Orthodox holidays of saints in September

Troparion of the Prophet Samuel, tone 2

The gift of much honor was given to the barren womb/ and was sacrificed, for the burnt offering was acceptable to the Lord,/ having served Him in holiness and righteousness,/ thereby we honor you, the prophet of God to Samuel,// prayer book for our souls.

Translation: A gift especially revered was given to the barren womb and offered as an acceptable burnt offering to your Lord. You served Him holy and righteously, therefore we honor you, God’s Samuel, as a prayer book for our souls.

Troparion of the Prophet Samuel, tone 5

From your mother, whose name is the Denmark of God, / from God the title was granted in infancy, / honorable prophet Samuel, / kindly shepherding the disobedient people, / and the organizer who appeared as king, / and about us , who faithfully honor you, pray to the True God, // may he save souls our.

Translation: You appeared through the prayers of your mother, bearing the name “God heard”, you were honored by the calling of the Lord in infancy, revered prophet Samuel, you shepherded the rebellious people well and became the founder of the kingdom (of Israel), and for us, who honor you with faith, pray to the True God, may he save our souls.

Troparion of the Prophet Samuel, tone 2

Thy prophet Samuel is remembered, O Lord, in celebration, / thus we pray to Thee: save our souls.

Translation: We celebrate the memory of Your Prophet Samuel, O Lord, therefore we pray to You: “Save our souls.”

Kontakion of the Prophet Samuel, tone 8

Like a much-honoured gift, before conception was given to God,/ and from a young age you, like an angel, served him, most blessed,/ and you were deemed worthy of the future message./ Moreover, we cry to you: Rejoice, Prophet of God Samuel, great bishop.

Translation: As a particularly revered gift, before conception you were dedicated to God, and from a young age you served Him as an Angel, all-blessed and honored to prophesy about the future. Therefore we appeal to you: “Rejoice, prophet of God Samuel, great bishop.”

Kontakion of the Prophet Samuel, tone 8

The anointing king,/ especially the holy God-seer David,/ the great Samuel,/ strive to pray for us,/ let us be anointed with the Holy Spirit with the ointment/ and we will be strangers to hostility,// like David is an evil spirit to the hundred spirit of Saul.

Translation: to the kingdom of the holy Seer of God, great Samuel, hasten to pray for us, so that we may be anointed and be alien to evil, like David was to the unclean spirit of Saul.

Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Bishop of Tobolsk

Troparion to the Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Bishop of Tobolsk, tone 7

Among the saints you appeared to be a wonder, / inspired by zeal for God, Hieromartyr Hermogenes. / And to the flock of Siberia, a guide in suffering, / sharing bonds and imprisonments with the Sovereign, / and suffering the path to death having fallen,/ in heaven you have received the reward of your labors, // praying for our people are unto the Lord.

Translation: You appeared amazing among the saints, inspired by God, Hieromartyr Hermogenes. And being a Siberian guide in martyrdom, sharing bonds and imprisonment with the emperor and having completed the journey as a martyr, in heaven you received a reward for your labors, pray for our people to the Lord.

Kontakion to the Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Bishop of Tobolsk, tone 4

We glorify you, Hieromartyr Hermogenes, as a representative before the Lord for the Russian country.

Translation: Having accomplished the holy feat perfectly and having courageously completed your life as a martyr, we glorify you, Hieromartyr Hermogenes, as an intercessor before the Lord for the Russian country.

“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”() ; give everyone yours. Hence the law: do not please God with just one aspect, but with every aspect in which you can and must please; Direct all your strength and every way to serving God. Saying: "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's", The Lord showed that such action was pleasing to Him.

If by Caesar you understand all the orders of earthly life, necessary and essential, and by God - all the orders of the Church established by God, then it follows that all the paths of our life are overflowing with ways to salvation. Just pay attention and have time to use everything and act everywhere in accordance with God’s will, the way God wants you to - salvation is at your fingertips. You can arrange yourself in such a way that every step is a deed pleasing to God, and, therefore, a step towards salvation, for the path of salvation is a procession along the path of God’s will. Walk in the presence of God, listen, reason and, without sparing yourself, immediately begin the task that your conscience points out to you at that time.

On September 2 we celebrate the day of the prophet Samuel. It stands on the brink of two decisive eras in the history not only of the Israeli people, but also of humanity. Before him, the Israeli people recognized God as their “only” Lord, the only master of their destiny. Saints ruled on earth: patriarchs...

The Orthodox calendar for September is rich in important events. This month marks one great holiday, two twelfths, and one one-day fast. Let us remind you which holidays are celebrated by the Orthodox in September and on what dates.

Great holiday in the Orthodox calendar for September

The September holiday, which is one of the great ones, is Beheading of John the Baptist which is celebrated September 11.

It is clear that the date of the martyrdom of the Baptist John is called a holiday rather conventionally. The church and believers mourn on this day the death of one of the most revered saints. John the Baptist is revered above all other saints except the Mother of God. In memory of his death on September 11, it is always a short one-day, but very strict fast, only one of three one-day fasts throughout the year.

According to biblical legends, the order to kill John the Baptist was given by King Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, who killed many thousands of Bethlehem babies out of a desire to kill the future Savior.

Herod Antipas actually treated John the Baptist quite favorably and with a certain respect. Herod's wife Herodias, who had previously been the wife of Herod's brother, disliked the Baptist. Since the king's brother was alive, and Herodias became Herod's wife, John the Baptist spoke extremely disapprovingly of this in his sermons, which led to his arrest and imprisonment. Herod Antipas, however, was in no hurry to obey his wife and destroy the Baptist, but with great pleasure communicated with the prisoner and took advice from him.

Herodias achieved her goal during a festive feast in honor of Herod's birthday. The queen's daughter, the stepdaughter of Herod Antipas, came to the festival and danced so well that the king, impressed by the dance, ordered her to ask for anything as a reward. The daughter consulted with her mother and asked for John's head. The king, so as not to go back on his word, gave the order to behead the Baptist’s head. The order was immediately carried out, and the head was brought to the feast on a tray...

Orthodox twelfth immovable holidays in September 2017

As in August, in September two twelfth holidays are celebrated at once, that is, such holidays are among the 12 most important and significant, marking the most important events in the earthly journey of Christ and the Mother of God. Both of these September holidays are immovable, that is, they are always celebrated on the same dates, without “traveling” on the calendar after Easter.

The first of these holidays in September is Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is celebrated September 21.

The parents of the Mother of God, Joachim and Anna, lived to a fairly advanced age by the standards of that time, childless. In the Jewish society of that time, childless families were not only not held in high esteem, but were openly despised. Despite the fact that Joachim and Anna were very humble and deeply religious people who gave a lot to other people, at some point Joachim was not allowed to make a sacrifice in the temple due to the fact that he, a descendant of King David, had no children and can continue his family line.

Joachim was so offended and his sadness at not having children increased so much that he went into the desert and vowed to God not to eat anything until he had a child. Anna, having learned about her husband’s act, also began to pray fervently and promised in her prayers that if she had a child, she would devote his life to serving God. During one of these prayers, angels appeared to Anna, as well as to her husband, who was in the desert, and reported that their prayer had been heard and they would have a daughter. The angel ordered to name her daughter Mary, and when Anna had a girl, she was named that way, and when the child grew up, he was raised to honor God. This is how the future Mother of God was born.

The second twelfth holiday of September - Exaltation of the Holy Cross, it is celebrated September 27. This holiday is dedicated to an event already in the 4th century AD, when Tsar Constantine not only stopped the centuries-old persecution of Christians, but recognized the Christian faith as the main one. The king's mother, Elena, was very concerned about finding the very cross on which Christ was crucified. Having gone to Jerusalem, she conducted a whole investigation, which led her to a cave in which three crosses were buried, and a pagan temple was erected on top.

Having unearthed the crosses, Elena and Patriarch Macarius, who helped her in the holy task, began to find out which of them was the same cross. They took turns applying crosses to the seriously ill man, until finally one of them healed him. The same cross even helped resurrect the deceased, which finally confirmed Elena and Macarius in the correctness of their find.

Part of the cross was eventually sent to Tsar Constantine, and part remained in Jerusalem, where it still resides in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

Published 09/01/17 00:13

Today, September 1, is also the Day of Knowledge, and Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Adha.

What church holiday is today, September 1, 2017: Thekla the Beetroot Girl (Andrey the Teplyak)

On September 1, 2017, the national holiday Thekla Svekolnitsa is celebrated. On this day the Church remembers the martyrs Andrei Stratelates, Thekla, Agapius, and Timothy of Gaza.

At the beginning of the 4th century, Saint Andrew, who was then serving in the Roman troops, being a Christian, was able to convince many soldiers to renounce paganism. For this he was summoned to the court of the emperor. Neither Andrei nor his squad renounced their faith and were subjected to torture. Having learned about a possible mutiny of soldiers who intkbbee respected and appreciated A. Stratilates (commander-in-chief) as a warrior, the ruler ordered the release of the martyrs and kill them secretly. Accepting death, the saint asked God to send people a healing spring in the place where the blood of the martyrs was shed.

Thekla was born in Gaza City. All that is known about her is that she was thrown to the mercy of predators during the great persecution of Christians in 304. Together with her, Agapius and Timothy suffered martyrdom.

The name of this holiday - "Beetroot" - appeared due to the fact that beet harvesting began on this day.

On this day, according to tradition, boys who are 4 years old are mounted on a horse for the first time.

It is believed that those born on Thekla will grow up smart, and if you cannot peer into the fire on this day, you may lose your sight.

September 1, 2017 marks the Muslim holiday of sacrifice - Kurban Bayram (or Eid al-Adha). It is part of the rite of pilgrimage to Mecca and is celebrated on the 10th day of the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar Dhul-Hijjah and lasts 2-3 days.

Celebrations of Kurban Bayram begin early in the morning. Muslims go to the mosque for morning prayer, but first they must perform a complete ablution, put on new and neat clothes, and, if possible, anoint themselves with incense. It is not recommended to eat before prayer. At the end of the morning namaz (prayer), believers return home, and then, if desired, gather in groups on the street or in courtyards, where they sing the praises of Allah (takbir) in chorus. Then they go again to the mosque or to a specially designated area, where the mullah or imam-khatib delivers a sermon.

After finishing the sermon, Muslims usually go to the cemetery to pray for the dead. Returning from the cemetery, they begin the sacrificial ritual as a sign of readiness to serve God. To make a sacrifice, Muslims specially fatten the chosen animal.

Having completed the slaughter, a Muslim should not skimp on food; he must feed the poor and hungry. Ritual treats - khudoyi, sadaka - are also arranged to avoid all kinds of misfortunes and illnesses. People try to give gifts to loved ones, friends and relatives on holidays. In the days following the holiday, visits are usually made to relatives and close friends, since visiting sacrifices on the days of the holiday is considered blessed and desirable.

What holiday is today 09/01/2017: Knowledge Day

Traditionally, September 1 is celebrated as Knowledge Day in Russia. This national holiday symbolizes the beginning of a new school year. Another name for this day is the First Call.

Knowledge Day became an official holiday in 1984, after the publication on June 15 of Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 373-11 “On declaring September 1 a national holiday - Knowledge Day.”

Until 1935, our country did not have a single start date for classes in educational institutions. In urban schools, children began studying in August, in rural schools - in mid-autumn, when agricultural work ended. However, in 1935, the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the CPSU introduced a uniform start of classes in schools on September 1, established the length of the school year and the dates of the holidays.

In schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, ceremonial assemblies are held on September 1. Often this day is not a school day.

Class teachers of schools conduct introductory lessons and class hours for their students, during which they talk about peace, kindness, patriotism, and safety rules. High school students traditionally celebrate the holiday in a group. They visit cinemas and cafeterias, go to amusement parks and go on excursions.

Statehood Day of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Statehood Day of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic was established in 1997 on the occasion of the adoption of a new constitution for the region. In 1921, on September 1, by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR, the Kabardian Autonomous Region was created. A little later, this district was transformed into the Kabardino-Balkan Autonomous Region. The capital was the city of Nalnik.

Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Traditionally, Independence Day is celebrated in Uzbekistan on September 1. In 1991, on August 31, the Extraordinary 7th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic was held in Tashkent. It was there that the state independence of the country was proclaimed. The Declaration of the Supreme Council on the state independence of the Republic was also adopted there.

At the 8th session on November 18, the Supreme Council established the State Flag of the country. On December 15, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was created, which was adopted a year later on December 9. Various events are dedicated to this holiday today. Concerts, performances and other events are held in the Alisher Navoi National Park. The president himself also takes part in the celebration.

Srila Prabhupada's Birthday

Adherents of Hinduism celebrate on September 1 the birthday of the Bright Personality and his divine grace A.Ch. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This goyar man wanted to fulfill the order of his spiritual teacher. So he created the International Religious Movement for the first time.

Subsequently, it expanded across all continents. For the first time in history, it was Prabhupada who widely disseminated the teachings of the founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism and introduced the world to bhakti yoga. This person is a Hindu Wainavi religious leader, translator and author. He is also considered one of the founders of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. The movement he founded began to spread Hinduism throughout the world.

Andrey, Nikolai, Timofey, Thekla.

  • 1255 - Königsberg fortress founded.
  • 1910 - the first Russian gramophone record factory opened - the Aprelevsky Record Plant.
  • 1939 - World War II began.
  • 1951 - The Mossad foreign intelligence service was created in Israel.
  • 1969 - birthday of the Belarusian ensemble Pesnyary.
  • 1985 - The wreckage of the Titanic is discovered in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • 2004 - terrorist attack at secondary school No. 1 in the city of Beslan.
  • Natalya Naryshkina 1651 - Russian queen.
  • William Stanley Jevons 1835 - English economist.
  • Innokenty Annensky 1856 - Russian poet.
  • Edgar Burroughs 1875 - American writer.
  • Andrei Platonov 1899 - Soviet writer.
  • Seiji Ozawa 1935 - Japanese conductor.
  • Roh Moo Hyun 1946 - Korean President.
  • Gloria Estefan 1957 - Latin American singer.
  • Gennady Bachinsky 1971 - Russian radio and television presenter.
  • Sergey Bobunets 1973 - Russian rock musician.

Among believers, it is customary to honor and respect traditions. Orthodox holidays also apply to this. Compliance with them is steps towards understanding religion and the exploits of saints. Various rituals and traditions help to feel the need for faith, education of the spirit and piety. What church holidays will the Orthodox celebrate according to the calendar in September 2019?

In September 2019, there are three major church holidays that must be honored by every Orthodox person in order to comply with religious standards of life. Let's look at them.

Beheading of John the Baptist

This church holiday is celebrated September 11. It has a very heartfelt and spiritual story. The basis of the story is that John the Baptist was an exposer of human sins and openly, honestly and directly told them about it. In a personal conversation with King Herod, he also did not restrain his gift, which allowed him to see the most secret and dark corners of his soul, and told him that he had broken the seventh commandment of Moses. The fact was that Herod took his brother’s wife away and, during Philip’s life, he himself married her, thereby committing the sin of adultery. Herodias, that same woman, willingly agreed to such a proposal. The pagan king, of course, could not stand the truth and imprisoned John. The people who respected and valued the saint as a famous prophet did not allow him to be killed. However, on his birthday, King Herod was so inspired and enchanted by the dance of Herodias’s daughter that he promised to fulfill any of her wishes. The mother persuaded the young dancer to ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. A little saddened, Herod kept his word at the same moment and satisfied the girl’s desire.

This holiday is celebrated to honor the sacrifice of the Forerunner, who was not afraid to speak the truth, sincerely believed in Christ the Savior and preached the true faith.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The day appointed to celebrate this event is September 21. On this day hundreds of years ago, the Virgin Mary was born, who later gave birth to Christ. Her conception occurred exactly nine months before the moment of birth in the very decent and pious family of Joachim and Anna, after long prayers for a child. Joachim, who decided to make a sacrifice in the temple, was refused by the high priest, since he did not bring offspring for the city. However, after diligent prayers, the voice of God descended to them, who notified them of the possibility of a successful conception.

This holiday did not immediately become popular in the Christian religion. It became a mandatory celebration after the next Great Council of priests, who established it in the 6th century and introduced it into the church. Now it is a holiday that heralds the end of the harvest, the onset of cold weather and symbolizes prosperity for the family for the coming year. Also, Anna, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the patroness of agriculture, the earth mother, and especially simple earthly mothers.

This is a wonderful, good holiday that is celebrated by absolutely all Christians, regardless of whether they are Catholic, Orthodox or any other. True, the dates and customs are slightly different, but not the meaning of the holiday.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

September 27 This spiritual holiday is celebrated. It was accepted for obligatory celebration thanks to the excavations of St. Helena, who put a lot of effort into finding the grotto in which the son of God was buried. This queen conducted excavations in the fourth century and actually found the burial place of Christ. Thanks to her, the cross was taken out and a temple was erected in his honor. They determined its authenticity by touching a sick woman. When she touched the Cross of the Lord, she was miraculously healed. She took part of the shrine and nails with her. In addition, she wished to build about 80 temples in memorable, iconic places visited by Jesus or his companions.

In addition to the mentioned event, on this date the return of the Cross of the Lord is also traditionally remembered. The fact is that one day Jerusalem was plundered and the shrine of the Christian faith was taken away from the country along with Patriarch Zacharias. Only after 14 long years and a successful war with the invaders was it possible to return the relic. This became an important moment in the Christian faith and the victory of those who believe in the Lord. There was a big holiday in Jerusalem at that time, and as a result, this significant event was added to the celebration of the erection of the Holy Cross.

Each of the listed holidays is a special ritual that gives every believer a relationship with God, an understanding of sacred history and the exploits of great people. Praying to them and imitating their piety, learning mercy and sacrifice - this is the main goal of every day dedicated to one or another saint or shrine. Having studied the schedule for 2019, you will always be aware of which day you should pray harder so that God or his messengers and prophets will hear you.

September 11, 2019 - Beheading of John the Baptist.
September 21 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
September 27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

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St. Nicholas Lebedev, presbyter (1933).
(the festival was established in memory of the deliverance of Moscow from the Tatars in 1591).

90 If a polyeleos service is performed in honor of the Don Icon of the Mother of God, then at Matins the Gospel of Luke is read, 4 ch., I, 39–49, 56, and at the liturgy - readings of the day and the Mother of God: Phil., 240 ch., II, 5–11. Luke, 54, X, 38–42; XI, 27–28.

Troparion of the Martyr Andrew Stratilates, tone 5: Having left your earthly glory, / You inherited the Kingdom of Heaven, / You adorned your imperishable crowns with drops of blood, like a wonderful stone, / And you brought yourself to Christ ter passion-bearer./ From the faces of angels in the evening light/ You found the never-setting Sun of Christ,/ Saint Andrew Stratilates,/ pray for him with those who suffered with You,// may He save our souls. Kontakion of the Martyr Andrew Stratelates, tone 4: In your prayers you stood before the Lord,/ like a star who preceded the Sun,/ and you saw the desired treasure of the Kingdom,/ filled with unspeakable joy./ To the Immortal King for endless ages,/ from the angel to the incessantly praised one, eat, Andrei Stratelates, // with him, pray unceasingly for everyone us. Troparion of the Mother of God before Her Donskaya Icon, tone 4: Intercessor of the faithful, Most Blessed and Quick,/ Most Pure Virgin Mary!/ We pray to You before Your holy and miraculous image,/ yes, as ancient as from Him, your intercession/ was granted to the city of Moscow Yes, / so even now, mercifully deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes // and save souls, as the Merciful One. Kontakion of the Mother of God before Her Donskaya Icon, tone 8: To the chosen Voivode, victorious,/ as having got rid of the evil ones,/ let us write thanksgiving to Thee, Thy servants, Mother of God,/ but, as having an invincible power,/ free us from all troubles, let us call Thee: Rejoice, news Nevestnaya.

The school year is an important stage in the life of everyone who studies or just enters school. In general, studying at school is one of the most important stages of human life, because during this period a personality is formed: a person is either smart or not very smart; either educated or not very educated; either good or evil. The latter is especially important, because a person who has peace and joy in his heart turns it towards others and becomes a peacemaker. Probably, each of you has heard how elders do not find a common language, enter into conflicts, and such quarrels greatly hurt the heart, especially a child’s. And if quarrels occur on the scale of a team or an entire country, then this is a big disaster - many people suffer. In order to live without conflicts, you need to get used to this from childhood. And there is only one way - to do as much good as possible to people, and in response to this, someone will respond kindly to you. This is how our life is filled with goodness, and where there is goodness, there are no conflicts.

Liturgical instructions awaited