The best vaccinations for dogs. What vaccinations and at what age are given to dogs? Symptoms after the primary vaccination for small breed dogs

In all countries, vaccination is necessary condition keeping pets. Moving to another country, region, visiting exhibitions requires that the veterinary certificate and dog passport contain the necessary vaccinations.

Important! Preventive immunization of animals is an important measure that should not be ignored by breeders of dogs, cats, and other pets.

For immunization of puppies, mono- (monovalent) and polyvalent (complex) injection preparations of domestic and foreign production are used. Single vaccines protect against a specific type of pathogen, while polyvaccines contain strains of several types of virus.

Vaccines for puppies are classified into:

  1. Live (attenuated). Contains viable but weakened strains of microorganisms.
  2. Dead (inactivated). Includes strains of infectious disease pathogens killed by physical and chemical factors.
  3. Chemical. Obtained from antigens of purified bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Toxoids are vaccines containing neutralized bacterial and viral toxins (from botulism, tetanus).

The purpose of vaccination is to form a stable, active immune defense. As a rule, immunity in puppies is formed 10-14 days after repeated immunization.

What are puppies vaccinated against?

Small puppies must be vaccinated against the following diseases:

  • carnivore plague;
  • leptospirosis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • piroplasmosis;
  • parvovirus enetritis;
  • rabies.

Veterinary experts also recommend vaccinating puppies against adenovirus, corona viral infection, infectious laryngotracheitis, parainfluenza of carnivores, salmonellosis, trichophytosis, microsporia.

What vaccines are used for puppies?

To vaccinate dogs in traditional veterinary practice, the following domestic and foreign vaccines are used:

  1. Nobivac DHPPI (plague, hepatitis, enteritis, parainfluenza).
  2. Nobivac Rabies (rabies).
  3. Nobivak Lepto (leptospirosis).
  4. Vanguard Plus 5 L4 CV (polyvaccine against canine distemper, leptospirosis, viral hepatitis, enteritis)..
  5. Rabizin (from rabies).
  6. Vakderm (trichophytia, microsporia).
  7. Vanguard (polyvaccine against infectious hepatitis, canine distemper, adenovirosis, parainfluenza).
  8. Giskan-5 (serum for the treatment and prevention of canine distemper, coronavirus infection, hepatitis, enteritis).
  9. Mulkan-8 (adenovirosis, coronavirus infection, leptospirosis, rabies).
  10. Multikan-6 (distemper, adenovirosis, enteritis, parvirus, leptospirosis).
  11. Eurican (canine distemper, adenovirus type 2, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies).

The veterinarian selects the veterinary drug, taking into account individual characteristics dog's body, age. The cost of vaccination depends on the type of vaccine, manufacturer, additional services veterinarian

When do puppies get vaccinated?

Regardless of the dog’s age, weight, breed, or veterinary medication, vaccination is carried out in one dose. In this case, the dose is the same for both small puppies and adult dogs.

Important! For miniature ones, dwarf breeds For dogs, the vaccine is administered in the same dose as for medium and large dogs.

The first vaccination is given to dogs at the age of 8-10 weeks. In the first weeks of life, babies receive clostral immunity, antibodies from colostrum, and mother-dog milk. Starting from two months, the body’s resistance weakens and the risk of infection increases dangerous viruses, bacteria. Therefore, at this age, puppies are prescribed preventive immunizations.

The puppies are vaccinated a second time after 11-14 days, depending on the veterinary drug used. Immune protection will be formed approximately two weeks after repeated vaccination.

Important! Puppies are vaccinated against rabies after changing their baby teeth, if a monovaccine is used.

The following vaccinations for puppies should be given before or after the complete replacement of baby teeth. Subsequently, dogs are vaccinated annually with the same veterinary drug. after immunization in veterinary passport Vaccine stickers are pasted, the stamp is stamped, and the date of immunization is indicated.

Vaccination rules

Before carrying out routine preventive vaccination, approximately 10-14 days before, it is necessary to deworm the dog using special complex anthelmintics in tablets and suspensions. Such a measure is necessary because the infested animals have weakened immunity, the number of T- and B-lymphocytes (protective cells) in the bloodstream is reduced.

A few days before scheduled immunization, you should not bathe the animal or subject it to strong physical exertion. stress.

Before vaccination, the veterinarian conducts a comprehensive examination of the animals. They take necessary tests for possible latent virus carriage.

Only clinically healthy puppies and adult animals are allowed for immunization. If the dog is sick, vaccination is postponed to a more favorable period.

If a planned mating is planned, the dogs are vaccinated two months before the important event. Immune protection lasts for 10-12 months, so newborn puppies will receive enhanced protection against viral infections.

You should not administer the vaccine a few days before your trip, travel, or exhibition. Stressful situations weaken the immune system of animals.

Puppies should be vaccinated before or after the complete replacement of baby teeth.

Period after immunization

Exhausted, sick dogs, puppies under 8 weeks of age, pregnant and lactating bitches are not allowed to be vaccinated.

After vaccination, puppies may be depressed, lethargic, possibly have a short-term increase in temperature, vomiting, refusal to feed, diarrhea, and allergic reactions. Therefore, in the first two to three days, carefully monitor the behavior and health of your beloved dog. If such symptoms do not go away on the second or third day, contact your veterinarian.

Because after the vaccine is administered, the pet’s immunity is weakened. It is very important to prevent the dog from becoming infected, so the animals are kept in quarantine for 10-15 days.

Protect your dog from stress, prevent hypothermia, overheating of the body, provide your pet with quality balanced diet. Physical exercise should be moderate. Until the quarantine ends, do not allow contact with relatives, stray animals, which may be latent virus carriers.

Prevention is always better treatment where possible.

By following the established dog vaccination schedule, the most severe and difficult to treat diseases can be prevented.

The following diseases are considered the most dangerous to the health and life of pets:

  • hepatitis;

Vaccinations required for dogs are against the five diseases listed above.

DHP - canine distemper (D), hepatitis (H), parvovirus enteritis (P)

The most dangerous diseases, vaccination against which is mandatory throughout the world. These are systemic diseases of a viral nature, characterized by a severe course of the disease, a high risk of complications and high mortality. The sources of the disease are sick and stray animals, wild animals, indirect infection through infected soil, water, and objects is also possible.

Leptospirosis (Lepto)

Leptospirosis in dogs is infectious disease, striking blood vessels, liver, kidneys and other animal organs. Dog vaccination: The vaccination schedule must include protection against leptospirosis. Infection can occur in several ways, mainly through contact with sick animals and contaminated water in places where rodents gather (at stalls, grocery stores).


A fatal disease of dogs, cats and other warm-blooded animals, dangerous to humans. Vaccination against rabies is mandatory in Russia. A pet can become ill through the bite of a sick animal (most often wild foxes or stray dogs).

To date effective treatment There is no such thing as rabies; 100% of animals die.

Vaccination table

  1. Basic. For city pets living in an apartment and spending most time at home. Walks are limited to the yard and the nearby park.
  2. Extended. For active city dogs, hunting dogs and for dogs that often travel out of town.
  3. Premium. For dogs taking part in exhibitions and traveling with the owner. This program is also recommended for pets that often come into contact with other dogs (on playgrounds, in clubs, etc.).
Age\Scheme Basic Extended Premium
6 weeks* Puppy DP Puppy DP Puppy DP
8-9 weeks DHP / DHPPi + Lepto DHP/DHPPi+L4 DHP/DHPPi+L4
12 weeks DHP / DHPPi + Lepto + Rabies DHP/DHPPi+L4+Rabies
1 year and then annually** DHP / DHPPi + Lepto + Rabies DHP/DHPPi+L4+Rabies DHP / DHPPi + L4 + Rabies + KC

* - to the diagram mandatory vaccinations not included, done at the discretion of the breeder (owner)

** - some manufacturers provide 3 years of protection; such drugs need to be administered once every 3 years


  • Puppy DP - vaccine for the little ones;
  • D - plague of carnivores;
  • H - hepatitis;
  • P—parvovirus enteritis;
  • / - or;
  • Pi - parainfluenza;
  • Lepto, L4 - leptospirosis;
  • Rabies - rabies
  • KC - tracheobronchitis.

Vaccination schedule for dogs by age allows vaccination against parainfluenza (Pi) at the discretion of the owner. Most often, the disease is recorded in places with large concentrations of animals, for example, in nurseries.

Parainfluenza is transmitted by airborne droplets.

L4 – extended protection against leptospirosis due to the inclusion of two additional varieties of the pathogen in the vaccine. Due to the high mortality rate from leptospirosis, L 4 is recommended for dogs actively moving around the city, going into nature, where the likelihood of contact with sick rodents and wild animals increases.

Leptospirosis is transmitted to humans, so extensive vaccination against this disease is recommended.

Infectious tracheobronchitis (KC)– a highly contagious, acute infection transmitted by airborne droplets, reminiscent in its nature of human influenza.

Infectious tracheobronchitis rarely causes the death of an animal, but its complications can cause a lot of trouble:

  • , sometimes up to several months;
  • increased risk of developing pneumonia;
  • weakening of the body;
  • During treatment and recovery, you can forget about trips, trips and exhibitions.

Preparing for vaccination

Before vaccination, the dog must be examined by a doctor to ensure that it is completely healthy. Only then can the procedure be carried out.

Vaccination is given only to clinically healthy animals!

If the other day or at the time of inspection any violations in behavior were discovered, and general deterioration condition - vaccination should be postponed.

Additionally, watch the video about dog vaccination:

IN the best option puppies up to 8 weeks old should be fed with mother's milk, which significantly strengthens their innate immunity. It is able to provide natural protection for the first 4–18 weeks of life, during which the puppy needs to receive its first vaccinations. But since before the age of 8 weeks the puppy’s immune system is still developing, it is recommended to vaccinate between 8 and 12 weeks - during the so-called “window of susceptibility”, when the body’s resistance to infections drops significantly. This is the time that is most suitable for the first vaccinations.

Also, at the time of vaccination, the puppy must be absolutely healthy, since unforeseen complications may develop under the influence of vaccination if the body is weakened. It is advisable that veterinarian made up individual scheme vaccination of the puppy, taking into account the characteristics of its development and health status. But if no deviations are observed, then you can stick to general rules dog vaccinations and vaccination schedule.

Puppy vaccination chart

puppy age

Vaccination appointment

A comment

PUPPY vaccine, given in case of urgent need

It is carried out on very young puppies only if there is an increased risk of infection.

8–10 weeks

Primary vaccination against hepatitis, plague, parainfluenza, enteritis, leptospirosis

Quarantine is required for up to 2 weeks, after which immunity to these diseases will develop

11–13 weeks

Second vaccination against the same diseases

Primary rabies vaccination

Vaccination is mandatory for all dogs. Allowed to transfer to more late deadline- up to six months of age. The quarantine period is 14 days.

6–7 months

Third vaccination against hepatitis, plague, parainfluenza, enteritis, leptospirosis

A similar 2-week quarantine is observed

Second rabies vaccination

12 months

Fourth vaccination against hepatitis, plague, parainfluenza, enteritis, leptospirosis

A similar 2-week quarantine is observed

This dog vaccination plan is considered to be the most effective. To perform these vaccinations, appropriate drugs are used.

Vaccines for dogs

Different types of vaccines protect against various pathogens and differ in composition, principle of action, country of origin and other characteristics. The choice of a particular drug should be individual.

Types of drugs for vaccination

Depending on the main active substance, vaccines are divided into 2 types:

  1. Attenuated - the basis of such drugs is made up of viable but weakened pathogens, which, after administration, multiply intensively, forcing the body to develop immunity.
  2. Inactivated - the effect of such vaccines is based on the properties of dead virus cells, which act much more slowly and form shorter-term immunity, and therefore require repeated vaccinations (the exception is the rabies vaccine for dogs, which after the second vaccination produces lifelong immunity).

Vaccines are also classified depending on their composition and action:

  • monovaccines (monovalent) - include antigens of the causative agent of one infection, which reduces the burden on immune system puppy and improves the quality of the reaction;
  • polystrains (polyvalent) - develop resistance to several (up to 6-7) viruses, but are more difficult to tolerate, therefore they are recommended for use in adult dogs in order to strengthen the immune system.

All drugs have a prolonged effect and form long-term immunity in the puppy.

Today there is a wide range of domestic and imported vaccines for dogs. Russian-made drugs receive a lot of positive feedback, but most veterinarians use proven foreign analogues, such as Canigen and Eurican. At the same time, the issue of using this or that drug and the mechanism of its effect on the dog’s body is not discussed with the owner.

What diseases do they protect against?

The direction of action of the vaccine is indicated in the labeling, which is added to the main name in the form of the following symbols:

  • A – adenovirus;
  • D – plague;
  • L – leptospirosis;
  • P – parvovirus enteritis;
  • Pi – parainfluenza;
  • R – rabies.

Vaccination is the most effective method saving a dog from these diseases. If you do not vaccinate on time, then if infected, the animal will die or become very seriously ill, which will cause irreparable damage to health.

In addition, pets can be vaccinated against less dangerous diseases. The vaccine against lichen in dogs has gained wide popularity. This vaccination is done separately from the others with a break of at least 2 weeks. The most popular are the domestic vaccines “Vakderm”, “Polivak-TM”, “Mikoderm”. Immunity against lichen lasts for 12 months. The drugs can be used not only for prevention, but also for treatment - in a double dose.

These vaccinations against lichen and ticks are not included in the mandatory vaccination program for dogs. If carried out, they require compliance with all relevant recommendations, regulations and standard precautions.

Another non-existent vaccine is the deworming vaccine for dogs. It is impossible to develop immunity in an animal and prevent helminthic infestation by vaccination method. Appropriate anthelmintic or anthelmintic drugs are given to puppies at 3 weeks of age, and then once every 3 months. Deworming is also carried out if necessary, in particular before almost every vaccination.

Review of the main vaccines for dogs

Some of the most common dog vaccines today include:

  • "Biovac" (Russia);
  • "Kaningen" (France);
  • "Nobivak" (Holland);
  • "Eurikan" (France) and others.

All of them are available in several varieties, each of which is marked with the above symbols.


The Biovac vaccine contains live and inactivated microorganisms. Immunity to specified diseases develops 14 days after repeated vaccination and persists for 12 months. The drug has no therapeutic effect, so if administered to an infected dog, it can lead to its death.

Biovac can be used 2 weeks after any other vaccination:

  • puppies – from 2 months of age;
  • adult dogs - 30 days before mating.

The vaccine is administered to puppies twice every 1–2 weeks, to adults – once. Vaccination should not be given to sick or weakened dogs, or those that have not undergone deworming. The price of the Biovac vaccine is 150–200 rubles.


The Kanigen vaccine induces an immune response in dogs 3 weeks after repeated vaccination and maintains it for 12 months. The drug is harmless and can be used for puppies from 2 months of age. Single dose The administered vaccine is 1 ml for any weight and age of the dog. The second vaccination is given at 3-4 week intervals, starting at 12 weeks of age. Then vaccinations are given every year in a single dosage.

The effectiveness of the vaccine decreases if the dog is stressed. You cannot vaccinate:

  • sick or weakened animals;
  • females when bearing and feeding puppies;
  • dogs that have not been dewormed.

The price of the Kanigen dog vaccine is 280–400 rubles.


“Nobivak” is another series of vaccines for dogs, consisting of drugs with different directions of action. Vaccination is carried out with 1 dose. The administration regimen is determined by the type of strain. Vaccination is performed on healthy dogs, including:

  • old, exhausted;
  • pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • puppies from 4 weeks of age.

The drug is well tolerated and is contraindicated only if the components are intolerant. If allergic reactions occur, it is recommended to inject adrenaline under the skin. Nobivak anti-rabies drugs are not used for 3 years recent weeks pregnancy and 14 days after whelping. The price of the Nobivak vaccine is 300–800 rubles.


The instructions for the Eurikan vaccine for dogs are similar to the Nobivak drug. It is also well tolerated and provides stable immunity for 1 year.

Healthy dogs can be vaccinated after deworming. Contraindication is intolerance to the ingredients. It is extremely rare that an anaphylactic reaction may develop, requiring symptomatic treatment. The price of the Eurikan vaccine for dogs is 400–2500 rubles.

It is quite clear that imported drugs are more trustworthy because they are more expensive and, therefore, must be of higher quality. However, when choosing some of them, in particular the vaccine against canine distemper, the price cannot become decisive condition. It is necessary to vaccinate puppies against distemper only with domestic drugs, since many dog ​​diseases are registered after the use of imported drugs.

The choice of vaccine must be agreed upon with a veterinarian, who is not only more knowledgeable about the pros and cons of the drugs used, but is also familiar with the incidence rates in a particular place of residence.

Preparing for vaccination

Vaccination is absolutely allowed healthy puppy, preparing him for the procedure according to the following scheme:

  • carry out deworming with anthelmintics 15–20 days in advance;
  • for 1 week before vaccination, monitor your pet’s health - check body temperature, condition of mucous membranes, stool;
  • on the day of vaccination it is better not to feed (if the procedure is planned for the second half of the day, the break after eating should be at least 4 hours).

You need to select a doctor and clinic carefully, preferably on the recommendation of friends. It is best to perform the procedure at home to minimize stress on your puppy. The animal's condition may worsen if the vaccination is associated with strong nervous tension for him.

What to do after vaccination

Vaccination requires a 2-week quarantine for the dog, which includes:

  • exclusion of contact with other animals;
  • ensuring normal sleep, proper nutrition and drinking plenty of fluids;
  • creating comfortable conditions - without drafts, too high or low air temperature;
  • absence water procedures for 3 days – you cannot wet the injection site, wash or bathe the puppy;
  • preventing increased physical activity and overwork of the pet.

During this period, short walks are allowed, but in a clean area where other animals are not walking. You should only go for walks in good warm weather to prevent the puppy from getting hypothermic.

Possible negative reactions

The introduction of a vaccine is an effect on the dog’s immune system, which significantly weakens the body’s resistance. Immediately after the injection, lethargy, a slight increase in temperature, and vomiting may occur. This reaction is caused by the intrusion of a foreign substance and should not be a cause for concern. But if the dog’s deterioration of health does not go away, but intensifies over the course of several days, then you need to contact a veterinarian.

Sometimes a lump forms at the injection site, which is due to a violation of the injection technique. As a rule, lumps resolve on their own within 1–4 weeks. To speed up this process, you need to lubricate the affected area with an ointment with an anticoagulant effect. If the swelling increases or severe pain appears that bothers the dog, you should also show it to a doctor, since the development of an abscess requires surgical intervention.

In rare cases, puppies after vaccination develop an allergy to the administered substance, which manifests itself:

  • significant increase in temperature;
  • regular vomiting, diarrhea;
  • breathing problems;
  • severe salivation;
  • blanching of the mucous membranes;
  • change in skin color.

If these symptoms occur, you should give your dog antihistamine and then consult a doctor.

Dog vaccination price

The cost of vaccination depends on three factors:

  • location of the procedure - in the clinic or at home;
  • category of veterinarian and level of veterinary hospital;
  • the cost of the drug used.

On average, calling a veterinarian to your home is estimated at 600–2400 rubles, taking into account the price of the drug. In a clinic, a similar procedure will cost 400–1500 rubles.

Don't save too much. It is better to entrust the vaccination to a trusted specialist and perform the procedure at home, so that you do not have to sacrifice the dog’s health and spend money on its subsequent treatment.

By far the most the best way Preventing bacterial and viral infections is vaccination. When a vaccine is administered, the dog's body develops immunity, and the animal becomes immune to the disease.

Why dogs need to be vaccinated

Vaccination of dogs is a concern not only for owners of purebred dogs. expensive dogs, but also all other dog breeders. An unvaccinated dog can get sick itself or become a carrier of infection, which can be very dangerous for others.

In order to form in a dog active immunity against a viral infection, must be done regularly preventive vaccination. For this, there are various vaccines, the effect of which can be explained very simply: a virus or bacteria in small quantities (antigen) enters the animal’s body and causes the process of producing antibodies, the purpose of which is to fight antigens. Thanks to this, specific memory cells are created in the body, and a powerful immune system is formed, capable of instantly fighting back if the virus re-enters.

The most common “canine” diseases are:

    • carnivore plague,
    • hepatitis,
    • parvovirus,
    • leptospirosis,
    • rabies.

These same diseases are also the most dangerous. To prevent your dog from developing such diseases, vaccination is necessary.

What dog diseases are there vaccines for?

List serious illnesses The range of dogs for which vaccines have been developed is quite extensive.

The most dangerous:

    • rabies;
    • carnivore plague;
    • parvovirus enteritis;
    • hepatitis;
    • rhinotracheitis;
    • leptospirosis;
    • parainfluenza;
    • Lyme disease;
    • giardiasis
    • microsporia, trichophytosis.

There are no vaccines against tick-borne piroplasmosis, Aujeszky's disease and a number of other diseases.

What you need to know about dog vaccines

Today, vaccines for dogs are available in abundance, but they are all divided into:

  • Monovaccines (that is, against one disease).
  • Complex vaccines that protect the animal from several of the most common infections, such as viral hepatitis, parainfluenza, canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis and rabies.

In addition, vaccines are:

  • Live means developed from living, but greatly weakened bacteria and viruses.
  • Killed – from neutralized (killed viruses).

Most effective live vaccine, since it forms a more stable immune system in the dog.

Scientists have found that the vaccine remains effective if it contains no more than 6 or 7 components, that is, it is intended to protect against 6-7 diseases.

The rabies vaccine is always monovalent, and vaccination against this most dangerous disease is carried out separately.

In addition, vaccines can be:

  • Mandatory, these include vaccines against the most dangerous and common diseases - such as plague, parvovirus, rabies.
  • Optional, veterinarians may recommend doing them if there is a danger of contracting a disease in your area of ​​residence, which is usually not very common.

On the market veterinary drugs Today there are quite a lot of vaccines. Depending on the region and the practicing veterinarian, different vaccines may be used. In practice, complex polyvalent vaccines are used, which are designed to produce antibodies in the body against several diseases at once. These include Multikan, Vanguard, Nobivak, Duramont, etc. Vaccines produced domestically or foreignly are not particularly different from each other. The use of any of them contributes to the development of fairly stable immunity.

Decoding the abbreviations that are written on the vaccine bottle.

  • D – Distemper = canine distemper.
  • H – Hepatitis infectiosa = Rubart’s hepatitis.
  • P – Parvovirus enteritis = canine parvovirus enteritis.
  • L – Leptospirosis = canine leptospirosis.
  • L. jcterohaemorrhagiae, L. canicola, L. pomona, L. grippotiphosa.
  • R – Rabies = rabies of dogs.
  • PI2-Parainfluenza + Bordetella bronchiceptica = canine parainfluenza.

At what age should dogs be vaccinated?

You should know that a puppy is a gentle creature. Therefore, you should not rush with vaccinations and other forms of exposure to the dog. The puppy receives its first immunity protection immediately after birth - from its mother's milk. Colostrum (milk from a nursing dog) contains special antibodies that are designed to protect the puppy in the first days of its life. However, if natural feeding stops, the supply of antibodies stops. No artificial milk can replace a puppy's mother's colostrum. Therefore, if the puppy is not vaccinated in the first days after the puppy is weaned from the mother dog’s breast, the immunity may weaken significantly.

However, third-party medications have a very adverse effect on the puppy, no matter how good they are.

In some cases, vaccinations can be given as early as 9 weeks. But to do this, an experienced veterinarian must carefully examine your pet. And only according to his recommendations should you act.

Preparing dogs for vaccination

Preparing your dog for vaccination is mandatory. This includes a clinical examination of the animal, thermometry, and to be on the safe side you can take general tests blood and urine to a veterinary laboratory. Based on the results of the research, the veterinarian allows or does not allow the vaccine to be administered.

It is advisable to obtain a veterinary passport for the dog, which will contain information about all vaccinations: the series of the vaccine used and the date of vaccination. This is necessary in order to transport the dog without problems and be able to participate with it in exhibitions and competitions.

Dog vaccination scheme


The vaccination scheme for dogs is quite simple; it can be roughly displayed as follows:

  • At 8-9 weeks of age, a complex vaccine (any one from the list) is given.
  • At 12 weeks, revaccination is carried out, that is, repeated administration of the vaccine. This is done because the maternal antibodies still remaining in the puppy’s body do not always allow the development of full immunity. The timing of revaccination may vary slightly; to clarify them, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug.
  • At 3 months, the dog is vaccinated against rabies if the parents have been vaccinated, otherwise it is recommended at the age of 2 months.
  • At 20 weeks, dogs are vaccinated against ringworm(Vakderm vaccine).
  • At six or seven months of age (after changing teeth), a second revaccination with a complex vaccine is carried out.
  • The third revaccination is carried out at one year of age.
  • Further, all vaccines are given again once a year.

This scheme is general, but in each case an individual approach is needed. Therefore, it is important to choose an experienced and professional doctor for your pet who will draw up a vaccination schedule for you, take a preliminary blood test and examine your pet. Only a healthy animal can be vaccinated, so if there is the slightest doubt, it is better to postpone this procedure.

Dog vaccination schedule

When should dogs not be vaccinated?

Vaccinating dogs is a huge stress and burden on the body, so there are some restrictions under which vaccinating an animal is prohibited:

    • with poor nutrition;
    • in the period of time 2 weeks after birth, 2 weeks before birth;
    • at elevated temperature;
    • if there is a suspicion that the animal has already become ill with the type of pathogen against which it is planned to vaccinate;
    • for any diseases (contagious or non-contagious);
    • in weakened conditions;
    • when changing teeth;
    • after contact with sick animals;
    • before surgical operation and immediately after it;
    • after two weeks after taking antibiotics.

Vaccinations can only be done healthy dog, and at least 3 weeks after the previous vaccination.

Who should vaccinate dogs?

Only a veterinarian who can objectively assess the dog’s health status should vaccinate animals. Vaccination can be done both at home and in a veterinary clinic. If there is an agreement with the veterinarian, then, of course, the best solution There will be vaccination at home. In this case, there is less chance of catching an infection or catching a cold during transportation.

The fact is that vaccines require very precise storage conditions, otherwise their effectiveness decreases or the substance becomes completely unsuitable for use. IN veterinary clinics vaccines are stored in accordance with the instructions.

If you nevertheless decide to vaccinate your dog yourself and purchase the vaccine at the pharmacy, you will have to take care of a thermos with pieces of ice in advance for transporting the bottle with the vaccine. The temperature range for storing the vaccine is very narrow: from +2 to +8° C.

A vaccine helps a dog develop immunity to a specific infection. It contains fragments of an infectious agent, which, when entering a living organism, causes a corresponding reaction in the form of the production of antibodies. Subsequently, if the pet encounters a similar invasion of infection, it will not get sick or the disease will pass in a mild form.

Dangerous diseases of dogs for which mandatory vaccination is carried out:

  • rabies;
  • plague;
  • enteritis (parvovirus, coronavirus);
  • adenoviral infections;
  • leptospirosis;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • parvovirus

There are also vaccines against lichen, trichophytosis, and microsporia.

Types of vaccines for dogs

Based active component Vaccines for dogs are divided into attenuated and inactivated. The former are pathogens capable of reproducing. However, due to their weakening, they cannot cause the disease itself, but only stimulate the production of antibodies. The inactivated version is represented by dead microbes. Such vaccinations have a slow and short-term effect, so they need to be repeated.

In addition, there are mono- and multivalent vaccines. In the first case, the composition includes antigens of only one infectious agent. Examples of such vaccines are: Biovac-D, Multikan-1, EPM, Primodog, Kanivac-SN, Rabizin. Several infections are included in the composition of polyvalent drugs. These include: Multikan-4 (6.8), Nobivak, Hexakanivac, Vanguard-7 and others. Multi-strain drugs, as a rule, are not given to puppies, as they put too much strain on the immune system.

Vaccines can be of domestic or foreign origin. Among the Russian drugs that have proven themselves well are: Hexakanivac, Multikan, Vakderm, Polivac. Among the “foreigners” the following stand out: Nobivak, Eurikan, Vanguard, Hexadog. Each drug has its own characteristics and administration regimens.

Vaccination of dogs up to one year old

You can start vaccinating your puppy as early as 1.5 months of age. At this time, vaccination against dermatomycoses, distemper and parvovirus enteritis. However, most often preventive actions start when the puppy is 2-2.5 months old.

IN in general terms The vaccination schedule is as follows:

  • comprehensive vaccination against infectious diseases (enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis, plague, parainfluenza);
  • after 3-4 weeks, comprehensive revaccination against infectious diseases and vaccination against rabies;
  • after 3-4 months, revaccination against rabies and repeated against infectious diseases are carried out;
  • Subsequently, vaccinations are given once a year.

When to start vaccinations is decided by the veterinarian after examining the puppy. Weakened and sick dogs require a delay. If the pet is healthy, and taking into account that disease prevention begins at 2 months, the vaccination schedule for dogs up to a year will look like this.

What is the vaccine for?

2-2.5 months

Infectious diseases (primary)

3-3.5 months

Contagious diseases (revaccination), rabies (primary)

6-7 months

Infectious diseases (repeated), rabies (revaccination)

12 months

Infectious diseases, including ringworm (repeated)

Vaccination of adult dogs

Dogs over one year old are required to receive annual vaccinations: injections are given once at regular intervals. It is allowed to vaccinate four-legged friends against infectious diseases once every 2 or 3 years, but the rabies vaccination must be given strictly after 12 months.

If the dog is elderly or elderly, then the decision about whether to give injections or not is made based on its health condition. The vaccine may cause an exacerbation chronic diseases pet and further weaken the immune system. Again, a rabies vaccination should be given in any case. According to current legislation, the owner cannot refuse it.

How to vaccinate correctly

In order for the vaccination procedure to have only a positive effect on the dog’s body and not lead to complications, you need to adhere to some rules.

  • The dog must be completely healthy. Even the slightest malaise, lack of appetite, fatigue and other conditions are reasons for postponing the injection.
  • Before vaccination, your pet must be dewormed. Anti-worm medication should be given 14 days before the procedure.
  • It is not advisable to vaccinate dogs while they are changing their teeth. A number of drugs have the ability to change the color of tooth enamel.
  • Vaccinations are not recommended for puppies under 8 weeks of age. Early administration of the vaccine will weaken the immunity received from mother's milk. And since they don’t yet have their own, the puppies may be completely defenseless against infectious diseases.
  • In addition to deworming, the dog must be treated for external insects. The treatment is carried out the same way two weeks before vaccination.
  • Most vaccines have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, so if dogs are to be mated, the vaccine should not be given. At least 12 weeks must pass between vaccination and mating.
  • It is best to vaccinate on an empty stomach.
  • If a dog has a tendency to allergic reaction, then she can first be given an antihistamine. Which one it is better to consult a doctor.

We should not forget that after vaccination, the pet may develop anaphylactic shock, so for the first few minutes you need to stay close to the veterinary clinic.

Features of rabies vaccination

Although the overall situation with rabies in Russia is favorable, the likelihood of an outbreak of this dangerous disease remains. Russian legislation obliges every owner of a four-legged friend to vaccinate him once a year. If the dog owner refuses to vaccinate his pet, he will face administrative punishment.

The law also provides for free rabies vaccination. Such vaccinations are not included in the cost of services even in private clinics. To get an injection, you can go to a state veterinary hospital. Often, primary comprehensive vaccination against infectious diseases in a state hospital is paid for, and further actions according to the scheme will be free. Moreover, if you get a rabies vaccination in such an institution, then the accompanying events will also be carried out free of charge. Among them: examination of the animal, anthelmintic therapy, registration of a dog passport, installation of a chip.

Contraindications to vaccination

Not all dogs are eligible for routine vaccination. Among the contraindications it should be noted:

  • feverish condition;
  • acute diseases;
  • 14 days before and after ear and tail docking;
  • change of teeth;
  • planned mating;
  • severe weakening, exhaustion of the dog’s body (for example, after illness, surgery);
  • pregnancy.

How much does vaccination cost?

Prices preventive vaccinations dogs vary depending on many factors:

  • features of the vaccine (manufacturer, composition);
  • vaccination location (home or clinic);
  • pricing policy of the veterinary institution (budget, average, premium, luxury).

For example, giving an injection at home will cost 500 rubles more than if you bring your pet to the clinic. It will be more expensive to vaccinate a dog with an imported complex vaccine than a domestically produced one. On average, the cost of a comprehensive vaccination is about 1,500 rubles.

Where is the best place to vaccinate?

Many owners try to vaccinate their pet at home. On the one hand, the dog feels more confident, which has a positive effect on its health and ability to tolerate vaccination. However, there is a danger that the animal’s condition may sharply worsen, for example, due to an allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, and then emergency veterinary care will be required.

It is best to bring your pet to the clinic, undergo a preliminary examination, get a vaccine and wait a while. You can walk around the clinic or sit in the car. After making sure that everything is in order with the body’s response, you can go home.

Any owner wants to see their pet healthy and cheerful. The key to such a dog’s condition is timely vaccination.