The connection between acidification of the body and the brain. Detecting signs of acidification in the body in time means protecting yourself from disease. Preventive measures or how to avoid imbalance

Blood in the human body is a combination of living cells in a liquid medium, the chemical qualities of which are of no small importance for its life. For the cells of all systems and organs to function properly, the normal Ph level of human blood must be maintained, i.e., the balance of acid and alkali.

Why do you need to know this indicator?

Not every person understands what it is - blood acidity. Scientists from Denmark at the beginning of the last century first introduced the concept of Ph. They developed a range of acidity from 0 to 14 units. According to it, the Ph value is determined for any liquid, including blood.

The average value of the scale is 7 units and means a neutral environment. If the value is less than 7, the medium is acidic; if it is more than 7, it is alkaline. The acid-base level of any liquid depends on the number of hydrogen particles concentrated in it.

Blood acidity (or Ph level) is a constant value. It affects redox processes in the human body, metabolism, and enzyme activity. To maintain its stability, the body has buffer systems that control the level of hydrogen ions and prevent sudden changes acidity.

Buffer systems are divided into:

  • bicarbonate;
  • phosphate;
  • protein;
  • hemoglobin;
  • and red blood cells.

There are also urinary and respiratory systems. The state of the body’s immune system and overall human health depend on the acid-base balance. Deviations from lead to the development of a number of diseases and accelerated aging of the body.

Acidity standards

U healthy person normal Ph is in the range of 7.32-7.45, which indicates a slightly alkaline blood reaction.

D This value indicates that the concentration of hydrogen ions is normal and all body systems are functioning at the proper level.

The acidity level is slightly different for arterial and venous blood. In the first case, its normal value is 7.37-7.45, in the second - 7.32-7.42 units.

If the Ph value is less than 6.8 and more than 7.8, then this indicates the development pathological processes in organism. The acid-base balance is also disturbed as a result of diseases affecting blood circulation.

Only when normal value pH indicator, all systems and organs can function normally and remove waste products of metabolism.

Blood test for acidity and preparation for it

It is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis for certain disorders. Conventionally, this analysis is called “Indicators of acid-base balance.” Arterial blood is taken from the capillaries of the finger, which is purer than venous, and the ratio cellular structures and the plasma in it is practically stable.

For getting reliable results necessary proper preparation. To find out the Ph level, you need to stop eating food 8 hours before donation, since blood is donated on an empty stomach, in the morning.

Determination of acidity in the laboratory

After collecting the material, the sample is delivered to the laboratory. In order to slow down the metabolism, as this affects the reliability of the result, gas bubbles are removed from the test tube and it is placed in ice.

In the laboratory, blood is analyzed using the electrometric method using glass Ph electrodes. The number of hydrogen ions is counted and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood is determined.

Based on the data obtained, we summarize:

  • if the value is 7.4 units - a slightly alkaline reaction, the acidity is normal;
  • if the indicator exceeds 7.45, then there is alkalization of the body when the systems responsible for processing cannot cope with their functions;
  • if the value is below normal (7.4), acidity is increased, which means either its excessive accumulation or the inability of buffer systems to neutralize these excesses.

Any deviation is harmful to the body and requires a more detailed examination of the person and the appointment of proper treatment.

Alkalosis and its causes

Alkalosis, or alkalinization of the blood, is a rare disease that occurs due to a large loss of acid in the body or due to the accumulation of alkali. A significant decrease in acid is possible due to frequent and prolonged vomiting (for example, in case of poisoning) or a violation of certain kidney functions responsible for regulating acid balance.

There are two types of alkalosis:

  • gas, which develops due to increased release of carbon dioxide by the lungs (hyperventilation, constant exposure to high altitude - altitude sickness);
  • not gas, which occurs with high alkaline reserves (intake of large amounts of alkali with food, metabolic disorders).

The main reasons leading to a decrease in acidity:

  • excessive consumption of foods high in alkali (this green tea, milk and products based on it);
  • overweight, turning into obesity;
  • presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • breakdown, emotional stress;
  • taking certain medications that lead to a disruption in alkaline balance.

With alkalosis, metabolic processes are disrupted, digestive activity deteriorates, and gastrointestinal system toxins enter the blood. These deviations provoke the development of liver and gastrointestinal diseases, skin problems and allergic reactions.

Acidosis and its causes

Acidosis is an increase in blood acidity. It is much more common than alkalosis due to the human body’s predisposition to oxidation. Due to dysfunction in any body system, leading to difficulty in excreting organic acids, they accumulate in the blood, causing an acidic reaction.

Acidosis is divided into three types:

  • gas - appears when the lungs remove carbon dioxide slowly;
  • non-gas - develops due to the accumulation of metabolic products in the body or their penetration from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • primary renal - possible as a result of a violation of some kidney functions caused by a large loss of alkali.

A slight change in acidity does not manifest itself in any way and is asymptomatic. In severe cases, rapid breathing and nausea leading to vomiting are observed.

The reasons causing this condition are:

  • intestinal upset, prolonged diarrhea;
  • diseases urinary tract;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • loss of appetite, poisoning, too strict diet (almost starvation);
  • diabetes;
  • heart failure leading to oxygen starvation.

In addition, pregnancy and alcohol abuse can increase the value of blood acidity. A sedentary lifestyle can provoke acidosis, not proper diet.

Determining acidity at home

Often people with any diseases are interested in the opportunity to find out the acidity of the blood on their own, without going to the clinic. It is important to know how to check it correctly.

Thanks to the availability of special portable devices and test strips in the pharmacy network, everyone has the opportunity to find out the acid-base balance of the blood independently at home.

When determining the pH level, the measuring device is applied to the finger, and a very thin needle is used to puncture it to collect a few drops of blood. Inside the device there is a microcomputer in which the values ​​are calculated and final result is displayed on the screen. The procedure takes a minimum of time and is painless.

In order to determine Ph at home, you can also use test strips. You also need to purchase scarifiers for pricking your finger and follow simple recommendations:

  • prick your finger;
  • squeeze a drop of blood into a container or medical test tube, which is preferable;
  • Dip the test strip into the blood and leave it there for a few seconds.

The result obtained should be compared with the scale printed on the packaging, select the appropriate color and determine the norm or deviation of the indicator.

Measuring acidity with a device is much easier, since the entire procedure occurs automatically: puncture, blood sampling, and output of the result.

Ways to normalize acidity

Restore the balance of acid and alkali yourself with pathological condition body is impossible. But it is possible to lower or raise acidity by following a diet and taking medications as prescribed by a doctor.


A proper diet and sufficient fluid intake will help prevent the initial manifestations of imbalance.

Foods that increase acid levels:

  • sugar, sweeteners, sweet drinks, including carbonated drinks;
  • legumes, most cereals;
  • seafood, fish;
  • products made from flour, especially wheat;
  • eggs, salt;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • meat and food based on it;
  • tobacco products, alcoholic drinks, including beer.

Constant consumption of these products provokes a decline in immunity, the development of gastritis and pancreatitis. Increased acidity in men increases the risk of impotence and infertility, as sperm die in an acidic environment. An increase in acid also negatively affects female reproductive function.

Products that increase alkali content:

  • fruits (peach, mango, citrus, melon, watermelon, etc.);
  • herbs (parsley, spinach);
  • garlic, ginger;
  • vegetable juices.

To maintain balance, some doctors advise drinking alkaline mineral water. You should drink one glass of water in the morning, and drink two or three more throughout the day. This water can be used for brewing tea or coffee and cooking. But you shouldn't drink it with it medications, since it can reduce their effectiveness.

How to be treated

If the analysis reveals high acidity or alkalization of the blood, then first of all the reasons that caused the deviation are found out. After this, the doctor takes measures aimed at eliminating these causes, for example, prescribing therapy diabetes mellitus, diarrhea. Injections are also prescribed to normalize acidity.

If the patient managed to normalize the acid-base balance with the help of a diet, one should not forget that abandoning it and switching to a normal diet will bring the pH value to the previous level.

The main prevention that maintains balance is a moderately active lifestyle, a proper diet (separate meals are preferable), drinking enough fluids, avoiding bad habits(alcohol, smoking).

We've probably already realized that acidification of the body is a dangerous process and, sometimes, does not immediately make itself felt. Or rather, it is certainly possible to recognize the first symptoms of acidosis, but firstly, not everyone knows them, and secondly, these symptoms are often confused with other processes (diseases) in the body. So I decided to write an article in which I describe in detail the symptoms that indicate an excess amount of acid in your body.

Symptoms of acidosis:

1. I think it’s worth starting with general signs:

— One of the first to suffer from acidification the immune system, which is why the body becomes more susceptible to various infectious diseases, the general tone decreases, rapid fatigue appears and, as a result, the person feels constant weakness. Further increasing effect follows Bad mood, increased susceptibility to stress, excessive nervousness and causeless excitement.

But the symptoms of acidosis do not only appear on the general physical and emotional levels. Each organ, each system in our body reacts in its own way to this destructive process. So let's start from top to bottom:

2. Head:

— it turns out that acidification of the body has a detrimental effect even on human hair, which becomes dull, brittle and falls out profusely.

- then you should note the pallor of the face and the condition of the eyes (color of the conjunctiva, condition of the sclera, inflammation, etc.).

In general, the state of acid-base balance can be easily determined by the color of the conjunctiva (the membrane covering the inner surface of the eyelids). The light color of the conjunctiva with a slight pinkness indicates that the pH balance is normal. A pale pink color is evidence of acidosis (acidification), a dark pink color will tell you about alkalosis, i.e. alkalization of the body.

By the way, the condition of the sclera can also be used to judge a person’s health - in a healthy person, the sclera has a bright white color. A darkish tint of the sclera may indicate inflammatory process in the body, and a yellowish or bluish tint reflects functional disorders, i.e. disruption of body functions without disruption of its structure.

- The oral cavity is also very susceptible to acidosis. Exposed tooth roots, inflamed gums and enamel, tooth decay and sore teeth when eating sour and cold foods are all symptoms of acidosis.

3. Airways:

— High susceptibility respiratory tract to cold, frequent runny nose, sore throat, sinusitis, tendency to allergies, enlarged adenoids.

Even in ancient times, yogis diagnosed the acid-base balance in the body by breathing. A very simple method according to which you just need to compare which nostril breathes easier. The cooling lunar breath is in the left nostril, and the warming, solar breath is in the right nostril. We take turns covering our nostrils and inhaling and exhaling with an open nostril - if the left one breathes easier - acid reaction predominates in the body, if the right one is alkaline. The principle is simple: an alkaline environment causes hypothermia of the body, and an acidic environment, on the contrary, causes overheating. Approximately equal breathing from both nostrils indicates normal level Blood pH.

4. Stomach and intestines:

— For the stomach, the symptoms are as follows: increased stomach acidity, sour belching, ulcers, gastritis.

— The manifestation of acidosis in the intestines is expressed in a burning sensation in the rectum, inflammation of the intestines, discoloration of the stool, anal fissures, a tendency to diarrhea, pain and cramps in the abdomen.

5. Musculoskeletal system - bones, muscles, joints:

— Let's start with the bones, which become very prone to fractures, and the period of their healing is noticeably prolonged, cracking and pain in the joints, pain in the ligaments, arthritis, gout, and back pain may appear.

— Regarding the muscles, it should be noted that cramps and spasms may occur (especially in the legs), rheumatic pains, aches, the muscles of the neck and shoulders are very painful and stiff.

One of the first signs of acidosis in the body is soreness of the trapezius muscle. It occupies a superficial position in posterior region neck in upper section backs. If pain occurs in the neck area when you take it with your fingers, this is a sign of oxidation in the body.

6. Leather:

- Here acidosis manifests itself in dryness, redness and susceptibility to irritation due to increased acidity sweat. Cracks between the fingers, fungi, urticaria, and various eczemas may appear.

7. Nails:

— Nails become thinner, flake and break easily, unevenness and white spots may appear on the nails.

8. Circulatory system:

- Tendency to anemia, bleeding, frostbite. Hypotension.

9. Endocrine system:

- Increase thyroid gland.

10. Excretory system:

- Here the symptoms of acidosis can manifest themselves in the form of burning and itching in the genitourinary tract, kidney stones, inflammation and various discharges.

Well, that’s probably all the symptoms I’m familiar with, as you can see, the spectrum of “sour” sores is very wide. Of course, the manifestation of acidosis in specific person will be extremely individual and will depend on many factors, the main one of which is predisposition, which in turn is closely interconnected with a person’s temperament, heredity, lifestyle, profession and other things.

And one more little piece of advice - everyone knows that prevention is much simpler, faster and more effective than treating the disease itself, so be attentive to the acid-base balance of your body today and perhaps this will allow you to avoid big problems Tomorrow!

P.S. If you still feel the manifestation of symptoms of acidosis, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with ours.

Usually a person faces the issue of acidity when it comes to the skin. Manufacturers cosmetics adhere to the standard - pH 5.5 as the norm for the epidermis. But with the body everything is more complicated; a violation of the acid-base balance or acidification of the body can lead to undesirable consequences. This not only weakens the immune system in general, but also provokes the development various diseases. What are the signs of acidification in the body and how to deal with it? More on this below.

What it is

Many people are concerned about such a disease as acidification of the body: what it is, why it can appear. This is a disturbed metabolism in which acidity or alkali increases significantly. The first option is acidosis, and in the second case the disease is called alkalosis. The pH level rises from 7.3-7.5, which is the norm, to higher levels. The concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) is responsible for the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the process of oxygen entering the blood and various tissues of the body.

There must be balance in everything. If there are a lot of ions, then oxidation of the body occurs, and when their quantity is reduced, alkali predominates in the blood. Any biological process causes harm to the body if it fails; you need to monitor the performance of all systems and monitor your condition.

The main reason is not proper nutrition. Raw foodists often encounter low acidity: vegetables and other plant foods have low levels, and their main component is carbohydrates. And those who prefer sweet or fatty foods, face rising pH levels.

Some people make the wrong decision when fighting excess weight - an alkalizing diet. They deliberately increase the level of alkali in the body, focusing on potassium, magnesium and calcium. But there are extremes too Negative influence on our health. Carbonated sweet drinks, semi-finished products, desserts with high content sugar, fats

If you know all the symptoms indicating acidification of the body, treatment will be simple and timely. But the disease does not always manifest itself quickly. Often a person does not understand that something is wrong with the body. Increased fatigue or depression is attributed to general malaise. Even doctors can make this mistake: treating the symptoms but not finding the cause. The first symptoms indicating acidification in the body are bags under the eyes, beauty of the eyes, pain in the eyes. Nervousness and irritability increase, it is difficult for a person to fall asleep, sleep is too light. Weakness may come from low temperature. And also present:

  • Headache;
  • Excessive dry skin;
  • Irritations and rashes, acne;
  • Problems with urination;
  • Strong crunching, joint pain;
  • Stomach cramps;
  • Bleeding gums or gum sensitivity.

In general, there is a decrease in immunity, a person easily catches any virus, and colds become more frequent. The white of the eye helps identify the disease: its color will be red in case of alkalosis, and in the case of acidosis it will become pale pink. If you have such symptoms, you need to take a pH test and consult a specialist. You can check it yourself: litmus paper will react to high level. Urine or saliva are suitable for analysis.

Why is it dangerous?

Minor symptoms can lead to more serious consequences: acidification and alkalization of the body can affect several functions of the body at once.

  1. Insulin production;
  2. Its improper balance causes diabetes;
  3. Condition of blood vessels;
  4. May cause hemorrhagic stroke;
  5. Fat deposits;
  6. They become the cause of obesity, lipid metabolism disorders;
  7. Bone condition;
  8. Rheumatism, osteoporosis, and arthrosis appear. Acid deprives the body nutrients like magnesium, calcium;
  9. The destruction of bones and teeth begins, and the enamel weakens.

Salt deposits also form in the kidneys, and there is a risk of cancer due to the lack of oxygen. The oxidation of incoming fats in the body may not proceed correctly, and lipid metabolism is disrupted.

Many have heard that during physical training, so-called lactic acid is formed, which increases the acidity level of our body. Is sport, from this perspective, really harmful to our health?

In order for oxygen to get from the blood into the cell, carbon dioxide is needed. They change places. And if carbon dioxide suddenly becomes insufficient, then there will be an excess of oxygen in the blood and a lack of it in the body’s cells. Exactly physical activity accelerates metabolism and saturates the blood with carbon dioxide, which allows tissues to be saturated with oxygen.

And our body can easily cope with lactic acid and restore the necessary acid-base balance. Acidification of the body occurs only in professional athletes, with very heavy loads. But for this they have diets and special medications.

Both cases are problematic; if extreme limits are allowed, then they will cause harm to the body. It is believed that a high alkali content is less harmful and allows the main processes to proceed fully. But this is a misconception. The body's reaction to a imbalance is unpredictable; alkalization may cause dry skin, acne-like rashes, and other side effects.

Although acidification has significantly more negative consequences, they are fighting him more intensely. The antioxidant process helps eliminate free radicals and remove bad taste in the mouth. You can’t go to extremes, fanatically stick to a menu with only alkaline foods, while depriving yourself of the rest of your food. This will lead to a shortage of other elements that are contained in products prohibited on alkaline diets.

How to avoid violations

To achieve balance, it is not necessary to take medications; it is enough to follow a diet and some rules.

  • Fruits should not be mixed with sugar: this combination will lead to acidification. You need to choose those fruits that contain glucose large quantities. They are sweet and don't need any sweetener.
  • Instead of corn oil, it is better to use olive oil.
  • Avoid junk food like soda or fast food, it is harmful.

You should monitor your diet regularly, this applies not only to the acid-base balance. Ideal proportion considered 65% alkaline to 35% acidic foods.

  • A useful source of alkali is vegetables, which should be regularly present in the diet.
  • Physical activity also affects the situation: hardening cold water, jogging, morning exercises, exercises with respiratory system. Sports will enrich the body with oxygen, reduce the level of acidification, and this is beneficial for health in general.
  • When such a problem is identified, doctors do not prescribe strong drugs or antibiotics. In the fight against disease, good nutrition, healthy image life. An organic source of energy will benefit the entire digestive tract and bring the pH level back to normal.

ABOUT fundamental importance acid-base balance is known to any person who is at least to some extent interested in health issues, not to mention any specialist in this field. But nevertheless, as practice shows, we are still not in to the fullest We are aware of the impact that acidification of the body has on our lives.

And the main reason for this unawareness is that over the past half century such the acidified state has become so widespread that it is perceived as the norm....

For example, early baldness in men and PMS in women have long become the norm...

Although, if you look at the painting, then neither ancient world, nor in the Middle Ages we practically do not meet bald young men. Only the elderly, whose faces are furrowed with deep wrinkles! And now, even among active athletes, the percentage of bald people is quite high...

PMS now is the norm, unstable health after 30 is the norm, bouquet chronic diseases by 50 - the norm.

And all these conditions exist only against the background of a shift in acid-base balance to the acidic side...

Acidification of the body - chronic acidosis - has become so normal that no one really shouts about it anymore, especially since commercial medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, in fact, are vitally interested in such an “acidic” state of people.

Because this condition is a one hundred percent guarantee
people's never-ending need for
treatment and medications...

Try not changing the water in the aquarium for a couple of months! It will not alkalize, but rather will acidify, because breathing, as is known, generates carbon dioxide, and indeed all waste products of living organisms are chemically acidic. And if you continue to allow the aquarium environment to become acidic, soon the fish for some reason will begin to get very sick...

And you will call a “fish doctor” to them, who will be happy to treat them.

But then they will die anyway, because no matter how they are treated - even with stem cells or cloned organs - the poor things will die, because their habitat has become simply incompatible with life. The increased acidity and acidosis of this environment will quickly “kill” any cloned and transplanted organ...

Our body is also a kind of container in which fish-cells swim in water - intercellular (interstitial) fluid. And all this lives thanks to blood - also a liquid...

And what do we have now in our “human kingdom”? Let's say, according to WHO statistics, 8 million people die from cancer every year in the world.

8 million!

At the same time, of course, most of some of them must be treated, most often they are treated for more than one year...

And the question is: what attitude will the owners of this entire pharmaceutical-medical system have towards such people as, for example, Dr. Simonchin and, which treats some very common types of cancer in just 4-5 sessions. And with what? Sodium bicarbonate solution! Those. plain soda! A cheap product!

4-5 sessions is a fact. And Dr. Simoncini is also a fact. Alive and well, with thousands of successful cancer cures...

And Tulio Simnocini’s theory is simple: cancer is a consequence of the activity of fungi, mainly the genus Candida. And everything he has there is quite conclusive...

So, as you know, fungi live ONLY IN AN ACID ENVIRONMENT. And of course, their waste products are also acidic, even toxic, belonging to the group of aflatoxins...

And as soon as the medium becomes alkalized, i.e. returns to the norm that should be in the human body, then the fungus goes away, disappears by itself along with all its waste products...

Of course, the official scientific community is silent about Simoncini’s work. He's just silent and that's it. Ignores.

Simoncini is an outcast in the official scientific community...

Moreover, Simoncini is currently completely defamed and marginalized. There are so many negative, defamatory articles about him, in which it is absolutely impossible to distinguish truth from fiction, that citing the figure of Simoncini as an argument in favor of alkaline healing is now not entirely correct. But this is not a problem, because there are quite a few world-famous scientists who can be cited as such an argument.

For example, there is an indisputable authority in science. TWICE Nobel Prize winner in chemistry! Let me emphasize: twice a laureate (this has only happened a few times in history). So he received one of his Nobel Prizes precisely for cancer research, in which he proved that cancer can only live in an acidic environment, and in alkaline environment he cannot exist.

Having asked forgiveness for the importunity, I will once again emphasize: a world-famous scientist received Nobel Prize for what proved that cancer lives in an acidic environment and dies in an alkaline environment.

Consequently, Simoncini, in principle, did not invent anything himself. He simply developed his original technology based on this principle - the principle of incompatibility of cancer cells with an alkaline environment.

The answer to it, in fact, lies on the surface, because this community is financed by none other than the very same pharmaceutical and medical companies that make their colossal business in the treatment of cancer.

You will never earn as much from treatment with soda in 4-5 sessions (and even in 40-50 sessions) as you can earn from several courses of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, organ transplantation, etc. - yes, if even long courses, with a stay in a hospital...

Nothing hell...just business...

I knew about the importance of maintaining acid-base balance since medical school, but, like most of those around me (including, by the way, my colleagues), I did not give this issue the importance it deserves - neither in relation to myself nor in regarding their professional practice. And so it was until I came across a book by German authors P. Entshura And I. Lokampera, which finally gave a complete picture of the phenomenon, and most importantly - the technology of alkaline healing. ( download)

Technologies proven by their many years of experience.

Or rather, today - already many decades of experience, because the book was published in the late 90s of the twentieth century, and in it they talk about their 20 years of experience...

Acidosis. The body is acidified. What to do?

Symptoms of acidification in the body: What is the pH of the body and how do you understand that it is unbalanced?

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Has everyone heard about acid rain and its destructive effects?

Overloaded with toxic substances, acid rain damages trees and impairs their ability to resist pests, diseases, cold and drought.

Modern humanity is like trees damaged by acid rain. Just as we pollute the planet, the human body is similarly “polluted.” And, as a rule, toxins environment are acids of varying strengths.

The human body must constantly maintain the acid-base balance of the blood and tissues at the level of a slightly alkaline reaction. A person will not be able to survive if the internal environment of the body remains acidic. In this case, the cells, tissues, bones and organs of the body will be damaged.


With increased acidity, the liver works overload, filtering out toxins. At the same time, other important functions suffer liver, in particular the production of metabolic enzymes for burning fat.

Unsuitable acidity also affects disposal minerals. A clear example is a microelement, without which optimal functioning of the thyroid gland (as well as other glands of the body) is impossible.

In order for iodine to reach tissues, an almost perfect acid-base balance is required. Otherwise thyroid, the main metabolic organ, will be deprived of the building material for the production of hormones.

Depleted and pancreas. Its priorities for the production of metabolic enzymes shift towards the production of digestive enzymes. Dysregulation of blood sugar levels also occurs. The consequences of unstable blood sugar levels on weight and health are immediate.

The body has several mechanisms to respond to a shift in the blood reaction to the acidic side. First of all, acidic substances are filtered through the kidneys and excreted in the breath. The second mechanism for neutralizing acidity is the leaching of minerals from tissues. Calcium and magnesium are washed out of bones. Finally, the liver detoxifies acidic toxins.

If, the main organ of detoxification, does not cope with the flood of toxins, then they are stored in adipose tissue. Therefore, seemingly unnecessary body fat– is the body’s ally in the fight against acidic toxins and acidic metabolic products. Your hated fat reserves actually save internal organs and glands internal secretion from damage.

Logic dictates that body fat is an indicator of the presence of excess acidic chemicals in the body. However, there are other signs of a shift in the acid-base balance. The following are signs of “weakness” of the endocrine glands.

  • Allergies and asthma
  • Frequent headaches and migraines
  • Fungal (yeast) infection
  • Heartburn and indigestion symptoms
  • Premature aging and hair loss
  • Persistent overweight
  • Sinusitis (sinusitis)
  • Pain in muscles and joints
  • Frequent colds
  • Muscle spasms
  • Acne and other skin problems

If you have three or more symptoms, then your endocrine glands are disorganized. One of the most characteristic features this disorganization is chronic fatigue.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is directly related to weakness of the adrenal glands - the triangular “caps” that sit on the kidneys. The adrenal glands are also known as. We don't think about them until we begin to experience symptoms of poor health, low level energy and weight gain (especially belly fat). With chronic stress, seas of stress hormones are released: cortisol and adrenaline - important factors in acidifying the blood.

How to deal with stress, too much has been written. Therefore, I will not repeat the well-known truths. But nevertheless, I note that stopping chronic stress is one of the essential elements of restoring acid-base balance.