Poll where graduates will enroll. Where do school graduates go? The cook makes compotes - it's very good

According to monitoring data from the Ministry of Education and Science, excellent students with the highest Unified State Exam scores, as a rule, enter MGIMO (95.6), Physics and Technology (94) and HSE (93.9). Moreover, this applies not only to budgetary, but also to paid branches.

Despite the fact that the price of studying has increased this year by about 16 percent (!), there are no fewer people willing to go on extra-budgetary studies to a good university. Paid enrollment in the specialties “healthcare,” “information technology,” and “pedagogical education” has increased. Moscow State Pedagogical University, for example, recruited twice as many paying students this year as last year.

In 22 universities, paid departments received graduates with an average score above 70, in another 46 universities the average score was above 65. This is a good, strong “B” by school standards. The teaching profession will always be in demand, although the number of vacancies in schools in recent years decreased from 5 to 1 percent

Defectologists are especially needed. According to standards, there should be 15-20 children per specialist. In reality the load is much higher. In one of her speeches, Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva cited the following statistics: for every defectologist there are 60-65 children with disabilities.

Infographics "RG":

Graduates of agricultural universities are in great demand today, and competition for entry into agricultural universities has increased noticeably this year. For example, at the Michurinsk State Agrarian University it increased by almost 7 points, at the Velikoluksk Agricultural Academy - by 6, at the South Ural Agrarian University - by 3 points.

According to research, 80 percent of Russian companies operating in the agro-industrial sector are experiencing staff shortages. Among foreign companies, the deficit is even higher - up to 63 percent. Here are the most needed specialties: agronomist-vegetable grower, agronomist-consultant, livestock breeder, poultry farmer-operator, veterinarian.

We need, for example, specialists in organic farming and production of environmentally friendly products, technologists food industry, - says the rector of MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky Valentin Ivanov.

Medical universities have the highest competition for medical faculties. Even getting to a paid branch is not easy. This year, universities opened 25 thousand extra-budgetary places, and still did not accept everyone who was ready to study. But you can enroll in a medical university on preferential terms in the target area that is given local authorities. It's better to worry about this in advance.

According to HeadHunter, the most popular medical specialists are therapists, pediatricians, gynecologists, dentists, ophthalmologists, and otolaryngologists.

It has now become more difficult to enter technical universities. At the Moscow Aviation Institute the average score is 72 (it was 66), at the Moscow Energy Institute - 71.9 (it was 68). The passing grade at the Perm National Research Polytechnic University and the St. Petersburg University of Aerospace Instrumentation has increased.

To become a student at Moscow Linguistic University, you need to score 87 points in each subject on the Unified State Examination, MEPhI - 88, ITMO University or St. Petersburg State University - 90! But graduates and their parents need to know one detail, which is used to determine the average score. Not only ordinary applicants with a high Unified State Exam score are taken into account, but also Olympiad participants, who receive 100 points. So the actual passing score for applicants may be slightly below the university average. And if, for example, a university announces that the average score of those admitted is 80, this means that those who scored 75, 73 or even 70 points have a chance to become students.

Infographics "RG": Mikhail Shipov / Irina Ivoilova

The cook makes compotes - it's very good

Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets named the most in-demand professions in secondary vocational education. This is a cook, a builder, an auto mechanic, an IT specialist.

All these professions are offered in colleges and technical schools. Moreover, you can go to study these specialties both after the 9th and 11th grade. Those who entered college after the 11th grade will be able to get to work the fastest. To obtain a profession, only 10 months are enough. Based on the 9th grade, you will have to study in college for almost 3 years.

Who gets how much? The salary of a chef depends very much on the length of service and work experience. If you have at least five years and minimal experience in managing a small team, you can count on an increase of 10-15 thousand rubles or more in salary. There are chefs in Moscow who earn both 100 and 150 thousand a month. A novice carpenter, parquet floorer, glazier is guaranteed 20 thousand rubles a month, an auto mechanic - 15-20 thousand rubles. But an IT technology specialist can count on 30-40 thousand rubles per month.

Applicant's calendar

Take note

The most open and comfortable for students were non-state universities, MEPhI, RANEPA, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics, North Caucasus Federal University, Don State University, REU. Plekhanov, MISiS and others.


The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, at a meeting with parents where they discussed final exams, said:

Oral part in the Russian language, as admission to final certification, will be mandatory from 2019. I can't say that this is a serious change. This is the evolution of the exam. The interview will take place at school, tasks will be developed in Federal Institute pedagogical measurements.

The evaluation criteria are currently being tested. Experts will examine the answers of schoolchildren in those regions where the test tests for the oral part took place. But it is already clear that there will be no concessions to those regions where Russian is not the native language for everyone.

He recalled that the Unified State Exam in a foreign language will become mandatory in 2022. To the question: “Will a history exam also be mandatory?” Sergei Kravtsov replied: “We need to discuss this.” He thinks possible transfer deadline for submitting applications for the Unified State Exam. The fact is that by February 1, not all schoolchildren have time to decide which elective exam they will need.

We haven’t even discussed the issue of shifting the date yet. But we will work on this topic. Maybe we need to move the date,” Sergei Kravtsov expressed his opinion.

According to him, in 2019 there will be special study on the quality of physical education teaching in schools. But we are not talking about any exam in this subject.

The head of Rosobrnadzor recalled that this year 28 students passed three Unified State Examinations with 100 points and almost all of them prepared for the exams without tutors.

Infographics "RG": Mikhail Shipov / Irina Ivoilova


What do future applicants need to know about the admission rules?

1 Acceptance of documents in 2018 will begin no later than June 20 and end on July 26. If the university has its own exams or creative tests, then earlier - until July 10.

2 Documents can be submitted to five universities for three specialties each. Almost all universities accept documents according to email and photocopies. But if you sent applications to three universities in different cities and saw yourself on all three lists of those admitted, you will have two days left to give the original certificate to the admissions committee.

3 The minimum scores that need to be obtained on the Unified State Exam in order to be eligible to enter universities have already been determined by Rosobrnadzor. In the Russian language you need to score at least 36 points on the Unified State Exam, and in mathematics - 27. Leading universities are raising this threshold. For example, at MGIMO for many specialties the minimum in Russian and foreign languages ​​is 70 points, in mathematics you need to bring 55 points for “economics” and “international economic relations”.

4 There are universities where you will have to take their own exams. For example, these are Moscow State University and MGIMO. Universities that conduct their own exams usually provide hostel accommodation for nonresident applicants.

5 To be admitted to some specialties, you may be required to undergo a medical examination. At Moscow State University, they will be asked to undergo a medical examination for those who are going to study “medicine”, “pharmacy”, “pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior”.

6 Universities determine points for individual achievements themselves. Usually they take into account the gold TRP badge, certificate or diploma with honors. But not everyone checks their essays. But Moscow State University and Higher School of Economics will do this.

This means that the majority of children, as in previous years, plan to enroll in lawyers, economists and managers - these faculties require this very subject. But in the end, less than half of those who graduate work in their specialty. Where are the others going? To the sellers! Because employers are looking first of all for sales managers, then for qualified workers and engineers. The latter are in great short supply on the market. Especially design engineers and technologists. It is no coincidence that many enterprises select their engineering personnel from senior students at universities and colleges. To ensure that your dreams do not diverge from reality, it is worth taking a closer look at the ranking of the most popular specialties (see infographics).

“According to our research, when selecting young specialists, HR managers pay attention primarily to personal and business qualities applicant, says Daria Shurygina, leading analyst at the recruiting portal Superjob.ru, - as well as having at least minimal experience (45%). The level and quality of education is in third place (34%). However, the university still matters, since, other things being equal, preference will be given to a candidate with a diploma from a prestigious university. And when finding a first job, a diploma often plays a decisive role.”

Infographics: AiF

The cult of success and money

Igor Beloborodov, sociologist, scientific director of the Independent Institute of Family and Demography:

Modern teenagers will have a more difficult time than their peers even a few years ago, since the world has become much more complex and unstable during this time. They have found themselves in an era of mass migration, which means that many of their classmates will turn out to be people of a completely different mentality and culture. It will be more difficult for them to find common language with others, to be friends, to love, to create families. Indeed, during ethnic border wars, even accomplished adults sometimes cannot understand where the truth is and where the lie is. What can we say about fragile young minds...

Already now, adolescents are developing a lack of moral standards and taboos: in life, they are gradually told, there is only room for expediency, cynicism and money. Look at any advertisement on TV - everywhere there is a cult of success, sex and beauty. There is no place for work, respect for others, or the idea of ​​​​helping the weak and defenseless.

But there are also advantages. Thanks to development information technology education becomes more accessible. This increases the chances of children, including those from low-income families, and gives them a good start for a successful life.

Life as an experiment

Pyotr Dmitrievsky, psychologist at the Perekrestok center for working with teenagers at Moscow State University of Psychology and Education:

The main skill that needs to be instilled in today's children is the ability to adapt. Because it is impossible to predict which profession will be relevant in 5 years! The most valuable life skill is to adapt to an uncertain situation. This is precisely what is important to teach those entering adult life schoolboy. To do this, you need to equip the teenager with three weapons: hope, the ability to communicate and the courage to try. Talk about your situations of confusion and what unexpected solutions turned out to be useful. Then there is a higher probability that, when faced with a surprise, a recent student will not fall into despair, but will perceive it as a difficult but interesting task. We need to develop communication skills. In incomprehensible and unpleasant situations, it is important not to fall into isolation and depression, but to be able to organize support for yourself. Finally, we must learn to treat life as an experiment. If a graduate (as well as his parent) does not see a disaster behind every wrong step, he will continue to go through options in a situation of uncertainty and will eventually find the right way out.

In June (or better yet, much earlier), it’s time to finally decide on the choice of university. In this matter, research and last year’s results cannot be done without. Every year, the Higher School of Economics publishes monitoring of the quality of admission to Russian universities. Using it, for example, you can track which areas are the most popular and where the budget is most often received.

The top ten universities in terms of the quality of budget admissions have not changed, but there have been changes in the arrangement of places. In 2016, the top five was completed by Moscow State University. Lomonosov, in 2017 he was displaced by ITMO, and Moscow State University is now in seventh place.

The average Unified State Exam score has increased significantly, especially in technical universities. In all universities from the top 5 (MGIMO, MIPT, HSE, St. Petersburg State University, ITMO) the average score Unified State Exam more 90. Last year there were three such universities (MGIMO, MIPT, HSE).

The number of universities with an average score of more than 70 has also increased. In 2016 there were 135 such universities, in 2017 - 151. The Moscow Aviation Institute (average score 72.8), Moscow Energy Institute (average score 71.9), Moscow university of technology(average score 71.5), Kazan National Research Technical University. A. N. Tupolev (average score 71.4).

In 2017, the overall average score of those enrolled in budget-funded places was 68. The average score of those enrolled in paid places was 61.4.

A record increase in the average score of enrolled students was shown by the Moscow Aviation Institute (increased the result by 6.4 points) and the St. Petersburg University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (increased the result by 3.4 points). At the same time, MAI has one of the largest budget receptions in the country, so the researchers called it an outstanding achievement.

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan are leaders in the quality of reception. In 21 regions of Russia there are universities that have recruited the strongest applicants in the country in at least one area of ​​study. 24 universities in Moscow, 15 in St. Petersburg, 3 universities in Kazan, 2 universities each in Tomsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk. The remaining universities are located in the following subjects: Belgorod region, Voronezh region, Irkutsk region, Kaliningrad region, Krasnodar region, Murmansk region, Orenburg region, Penza region, Primorsky region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Dagestan, Sverdlovsk region, Tambov region, Tula region, Ulyanovsk region.

The highest quality of reception is demonstrated by social and humanitarian areas - these are “Linguistics and foreign languages"(average score 82.6), "Jurisprudence" (average score 82.3), "Economics" (average score 80.2). And the quality of admission to agricultural areas still remains low - in the direction of “Agriculture and Fisheries” the average score is 55, and in “Forestry” - 56 points.

Agricultural universities also improved their results in terms of quality of admission. Ural Agrarian University, Yakut State Agricultural Academy, Michurinsk State Agrarian University, Velikoluksk State Agricultural Academy showed an increase from 5.5 to 7.7 points.

In 2017, prices for paid training increased by an average of 16%. But the researchers note that this did not affect either the number or quality of students enrolled in paid places. In their opinion, this indicates that the population continues to have demand for higher education. In 22 universities the average score for paid admission is more than 70, and in another 46 - from 65 to 70.

The HSE study has been conducted since 2009 and covers more than 400 universities, which take into account Unified State Exam results and victories in school competitions. The rating was compiled on the basis of areas of training and admission targets, entrance examinations for each area, orders for admission and expulsion, and competitive lists of applicants. Universities ranked by average Unified State Exam score all those enrolled in the budget.

2018-2019 academic year

In 2018 - 2019 academic year 9th grade graduated from high school 82 students. Of these 8 received special certificates. Entered the 10th grade of the gymnasium - 56 students, 26 9th grade graduates will continue their studies in other educational institutions: district and city schools, lyceums, technical schools and city colleges.

11th grade graduated in the 2018-2019 academic year 50 students, of whom 6 Students were awarded medals “For special achievements in learning.”

37 10 3 got a job.

Analysis of the professional intentions of our graduates in 2019

2017-2018 academic year

In the 2017-2018 academic year 51 the graduate entered higher educational institutions in St. Petersburg, 7 graduates continue their education in colleges and technical schools in the city, 2 got a job.

Analysis of the professional intentions of our graduates in 2018

In the 2016-2017 academic year 34 graduates entered higher educational institutions in St. Petersburg and Moscow, 5 graduates continue their education in colleges and technical schools in the city, 2 got a job, 1 graduate is called up to serve in the Russian army.

In 2015-2016 25 graduates entered higher educational institutions in St. Petersburg, 5 graduates continue their education in colleges and technical schools in the city, 2 got a job.

In 2014 - 2015 academic year 38 graduates entered higher educational institutions in St. Petersburg and Moscow, 1 the graduate entered a higher education institution in China, 9 graduates continue their education in colleges and technical colleges of the city.

Employment of graduates 2015. Download in .doc format

In 2013 - 2014 academic year year, all graduates (47 people) entered higher and secondary vocational educational institutions.

Employment of graduates 2014. Download in .doc format

The results of graduates' admission are presented in the diagrams:

Professional choice of graduates in 2014

The most popular educational institutions by gymnasium graduates in 2014

In the 2012-2013 academic year, all (34 graduate) graduates entered higher education institutions:

  • State University of Economics and Finance,
  • Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin.
  • St. Petersburg Law Academy,
  • St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University,
  • St. Petersburg State University,
  • St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions,

An analysis of the professional intentions of our graduates shows that they predominantly choose specialties in the social, humanitarian, socio-economic, and cultural fields, while at the same time, graduates who strive for higher technical or medical education also have a decent level of knowledge.

In 2011-2012 academic year 50 graduates(all) entered higher education institutions:

    St. Petersburg State University,

    State University of Cinema and Television,

    State Institute precision mechanics and optics,

    Northwestern Technical University,

    State technological institute,

    Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen,

    Baltic State Technical University them. D.D. Ustinova,

    State University of Service and Economics,

    State University of Civil Aviation,

    State University of Telecommunications named after. Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, State University of Economics and Finance,

    Northwestern Academy Civil Service,

    State University of Technology and Design,

    State Academy Veterinary Medicine,

    State Marine Technical University,

    State University Higher School of Economics,

    Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law,

    State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering,

    St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation,

    Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov,

    St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts,

    St. Petersburg State Forestry Academy named after S.M. Kirov,

    Russian National Research medical university them. N. I. Pirogova,

    Russian Customs Academy,

    St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics,

    St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after. V.I. Ulyanova (Lenin),

    St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics,

    Russian State Hydrometeorological University.

The closer the last school day at school, the more questions graduates face: what specialty to choose? Will you be able to get it on a budget? Is it necessary to submit documents to a university or maybe a technical school will do? Schoolchildren and their parents are worried for good reason - they understand that a lot depends on the answer to these questions: a future career, the opportunity to express themselves in a profession, material wealth - in other words, their whole life.

Ekaterina Romanenko, head of the education department of the Khabarovsk administration, told Image of Life what choices Khabarovsk graduates make.

Talking percentages

The majority of Khabarovsk graduates who have completed 11 grades want to get a higher education. Last year, Khabarovsk schools gave a start in life to 2.5 thousand graduates. The majority became university students - 94.3 percent, 5 percent of graduates entered secondary specialized schools, 0.9 percent began working immediately, and 0.6 percent joined the army. And this distribution has been observed over recent years.

The fact is that children entering the 10th grade are initially motivated to enter a university, which is why the percentage of applicants is so high. High school students planning to receive specialized secondary education prefer to enroll in technical schools immediately after the 9th grade. For example, last year, 58% of schoolchildren continued their studies in the 10th grade, 32% entered various technical schools and colleges, the rest chose to study in some courses or in evening school.

The geography of choice of educational institutions is very extensive. Khabarovsk graduates enter not only local universities, but also universities located outside the region: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk. Of course, graduates who earn a high score on the Unified State Exam are sent to receive a diploma from prestigious universities. And also those who want to get a specialty for which Khabarovsk universities do not train. This applies to higher military schools of various directions.

Under Novosibirsk state university there is a correspondence school of physics and mathematics, among its students there are Khabarovsk high school students, mainly from the lyceum innovative technologies and mathematical lyceum. Based on the results of their studies, children are admitted to NSU without competition.
Winners also benefit from admission outside the competition final stage All-Russian school Olympiads. We also have such graduates. By winning the Olympiad, they automatically receive 100 points in the subject and an invitation to the capital’s university.

Over the past two years, FEFU has become very popular.  Many Khabarovsk residents are happy to go to study in Vladivostok. But still, the majority of graduates become students at Khabarovsk universities. The prestige of Tomsk State University is growing every year, the Academy of Economics and Law is not far behind it, and among the prestigious Khabarovsk universities is FEGUPS and traditionally big competition upon admission to Far Eastern State Medical University.

The most popular specialty among young Khabarovsk residents is state municipal administration

I would become an official

Last year, admissions committees of Khabarovsk universities accepted more than 12 thousand applications from applicants. According to their results, it turned out that the most popular specialty among young Khabarovsk residents is state municipal administration. Universities that train future officials are in high demand. Among the most popular are the faculties where they study law, banking, taxes and taxation. As an innovation, we can note the interest of Khabarovsk applicants in the new specialty - “logistics”.

The most promising professions today are those related to IT technologies. The computer field is developing rapidly and very actively, which guarantees employment.
For lately The flow of students into technical specialties has increased noticeably. For example, applicants to TNU began to be attracted to such areas as construction, architecture, as well as oil and gas production.

However, when choosing a university, experts advise taking into account not only the rating and prestige of a particular educational institution, but also the personal capabilities of applicants. The main thing is not to make a mistake with your profile: correctly decide whether you will have a humanities education or a technical one. You also need to pay attention to the demand for the profession in the labor market and wages specialists.

The main thing is not to make a mistake with your profile: correctly decide whether you will have a humanities education or a technical one.

Alumni say

Mikhail Mukovozov, graduate of gymnasium No. 1
I chose my future profession a long time ago; since childhood I wanted to be a policeman. My father served in the police, now my sister and her husband serve. Despite all the difficulties and dangers, this is a necessary and interesting work. I believe it is a good fit for me because I am honest, principled and genuinely want to help people.
In order to work in the police in the future, after school I am going to enter the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. I am preparing intensively: I pay a lot of attention to classes in history and social studies (the results of the Unified State Examination in these subjects will be taken into account upon admission). I mostly study on my own, but for greater confidence I decided to take the help of a tutor.

For a DVUI applicant, physical training is also not the least important thing. I’m in complete order with this: I’ve been doing karate for more than one year. I am confident that I will pass all the entrance tests. Well, if it still doesn’t work out with the DVUI, I’ll try to connect my life with the Ministry of Emergency Situations or another law enforcement agency. I am attracted to serious, courageous professions - this is exactly the kind of work I want to do.

Vitaly Lazorev, graduate of gymnasium No. 1
I decided to enter the Khabarovsk Border Institute of the FSB of Russia after the 9th grade. With this in mind, I went to study in the 10th grade. True, I missed the mark: for company with friends I chose the socio-economic direction. Now I feel that I don’t have enough knowledge in history, I have to get it with a tutor. If I had studied in the social and humanitarian field, this problem would not have existed. But I hope that I can still prepare well for the exams.

By the way, I have already passed the first stage at the Border Institute entrance examinations. It was an interview with a psychologist on the subject of professional suitability. I admit, I was very worried. But everything went well, and now I’m calmly preparing for the Unified State Exam. I don’t forget about physical training: I play basketball, I try not to miss a single workout.

My brother also graduated from the Border Guard Institute, he is already serving. I hope that soon I will continue the family tradition with dignity.

Polina Yakunina, graduate of gymnasium No. 1
With a specific specialty, as well as with educational institution, I haven't decided yet. I only decided that I would get an economics education. Why? Years of studying at school showed that I have no inclination for either chemistry, physics, or biology. I love dancing, I enjoy participating in school amateur performances. However, I would not want to connect my life with the profession of an actor or choreographer.

I believe that the future specialty should be serious and bring a stable income. Having solid ground under your feet, you can calmly develop in any creative direction. I'm going to continue my dance classes, I plan to study deeper English language. But now mathematics comes first for me. I am sure that with the help of a tutor I will strengthen my weak points and successfully pass the Unified State Exam.

I will study in Khabarovsk, although I had the idea of ​​​​trying my luck in St. Petersburg, but still decided to stay in hometown. I will be applying to several universities at once. Most of all I want to enter FEGUPS, but I don’t rule out PNU and KhSAEP. I’m not particularly worried about the exams: I’m preparing, so I’ll pass. What causes the most excitement is the upcoming last call and graduation. Emotions are overflowing! This is where you won't cry!

Prepared by Elena Kozyryatskaya