Salad "Shuba". Mackerel under a fur coat. Recipe with photo. Mackerel under a fur coat: step-by-step recipe Herring under a fur coat from mackerel with egg

Prepare the “Fish under a Fur Coat” salad for Christmas or New Year’s table, but not with herring, as usual, but with mackerel. Salted or smoked mackerel is suitable for this; I used salted fish (with smoked it will also be very tasty

The salad turned out awesome, for lovers of the traditional “Shuba”, there is no better interpretation for the salad to look more elegant, it should be decorated, but this should be done just before serving, and before that the salad should sit in the refrigerator so that all layers are thoroughly soaked!

Potatoes - 3 pcs.;
Chicken egg - 3 pcs;.
Carrots - 1 piece;.
Beets - 2 pcs;.
Salted mackerel - 1 piece;.
Onions - 0.5 pcs.;
Mayonnaise - 300 grams;.
Canned corn - 3 grains;.
Salt - to taste;.
Ground black pepper - to taste;.
Parsley - several sprigs.

1. Before starting to prepare the salad, boil jacket potatoes, eggs, carrots, and beets. Also prepare salted or smoked mackerel, onions, mayonnaise, canned corn, salt, pepper and herbs.
2. Peel the potatoes, eggs, carrots, beets, onions, remove the fillet from the mackerel. We start collecting lettuce. We will make it in layers, so prepare the appropriate dish. The first layer is potatoes (coarse grater. Salt and pepper the potato layer, brush or pour mayonnaise.
3. the next two layers are onion (small cubes) and mackerel (medium cubes), then grease everything with mayonnaise again.
4. followed by carrots (coarse grater), mayonnaise.
5. Cut out flowers from the egg white for decoration, place the remaining eggs on the salad in the next layer (coarse grater), mayonnaise.
6. The last layer is beets (coarse grater. Place beets on both the top and sides of the salad, grease with a thick layer of mayonnaise, smooth out all the unevenness with a spoon so that the salad has the shape of a semi-oval, mound.
7. Put the salad in the refrigerator so that it brews and soaks. This will take two hours. Before serving, decorate the mackerel salad under a fur coat with flowers made from egg whites and canned corn (or pieces of boiled carrots), and parsley. Bon appetit!

Prepare an unusual salad for Christmas or New Year’s table - the “Fish under a Fur Coat” salad, but not with herring, as usual, but with mackerel. Salted or smoked mackerel is suitable for this; I used salted fish (it will also be very tasty with smoked fish). The salad turned out awesome, for lovers of the traditional “fur coat” you can’t think of a better interpretation! :) To make the salad look more elegant, it should be decorated, but this should be done just before serving, and before that the salad should sit in the refrigerator so that all layers are thoroughly soaked !

Before starting to prepare the salad, boil jacket potatoes, eggs, carrots, and beets. Also prepare salted or smoked mackerel, onions, mayonnaise, canned corn, salt, pepper and herbs.

Peel potatoes, eggs, carrots, beets, onions, remove fillets from mackerel. Let's start collecting the salad. We will make it in layers, so prepare the appropriate dish. The first layer is potatoes (coarse grater). Salt and pepper the potato layer, brush or pour mayonnaise.

Grated potatoes

The next two layers are onion (small cubes) and mackerel (medium cubes), then grease everything with mayonnaise again.


Cut out flowers from the egg white for decoration, place the remaining eggs on the salad in the next layer (coarse grater), mayonnaise.

Eggs, chopped

The last layer is beets (coarse grater). Place beets on both the top and sides of the salad, coat with a thick layer of mayonnaise, and use a spoon to smooth out any unevenness so that the salad has the shape of a semi-oval or mound.

Place the salad in the refrigerator to steep and soak. This will take two hours. Before serving, decorate the Mackerel salad under a fur coat with flowers made from egg whites and canned corn (or pieces of boiled carrots), and parsley.

Bon appetit!!!

Mackerel salad under a fur coat is an alternative to the well-known dish with herring. However, this option allows you to add variety to the usual New Year's table. It's also worth noting that using smoked fish adds an interesting flavor. And some recipes contain completely unusual ingredients. However, this only makes the taste of the dish more interesting and better. You can also approach the decorations of such a salad with humor. For example, build or greenery. Then this dish will appeal to children too.

Standard preparation: ingredients

To prepare delicious mackerel under a fur coat, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • One medium sized smoked fish.
  • A couple of large potatoes.
  • Two carrots.
  • One onion head.
  • Two medium beets.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Two chicken eggs.

Eggs and vegetables, with the exception of onions, should be boiled. Beets and carrots are pre-cleaned. Potatoes can be made in their jackets, but before doing this they should be washed well, removing dirt with a hard sponge. All ingredients must be chilled before cooking. The mackerel is cleaned of bones and the skin is removed.

Mackerel under a fur coat: recipe with photos

Peel the onion and cut it finely. It should be placed on the bottom of a salad plate. The dishes should be flat and shallow. The next layer is fish. The mackerel pieces need to be cut so that they can be easily picked up with a fork.

Then grate the peeled boiled potatoes. They cover fish with it. Now you can spread the salad with mayonnaise. It needs to cover the entire potato layer, so there is no need to spare it. Now you can grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Next comes a layer of mayonnaise again, but not so thick. Now it's time for beets. It is also crushed using a grater. Now you need to distribute the mayonnaise so that the salad is soaked. Boiled eggs need to be cut as finely as possible, and then sprinkle them on the finished mackerel under the fur coat. You can use only whites or yolks, or you can chop a whole egg. This salad should stand in the cold for at least an hour and a half.

Green apple salad

This recipe for mackerel under a fur coat is interesting because the apple and onion are pickled. This gives the salad a piquant taste. To prepare you need to take:

  • One medium-sized smoked fish.
  • Large green apple.
  • A large onion, the juicier and sweeter the better.
  • Two small beets.
  • Two potatoes.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • Mayonnaise for dressing.

First you need to prepare the onion and apple. The latter is peeled, grated on a coarse grater and placed in a bowl. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Here you need to add a little vinegar, a pinch of salt and sugar. It’s better to leave this mixture like this for about ten minutes so that it marinates.

Place chopped fish at the bottom of the mold. Mayonnaise is distributed on top. Cover the whole thing with a layer of grated boiled potatoes. A ready-made mixture of onions and apples is placed on it. It is also worth spreading with mayonnaise. Now it’s the turn of boiled eggs and carrots, grate them on a fine grater. And this layer should be coated with mayonnaise. Cover everything with boiled beets. Mayonnaise is again placed on top.

Salad with salted fish

Mackerel under a fur coat can include not only smoked, but also salted fish. For this recipe you need to take:

  • Three eggs and three potatoes each.
  • One carrot.
  • Medium sized fish.
  • Half an onion.
  • Beets (a couple of pieces).
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Greens and canned corn - for decoration.

When all the ingredients are ready, you can start cooking mackerel under a fur coat. Shredded potatoes are placed at the very bottom. Mayonnaise is put on it. Then you should lay out a layer of fish and onions. Now the boiled carrots are grated on a coarse grater and placed on a dish. Another layer of mayonnaise follows. Now it’s the turn of the eggs, and then the beets. All this is ground on a grater. Mayonnaise is placed on top. It is also worth decorating the salad. To do this, flowers are made from canned sweet corn and any greenery. You can also cut flowers from carrots or eggs. Before serving, the salad should be infused in the refrigerator so that all layers are soaked. This will take at least three hours. It is best to leave the salad overnight.

Mackerel under a fur coat is an alternative to the already boring herring. If you take smoked fish, you can significantly update the New Year's table. You can also combine sweet ingredients such as apples with salted fish or spicy onions. All this will give any holiday a special taste.

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