Digestion is impaired. Dyspepsia (indigestion). Treatment of pathologies of the digestive system

Indigestion is not an independent disease, but is only a symptom of some disease. For example, indigestion usually accompanies reflex disease, ulcers, various diseases gallbladder. The fact that this is a symptom and not a disease does not make it easier for the patient. Therefore, we’ll talk in more detail about digestive disorders, treatment, symptoms, causes, and what the diagnosis of the disorder is.

Symptoms of indigestion
Indigestion, or, as it is commonly called, dyspepsia, is characterized by constant or periodic pain, discomfort in the upper abdomen.

Also, one of the common symptoms of indigestion is chronic diarrhea. If such disorders become chronic, then the body experiences a metabolic disorder - protein, fat, vitamins, etc. In addition, anemia, muscle weakness, and exhaustion may also occur.

This is a burning sensation in the stomach or upper abdomen, abdominal discomfort, flatulence and a feeling of fullness, belching, nausea, vomiting, sour taste in the mouth, rumbling in the stomach. Such symptoms tend to worsen during stressful situations. As for heartburn, it can be caused by either indigestion or be a sign of another disease.

Both children and adults suffer from poor digestion. It is equally common among both men and women. Factors that contribute to its development are alcohol abuse, taking medications that irritate the stomach, existing defects in the digestive tract (for example, ulcers), constant stressful situations, frequent states of anxiety and depression.

Causes of indigestion
Causes may include: peptic ulcer, GERD, oncological diseases stomach, gastroparesis (lack of complete emptying of the stomach, often found in diabetes), infectious diseases Gastrointestinal tract, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pancreatitis, thyroid disease.

Frequent use of various medicines– aspirin and other pain relievers, estrogen and oral contraceptives, steroid medications, certain antibiotics, and medications used to treat the thyroid gland also contribute to digestive problems.

An unhealthy lifestyle negatively affects digestion - excessive overeating, eating too hastily or eating in a stressful situation, the presence of foods containing a large amount of fat in the diet, smoking, fatigue and overwork.

Does not affect digestive disorders increased acidity stomach. Excessive swallowing of air while eating, which causes bloating and interferes with the process of digesting food, will also have a negative impact. Often there is so-called functional or non-ulcerative dyspepsia, which is not associated with any of the above factors.

Many pregnant women experience indigestion, mainly during later. According to experts, this is due to hormones that relax the muscles of the digestive tract, as well as the pressure that the growing uterus puts on the stomach.

Diagnosis of digestive disorders
If you experience signs of indigestion, you should consult a doctor. This must be done to avoid further deterioration of health. During a consultation with a doctor, you need to describe in detail all the sensations in order to help correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Usually, to begin the examination, the doctor advises taking blood tests. An x-ray of the stomach or small intestine may then be ordered. Also, for a more accurate diagnosis, a procedure such as endoscopy is used. It is carried out using a special apparatus, which is equipped with a light source and a camera that serves to transmit images from inside the body. This examination not very pleasant, but absolutely safe and painless.

What happens during a digestive disorder in a person?
The course of indigestion largely depends on the underlying disease that causes it. Very often it manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, which can be intense and very intense. In rare cases, the patient diarrhea with “water”, which contains almost no solid components. With diarrhea, a person loses a lot of fluid, which is very important for the normal functioning of the body. In this regard, it is recommended to replenish the water-salt balance by drinking plenty of water or unsweetened tea. Since the human body is depleted when salt is lost, you need to drink non-carbonated mineral water or an electrolyte solution (Regidron), for example, a special isotonic drink for athletes.

Treatment of indigestion
Since indigestion is not a disease, but rather a symptom, treatment should therefore be aimed at eliminating the cause of this disorder. Below are some recommendations to help alleviate the condition.

* To prevent air from entering the digestive organs and aggravating the process, you should not chew food with open mouth and talk while eating.
* Experts do not recommend drinking during meals, eating at night, eating spicy foods, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
* Remember how, when you were a child, when you had a stomach ache, your mother would stroke your tummy clockwise many times. Take advantage of it now!

If you follow all these rules and still experience symptoms of digestive disorders, ask your doctor to prescribe special medications to help reduce them. Also, in order to alleviate your condition, we and the editors of the website www.site advise supplementing the treatment prescribed by your doctor with prescriptions traditional medicine.

* If digestion is sluggish, boil 10 g of blue blackberry root in 1/2 liter of water until half the liquid has evaporated. Filter the broth and add a glass of high-quality red wine. Drink 1 tbsp. l. every 3 hours.
* For burping, cook 100 grams with 5 pears in 1 liter of water over low heat. After the broth has cooled, filter it. Drink in small sips before meals.
* To improve digestion, prepare a decoction. Pour 250 ml boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. crushed marjoram and caraway seeds. Leave the infusion for 15 minutes and drink half a glass twice a day.
* For indigestion, heat 10 grams of fennel fruit in a glass of boiling water in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling to room temperature, filter the broth and add it to 200 ml. Drink the resulting volume in equal parts throughout the day.
* With colic in the intestines, a water infusion will help you common wormwood. To prepare it, 1 tsp. pour 250 ml of boiling water over the herbs, let stand for 1/3 hour, then you can filter through cheesecloth. Drink the infusion before meals, 1 tbsp. up to 4 times a day.
* For flatulence (bloating), combine valerian roots, chamomile flowers and herbs, peppermint herb and medicinal calendula flowers in equal quantities. Then scoop out 1 tablespoon from the collection and pour 250 ml of boiling water over it. Leave in a thermos overnight (8 hours), strain. Drink 1/3 of a glass of infusion 25 minutes after meals three times a day and be healthy!

After eating food, complex mechanical and chemical processes are launched in our body, which we used to call digestion. Any violation of it negatively affects a person’s condition and reduces the quality of his life, causing a lot of painful inconvenience. What are the main causes of indigestion and the main methods of treating it.

Digestion is a complex mechanism for processing food entering the body, which is aimed at assimilation by the body nutrients and the removal of remnants of undigested components and decomposition products. Even a small failure in this process gives us a lot of unpleasant problems, which is not surprising, because digestion is initial stage complex natural mechanism called metabolism. Food is a source of vital substances for the growth and proper functioning of the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc. Since the cells of our body cannot assimilate them in their original form, this is precisely what is needed for the digestion process, which, by breaking down the listed components into the smallest soluble molecules, adapts them to our body’s acceptance.

Usually there are two large groups digestive disorders. The first group includes disorders associated with digestive insufficiency syndrome (maldigestion), that is, disruption of the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates due to a lack of necessary enzymes ( gastric juice, bile). Due to the dysfunction of enzymes, the process of breaking down nutrients stops.

The second group includes disorders associated with the syndrome of impaired intestinal absorption (malabsorption). IN in this case substances that have been broken down during digestion cannot normally penetrate the blood and lymph (as a rule, they come from the mucous membrane of the small intestine). The combination of breakdown and absorption is called malassimilation.

Symptoms of the disorder.
The most typical symptom of indigestion is chronic diarrhea. Such long-term disorders are caused by metabolic disorders (protein, fat, vitamin metabolism, etc.). In such cases, anemia, exhaustion, and muscle weakness may occur.

In general, the symptoms of digestive disorders are different; their manifestation can occur either separately or in combination. Other signs of digestive disorders are:

  • stool retention (constipation);
  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the lower abdomen or lower chest;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • feeling of nausea, vomiting;
  • a feeling of discomfort, burning in the chest area or heartburn;
  • aching abdominal pain or colic;
  • swelling;
  • pallor;
  • night blindness;
  • increased susceptibility to bleeding.
It should be noted that diarrhea (diarrhea) leads to dehydration. If the problem is chronic, you should immediately consult a specialist, as this may be a manifestation of a serious illness. You should be especially wary when chronic diarrhea is observed immediately after returning from abroad (for example, from vacation) or if you suspect consumption of low-quality or spoiled food.

Digestive disorders can often result in headaches, as well as emotional and mental disorders (increased irritability).

Treatment of indigestion.
Treatment should be prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis of the cause of this disorder. It often happens that it is necessary to urgently eliminate the consequences of intense and prolonged diarrhea in the absence of an accurate diagnosis.

The most common cause of digestive disorders is not particularly dangerous infection digestive tract. Treatment in this case requires drinking plenty of fluids clean drinking water, still mineral water, unsweetened tea, brine or any other salted liquid. At the same time, the patient is prohibited from eating solid food for two days. After this period, the introduction of oatmeal soup and crackers into the diet is allowed until intestinal functions are normalized.

Digestive disorders are a very common occurrence among infants and small children. In this case, the child is also recommended to drink frequently in small portions, otherwise, due to diarrhea, dehydration may occur, which can threaten the baby’s life.

In the process of diagnosing the disease, the doctor conducts a detailed examination of the stool to identify the cause of diarrhea. If an intestinal infection is suspected, bacteriological research stool analysis to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.

In case of suspected inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, ulcer or other serious illnesses carry out intestinal examinations using an endoscope. A long and thin device is lowered through the mouth and esophagus into the stomach. If there are affected or suspicious areas, the doctor takes a tissue sample from that area, which is then examined in the laboratory. This procedure is absolutely safe and painless. Slight discomfort and discomfort- this is all that the patient experiences during this procedure.

Additional research may help identify many other diseases that cause problems with food digestion. It should be noted that not all diseases can be cured. In particular, for congenital gluten intolerance or celiac disease, treatment involves complete abstinence from eating certain foods. In this case, a special diet is the solution to the problem.

If the cause of indigestion is stress or other mental disorders, I include in treatment, in addition to sedatives, not directive therapy. Autogenic training also has a positive effect.

Folk remedies for the treatment of indigestion:
Pour a liter of boiling water into a jar with a mixture of two tablespoons of blackberry leaves and a tablespoon of calendula. Close the jar tightly with a lid, wrap it in a towel and leave to infuse for half an hour. After this, strain the infusion. Take 2/3 cup three times a day.

Take average size celery root and chop it. You will need about three to four grams. Brew the crushed mass with boiling water (one liter), wrap it well and leave to infuse for eight hours. Then strain the liquid and take one teaspoon three times during the day.

An infusion of cumin with marjoram will help significantly improve digestion (especially after evenings of feasting). To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of a mixture of cumin seeds (ground) and marjoram into a liter of boiling water. The infusion should infuse for fifteen minutes, after which it should be drunk half a glass twice a day.

For normalization metabolic processes It is useful to take the following mixture: cut aloe leaves (375 g) (before cutting, do not water for five days) and chop them. Add 625 g of honey and 675 g of red wine to the resulting mass. Mix the mixture well. Use one teaspoon for five days, and then a tablespoon three times a day an hour before meals. The course of treatment can range from two weeks to one and a half months.

To restore operation gastrointestinal tract you should take an infusion of elecampane. A teaspoon of a mixture of crushed roots and rhizomes of elecampane should be poured into a glass boiled water room temperature. Leave the mixture covered for eight hours. After this, strain the infusion and take 50 ml three to four times a day twenty minutes before meals. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Infusions of mint, chamomile and wormwood help improve digestion.

To normalize intestinal activity, relieve inflammation, and also eliminate pain, this herbal infusion will help: mix 15 g of fennel fruits and calamus rhizomes, add 20 g of valerian roots and the same amount of mint leaves, and another 30 g of chamomile. Take ten grams of the resulting mixture and brew with boiling water (200 ml), place in a water bath and simmer over low heat in a sealed container for fifteen minutes. After this, remove the broth, cool and strain. Bring the resulting volume of liquid to the initial volume (that is, 200 ml) and take 3/4 cup three times a day after meals after forty-five minutes. After two weeks of treatment, the pain will disappear.

Baths with linden blossom effectively relieve intestinal spasms and intestinal colic: pour nine handfuls of linden blossom into a liter of boiling water, put on fire and let it boil. Then let the resulting broth brew for half an hour, and then add it to the bath with warm water. Take a bath for no more than fifteen minutes.

At normal operation organs digestive system A healthy adult takes food 3 to 5 times during the day. It is fully digested and absorbed with the complete breakdown of its nutrients into molecules with further distribution throughout the body, conversion into energy and a resource that ensures the activity of the whole organism. If the food consumed is poorly digested, then the person begins to experience heaviness in the stomach, dyspepsia develops with signs of nausea, vomiting, and watery diarrhea. The most common cause of this pathological condition is a lack of digestive enzymes that are secreted by pancreatic tissue. The presence of other factors and secondary diseases that disrupt the stable digestion of food cannot be ruled out.

All symptoms of reduced activity of the gastrointestinal tract organs in terms of processing consumed food are felt directly by the patient himself and can be observed by loved ones who are in his environment.

Signs that the cooking process is not going well are as follows.

Unusual severity

Immediately after lunch, breakfast or dinner, severe heaviness occurs in the stomach cavity. It seems as if a stone was placed inside the stomach. At the same time, the person has the feeling that the stomach has completely stopped and temporarily stopped its functional activity.

Lack of appetite

In the morning, a person feels that his stomach is empty and the urge to eat is really present. As soon as he has had breakfast, heaviness is followed by complete apathy towards food. Appetite disappears until the evening and quite often people suffering from insufficiently good digestion go to bed with the same feeling of pathological fullness as in the morning when the dish was just eaten. The desire to eat returns again only the next day.

Nausea and vomiting

Throughout the day, the patient experiences stomach cramps, which sometimes intensify, then the condition stabilizes and for a while it seems that the disease has subsided. In some cases, the digestive system cannot cope with the load and all the food that was eaten the day before comes back in the form of vomit. At the same time, the feeling of hunger is completely absent.


Almost immediately, when the process of food digestion stops, the gastrointestinal tract begins an urgent evacuation of those food debris that are located in different parts of the intestine. In addition to vomiting, loosening of the stool is also used. In this regard, the patient develops liquid diarrhea, which can have a one-time manifestation or occur 3-5 times a day.

In especially severe cases, watery stools appear every 2-3 hours after the next meal.

Weakness and dizziness

Due to dehydration of the body due to diarrhea, as well as the lack of sufficient amounts of nutrients in the form of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as the main component energy metabolism in the body, the process of gradual depletion of cells of all human tissues and organs begins. Therefore it decreases arterial pressure, there is a loss of strength and physical weakness, bordering on a state of drowsiness.

Pain inside the abdomen

In the area where the stomach and intestines are located, a stable pain syndrome, which intensifies as the patient’s general well-being worsens. If the reason for poor digestion of food is a lack of digestive enzymes, then acute pain appears in the left hypochondrium, where the pancreas is located.

Temperature increase

Disturbances in the digestive system are always stressful for the whole body. With prolonged dysfunction, the intestinal mucosa begins to become inflamed, the balance of beneficial and pathogenic microflora is disrupted, which can cause a slight increase in body temperature to a level of 37.1 - 37.6 degrees Celsius.

In some cases, the pathological condition intensifies in patients when meat, animal fats, legumes, butter, bacon. This is explained by the fact that the gastrointestinal tract needs to spend much more effort, energy and enzymes on these types of products in order to ensure not only their digestion, but also high-quality absorption. Therefore, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to limit yourself in taking products of this type.

Why food is poorly digested in an adult, the causes of the disease

There are a large number of factors, the presence of which negatively affects the performance of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder and other vital organs. Despite this, the following reasons for poor cooking of food are identified, which are most often found in medical practice:

  • alcohol abuse, smoking and narcotic substances(all these harmful addictions cause intoxication of the body of varying severity, which inevitably leads to the accumulation of poisons in the liver and the development of dyspeptic manifestations);
  • overeating and improperly organized diet (eating foods with low biological benefits, saturating the menu with fatty, smoked, pickled, spicy dishes, leads to gastrointestinal upset);
  • inflammatory processes in the tissues of the pancreas (this pathological condition of this organ is fraught with the fact that it ceases to synthesize the required volume of digestive enzymes that ensure stable and high-quality digestion of food);
  • hormonal imbalance with a decrease in secretions responsible for the tone of muscle fibers that ensure the functioning of organs abdominal cavity;
  • chronic cholecystitis (a disease that affects gallbladder when an insufficient amount of bile comes from its cavity and all the fats consumed during the meal are not digested, which causes an emergency stop of the stomach, or a significantly reduced activity);
  • oncological processes in the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract ( cancer tumor completely destroys all layers of the epithelium in the area of ​​its localization, so poor digestion of food can also occur for this reason);
  • food poisoning when products were consumed that were stored improperly temperature conditions, which ultimately led to their damage;
  • entry into the gastrointestinal tract of severe strains of bacterial, viral and fungal infections that provoke an acute inflammatory process and prolonged indigestion;
  • recently transferred surgical intervention on the abdominal organs, after restoration of which the patient’s appetite returns again, and the digestive process returns to normal.

Also, quite often, this kind of problem with digesting food develops against the background of gastritis, peptic ulcer, erosion of the mucous membrane duodenum, viral liver damage (hepatitis of various strains), intestinal obstruction.

Treatment - what to do if the stomach does not digest food?

If you notice symptoms indicating a lack of digestive cycle, you should immediately make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. It is quite possible that due to a prompt examination and prescribed therapy, it will be possible to avoid a large number of complications and quickly get rid of secondary ailments that caused bad work gastrointestinal tract.

The most commonly used therapeutic methods are aimed at restoring stable digestion of food:

  • preparations containing artificial digestive enzymes that compensate for the lack of secretions produced by the pancreas;
  • antibacterial and antivirals if the cause of the pathological condition of the gastrointestinal tract is due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the body;
  • sorbents providing absorption toxic substances with their further evacuation outside the body in order to facilitate the work of the liver and kidneys;
  • antispasmodics (used to relieve attacks of nausea and vomiting if all food has already been removed from the digestive system, and stomach spasms continue to bother the person);
  • pills and intramuscular injections containing synthetic hormones when there is an imbalance of these substances in the patient’s body;
  • cleansing enemas and laxatives, when poor digestion of food is caused by fecal blockages and the patient suffers from constipation for a long period of time;
  • chemotherapeutic agents for a certain category of patients whose examination results revealed the presence of foreign neoplasms of a malignant nature in their body;
  • drugs intended to cleanse liver tissue (these are special medications that relieve the workload of this digestive organ, increasing its activity in the absorption of fats).

Depending on whether the patient has one or another symptom, concomitant diseases, it is possible that the attending gastroenterologist will decide to include other categories of medications in the therapeutic course. The type of drug, its dosage and duration of administration are selected according to individually to the characteristics and specifics of the functioning of the digestive system of each patient individually.

Even children are familiar with digestive system disorders early age. Adults face this problem quite often. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may be associated with overeating or eating stale foods. Unfortunately, no one is immune from digestive disorders. In some cases, they are associated with the development of gastrointestinal diseases. Digestive problems are indicated by symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, and changes in stool. Such manifestations are associated with both acute inflammatory processes and chronic diseases. If symptoms occur gastrointestinal disorders you need to consult a doctor.

How is the digestive process carried out normally?

As you know, the digestive system consists of many interconnected organs. It begins in the oral cavity and passes through the entire body, ending at the anus. Normally, all stages of the digestion process occur sequentially. First, food enters the oral cavity. There it is crushed with the help of teeth. In addition, there is an enzyme in the mouth - salivary amylase, which is involved in the breakdown of food. As a result, a lump of crushed products is formed - chyme. It passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach cavity. Here the chyme is treated with hydrochloric acid. As a result, the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats occurs. The pancreas produces enzymes that enter the lumen of the duodenum. They ensure further breakdown of organic substances.

The work of the digestive system is not only about grinding the food eaten. Thanks to the gastrointestinal tract useful material penetrate into bloodstream. Absorption of amino acids, fats and glucose occurs in small intestine. From there, beneficial substances penetrate into vascular system and are distributed throughout the body. Liquid and vitamins are absorbed in the colon. This is where the formation takes place. feces. Intestinal peristalsis promotes their movement and excretion.

Digestive problems: causes of disorders

Violation of any stage of the digestive process leads to the development of disorders. It can develop by various reasons. In most cases, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is caused by the penetration of bacterial or viral agents. Pathogens begin to multiply quickly and damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. This, in turn, leads to an inflammatory response. As a result, the digestion process is slowed down or disrupted. Causes of gastrointestinal disorders include:

To find out why the disorder arose, it is necessary to be examined. Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic procedures will help determine the source of the pathology.

Causes of digestive disorders in children

IN childhood Digestive problems occur frequently. They may be associated with various factors. Among them are hereditary abnormalities, improper feeding, helminthic infestations, infectious pathologies, etc. In some cases, urgent surgical care is required to eliminate the problem. Causes of digestive disorders in children include:

  1. Hereditary disorders of the exocrine glands - cystic fibrosis.
  2. Anomalies in the development of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Spasm or stenosis of the pyloric region of the stomach.
  4. Feeding a young child excessively thick foods.
  5. Poisoning from stale or spoiled food.
  6. Infection with various pathogenic bacteria that enter the gastrointestinal tract along with food.
  7. Helminthic infestations.

Only a doctor can find out why children have digestive problems. Some pathologies can lead to fatal outcome, therefore they require urgent help the doctors.

Types of diseases of the digestive system

Diseases of the digestive system are classified according to the cause of their occurrence, the source of development of the pathological condition, methods necessary treatment. There are surgical and therapeutic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In the first case, recovery can only be achieved through surgery. Therapeutic diseases are treated with medications.

Surgical pathologies of the digestive system include:

Therapeutic diseases of the digestive system are acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines and poisoning. Injuries may fall into both groups, depending on the severity and nature of the injury.

Digestive problems: symptoms

Pathologies of the digestive system can manifest as gastric or intestinal dyspepsia syndrome, painful sensations in the abdominal area and changes in stool character. In some cases, phenomena of intoxication of the body are observed. Symptoms of stomach pathologies include: pain in the epigastric region, nausea and vomiting after eating. Similar clinical manifestations observed with cholecystitis. The difference is that patients with gallbladder inflammation complain of pain in the right upper abdomen and a bitter taste in the mouth. characterized by changes in stool consistency (diarrhea, less commonly constipation) and flatulence. Unpleasant sensations can be in the navel area, in the right or left half of the abdomen.

In acute surgical pathologies, the pain intensity is greater, there is a delay in the passage of gas, and an increase in body temperature. Often patients are forced to lie down or take a forced position to relieve the condition.

Diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases

Diagnosis of pathologies of the digestive system is based on clinical data and additional studies. First of all, patients must pass general analysis blood and urine. If inflammation is suspected, it is necessary to determine the level of indicators such as bilirubin, ALT and AST, and amylase. You should also have your stool tested.

Instrumental studies include radiography, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and FGDS. In some cases, additional diagnostics are required.

Which doctor should I see?

What to do if you have digestive problems, which doctor will help? Gastroenterologists treat gastrointestinal diseases. However, before you make an appointment with him, you should undergo an examination, which is prescribed by a therapist or pediatrician. Whenever acute pain in the stomach should be called emergency assistance to exclude surgical pathologies requiring immediate surgical intervention.

Treatment of pathologies of the digestive system

Surgical treatment consists of eliminating intestinal obstruction, removing stones, tumor formations, suturing an ulcer, etc.

Prevention of digestive disorders

To prevent digestive problems from recurring, it is necessary to follow preventive measures. These include:

  1. Dieting.
  2. Careful food processing.
  3. Hand washing.
  4. Quitting smoking and alcohol.

If you experience discomfort in the abdomen, abnormal stool or nausea, you should undergo an examination and find out the cause of the problem.

Dyspepsia - medical term, denoting digestive disorders that are predominantly functional in nature and are caused by insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes, as well as poor nutrition.

With prolonged poor nutrition, the development of nutritional, that is, nutrition-related dyspepsia, is possible. There are putrefactive, fatty, and fermentative dyspepsia.

Eating large amounts of carbohydrates found in sugar, honey, fruits, legumes, flour products, as well as fermentation products (kvass), causes the development of fermentation dyspepsia. The predominance of protein products in the diet (pork, lamb meat), the digestion of which occurs slowly, can cause putrefactive dyspepsia. Fat dyspepsia occurs with excessive consumption of refractory fats (lamb, pork fat).

Disorders can also lead to indigestion motor function digestive system (acceleration or slowdown of the movement of food masses). The reasons for this may be hasty eating, stress, neurological diseases, metabolic disorders due to thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus, as well as hormonal disorders observed during pregnancy, menopause, and obesity.

The products of metabolic reactions (hydrogen sulfide, indole, organic acids), having an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, help accelerate intestinal motility and dyspepsia. Digestive disorders are often accompanied by an imbalance of intestinal microflora and contribute to the development of dysbiosis.

Dyspepsia is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Pain and discomfort in the epigastric region.
  • Feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach even with a small amount of food eaten.
  • Fast saturation.
  • Poor general health.
  • Nausea.
  • Bloating, flatulence (increased gas formation), rumbling in the stomach.
  • Diarrhea.

By features clinical picture one can assume the nature of dyspepsia.

Patients suffering from fermentative dyspepsia complain of increased gas formation, rumbling in the abdomen, and frequent, loose, foamy stools that are light in color.

Putrefactive intestinal dyspepsia is also accompanied by diarrhea, but the color of the stool is dark and the smell is putrid. Rotting products, absorbed in the intestines, cause intoxication symptoms: weakness, poor appetite, decreased performance.

Fatty dyspepsia is manifested by frequent, light-colored stools that have an oily sheen.

In the treatment of dyspepsia, as well as any digestive disorders, a balanced diet plays a significant role, excluding excessive consumption of protein, fatty, and spicy foods.

If indigestion is a manifestation chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, enteritis, requires complex treatment underlying disease.

Patients are prescribed drug therapy, including drugs that regulate intestinal motility, antispasmodics, enzyme preparations for pancreatic secretory insufficiency, as well as enterosorbents that eliminate flatulence.

During a diagnostic examination in order to identify the causes of dyspepsia, the patient’s dietary habits, clinical manifestations, and scatological examination data are taken into account; patients are recommended to consult a gastroenterologist.

An endoscopic examination (colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy), due to the functional nature of the disorders, most often does not reveal signs of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude other pathologies of the digestive tract, which are caused by organic diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis).

Infectious diseases of the intestines are manifested by cramping abdominal pain, increased body temperature, false urges to defecate (tenesmus). If the pathology is infectious, patients are advised to consult an infectious disease specialist.

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is manifested by decreased appetite, abdominal pain, increased gas formation, “pancreatogenic” diarrhea (stool containing undigested fats).