and if it occurs, you should call a doctor.

After meal

Liquid diarrhea after each meal is called functional diarrhea. This reaction of the body to food indicates disturbances in the functioning of the intestines. They can be either temporary or permanent. Probable reasons Liquid feces are considered: dysbacteriosis, intestinal infection or “bear disease”. If the body cannot cope with the digestion of food, it will try with all its might to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to diarrhea.

Diarrhea and gas

Flatulence and diarrhea often appear together due to the interconnected functioning of all gastrointestinal systems. When gases accumulate in the intestines, pathological processes in the body are triggered, which interfere with its normal functioning. Therefore, a person will soon experience diarrhea. For a child in the first months of life, this state of affairs is considered the norm. As for adults, liquid green feces and flatulence signal the presence of diseases such as hepatitis or dysbiosis.

Blood mixed

Blood in the stool is an unfavorable symptom that can be caused by ailments of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Discharges are not always visible to the eye; sometimes special ones are required to detect them. lab tests. However, if blood impurities are visible, it means that the damage is localized at the intestinal level. Traces of fresh blood in liquid stool indicate cracks in anus or hemorrhoids.


If symptoms of diarrhea occur, it is recommended to consult a proctologist or gastroenterologist. The specialist conducts a comprehensive examination of the patient’s digestive tract, having previously visual inspection. With the power of instrumental endoscopic techniques, the doctor can detect damage to the mucosa or other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. If necessary, the following procedures are carried out:

  • coprogram;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • examination of stool for worm eggs;


To restore intestinal function, complex therapy is used, which involves the use of a variety of methods of healing the body. During treatment, the patient must follow a strict diet and temporarily exclude secretion-stimulating foods from the diet. of hydrochloric acid. In addition, antibacterial drugs are used, which should be taken every day.

Drug treatment

Before getting rid of loose stools, patients undergo antibiotic therapy, including drugs to suppress pathogenic microflora in the intestines. These include prebiotics, broad-spectrum antibiotics and enterosorbents. Treatment is prescribed only by a specialist. The best choice is combination drugs, such as Nifuroxazide, which do not cause additional harm to the body. This drug is destructive for most intestinal infections, for example, Vibrio cholera, Salmonella, Klebsiella.

It has a pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, the result depends on the dose taken. The drug disrupts the process of protein synthesis and inhibits the activity of the dehydrogenase enzyme. Nifuroxazide does not affect the normal intestinal microflora, and therefore does not harm the patient’s health. Adsorbents are used as symptomatic medications for liquid stool, which slow down gastric peristalsis and promote thickening of stool. These include drugs such as Loperamide and Somatostatin.

They successfully regulate intestinal motility and affect secretory function, thereby reducing the amount of fluid and feces released. The drugs increase the tone of the anal sphincter, due to which feces are retained. If liquid bowel movements were caused by an infection, then drugs that reduce intestinal motility are not used.

Gentle diet

If you have loose and smelly stools, it is recommended to follow a diet that excludes the consumption of fatty, salty or smoked foods. The diet should mainly consist of fresh vegetables and fruits, meat products must be properly thermally processed. Boiled or baked foods are allowed. Before eating, you should wash your hands thoroughly to avoid intestinal infections and food poisoning.


Diarrhea has occurred in every person's life. But not everyone knows the reasons for the appearance, what to do in such a situation and how to prevent similar cases in the future.

Why does the stomach growl and diarrhea occur in adults?

Diarrhea is not an independent disease, but a consequence of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. There are many reasons for the occurrence of dysfunction:

Antimicrobial drugs are not selective, destroying any microorganisms. The consequence of use is dysbacteriosis, which disrupts the digestion process.

Why does a child have diarrhea and a grumbling stomach?

The body of a child, especially one under 1 year of age, is very different from that of an adult. The immune and digestive systems are formed or do not function fully. Therefore, children are often susceptible to this symptom.

In children under one year of age, a distinction should be made between diarrhea and loose stools. For a baby, loose stools are a consequence of feeding with milk or a milk substitute. Diarrhea is an abnormal phenomenon and requires elimination.

The main causes of rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhea in a child include:

  • Violation of the diet by a nursing mother (for children under one year);
  • Eating dirty fruits, berries, sweets;
  • Inability to digest certain foods;
  • Food allergies;
  • Poisoning from household chemicals;
  • Lack of personal hygiene;
  • Infection with helminths.

Treatment of diarrhea in children

You should not treat the child yourself, but providing first aid is recommended. It is allowed to take sorbents and replenish fluid loss with special solutions.

In addition to taking medications, you need to make the diet gentle on the gastrointestinal tract. Heavy foods (fried, fatty, smoked), carbonated drinks, apples, beans, cabbage, tomatoes, and baked goods are excluded from the diet.

Products allowed for diarrhea:

  • Porridge made from rice and oatmeal without adding milk;
  • Kefir, yogurt;
  • Mashed potatoes with water;
  • Lean meat (chicken or turkey fillet);
  • Crackers.

Children's diseases develop rapidly, so you need to carefully monitor the patient's condition and, if the condition worsens, immediately contact a medical facility.

Stomach rumbling and diarrhea in pregnant women

For women in the “position”, digestive disorders are normal. This is due to several processes that occur exclusively during pregnancy:

Associated symptoms

Diarrhea in many cases is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • Temperature rises to 38.5. This is a serious symptom that signals the onset of an inflammatory process in the body.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Nausea and dizziness occur with mild poisoning. In severe poisoning, vomiting is profuse and can lead to dehydration.
  • Belching. The manifestation of a symptom indicates a violation of the diet or functioning of the digestive system. Belching after eating is caused by swallowing excess air along with a bolus of food.
  • Abdominal pain. Pain in the left side is a signal of difficulties with the stomach or pancreas. If it hurts near the navel and below, the intestines are not in order. Pain on the right side – problems with the liver, gall bladder or appendicitis.
  • Flatulence, or, in other words, bloating. The cause of the symptom is the gases released by bacteria when digesting food. Occurs for reasons similar to diarrhea.

What can the color of loose stool tell you?

Yellow color indicates excessive intestinal motility. His muscles are working harder than usual. Therefore, seething and slight pain in the abdomen may appear.

Stool becomes green if diarrhea is caused by an infectious disease. This color is acquired due to pathogens and leukocytes. Mucus is often present and smells rotten.

White feces confirm the fact of unsatisfactory performance bile ducts due to cholelithiasis.

Black color indicates internal bleeding. Blood, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, acquires a similar color. Consumption of certain foods (blueberries, beets) and medications ( Activated carbon) gives a similar effect.

The presence of red streaks in the stool may indicate damage to the intestinal walls, tumor disintegration, or the appearance of holes in the gastrointestinal tract due to an ulcer.

Mucus in diarrhea indicates intoxication of the body. By its color it is possible to determine the degree of poisoning. If the mucus is clear, it is minor. Brown, green or in the form of foam indicates the opposite.

Excess water in the stool is a symptom of cholera. Its pathogen, penetrating the intestines, causes it to secrete more digestive secretions. This can lead to dehydration and death.

When to Seek Medical Help

Medical intervention is necessary if loose stools do not go away within 2-3 days, and the body temperature constantly remains at around 39. If streaks of blood appear in the stool or it contains mucus, this is a reason to immediately seek medical help. Symptoms mentioned may simultaneously signal peritonitis or internal bleeding.

How is the disease that causes diarrhea detected?

The gastroenterologist prescribes a laboratory examination, the list of which includes:

  • Analysis of urine, blood, feces;
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;
  • Examination of the esophagus, stomach, rectum and colon.

Based on the events preceding the disease (disease history) and the results of examinations, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed: outpatient or inpatient. This depends on the patient’s condition at the time of examination.

What to do if an adult has diarrhea and a gurgling stomach?

Sometimes there is no need to go to the hospital to eliminate dysfunction, since it often appears due to a diet disorder. After diarrhea, it is permissible to take activated carbon yourself in a dosage of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. There is no point in taking other medications after charcoal - it neutralizes the active substances. It is allowed to cleanse the intestines of irritants with an enema.

To replenish lost fluid, it is recommended to take Regidron solution. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself: dilute 1 teaspoon in 1 liter of boiled water. table salt and 4 teaspoons of sugar. The resulting solution should be taken every 5-10 minutes, a teaspoon for children and a tablespoon for adults.

If Taken measures on the 2nd day, the ailments do not have an effect, you need to call a local doctor at home or go to the emergency room of an infectious diseases hospital.

Treatment prescribed by a specialist involves the use of antibiotics and drugs that stimulate the growth of the patient’s own beneficial bacteria. In addition to medications, a special diet is required, the adherence to which will speed up recovery.

Nutrition for diarrhea

The presence of gastrointestinal dysfunction forces one to refuse:

  • Alcoholic drinks and coffee;
  • Fatty and fried foods;
  • Any products containing yeast.

It is recommended to include rolled oats or rice porridge, fruits, and boiled vegetables in the diet during treatment. Good helpers in restoring microflora are dairy products: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. Water should not be neglected - it is vital for the body.


To avoid the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom as diarrhea, you need to follow simple to follow tips. The habit of keeping your hands clean and washing them after a walk, visiting the restroom, or contact with an animal is a guarantee of good health!

Fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly. You can use regular toilet soap. And when cooked, they cook well.

Meat, milk, eggs - the listed products must be heat treated before consumption.

You should not eat sour ready-made meals. Products that have expired should be thrown away. You shouldn’t rely on “maybe” and risk your health.

Diarrhea is an unpleasant, painful, unexpected phenomenon. Its appearance signals a serious malfunction in the body or nutrition. Incorrect treatment or lack of treatment can cost a person his life.


The presence of constant or frequent loose stools in adults is an indicator of diarrhea. A pathological condition of this kind can be of two types - chronic or acute, depending on the cause of its occurrence. Serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract develop due to a viral or bacterial infection that has entered the body. However, these are not all possible reasons that can cause liquid feces.

What is loose stool

A disease for which the characteristic symptoms are the appearance of loose or foamy stools is commonly called diarrhea in medical practice. This syndrome is often accompanied by pain in the intestinal tract, indigestion, or high fever. Possible causes of acute or chronic diarrhea are intestinal infections and food poisoning.

Unformed stool in an adult for a long time is a very dangerous syndrome that can lead to dehydration and serious health problems. Violation of the water-salt balance in the body threatens the development of irreversible pathological changes, therefore, if signs of digestive upset are detected, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.


Watery stools cause a number of reasons, the most common of which are intestinal disorders due to poor-quality or spoiled food, as well as acute infections such as salmonellosis and dysentery. Chronic inflammatory diseases can affect the occurrence of diarrhea or liquid stool. Other factors that influence the appearance of watery, prolonged diarrhea include:

  • the body's response to taking medications;
  • metabolic disease;
  • symptoms of dysbiosis;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • stress;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • worms;
  • damage to the intestinal mucosa;
  • food allergy.

Loose stools in an adult for a long time

With a high frequency of bowel movements in adult patients, there are complications in the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. In some cases, liquid stool is considered normal, such as during pregnancy. All other precedents indicate an intestinal disorder, so profuse infectious diarrhea with a foul odor can only be stopped with the help of therapy.

Soft stool in an adult for a long time is considered an unfavorable condition that causes signs of dehydration. To prevent liquid stool, doctors recommend that men and women follow several rules. Be sure to wash fruits and vegetables before eating and cook meat or dairy products. It is important to always check the expiration date of the purchased product and under no circumstances consume spoiled food.

Loose stools, but not diarrhea

Few people know, but there is a difference between liquid feces and diarrhea. In a healthy person, bowel movements occur once or twice a day, which is considered normal. As the amount of fluid increases, the consistency of stool changes, which indicates health problems. Unlike diarrhea, which is temporary, the duration of this phenomenon is a couple of weeks.

Liquid feces is a chronic illness that, without proper treatment, can become a constant companion of a person. This reaction from the body sometimes occurs due to a sudden change in diet, for example, vegetarianism. In this case, the color of the stool will have a greenish tint, which indicates a large amount of fiber being absorbed. The cause of a constant urge to go to the toilet may be an infection, so normalizing bowel function is possible only after undergoing treatment.

Twitching stomach and loose stools

Stress, overeating, food poisoning can lead to stomach churning. However, if semi-liquid stool is added to these symptoms, then there is cause for concern. Unlike babies, the appearance of constant mushy discharge in an adult throughout the week signals problems in the functioning of the stomach. The consistency of stool may vary depending on the cause of the disease. Frequent loose bowel movements cause:

  • oncological diseases;
  • intestinal infection;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • appendicitis.

In the morning

Some people suffer from daily abdominal discomfort in the morning. This problem is not gender specific; it affects both women and men equally. Pathologies of the abdominal organs or other systems are considered to be provoking factors for discomfort, which may be accompanied by flatulence. Patients experience somatic and visceral pain.

The first type is characteristic of irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is a frequent companion to chronic gastritis. Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area become regular, poisoning a person’s life. Visceral pain appears due to the reaction of nerve endings to various irritants. With this pathology, discomfort is not localized in different places.

The stomach does not hurt, but the stool is loose

Digestive disorder, which is characterized by the absence of symptoms of diarrhea, such as fever, indicates the presence of a pathological process in the human body. In the case of mild food poisoning, loose diarrhea without abdominal pain should go away on its own within a couple of days. If the situation remains unchanged over a long period of time, then there is every reason to seek medical help.

Rotavirus infection is most often observed among young children. However, adults can also be affected by it. Doctors know exactly what to do if you have loose stools, so if you suspect an infection, you should immediately go to the hospital. Sometimes mushy discharge appears due to severe stress or nervous tension. To solve the problem, you should at least temporarily change your occupation.

Liquid yellow stool

The color of stool can tell a lot about a person's health. So, if a patient regularly has black liquid stool, then there is an open ulcer in the stomach. Yellow and green stools are characteristic of a bacterial infection, in which a person is forced to visit the toilet six to ten times a day. When any problems arise, the body seeks to remove negative infestations through the mouth or anus. Liquid stool mixed with mucus or blood is a serious symptom, and if it occurs, you should call a doctor.

After meal

Liquid diarrhea after each meal is called functional diarrhea. This reaction of the body to food indicates disturbances in the functioning of the intestines. They can be either temporary or permanent. The probable causes of liquid stool are considered to be: dysbacteriosis, intestinal infection or “bear disease”. If the body cannot cope with the digestion of food, it will try with all its might to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to diarrhea.

Diarrhea and gas

Flatulence and diarrhea often appear together due to the interconnected functioning of all gastrointestinal systems. When gases accumulate in the intestines, pathological processes in the body are triggered, which interfere with its normal functioning. Therefore, a person will soon experience diarrhea. For a child in the first months of life, this state of affairs is considered the norm. As for adults, liquid green feces and flatulence signal the presence of diseases such as hepatitis or dysbiosis.

Blood mixed

Blood in the stool is an unfavorable symptom that can be caused by ailments of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Discharges are not always visible to the eye; sometimes special laboratory tests are required to detect them. However, if blood impurities are visible, it means that the damage is localized at the intestinal level. Traces of fresh blood in liquid stool indicate fissures in the anus or hemorrhoids.


If symptoms of diarrhea occur, it is recommended to consult a proctologist or gastroenterologist. The specialist conducts a comprehensive examination of the patient’s digestive tract, having previously carried out an external examination. With the power of instrumental endoscopic techniques, the doctor can detect damage to the mucosa or other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. If necessary, the following procedures are carried out:

  • coprogram;
  • bacteriological culture;
  • examination of stool for worm eggs;


To restore intestinal function, complex therapy is used, which involves the use of a variety of methods of healing the body. During treatment, the patient must follow a strict diet and temporarily exclude from the diet foods that stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid. In addition, antibacterial drugs are used, which should be taken every day.

Drug treatment

Before getting rid of loose stools, patients undergo antibiotic therapy, including drugs to suppress pathogenic microflora in the intestines. These include prebiotics, broad-spectrum antibiotics and enterosorbents. Treatment is prescribed only by a specialist. The best choice is combination drugs, such as Nifuroxazide, which do not cause additional harm to the body. This drug is destructive for most intestinal infections, for example, Vibrio cholera, Salmonella, Klebsiella.

It has a pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, the result depends on the dose taken. The drug disrupts the process of protein synthesis and inhibits the activity of the dehydrogenase enzyme. Nifuroxazide does not affect the normal intestinal microflora, and therefore does not harm the patient’s health. Adsorbents are used as symptomatic medications for liquid stool, which slow down gastric peristalsis and promote thickening of stool. These include drugs such as Loperamide and Somatostatin.

Loose stools or diarrhea in adults and children is not an independent disease, but one of the symptoms of various pathological processes in the body. Translated from Greek, “Diarrhea” means “expiring.” This condition is manifested by too frequent (more than 2 times a day) bowel movements, characterized by thin secretions. IN colloquial speech You can often hear another name - “Diarrhea”. The greatest danger is diarrhea in children, as they quickly become dehydrated, which carries very serious complications.

The main symptom of diarrhea is loose stools at least 3 times a day. This condition can be acute or chronic. In the first case, a person experiences loose stools for at least a week, and in the second – for more than 3 weeks. The cause of loose stools in adults and children is not only bacterial and viral infections, but also a number of diseases. In this case, the primary pathological process can be localized in the intestines or in other organs, and changes in the nature of stool have their own characteristics.

Causes of loose stools

The human body is an integral system; failure of one of the organs signals health problems. The appearance of loose stools in adults should be alarming, since it is impossible to immediately distinguish a minor eating disorder from a serious illness. Watery stools in adults are not a sign of a serious illness in the following cases:

  • When an adult eats a lot of plant foods (especially foods rich in fiber) and consumes a lot of water (it is important, but its excess dilutes the stool). As soon as a person normalizes his diet, the stool will take on its proper form.
  • With severe dysbacteriosis. For example, after a person has been treated for a long time with antibiotics that kill beneficial intestinal microflora. For treatment, it is necessary to take medications containing the required amount of beneficial bacteria. Such preparations can be distinguished by special marks indicating which active culture they contain.
  • With a sharp change in food preferences. This often happens to tourists who come to a new country and try unfamiliar food. The stomach and intestines are not accustomed to new food and at first react to it by releasing more enzymes, which speeds up peristalsis. Gradually the body gets used to it, and the functioning of the organs returns to normal.
  • Food allergic intolerance. Most often, adults have food intolerance to lactose, so they should not consume dairy products. As a rule, nothing terrible happens when consuming these products; active boiling, heartburn, flatulence, and diarrhea in the form of loose stools simply begin.
  • Anxiety. Many people notice the difference between a state of rest and moments of strong excitement, for example, a person may experience diarrhea in the form of loose stools (as a rule, the nervous type of diarrhea can be distinguished by the fact that the frequency of bowel movements is quite moderate and does not cause severe discomfort).
  • Change of daily routine. Another fairly harmless reason for the appearance of loose stools. If a person suddenly changes his daily routine (for example, he begins to wake up much earlier than his usual time), then in the morning he may experience liquid stool. This type of diarrhea can be distinguished by the fact that liquid bowel movements are one-time and during the day bowel function returns to normal.

With normal indigestion, a person may experience pain in the abdomen, bloating with severe gas and gurgling. If mild food poisoning occurs, weakness and fever may occur. A similar picture is observed in diseases associated with infection by viruses. Diarrhea in adults associated with these causes is not dangerous and goes away within a few days. But there are also more serious reasons for loose stools that make a person think about their health:

  • infection with pathogenic microorganisms (salmonellosis, dysentery, gastrointestinal flu);
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, hepatitis, gastritis);
  • deficiency of various enzymes;
  • poisoning associated with toxic damage (lead, mercury).

An alarming symptom is dehydration. This manifests itself in dryness skin and mucous membranes, lips crack, intense thirst is felt, urination occurs very rarely, urine becomes dark. Pulse and blood pressure may increase, and sometimes muscle cramps begin. This condition requires clarification of the diagnosis and qualified treatment, possibly in an inpatient setting. Simply stopping the diarrhea will not be enough. Therefore, you should not delay visiting a doctor.

Loose stools with blood

If loose stools are accompanied by blood, this means there is a source of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Basically these are walls in thick or small intestine, and in this case, you may notice scarlet or burgundy blood in clots or streaks in the stool. IN in this case there is a suspicion of dysbacteriosis, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

If there is blood in the stool, which is very dark, almost black, this indicates that the bleeding occurred in the upper parts of the digestive tract. This could be the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum. In this case, the risk of stomach ulcers and duodenal tumors should not be excluded.

In adults, diarrhea with blood is observed in almost all infectious diseases organisms such as dysentery and salmonellosis. In this case, along with blood, there may be mucus in the stool, and diarrhea may be very frequent. Also, diarrhea with blood can be an indicator of hemorrhoids and rectal tumors.

In this case, it is worth paying attention to additional symptoms, such as a sensation of pain and burning in the anus, which becomes stronger during the immediate process of emptying. Rotavirus infection in adults, internal hemorrhoids, defensive reaction bodies exposed to toxic substances are accompanied by bloody stools, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Loose stools in the morning

Many people perceive diarrhea in the morning as normal. But it's not always so harmless. Diarrhea can be acute or chronic. One-time diarrhea in the morning is not considered dangerous, and you can determine its cause yourself. The reasons may be quite obvious. You just ate or drank something wrong. But not everything is always limited to loose stools: serious poisoning or infection in the intestines is possible.

Don't be surprised by loose stools in the morning if you've been taking laxatives. In this case, no additional treatment is required. Also, one-time loose stools are possible if the day before you experienced a severe nervous shock. Since the factor is psychological in nature, the disorder goes away on its own.

When should you see a doctor?

Loose stools for a long time make you think about eliminating unpleasant symptoms. How to determine that medical intervention is necessary? There are a number of signs that require attention:

  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • heaviness, abdominal pain;
  • increased formation of gases in the intestines;
  • loose yellow stools;
  • blood or black stools;
  • foamy green stool.

White coating on the tongue and severe diarrhea for a long time indicate problems that should be resolved quickly.

It is necessary to call an ambulance or urgently go to the hospital in the following cases:

  1. Long-term persistent diarrhea in a person with a chronic illness, in a child, an elderly person, or a pregnant woman.
  2. When accompanied by diarrhea, visual impairment, difficulty swallowing and speech. These could be symptoms of botulism, a rare form of food poisoning that is usually associated with eating improperly preserved foods.


To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to know when and how the disease occurred, which preceded the increase in bowel movements. Information about the duration of the disease, the characteristics of its course, daily fluctuations (which complaints predominate in the morning, after meals, etc.) is also important. With palpation, it is possible to establish not only the localization of maximum pain, but also the presence of neoplasms.

Blood is subjected to laboratory research methods ( general analysis, liver enzymes, antibodies, etc.), urine (OAM) and feces (coprogram, test for helminth eggs, occult blood). The results provide extensive information for differential diagnosis. This method allows us to identify the functional state of organs and systems, the degree of development of pathological changes, their cause and course in dynamics. It is especially important because the arsenal of instrumental diagnostic methods for diarrhea is scarce (endoscopic methods, intestinal X-ray). Ultrasound in this case will provide little information due to swelling of the intestinal loops.

How to restore bowel function

Of course, this will depend primarily on the underlying cause of loose stools. Only a doctor can tell you how to get rid of this unpleasant symptom after an examination. Treatment will depend entirely on the diagnosis, for example:

  • Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is complex and includes both drugs that regulate intestinal motility (for example, Loperamide) and drugs that normalize a person’s psycho-emotional state. Only in this case can you achieve results.
  • If you have an intolerance to any product, you can get rid of the unpleasant symptom of diarrhea by eliminating one or another food product from your diet (for example, cereals for celiac disease and cow's milk for hypolactasia).
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease require special attention, and treatment should only be carried out by a competent specialist in this field. The drugs of choice in this case are anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as hormonal drugs, the action of which will also be aimed at reducing the inflammatory response.
  • To reduce the symptoms of dysbiosis, probiotics will be especially effective - preparations containing live beneficial bacteria, which, when colonized in the large intestine, will promote a better digestion process and minimize diarrhea. These include products such as Bifiform, Linex, Primadophilus and much more.
  • If persistent diarrhea was caused by an infectious agent that persists in the body for a long time, then antibiotics will come to the rescue, which should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Regardless of the cause of diarrhea, medications that replace fluid loss by the body should be a mandatory component of treatment.

Drink plenty of fluids

Any disease has complications, but loose stools in adults for a long time cause dehydration. Therefore, you need to quickly restore the body’s water balance. The patient is prescribed drinking plenty of fluids clean, boiled liquid or special solutions with added salt. These are saline solutions Ringera, Regidron, Acesol. The patient's condition should be carefully monitored. If vomiting begins, drink water often, in small portions.

Drug treatment

Treatment for loose stool in an adult depends on the cause of it. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe necessary medications which will help get rid of the disease that caused diarrhea. To restore the thickness of stool, doctors prescribe medications:

  • Enterosorbents are drugs that give feces thickness (bind structure). This group of drugs includes Smecta, Polysorb, Ultra-Adsorb, Activated Carbon, Polyphepan, Filtrum.
  • Prebiotics are drugs for the treatment and prevention of loose stools, but those that arise exclusively against the background of dysbacteriosis. Example: Lactobacterin, Bifidobacterin, Bificol, Hilak forte, Rioflora Balance.
  • Drugs that slow down intestinal motility, that is, reducing its motility. These drugs include Fthalazol, Enterofuril, Enterol, Intetrix, Sulgin, Furazolidone.
  • Herbal preparations that help thicken stool. Prescribed for slight dilution of stool. For example: burnet root, dried blueberries, pomegranate zest.

Treatment acute diarrhea, which is accompanied by pain, cramps, vomiting, is carried out with medications to reduce intestinal motility. If the cause of loose stools is malabsorption, medications with bile acids are prescribed during therapy. Each medicine is prescribed by a doctor individually, according to the diagnosis. Independent use of remedies for loose stools can cause complications.

One of the consequences of diarrhea is dysbiosis. The therapist’s task is to restore the microflora of the digestive organs. To do this, after treating loose stools, he uses drugs with beneficial bacteria. Additionally, a course of vitamins is prescribed (in tablets, injections) to avoid vitamin deficiency. The loss of fluid during loose stools is then compensated by drips with glucose and sodium chloride. The drugs quickly restore water balance and have a detoxifying effect.

Gentle diet

To eliminate symptoms and restore proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you should review your diet. A gentle diet is based on basic principles:

  • a balanced menu throughout the day to ensure normal life processes;
  • reducing the load on the digestive system;
  • gradual expansion of the diet.

A diet for chronic diarrhea places special demands on preparation technology. Therapists recommend boiling or steaming food. You should forget about smoked or fried foods in order to get rid of loose stools. Framework therapeutic nutrition provide for the consumption of dishes only warm (exclude hot and cold). The volume of portions is reduced so that the stomach gradually gets used to working correctly.

Chronic diarrhea in adults occurs due to poor diet. When planning your diet, you should pay attention to the expiration dates of food. There are a number of products that are used for chronic diarrhea:

  • stale bread, crackers;
  • broth (meat, vegetable);
  • lean meats and fish;
  • boiled eggs;
  • cottage cheese with low fat content (milk, kefir is not allowed);
  • baked apples;
  • natural jelly (without chemicals and dyes);
  • weak tea, coffee.

After restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you should gradually expand your diet. Including the new kind product into your menu, carefully monitor your body’s reaction. If there are no negative results in the form of resumption of loose stools, then after a certain period of time introduce a new dish. Do not forget about processing technology, giving preference to steamed or boiled types of food.

Preventive measures

Wash your hands after using the toilet, changing your baby, and before eating. Hands need to be washed warm water with soap. After cooking, especially if you have handled raw meat, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly. Be careful with food. Unpasteurized dairy products, eggs, poultry and meat can contain bacteria that can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. The meat must be completely heat treatment. Wash cutting boards and knives thoroughly. Avoid eating unpasteurized dairy products, especially those of unknown origin. Do not leave cooked foods in a warm place for a long time, as... this can provoke the proliferation of dangerous bacteria.

If you travel, do not drink raw water or any untreated water, especially of unknown origin. It is better to drink water from well-known manufacturers, packaged in bottles or cans. To purify local water, it must be boiled for 15 minutes; you can also add tablets or drops of iodine and chlorine, or use a special filter. When using chlorine and iodine tablets, read the instructions carefully and follow them. Also, under no circumstances should you eat unwashed fruits and vegetables (it is advisable to wash them only in clean water and very carefully, or even better, peel). Avoid fruits such as melons, which are often pumped with water from the inside to increase their weight.

Diarrhea is a rather unpleasant condition, and it can happen to absolutely anyone and sometimes just when it’s time to important meeting or you need to urgently run to work. There are quite a lot of reasons causing it. And, of course, if loose stools are taken by surprise, everyone begins to frantically look for options to solve this delicate problem. How to stop diarrhea in an adult? Is it necessary to do this? What medications will help cope with unexpected loose stools?

Diarrhea is a pathological condition, the main symptom of which is frequent bowel movements, during which shapeless, liquid, almost watery feces are released. It also has another, more delicate and correct name - diarrhea. Diarrhea can be either one-time or it can torment a person several times in a row during the day or longer.

Attention! Diarrhea that lasts longer than 2 weeks is considered acute form diarrhea. And if it continues further, then most likely the condition has become chronic.

The main signs of diarrhea:

  • strong urge to defecate;
  • stool is liquid, almost watery;
  • symptoms such as vomiting and nausea may be present;
  • abdominal pain;
  • flatulence, rumbling;
  • under a certain condition - elevated temperature;
  • general weakness and lethargy.

Liquid stool is a natural way of protecting the body from the effects of poisonous or toxic substances that enter the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea can be caused by a variety of reasons:

  • eating low-quality or expired products;
  • use junk food having a high concentration of preservatives and dyes;
  • entry into the body of pathogens of infectious diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • stress;
  • improper diet;
  • taking a number of medications;
  • eating food that is unusual for the body, new dishes;
  • the presence of various pathologies.

Important! When buying food, you should always buy the freshest and most natural products possible. It is better to refuse to buy products that will soon expire, even if they are offered at a very attractive price.

Table. Types of diarrhea.

Infectious In this case, diarrhea is caused by representatives of pathogenic microflora that have entered the intestinal tract and are actively multiplying. They can get there with food or as a result of lack of personal hygiene.
Dyspeptic The form develops due to disturbances in the digestion of food, due to problems with the functioning of the liver, gastric secretion, etc.
Nutritional This diarrhea can be caused by allergic reactions body. It can be caused by eating unusual dishes, foods, and spices.
Toxic It develops against the background of toxic substances entering the body (for example, mercury and arsenic).
Medication It occurs as a result of taking a number of medications that have diarrhea in the list of side effects. It also develops while taking a large number of medications.
Neurogenic It is associated with the fact that a person experiences strong negative or positive experiences and fears. Often occurs in children.

On a note! Experts identify another form of diarrhea - traveler's diarrhea. It occurs in people who make long trips or hikes and is associated with violation of sanitary and hygienic standards. Bacteria that live in a certain area and are characteristic of it can cause diarrhea - the traveler’s body may not have the required degree of immunity to them.

General principles of treatment

As a rule, diarrhea, if it is not caused by an infection or a pathological condition of the body, goes away quite quickly on its own in adults. The main thing is that it does not drag on long term. However, you should not leave it unattended - it can cause dehydration. The general principles for treating the condition are as follows.

Video: Diarrhea (diarrhea). Causes, signs and symptoms.


To eliminate from the body toxic substances and remove some pathogenic intestinal bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract, doctors recommend the use of sorbents. These can be Enterosgel, activated carbon, Smecta, Biligin, Kaolin and other drugs. Activated carbon should be in every first aid kit, and it is also recommended to take it with you on the road.

Important! Sorbent preparations can remove from the body not only harmful, but also useful material, and also smooth out the effect of other medications. Therefore, they should be taken along with other drugs with an interval of at least 2 hours. But modern means Usually they act selectively - they cleanse the body only of toxins.

If diarrhea was caused by long-term use of any medications, it is important to contact the doctor who prescribed them in order to discontinue them. The specialist will be able to recommend another remedy. If the cause of diarrhea is problems with the processes of absorption of nutrients in the intestines, the doctor will recommend taking enzyme preparations. This could be Creon, Pancreatin, Mezim, etc.

If diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal pain, then it is necessary to take antispasmodic drugs such as Drotaverine or No-Shpy. And to restore the intestinal microflora at the end of treatment, Lactobacterin, Linex, Hilak-Forte, Enterol, etc. are used.

If you need to stop the diarrhea itself as quickly as possible, doctors recommend using a drug such as Loperamide. It does its job perfectly, but it should not be taken if diarrhea is caused by an intestinal infection. They retain feces in the body, and in such a situation it is contraindicated.

If you want not only to relieve the symptoms of diarrhea, but to get rid of the cause of its occurrence - an intestinal infection, then you need to take antimicrobial drugs, for example, Ecofuril. Its active ingredient - nifuroxazide - eliminates pathogenic microorganisms - the cause of intestinal infections, and the auxiliary substance lactulose (prebiotic) creates a nutrient medium in the intestines for the reproduction of its own beneficial microflora. Doctors recommend taking Ecofuril for 5-7 days. After finishing taking the drug, no additional course of pro- or prebiotics is required for recovery. The medicine for adults and children over 3 years of age is available in capsules.

Ecofuril allows you to get rid of one of the causes of diarrhea - intestinal infection

Traditional methods

There are many traditional medicine methods that alleviate diarrhea or eliminate it altogether. Most of them can be used without consulting a doctor. As a rule, the effect of their use is achieved within a couple of hours.

Perhaps this is the most popular and affordable way fight against diarrhea. In addition, it is one of those products that are classified as absolutely safe for the body. Rice broth envelops the intestines and does not allow gastric juice to negatively affect it, improves peristalsis, and helps the formation of feces. Due to the starch contained in rice cereal, the product has the ability to absorb excess liquid and thicken liquid feces. In addition, rice water perfectly eliminates flatulence and inhibits fermentation processes.

On a note! Rice water can be given even to children.

It’s easy to prepare: just boil a couple of teaspoons of rice soaked in cold water in a liter of boiling water. You need to cook for about 50 minutes. Next, the broth is cooled, filtered through a fine sieve and taken 150 ml every 3 hours.

Bird cherry is excellent for treating diarrhea if the latter did not develop against the background of infections. But you should not overuse the decoction - bird cherry contains amygdalin, which, when broken down in the body, produces hydrocyanic acid, which is classified as a poison. The decoction must be prepared according to a prescription and should not be drunk without consulting your doctor. Nursing mothers and pregnant women should not use it.

To prepare the decoction, washed clean water bird cherry berries (0.5 cups). They are poured with boiling water and placed in a water bath for 30 minutes. After this, the broth is infused for half an hour, covered with a lid. Next, you need to strain it and dilute it with blueberry juice in the same amount. You need to drink 1 tbsp every hour. l.

Dense, red, dry pomegranate peels, peeled from the white layer, are an excellent remedy. They contain about 30% tannins and are effective against diarrhea and almost any intestinal disorder. They are also capable of suppressing the pathogens of dysentery. However, the product has contraindications and requires consultation with a doctor before using it.

Dried pomegranate peels are ground to a powder, after which 1 tsp. This powder is poured with boiling water (1 tbsp.) and boiled in a water bath for 60 minutes, after which it is infused for 40 minutes. You need to take 1 tsp. about 4 times during the day until diarrhea disappears.


It turns out that this plant benefits not only the eyes, but also the gastrointestinal tract. Dried berries are used to eliminate diarrhea; fresh ones have the opposite effect and are used for constipation. Blueberries are rich in pectin and tannins, effective and safe. You can make decoctions, jelly, and compotes from dried blueberries.

Oak bark is an excellent remedy against inflammation, it fights pathogenic microorganisms, has astringent action, is capable of combining with proteins to form a protective layer on the intestinal walls. It is also effective for diarrhea. You can make tinctures, decoctions, and enemas from oak bark.

Black pepper

The simplicity and availability of this remedy for diarrhea made it possible to make black peas, along with rice water, the most used folk method for treating loose stools. Black pepper normalizes digestive processes by activating the production of enzymes and gastric juice. It's easy to use: you need to take 10 pcs. peas and simply swallow them with water. But the remedy, unfortunately, has contraindications - pepper cannot be used for ulcers, anemia, inflammatory processes in the kidneys or urinary.

When to see a doctor

Adults usually cope with diarrhea on their own and quite quickly. But in some cases, a visit to the doctor is still necessary. You need to visit a specialist’s office if:

  • symptoms do not go away for a long time;
  • the intensity of diarrhea does not decrease;
  • severe pain is felt in the abdomen;
  • the patient has an elevated temperature;
  • severe dehydration occurs;
  • pallor of the skin is noted;
  • stool is very dark in color.

The doctor will definitely take a medical history to determine the duration of the period of diarrhea and try to find out its cause. Next, he will order a series of tests to establish an accurate diagnosis. In some cases, the patient may be hospitalized according to indications.

Video: Deadly diarrhea

How to quickly get rid of diarrhea?

Step 1. The very first action for diarrhea should be to try to replenish fluid levels in the body. Diarrhea can seriously deplete its reserves in the body. You need to drink as much water and broth as possible. On this day, if possible, it is better to cancel all activities and lie down at home, not far from the toilet.

Step 2. You can try over-the-counter anti-diarrhea medications.

Step 3. Analgesics should not be taken even if there is pain, without first consulting a doctor.

Talk to your doctor about analgesics in advance.

Step 4. You need to rest as much as possible, or better yet, sleep.

Step 5. If diarrhea persists throughout the day, you should consult a doctor the next day.

Step 6. If diarrhea is accompanied severe pain, high temperature, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Step 7 It is important to stop eating sweets, soda, and coffee. It is best to drink natural jelly.

Step 8 To avoid making your diarrhea worse, you should eat foods low in fiber. And for the first few hours it is better to completely fast.

Step 9 It is strictly prohibited to use fatty foods and harmful products.

Step 10 At the end of treatment, you need to eat foods rich in probiotics in order to restore the intestinal microflora.

Step 11 If the cause of diarrhea is an intestinal infection, then it is important to take all measures to cope with it.

Minimize stress

Video - How to get rid of diarrhea? Traditional methods

Diarrhea can dramatically change a person’s plans for the day and throw him off track. However, you can deal with it quickly if you know how. As a rule, all of the above remedies have a fairly quick effect, and as soon as the diarrhea subsides, you can return to your usual rhythm of life. you will find on our website.

Almost every person has experienced discomfort associated with intestinal dysfunction. And one of the most common pathological conditions is. It manifests itself in an increase in the number of bowel movements and changes in the quality and color of stool.

Often serves as a sign of intestinal infections caused by harmful microorganisms (viruses, bacteria). Therefore, it is very important if loose stools appear in time to contact specialists who will identify the cause of this condition.

Diarrhea is also dangerous because this process contributes to dehydration of the body, which can lead to disturbances in water-electrolyte balance. Timely therapy will help not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also prevent unwanted and even dangerous consequences.

Loose stools appear due to damage to the digestive organs.

Common causes are microorganisms that attack the digestive organs.

These are: salmonella, dysentery bacilli, entero- and rotaviruses and other pathogens. Babies are prone to infection with Giardia, which provokes.

Food poisoning that occurs as a result of eating poor-quality food that has expired or has violated storage conditions is very common. Worm infestations, which are characterized by pain in the umbilical region, loss of interest in food or vomiting.

However, if blood, foam, mucus is visible in the baby's stool, or the discharge becomes watery, then this may be an alarming signal. In these cases, you need to contact a specialist.

Normally, the stool of children under one year of age should be yellowish in color and have a sour smell; whitish lumps are allowed in the stool. Emptying, as a rule, occurs 6-7 times a day. And upon reaching one year of age, the norm becomes emptying from 1 to 3 times a day. At the same time the usual a soft chair should not be a cause for concern.

What symptoms are characteristic of pathological stool in children?

With dysbacteriosis, a specialist will best help.

First of all, it is watery. This sign may indicate the presence of a cold. Sometimes a similar reaction occurs when introducing complementary foods or taking certain medications.

In babies under 1 year of age, frequent bowel movements may indicate gastroenteritis, which is accompanied by fever, vomiting and nausea, especially in the morning. The stool is liquid, with an unpleasant odor and sometimes streaked with blood.

For viral and bacterial infections in the intestines, diarrhea is accompanied by hyperthermia (increased temperature), there may be flatulence and painful sensations in the abdominal area. Diarrhea in children appears as a concomitant symptom of ARVI, influenza, otitis media and pneumonia.

This group of drugs restores the usual intestinal microflora.

Causes of diarrhea in adults

Regidron is also indicated for pregnant women.

They are not particularly different from those that provoke loose stools in babies. These include: intestinal infections and chronic diseases, unhealthy diet and taking certain medications.

Often women during pregnancy are prone to intestinal disorders, including diarrhea. What causes this condition in pregnant women? This:

  1. excessive food consumption or intolerance to some;
  2. hormonal changes that promote relaxation muscular organs(including the intestines). This may include hormonal imbalances;
  3. due to the growth of the uterus, it puts pressure on surrounding organs, which can also cause loose stools;
  4. chronic, dysbacteriosis, poisoning.

If loose stools do not stop for more than a day, you should consult a doctor, since dehydration due to diarrhea in a pregnant woman can harm the unborn baby. Diarrhea is especially dangerous during the first trimester of pregnancy, since frequent intestinal tension can provoke tone in the uterus and lead to miscarriage.

In case of loose stools, a pregnant woman needs to take ““, which helps to normalize the water-salt balance in the body. To neutralize the “toxic attack” in the intestines, you can drink activated charcoal. The drug "" will help strengthen the intestinal mucosa.

Also, a pregnant woman with signs of diarrhea should follow a diet that excludes spicy, starchy and fatty foods. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended to replenish the body's water resources.

If a woman notices mucus or streaks of blood in her stool, this may indicate serious illness or disorder. In this case, you should urgently seek medical help.

To normalize the microflora in the intestines, pregnant women are allowed to take probiotics and bifidobacteria (“Bifidumbactrin”, “Mezim-Forte”, “”).

What rules do doctors advise to follow to avoid symptoms of diarrhea in children and adults?

  • Vegetables and fruits must be washed before consumption, or better yet, doused with hot boiled water;
  • Pay attention to the shelf life and sale periods of products. If they have already expired, then such products are not worth buying;
  • If there are doubts about the freshness of the products (even if the seller claims the opposite), then there is no need to take risks and purchase such food products;
  • , fish and meat products must be subjected to heat treatment before eating;
  • Do not drink tap water. Boiled or purified water, which is commercially available, is suitable for this;
  • You should not resort to self-medication, as it can only aggravate the situation;
  • If the disorder has been observed for a long time, you should seek help from specialists.

There are also traditional methods relief from diarrhea, but it is better to consult a doctor before using them.

  1. An infusion of chamomile flowers helps with loose stools. To prepare it you need to take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and add boiling water to a glass. Then strain, let it brew and take 1/2 cup three times a day.
  2. Dried blackberries mixed with honey also help with loose stools. This mixture should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tsp.
  3. If blood streaks are noticed in the stool, it is useful to take 1 tsp. branches and pour a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Drink 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.
  4. Oak bark is also effective in eliminating the symptoms of loose stools. You need to take 1 tsp. bark and pour two glasses of water. Let it brew for several hours, and then drink 100-120 ml 2-4 times a day.
  5. St. John's wort herb in the amount of 2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Drink 1 tbsp three times a day. l.
  6. A decoction of dried fruits (apples and pears), as well as blueberries brewed as tea, will also help.
  7. helps well with loose stools of non-infectious origin. It is useful to drink it daily in the morning until signs of diarrhea disappear.
  8. Sometimes potato starch helps. It is necessary to dilute 1 teaspoon in 2 glasses of water and drink at one time.

The video will tell you what to do if your child has loose stools.