My dog ​​has orange urine, what should I do? Blood in a dog's urine: possible causes and treatment features. Should I be worried?

Hello Tatiana. We have a CAO female, 4.5 years old, 45 kg. -at 8 months and 1.5 pet suffered from piroplasmosis. 1 10 12g they removed a large tick, perhaps there were more. On 10/20/12 the dog lost his appetite and then completely refused to eat - his urine was light, but his stool was bright orange, and his butt began to wobble. On October 22, at the hospital they injected an “antidote” (I don’t know what or how much) temperature was 40 degrees. The next day temp. 38.6, ate small piece chicken, all this time he drinks a lot and greedily of water, in the hospital they put an IV (physical solution + essential + Ringer solution). 24.10 temp.40 degrees. pale mucous membranes, yellowish whites - they took us to Minsk, did blood tests (attached), prescribed treatment for five days: glucose solution 100 ml, sodium chloride solution 100 ml, Catozal 5 ml, Prednisolone 5 ml, Heptral 5 ml, Ceftriaxone 1.0, after the course - Hofitol 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3 weeks, after two weeks do a repeat blood test. I really need your opinion - maybe you can tell me something! The dog is not eating, temp. 38.6gr. lethargic, sleeps all the time.

Have you been tested for piroplasmosis? Judging by the general blood test, the dog has a large loss of red blood cells and needs active replacement therapy(erythropoietin, vitamin B12, gamavit). The volume of infusion therapy should be greater, if there are no heart problems - 400-600 ml per day, possibly in two doses. Essentiale or heptral can be continued.

Hello, sorry for bothering you, we have already contacted you about a Shar Pei (BEAD) WITH A HERNIA, We are now 6 months old, she is very afraid to wash herself in the bathroom, but at the same time she is very happy to wallow in puddles, when you start to scold her or raise your voice she will start to piss , the doctor said that it’s a puppy thing and everything will go away, but at the same time we noticed that in 8 minutes (walking on the street) she can pee 8-10 times. We are afraid that she was beaten in childhood, or that she is sick with something. Help us understand WHAT IT'S NOT LIKE THIS WITH US

What about a dog's hernia?

Take a urine test; given the increased frequency of urination, cystitis may be suspected.

In general, the dog most likely has an unstable psyche - this can manifest itself both in various phobias and in urinary incontinence when excited. Urinary incontinence will improve over time as the dog's mental health stabilizes.

In relation to the dog's bath, you need to create conditions to reduce fear, for example, lay a rubber mat in the bath before washing your paws - most often the cause of the phobia is fear of a slippery surface and a feeling of instability.

Please tell me what to do next situation. A couple of weeks ago, my dog ​​(Yorshier terrier 2.5 years old) and I contacted veterinary clinic with complaints of vomiting. At the same time, the dog refused to eat for 2 days. We were given an IV, then it was discovered that she had vaginal discharge after her heat. They did an ultrasound, confirmed endometritis, the blood was good. Decided
to treat, the dog was very weak, did not eat, vomited. They injected Essentiale, Ceftriaxone, drips with Duphalight for 4 days, the condition did not improve much, but did not eat. They did a second ultrasound, there were almost changes for the better, but did not eat, she was lethargic, they decided for surgery. It was successful, they did 21, the next day there were more IVs, antibiotics, we injected them for 6 days, I didn’t tolerate Duphalight well yesterday, they canceled it and replaced it with Homovit. My question is that it’s possible that the dog’s sagging nose dropped on the second day while the anesthesia was being removed. lower jaw?? Or is it from the Duphalight, or from not eating for a long time??? We are very worried whether it will recover??

Endometritis does not have a direct relationship with vomiting, perhaps bad condition and the dog's lack of appetite is a consequence concomitant diseases. What are the blood tests? Have you done any other diagnostic studies? Yorkies have very sensitive digestion and a tendency to develop renal failure, monitoring of these diseases is required.

my dog ​​is not purebred, but we had problems, two days ago, she began to cough very violently, she was sluggish, her appetite was weak and selective, I want to help her but I don’t know how, all summer I struggled with ear mites, so I removed the inflammatory process with amosine - it helped for a while and took a veterinarian drugs, but the dog didn’t let me near him and it looks like he also has a subcutaneous membrane. I used to have a Great Dane and it’s about the same story, but I encountered a cough for the first time - what should we do, please tell me?

If the dog is young, then the cough is most likely infectious (viral laryngotracheitis). If general state stable, then you can limit yourself to home treatment: macropen or biseptol, cycloferon, expectorants (lazolvan, ascoril, ambroxol, mucaltin).

If the general condition is of concern, it is better to show the dog to a doctor.

Rottweiler female 6.5 years old. ascites. We take diuretic and cardiac drugs. Tell me, is your dog constantly vomiting and diarrhea, is this normal, he doesn’t eat much, is this how it should be or what? Thank you

You need to know what you are giving your dog. Vomiting and loss of appetite may occur with cardiac glycosides (digoxin). Of course, this is not the norm, and we need to fight it. BUT you need to know the diagnosis and the treatment used.

Hello, my dog ​​was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia, they did not say which one, the veterinarian said surgery was needed, but my dog ​​does not experience pain, it is active, when the doctor felt and twisted the joint, there were no painful manifestations on the part of the dog, his problems were only in the fact that he often gallops on three legs, the right hind leg is not much thinner than the left, difficulty in getting up after rest and sometimes a crunch in the joint, but of course he takes care of his leg, does not stand up in it at full strength, but maybe not yet does he need surgery? I’ve been giving him artroglycan and polydex glucohexron for a month now, the loads have been removed, we’re walking on a leash. Oh, I forgot, the dog is a pit bull terrier weighing 30 kg, 1 year old.

The dysplasia is really pronounced, mainly on the right limb. With this diagnosis, it is important to maintain the dog’s weight within the limits of slight “dryness” - any weight gain can increase the stress on the joints. Regarding walks, it is recommended to minimize the load, walk for a short time, but often.

Chondroprotectors are constant throughout the entire period of active growth (up to 1.5-2 years), it is advisable to periodically add injectable drugs (chondrolone, alflutop).

The need for surgery is decided by individually and depends on the surgical technique and the discomfort caused by dysplasia for the dog. If the dog does not experience pain or difficulty moving, then you can limit yourself for now. conservative therapy. But with age, problems can arise in the form of chronic arthritis.

I have a BE shepherd puppy, 4.5 months old. All vaccinations have been completed, + tick vaccinations. Today after lunch the dog vomited something yellowish, refuses to eat or drink, is sad. Perhaps she picked something up on the street (in the morning she ate well, ran and played). We don’t have a 24-hour clinic; the veterinarian doesn’t answer calls. How can I help her?

Assuming food poisoning, you can give the dog a sorbent (phosphalugel, enterosgel, 1 tablespoon each, white coal 2 tables, smecta). If symptoms progress, more intensive therapy(droppers, antispasmodics - no-shpa, baralgetas), if an infectious disease is suspected, they are connected antiviral drugs or antibiotics.

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Changes in the health of your four-legged friend can affect not only his behavior, but also his physiological indicators. One of the clearest signals can be that it is important to determine in time whether this is the norm and what to do in such cases.

Should I be worried?

The health of your four-legged friend is reflected not only in his appetite and behavior, but also in the quality and quantity of daily bowel movements. There are often situations when a dog’s urine color has changed and this greatly worries its owner. Such excitement is quite justified, since in most cases a change in the color of urine indicates the presence of one or more. In this case, it will be important to pay attention not only to the color, but also to other points - the volume of liquid, possible smell.

In this case, a visit to the veterinarian will not be superfluous, but you should not worry too much - often the color of the urine changes due to the fact that you are this moment give your dog any medications that may cause this by-effect, or your four-legged friend eats too many coloring vegetables like carrots or beets.

Possible causes related to diseases

If your pet's urine turns bright yellow or yellow-orange, up to almost full orange color, most often this signals problems with the liver. Also, a similar color can be caused by nearby infectious diseases, including leptospirosis. A red or brownish-red hue in urine in dogs appears when there is a breakdown of red blood cells in the blood - most often it is caused by piroplasmosis. In general, a red tint indicates an admixture of blood in the urine, which is very dangerous and can be an indicator of a rapid infection, poisoning or internal trauma. Take a closer look at additional symptoms like or - this will help the veterinarian recognize the disease faster.

If the urine turns milky white, send your dog for a blood test: it is likely that the level of white blood cells has increased, and this often happens with pyelonephritis. It is also possible that urine may become almost colorless and transparent - this indicates polyuria (excessive urine production) or diabetes mellitus.

It is worth additionally noting that if, in addition to color, urine also has a sharp, foul odor, this may indicate bacterial infection in your pet’s urinary tract, or about stagnation of urine, which is also not very pleasant for the dog.

In any case, if the color of your dog's urine worries you, either this symptom is accompanied by other changes in health (for example, appeared or), you should not delay a visit to the veterinarian.

Dark urine in a dog can indicate many internal diseases and inflammatory processes that occur in the body. If the dog also exhibits lethargy, then the pet must be urgently taken to a veterinary clinic so that the doctor can examine it and take immediate action. If the owner leaves everything to chance, the pet faces significant health problems.

The breeder is advised to monitor his pet, since dark urine, as a rule, is not the only sign that poses a threat to the health of the animal. During the treatment process, the veterinarian will need to know all the details of the pet’s behavior and condition: its characteristics, activity, nutrition and much more. Sometimes such details can save lives in the most difficult situations to your pet.

What causes urine to turn dark?

There may be several reasons why a dog's urine becomes dark in color. They are caused by various diseases and infections. These include the following:


The clinic conducts comprehensive diagnostics animal, if the disease piroplasmosis is detected, the first thing specialists can ask is suggestive questions to the breeder: whether a tick could have gotten on the pet’s body, whether blood tests were previously taken, whether signs of jaundice and dark urine were observed. If a dog is diagnosed with piroplasmosis, then it is necessary to urgently take measures to save the animal, because in most cases, ignoring the first signs leads to the death of your pet. In addition, very often this type of illness also affects work. internal organs. After experiencing the disease, the dog may develop problems with the heart, kidneys and brain.

Cause of dark urine cystitis

Another reason why dog ​​urine has become dark color this is cystitis. With this disease it becomes inflamed bladder animal. It may begin to develop due to prolonged hypothermia or infection in the body. Cystitis can also appear due to an unfortunate bruise, injury or fight. Cystitis can be manifested by the following signs: it is difficult for the dog to defecate, a small amount of urine comes out, the urine is dark in color. The dog cannot regulate urination and can start defecating at any time of the day, right in the room. In addition, the pet may begin to eat poorly, it elevated temperature or fever, fatigue, but usually such signs tend to appear in advanced cases of the disease.

If an animal is subjected to severe physical stress in the hot summer, this is also fraught with consequences. Large physical exercise can also cause dark-colored urine. In dogs of sporting breeds, a disease such as rhabdomyliosis occurs quite often. In this case, the animal’s urine becomes bloody, swelling of the entire body is observed, and these symptoms most often occur. If your pet is very tired during training. Regular overexertion is the cause of many diseases, and ultimately leads to death. To diagnose such an infection, you need to have your dog's urine tested.


Another reason for acquiring dark-colored urine is prolonged urination. If it is difficult for a dog to urinate and urination occurs after a certain period of time, then the urine becomes dark due to inflammatory processes inside the body. Stagnation and odor of urine can occur when your pet frequently tolerates for a long time and cannot empty itself, as a result of which inflammatory processes occur in the kidneys and other diseases appear.

If the dog is diagnosed urolithiasis, then here the treatment method is selected individually. Sometimes doctors resort to surgical intervention. But in most cases they are washed urinary tract. This procedure makes it possible to drive stones into the bladder.

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Refusal of food. Urine is bright yellow color, plentiful. Drops were used against ticks a week ago.


Not every dog ​​owner knows that the animal’s urine is normally light wheat in color. The owner is right in noting this feature of the dog. This color of discharge, which is not typical for dogs, signals illness. The veterinarian will give an accurate diagnosis after examining the dog and receiving test results. It is permissible to collect urine yourself and submit it to the clinic.

The symptoms probably indicate diseases of the urinary system. It is possible that other pathologies not related to urination may occur. Taking into account the abundance and frequency of discharge, it is worth checking your kidney function!

Note the amount of urine your dog passes at one time. The norm is considered to be up to 50 ml. per 1 kg of weight. If the volume is greater than indicated, the pet may have polyuria. The disease is known and widespread in animals. The reasons are:

  • renal failure;
  • kidney infections;
  • low response to AD hormone.

Such symptoms are not always the result of kidney disease. Happens:

  1. Pathologies of the pituitary gland;
  2. Liver diseases;
  3. Failure of the adrenal glands;
  4. Elevated levels of calcium in the blood;
  5. Diabetes;
  6. Malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  7. Diseases of the uterus;
  8. Injuries;
  9. Congenital defects;
  10. Changes in nutrition, diet and the effects of medications.

Monitor how often your dog urinates. If the volume of urine excreted is normal, but the process of fluid excretion becomes frequent (not 3-5 times, but 8-10, for example), the culprits are:

  • inflammatory processes (in the urethra, lower part reproductive system, bubble);
  • prostate disorders;
  • stones (sand) in the bladder.

There are many options. It is impossible to determine what is bothering a dog without tests. Don't be lazy, go to the vet. This will help the pet and relieve the owners from worry.

An attentive owner notices not only obvious changes in the behavior and condition of the animal, but also completely insignificant signs, which, nevertheless, can signal a rather serious problems with health. One such symptom to look out for is the color of your urine.

A little about the norm

Normally, a dog’s urine has a light, yellowish, or, as it is also called, straw-colored color (dark yellow, brown, pink and other colors even more different from yellow are not normal). In order to adequately assess the color of your dog’s discharge, we recommend that you collect the liquid in a transparent container and carefully examine it against the background of something white, for example, a sheet of paper.

Where does urine come from?

Urine is formed in the kidneys after cleaning and filtering the blood. As a physiological fluid, urine is sterile and contains a high percentage of urobilin, a breakdown product of bilirubin, which gives the fluid its characteristic yellow tint.

By the way, urobilin is a toxic substance, which is why its removal from the body is so important for the health of the animal.

U healthy pet The color of your urine may vary slightly, from light yellow to amber-honey. All these shades are variants of the norm and may depend on both the diet and the maintenance of the dog.


Those who carefully monitor the urine of their four-legged friend have the opportunity to proactively track the occurrence of various diseases. The fact is that the kidneys respond to health problems long before the first symptoms of the disease appear.

The first thing that should alert an attentive owner is a change in the color of urine. Depending on the shade, this may be a sign of various bad changes in the body:

Bloody urine

Separately, we should dwell on the phenomenon of urine mixed with blood. Why? Because there are many varieties of bloody urine and diagnosis directly depends on the shade, smell and many additional factors:

  • Scarlet blood at the beginning of the stream. If such a symptom is observed in a male dog, this may well be the first sign of incipient prostatitis or a burst cyst. Anything can trigger an exacerbation - from the presence of a female dog in heat nearby to holding back urination for too long. In a bitch, such a sign may indicate a beginning.
  • If present in urine a large number of fresh blood- the matter may be the presence of stones in the bladder or urethra, scratching the walls of the organs. Often, there is restlessness when urinating and a thin, intermittent stream.
  • Blood appearing at the end of urination, signals inflammatory process in the urethra (urethritis). In this case, it can come from the dog bad smell concentrated ammonia.
  • Brown urine. High content disintegrating red blood cells color the urine the color of tea leaves. This picture is typical when the kidneys actively remove toxins. Another reason why urine turns brown is pathology of the urinary system. In this case, the urine may have a putrid odor characteristic of inflammatory processes.
  • Blood in urine. Injury abdominal cavity It can also cause urine to turn reddish in varying degrees of intensity. In most cases, minor injuries heal within 24 hours, but too intense scarlet color indicates extensive bleeding and threatens severe blood loss.

What to do

In most cases, the best thing you can do is grab your dog and rush as fast as you can to the nearest clinic. We want to warn those who want to let things slide and hope for chance, about the danger. The fact is that all the symptoms described above indicate diseases that can, in the worst case, result in the death of your pet, and in the best case, significantly worsen the quality of his life for a long time. And it is only in your interests to try to diagnose the disease as early as possible and begin appropriate treatment.

In the clinic

In order to facilitate diagnostic measures and speed up the provision of first aid medical care, we recommend that you tell your doctor as much important information as possible:

  • Pattern of urination. Take a close look at exactly how your dog sits down on the toilet: does the process give him anxiety? Does he make any sounds, such as whimpering or yelping in pain? How long does it take to choose a place to sit? Yes, however, any change in the usual ritual should be reported to the doctor.
  • Volume. Take a closer look at whether the volume of fluid secreted has changed - both an increase and a decrease in the amount of urine indicates problems in the body.
  • Smell. Try to evaluate the animal's urine by smell, find out what it smells like. A putrid odor indicates an inflammatory process, and a strong ammonia odor can be a symptom of acute kidney failure. In diabetes mellitus, urine acquires a characteristic acetone amber.
  • Thickness and nature of the jet. Normally, the animal's urine stream is full, and the bladder empties without delay. A stream that is too thin or intermittent indicates that something is preventing the free passage of liquid. Most often this happens when there are stones in the ureter or problems with the prostate in male dogs. Sometimes, instead of fully emptying, the dog squeezes out just a few drops of liquid. Normally, such urination can be observed in male dogs that are marking their territory. If you have not observed such a phenomenon before, it’s time to suspect a bladder infection or urinary tract. In addition, urine output may be impaired due to spinal injuries and the presence of malignant tumors.
  • Incontinence. If your pet has long since passed the age of apartment puddles, and then, for no apparent reason, began to inflate entire lakes in the apartment, be sure to inform your doctor about this.
  • Bloody issues. The presence of blood in the urine is in itself a alarming symptom requiring treatment. But if you also tell the veterinarian exactly when the discharge appears and what its nature is (fresh blood, clots, etc.), this will greatly facilitate the diagnosis.
  • Time of onset of symptoms. Be sure to tell your doctor when you notice warning signs. If such symptoms do not occur for the first time, tell us what treatment was carried out before and what the results of previous procedures were.

Perhaps, having assessed the symptoms, the doctor will need additional diagnostics - ultrasound, x-ray. To do this, it is desirable that the dog’s bladder is full, so it is advisable not to walk the pet before visiting the veterinary clinic.

You also can’t do without clinical trials. Traditionally this general analysis blood and urine, however, if necessary, specific diagnostic measures are possible - for example, an analysis for the presence of Babesia in the blood.

At home

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to get to the doctor - well, for example, you live a couple of hundred kilometers from the nearest clinic, and there is mud and impassability outside. Or, according to the law of meanness, you yourself were overcome by illness. In case of emergency, a visit to the doctor can be postponed for a couple of days by carrying out the appropriate diagnostic procedures at home:

  • Standing urine in the cold. After collecting your pet’s urine during a walk, put it in a cool place - in the refrigerator or on the balcony (in autumn-winter). After a couple of hours, take a closer look at appearance liquid - the formation of flakes indicates a high percentage of salts in the urine, and sediment at the bottom may be a symptom high content leukocytes accompanying the inflammatory process.
  • Using test strips. At any pharmacy you can purchase a set of test strips with which you can conduct a urine test yourself. Of course, such studies will be far from being as accurate as clinical ones, but they can show where your pet’s health problems come from.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that such a delay in visiting the clinic can only be justified by valid reasons and should not exceed 2-3 days.

Unfortunately, our pets themselves cannot talk about the problems that bother them. That is why it is so important not to ignore the slightest changes in the behavior and well-being of animals. This will allow you to sound the alarm as early as possible, when the disease is still in its infancy. early stage and, in the end, provide timely care to your pet necessary help. Therefore, throw away unnecessary shame and do not hesitate to regularly look under the tail of your four-legged friend, not leaving him without your attention even at this delicate moment.