The original meaning of the name Dmitry. The meaning of the name Dmitry for a boy: raising mother’s reliable support and joy

According to many, a person’s fate directly depends not only on his date of birth, but also on the name he was given at birth. A combination that includes zodiac constellation Under which a child was born, the date and name can help determine the life path and character of a person. Therefore, before giving a name to your child, you should learn more about its meaning. Dmitry, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys is the topic of this material, which will be of interest to many of our readers.

The meaning of the name Dmitry for a boy briefly

Answering this question that interests many - Dmitry, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys, I would like to note that this is quite common Russian name. Nevertheless, due to ancient roots (Greek origin), representatives of the stronger sex with this name can often be found in Western European countries.

  • The meaning of the name Dmitry for a boy briefly suggests that a child at a tender age is more similar to his mother, but over the years this similarity becomes less noticeable. Thanks to his sociability and activity, the boy gets along well with his peers, avoiding conflict situations. This characteristic will also carry over into adulthood.
  • Dmitry succeeds in his studies, but not in all subjects, although he has good academic performance. As a rule, most of his attention is paid to one or several sciences in which he becomes the best. Preference is often given to exact and technical sciences. Dmitry is also an excellent analyst, which is noticeable from early school age.
  • In childhood, boys named by this name often suffer from colds, but with age, health problems go away.

What does the name Dmitry mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

Dmitry, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys in accordance with the church calendar is also quite important.

If you are wondering what the name Dmitry means for a boy, church calendar, then it should be taken into account that this name has ancient, Greek roots. A child whose parents gave such a name at birth is characterized by love of life, sociability and perseverance. That is, by setting a goal for himself, Dmitry will definitely achieve the desired results, and in a fairly short time.

Another characteristic feature of people named Dmitry is the desire to always go forward. As a rule, they never “go back.” Even after experiencing failure in any business, Dmitry never gives up, but moves forward to achieve his goals. Boys named by this name have a lively mind and therefore the exact sciences are easy for them.

Dmitry is good and true friend, whom you can always rely on. The main feature His character is sociability and ease of communication. By character type, Dima is sanguine, which speaks of his ingenuity and perseverance in any matter.

The secret of the name Dmitry: what you should know

Many people know that each name has its own history and secret. The secret of the name Dmitry is that its owner is a person with enormous fortitude, which helps him achieve a lot. This is especially important if Dmitry knows everything about his weaknesses and, accordingly, strengths.

It has a long history, this is explained by its ancient roots coming from the Greek gods and the Pantheon. According to the ancient Greeks, a person with this name was a “initiate” of the goddess of earth and fertility, Demeter. That is, Dmitry was a man close to the land - a farmer, a tiller. This also confirms that Dmitry’s distinctive feature is perseverance in business and sometimes hard and persistent work. As a rule, it is thanks to this that its owner achieves significant results in study, work and life.

Often those who know people with this name are surprised by their fortitude and how they harmoniously combine study and work with everyday activities.

Let us note that Dmitry greatly values ​​his friends whom he meets on his life path. His main positive feature is the recognition of the mistakes he has made, which is a manifestation of fortitude.

Origin of the name Dmitry and its meaning for children

Dmitry is a name related to mythology, and often in ancient times, when parents named their child this name, they believed that it would bring prosperity and prosperity to the child. The historical chronicles of Rus' indicate that this name began to be used in the Christian world much later. Coming from Byzantium, his original pronunciation sounded like Demetrius.

Being interested in such a question as the origin of the name Dmitry and its meaning for children, I would like to note that children with this name are often susceptible to colds. In addition to respiratory problems, they often suffer from instability of the nervous system, which is manifested by frequent moodiness and nervous breakdowns. Nevertheless, as he grows up, the situation changes, and Dmitry becomes a balanced young man with a great thirst for new knowledge, and especially for the exact sciences. Such a character trait as capriciousness is replaced by stubbornness.

When naming your child this name, you should take into account some aspects that are important in shaping his character:

  • The zodiac constellation most suitable for this name is Scorpio;
  • patron planet - Saturn;
  • the most suitable colors in terms of luck are blue and red;
  • stone for a talisman, amulet – lapis lazuli;
  • totem animal - tiger or walrus.

Character of a boy named Dmitry

Note that the character of a boy named Dmitry is different - it all depends on his environment. Despite good performance at school, such a child behaves modestly and calmly. Nevertheless, in the company of like-minded people, he liberates himself and becomes the soul of the party. Also, if someone offends little Dima, despite the apparent calm, he is able to hit back at his offender by starting a fight.

When determining the character of a child, it is important to take into account the season in which he was born.

  • Children with this name born in spring are quite stubborn and unpredictable. Their main feature is the constant search for their direction in life and self-development.
  • Summer Dmitrys are very emotional children. Due to their stubbornness and temper, they are difficult to control, which in adulthood can have a very negative impact both in life and career. Characteristic– amorous and hot-tempered, very jealous.
  • Boys with this name born in autumn are distinguished by such character traits as practicality and prudence. In childhood they have a great interest in learning. In adulthood, this character trait develops into the ability to earn good money.
  • Winter Dimas are people with great ambitions who strive for leadership in everything (family, friendship, study).

The fate of a boy named Dmitry

Most people with the name Dmitry are a cross between a choleric person and a person with a sanguine type of temperament. Often, behind the apparent calm, real passions rage. At a certain point, carefully hidden grievances and dissatisfaction are released, and often this happens at the most inopportune moment.

The sonorous and truly proud name Dmitry. What does this beauty mean? male name? It has quite interesting origin. This name originates from the name of Demeter, the ancient goddess Greek mythology, patroness of soil and fertility. What does the name Dima mean? The meaning of the name Dmitry can be interpreted as “fruit brought to earth” or “gift of Demeter.” Thanks to such an unusual and noble origin, the name Dmitry has absorbed reliability, a joyful beginning and firmness - that is, everything that is characteristic of the earth. What is the secret of the name Dmitry? This is what we will talk about.

Basic character traits

As a rule, children named Dmitry often get sick in infancy. They are susceptible to respiratory diseases and often contract various infections, including rubella, mumps and chickenpox. Because of this, a boy named Dima needs constant care and attention, over time getting used to the fact that everyone and everything should revolve around him. All childhood and most In his youth, his mother took ardent care of her son due to his illness, so for the rest of his life she would become his ideal woman. Dima is a rather capricious child, whose nervous system is quite unstable, so constant crying and hysterics are characteristic of him.

However, oddly enough, with age, demands and the desire to always be the center of attention turn into stubbornness and the desire to reach the top in anything. Therefore, Dmitrys often occupy leadership positions, and their career advancement is more like an elevator that rushes upward at incredible speed. As for intelligence, Dima has a sharp and inventive mind, loves to solve various logic problems. Curiosity and love of work are also inherent in the boy. Owners of this name love comfort, it is difficult for them to limit themselves in anything, any, even the smallest, inconvenience causes them a lot of suffering, makes them angry and nervous.

Distinctive features of the owner of the name Dmitry

The secret of the name Dmitry is that he is incredibly brave and fearless, without a doubt he will rush into the thick of the battle, without even thinking for a second about the consequences. This must be why many great commanders bear the proud name Dmitry (Pozharsky, Donskoy). Unfortunately, Dmitry has a rather unpleasant sin - he is quite amorous and flighty. For Dima, there is nothing terrible or shameful in breaking up with one girl and starting courting another on the same day. This must be the reason why people with this name may get divorced several times in their lives.

Dmitry's touching attitude towards children deserves special attention. Dima will protect his child until his death, while caring and loving as much as not every mother is capable of. In addition, Dima is affectionate with animals, even as an adult, he can bring a wounded stray kitten into the house and leave it, making it a member of the family.

Dima is incredibly loyal to his friends, he is ready to help them in anything without a doubt. Sadly, this is why Dmitry is often taken advantage of, and he is too gullible to notice it.

Dmitry's hobbies

The secret of the name Dmitry is also that he early age characterized by curiosity and purposefulness. As a rule, boys with this name are attracted to the exact sciences; they like to solve geometric problems and complex algebraic equations, which not every adult can understand. In addition, Dmitry has a clear talent in sports disciplines, including football, basketball, boxing and even equestrianism. Danger and risk are attractive to Dmitry, as a result of which he will, without fear, mount even the most likeable horse or enter the ring with an aggressive and dangerous opponent.

Positive traits of Dmitry

Brave and smart, Dmitry attracts attention, he can easily win over any person. It is interesting and fun to be with him, easy-going, the owner of this name calmly reacts to unexpected or unpleasant situations. Dmitry makes friends easily. Dima can defend his friend to the last drop of blood, he is ready to give for loved one life.

If a friend or relative is in a bad mood, Dmitry will definitely cheer you up with his perky and funny jokes. There are always a lot of friends and comrades around Dmitry, as it is interesting to spend time with him. Dima always becomes the “soul” of the company. People often go to people with this name for advice, which they share with great pleasure. Innate leadership qualities give Dmitry the impetus to quickly and easily climb the career ladder.

Dmitry experiences failures painlessly and does not give up his goal under any circumstances. The owners of this name are always purposeful, they know what they want from life. It is difficult to lead him astray from the intended path, since Dima goes to what he wants through any thorns and obstacles with the confidence of a tank.

Negative traits of Dmitry

The secret of the name Dmitry is also that he experiences insult and injustice very hard. At such moments, he is extremely hot-tempered and can lash out even at the person closest to him. Keeping emotions under control is difficult for Dmitry; he needs to speak out, otherwise nervous breakdown and depression cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, the owners of this name are quite demanding of people. Dima sincerely believes that everyone should be as selfless and smart as himself, which is why there is a feeling that Dmitry is overly proud and narcissistic.

Negative character traits can also include the fact that Dmitry puts his goals and desires above all others, and, if necessary, can go over people’s heads without a twinge of conscience. At times he can be tyrannical, which will negatively affect others. He can be overly ambitious and picky, likes to stick his nose into places where people don’t ask.

The influence of the seasons on the character and fate of the owner named Dmitry

What does the name Dmitry mean? Dima's character very often depends on what time of year he was born. Let's consider all four options.

The mystery of the name Dmitry: winter. Boys born in winter time years old and bearing the name Dmitry, most often very stubborn and stubborn children who, as they grow up, only ingrain these qualities in themselves. In addition, winter Dmitry is smart beyond his years and quick-witted, loves to look for a way out using non-standard solutions.

The secret of the name Dmitry: spring. Dima, born in spring, is soft-hearted and truly sincere. He loves animals and is ready to take all the cats and dogs in the city under his wing. Dima, born in spring, knows how to see the beauty of nature, best vacation for him it will be to lie in the shade of trees in a meadow or dig in the beds.

The secret of the name Dmitry: summer. Dima, born in the summer, is cheerful and playful. He is distinguished by a special attitude towards close people; he is ready to forgive them for any behavior and even betrayal. However, despite such an easy attitude to life, Dima is quite self-critical and dependent on the opinions of others, loves to be in the center of attention, which he tries to do all the time.

Autumn Dmitry. Dima, born in autumn, is prone to contemplation and observation. He has an irresistible craving for beauty, appreciates art and music, and often engages in creative activities himself. Depression and blues, unfortunately, are also inherent in the autumnal Dima, but he easily overcomes them, especially if he has the shoulder of a loved one nearby, whose support Dmitry greatly values.


What does the name Dima mean? What character and temperament are the owners of this “strong” name endowed with? Dmitry has an unusual temperament. Sometimes one gets the impression that all four types of temperament are combined in him. Sometimes even the most unexpected and out-of-the-ordinary situations cannot make him angry. And sometimes, on the contrary, even a small thing can make Dima very angry, however, he will try with all his might to hide this irritation. From childhood, Dmitry learns to control his emotions, which, undoubtedly, he masters perfectly by the age of 20-25.

It’s pleasant to be around Dmitry, warmth and positive emotions emanate from him; Dima is simply not capable of being angry or offended for a long time. Ready to apologize to dear person even if you are innocent. Dmitry's temperament can be compared to a spring: he can only withstand a certain load, but can break at any moment.

Dmitry in love, his personal life

What is Dmitry like in love? The secret of his name suggests that he is passionate and gentle at the same time. Dmitry enjoys great success among the fair sex. But unfortunately, Dmitry is fickle. One love for life is not about him. As a rule, Dima continues to have a craving for women until his old age, so it is not uncommon for Dima to take a mistress or file for divorce, inflamed with feelings for another woman. However, the owner of the name Dmitry is possessive in relation to women. Dima will never tolerate betrayal from his other half; trust in a relationship is too important for him.

Dmitry loves to be surrounded by luxurious women, this raises his self-esteem and makes him even more self-confident. As a rule, women themselves find the company of the domineering and mannered Dmitry pleasant, which is why they love to spend time with him.

In marriage, Dmitry is unhappy in most cases. Dima does not trust and value his wife’s opinion too much, preferring to make decisions on his own and not consult with his significant other. As a husband, Dima is extremely difficult to climb: grumpy, picky, harsh and unshakable. He can go to the left more than once, without considering it a sin and without experiencing pangs of conscience.

Dmitry takes sexual relationships and the choice of a partner extremely seriously, preferring experienced and sophisticated women who are ready to take the initiative into their own hands. He loves sex, even talking about it gives Dima pleasure, as he is confident in his own abilities.

Dima likes to give surprises to his other half, and the more expensive the gift, in his opinion, the better. Thus, Dmitry can, without hesitation, present his beloved with a fur coat or a new car, if he has the means. He himself accepts gifts quite coolly.

The secret of the name Dmitry: name compatibility

Dmitry will be especially happy in marriage with owners of the following names: Elena, Evgenia, Olga, Anna, Daria, Lyudmila. A rather successful party for Dima will be: Angela, Sofia, Victoria, Maya, Galina, Alina, Irina and Svetlana. Unfortunately, an unsuccessful marriage awaits Dmitry with Christina, Anastasia, Nadezhda, Oksana, Yulia, Ekaterina and Maria.

Interesting facts about those named Dmitry

What kind of father will the owner of the name Dmitry be? The secret and meaning of the name tells us that most often Dima gives birth to sons, given that they are expecting no less daughters. He will care for and cherish his child, will never give offense and will be a mountain for him in any situation. Thanks to this, Dmitry turns out to be a wonderful dad who is ready to give his child everything to the last shirt. It is believed that it is precisely in order to give his children the best that Dmitry works so hard, thereby killing his health for the sake of his offspring. Despite his frequent hobbies with women, Dmitry can only have one real love for the whole life.

In order to attract Dima's attention, you need not only to have a spectacular and pleasant appearance, but also to have a rich inner world, since Dmitry will never pay attention to the “dummy”. Surprisingly, most of all Dmitry likes women with unusual hair colors: red, ash blondes, very dark brunettes.

Professions in which Dmitry will be successful

What does the name Dmitry mean? What professions are suitable for Dima? Possessing a sharp mind and ingenuity, Dmitry will be an excellent leader. He will make a wonderful engineer, architect or foreman. Dima will also be in demand as a highly qualified doctor or programmer. As a rule, the choice of professions such as designer, archaeologist or teacher will not be very successful.

Famous people named Dmitry

The following famous people have the name Dmitry:

  • Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy (commander).
  • Dmitry Pozharsky (commander).
  • Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak (writer).
  • Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (chemist).
  • Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich (composer).
  • Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev (President of Russia 2008-2012).

Astrology named after Dmitry

Planet: Uranus.

Color, which Dmitry needs to choose: blood red.

Tree: ash, rowan, elm.

Animal: tiger, lion, walrus.

Stone, associated with luck: sapphire.

Numbers, which will bring good luck: 02, 37, 89, 104.

Name options: Dmitry, Dima, Dimochka, Dimulechka, Mitya, Mityusha, Mitrofan, Dimitry.

Now you know the secret of the name Dmitry. For a child, it will definitely bring good luck, as it is a real, strong, proud masculine name.

Dmitry has an explosive, strong-willed character. This makes them difficult to find mutual language. They are persistent and smart. Colleagues at work welcome their sociability and ability to easily endure failures.

Translated from ancient Greek, the name Dmitry means “belonging to Demeter.” Some translate this name as "Impostor."

Origin of the name Dmitry:

The name Dmitry comes from the Greek word “Demetrios” - “belonging to Demeter”. Demeter - name ancient greek goddess land and fertility.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Dmitry:

As a child, Dima often got colds and viral diseases, but they like to be treated. Therefore, when growing up, they often feign illness. They are capricious and require attention. At an older age, stubbornness replaces capriciousness. Vulnerable to sudden problems. Children named Dmitry are often cruel to those for whom they do not feel love. In their conversations they forget about the matter.

Dimas are brave, attractive, but cruel. They rush into battle without thinking about the consequences, for which fate often punishes them. They try not to miss their chance. They try to get everything in life at once. They don’t know how to listen, they talk a lot, sometimes the dialogue turns into a monologue. They get confused in their own thoughts. Dmitry always has a lot of ideas, so the main thing is to stop him in time, otherwise he will waste his energy. He always skillfully makes acquaintances with the people he needs. In his environment you will not find a person who would not be useful to him. The mother is a great authority for them. They like to drink, but do not abuse it.

Dmitry is practical, loves work, sociable and enterprising. He attracts people to him, using his sense of humor, open heart, and readiness to always come to the aid of friends at any moment. He can be relied upon, he is reliable, and many take advantage of his goodwill.

Dima loves adventures and risking his life. Usually, in such cases, fortune smiles on him, but sometimes failures can overtake him. Dmitry usually doesn’t save money very much. Often spent on unnecessary trifles.

Dmitry tends to move up the career ladder, especially where the work involves communicating with people. Dimas don't like monotony. They can make good composers, artists, scientists. Thanks to their intelligence and eloquence, they can realize themselves in public and political activity. Like to get fast and good result. Dim often shows business abilities.

Dima prefers beautiful women, loves coziness, comfort and various pleasures. He doesn't know how to deny himself anything. Therefore, his wife will have to “work harder” to create everything the necessary conditions for Dmitry and come to terms with his constant dissatisfaction. Dmitry loves to grumble. Jealous, but in moderation. Throughout his life he feels the need for love and seeks romance.

Dmitry is a polygamist. He falls in love very often. The feeling captures him so much that he throws himself headlong into love. His sympathies often change. For this reason, he experiences frequent divorces and new marriages. But he maintains a good and reverent attitude toward all his children, both from new and old marriages, and helps them throughout his life.

After the establishment of Christianity in Rus', the name Dmitry appeared in Russian everyday life. It came from Byzantium. Initially this name sounded like Dimitri.

Dmitry is translated from ancient Greek as “dedicated to Demeter” (the goddess of agriculture and fertility).

History of the origin of the name Dmitry

Dmitry is a very popular male Russian name that is of Greek origin. The interpretation of the name is associated with the Greek word “Demetrios”, which means “dedicated” or “belonging” to Demeter. In ancient Greek mythology, Demeter is the goddess of fertility and the patroness of agriculture, so the name Dmitry is often associated with the meaning “farmer”, “fruit of the earth”. The name came to Russian soil from Byzantium and very soon became widespread among all segments of the population, and remains popular to this day. According to the church calendar - Demetrius. The patron saint of Dmitry is considered to be the saint Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy - protector of family and home, healing from mental and physical suffering, Great Martyr Demetrius of Prilutsky, canonized, Dmitry of Thessalonica - Great Martyr who suffered for the Christian faith, as well as many other saints who left their mark on the history of the Russian Church.

Short form of the name: Dima, Dimon, Dimasik, Dimulya, Dimchik, Dimka, Mitya, Mityai.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Dmitry

The name Dmitry is energetically strong, carrying both calmness, reliability and impulsiveness. Boys named Dima are similar to their mother, both externally and internally, maintaining a strong spiritual connection with her throughout their lives. Since childhood he has been capricious, demanding of others, and has an unstable nervous system. His mood can change quickly: from a sudden attack of whim to violent fun. With age he becomes calmer, more patient and more restrained, but at the most unexpected moment Dmitry can “explode” and give free rein to his emotions. Resentment and injustice can throw him off balance and make him furious. Having learned to restrain his emotions and energy, Dmitry becomes strong-willed, efficient and persistent. It is these qualities that help him achieve considerable victories in life.

Character traits of the name Dmitry

Dmitry is a strong-willed, sociable, practical person with a flexible character. He is always open to communication, but does not tolerate lies and injustice, is impulsive, and openly expresses aggression. He is not vindictive by nature, so he tries to erase the offender from his life and stops communicating with him. He has subtle intuition; as a rule, all Dmitrys are naturally gifted, but not everyone can realize their talents in life. They are straightforward and categorical in their statements, sometimes they lack a sense of tact and diplomacy, which negatively affects their communication with others and people close to them.

Dmitry is friendly, good-natured, he has many loyal friends who value him for his excellent sense of humor, love of life and willingness to help. difficult situations. Some owners of this name become withdrawn and have an analytical mind, but most of them are choleric, prone to risk, adventure, often reckless and show excessive courage. Dmitry goes towards his goal without seeing obstacles and without thinking about the consequences of his actions. One of his shortcomings is that he wants to get all the benefits of life at once, in one jerk, and does not know how to achieve what he wants by performing confident, deliberate actions. Prefers to solve problems and achieve goals alone, but powerful blow. Despite his determination and a strong character, Dima really needs the support of people who believe in him, then he is ready to move mountains. In the absence of support in life, in case of failure or defeat, he may become addicted to alcohol and lose faith in himself. Becoming withdrawn, he prefers to keep heartache in itself.

Dmitrys, born in the summer, are endowed with excessive emotionality; it is difficult for them to control their emotions, which sometimes simply go “off scale.” Emotional outbursts lead to negative consequences and are reflected both in his career and in personal life, complicating relationships with your significant other. Summer Dimas are amorous, jealous and selfish; it is difficult for them to create a strong and friendly family.

Winter Dmitrys are distinguished by their ambitious nature and have leadership qualities that manifest themselves in their personal lives and when achieving their goals in life.

Dmitry, born in autumn, is a practical and rational man. He is a family man who strives to provide for his family. He is not greedy, he knows how to spend money and spend it with pleasure on beautiful clothes, vacations, and things necessary for the family.

Spring Dimas are stubborn, capricious and unpredictable. These are people who are always in search of the unknown, new, and exciting. Great importance devotes himself to self-education, is very intelligent and witty.

Family and love relationships of Dmitry

Dima is amorous and romantic. A new feeling and emotions capture him quickly, but his interest in the chosen one, whose heart he has conquered, also quickly fades away. When seeking a lady's favor, he is not afraid to face difficulties; he is used to getting what he wants. Possessing high moral values, they enter into their first intimate relationship late; already in adulthood, they think about missed opportunities and actively try to make up for them. They have a moderate temperament, are charming and courteous with women, and know how to impress them. Dmitry often has several marriages, but there are also inveterate bachelors for whom the authority in life is their mother; no woman can compare with her to become his wife. Dima adores beautiful, well-groomed women, values ​​comfort, coziness, and loves to receive sensual pleasure. I'm not used to limiting myself in anything. Before marriage, he easily starts new relationships, falls in love, often changes his likes, and looks for the one and only one with whom he wants to connect his life. He chooses as his wife a thrifty, charming and intelligent woman who is capable of giving not only affection and tenderness and creating comfortable living conditions in the house. He dreams that his chosen one will take care of him, please him in everything, fulfilling his desires, although he himself can be selfish and stingy in showing love, attention, tender words, which upsets your other half. Dmitry is jealous and suspicious, although he himself is prone to cheating, therefore, as a rule, he has several marriages, and he will sincerely love each of his wives. Even after breaking up with his wife, he tries to maintain friendly relations with her, and is touchingly attached to his children, whom he cares for all his life.

Choice of profession, Business, Dmitry’s career

Dmitry will have success in entrepreneurship and business. He is a strategist with logical thinking and excellent intuition. However, Dmitry should avoid adventurous, risky situations that could unsettle him. In Dmitry's life there are both ups and downs, in any life situation he is able to accept what is right and the right decision. Dmitry is inventive and hardworking, inclined towards technical sciences. He can become a successful engineer, programmer, web designer, architect, designer, doctor, researcher. His decisive character and fearlessness come in handy in such professions as stunt coordinator, race car driver, Dmitry often becomes athletes.

Sociability and openness to communication help to achieve heights in professions related to communicating with people and occupy leadership positions. He has creative abilities; among men named Dmitry there are talented artists, composers, writers, actors and singers.

Dmitry's health

Dmitry has been susceptible to colds since childhood respiratory tract. Tonsillitis, tonsillitis, and laryngitis are not uncommon for him. With age, his body becomes stronger and he practically does not catch colds. He takes care of himself, is very suspicious in matters of health, and always follows all the recommendations of the attending physician. In old age, heart problems are possible, so it is worth paying attention Special attention prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Name Dmitry for a child

Dima is a capricious child whose mood often changes. Requires attention and care. Dima is my mother’s favorite, similar to her in appearance and character. Mothers pamper the baby, protect him from difficulties in every possible way, he grows up in love, affection, all his whims and whims are immediately fulfilled. Can throw a tantrum in a store, demanding the desired toy. Parents should teach their child patience and make it clear that not everything in this life can be achieved right away. Dima idolizes his mother and maintains a spiritual connection with her throughout adult life. Dima is a sociable and kind child, he has many friends, he is able to stand up for himself and protect a friend from an attack by an offender. Loves justice.

During his school years he grows up to be an active, capable boy. He strives for knowledge, has mental abilities, he has every chance of becoming an excellent student. Dima is characterized by the desire to be the best in everything and achieve success in any business. Teachers encourage his hard work, perseverance, and prudence. Loves it active species sports, outdoor recreation, hiking and adventure. Dmitry often attends sports sections and clubs; he tends to completely immerse himself in his hobby, to which he devotes all his free time.

In adolescence, he becomes capricious, impulsive and hot-tempered. It is difficult for parents and teachers to find a common language and understanding with him. Growing up, he becomes more tolerant and tries to control his emotions.

The name Dmitry has Greek roots, which means farmer, fruit of the earth. Its origin in Rus' after the adoption of Christianity is known; it also became widespread among Catholics. Princes and kings called their sons by this name, and currently it does not lose its popularity.

It's energetic strong name, patron of men is the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessaloniki, name day November 8th. Memorial Day of Dmitry Donskoy June 1, famous commander also canonized. At baptism the boy receives the name Dimitri. The babies are affectionately called Dima, Dimochka, Dimulya, Dimka, Dimon, Dimushka, Dimusya, Mitya, Mitenka, Mityusha, Mityunya, Mityai.

Dimochka’s luck number is 7, it brings him a bright and dynamic life. Talisman stone – opal and lapis lazuli. Opal has magical properties, symbolizes reliable friendship. The black stone brings good luck and happiness to the owner, saves from nervous diseases and disorders. Lapis lazuli helps bring your plans to life, cleanses the aura, and brings passion to relationships. Relieves negative thoughts and anxiety.

Favorable colors for Dmitry are blue and red, the element is earth, and the patron planet is Saturn and Pluto. The name will give a person positive traits, if it is named after a boy born under the sign of Scorpio.

Totem animals – tiger and walrus. The tiger symbolizes strength and success, justice and fearlessness. He quickly protects his own from his enemies. But in Asian countries he is credited with such qualities as bloodthirstiness, aggression, and evil. The walrus allows you to comprehend the mystery of existence and find your place in life.

Elm, chrysanthemum and rowan bring good luck to Dima. Elm represents dignity, support, strength, as well as modesty and unpretentiousness in life. Rowan gives a person modesty, it protects the family from poverty, and protects relationships. Chrysanthemum is a symbol of love and sadness. In China, this flower is allowed to be worn only by members of the imperial family, as the personification of dignity, power, and high position.

Silver jewelry is suitable for Dimka; it allows you to achieve harmony with yourself, gives eloquence and imparts divine wisdom. This metal protects the owner from negative manifestations.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Dmitry varies depending on the time of year of birth. Born in winter, a man is very ambitious, has leadership qualities, strives to prove himself with the best side in every way.

Spring brings stubbornness and unpredictability, Dima spring is always in search of the best.

Emotionality and hot temperdistinctive features character of Dmitry, born in the summer. He has poor impulse control, and this often greatly interferes with his life and love.

Autumn brings calmness and practicality to the character. Such people easily earn a lot of money and spend it just as easily.


By nature, Dmitry is choleric, very impulsive and withdrawn. Often guided by emotions, he is not distinguished by tact and diplomacy, and likes to cut from the shoulder. Straightforwardness interferes with building smooth relationships, both in the family and at work. Intuition is well developed; he is guided in making decisions by his feelings.

Does not accept lies and hypocrisy, is generous and sympathetic with friends. He believes in his ideals, does not like conflicts, and tries with all his might to avoid them.

He has an excellent sense of humor, which allows him to smooth out rough edges in relationships. He doesn’t remember the evil for a long time and quickly moves away. Loves to be the center of attention, but at the same time does not reveal his feelings.


In many ways, Dmitry’s fate depends on what name he is most often called. Dima and Dmitry always strive to achieve their goals, and he does it well.

They are not careerists, but fortune favors the owners of this name, which is why there are a lot of leaders among the Dmitrievs.

The name Mitya is more calm, little Mitya is prone to stress and melancholy. Growing up, he becomes dependent on public opinion, and therefore is not capable of serious actions. He gives in easily to pressure. The parents and environment decide what to call the child named Dmitry.


In relationships, Dima is not decisive; he must be sure that the feelings are mutual. Uncertainty makes him weak and unsettled. The character is jealous and can find even an insignificant reason to break off a relationship. He is in no hurry to get married early; he must be confident in his chosen one.

He treats his family with reverence, is very attached to children, and spends his free time with them. Even after the divorce he participates in their lives. But Dmitry’s wife has a hard time, he’s like Small child stubborn and capricious, requires attention and participation. Shows feelings sparingly and is selfish.

If Dimochka does not learn to compromise and does not become more open in expressing her feelings, sooner or later the marriage will fall apart. A man’s jealousy and explosive character contribute to this.

Mitenka has good compatibility with women named Anna, Natalya, Elena, Lyubov, Marina, Olesya, Yana. Marriage with representatives of the fair sex named Ekaterina, Sophia, Christina, Polina, Yulia, Zhanna promises to be short-lived.


Dima is a born technician by nature. He is more likely to choose a profession related to computers and other equipment, and will achieve a lot in this area.

A lively analytical mind will allow Dimochka to become an excellent programmer, engineer, and inventor. He never gets involved in dubious matters, but sometimes emotionality takes precedence over prudence, which can end badly.

Dima knows how to work with people, he will make an excellent leader, lively, disciplined, efficient and hardworking. He is able to clearly and competently distribute responsibilities and outline the scope of work. Rational thinking and the ability to adapt will help him easily navigate difficult situations.

Can excel in creative work. Dmitry is a team player; he prefers to act together. He has business acumen, but in business success awaits him only if he learns to control his emotions and act independently. Because relying on others in business is not always the right decision. Success awaits him in medicine, law, sports, and politics.