Feeding a child during colds and flu. A child has a stomach ache: possible causes and how to provide first aid. When you need to urgently call a doctor. Video consultation What to give a child for tummy troubles

What can you give to make the pain go away? Parents whose children are in any age category may encounter this problem. There can be many reasons why a child has a stomach ache. This could be dysbacteriosis, which often occurs in infants, or pain associated with the penetration of parasites into the body of children. In any case, to resolve pain symptoms it is important to determine the reason that caused them.

1 What to do if a newborn has a disease

What to do if your newborn baby has a stomach ache? Firstly, mom needs to calm down, because she nervous condition Not in the best possible way will affect the child's well-being. Secondly, you should understand that the most common cause of abdominal pain in infants is so-called colic. Manifestations of flatulence in young children are quite easily explained by the fact that their gastrointestinal intestinal tract and the enzymatic system are still in the development stage and simply cannot cope fully with the incoming food. This is especially pronounced when complementary foods are introduced early or if the child is bottle-fed.

How to treat such a manifestation? From many mothers you can hear the words “in such cases I give dill water.” Indeed, this folk remedy has a good effect in many cases. Dill water can be purchased at pharmacy chains or prepared at home yourself. Water prepared with dill will help get rid of muscle spasms in the intestinal tract and promote the rapid passage of food and gases.

Often young mothers complain that folk remedies do not cope with the task. Then they come to the rescue medications. Any medicine from the “colic” series is sold in a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription, but it is still recommended to consult a specialist. Only a pediatrician who has personally examined the child can choose the right the right remedy and prescribe a regimen for its administration.

Most often, for infant flatulence, carminatives are used, such as:

  • Bobotik;
  • Espumisan;
  • BabyCalm;
  • Bebinos;
  • Plantex.

All these means allow you to quickly get rid of gases, driving them through natural pathways.

In addition to such drugs with a carminative effect, doctors prescribe antispasmodic medications. Taking them can significantly improve the well-being of a small child. Similar antispasmodics include No-shpa and Drotaverine. But their use must be supervised by a pediatrician.

In addition, manifestations of dysbacteriosis require the use of medications that contain lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Of course, parents should not immediately resort to using various medications to get rid of colic, since there are many ways to rid the baby of excess gas formation, including massaging the tummy, placing the baby on his stomach, the mother reviewing her diet in order to exclude foods from it, promoting increased gas formation.

2 How to treat pain caused by poisoning?

As a child grows up, he tries more and more new food products, but his intestinal tract does not always have time to adapt to the products offered for processing. Quite often, it is the child’s body that reacts to new or “contaminated” products with toxins and microorganisms most acutely compared to the adult’s body.

Signs of poisoning are quite easy to differentiate from symptoms of other diseases, in particular these are:

  • acute abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • rise in temperature;
  • weakness;
  • dehydration.

How to help a child with poisoning, what can you give him during this period? We should start with something that does not begin with the selection of medications. Before deciding what can be given to a suffering child, you must complete the first point of the following algorithm:

  • Step 1 – gastric lavage;
  • Step 2 – taking enterosorbents;
  • Step 3 – compliance with the drinking regime;
  • Step 4 – colon cleansing.

Before giving your child any of the medications in your home medicine cabinet, he needs to rinse his stomach. To do this, you need to make sure that the child drinks about 1.5 liters of water. Of course, in most cases, the suffering baby will refuse, fearing that it will get even worse, but this must be done. Next, you should provoke him by putting his finger in his mouth and lightly pressing on the root of his tongue. In addition, you can first add 1-1.5 tbsp to the water. l. soda

It is important to remember that such washing is only permissible for children over five years of age. For children under 5 years of age, rinsing is performed only in a hospital using a special probe.

What can be given for abdominal pain after rinsing? The answer to this question will be the next step of the algorithm of actions described above. Enterosorbents are special medications that can be used to reduce the concentration of toxins in a child’s body. The following sorbents can be used to treat children from the first days of life:

  • Polysorb;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Smecta;
  • Polyphepan.

When using enterosorbents, it is important to consider the dosage and the fact that the drug should be prescribed by a specialist. As a last resort, you can consult with an ambulance paramedic.

The third step in case of poisoning is to provide the child with plenty of fluids. At this stage, the child should be given as much fluid as possible to replace fluid loss caused by diarrhea or vomiting. Drinks may include:

  • green and black tea;
  • still mineral water;
  • pharmaceutical saline solutions.

The next step involves performing a cleansing enema. In case of serious poisoning or parents lack confidence in their own abilities and the correctness of the procedures, it is better to seek professional medical help by calling an ambulance.

3 Effective medications

Quite often, a child's complaints of abdominal pain are actually complaints of stomach pain. What to do if your child has a stomach ache? It is necessary to be guided by reliable information about the causes of pain. And for this you should be examined by a doctor.

The most common cause of stomach pain in children is gastroduodenitis. Treatment of pain caused by the manifestation of this pathology should be recommended by a doctor only after the child has undergone a special diagnostic examination. In general, the big task of normalizing the child’s condition is assigned to a special diet.

What can you give a child with manifestations of gastritis? What remedies will be most effective? First of all, preference is given to agents that can reduce the acidity of gastric enzymes. These medications belong to the group of antacids:

  • Almagel (prescribed from the 2nd month of life);
  • Maalox (prescribed from the 4th month of life);
  • Megalac (prescribed from 12 years of age);
  • Phosphalugel (prescribed from 12 years of age).

Each of the listed products contains magnesium and aluminum, which “quench” acid. Taking such drugs is allowed strictly as prescribed by a doctor, as well as in compliance with the recommended doses half an hour before meals or an hour after it.

  • Ranitidine (from 12 years old);
  • Zantac (from 12 years old);
  • Gistak (from 12 years old).

The use of any of the drugs indicated above requires a doctor’s prescription and further monitoring on his part of the condition of the little patient.

If speak about symptomatic treatment with manifestations of gastritis, it should be noted that similar treatment, as a rule, is prescribed by a doctor for no more than a week. In this short period of time, it is important to adhere to the doses and dosage regimens recommended by the specialist. In general, treatment involves taking 3 types of drugs: choleretic drugs, drugs that promote the movement of food through the intestines, and biological products.

4 Folk remedies

For abdominal pain in both adults and children, you can use traditional medicine, but this must be done with caution, since it is the child’s body that can respond in an unpredictable way to the use of folk recipes.

Probably the most delicious and healthy way is to treat pain with honey. But such a remedy can only be used if you are completely sure that the child is not allergic to honey and bee products. Taking honey helps reduce acidity in the stomach, eliminate heartburn, and heal ulcers and erosions. A child needs to take 20 g of honey, diluted in 1/3 glass of warm water. You should drink honey water at least an hour before meals or 2.5-3 hours later.

For abdominal pain, you can give your child chamomile tea. To do this, you need to brew a chamomile-colored bag in a glass of boiling water and let it brew. This tea will not only relieve severe pain in the stomach, but also normalize the child’s nervous state.

In addition to honey and chamomile, one of the remedies available to almost every housewife that can be used is lemon. The juice of half a lemon is diluted in warm water. This remedy can be drunk throughout the day.

For pain caused by gastritis with low acidity, the child can drink half a glass of currant juice three times a day.

You can use warm cabbage juice using the same scheme.

The herbal mixture prepared from 3 parts of dandelion root and 1 part of fennel fruit also receives good reviews. Mixture in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water. The infusion is prepared within 20-25 minutes. You need to drink half a glass up to 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

5 Activated carbon

Most popular means, applicable for abdominal pain, in our country is ordinary activated carbon. But can it be given to children? The answer to this question will be in the affirmative; it is only important to know the intricacies of taking activated carbon.

Activated carbon can be used in the treatment of children of any age, including infants. If the use of this drug is necessary when carrying out therapeutic measures on infants under 1 year of age, the tablets must be dissolved in water. The dose is divided into 4-5 doses throughout the day.

In general, the amount of activated carbon consumed depends on the child’s weight.

In most cases, the intake of activated carbon occurs in accordance with the scheme: 3-2-2. What does it mean? It's quite simple. You need to drink charcoal 3 times a day, 2 hours before meals or 2 hours after them. This scheme is quite reasonable. Being a sorbent, activated carbon not only removes substances harmful to the body, but can also capture useful ones. This is why taking activated charcoal should not be combined with taking food or other medications.

It is best to use activated charcoal for pain caused by poisoning or disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to abolish the use of activated carbon for dysbiosis; in this case, probiotics will be more beneficial.

Treatment using activated carbon in the vast majority of cases does not exceed 5-7 days. Excessive use of activated charcoal can cause constipation in a child. Coloring stool black is considered normal.

“Mom, my stomach hurts!” – one of the most common complaints of children at any age. Babies who have not yet mastered speech skills express pain by crying, whining, and bending their knees to their chest. Unfortunately, often mothers, without understanding the causes of the disease, simply stuff their children with analgesics and antispasmodics.

Discomfort and pain in the abdomen are a serious signal from a fragile child’s body that it needs help. The pain can be caused by simple indigestion, or it can be one of the manifestations of a serious illness that requires surgery. medical care. Therefore, it is so important to be able to carry out an initial diagnosis in a timely manner and alleviate (and not harm!) the child’s condition before the doctors arrive.

Remember that severe abdominal pain is a reason to consult a doctor immediately!

Causes of abdominal pain and accompanying symptoms

Abdominal pain can be short-term and long-lasting, sharp and weak, in the area near the stomach or throughout the abdomen, but the main rule in this situation is that you cannot wait until the pain becomes unbearable, and unless it is heaviness from eating too much , you need to call a doctor immediately.

The most common causes of abdominal pain in a child:

  • Colic

They usually affect infants up to 3-4 months old. The baby draws in his legs, starts screaming, spins and tenses. The pain is relieved by placing a heated diaper on the stomach or drinking dill water. You can try carrying the baby in a column. For particularly excruciating pain, when the child does not sleep at night, the pediatrician prescribes a special medicine. For example, Espumisan, Bobotik, Plantex. ()

  • Constipation

In this case, colic is also accompanied by bloating. Usually you can’t do without an enema () or a special suppository (glycerin or sea buckthorn). ()

  • Crick

Manifests itself in the form of acute and sharp pain while walking or trying to sit up straight. Is the result of severe physical overexertion, sometimes manifests itself after vomiting or severe cough. Apart from pain, nothing bothers the child, he has a normal appetite and is in normal condition.

  • Intestinal obstruction

Characteristic of infants aged 5–9 months. Requires urgent contact with a surgeon. Associated symptoms are nausea, vomiting, blood in the stool.

  • Flatulence (bloating) and accumulation of gases

The child becomes capricious and nervous, sleeps poorly. During feeding, the baby may greedily grab the breast or pacifier and then suddenly spit it out. After feeding, belching may be observed. Quite often, flatulence is a sign of other more serious conditions.

  • Worms

Usually these are roundworms. The pain is not as acute as with colic or constipation, but it appears regularly. Additional symptoms are headaches, flatulence, itching in the anus. It is a mistake to believe that grinding your teeth in a dream is associated with worms in the body.

  • Intolerance to any product

Lactose intolerance (milk and dairy products) is most common in children. Malaise begins 30 - 40 minutes after consuming the product. In addition to pain, the child suffers from bloating, diarrhea, and sometimes vomiting. The pain is colic or cramping in nature.

  • Jaundice

The disease is quite serious and contagious. Severe pain is localized in the liver area. The sclera of the child's eyes turn yellow, and the urine takes on a dark tint. The disease requires emergency medical attention. ()

  • Inflammation of the testicles

Usually the child feels pain in the lower abdomen, radiating from the scrotum. Inflammation can be caused by testicular torsion, hernia, or ordinary bruise. It is important to provide qualified medical care.

  • Pyelonephritis

This disease is typical for girls. Acute and quite severe pain is localized in the lower back, side, and lower abdomen. They are usually accompanied by fever, headache, weakness, increased sweating, chills, nausea and vomiting. The disease is very serious, it is caused by inflammation of the renal pelvis. The cause may be bacteria entering the urinary system or an obstruction in the flow of urine from the kidneys. The disease can be treated with medication, but in particularly severe situations there is no other option other than surgical intervention.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • Gastroenteritis
  • Appendicitis

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendage of the cecum, called the appendix. It usually occurs in 1 in 6 children. And until two years of age, as a rule, it does not worsen. Most often, children aged 8 to 14 years are susceptible to the disease. At first, a dull aching pain in the right or lower abdomen, loss of appetite, weakness, vomiting, and fever are typical. Then sharp cutting pains occur and perforation of the appendix wall quickly develops. All its contents pass into the peritoneum, which poses a serious risk to the child’s life. This cannot be done without urgent surgery. (appendicitis)

Symptoms for urgently calling an ambulance

  1. For a child under 5 years old, the pain does not go away for more than 3 hours. The baby is capricious and nervous.
  2. Abdominal pain is accompanied by rashes on the child’s skin or inflammation of the joints.
  3. Abdominal pain is accompanied by diarrhea, fever, severe nausea or persistent vomiting.
  4. The pain is localized in the umbilical area.
  5. The child refuses food and water due to abdominal pain.
  6. Severe abdominal pain after a fall or blow to the stomach.
  7. The pain is accompanied by weakness, pallor, and loss of consciousness.
  8. The pain occurs at night.
  9. Abdominal pain and lack of stool.
  10. Regular pain lasting more than 2 weeks.
  11. Frequent abdominal pain and weight loss (or developmental delays).
  12. Frequent pain that recurs regularly over several weeks/months (even in the absence of other symptoms).

Dr. Komarovsky tells us when a child urgently needs a doctor for abdominal pain:

Stomach hurts - first aid

The good news is that quite often pain is caused by indigestion or poor diet, which is harmless and easily goes away after the causes are eliminated. If the pain becomes more and more severe and other signs characteristic of certain diseases are added to it, you should not hesitate to call a doctor.

First aid before the doctor arrives

  • Unless you are a medical professional capable of making an initial diagnosis, do not give your child any medications. They can harm or “blur the picture” of the disease, which will complicate the doctor’s diagnosis;
  • Don't feed your baby, but provide drinking plenty of fluids, especially with vomiting and diarrhea. You can drink Regidron, a self-prepared water-salt solution or still water (lemonade, juices and milk are prohibited!);
  • Control the temperature. If it rises above 38 °C, you need to give the baby an antipyretic;
  • It is very important not to place a heating pad or warming compress on your stomach. Heating provokes inflammatory process and the child’s condition may deteriorate sharply;
  • If you are sure that the cause of the pain is bloating, give the patient a medicine based on simethicone;
  • Make sure your child is not constipated. Regardless of the result, an enema cannot be performed by a doctor until a professional diagnosis is performed;
  • If your tummy hurts, your temperature rises, and vomiting or watery/smelly diarrhea begins, get ready to treat an intestinal infection (most often this is what is hidden under such symptoms.


The lion's share of the most dangerous diseases, hidden under severe abdominal pain and, as a rule, requiring the intervention of a surgeon, are not accompanied by low-grade fever! Fever is usually a “companion” of infections.

If you have the slightest doubt, call a doctor - do not delay seeking qualified help. No matter what “cases” await you, no matter how afraid your child is of doctors, call an ambulance without hesitation! It's better to be safe than sorry.

Functional pain – how to help a child?

Children aged about 7 – 15 years often have so-called functional pain - in fact, it is not clear what is caused by it, the nature of the manifestations is similar to migraine. They are usually referred to as pain that is completely unrelated to surgery or infection. Even a deep examination does not find the cause of the pain, but despite this, they are not a figment of a child’s imagination, so as not to go to school or not to put away toys. Children really suffer from them.

Functional pain can be caused by:

  • Overwork;
  • Stress or nervous tension;
  • Functional dyspepsia (stomach dysfunction, painful digestion);
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract without any organic causes);
  • Abdominal migraine (cramping in the abdomen, accompanied by headache, pallor, nausea and vomiting) - as the child grows older, the disease turns into migraine headaches.

Functional pain is not dangerous and does not pose any health risks; over time they cease to occur (they do not require specific treatment). However, for children suffering from such pain, it is very important proper care. To help ease your child's condition:

  • Peace of mind and care from loved ones. Create a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere of kindness and safety for your child. Don't allow yourself to have negative emotions;
  • Diet. It has been scientifically proven that introducing grains, vegetables, fresh fruits and dried fruits into the daily menu will help relieve symptoms;
  • Medicines. If the pain is severe, there is no need to force the child to endure discomfort. Mild analgesics can be given: ibuprofen or paracetamol;
  • Diary of illness. Recording observations will be useful for medical history and understanding “where the legs grow from.” You should record the period of pain (how long it lasts), the means of easing it (what you use to relieve it) and the situations in which the pain occurs.

Consultation with a specialist: What to do if your child has a stomach ache

Dudchenko Polina. Family doctor, neonatologist, lactation consultant:

The child has a stomach ache – Dr. Komarovsky’s School

Abdominal pain sooner or later, often or rarely, but occurs in any child. And parents are faced with the question: is it dangerous or not, what to do about it; When should you see a doctor immediately, and when can you wait? TV presenter Yanina Sokolova is no exception; she is also very concerned about these questions, and she came to Dr. Komarovsky to understand this topic:

When a baby gets sick, the whole family begins to worry. At the first manifestations of the disease, you should immediately contact a specialist. But mothers are advised to know the main causes of nausea and methods of treatment.

Nausea in a child is a consequence of a variety of reasons. This unpleasant condition does not always manifest itself from poisoning, as most parents think. In this article we will find out why a child feels sick, what it depends on, what causes the illness and how to help the baby after the first symptoms appear.


The reasons for the feeling of nausea are different. They can be caused by poisoning, overeating or stress. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify what caused the formation of this disease. The causes may be common or situational.

Common Causes

Food poisoning. It can be caused by eating low-quality or expired food. Food that has not been stored properly contains pathogenic microorganisms. When they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they begin to negatively affect and form toxins. Very often, nausea manifests itself very sharply, 3-4 hours after eating. The baby begins to feel unwell and slightly dizzy. First, nausea appears, then vomiting and diarrhea. In most cases, nausea in a child is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 37-38°C. Intestinal infections. At the moment it is very well known a large number of intestinal pathogens. These include salmonella, E. coli, staphylococcus, and rotaviruses. Sources of infection are animals or sick adults. A baby can transfer infection to his body from a carrier through toys, household items, drinking water, and food. At the first stage of the disease, symptoms are minor. But the baby has slight dizziness, lethargy, and general weakness. Once tired, the child may become moody, overexcited, or irritable. Only after this does nausea and vomiting appear. Then there is pain in the stomach, bloating, increased gas formation in the intestines. Undigested food particles remain in the stool and vomit. Diarrhea forms, body temperature rises to 37.5°C. In rare and very severe cases, vomiting of bile and fever up to 40° may occur. The course of the disease depends on the type of infection. Acute infections. These types of infections are not associated with the digestive system. The main symptoms include vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and a slight increase in temperature up to 37°C. The manifestation of such symptoms occurs in severe stages of the disease. Pathologies usually include pneumonia, various forms of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, and pyelonephritis. The main difference between acute infections and intestinal infections is the preservation of stool in an unchanged state. Children do not develop diarrhea or diarrhea. Vomiting of bile is excluded.

Situational reasons

Nausea associated with traveling in public transport. This condition manifests itself due to disorientation in space. There is a disruption in the functioning of the inner ear. When your body position changes, signals are sent to the brain. Based on the information received, the body's balance is disrupted. Shaking, chaotic traffic movements and changes in speed lead to a malfunction, which manifests itself in the form of nausea. In most cases, the causes of motion sickness lie in feeling unwell child. Before the trip, doctors recommend avoiding eating too fatty, overcooked and heavy foods, which can aggravate the feeling of nausea. Recommended to eat green apple or pickled cucumber. You can drink herbal tea made from mint or lemon balm. Foreign body in the stomach. When a foreign object is in the body, it is called a foreign body. It can enter a child's body by ingestion or inhalation. In rare cases, items fall into surgical intervention or penetrating wounds. After the object hits the baby, nausea and vomiting begin. Such symptoms appear within a few minutes. Complications may include vomiting bile, bleeding, perforation of the stomach wall, difficulty breathing, and dizziness. Surgical pathologies of the digestive tract. Nausea may be one of the signs of acute inflammation of appendicitis. The organ is located in the lower abdomen. When inflammation occurs in this area, sharp, unbearable pain occurs. Symptoms may include dizziness, diarrhea, and increased body temperature up to 38°C. Diseases that affect the central nervous system. To very serious and dangerous diseases may include encephalitis or meningitis. The main symptom of such diseases is nausea. It is worth considering that vomiting does not bring the desired relief. General state the child is disturbed. There is weakness and dizziness. Often there is no appetite at all. The baby becomes whiny and capricious. There is a decrease in motor activity. Photophobia and headaches begin. There may be sudden screams. In severe stages of the disease, vomiting of bile, loss of consciousness, and complete refusal of food and water are observed. The child begins to have seizures. The temperature rises to 40°C. Nausea after vigorous activity. This condition may occur after active games or sports. The child feels sick after playing football, hockey, ice skating, running, or doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar. When a child is prone to this type of nausea, it is necessary to limit sports loads or physical activity. It is necessary for the baby to drink more water. Nausea in the morning. If a child feels sick in the morning, then this manifestation indicates hunger. The feeling of nausea can be completely eliminated simply by having breakfast. You can give your baby fresh fruits, dairy products or infusions of medicinal herbs. Nausea in the morning may also indicate intracranial pressure. Therefore, if the feeling of nausea does not go away after a hearty breakfast, then determine the real reason The occurrence of such a manifestation can be determined by a neurologist. Nausea after severe nervous tension. Very often, nausea occurs after a nervous breakdown. The emotional state is affected by a change of situation, a quarrel, a fight. In this case, the child must be provided with moral support. This nausea does not last long. The baby can be given sedatives or brewed herbal teas. You can make decoctions from rose hips, cones, and currant leaves.

Combinations with other symptoms

Nausea and fever may indicate the presence of intestinal obstruction, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, or acute appendicitis. Nausea and headache indicate increased intracranial pressure, migraine, fatigue, stress, brain tumor, meningitis, borreliosis. Nausea and diarrhea indicate the presence toxic substances in the child's body. This manifestation may be a consequence of overeating and consumption of heavy foods. It may also indicate the presence of cancer, stressful situations, allergies or intolerance to certain foods. Nausea and dizziness indicate labyrinitis, cervical osteochondrosis, vestibular neuritis, Meniere's disease, head injuries, pathology of the eye muscles. May be a consequence of taking medications or stressful situations. Bile nausea indicates liver disease, gall reflex, gallbladder disease, or bile ducts. Bile nausea indicates acute form, pancreatitis, cyclic vomiting syndrome, small intestinal obstruction.

What to do?

It is necessary to take any action after the first symptoms appear only after the causes of the illness have been identified. Self-medication is not recommended. Incorrect diagnosis and self-treatment at home can cause side effects. You cannot risk the health and life of a child. Parents need to contact a professional specialist. Only after consulting a doctor can you perform the following steps.

First aid

If a child is vomiting, the first thing you need to do is call an ambulance. The child is then placed on his side. You should not place your baby on his back, as in this case there is a risk that he may choke on vomit. You can give your baby decoctions of medicinal herbs. Mint, lemon balm, fireweed, and field chamomile are perfect. They will help prevent dehydration. Newborns and babies under one year of age can be given two teaspoons of liquid every 5-15 minutes. Small children from one to three years old can be given four teaspoons of liquid at identical intervals. Older children are given two to four tablespoons. When the baby’s condition is assessed and there is no threat to life, gastric lavage can be done after taking the liquid. Children can be given medications that eliminate the disease and improve the general condition of the child. But in order to relieve the first symptoms, you need to consult a specialist. When the baby’s condition worsens, there is blood in the vomit or the baby is vomiting bile, it is necessary to urgently take the child to the hospital without waiting for an ambulance. Often the medical team does not arrive on time. And delay can cause not only side effects, but also death.

In what cases should you call an ambulance?

It is mandatory to call an ambulance for children under three years old; A doctor is called if the child is nauseous for a long period; Consultation with a specialist is necessary if the baby vomits bile; If during feeding the body does not accept food and intake, responding with a gag reflex; If the baby has chills, dizziness, convulsions, severe headaches; If the vomit contains blood clots; If the child’s body is severely dehydrated;


Treatment and elimination of nausea depends on the diagnosis.

First, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease, and then begin treatment.

If you eat low-quality food and experience the first symptoms of poisoning, it is recommended to do gastric lavage. To do this, use solutions of soda or potassium permanganate. It is important to start doing gastric lavage before toxins begin to be absorbed into the blood. Otherwise, serious side effects will be detected. Children can use Smecta. The active action of this drug occurs in the intestines. The use of dill water is allowed as a folk remedy. One tablespoon of dill seeds is poured into two glasses of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. Consume one tablespoon three times a day. It is also allowed to do lemon water with the addition of lemon, orange or tangerine zest. In the presence of intestinal infections, the main symptom is dehydration. The child may feel a lack of fluid in vascular system. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish fluid as soon as possible. Babies are given it during feeding, older children consume water in 2-3 doses per hour. As a treatment, you can do gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Infusion therapy may be prescribed, which includes the administration of medicinal solutions intravenously. The use of antibiotics is permitted. Cephabol or Claforan are perfect. As a traditional medicine, children can be given a decoction made from calamus root. The product not only relieves dizziness, nausea, and stomach cramps, but also eliminates infectious agents. 10 grams of crushed roots are poured into two glasses of boiling water. Then simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and taken up to six times a day. You can make lotions from the product and use it to wash wounds. Acute infections have a short incubation period. Therefore, the longer treatment is delayed, the more difficult it will be to cure the baby. When the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately consult a specialist. The doctor may prescribe drug treatment, physical therapy. Patients need to follow a diet that promotes the fastest possible recovery of the body after illness. It is necessary to consume large amounts of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Activated carbon and Enterosgel for children are allowed to be used as medications. Oak bark can be used as a folk remedy. It is poured with one liter of boiling water and simmered over low heat for ten minutes. Strain and consume up to six times a day. The decoction eliminates dizziness, nausea, and the feeling of vomiting.

If it comes to vomiting or there is a suspicion of this, then be sure to watch this video

Preventive actions

To prevent nausea, you must:

Avoid eating expired, low-quality food; It is necessary to do heat treatment of kitchen equipment; Medicines should be taken strictly according to the instructions; When experiencing motion sickness in transport, it is recommended to take appropriate medications. For example, Relanium, Medazipam, Prazepam; It is recommended to stay in smoky rooms as little as possible; You should walk more often and be in the fresh air, do exercises; You need to sleep at least eight hours a day; You should make a proper diet. When feeding newborns, dishes must be subjected to heat treatment;

Nausea is an unpleasant symptom that occurs due to different situations. If a child is sick, then first of all it is necessary to identify the cause of the illness. If the baby’s condition worsens, you should contact a professional specialist. In simple cases, you can use folk recipes.

It must be remembered that preventing nausea is easier than treating it.

Do you still think that healing your stomach and intestines is difficult?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about surgery? This is understandable, because the stomach is very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, bowel dysfunction... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? Here is the story of Galina Savina, about how she got rid of all these unpleasant symptoms... Read the article >>>

Nausea in a child can be caused by a number of reasons. Most often, this condition is caused by problems with the digestive system. However, there may be other reasons. If a child is vomiting, what should you do in this situation? Let's find out from our article.


Poisoning, as a rule, occurs after a child eats low-quality food containing substances harmful to the body. If a child is sick, what should you do in this situation? Doctors recommend drinking more in case of poisoning to prevent dehydration. Liquid should enter the body often, but in small quantities. If this condition is not accompanied by temperature and other dangerous factors, sorbents can be given (Polysorb, Enterosgel, Atoxil, Smecta, activated carbon). If possible, before using these drugs you should rinse the stomach or induce vomiting (by pressing on the root of the tongue).

Poisoning, accompanied by fever, continuous vomiting and diarrhea, requires immediate medical attention. IN in this case there is a possibility of an intestinal infection and the development of severe dehydration.

Binge eating

Did your baby feel nauseous immediately after eating? Perhaps he overate or tasted too much fatty foods. IN early age The baby’s body is not yet able to cope with such food. If this is the reason, then the nausea will be short-term and one-time. In this case, the child should be given complete rest, freeing the body from excess clothing. To restore bowel function, you can stroke your tummy clockwise.

If a child is sick, what to do in this situation? Doctors recommend giving a quarter of a tablet of Festal, Mezima or half a teaspoon of Almagel. Before taking, be sure to read the instructions so as not to harm your baby even more.

Intestinal infection

And if a child feels sick and has a stomach ache, what should you do in this situation? There may be an intestinal infection here. This condition is caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the gastrointestinal tract, which begin to rapidly multiply and impede the work of other important bacteria. This disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

morning sickness; vomiting; abdominal pain; diarrhea; elevated temperature;loss of strength; chills.

Treatment is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, depending on the type of bacteria. It is not recommended to fight the disease on your own due to the high likelihood of developing severe dehydration.

Motion sickness

What to do if your child feels sick during a long trip? This indicates weakness of the vestibular apparatus. In this case, you should quickly take the baby to Fresh air. This will help him bounce back faster.

Avoid overeating before your trip. On the road, be sure to take a couple of lemon slices or a sour apple. In this case, drinking heavily is not recommended. It is better to give liquid in small portions. If possible, give your child a seat in the front of the vehicle so that he or she can see the road through the windshield.

Neurological diseases

If a child feels sick and vomits - what to do? As a rule, neurological diseases are accompanied by nausea in the morning, repeated vomiting, high body temperature, severe headache and even convulsions.

This condition is considered serious and requires immediate medical intervention.

Increased intracranial pressure

What should you do if your child feels nauseous and has a high body temperature, a severe headache and uncontrollable vomiting? Such symptoms may indicate increased intracranial pressure. As a rule, this condition occurs due to head injury, inflammation in the brain, bleeding, or tumor.

If you experience the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Acute appendicitis can also occur if a child vomits? What to do in this situation? First, you need to figure out whether this disease really caused the nausea. Acute pain in the right and central parts of the lower abdomen, constant vomiting, elevated temperature - all these signs are characteristic of the presence of appendicitis. This disease requires urgent surgical intervention.

Penetration of a foreign body into the stomach

A child at this age tries to taste everything by heart, so often some object ends up in the stomach. What to do if a child feels sick for this very reason? When swallowing a large object, discomfort most often occurs. This occurs due to spasm of the smooth muscles of the stomach.

In this case, the baby begins to vomit undigested food with mucus or blood. Sometimes rapid breathing and excessive salivation may occur. If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Waiting in this case, much less self-medicating, is categorically not recommended.

In addition to other causes, nausea in a child can also occur with:

stress; developing dehydration; panic; allergies; taking medications, antibiotics; Gilbert's syndrome, etc.

What to do if a child is vomiting?

If nausea is not accompanied by other symptoms, then you can do it on your own. If you are sure that the baby has been poisoned by poor-quality food, then in this case you should empty the stomach of unnecessary contents. To do this, give the child plenty of warm boiled water and press on the root of the tongue. When the stomach is completely empty, give the sorbent.

It should be noted that the room should be cool. Warm and dry air makes the situation much worse. Under no circumstances should overheating be allowed.

You should not try to feed your child after an attack of nausea. On the first day, especially after poisoning, it is better not to give him food at all (if you really want it, a cracker) - just give him something to drink. Water must be purified and still.

What to do if a child is sick? Mild herbal decoctions will also help relieve an attack. In this case, chamomile and mint are considered the most effective. A teaspoon of herb should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. It should be noted that this method is well suited if a child (2 years old) is vomiting. What to do if the child is younger? For this situation, children's stores and pharmacies sell special teas intended for the appropriate age.

As for anti-nausea drugs, such as Metoclopramide, Cerucal, they only relieve attacks, but do not treat the very cause of this condition. Moreover, some drugs are contraindicated for small children and doctors do not recommend giving them on their own.


If a child feels sick and vomits, what should I do? Many parents ask these questions. Doctors recommend not to self-medicate, but to urgently consult a specialist who will make a timely diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Nausea in a child can be caused by several factors. In 95% of cases, these are malfunctions of the digestive organs. Less commonly, nausea occurs with damage to the central nervous system. According to the nature of the course, the child’s condition is satisfactory with slight malaise, moderate severity With additional symptoms(temperature) and severe (the child is in a semi-conscious state). What to do if a child is sick, what ways are there to help at home?

Symptoms of the pathological condition

Nausea is not a disease. This is a symptom that accompanies diseases or damage to internal organs and systems.

The main sign of nausea is discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the stomach, which children endure painfully.
. The condition spreads throughout the upper regions digestive system- esophagus, pharynx. There is a feeling of a lump in the throat, a false urge to vomit without vomiting.

Against the background of nausea, the child experiences a deterioration in general health. Weakness develops, physical activity decreases, and headache appears. The desire to vomit only worsens the condition, since the absence of vomiting does not bring relief.

Nausea in children may be accompanied by additional pathological signs:

digestive system – vomiting, diarrhea, increased salivation, pain in the epigastric region; nervous system– darkening of the eyes, dizziness, drowsiness, rapid breathing and pulse, shallow breathing, feeling of lack of air; symptoms of intoxication - weakness, excessive sweating(especially in infants), hot flashes, clammy and cold skin, slight increase in temperature, in children of the first year of life, weight loss.

How do you understand when a child who cannot yet explain his condition is vomiting? The baby is constantly naughty and refuses to eat. The general condition is restless, periodically there is causeless crying, during which the baby sweats intensely. At the same time, the arms and legs are cold to the touch.

Causes of nausea in children

If the intensity of nausea is insignificant and the child’s overall condition is normal, this is a functional disorder of the digestive system. The reason is nutritional errors:

systematic overeating; products that do not correspond to the age category; low-quality infant formula; improper introduction of complementary foods; heavy food - fatty, fried, smoked, salted, pickled, excess seasonings and spices; violation of feeding regime; consumption of exotic dishes and products.

Functional disorders that cause nausea are associated with the immaturity of the child's body. This condition occurs as a result of a lack of pancreatic enzymes, insufficient bile flow into the duodenum.

The second most common cause is food poisoning or acute intestinal infection. In these cases, nausea and vomiting in the child are the main symptoms. Their intensity and nature determine the degree of damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Pathology develops as a result of the ingestion of spoiled products contaminated with bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, dysentery). Food poisoning is not always accompanied by an intestinal infection and differs from it in that the child does not have high temperature, excessive repeated vomiting or diarrhea, dehydration and severe intoxication of the body.

Other causes of nausea in a child:

Nausea as a side effect when taking medications. Weak vestibular apparatus, which is normal for children. Nausea in children occurs when traveling by car or on public transport (motion sickness). It can also occur with a sudden change in body position if the child is weakened during a long illness. Long-term therapeutic diet. Brain injuries - bruise, concussion, compression. Common reason in preschool and younger children school age– sun or heat stroke. Internal diseases - gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia (obstruction) of the bile ducts, malignant tumors, ARVI. Entry of a foreign body into the stomach.

First aid for a child with symptoms of nausea

Diagnostics, First aid tactics and symptom management depend on the types of nausea, which are classified according to their origin:

Reflex – after eating. Toxic – as a result of exposure to poisons, toxic substances, pathogenic microorganisms. Vestibular – disruption of the vestibular apparatus (responsible for coordination of movements). Brain – for somatic and infectious diseases brain. Metabolic – metabolic disorder, vitamin deficiency.

General principles of first aid

If the child is over 2 years old and feels relatively normal, you can cope with nausea on your own. The baby needs to call a pediatrician at home for inspection and recommendations on further actions. If the child’s condition is serious, accompanied by additional symptoms (the child begins to vomit) and rapidly worsens, it is necessary to call an ambulance, regardless of the age of the victim.

Put the baby to bed and free him from tight clothes. Wipe the skin of the face, neck, chest, hands with a towel dipped in warm or cool water. If the child is worried about chills, cover him with a warm blanket or blanket. During nausea, there is no need to force the child to eat something. The products will irritate the mucous membranes and increase discomfort.

If nausea occurs after eating, you can try to induce artificial vomiting. This will significantly improve the child's condition. To do this, let the child drink 1-2 glasses of water for a short time, sit him on a chair, then press on the root of the tongue with two or one finger (depending on the child’s age) and provoke a gag reflex. This procedure cannot be performed on infants, as there are big risk entry of vomit into Airways.

Parental tactics for dealing with certain types of nausea

Treatment directly depends on the cause of nausea. The first action is to eliminate the provoking factor.:

refusal to eat; drug withdrawal; removing warm clothes; stopping exposure to the sun; stopping and exiting vehicle to fresh air.

Binge eating

Nausea occurs due to insufficient breakdown of food into proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, the child needs to be given enzymes. These drugs are of natural origin, safe for the health of children, and do not have serious side effects. They improve digestion and absorption of nutrients.

The drugs are available in tablets and capsules. The tablets are coated with a special coating that does not dissolve in the stomach. This is necessary for the enzymes to enter the duodenum. Only in this case will they be effective. Therefore, you should not bite or crush the tablets.

Pancreatic preparations:

Pancreatin. Mezim. Festal. Pancreol. Enzistal.

Children who cannot swallow a pill on their own are given the drug Creon. It is available in capsules, the contents of which are small granules coated with insoluble gastric juice shell. The drug can be given with milk, formula and any other food.

You can give your child antacids for nausea without vomiting.. They gently envelop the walls of the stomach, relieve irritation of the mucous membrane, and reduce acidity. Antacids relieve symptoms such as heartburn, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, and abdominal discomfort. Most drugs are available in the form of a suspension or powder for its preparation, less often in tablets.

List of drugs:

Almagel. Phosphalugel. Maalox. Gaviscon. Gastracid. Rennie.

Folk remedies help to quickly cope with nausea. Babies in the first year of life are given dill water. You can prepare it yourself, but you must strictly adhere to the recipe. It is better to purchase ready-made granules in a bag at the pharmacy, dissolve them according to the instructions and give them to the child throughout the day. It relieves nausea, cramps, is a mild laxative and diuretic.

Plantex. Dill water. Dill. Children's instant teas based on fennel - “Hipp”, “Baby”, “Bebivita”, “Humana”.

For school-age children, if they feel nauseous, you can offer green tea with a slice of lemon. Decoctions of lemon balm or mint and tincture of orange peels will also relieve the unpleasant symptom.

Poisoning or acute intestinal infection

In this case, you can give the child some remedy for nausea, but it will be ineffective, since the infection is always accompanied by vomiting. Moreover, taking the drug can speed up its appearance.

Against the background of intoxication of the body, children rapidly develop dehydration. Loss of fluid is dangerous for a small organism. Therefore, at the stage first aid The key is to provide the baby with plenty of fluids. You need to drink warm liquid, often and in small sips, so that it has time to be absorbed in the stomach. You should not drink in one gulp or in large quantities, this will provoke additional vomiting and increase dehydration.

As a liquid, the child can be offered any water without gas.(refined, mineral), compote, juice or fruit drink diluted with water, non-hot tea. Abundant intake of moisture into the body will reduce intoxication and reduce symptoms of nausea and headaches.

Head injuries and brain diseases

In case of traumatic brain injury, it is contraindicated to give the child any traditional anti-nausea medications.
. The mechanism of development of this symptom is not related to the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore all drugs will be ineffective.

If serious brain damage has occurred, and nausea and vomiting are constantly present in the child, the following medications are prescribed:

Diazepam. Domperidone. Lorazepam Aminazine.

The listed drugs are potent narcotic neuroleptics with many side effects. They are prescribed only by the attending physician. These drugs are not available for free sale in pharmacies. They are available by prescription only.

Assisting a child with motion sickness in transport

If a child gets sick in the car, you need to stop immediately, open the window; in the warm season it is better to go outside
. Unbutton outerwear, top buttons on a shirt or jacket, loosen the collar. Provide maximum access to fresh air.

Offer to drink water. If there is no obvious urge to vomit, you can give your child a lollipop for nausea. Wipe the skin of the face and neck with damp hypoallergenic (non-scented) wipes. The movement can be continued when the nausea subsides and the child’s well-being improves.

Gagging without vomiting in a child is a common phenomenon that parents encounter throughout the entire period of growth and maturation of children. To provide first aid, you need to analyze and correctly assess the baby’s condition.. If you suspect the seriousness of the problem, do not self-medicate, but consult a pediatrician or call an ambulance.

Diarrhea is frequent (more than 2 times per day), uncontrollable discharge of feces in liquid form. This occurs due to the accelerated passage of intestinal contents. Almost all young parents have encountered this problem and often throw up their hands in confusion about what to do if their child has diarrhea: wait until everything goes away on its own, or take some measures, treat, or use folk remedies.

It is advisable to know as much information as possible about this intestinal disorder in order to prevent complications. And first of all, you need to think about what caused it.

For the most part, the causes of diarrhea depend on the age of the child. Each period of a baby’s life is characterized by special factors that contribute to loose bowel movements. This is especially true for the little ones.

Here, for example, is what may cause diarrhea in an infant:

  • formation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • on the teeth when they erupt;
  • enzyme/lactose deficiency;
  • if a breastfed child has diarrhea, this may be a reaction to mother’s milk: it can be too thin, excessively fatty, or contain laxatives due to the mother’s failure to comply with a special diet;
  • incorrect introduction of the first complementary foods;
  • artificial mixture.

External reasons (typical for any age):

  • food poisoning from low-quality products;
  • fruits and vegetables that have a laxative effect;
  • Diarrhea is very common after antibiotics.
  • constant prolonged stress, nervous disorders;
  • poor hygiene: dirty hands, unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  • binge eating.

Internal diseases:

  • infections: salmonellosis, dysentery, gastroenteritis, rotavirus;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane in the stomach, intestines, esophagus;
  • allergy;
  • gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, chronic colitis, enteritis, gastric achylia, pancreatic insufficiency;
  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • renal failure.

So diarrhea in a child can be caused by a variety of pathologies and age characteristics body. But with the same frequency, the causes are poor nutrition and poor hygiene. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor these aspects to avoid such trouble. Depending on where exactly the failure occurred, diarrhea can be of different types.

Note to parents. Diarrhea caused by a stressful situation is called bear sickness. It occurs in children if for some reason they are afraid to go to kindergarten or school, or because of family conflicts. To eliminate such diarrhea, you need to give a sedative, take a relaxing herbal bath, and in advanced cases, go with the child to see a psychologist.


Depending on the causes and mechanism of its occurrence, diarrhea in children occurs different types. Based on the classification, doctors prescribe treatment.

Depending on the reasons

  • Infectious

The reason could be any infection: dysentery, salmonellosis, food poisoning, viruses, amoebiasis. Until a child is 2 years old, in winter he often becomes hostage to viral diarrhea. Incubation period may last several days. It all starts with vomiting, continues with diarrhea, and ultimately ends with fever, muscle pain and headache (read about diarrhea with vomiting in). The average duration is a week.

  • Nutritional

The main reason is a long-term violation of the diet, a monotonous diet poor in vitamins, food allergies to foods or medications.

  • Dyspeptic

The reason is a disrupted digestive process due to secretory insufficiency of the liver, stomach, small intestine, and pancreas.

  • Toxic

This is the result renal failure or poisoning (most often from arsenic or mercury).

  • Medication

It is a consequence of suppression of the intestinal flora and dysbacteriosis by antibiotics (less often by other drugs).

  • Neurogenic

The reason is stress, anxiety, fear, anxiety, depression.

Depending on the flow mechanism

  • Hypokinetic: mushy, liquid, small amount, foul odor resulting from a reduced rate of movement of food through the intestines.
  • Hypersecretory: profuse, watery diarrhea is a consequence of increased secretion of salts and water into the intestines.
  • Hyperkinetic: not plentiful, liquid, mushy, the reason is the increased speed of food movement through the intestines.
  • Hyperexudative: watery, not abundant, formed when liquid penetrates into the inflamed intestine.
  • Osmolar: fatty, abundant, with remnants of undigested food, occurs with reduced absorption of salts and water by the intestines.

In addition, depending on the severity of the disease, doctors may diagnose the child with chronic or acute diarrhea. The first continues for three weeks, the second can be stopped during this period.

This does not apply to some specific situations. For example, it is impossible to say exactly how many days dental diarrhea can last: for some it may be a one-time occurrence, for others it will torment the child until the tooth comes out. This sometimes takes a week or even more. Treatment will depend not only on these classifications, but also on the nature of the bowel movements and accompanying symptoms.

Sometimes it happens. When going on vacation with your child, keep in mind that he may develop “traveler’s diarrhea,” which is diagnosed when the climate changes. After adaptation, the stool disorder will disappear.

Clinical picture

Everyone is used to the fact that children's diarrhea yellow color- this is to some extent the norm, indicating the absence of serious pathologies in the body. The most common cause is indigestion due to poor quality food. But there are times when a child’s liquid feces are of a completely different color, and even with different impurities. By carefully studying them, parents will be able to understand the cause of diarrhea and respond to this problem in a timely manner.

  • Light

Diarrhea that is too light in a child can have the most different reasons, among which is such a dangerous disease as hepatitis.

  • Watery

Mucous, watery diarrhea is a common symptom of intestinal infections, overeating, and intolerance to cow's milk. The general condition of the child does not suffer. Quickly leads to dehydration. Very dangerous for infants.

  • Bloody

Bloody stools indicate a bacterial infection. With greenish lumps and red streaks - dysentery. Green or orange flakes - salmonellosis or coli infection. At the same time, the temperature rises.

  • White

Particular attention should be paid to diarrhea white. For infants, in most cases it is not scary, since it is a reaction to breast milk. But at an older age, white diarrhea is the main symptom of hepatitis.

  • Green

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What to give a child when vomiting? This is a question that concerns all parents. Vomiting refers to the sudden emptying of the stomach through the mouth. This phenomenon occurs very often in young children. The reasons for its appearance are very diverse. This may be a consequence of the use of any foods, medications, infections or pathologies of the central nervous system. In most cases, vomiting is preceded by nausea, profuse salivation and deep breathing. Vomiting is very dangerous condition, since if it lasts for a long time, there is a high risk of developing dehydration of the child’s body, which will entail a number of complications. In particularly severe cases, dehydration can be fatal.

1 How to alleviate the baby’s condition before the doctors arrive?

First aid for vomiting involves several important rules:

  1. It is forbidden to leave a child alone if he has frequent vomiting.
  2. When vomiting, there is a risk of vomit entering the respiratory tract. This may cause asphyxia. In order not to endanger the baby's life, you need to turn him on his side and put him in the bed semi-vertically.
  3. After each bout of vomiting, experts advise wiping the baby’s mouth well. clean water. These manipulations will help avoid irritation on the skin. It is very convenient to rinse your mouth with a syringe without a needle.
  4. Before the doctors arrive, you need to make sure that the baby is in bed. Physical activity can only make the situation worse.
  5. You should not give your child any strong medications on your own. Quite often, parents themselves are to blame for the deterioration of their children’s condition. Incorrectly chosen medications can harm the baby.
  6. If there are blood impurities in the vomit, then the baby must be put to bed and an ice pack placed on his stomach. You can also let your baby swallow a piece of ice. The cold will constrict the blood vessels and stop bleeding. If there are drops of blood in the vomit, then you should not give the child a lot of water. If a mother gives a sick child a lot of liquid in the presence of blood in the vomit, then she should not expect the child’s condition to normalize.
  7. You need to temporarily give up food.

2 Drug treatment

Medicines for vomiting for children are different from the medicines most often used to treat adults. All children's pharmaceutical products must contain a reduced dosage of the drug.

Currently, pharmacies have many medications that are produced in the form of sweet suspensions and syrups. Children like such drugs much more, so experts advise paying attention to them. It is advisable to store children's medications separately from adults (so as not to accidentally mix them up).

Smecta is a very popular and effective remedy, which is often used to treat vomiting in children. This medicine is an excellent helper for intestinal infections. You should start taking Smecta from the very first days of the disease. This anti-vomiting medicine comes in powder form. During the day you need to use at least 2-3 sachets of Smecta. The course of treatment usually lasts from 3 to 7 days. In terms of its action, this medicine can be compared with activated carbon(only Smecta is a stronger medicine).

Enterofuril is another remedy that will help improve the condition of the baby when vomiting. This medicine is available in the form of a capsule or suspension. It is an intestinal antibiotic that destroys almost all vomiting agents. The dosage of Enterofuril directly depends on the age of the baby. You need to take this drug twice a day for 1 week.

If vomiting is accompanied by constipation, then experts often prescribe for the baby. These medications should not be used for too long a period, otherwise there is a high risk of complications.

Mezim-Forte is available in tablet form. This medicine can be prescribed to both adults and children. Mezim-Forte contains enzymes that help the baby’s body digest food.

If the cause of vomiting is dysbacteriosis, then doctors advise giving the child Primadophilus, which is available in the form of capsules or powder. This product contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Children under 5 years old should be given no more than 1 Primadofilus capsule per day.

Creon 10000 is often prescribed for vomiting in children. This medicine is produced in the form of capsules, which are very easy to open, and their contents are poured into liquid food or drink.

Motilium for children is no less popular. This medicine is available in the form of a suspension. By giving your child Motilium, you can expect improvements to appear very soon. This remedy helps even with very severe vomiting and nausea. The dosage of this drug directly depends on the age of the baby.

You can treat with tablets such as Lactofiltrum. This medicine inhibits pathogenic bacteria and promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the child’s body. Lactofiltrum is prescribed if vomiting in a baby is the cause of dysbiosis, food poisoning or food allergy. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the baby. Children from 8 to 12 years old can be given the drug three times a day.

3 How to deal with dehydration?

As mentioned above, when children vomit strongly, there is a high risk of dehydration. In this case, Regidron will help with nausea and vomiting. This product is used to replenish fluid when severe diarrhea and vomiting. Rehydron is available in powder form, which must be diluted in warm water. 1 sachet of medicine should be poured into 1 liter of warm water and the baby should be given small sips throughout the day.

To restore salts and fluid volume in children under 1 year of age, experts advise giving the baby formula or breast milk as often as possible. If a child is fed formula, it should not be changed under any circumstances. In between feedings, the baby should be given water with Regidron. An infant should drink 60-120 ml of this anti-vomiting remedy after each episode of vomiting. For these purposes, you can use a small spoon or syringe without a needle. This drug should be given to children until the baby completely satisfies his thirst. If the child vomits immediately after drinking, then you should try to give him something to drink again.

To restore salts and fluids in children over 1 year old, it is necessary to feed them their usual foods. The child’s diet should include a lot of meat, boiled vegetables, flour products and dairy products. For a while, you need to exclude all sweets from your baby’s diet. After several episodes of vomiting, the child should be given 50 ml of medicinal fluid per 1 kg of weight. After some time, you can start giving your baby 100 ml of the product after each episode of vomiting. As in the case of infants, if the child vomits immediately after drinking, then he should be given the Regidron solution to drink again.

4 Herbal medicine

From not only medications, but also traditional medicine recipes. Quite often, to normalize the condition of the baby, homemade medicines that contain herbs and plants are used:

  1. Dill water is excellent home remedy from frequent and strong vomiting. 1 tsp The fruits should be kept in 1 glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. Next, the resulting consistency must be simmered in a water bath for at least half an hour. During the day, the child should be given 1 tsp. such a drug. It can even be used to treat infants.
  2. You can help your child with severe vomiting of bile using a tincture of peppermint leaves. 2 tablespoons of raw material must be poured with 1 glass of boiling water, wait 2 hours and drink 1 tsp. 5 times a day. Peppermint boasts excellent antispasmodic and choleretic properties.
  3. No less popular is a remedy for vomiting, such as lemon balm tincture. Pour 1 spoon of raw material into a bowl, pour 400 ml of boiling water, wrap it in a warm scarf and wait 60 minutes. After 1 hour, the product should be strained, heated and drunk 1/2 tbsp. every 2 hours.
  4. If the child is 3 years old or more, then he can be treated with a decoction of valerian: 1 tsp. Finely chopped dried valerian root should be poured with 1 cup of hot water, boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, wait until the product has cooled, and strain it. You need to take valerian decoction orally three times a day, 1-2 tsp.

Medicinal drugs can be replaced with the following no less effective collection: you need to mix peppermint, chamomile and lemon balm in equal quantities. All herbs must initially be chopped. Pour 1 spoon of the mixture into a cup of boiling water, close the lid and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the finished tincture and give 1/2 tsp to a child under 3 years of age. three times a day.

5 Other popular means

A solution is prepared at home that can be given to the baby instead of Regidron. To prepare it in 1 liter boiled water should be dissolved 1/2 tsp. soda and salt. Add 4 tablespoons of sugar to the resulting consistency and mix everything thoroughly. This solution should be taken orally throughout the day in small sips.

If your child is vomiting, you can give him baked quince. This fruit can also be consumed raw. The quince must first be grated.

You can replace medications with ginger water.

To prepare it, stir 1/6 tsp in 1 glass of hot water. ginger root powder. This remedy will help in a short time and vomiting. It can even be used to treat children under 3 years of age. Such babies should be given 1-2 tsp of ginger water. three times a day.

Medications and home remedies for vomiting in children should never be used without first consulting a specialist. An experienced doctor should tell you what to give your baby. Self-medication often causes allergic reaction or a sharp deterioration in the baby’s well-being.