Presentation on the topic of spring for classes. Presentation at the Moscow State Educational Institution on the topic “beauty spring” presentation of a lesson for an interactive whiteboard on the world around us (senior group) on the topic. What do we celebrate in April

Prepared by teacher Pashina I.Yu. MBDOU kindergarten No. 46 “Dandelion”, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region

Program content: 1.Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about autumn changes in nature, the relationships between living and inanimate nature in the spring; 2. Develop memory, thinking, imagination, expressiveness of speech, expand and activate speech reserve; 3. Instill in children a caring attitude towards nature. Preliminary work:

  • Conversation about spring.
  • Looking at illustrations.
  • Memorizing poems, riddles, signs.
  • Observing seasonal changes while walking.
What time of year is the riddle about? She comes with affection and with her fairy tale. With a magic wand, a snowdrop will bloom in the forest. In which picture SPRING? SIGNS OF SPRING. What grows with its top down, clinging to the cornice? What phenomenon of spring is being talked about? The ice is coming, the ice is coming! In a long string For three days on end, ice floes float by... S. Ya. Marshak Guess the riddle The white snow is melting, melting. Bear, don't yawn! After all, water from full rivers flows over the edge. It can flood the den, the Village and the road. We call the months of spring The sun is shining warmer, the streams are babbling faster, the Sparrow is happy about the weather - the month has come to visit us...

It awakens the field, the forest and the mountains, all the meadows and gardens. He knocks on every hole and hums near the water. "Get up! Wake up! Laugh, sing, smile!" A pipe can be heard far away. This wakes everyone up... April The trills of the nightingale are heard, greenery has come to the fields. The garden tried on white, The bees are the first to fly. Thunder rumbles. Guess what month this is?

Animals and birds in spring. Who are the “Nastovichki”? What birds are called “harbingers of spring”? What babies live without their mother? What birds are popularly called “icebreakers”? Guess the riddle about insects

  • Tell me, what kind of insect is this?
  • She wears a shirt with black dots, knows how to climb deftly on the leaves of God...
  • Here is a hard worker insect.
  • I'm happy to work all day. I carry it on my back, it drags me quickly...
  • In a clearing in cornflowers
  • He practiced jumping. It's a pity, the chick had breakfast with them. Who was it?
Which bird is the odd one out? Who's the odd one out? Plants in spring Guess which branch in the picture: summer or spring? Why? Why do people call May “pollen”? Remember and name the flowers Remember and name the trees and shrubs What do they plant in the garden?
  • The Maiden hid in the ground. A braid sticks out of the ground. I will deftly pull out the Red one...
  • Very bitter - but useful! Protects against diseases! And he is not a friend to microbes - Because it is ...
  • She grew up in the garden. We will use it for lunch and make borscht and vinaigrette. So blush and round and useful to us...
Shall we play? Which picture is the odd one out? Name the extra word
  • April
  • October
Name the extra word
  • Autumn
  • Spring


  • Shorygina T.A. What months of the year?! Journey into the natural world. Speech development. – M.: Publishing House GNOM and D, 2000.
  • Internet resources:

Oksana Ustyuzhanina
Presentation “Spring” for children of senior preschool age

Presentation topic:"Spring".

Target: Formation of children's ideas about the time of year (spring)

Tasks: Expanding the vocabulary on the topic of the main signs of spring (spring, sun, grass, buds, thawed patches); why people and animals rejoice in spring, learn to distinguish spring from other seasons.

I offer a presentation about spring to help educators familiarize older preschool children; sometimes there is not enough time to collect all the necessary material.

1-3 slide Signs of spring

4 slide Signs of spring

5 slide Proverbs and sayings about spring

6 slide Human labor in nature

7 slide Nature awakens

8-9 slide March is the first month of spring. The long-awaited month of March is the first breath of spring, the month is a drip.

10-12 slide April is the second month of spring, this month is called “pollen” because trees and shrubs bloom. April is also called “snowman”, “Aquarius”.

13-15 slide May is the third day of the last month of spring - the month of flowers and love, the blossoming of nature, a riot of colors. His ancestors called him the Herbalist, the Herbal, the Flower and the Rose Flower. Indeed, “May grass appears that will feed anyone.”

17-19 slide spring in the paintings of Russian artists.

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Cool hour.

Subject:"Spring is a wonderful time."

Goals: to clarify and expand children’s knowledge about changes in nature in spring, to teach them to see the beauty of nature, to treat it with care and respect.

Equipment: presentation, proverbs and sayings about spring.

Progress of the class hour:

I want to start the class hour with a poem, listen and tell me what time of year it talks about.

She came, she smiled - the snowstorms subsided, the bell of the drop began to ring. The river woke up, the ice melted, the gardens put on a snow-white outfit, the tractors roared, they got to work, and the birds sang: “It’s time to make nests!”

What time of year is the poem talking about? The theme of our class hour: “Spring is a wonderful time!” People have always loved spring and waited for its arrival. In honor of spring, holidays and ceremonial celebrations were held year after year. For example, the Maslenitsa holiday, which sums up winter and opens spring. Today we will go on a spring journey, find out what you know about spring, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Station "Spring Months".

Guess which month begins spring? The streams are running faster, the sun is shining warmer. The sparrow is happy with the weather, the month has come to visit us... ( March)March begins spring. What natural phenomena are associated with the onset of spring? Select those that usher in spring.

Snowfall, heat, ice drift, falling leaves, drops, arrival of birds, blizzard, rainbow, melting snow, increasing day length, thawed patches.

Vocabulary work: thawed patches, ice drift. Why is it dangerous to go out on the ice in the spring? How to help a person who has fallen through the ice?

The month that is spoken of in the riddle is truly spring: The bear crawled out of its den, Mud and puddles on the road, A lark trilled in the sky - He came to visit us... ( April).

Guess in which month spring appears in all its glory? The garden has tried on the color white, The nightingale sings a sonnet, Our land is dressed in greenery - We are greeted with warmth …. (May).Name the spring months, what month of spring is it now?

Station “Proverbs, sayings, signs about spring.”About March: March ends winter and begins spring. March sows with snow and warms with sun. About April: Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July. April with water, May with grass. About May: Just as there will be rain in May, so there will be rye. A blooming May is a real May. Explain the meaning of the proverbs.

Station "Poeticheskaya".

Many poets have sung this time of year. Let's listen to poems about spring. Spring has been going on for a long time, surreptitiously winding and cold. And today it's splashing right through the puddles. It's driving the melted snow with a hubbub and ringing. To line the meadows with green velvet.

The snow is no longer the same, it has darkened in the field. The ice on the lakes has cracked, as if it had been split.

The blizzard is still blowing at night, it’s still frosty in the morning. But like spring, the birch trees bend elastically in the wind.

Winter is tired, tired, spring is coming into the yard. The time has come for the melted willows to dress up in their festive attire.

Station "Musical". Listen to the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Snowdrop". What picture did you imagine while listening to the music?

Station "Birds Arrival".

One of the signs of spring is that birds begin to fly in from the south. Guess which bird flies first?

1) What kind of spring black bird almost lands on the tractor’s nose. Who’s galloping behind the plow? ( rook)

2) He builds his nest in the field, Where the plants stretch. His song and flight are included in poems. ( lark)

3) I speak to everyone like a young messenger of spring. I’m glad to see my friends, but my name is... ( starling)

4) Come to us with warmth, Having traveled a long way, Sculpting a house under the window from grass and clay. ( martin)

Well done, you solved all the riddles. Now listen to interesting things about birds.1. The fastest birds are falcons and swifts. A swift flies at a speed of 170 km/h, and a falcon flies at a speed of 300 km/h.2. A family of starlings destroys 350 caterpillars, beetles, and snails per day.3. The rook is capable of destroying 400 worms per day, plant pests.4. A family of swallows destroys about a million different harmful insects over the summer.5. Many birds are forest nurses. Crows, jackdaws, magpies, kites and many others contribute to the improvement of the area.6. A tit eats as many insects per day as it weighs.7. The cuckoo has an extraordinary appetite. In an hour she can eat 100 caterpillars, and over the summer she eats 270 thousand large caterpillars and cockchafers.8. Each owl destroys about 100 rodents per year.9. In ancient times, pigeons and swallows were used as postmen, with important messages attached to them.

Station "Igrovoy".

Outdoor game "Stream".

Round dance game “Spring is Red.” And the sun was clearly hot, hot. And gold spilled and spilled everywhere. The streams along the street kept babbling, still babbling. The cranes were babbling and flying and flying.

Station "Tsvetochnaya".

Thousands of flowers adorn the earth, but the very first gifts of spring - our humble primroses - especially excite with their delicate aroma and delight with their beauty.

1) He was the first to crawl out of the mud in the thawed patch. He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. ( snowdrop) Snowdrops are listed in the Red Book.

2) I’m wondering what color it is - Dandelion or not? If it is, then it’s very strange, Why does it bloom so early? ( coltsfoot)

3) A flower like a bell, a white corolla, it does not bloom magnificently, whether it rings or not is heard. ( lily of the valley)

Early flowering plants require our care and respect. You can't pick these flowers. Without them, the forest and meadow will become poorer, and together with them we will become poorer, since we will lose their tender beauty. In addition, some early flowering plants, such as coltsfoot and lily of the valley, are medicinal. Lily of the valley is a little forest doctor. If you prepare a medicine from it, it will help a sick heart. And coltsfoot will help with coughs, headaches, for the heart, kidneys and stomach.

Quiz station.

Answer the questions: 1.Where do swallows make their nests?2.What happens to the ice on the river in the spring?3.Chicks have bright red or orange mouths. Why? 4. What do swallows make their nests from? 5. What flowers appear first in the spring? 6. What birds arrive first in the spring? 7. Why do people hang birdhouses in the spring? 8. Why should we take care of early flowering plants? 9. What appears in the fields? when does snow melt? 10.What does snow turn into in the sun?

Name the extra word: March, April, May, January. Snowdrop, birch, lily of the valley, dandelion. Frost, drifting ice, icicles, drops. Hare, fox. Dog, bear.

Guess the riddles: 1. In a blue shirt he runs along the bottom of a ravine. ( stream)2. Housewarming party for the starling, he rejoices endlessly So that we can have a mockingbird, we made... (birdhouse)3. The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life, The day arrives, when does this happen? ( in the spring)4.Finally the river woke up, turned from side to side, The ice crackled, breaking, which means soon...( ice drift).

Match the beginning of the proverb with its ending: He who sleeps in spring cries in winter. Water flowed from the mountains and brought spring. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves. Mother Spring is all red. Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard. April with water, and May with grass.

Ira “Collect a snowdrop.”

Result: The decoration of the spring land is always elegant and festive. Spring awakens filial feelings in us with renewed vigor and increases our love for our homeland.

It's here! Nature is awakening after winter, the sun is shining brightly, the snow is melting, birds from warmer climes will soon return to the forest, filling the forest with singing. The birds are about to sing, the flowers will bloom, and the forest will be dressed in green foliage.

In spring, snow begins to melt in the sun and turns into water; streams fill lakes with water; birds arrive; buds appear on trees from which small leaves grow; birds make nests, and insects appear in the forest and the entire flora and fauna awakens from hibernation.

(Some pictures in which the pen cursor appears can be downloaded in large size. To do this, click on the picture to open a large picture for downloading)

Presentation for children: spring season

Month of MARCH.

March - Protalnik, because the snow begins to melt and the first thawed patches form. Look how bright the sun is sharing its first warm rays with us! Now the snow begins to sparkle in the spring rays, a little more and streams will run, noisy water will run along the roads.

(S. Marshak)

The loose snow darkens in March.
The ice on the window is melting.
Bunny running around the desk
And on the map
On the wall.

What are we doing in March

In March, the weather is still wet, sometimes raining, sometimes snowing, so you definitely need to remember to take an umbrella when going outside. March 8 is International Women's Day, which means congratulations to mom. Despite the fact that the sun is warming up more and more, the air is still cold, so the snow will lie until the very end of March, or even until the first days of April.

What do we celebrate in March

In our country and in many other countries, International Women's Day is celebrated. On this day, our mothers receive gifts from us. This day is also called Spring Day.

The month is APRIL.

April - Snowman, because the snow melts quickly, spreading in streams. Well, if you come closer to the trees and look closely at the branches, you can find small fluffy lumps on them. These are buds - the first leaves will soon emerge from them. Look around, the snow has almost melted, only small dark crusts of dirt remain, and in some places, in open areas, green grass has already appeared

(S. Marshak)

April, April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields,
There are puddles on the roads
The ants will come out soon.
After the winter cold.

A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood.
The birds began to sing songs,
And the snowdrop blossomed.

What are we doing in April

In April, the air temperature rises to 10 degrees or higher and then, in the very first days of the month, the snow begins to melt abundantly. The heat turns snow into water, which is why there are so many streams in the arpel. You can make a boat out of paper and launch it along a cheerful stream in the yard.

What do we celebrate in April

April 1- April Fool's Day. On this day you can prank anyone, but they can also prank you, so you have to treat everything with humor.

April 22- It's Earth Day. Day of our planet on which we live. It is also a celebration of the clean Water we drink, the Earth we walk on and the Air we breathe.

Month of MAY.

May - Traven, because grass appears everywhere and young leaves reach for the sun. So nature has completely cleared itself of winter. There is nothing left of the snow, and the grass around is turning green and the first green leaves are appearing on the trees. Listen! Like birds in the spring forest, rejoicing in the sun.

(S. Marshak)

The lily of the valley bloomed in May.
On the holiday itself - on the first day.
Seeing off May with flowers,
The lilac is blooming.

What are we doing in May

May begins with the May Day holiday. This is a day of peace, labor and spring! And following it on May 9 is the Victory Day holiday. It's already getting warm and you can go for a walk in a light coat. While walking, look at the trees and see how many small leaves are blooming. Very soon the trees will be unrecognizable; they will all be dressed in green outfits.

What do we celebrate in May

May 1- Spring Festival and Labor Day. On this day you can walk a lot, because the sun begins to get hot and flowers appear.

May 9- Victory Day. On this day, more than half a century ago, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defeated the enemy, defeating evil and gave us a world that we need to appreciate!

Tasks-games for children about spring

Picture of the season: spring. Collect a clock picture from the four seasons. The remaining parts of the dial can be found on other children's pages about

Goal: To develop visual perception, auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills. Activate a high-quality dictionary. Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of spring, teach them to independently find them, and establish connections between seasonal changes in nature. To develop in preschoolers the ability to perceive the image of spring through different genres of art: artistic, poetic, musical. Developing concentration. Learning to express thoughts clearly and accurately. Development of fantasy. Improve the skills of selecting and using grammatical means of the language: verbs and adjectives to nouns. Strengthen the ability to select antonyms, the ability to form superlatives of adjectives, the ability to coordinate numerals with adjectives and nouns. Enrich your vocabulary and develop coherent speech. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature. Objectives: To consolidate children’s knowledge about spring, its signs, characteristics, to be able to remember the signs of spring. To develop imaginative thinking, perception, imagination in children, to develop a sense of color and creativity. Foster a love of nature, interest in activities, and continue to teach how to work collectively. Development of creative imagination and imaginative thinking. Development of artistic abilities, emotional responsiveness to works. To develop listening culture skills in children. Introduce children to the ancient customs of welcoming spring. Continue learning to solve riddles about spring, memorize chants about spring. Teach preschoolers to convey mood using intonation, promote the development of expressiveness of children's speech. Practice word formation of adjectives from nouns, develop vocabulary. To develop children's aesthetic perception of spring nature. Material for the lesson: Mnemonic tables for the seasons, dummies of fruits, vegetables and forest products; tables that show tips for describing vegetables, fruits, forest products (where they grow, color, taste, how they are used); pictures depicting wild and domestic animals; a painting of animals; recording of bird voices in spring, pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds.

Directions of development Cognitive - speech Social - personal Artistic - aesthetic Physical development Educational areas Communication Cognition Reading art. liter. Mathematician WalkSocialization LaborSafety Art. creative Music and Fizkul et. Health Types D.i. “Beasts in the Spring” D.I. Rainfall observations: trees in April. Di. “Whose bow” Observation of insects Topic: “What colors for spring.” Topic: 2 Introducing the doll to spring.” Topic: “Spring has come to us.” Experience “Properties of objects”. Experiment: “Heating water.” Sound cult. speeches: (H), (K) Nursery rhyme “Ladybug”. Memorizing the poem by S. Pogorelsky “April Rain.” Di. “Tell me how much” Count to five. Quantitative and ordinal counting within 5. Orientation on a piece of paper. The game “Who can go through their maze the fastest?” Game "What happened for?" Long-term observation “Plant growth”. Games ex. “Go to the bear’s house.” Set. for the birds. Observation “The first insects”. Game control “Obstacle course”. Observation “Birdhouse inhabitants”. Duty. time obs. "Plant Development". Observation Planting trees. Theater. ex. "Goat".Teatre. ex. "Hamster and."S.R.i. “Mom is getting her daughter ready for kindergarten. garden.". Games sit. "Polite little elephant." Di. "Who called?" We plant flowers in the flowerbed. Game situation “How the bear was getting ready for a walk.” Cleaning the site. Conversation “Caution on the street.” Conversation, dis. illustration: “Place for bathing.” Iso; "Green Kingdom". Modeling "Ladybugs". Icon “Rain”. Application “Lilac in a basket”. Modeling “I am a beautiful bird.” Cartoon concert “We are singers.” Choir game “Vanya Walks.” Musical game “Zainka” by A. Lyadov. P.i. "Find your color." Games ex. "Sunny bunny and." Rus. adv. game “Filns and Birds”. Under. game “Runs to the flag”. Tempering according to the scheme. Conversation “Washing every day.” Games sieve "After ear brush." Contents of work on the topic of spring