My period is 5 days late and it hurts. Why no periods? Possible reasons. Reliable signs of pregnancy after a delay

What are the first thoughts most girls have with a 5-day delay and a negative test? No, this can't be true. Am I really pregnant? And if your period is delayed by 7, 8, 9, and even more so by 10 days, you become increasingly confident that the test cannot be negative and it’s time to rush to the hospital.

Despite the fact that the absence of menstruation is considered a reliable sign of pregnancy, it does not mean anything.

I would like to immediately reassure you that clinical practice There are quite a lot of cases when a girl is 10 days late, the test is negative, but, as it later turns out, she is not pregnant. There are many reasons for this.

What can cause a delay in menstruation?

Quite a few factors can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle for several days. Some are fairly easy to correct, while others require professional intervention. We list the possible reasons for a delay in menstruation (for example, by 5.7 or 8 days or more) with a negative test:

  • Lack of ovulation.
  • Stress and anxiety states.
  • Problems with body weight (obesity, weight loss).
  • Hormonal contraception.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Benign tumors of the pituitary gland.
  • Exhausting physical activity.
  • Medications.
  • Pathology thyroid gland.
  • Early menopause.
  • Scars on the uterus.

Lack of ovulation (anovulation)

One of the most common causes of irregularity monthly cycle is anovulation, which can develop with polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid diseases, stress or other pathological conditions. At the same time, the absence of ovulation is considered quite normal for the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding in the first months after childbirth.
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives.
  • During menopause.

In 70% of cases, the absence of ovulation is associated with polycystic ovarian pathology.

Stress and anxiety

To say that stress has a negative impact on health is an understatement. It is associated with many problems in the body: from decreased immunity to serious pathology. of cardio-vascular system. In addition, stress can lead to various menstrual disorders.

All kinds of stressful situations and anxiety conditions lead to disturbances in the neuro-hormonal regulation of all organs and systems.

With a delay of 5 days and a negative test, it is too early to draw any conclusions, so there is absolutely no point in starting to sound the alarm. Test again in 2-3 days.

Weight problems

Sudden weight loss or rapid weight gain may well provoke a delay in menstruation from several days to 2-3 weeks, and the test will be negative. It turns out that both excess and deficiency of adipose tissue are bad for a woman. Everything needs balance.

After all, fat cells are responsible for the production of one of the most important female hormones, estrogen, which is responsible for egg maturation, follicle formation and ovulation.

Hormonal contraception

Taking hormonal contraceptives often causes menstrual irregularities. For example, modern combination drug"Librel" completely suppresses ovulation, which naturally causes a delay in menstruation. Simply put, no ovulation means no menstruation.

The delay is 2 weeks, the test is negative, but there is nausea, vomiting, breast enlargement, then it is strongly recommended to visit a gynecologist to make sure whether there is a pregnancy or not.

Eating disorders

Neurotic disorders such as anorexia and bulimia can affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Clinical experience shows that such deviations have very serious consequences not only for reproductive health, but also for the whole organism as a whole.

Anorexia (lack of appetite) and bulimia (excessively increased appetite) lead to serious hormonal imbalances, which can undoubtedly lead to a halt in ovulation and a delay in menstruation for several days.

Benign pituitary tumors

Irregular periods occur with certain benign tumors pituitary gland For example, with prolactinoma, when the pituitary gland begins to produce more prolactin than necessary, a hormone that stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk.

High levels of prolactin in the blood reduce the level of estrogen and, naturally, ovarian function is impaired. What may be observed:

  • Secretion of milk.
  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle.
  • Delayed periods.
  • Problems with conception.
  • Infertility.

If your period is 10 days late and the test is negative, it is recommended to determine the level of hCG in the blood (test for human chorionic gonadotropin), which will most likely confirm or deny pregnancy.

Exhaustive physical activity

Women who are professionally involved in sports, or whose occupation involves performing heavy physical work, often have problems with the menstrual cycle.

High energy consumption, constant stress, severe deficiency of adipose tissue - all this can lead to the fact that a woman does not have her period for 5, 10 days, or even two weeks, and the pregnancy test is negative.


There are quite a lot of groups medicines, the intake of which negatively affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle. For example, some chemotherapy drugs, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and corticosteroids can disrupt the functioning of the ovaries until menstruation stops.

Regardless of whether your period is late for 9 days or two weeks, if it repeats regularly and the pregnancy test is negative, you should consult a specialist doctor to find out the cause and take appropriate measures to normalize the cycle.

Pathology of the thyroid gland

With a number of thyroid diseases, accompanied by a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, it is practically impossible to maintain a normal, regular menstrual cycle.

Insufficiency of thyroid hormones can affect the level of prolactin, which, in turn, will affect the functioning of the hypothalamus and change the regularity of menstruation.

Early menopause

As a rule, somewhere between 45 and 55 years of age, every woman experiences menopause or the cessation of menstruation. No matter how much you want, but after this you will not be able to get pregnant and have children.

However, for various reasons, menopause can occur much earlier. It is worth noting that genetic predisposition and autoimmune pathological conditions are the main reasons leading to premature ovarian failure.

Scars on the uterus

Any surgical intervention on the uterus can negatively affect its mucous membrane, and as a result, the menstrual cycle as a whole.

Caesarean section, curettage, surgery for fibroids or complications of other diseases leading to disruption of the uterine lining - all this can provoke a delay in menstruation for varying periods: from several days to several months.

How to behave if your period is late?

Most girls and women are very sensitive to any deviations related to their health, especially with regard to the menstrual cycle. But things are not always as sad as we imagine.

  • We wait another 2-3 days and repeat the test. It is recommended to use tests produced by different companies.
  • If menstruation is delayed for more than a week, we determine the level of hCG in the blood (test for human chorionic gonadotropin), which will accurately tell whether there is a pregnancy or not.
  • What to do if the delay lasts 2-3 weeks and the test is negative? It is imperative to consult a gynecologist, who must determine the real reason such a long-term disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Long and repeated delays in menstruation in the absence of pregnancy often indicate sufficient serious problems with health. In such cases, a comprehensive examination should be performed.

As a rule, short-term disruptions of the menstrual cycle are often eliminated by normalizing the regime and nutrition, creating favorable conditions for work and rest, and reducing physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Cycle failures occur in every representative of the fairer sex. various reasons. Sometimes these are problems with the health of the reproductive and endocrine systems, and in some cases they are simply a reaction to climate change or a stressful situation. A delay in menstruation by 3-5 days with a negative test, even in the absence of symptoms of disease, can worry any girl, and for good reason.

A 3-day delay in menstruation is not considered critical and may not mean anything: neither pregnancy, nor hormonal imbalances, nor illness. considered to last 21–35 days, the average is 28–30 days.

Even if a girl’s menstruation always began on time, sometimes under the influence of external and internal factors they may be several days late. is not a symptom of pathological conditions. But such a delay is enough for the test to determine pregnancy. If the result is negative, the reason for the lack of discharge is different.

IN menopause, when reproductive function fades and the amount of female hormones decreases significantly, menstruation occurs less frequently and gradually stops altogether. Therefore, at this time, delays are considered patterns.

Factors affecting the menstrual cycle

A delay of menstruation by 4 days with a negative test can occur:

  • due to previous inflammatory diseases, the weakened body during this period needs to recover and improve its functioning, so the menstrual cycle changes;
  • long-term use of strong medications: antibiotics, hormonal drugs. The action of these drugs is aimed at treating diseases, but they can lead to a disruption or change in the usual functioning of healthy organs;
  • changing or starting oral contraceptives. Drugs in this group often provoke hormonal disbalance, and it entails a delay in menstruation. All pills should be prescribed only by a gynecologist, which takes into account the peculiarities of the ratio of hormones in the body;
  • stressful conditions. Long-term or short-term, but strong experiences, disruption of sleep patterns, sudden weight loss while following a strict diet, rapid weight gain due to disruptions of the endocrine system - all these factors can provoke a delay of three days or more;
  • off-seasons and simply sudden climate changes while traveling. The body adapts to new conditions, and the usual mode of operation changes.

Should I worry?

In case of absence of menstruation with a negative test within 3-5 days and the presence additional symptoms It is necessary to consult a specialist to exclude such pathological conditions as:

  1. Ovarian dysfunction. In this case, there is no menstruation, the stomach hurts and uncharacteristic discharge appears: bloody or other heavy discharge. unpleasant smell.
  2. Amenorrhea is typical for women of childbearing age and is often accompanied by stressful conditions in the body, emotional and physical exhaustion.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of various etiologies in the current period of time. In case of infectious lesions (staphylococci, thrush, sexually transmitted diseases), pain in the lower abdomen, itching and burning of the labia, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and uncharacteristic discharge are observed: copious, with an unpleasant odor and heterogeneous consistency. With cystitis, a woman is bothered by sharp painful sensations during frequent urination, bleeding, elevated temperature.
  4. Brain diseases. They are signaled by the condition of the skin, changes in general well-being and facial features, as well as disruption of the menstrual cycle.
  5. . May cause a delay of 5 days or more. At the same time, the woman’s well-being is similar to what happens in the early stages of pregnancy: the ovarian area hurts, the chest feels tight, feels nauseous, and the body temperature rises. Polycystic syndrome completely disrupts a woman's hormonal levels, leading to lack of ovulation and infertility.

In order not to start the disease, you should contact specialists for examination using tests and ultrasound as quickly as possible. In most cases, the inflammatory process is detected during a clinical examination; additional methods are required for a more detailed diagnosis.

Maximum delay requiring no treatment

The maximum period of delay that does not require treatment depends on individual characteristics body, but on average is no more than 7 days.

If you haven’t had your period for more than 5 days, can there be a pregnancy? The main question that interests a woman if the test is negative. It's better to pass hCG tests and be examined using ultrasound to obtain reliable information.

If critical days are delayed for more than a week, the test is negative, there is a high probability of not just a failure, but a disease. A specialist can make a diagnosis.

Causes of irregular periods

If you do not have your periods on time systematically, then the main reasons for their absence may be:

  • diseases arising due to hormonal imbalance. Most often this happens during critical physiological periods: puberty, menopause, recovery after childbirth and lactation;
  • diseases and dysfunction of the ovaries - cystosis and polycystic disease;
  • neoplasms on the genitals;
  • pituitary adenoma.

In addition, the reasons why menstruation is often delayed by several days are smoking, excess weight, exercise, alcohol abuse and poor sleep patterns. It is enough to reconsider your attitude towards your lifestyle - and the cycle will be resolved.

The most common methods of regulating the menstrual cycle are hormone therapy, treatment and restoration nervous system and specific gynecological diseases. Background methods include a balanced diet, strengthening the immune system with vitamins, and health-improving physical education.

Some people look forward to their long-awaited pregnancy with joy and excitement; for others, on the contrary, it comes as shocking news. And the more worried about this future mom, the sooner she goes to the doctor. If the delay is 5 days, then upon examination the doctor can say little. At most, she will put the pregnancy in question and send her out for a few more days. But this is only if more woman nothing bothers me. If the delay is added bad feeling and pain, then you need to immediately undergo an examination and find the cause. Today we will talk about the reasons why a delay of 5 days becomes possible.

Calm, just calm

Even if your cycle has been running like clockwork until now and suddenly such a delay appears, it is recommended to be patient. Normally, the cycle can last from 21 to 35 days. Moreover, for a number of reasons, its duration may vary. To avoid remembering when your last period was, you need to constantly keep a calendar. In this case, the error will be smaller, because you will clearly see how the cycle changes.

A delay of 5 days may be due to stress, illness, serious physical activity. Therefore, when you come to the doctor, try to remember everything that happened to you in the last 2-3 weeks. Details that are insignificant to you can become very significant to a specialist.

Possible failures

Of course, they are possible, and the doctor should think about it. But you don’t need to diagnose yourself. A delay of 5 days is not yet an indicator of pathology. However, it can be the result of a functional failure or disease of both the genital and other organs.

Normally, menstruation does not occur during pregnancy. Functional failures are already listed above, these are severe stress, diet and rapid weight loss and much more. But things are not always so smooth. In addition to pregnancy, gynecological diseases can cause a delay of 5 days. And first of all, it is polycystic ovary syndrome. This symptom may accompany others inflammatory diseases reproductive organs. But an experienced doctor can already tell during an examination whether there are signs of inflammatory processes. If the answer is positive, you will need to undergo an ultrasound and pass necessary tests.

Somatics and psychosomatics

The body and psyche are inextricably linked. Whatever we think about it, these connections are very strong. It is not for nothing that severe stress can cause cycle failure. The body understands that now motherhood will be too much of a burden and gives a break, blocking the production of an egg. From somatic diseases that cause cycle disruption, obesity can be noted.

What can you say about psychosomatics? It is difficult to make unambiguous diagnoses here. But psychologists and psychotherapists note that if a woman is afraid of pregnancy, then the process of producing an egg may malfunction or stop altogether. This is usually the result of a serious injury, so you shouldn’t try it on yourself right away.

When delay is normal

At the age of 12-13 years, girls usually begin their first menstruation. But the reproductive system is just beginning to form. Therefore, serious disruptions in the cycle are possible. They should not bother you; soon your hormonal levels will return to normal and your individual cycle will develop. If your periods have not improved before the age of 15, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. If this is accompanied by high body weight, excess body hair growth, or a change in voice, then you need to seek help. There may be hormonal abnormalities.

Let's do a test

If you are sexually active, then the first thought is pregnancy. Of course, this may be true. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is buy a test at the pharmacy and check it. If the delay is 5 days and the test is negative, then it is worth repeating it in a few more days. If your period has not started, but repeated diagnostics again yielded nothing, it is worth looking for other reasons.

Non-hazardous reasons

We have already discussed some of this above. But at the appointment, the doctor may ask about other details of your life. If the delay is 5 days and the test is negative, then most often there really is no pregnancy. Therefore, we remember our work schedule over the past months, experiments on our appearance and medications prescribed by doctors.

  • Chronic fatigue and lack of sleep can affect female body not the most in the best possible way.
  • Passion for vegetarian diets, which lead to rapid changes in body weight.
  • Use of hormonal or psychotropic substances.

Declining reproductive function

This is typical for women over 40 years of age. Moreover, the age limits are very conditional. This condition is called premenopause. Often women notice a delay of 5 days and then menstruation. This is a variant of the norm, indicating the decline of reproductive function. If regular delays occur in women under 40 years of age, then we can talk about early menopause. In some cases, this can be corrected with the help of hormonal agents. Of course, the choice of drugs should be made by the attending physician.

When can we talk about pathology?

If you suddenly, without signs of a cold, have a fever and a delay of 5 days, this may indicate various pathological processes. If you additionally notice pain in the abdomen and back, or a change in the nature of the discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. There may be many reasons, but only a competent specialist can choose the right treatment regimen.

Hormonal disorders

The duration of each phase of the menstrual cycle depends on the hormone content in a woman’s body. Their optimal quantity determines the correct sequence of processes occurring in the reproductive system. Endocrine system It’s very complicated and you can’t figure it out without an experienced doctor. Any deviations in the functioning of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland and adrenal glands are reflected in the state of hormonal levels. This can lead to cycles without ovulation. This condition requires hormonal therapy. It can be short-term or long-term. In the second case, COCs with the required composition are selected.

Inflammatory and infectious diseases

There could be a lot of reasons. Most often this is hypothermia and decreased immunity. Usually the first thing that changes is the character of the leucorrhoea. They become more abundant and often acquire an unpleasant odor. If you notice unusual white discharge and a delay of 5 days, this may indicate inflammatory processes.

They do not pass without a trace. The consequences may be adhesions and scars in the tissues of the uterus and ovaries. Areas of tissue necrosis appear, which makes the normal functioning of organs impossible and leads to various cycle disorders. A delay in menstruation in the absence of pregnancy may be a consequence of inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. In particular, endometritis leads to disruption and slowdown of its development. Accordingly, the cycle also breaks down. Sexually transmitted infections can also contribute to the emergence and development of inflammatory processes.

Tumor processes

Among benign tumors, uterine fibroids are most common in women. This disease leads to changes in hormonal levels in the body. But unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. Painful changes occur in the structure of organs, which manifests itself in many unpleasant symptoms. This is an irregular cycle, unusual discharge. The consequence may be infertility, so it is very important to start treatment as quickly as possible. On initial stages appoint hormone therapy, and if the tumor is large, then only surgical intervention.

How to induce your period

A 5-day delay in menstruation is not a reason to take serious measures. There can be many reasons for a minor cycle failure, and most of them do not need correction. If there are regular delays for a period of 5 to 30 days, then the attending physician must conduct a diagnosis and identify the cause of the violation. Only after this will it be possible to prescribe treatment. Most often, if the second phase is violated, Duphaston is prescribed. This is an analogue of progesterone. Usually, your period begins on the 2-3rd day.

If the absence of menstruation persists for a longer period, drugs are prescribed that stimulate the pituitary gland, for example, Clomiphene. Separately, there is a group of drugs that stimulate the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovaries. These are "Pergonal", "Gonadotropin" and a number of others. Recovery menstrual function it is recommended to use COCs.

Instead of a conclusion

Often, suspicious women begin to feel symptoms of pregnancy when they are not present. Surely among your friends you will remember women who, after a delay of 5 days, feel sick, their breasts swell and all the symptoms of toxicosis bloom brightly. In fact, this is nothing more than self-hypnosis. And if the doctor examines the woman and says that there is no pregnancy, then these symptoms disappear immediately, overnight.

What would you like to add? A delay of 5 days is not something outside the norm. In the absence of pregnancy, there are many reasons why the cycle may shift slightly. Therefore, there is no need to panic, but if the delay lasts more than 5 days or this phenomenon recurs, then you should consult a doctor.

Pregnancy can be welcome or unwanted. The main factor indicating its appearance is the absence of menstruation. Quite often it happens that when it is delayed, the pregnancy test stubbornly produces one line. Why does this happen, and what can be called the root cause? missed periods if not pregnancy? Let's figure it out.

The main thing in the article

Is it possible to have a missed period if the test is negative?

The answer is clear - yes! A negative test for delayed menstruation is considered completely justified in the following cases:

  • Disease– menstruation occurs thanks to the coordinated work of the brain, ovaries and uterus. Interruptions in their general functioning lead to a delay in menstruation, and a strip pregnancy test shows correctly - there is no pregnancy.
  • The test is deceiving– the test works on the principle of detecting the level of the hCG hormone. Chronic gonadotropin is produced after fertilization of the egg at 6–8 weeks, and its level in the urine increases significantly. Negative result may appear on the test if the test is expired, of poor quality, or has passed a short time after conception, and hCG in the urine has not reached the optimal level. For more information about the reasons that “force” the test to show a false negative result during an existing pregnancy, read the article: “”.
  • Incorrect preparation for using the test. Drinking a lot of liquid on the eve of the diagnosis, taking a diuretic - distort the result.

If the result is negative, and menstruation is delayed for several days in a row, you need to visit a gynecologist. He will be able to confirm a possible pregnancy or prevent the progression of gynecological pathology.

Delayed menstruation with a negative test: reasons

If we talk about the reasons that provoke a delay in menstruation during the “-” test, they can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Are common.
  2. Medical.

TO common reasons the following should be included:

As for the medical factors for the absence of menstruation on time with a negative test, these could be:

  • Ovarian dysfunction (polycystic disease).
  • Biological changes (restructuring before the onset of menopause).
  • Diseases of the uterus.

Your period is up to 5 days late, but the test is negative

Women with a stable cycle know exactly when menstruation should begin. If it never comes, then the first thing they sin on is pregnancy. Having bought a strip test and found only one strip on it, they begin to panic. Is it worth it?

In medicine, it is believed that deviations from the start date of menstruation in one direction or another by 3–5 days are the norm, which is called an absolute phenomenon.

What can cause a delay of up to 5 days?

  • Strict diet. In pursuit of beautiful body women deplete their body, this can cause a delay in menstruation from 5 days to 2 months.
  • Constant nervous tension. Nervous stress can delay the onset of menstruation for up to 5 days without pregnancy. Quite often this happens to young girls, since their cycles are not yet completely stable, and exams, sessions, etc., cause nervous tension.
  • Start of physical education classes. If you have just started going to the gym where you are actively working out, then your period may well be delayed for up to 3-5 days, and the test taken will be negative. After the body adapts to the new loads (2-3 months), the cycle returns to normal and the delays will disappear by themselves.

Period is 10 days late with a negative test

If even on the 10th day of absence of menstruation the test persistently shows one line, then this is a reason to go to the gynecologist.

  • Firstly, the test may lie and there is already a pregnancy.
  • Secondly, with stable cycles, such a delay indicates dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

The sooner you see a doctor, the faster you can diagnose the disease and prevent its progression.

There are also exceptions when such a delay in a negative test is not something to worry about:

  • There have been changes climatic conditions in this cycle (we went on vacation).
  • An abortion or premature induced birth was performed 2–3 weeks ago.
  • You are on a strict diet.
  • You are taking hormonal medications.

What does a period delay of more than 2 weeks indicate with a negative test?

If the cycle is stable and the reasons described for a delay of 5–10 days have been excluded, the absence of menstruation for more than 2 weeks with a negative test should be alarming. In this case, a trip to the gynecologist is simply necessary. In addition to problems in the field of gynecology, such a delay can be caused by:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • presence of inflammation;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

It should also be noted that a delay of 2 weeks or more with a negative test may indicate a decline in ovarian function. This happens for each woman individually, and it is quite difficult to name a certain age. On average, it is believed that the period of “preparing the body” for menopause can begin at 38–45 years, and the duration of this period cannot be predicted either. For some women, this is a sudden cessation of menstruation, for others it is the presence of delays and irregular cycles, which can last up to 10–12 years.

Almost all women after 45 have their periods irregularly, and the chance of getting pregnant is reduced to no more than 5%.

Delayed menstruation: negative test and tugging on the stomach

Usually, a delay in menstruation does not affect general condition women, but in some cases, when menstruation is “late” and the test is negative, stomach pulls. You should know that this does not bode well. What could cause this condition?

  • Ectopic pregnancy. If one exists, the test will show one strip. The nagging pain in the abdomen is accompanied by nausea, less often vomiting, general weakness, and you will feel dizzy. It is necessary to diagnose it as early as possible, since the fertilized egg, without entering the uterine cavity, attaches to the ovaries, tubes and begins its development and growth. If such a process is left to chance, the consequences can be disastrous, even fatal outcome. Therefore, if you have nagging abdominal pain and a significant delay in menstruation, be sure to visit a gynecologist.
  • Endometritis- this disease is characterized by inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the uterus. Quite often it is the cause of the absence of menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen. With such an illness, the test will be negative, since pregnancy has not occurred. The danger of such a disease is that after a menstrual delay, heavy bleeding occurs, which can only be stopped by medical means (diagnostic curettage).
  • Adnexit(inflammation of the appendages). There may be a delay of up to 5–7 days. With initial inflammation in the fallopian tubes and appendages, the woman experiences slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen. As the disease progresses, the pain becomes unbearable.

According to medical statistics, 50% of women with adnexitis turn out to be infertile due to late contact with a gynecologist or improper treatment.

Pulls the lower back with a delay in menstruation and a negative test

The main factor that provokes pulling sensations in the lower back is inflammation or injury in the pelvic area. It is they who provoke the “lateness” of menstruation with a negative test. The main “provocateurs” of such a delay include:

  • Gynecological diseases– oophoritis, vaginitis (discharge and itching/burning in the vagina may be present), ovarian apoplexy, fibroids, cyst.
  • Infectious inflammations– fungal infections (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis), gonorrhea, candidiasis.

White discharge when menstruation is late with a negative test

Quite often, the root cause of whitish discharge in combination with a delay in menstruation and one line on the test is a sexually transmitted infection. This group also includes sexually transmitted diseases. Symptoms that confirm this diagnosis include:

  • swelling of the external genitalia;
  • the presence of burning and itching in the vagina;
  • pain during sex.

If you have delay, leucorrhoea and the symptoms described above, then immediately consult a gynecologist.

If you do not take into account the delay of menstruation, which occurs for objective reasons (climate change, excess weight, stress), then white discharge in a healthy woman who is actively sexually active is normal indicator work of the genital organs. But it should be noted that a sour smell, a curd-like consistency, the presence of pus or streaks of blood indicate diseases of a different nature.

Pregnancy should not be discounted, since the test can be deceiving, and white discharge in the early stages is a natural physiological process.

Negative pregnancy test when menstruation is late: what to do?

So, we have considered the reasons that can provoke a delay in the event of a negative test, now let’s talk about what to do when faced with the problem of not having your period on time.

  • In the absence of menstruation 3–5 days– wait another 5 days, it is quite possible that this absolute phenomenon which is considered the norm.
  • In the absence of menstruation up to 10 days- You need to get tested for hCG. He will confirm or deny the fact of pregnancy. If the answer is no, you can wait another week.
  • When delayed more than 2 weeks– go to the gynecologist and begin an examination in order to exclude the development of gynecological diseases, the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, and infection with sexually transmitted infections.
  • Lack of menstruation 3–6 weeks already indicates the presence of severe pathologies or inflammation of the ovaries, which occurs in a chronic form.
  • Delay in 1 month– if you are not a professional athlete, do not suffer from obesity or anorexia, are still far from menopause and have not been on vacation for the last 2 months – RUN TO THE DOCTOR! It’s good if the test simply didn’t show pregnancy, but what if not?

Remember that only timely treatment minimizes the risk of complications and infertility. Keep an eye on your cycle, as its disruptions indicate the presence of “disorders” in the functioning of the genital organs. And if the onset of pregnancy is long-awaited and desired for you, then take a look at the article: “”.
And remember happy woman– this is a healthy woman! Be healthy!