Biology test "phylum chordates". Biology test "type chordates" External structure and lifestyle of amphibians

Part A (only one correct answer)

A1. Select a character that is characteristic only of the phylum Chordata:
1) development from three germ layers;
2) respiratory organ - gills or lungs;
3) the nervous system has the shape of a tube;
4) closed circulatory system.

A2. What type of nervous system does a chordate have?
1) two nerve trunks connected by jumpers;
2) a chain of nerve ganglia located along the chord;
3) peripharyngeal nerve ring and ventral nerve cord;
4) neural tube.

A3. How does the lancelet feed?
1) collects bottom animals, slowly moving along the bottom;
2) filters food from water entering the pharynx;
3) watches for prey;
4) the animal eats dead organisms lying on the bottom.

A4. How is the lancelet's neural tube located in relation to the notochord?

1) under the chord; 3) on the side of the chord;
2) above the chord; 4) inside the chord.

A5. How many chambers are there in the lancelet's heart?
1) 1 atrium and 1 ventricle;
2) 2 atria and 1 ventricle;
3) the heart of the lancelet has no chambers;
4) the lancelet has no heart.

A6. Which of the river perch's fins is paired?
1) tail; 2) abdominal; 3) anal; 4) side.

A7. In which organs does gas exchange occur in bony fish?

A8. Where does fertilization take place in most bony fish?

A9. To which organ does blood flow from the heart through the vessels?
1) into the gills; 2) into the lungs; 3) to the brain; 4) to the kidneys.

A10. The main sense organ for fish is:

A11. Name the order of bony fish, which includes carp, crucian carp, roach, bream, and silver carp:

A12. Name the animals that serve as the main food for the whale shark:
1) crabs and bottom mollusks;
2) small crustaceans living in the upper layers of water;
3) large fish;
4) marine mammals.

A13. Select environmental factor, which limits the distribution of amphibians on Earth:
1) soil density;
2) air humidity;
3) intensity of solar radiation;
4) water temperature.

A14. Which of the following is true for amphibians? not typical?

A15. Name the section of the amphibian skeleton that includes the crow bone:

A16. What kind of blood goes to the brain of amphibians?
1) mixed;
2) arterial;
3) in some species it is mixed, in others it is arterial;
4) venous.

A17. What is an amphibian lung?
1) small branched tubes surrounding all internal organs;
2) small tubes with small bubbles at the end;
3) a sac-like organ divided by partitions into a small number of compartments;
4) a small paired outgrowth formed as an extension of the pharynx.

A18. Which part of the amphibian brain is better developed than that of fish?

A19. Which of the signs is distinctive feature reptiles?
1) the limbs consist of three sections;
2) incomplete intraventricular septum;
3) lungs;
4) two circles of blood circulation.

A20. What happens to the level of metabolism of reptiles with a constant increase in external temperature?
1) does not change;
2) slows down;
3) increases;
4) first increases, then slows down.

A21. Name the reptiles that have a complete septum in the heart:
1) snakes; 2) lizards; 3) crocodiles; 4) hatteria.

A22. How many blood vessels arise from the ventricle of the heart in reptiles?

A23. Where do the ureters of a sand lizard open?

A24. Which of the following is found not only in reptiles, but also in amphibians?
1) dry skin without glands;
2) outer, middle and inner ear;
3) sacral spine;
4) incomplete interventricular septum in the heart.

A25. Name the largest muscles in birds:

A26. How many blood vessels come from the heart of birds?
1) one; 2) two; 3) three; 4) four.

A27. Name the substance that in birds is the end product of protein metabolism:

A28. What trait is characteristic of the chicks of brood birds?

A29. Name a fossil animal that had the characteristics of reptiles and birds:
1) Archeopteryx; 2) stegocephalus; 3) pterodactyl; 4) moa ostrich.

A30. What is characteristic of all birds and reptiles?

A31. What trait first appeared in mammals?
1) cerebral cortex;
2) three auditory ossicles;
3) live birth and well-developed care for offspring;
4) intestines, consisting of the small and large intestines.

A32. How many vertebrae are there in cervical spine giraffe spine?
1) six; 2) seven; 3) eight; 4) ten.

A33. Name the tissue that forms the diaphragm in mammals:

A34. Which group of mammals has a multi-chambered stomach?
1) non-ruminant artiodactyls;
2) ruminant artiodactyls;
3) odd-toed ungulates;
4) proboscis.

A35. Name the representative of the order Perissodactyls:
1) deer; 2) zebra; 3) wild boar; 4) antelope.

A36. Name the order that includes hedgehogs, moles, and shrews:

Part B
In tasks B1-B3, choose three correct answers out of six.

B1. What features are characteristic of cartilaginous fish?
1) no swim bladder;
2) 3-chamber heart;
3) internal fertilization;
4) teeth are differentiated;
5) there is a cloaca and primary kidneys;
6) the gills are covered from the outside with gill covers.

B2. What environmental factors limit the number of reptiles in deserts?
1) air temperature and humidity;
2) gas composition of the atmosphere;
3) availability of food;
4) the amount of woody vegetation;
5) level of anthropogenic impact;
6) the amount of humus in the soil.

B3. The order Rodents includes:

When completing tasks B4-B7, establish a correspondence between the contents of the first and second columns.
B4. Establish a correspondence between the trait and the class of animals for which it is characteristic.

B5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of reproduction and the class of animals for which it is characteristic.

A) external fertilization 1) Amphibians
B) internal fertilization 2) Reptiles
B) direct development
D) postembryonic development with metamorphosis
D) the embryo develops in water
E) eggs contain germinal membranes

B6. Establish a correspondence between the structure of the heart and the animal to which it is characteristic.

A) great white shark 1) two-chamber
B) common cod 2) three-chamber
B) fire salamander 3) four-chamber
D) Mississippi alligator
D) Egyptian cobra
E) common kestrel

B7. Match features respiratory system and the animals for which they are characteristic.

B8. Establish the sequence of reproduction and development of the frog, starting with the mating season:
1) fertilization;
2) formation of a young individual;
3) disappearance of the tail;
4) the appearance of larvae with one circulation;
5) males develop resonators.

Part C
1. Why don't fish that lay few eggs die out?

2. Find and correct errors in the given text.
1. In relation to seasonal migrations, three groups of birds are distinguished - sedentary, nomadic and migratory. 2. Migratory birds navigate by the Sun and stars. 3. Nomadic species annually migrate thousands and tens of thousands of kilometers. 4. Sedentary birds constantly live in a certain area. 5. Residential birds include starlings, swallows and swifts. 6. Different individuals of the same species can be migratory or sedentary, depending on their individual characteristics.

3. Why do amphibians maintain a close connection with the aquatic environment? Justify your answer.

4. What changes in internal structure allowed reptiles to supplant ancient amphibians? Name at least four features.

5. What structural features of birds are directly related to adaptation to flight? Name at least 4 devices.

6. Prove that reptiles are the ancestors of mammals. Provide at least four pieces of evidence.

Municipal treasury educational institution

Sortavala municipal district Republic of Karelia

Secondary school No. 3

Biology test
in 7th grade on the topic

prepared biology teacher highest category Lappo Valentina Mikhailovna

Sortavala 2012

Phylum chordata. Superclass of fish. Class Amphibians.

1 option

A. Select all correct answers. 1. Animals belonging to the chordate type are characterized by the presence of: a) ventral nerve chain b) chord c) tubular nervous system d) bilateral symmetry of the body2. Sense organs of fish that perceive the direction and speed of water flow: a) eyes b) lateral line c) hearing organ d) olfactory organ3. Paired fins in fish: a) caudal b) pectoral c) dorsal d) ventral4. Fish have a swim bladder: a) bottom-dwelling fish b) those that move slowly in the vertical direction c) those that quickly move in the vertical direction d) those that swim near the surface of the water5. The movement of water washing the gills is facilitated by: a) the movement of the fish b) the mobility of the gill covers c) the movement of blood d) the movement of the mouth6. Adaptations of stingrays to the bottom lifestyle are expressed in: a) the location of the eyes on the upper side of the head b) the presence of fins c) the shape of the body, flattened in the dorso-thoracic direction d) the location of the mouth on the lower side of the head7. The order of osteochondral fishes includes: a) sturgeon b) herring c) stellate sturgeon d) sterlet8. Skeletal formations in the paired limbs of lobe-finned fish are an adaptation to: a) movement in water b) protection c) movement along the bottom d) extraction of food9. Adaptation of fish to aquatic environment: a) streamlined body shape b) presence of gills c) fins d) circulatory system10. The class amphibians includes: a) frog b) caecilian c) monitor lizard d) newt11. Adaptations for living in water in amphibians are: a) skin respiration b) two circles of blood circulation c) membranes on the hind limbs d) streamlined body shape12. Amphibian larvae, like fish larvae: a) breathe with external gills b) have a lateral line c) move with the help of fins and limbs d) acquire limbs over time13. Caecilians living in the soil have well-developed sense organs: a) vision b) smell c) touch d) hearing14. Tailless amphibians are helped to grasp and hold prey by: a) forelimbs b) small teeth c) fast speed movement on land d) sticky tongue Q.15. Recognize the animal in the picture. What type and class of animals does it belong to?

16. Why can a frog live on land, but a fish cannot?

Phylum Chordata. Superclass Pisces. Class Amphibians.

Option 2.

A.Choose all the correct answers. 1. Cranials, in contrast to non-cranial ones, have: a) a skull b) a heart c) a spine d) a streamlined body shape2. Fish scales protect: a) from cold b) water salinity c) mechanical damage G) high temperatures 3. Unpaired fins of fish: a) dorsal b) pectoral c) caudal d) anal4. The swim bladder of fish is filled with: a) oxygen b) carbon dioxide c) a mixture of gases d) nitrogen5. The heart of fish: a) three-chambered b) two-chambered c) four-chambered6. The most developed sense organs in a shark are: a) vision b) hearing c) smell d) taste7. Lungfishes breathe: a) two lungs b) skin and gills c) gills and lungs d) skin and lungs8. The order Salmonidae includes: a) smelt b) beluga c) trout d) salmon9. Fertilization in most fish is external because they: a) are dioecious b) live in water c) have fins d) move quickly10. Adaptations for living on land in amphibians are: a) limbs b) membranes on the hind limbs c) pulmonary respiration d) eyelids that protect the eyes11. Amphibian larvae, unlike fish larvae: a) have a lateral line b) breathe with external gills c) have a streamlined body shape d) move with the help of limbs12. The dorsal and caudal ridges of tailed amphibians, which increase during the breeding season: a) reduce the surface area of ​​the skin b) increase the surface area of ​​the skin c) do not change the surface area of ​​the skin13. Tailless amphibians move in water and on land due to: a) bending of the body b) hind limbs c) forelimbs d) membranes on the hind limbs14. Adaptation of fish to the aquatic environment: a) streamlined body shape b) presence of gills c) fins d) circulatory system
Q. 15. Recognize the animal in the picture. What type and class of animals does it belong to?
C. Give a reasoned answer to the question. 16. Why are amphibians more common in the tropics than in northern latitudes?

Answer Keys:

Option1.A.1-bvg;2-b;3-bg; 4-bg; 5-bg; 6-Aug; 7-Aug; 8-in; 9-abc; 10-abg; 11-Aug; 12 –abg; 13-vg; 14-bg.V. Phylum Chordata, class Amphibians.S. The respiratory organs of a fish are the gills, and the respiratory organs of a frog are the lungs. The organs of movement in a fish are fins, in a frog they are legs. Option 2.A. 1-av; 2- in; 3-Aug; 4-in; 5 B; 6-in; 7-in; 8-Aug; 9-b; 10-Aug; 11-g; 12-b; 13-bv; 14-abv.V. Phylum Chordata, class Amphibians.S. Amphibians have an unstable body temperature, it depends on the temperature environment. In northern latitudes, amphibians hibernate in winter.


    V.Z. Reznikova, G.S. Kalinova, A.N. Myagkova “Tests in biology. Animals” Moscow, “List” 1999. G.I. Lerner “Zoology Lessons” Moscow, “Liszt” 1998 L.A. Lutskaya, A.I. Nikishov “ Independent work students in zoology" Moscow "Enlightenment" 1987.

Phylum Chordata. Lancelet

1.Chordates, unlike invertebrates, have:

And the circulatory system

B nervous system

Into the internal skeleton

G secondary body cavity

2. Lancelet refers to:

And vertebrates

B skullless

In invertebrates

G jawless

3. Lancelet heart:

A single-chamber

B two-chamber

In absent

G three-chamber

4. Gill slits of the lancelet located in

And the skin

In the hind intestine

In the foregut

G in the swim bladder

5. The neural tube of the lancelet is located:

And on the dorsal side of the body

B at the center of the body

On the ventral side of the body

G on the sides along the body

6. Skullless predominantly

And bottom animals

B nekton

To plankton

G symbionts

7. First described lancelets

And Ivanovsky D.I.

B Navashin N.I.

In Pallas P.S.

G Linnaeus K.

8. Paired fins of the lancelet

And there are no

B stretch on the belly along the body

B limit the gill region

G located on the dorsal side

9. Skin lancelet

And two-layer

B three-layer

Single layer

G from non-cellular mass

10. Skin of lancelet

And the brown ones

B transparent

They produce scales

G secrete chitin

11. Lancelet – animal

And the invertebrate, because has no backbone

B chordate, because its larva has a chord

In a chordate, because retains chord throughout life

G vertebrate, because the larva has vertebrae

12. The central nervous system of the lancelet is

A ventral nerve cord

B brain

To the spinal cord

There is no correct answer

13. The anterior intestine performs the functions:

But only digestive

B respiratory and digestive

In the digestive and excretory

G only excretory

14. Endostyle is necessary for

And definitions of food taste

B pushing food down the throat

In removing harmful substances

Washing the gills with a stream of water

15. Blood moves due to

And heart contractions

B contractions of “gill hearts”

In muscle contractions

G movement of fins

16. Blood of the lancelet

And colorless

B bright scarlet

In blue

G greenish

17. The excretory system of the lancelet is similar to

And the Malpighian vessels

B coxal glands

In nephridia rings

G flame cells

18. The anterior end of the lancelet’s body can be distinguished by

And the pointed fin

B powerful jaws

In compound eyes

G preoral funnel with tentacles

19. On nutrition, lancelet

A predator

B saprophage

B detritivore

G filterer

20. Lancelet gills

And they lie open

B hidden in the whole

B surrounded by the peribranchial cavity

G combined with the midgut

21. Fertilization in lancelets

And the external

B internal

B using spermatophores

G using pedipalps

22. The phylum chordates includes

And 1,000,000 species

B 3,000 species

In 42,000 species

G 20,000 species

23. During development, the notochord is formed from

And the ectoderm

B mesoderm

In mesoglea

G endoderm

24. In higher chordates, the dorsal string

And only in the embryo

B functions intravitally

B is completely replaced by the spine

G is part of the intervertebral discs

25. The notochord is separated from the

A neural plate

B germinal intestine

In myotomes

G brain bubbles

26. In higher chordates

And gills are present throughout life on the intergill septa

B gills function only in embryos

The gills differentiate into lungs

The rudiments of gills appear in embryogenesis

27. Not typical for chordates

And protostomes are bilaterally symmetrical

B deuterostomes, radially symmetrical

In secondary cavity, bilaterally symmetrical

G bilaterally symmetrical, deuterostome

28. Musculature of chordates

A striated

B longitudinal and circular

B circular and longitudinally striated

G non-beam structure

29. Chordates are not classified as aromorphoses

And bilateral symmetry

B development of chord

Into the neural tube

G circulatory system

30. The Skullless subtype includes

And two classes: Lancelets and lampreys

B one class - lancelets

In three classes: Lancelets, Cyclostomes and Tunicates

G one class: Cyclostomes

Training Unified State Exam tests on the topic: “Type Chordates. Superclass Pisces"
Part A.
Choose one correct answer.
1. They have a two-chambered heart
1) skullless 2) cartilaginous and bony fish
3) amphibians4) birds and mammals
2. An aquatic animal has a closed circulatory system and a two-chambered heart.
1) Nile crocodile2) blue shark
3) common dolphin4) marsh turtle
3. Which one morphological features distinguishes most species of bony fish from cartilaginous ones
1) eyes covered with eyelids 2) external auditory canals
3) paired gill covers4) dorsal fins
4. In the process of evolution, the spine first appeared in
1) lancelet2) arthropods3) amphibians4) fish
5. Animals that have a bony or osteochondral skeleton and gills with gill covers are grouped into the class 1) bony fish2) amphibians3) cartilaginous fish4) lancelets
6. What features of the organization of lobe-finned fish allow us to consider them the ancestors of terrestrial vertebrates?
1) scales on the body, the presence of fins,
2) the formation of lungs, the special structure of fins,
3) streamlined body shape, well-developed sense organs,
4) breathing with gills, predation.
7. Bony fish include: 1) sharks, 2) stingrays, 3) newts, 4) sturgeon.
8. Blind cave fish can find food by:
1) water vibrations captured by the lateral line,
2) water vibrations detected by the middle ear,
3) a signal from light-sensitive cells throughout the body,
4) electromagnetic signals perceived directly by the cerebral cortex.
9. From the gills of fish through the vessels flows:
1) venous blood, 2) arterial blood, 3) hemolymph, 4) mixed blood.
10. The following eggs do not have protective egg shells: 1) turtle, 2) ostrich, 3) herring, 4) viper.
11. The following do not have a swim bladder: 1) sharks, 2) stingrays, 3) chimeras, 4) all of the above.
12. In fish, the blood is enriched with oxygen in the gills, so blood flows to the body cells:
1) mixed, 2) saturated with carbon dioxide,
3) venous, 4) arterial.
13. The spine of fish is divided into the following sections:
1) trunk and caudal, 2) cervical, trunk and caudal,
3) cervical, thoracic, sacral and caudal, 4) there is no division into sections.
14. Perch has:
1) outer, middle and inner ear, 2) middle and inner ear,
3) only the inner ear, 4) there are no special hearing organs.
15. Migratory fish:
1) live in the seas, breed in lakes, 2) live in the seas, breed in rivers,
3) live and reproduce in different rivers, 4) live and reproduce in different seas.
16. Characteristics that distinguish fish from other vertebrates -
1) the presence of a spine of 3 sections 2) a brain of five sections
3) closed circle of blood circulation 4) two-chamber heart
Explanation.17. One of the signs that allows fish to spend less energy overcoming water resistance when moving is
1) protective coloring 2) tile-like arrangement of scales
3) lateral line4) olfactory organs
A – mammals, B – amphibians and reptiles.
18. What features of the organization of lobe-finned fish allow us to consider them the ancestors of terrestrial vertebrates?
1) scales on the skin, the presence of fins
2) streamlined body shape, well-developed sense organs
3) the swim bladder performs the functions of the lung; special structure of fins
4) breathing using gills; feeding on other animals
19. The direction and strength of the current, the depth of immersion of the fish feel
1) cerebral hemispheres brain2) spinal cord
3) lateral line4) swim bladder
35166308572500Answer: 3
20. The gill arches of fish perform the function
1) gas exchange2) filter
3) supports 4) increasing surface area
21. What number in the picture indicates a cartilaginous fish? 1) 12) 23) 34) 4
22. An important systematic difference between pike and the Black Sea shark Katrana is
1) predation
2) bone skeleton
3) structure of the brain
size 4
23. In fish, the blood becomes arterial in
1) heart2) abdominal aorta3) gill arteries4) capillaries of internal organs
24. What function does the organ indicated in the figure with a question mark perform?

1) digestion of food under the influence of gastric juice
2) the formation of eggs in females and sperm in males
3) freeing the body from unnecessary metabolic products
4) rising to the surface of the water and diving deeper
25. Which of the following animals has internal fertilization?
1) carp2) earthworm3) shark4) pond frog
26. What function does the cerebellum perform in fish?
1) ensures coordination of movements2) regulates the functioning of the circulatory system
3) perceives information from the auditory organs 4) controls behavior
What number in the picture indicates a cartilaginous fish?

468820513970001) 12) 23) 34) 4
27. Which part of the fish’s brain is indicated by a question mark in the picture?
1) midbrain2) medulla oblongata3) cerebellum4) forebrain
28. The direction of the current and the water pressure of the fish determine
1) organs of vision and hearing 2) tactile cells
3) lateral line organs 4) the entire surface of the skin
Part B. Number 3 in the figure indicates a cartilaginous fish - stingray.
29. Bony fish include: 1. Sharks 2. Sturgeon3. Sterlet4. Stingrays 5. Lancelet 6. Carp
30. What do fungi and chordates have in common?
1) lack of chlorophyll in cells
2) unlimited growth
3) absorption of substances from the environment by absorption
4) nutrition with prepared organic substances
5) reproduction using spores
6) storage nutrients in the form of glycogen
31. Establish a correspondence between the trait and the type of animal
A) open circulatory system
B) internal skeleton - notochord
B) the neural tube is located on the dorsal side of the body
D) ventral nerve cord
D) closed circulatory system
E) jointed limbs
1) Arthropods
2) Chordates
32. Establish a correspondence between representatives of the animal kingdom and their characteristics.
A) include the order Beakheads,
B) include the class Cartilaginous,
B) gill and pulmonary respiration,
D) pulmonary breathing,
D) the lateral line is developed,
E) some have a parietal organ that perceives light signals. 1) Pisces
2) Reptiles
33. Establish a correspondence between the features of the circulatory system and the classes of animals.
A) venous blood in the heart,
B) the heart has four chambers,
B) two circles of blood circulation,
D) one circle of blood circulation,
D) venous blood from the heart enters the lungs,
E) the heart has two chambers.
34. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic of fish and the class for which it is characteristic.
A) gill slits open outward
B) the mouth is shifted to the ventral side of the body
B) most representatives have a swim bladder
D) bone skeleton
D) gills are covered with gill covers 1) Cartilaginous fish
2) Bony fish
35. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic of fish and the class for which this characteristic is characteristic.
A) internal fertilization
B) the gills open outward with gill slits
B) a number of species are characterized by migrations during spawning
D) the gills are covered with gill covers
D) usually has a swim bladder
1) Cartilaginous fish
2) Bony fish
1) Atlantic herring
2) great spotted woodpecker
36. Establish a correspondence between the trait and the group of animals for which it is characteristic.
A) the notochord is retained throughout life in all species
B) the brain consists of five sections
B) the heart consists of chambers
D) the presence of a five-fingered limb
D) the neural tube persists in adults
E) the neural tube transforms into the brain and spinal cord
1) skullless
2) vertebrates
37. Arrange the animals in a sequence that reflects the complication of their nervous system in the process of evolution: 1) lancelet 2) toad 3) hydra 4) shark 5) crocodile 6) orangutan Explanation.
Part C.
Formulate a detailed answer to the question.
What sense organs and how do they allow fish to navigate in the water?
What functions can the swim bladder perform in the fish body?
What structural features of fish help reduce energy expenditure for movement in water?
Why can the number of commercial herbivorous fish sharply decrease when predatory fish are destroyed in a reservoir?
5. Find three errors in the given text and correct them.
1. Fish are aquatic chordates.
2. The support of the body of all fish is the internal cartilaginous skeleton
3. Fish breathe through gills.
4. There are two circles of blood circulation in the circulatory system, and only venous blood in the heart.
5. The central nervous system of fish has the form of a tube, the front part of which is transformed into the forebrain, consisting of 5 sections.
6. Most fish are hermaphrodites.
146 - general signs Mushrooms and Animals.
2, 3 and 5 - similarities between Mushrooms and some Plants
Answer: 146
Answer: 3

Phylum chordata. Superclass of fish. Class Amphibians.

1 option

A. Select all correct answers.

1. Animals belonging to the chordate type are characterized by the presence of:

a) abdominal nerve chain b) notochord c) tubular nervous system d) bilateral symmetry of the body

2. Sense organs of fish that perceive the direction and speed of water flow:

a) eyes b) lateral line c) hearing organ d) olfactory organ

3. Paired fins in fish:

a) caudal b) thoracic c) dorsal d) abdominal

4. Fish have a swim bladder:

a) bottom b) slowly moving in the vertical direction

c) quickly moving in the vertical direction d) floating near the surface of the water

5. The movement of water washing the gills is facilitated by:

a) fish movement b) gill cover mobility c) blood movement d) mouth movement

6. Adaptations of stingrays to the bottom lifestyle are expressed:

a) the location of the eyes on the upper side of the head b) the presence of fins

c) body shape, flattened in the dorso-thoracic direction

d) the location of the mouth on the underside of the head

7. The order of osteochondral fishes includes:

a) sturgeon b) herring c) stellate sturgeon d) sterlet

8. Skeletal formations in the paired limbs of lobe-finned fish - adaptation:

a) movement in water b) protection c) movement along the bottom d) food extraction

9. Adaptation of fish to the aquatic environment:

a) streamlined body shape b) presence of gills c) fins d) circulatory system

10. The class amphibians includes:

a) frog b) caecilian c) monitor lizard d) newt

11) Chord is:
A) a flexible, dense and elastic rod that runs along the entire body under the neural tube
B) an organ similar spinal cord in all vertebrates
C) an organ similar to the spinal cord in the lancelet D) spine.

12) Circulatory system lancelet:
A) closed, has a two-chambered heart B) closed, has a three-chambered heart
B) open, there is a two-chambered heart D) closed, there is no heart.

13) The gill slits of the lancelet are located:
A) in the skin B) in the muscles B) in the anterior intestine D) in the posterior intestine.

14) Of the listed fish, freshwater include:
A) cod B) flounder C) trout D) stingray.

15) The direction of the flow and the water pressure of the fish are determined by:
A) organs of vision and hearing B) lateral line organs C) tactile cells

D) the entire surface of the skin.

Phylum Chordata. Superclass Pisces. Class Amphibians.

Option 2.

A.Choose all the correct answers.

1. Cranial, in contrast to non-cranial, have:

a) skull b) heart c) spine d) streamlined body shape

2. Fish scales protect:

a) from cold b) water salinity c) mechanical damage

d) high temperatures

3. Unpaired fins of fish:

a) dorsal b) thoracic c) caudal d) anal

4. The fish's swim bladder is filled:

a) oxygen b) carbon dioxide c) a mixture of gases d) nitrogen

5. Fish Heart:

a) three-chamber b) two-chamber c) four-chamber

6. The most developed of the shark’s senses are:

a) vision b) hearing c) smell d) taste

7. Lungfishes breathe:

a) two lungs b) skin and gills c) gills and lungs d) skin and lungs

8. The order Salmonidae includes:

a) smelt b) beluga c) trout d) salmon

9. Fertilization in most fish is external because they:

a) dioecious b) live in water c) have fins

d) move quickly

10. Adaptations for living on land in amphibians are:

a) limbs b) membranes on the hind limbs c) pulmonary respiration d) eyelids protecting the eyes

11. Which sign does NOT indicate more high level organization of fish compared to the lancelet:
A) two-chambered heart B) kidneys
B) brain D) closed circulatory system.

12. The spinal canal is formed:
A) upper vertebral arches B) lower vertebral arches
B) vertebral bodies D) upper and lower vertebral arches.

13. Body temperature of fish:
A) is constant and does not depend on the temperature of the environment

B) unstable, but does not depend on the temperature of the environment
C) is not constant and depends on the temperature of the environment.

14 The excretory organs of fish are:
A) green glands B) Malpighian vessels C) skin D) kidneys.

15. Arteries are vessels:
A) departing from the heart B) approaching the heart
B) load-bearing arterial blood D) carrying venous blood.

Answer Keys:

Option 1.

A.1-bvg;2-b;3-bg; 4-bg; 5-bg; 6-Aug; 7-Aug; 8-in; 9-abc; 10-abg;11a; 12g; 13b; 14c; 15b


A. 1-av; 2- in; 3-Aug; 4-in; 5 B; 6-in; 7-in; 8-Aug; 9-b; 10-Aug; 11g; 12a; 13c; 14g; 15a