Exercise for the language of pets, middle group. Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic "pets". Summary of a frontal lesson on the formation of grammatical means of language in children with special needs development

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on a lexical topic

prepared by: Davydova Elena Yurievna
teacher speech therapist
Municipal budget preschool educational institution
Nikiforovsky district, Tambov region, rural settlement Dmitrievka

Correctional and educational:
- clarify and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Pets”;
- learn to use the preposition y in speech through exercises. “Who has who?”, “Who has what?”;
- teach to form nouns. pl. hours from units hours through exercise. "One-many";
- teach to form nouns. with diminutive suffixes - in the exercise “Call it kindly.”
Correctional and developmental:
- correct thinking through exercise. “Collect a picture”;
- strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.
Correctional and educational:
- cultivate cognitive interest in the world around us
- instill a love for pets.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: - You will find out who we will talk about in class today by guessing the riddles.

I'm crawling along the fence
I'm going out hunting.
The mice hid in holes,
I've been watching them for a long time. (Cat)

The nose is round,
And the perky tail is crocheted.
Mom is a pig, dad is a pig.
He is their favorite son. (Piglet)

To a person true friend,
I can hear every sound very clearly.
I have an excellent sense of smell
Keen eye and keen hearing. (Dog)

Champion in fast running,
Sometimes I drive carts.
Uncle groom brought me
Water, hay and oats. (Horse)

Hungry - mooing,
Full - chews,
Little kids
Gives milk. (Cow).

Speech therapist: - What would you call all these animals in one word?
Speech therapist: - That's right, homemade. Today in class we will talk about domestic animals. And so that our tongue can help us with this, let’s do gymnastics for the tongue.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

The cat laps milk.
Stick your “wide” tongue out of your mouth. Push the tip of your tongue up into a “cup” and hide your tongue in your mouth.
The calf sucks milk.
The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Place the wide tip of the tongue under the upper lip and tear it off with a click.
Horse snorting.
Vibration of lips.

3. Exercise “Who has who?”

Speech therapist: Mothers and their babies have lost each other. They really want to be together. Let's make sure they meet. Children complete the task.
Speech therapist: Now let's check. Who has whom?

The cat has a kitten.

The horse has a foal.

The dog has a puppy

The pig has a piglet.

The cow has a calf.

4. Exercise “Who has what?”

Speech therapist: - Guys, which of the pets have horns? (In a cow, in a ram, in a goat)
Who has a mustache? (In a rabbit, in a dog, in a cat)
Who has soft paws? (at the cat)
Who has an udder? (At the cow, at the goat)
Who has a snout nose? (At the pig)

5. Exercise “One-many”.

Speech therapist: - Now let's play the game “One - Many.”
Cat - cats,
Dog - dogs,
cow - cows,
horse - horses,
sheep - sheep,
kitten - kittens,
calf - calves.

6. Exercise. “Call me kindly.”

Speech therapist: - Now, guys, come on - call the animals affectionately.
Cat. What would you call her affectionately? (kitty)

7. Physical education minute.

That's what a cat is like, (They walk at a “catlike” step)
Round face, (Stroke the face)
And on each paw (represent claws)
Claws are scratchers.
All his toys - (Jumping in place)
Cube and reel. The cat is like a ball (They jump after each other in a circle) Jumping around the apartment.

8. Exercise. "Collect pictures."

Speech therapist: - Collect pictures and name the animals you got. (Pig, cat, ram, dog, cow, goat)

9. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: What animals were discussed in class today?
What animals are called domestic? (Children answer).
Give examples of domestic animals.

Informational resources:
michutka.3dn.ru›publ/sjuzhetnye_ kartinki…kartinki

Topic: Pets

teacher-speech therapist at speech therapy center at Children's Health Center No. 98, Mariupol

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. Formation of the plural of words denoting young domestic animals. Education genitive case pl. numbers, possessive adjectives, declension of the noun “cat” by case, development, fine motor skills, visual perception. Ability to express various emotions.

Equipment : subject pictures depicting domestic animals and their cubs, cut-out pictures. D/I “Guess who it is?”, “Find pets.” Whose tail?, “Whose face?”. Puzzles.

Progress of the lesson

Children stand in a circle and say a chant.

Here you can be surprised, joke and make mistakes.

Play and have fun and learn a lot.

1.What's my mood? Children choose the appropriate

cards and placed on the typesetting canvas.

2. Gymnastics for the eyes. Make your eyes blink.

We close our eyes and now relax

Slowly inhale We went to our places.

And on the exhale again

3. Game “Who will sit?” The names of the children are called in a whisper.

4.Repetition of vowel sounds. Symbols of vowel sounds are displayed on the board.

5. Pronunciation of vowel sounds with different voice strengths.

6.Game for developing auditory attention. Clap like me.
7. Making riddles.

Ringing a bell,

Ran away from me (GOAT)

The meadow melts in the evening darkness,
Where to look for it? .-me-me-me..

And sour cream and kefir

Milk and delicious cheese(COW)

So that we are healthy

The redhead will give us......

He is friends with the owner and guards the house (DOG)

Lives under the porch, tail like a ring.

At a gallop playing with his mane

He gallops fast and beautifully (HORSE)

You won't catch him

Look how he jumps: -Hey, hey.

A ball of fluff, Jumps deftly, (RABBIT)

Long Ear Loves carrots.

A fur coat and a caftan walks from mountain to valley. (SHEEP)

8. Who screams?

9.Who lives where?

The cow is in the barn. The horse is in the stable. The pig is in the pigsty.

The dog is in the booth, the goat is in the barn, and the ram is in the barn.

10. “Moms, dads, kids.” What are their names?

11. D/I “Who has who?” (puzzles).Education gen. case noun

denoting the name of the cubs' house. animals.

12 . D/I “Complete the sentence.”

Hidden at the hole, a gray…..(cat) is waiting for prey.

And now he won’t even come within a mile of ..... (cat).

The old rat and the one, seeing the formidable ..... (cat)

He will quickly run under the house so as not to meet with... (cat)

There he trembles and in the dark remembers .... (cat).

13. Mudra “Knowledge”.

I straighten my fingers, but I bend two

I make rings out of them and put them on the heart.

Now I’ll sit and breathe a little.

14. D/I “Whose face?” “Whose tail?”

15. D/I “Guess who it is?” They are called shadows of animals.

16. Compose the story “Angry Boy”.

17.D/I “Collect a picture.” Cut-out pictures depicting pets.

18.D/I “Teremok”. Children close the windows where they “settled”


19. Drawing up proposals for demonstrating actions.

Practical use of perfect and perfect verbs imperfect form. Children make up sentences as they complete the actions. Eg. “Vanya drinks milk. Vanya drank the milk."

20.D/I “Wonderful bag”. Children determine by touch which of the animals are in the bag and only then take them out.

Summary of a frontal lesson on the formation of grammatical means of language in children with special needs development

Topic: "Pets"


1. Educational:

Reinforce a general concept consisting of two words “pets”; expand and clarify children’s knowledge about the benefits that pets bring and where they live.

Continue learning to form the names of baby animals (calf, kitten, puppies);

Exercise children in the formation of possessive adjectives;

Formation of nouns with diminutive meaning;

Learn to coordinate the numerals 1,3,5, many with nouns.

Enrich children's verbal vocabulary with words formed by onomatopoeia.

2. Developmental:

Develop coherent speech and attention.

3. Educational:

Foster interest and care for pets.


Model of a farm, figurines of domestic animals.

Subject pictures depicting domestic animals and their babies.

Subject pictures depicting pet food products.

Markers, circle modules, ball.


  1. Organizing time

A speech therapist teacher displays a model of a farm with figurines of domestic animals.

Introductory talk:

Guys, look where we ended up? (Children's answers).

Who do you see? (Children name animals).

How can you call all these animals in one word? (Children's answers).

Why do we call these animals "pets"? (Children's answers - these animals live near a person's house, bringing benefit to the person, and the person takes care of the animals).

And what benefits does a dog, horse, cow, sheep, cat bring? (Children answer).

Well done, I liked the way you answered. Now let’s listen to the voices of animals and try to guess who says what.

Lexico-grammatical exercises:

1. “Who says what?”

The goat darts

The horse neighs

The pig grunts

The cat meows

The dog barks

The sheep bleats.

2. “Who is missing what?”

Guys, how well do you know pets, but can you see what’s wrong in these pictures?

The speech therapist offers each child a picture of a pet with some kind of mistake.

Children need to find the mistake and tell it, correctly formatting the sentence. Bull without horns. A cow without hooves.

Children complete the necessary parts for the animals.

What did you get, name it.

Now a bull with horns.

So, whose horns?

Now the cow has hooves.

So, whose hooves?


Physical education moment

The speech therapist invites the children onto the carpet, asks them to stand in a circle and do an exercise.

Here he is spinning like a top. The children are spinning in place, hands on their belts.

Tuzik, Tuzik, hooked tail Spinning in the opposite direction.

Here it flies at full speed, moving in a circle,

Now to the river, now into the yard, making jumps.

Then he is on duty at the gate - They squat.

In a word, there is a lot to do. Again they move in a circle, making jumps.

3. “Gather the family.”

Children are invited to gather the family around the animal (take the animal that the child completed drawing in the previous exercise).

Pictures of domestic animals and their babies are laid out on the table. Each child gathers the family to their animal and goes through circle modules.

Children say:

Cow, bull and calves.

Sheep, ram and lambs.

Goat, goat and kids.

Tell us what kind of family you have.

Children's stories.

(I have a cow, a bull and calves, which means I have raised a cow family. I have a horse, a horse and foals, which means I have raised a horse family).

4. “Say the opposite.” Ball game.

Animals have both adults and children in their families. In adult animals, all parts of the body are large, while in young animals they are small. We will play the game “say the opposite”. I throw you a ball and talk about adult animals, you catch the ball and talk about small animals. Return the ball to me.

The cow has a long tail and the calf has a short tail.

A dog has strong paws, but a puppy has weak paws.

A horse has a long mane, and a foal has a short mane.

A ram has big horns and a lamb has small horns.

At the cat's sharp teeth, and the kitten has dull teeth.

A pig has hard hair, while a pig has soft hair.

5. “Feed the animals.”

Our animals are probably already hungry. We need to feed them.

On the board there are pictures of food products for animals.

Children choose animals to treat their family.

I'll feed the cows some hay.

I'll feed the pigs vegetables

I will treat the cats with milk.

I'll feed the sheep some grass.

I'll treat the dogs to meat.

I'll treat the horses to oats.

6. Summing up the lesson.

Assessment of children's work.

Teacher speech therapist

Salova S.I.

MBDOU – Child Development Center No. 94

Nizhny Novgorod

Healthy guy: Hello guys!
Children: Hello!
Healthy guy: I, Zdorovichok, will go with you to the sports hall! (Olympic music sounds, children with a physical instructor perform exercises).
Mistress: And now, guys, we will be transported to a fairy tale and for a while we will turn from guys into animals. Close your eyes (music plays, a magical snowflake touches all the children), take a deep breath through your nose, exhale through your mouth, well done, and again, good! While the music is playing, we don’t open our eyes. (at this time the props are displayed).
Hostess a: Come on, come on, don’t yawn and open your eyes!
Here we are in a fabulous winter forest. And you are no longer guys, but animals.
Healthy guy: Let's see who our guys have become? (builds them in a circle so that the children can see each other’s masks)
Children: We turned into kittens, hares, puppies.
Mistress: Well done, right!
Let's count how many kittens? (we count in chorus 1,2, etc.)
Children: Seven (who?) kittens. (repeat 2-3 children one at a time)
Mistress: How many bunnies will there be?
Children: Four (who?) little bunnies. (repeat 2-3 children one at a time)
Mistress: How many puppies?
Children: Eight (who?) puppies. (repeat 2-3 children one at a time)
Mistress: Tell me, please, kittens and puppies, what kind of animals are these?
Children: These are pets.
Mistress: Why?
Children: Because they live with a person and he takes care of them.
Mistress: Where does the bunny live?
Children: The little hare lives in the forest!
Mistress: Well done! Right! So what kind of animal is a hare?
Children: A hare is a wild animal.
Mistress: Well done! You drive, Zdorovichok, how much children know!
Healthy guy: Yes! But it's time for us to go.
(game “Snow” with musical accompaniment, at the end the children sit on the carpet, each on their own snowflake, which lies on the carpet).
Mistress: My darlings! We are in the winter forest. My forest is so quiet in winter, only the trees make noise and sway. How do the trees make noise?
Children: Shh-sh-sh (raise their arms up while sitting on the floor and swing them from side to side)
Mistress: I just can’t understand why it’s so quiet in my forest in winter, why I can’t hear the birds singing?
Children: Because the birds flew to warmer climes.
Mistress: When will they arrive?
Children: In spring (children get up from the carpet)
Mistress: Thank you guys for answering all my questions! Do you know that you can get lost in the forest in summer, winter, and spring? And if suddenly this happens, do you need to shout so that you can be heard?
Children: Aw-ow-ow!
Mistress: Right! Now prepare your ears A-U (they sing to the accompaniment). What's the first sound?
Children: Ah-ah!
Mistress: Well done! (drink again) What is the second sound?
Children: Oooh!
Mistress: We can make these sounds, sing them, so what are they?
Children: Vowels!
Mistress: Well done! Oh, look, while we were talking, someone ran under the tree, come closer, who knows whose tracks these are? (we turn over the drawn hare tracks under the tree)
Children: These are hare tracks!
Mistress: You think? Let's check, I'll tell you a riddle
He loves to chew carrots, eats cabbage very deftly,
He gallops here and there across fields and forests,
Gray, white and oblique, who do you think he is?
Children: It's a hare!
Mistress: Right, so whose traces? HARNIES!
Children: (repeat in chorus) hare tracks and (repeat one by 2-3 children)
Mistress: And look, what color is the bunny’s fur coat? (I take the hare white from under the tree)
Children: Little white.
Mistress: Is the bunny’s fur coat white in summer or not?
Children: In summer, the bunny's fur coat is gray.
Mistress: Why does a bunny have a white fur coat in winter?
Children: So that he would not be noticeable in the snow and the fox, wolf and hunter could not find him.
Mistress: Well done! But a hunter can find a bunny by following its tracks, let's all help the bunny together and cover his tracks
Healthy guy leads the guys behind him to a place where disposable cups with cotton wool inside are placed, take them as they go and stand around the tree.
Mistress: Guys, we place the glass under lower lip, we inhale air through our nose, and exhale through our mouth, inhaling and exhaling calmly (the cotton wool in the cup jumps, creating the impression of a blizzard). Hey guy, look how we helped the bunny and covered his tracks!
Healthy guy: Well done! Now no one will find the bunny!
Game "Hares and wolves""(to music)
Mistress: Look who’s there between the branches leaning out of the hollow?
Children: It's a squirrel!
Mistress: How did you guess?
Children: (They describe a squirrel, the speech therapist shows, the children speak)
- The squirrel lives in the forest.
- The squirrel lives in a hollow.
-Squirrels have small ears.
- The squirrel has small black eyes.
- The squirrel has a fluffy tail.
- The squirrel jumps on the branches and gnaws nuts.
(One of the children in custody repeats the story in full)
Healthy guy: Well done! Now let's play and help drive the nuts into the hollow.
Game “Rolling nuts into a hollow.” (to music)
Mistress: And here is the Sports Tower, here we come!
Healthy guy: Guys, we got to the “Olympic” tower, look, the spirit of friendship and competition reigns here, the cat, the bear, the cat, the hare, the squirrel, and the fox are all training together (we insert pictures of animals into the free windows of the tower ). Here she is Magic power sports!

Svetlana Pyryeva
Speech therapy lesson “Pets” in the middle group

Software content:

Help children expand their knowledge about pets(goat, horse, cow, cat, pig, etc., where it lives, what it eats, how it makes its voice, help name the cubs animals in units. and many more number (kitten-kittens, foal-foals, kid-goats, etc.). Promote the use of nouns in plural genitive case.

Promote the development of fine motor skills, the formation of mental processes: imagination, voluntary memory, auditory attention.

Cultivate interest in occupation, love and respect for animals.

Move classes

Children enter the hall, followed by postman Pechkin with a parcel. (says hello).

What's in my hands?

A big package, but a small one... (parcel)

Show how a package can be heavy, very difficult to lift, difficult to carry. (children imitate)

What is my package? (light)

Why do you think so?

(children show how they carry a light parcel)

The box contains pictures for performing articulatory gymnastics

Exercise "Smile"

Kwaka loves to smile.

The quack's mouth reaches to his ears,

At least sew on the ties.

Pull your lips straight towards your ears

Frogs really like it.

Exercise "Baby Elephant's Proboscis"

I imitate an elephant: I pull my lips with my trunk...

Even if I get tired, I won’t stop pushing.

Exercise "Spatula"

My tongue is flat and smooth

It turns out to be a spatula.

Exercise “I will punish the naughty tongue”

Put your tongue on your lip,

“Five-five-five-say it,

Muscles relax...

The spatula turns out...

Exercise "Cup"

We like to drink strong tea

Come on, put the cup down.

And the parcel contains an invitation. And to find out from whom, you need to collect magic pictures. (Children are assembling a cat from parts; it is in different positions. While the children are assembling speech therapist asks: Who do you get? what is she doing)

Children sit on chairs near the painted tower.

Bim-bom! Tili-bom!

There is a tall house in the yard.

Carved shutters,

The windows are painted.

And on the stairs the carpet

Gold embroidered pattern.

On a patterned carpet

The cat comes out in the morning.

A cat appears

Who is this?

What body parts does a cat have?

What does a cat like to eat?

And our cat had guests today. Our cat loves to play, let's play with her.

A finger game is being played

(for each stressed syllable, children connect thumb with the index finger, average, ring and little fingers alternately)

Kitten bites hard - silly

He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse.

But I'm playing with you, baby,

If you bite, I'll tell you you: "Shoo!"

A cow appears

What does a cow have on her head?

What else does a cow have? (tail, udder, hooves)

What's hidden in a cow's udder?

What is the name of the house where the cow lives? (shed)

What does a cow like to eat? (grass)

What does a cow eat in winter when grass doesn’t grow?

What is hay?

(show the guys the hay, offer to touch it, smell it)

What kind of hay? (fragrant, fragrant)

Children also look at a horse, goat, pig)

Who came to visit the cat?

What are these animals?

Why are they called homemade?


The cow has prepared a game for you

Moo-moo-moo-moo cow

I gore Katya and Vova

You don't drink milk

Run far away

(children imitate movements)

A game "Find animals their young»

A game "What is missing?"

At our cow's birthday party, there was an artist who made portraits of the guests, but he was in a hurry and missed something in the drawings. Let's help the artist.

What doesn't a cow have? (horns, udder)

What doesn't a horse have? (mane, tail)

What doesn't a pig have? (pigtail, ears)

What doesn't a cat have? (tail, ears)

The cat thanks the children for their help and gives them pictures with its image. Children say goodbye to the cat and thank you for the gifts.

Back in group, children tell teacher:

Who did they go to for their birthday?

Who else was visiting the cat?

Why these animals are called pets?

What benefits do they bring?

What games did you play?

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary for the middle group “Wild and Domestic Animals” Summary of a lesson in the middle group on the topic “Wild and Domestic Animals” Alieva Aizhan Galimzhanovna Summary of a lesson in the middle group on the topic.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Pets” (1 lesson) Goals and objectives: to systematize children’s knowledge on the topic being studied, to activate and expand the vocabulary of nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Pets” Educational area - cognitive development Objectives: 1. Summarize children's ideas about the adaptability of domestic animals to the environment.

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