Parting words to the groom before the wedding. A short congratulations to the groom on his wedding day. Touching parting wedding greetings from mother to son

When the groom takes the bride out of the house, their path to the car is covered with flower petals. Covering the road with flowers means wishing the bride and groom a beautiful and bright life. Some grooms carry the bride to the car in their arms.

The custom comes from ancient times to go to the registry office in different cars, and from there - in one. The bride rides in the first car of the wedding cortege with her friend, the groom and his friends - in the other.

Parting words to the bride and groom before the wedding train departs for church or registry office

Dear young people!
It's your time of responsibility!
Are you going to get married?
But first, together at the registry office.
Try to find signs
Follow everything as it should.
Listen to how in the registry office
You should behave!
Who will step on the carpet first -
The main thing will be. It's right!
And it’s exactly the same in church.
The Church sanctifies marriage.
Here is an order for you, bride:
It is connected to a box.
(So ​​as not to forget the sign,
Tie it with a string).
How will you put on the rings?
Don't take the box.
That box is empty
Give it to your friends.
Wedding box
Who will take it from under the rings,
She'll get married next,
Just in time there will be a great guy.
Don't break it, look, bride,
Wedding shoes heels.
Bad omen -
That is a harbinger of separation.
And when from the registry office again
You will arrive at the house,
We will greet you with bread and salt.
What should you notice -
Bite off more bread
This means being the main one in the house.

When the bride and groom enter the registration hall, everyone stands up. The groom is standing right hand brides during registration. It is mandatory to exchange rings during the marriage ritual. It is believed that the custom of exchanging rings came to us from Ancient Rome, where it was customary to “chain” the bride with iron rings. Then this procedure extended to the groom.

Take champagne to the registry office and don’t forget the glasses. They can be replaced by simple disposable cups, which you, of course, will also take care of in advance.

But most importantly, do not forget to congratulate the newlyweds, but at the moment they are declared husband and wife, it is better to limit yourself to simple parting words, since at this moment the newlyweds have no time for you. But when the glasses are filled with traditional champagne, and the young spouses have calmed down somewhat, you can expand your wishes.

Wishes for newlyweds

It's done!
The rings are on.
Mendelssohn's march has sounded for you.
Stars of love are blue planets,
A ball was held in the sky in your honor.
Congratulations and our bouquets to you!
Sparkles in champagne, crystal glasses!
The azure sea of ​​happiness and light!
Eternal and pure love, like crystal!
* * *
Congratulations to the newlyweds!
We wish the family strength!
Rainbows of bright, transparent feelings!
Let love burn in your soul!
Never be separated
And together we can meet the sunrises,
So that there is happiness in your home
And love would find a place!
We cordially congratulate you,
I would like to wish more
Nice kids and, of course,
Joy, warmth, fun!
* * *
You are the bride, you are the groom!
Congratulations to you two!
We wish you to live in harmony!
Let the hut be a paradise for you!
Let love inspire you
Your house does not know emptiness!
Let it be a full cup,
Joy will be in your heart!
Let children and grandchildren be born!
So that you do not know evil and boredom!
So that you greet guests
And from the good news
Their faces lit up with happiness!
It won't be long before we say goodbye!
So that hearts beat together
The pain softened the heartache!
May God give you health, strength,
May you live a long and beautiful life!
* * *
You have everything in common now -
Bed, hearth, surname.
“Happy legal marriage!” - we say,
We give you flowers - lilies,
The blue surface of the lake,
The snow is white, the foliage is golden,
Speeches of congratulatory warmth,
And all the earthly beauty!
Let him continue to live in the family
This is an idyll day,
The heat of love burns in the hearts,
Long hugs sweetness
Brings light and joy!
* * *
You swore love to each other,
That's why we gathered here.
A new family has appeared.
Happy marriage to you, friends!
Happiness's guiding star
Let him always be with you,
The light of magic burns for you,
But it gives earthly joys!

If the topic of ditties is closer to you or you are simply not able to compose something on your own or remember long poems, then congratulate the young people with short, perky quatrains, you will see that they will not be offended by you for this!

Don't be rude to each other
Always be polite.
Speak even in a quarrel
You are tender words.
* * *
Be true friend friend,
Don't look at others.
Both mistakes and good luck
Divide by two!
* * *
To my beautiful wife,
Husband, don’t be angry unnecessarily,
Be kind and meek with her,
So as not to accidentally injure.
* * *
You, wife, be faithful to your husband,
Become a support in everything
And there is no need to scold him,
Even if he drank.
* * *
My wife has such a good one,
Wonderful husband!
And the wife is beautiful too,
Outshines everyone around!
* * *
We, the young wife,
We want to wish you:
You and your spouse demand tribute! -
Affection, money and children.
* * *
Well, you, husband, be strict, don’t raise your voice.
And his wife's reproaches
Silence it with a kiss!
* * *
We'll bring bread and salt
Our marriage couple.
Open your mouth wide!
Have a successful life!
* * *
Young, you are obedient
Follow your husband's orders
Husband, always be faithful to your wife
And don't get on her nerves!

In addition, if you are a poet at heart, you can come up with a greeting in the form of an acrostic poem. In this way, you will, as it were, kill two birds with one stone - loudly express your admiration for the young people, congratulating them and wishing them happiness in their future. family life, and leave a memory of yourself in the form of a colorful postcard with such an unusual text!

Let's just tell you - congratulations,
We are very happy for you, dear ones!
Know that all your wishes will come true,
Even children's dreams are colorful,
Your joy will fill the whole world,
And love is a boundless ocean,
It has everything: wave pleasures,
A light storm of grief, tenderness.
The snow-white ship sailed clear,
Goes to happiness - the cherished harbor,
Young people, happy sailing!
* * *

Perhaps we should remind you that an acrostic is a poem in which from the first letters of each new line you can form a word or even several (if you have the desire and ability, since this is not so simple - try it and you will understand !). In any case, the congratulation options we offer are just samples, create it yourself, let your imagination tell you what and how to write! And don’t forget that key letters need to be highlighted in the text so that they catch the eye of the heroes of the occasion.

* * *
Happens to everyone in life
Day of unearthly happiness!
Ah, the wedding rings are ringing -
Enchantment from troubles and sadness,
And in their ringing - as a command to you
Always stay together!
And your love is like a fairy tale,
Like a bright flower, like a song!
* * *
Young people, join hands
The bonds of marriage have bound you firmly,
Living together means being a couple,
And be there day and night.
Live in love - and love tirelessly,
If heart is tied to heart,
Feelings will never cool down
And love will be pure, clear!

When the first excitement subsides and the young people listen to instructions, you can go on a short trip. For newlyweds, such a walk has special meaning - after all, this is their first trip together! Therefore, try to think through the route in advance in order to fill the excursion with hometown or its surroundings with a special meaning, let the young people remember every detail of this unforgettable day!

I want to wish you, groom
Always love and respect your wife,
Give flowers and take out trash.
And love your wife more and more.

So that there is a “master” and not a “master”.
So that we can be together, and not you alone.
I also want to wish you in return
Give birth to and raise a couple of kids!

What joy! Finally,
You got married, you daredevil!
And believe me, I didn’t make a mistake,
When he said “yes” at the registry office.

Although the parties are forgotten,
Erotic pictures,
Clubs, dancing on Saturdays
And a beer after work,

You found yourself a wife
Unique, one:
Will clean up when you mess up
And you won't wash the dishes,

Prepare delicious dishes
So that you are not too thin,
It will be boring, toastmaster
She will be the youngest.

All we need from you is a little:
Every evening gratitude
And declarations of love -
Just don't be a jerk, look.

Get ready for surprises too
To please, to whims,
Swim with the current together...
It's fun to be married!..

I congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you to become the best and most beloved husband, the most reliable and faithful defender of your happy family. Let your spouse spoil you pleasant surprises, may family life open up new horizons for your success.

Oh, what a handsome groom,
Be happy in this marriage
And don't look for anything else!

Let it be more precious than anyone else in the world,
It will be sweet for you.
So that you live happily,
It's like a fairytale dream.

Let the treasury of your finances,
Will not run out of expenses.
So that without any doubt,
I was glad in choosing my wife.

Happiness is when people are together
On a hot day and in a snowstorm,
A sea of ​​happiness for the young bride,
Happiness and health to the groom!

Your marriage is now sanctified by law,
You are now one family.
Let your budget grow steadily,
May the cup be full!

So that children will appear soon,
Small to small, handsome as one!
To make mother proud of her daughter,
So that your son makes dad happy!

There is a spacious road ahead,
Joy - just offer your hands!
Everything will be fine, thank God
New home, grow and prosper!

Our dear groom,
Important, strict, not simple,
Congratulations on graduating
Boring single life.

You are young today
You get a wife
Traded my freedom
For a family house building.

But brother, don’t be sad,
And don’t miss yours,
If you're up, get down to business
Marital duty to bear.

For the bride to appreciate
She gave tender caresses.
And waited, waited, waited,
Never let you down!

Dear groom, we congratulate you on such a huge, significant event in your life - your wedding. This is a big step for a man. What responsibility now lies with you! We wish you to be a worthy spouse, health, strength to preserve your family, money, mutual understanding and love. Be happy!

Today, brother, you got married -
Remember the day forever.
After all, about the life of a bachelor
Still, he gets sad sometimes.

And the responsibility is great
It fell on you, believe me:
Once I started a family,
Gotta feed everyone now.

Be punchy and lucky,
So that you can achieve everything.
And to his beloved wife,
If anything, he always helped.

Well, here you are waiting -
They told you “Yes!”
Now you'll be happy
Today and always!

To your family now you
Be a worthy leader
Build a house, raise children
With a beautiful wife!

And let the winds and thunderstorms
Your union will be bypassed
Sadness and tears will go away,
Only joy will come!

Now you are not alone in this world,
Your beautiful wife is next to you.
And there is no more reason for sadness,
She warms you even with her glance.

Let there be harmony and peace between you.
May happiness be with you for all ages.
Boldly forward in hand hand
And may trouble and bad weather pass you by.

Let your dream come true today:
Never be away from those sweet eyes!
Today's toast to the groom is:
So that our hero has more children,
I worked like an ox, but there was no money,
And he would carry as many as two to his wife every day.
I always had my own opinion in everything,
However, he slightly hid it from his wife.
When you're tired - a soft bed!

I worked with a bang, so that I could take off in my career!
Successful and great family affairs!

Our dear son! We sincerely congratulate you on (name of daughter-in-law) on the most joyful event in your life! We wish your newly-made family prosperity and great love, and we wish that your feelings become stronger every day and that you never lose respect for each other. Honor your wife, remember that she is a fragile woman who needs your support and wants to see in you not only a loved one, but also a best friend. We wish you to be a worthy husband, take care of your family and make your young wife so happy that all her friends will envy and strive to take your family as an example! We wish you to hear the joyful laughter of your baby in your apartment as soon as possible.

Our dear and beloved groom! We sincerely congratulate you and your beautiful wife on this solemn day - the day of the birth of a new and happy family! We wish you to overcome all the adversities that you will encounter in your life. life path and not lose your love, devotion and mutual respect! Be true to your choice and always remember that in any weather and at any time of the day or night, the one who once answered you “Yes” is waiting for you at home! and made you the most happy man in this world. Let's fill our glasses and raise a toast to a real man who was not afraid of responsibility and shared his life with our beloved bride! Happiness and prosperity to your family! Bitterly!

I want to join in with all the words that were said today! I would like to add only one thing on my own: I am very grateful to fate for giving me such a wonderful and reliable friend who became like a brother to me and who today joined the ranks of happy husbands who love their wife infinitely! My dear, faithful and most best friend! I sincerely want to wish you and your wife to become a truly happy family, where two loving friend human friends cannot live even a day without each other! I wish your family, as soon as possible, to acquire little toddlers who will be so similar to you and will love you with all their hearts, because children are the flowers of life and I want your bouquet to be as large as possible!

Our dear son! We are very glad that in this huge world you found your beloved and found male happiness with her. Thank you for bringing this sweet and beautiful girl to our house, who became like a daughter to us and whom we loved with all our hearts. With your dad, we wish your new family great happiness, love and success. May all your plans that you have made come true. We wish you to remember this day as one of the happiest in your life. Don’t delay with the kids, because we want to quickly see and hug our precious grandchildren, who will become our whole world! We love you very much, our dear children, may you be bitter today and sweet tomorrow!

Groom! We congratulate you on this magnificent day, because today you married the one without whom you cannot imagine your life, the one who loves you infinitely and is ready for anything! With all our hearts we wish you to feel loved always and under any circumstances, even terrible ones! Be true to your choice and remember that even in the most terrible periods of life, there is someone waiting for you who is ready to do anything for you! Appreciate your wife and do crazy things for her, don’t forget to look after her and be a support and support in everything, because it’s so important to find your happiness in this life! We wish you to quickly acquire healthy, strong and the best offspring on the entire planet.

So the day came when my beloved brother became a happy husband, who had such a wonderful wife, who became a part of our huge family and my wonderful friend. You are very lucky with your bride, because she is incredibly beautiful and smart, and besides, she loves you. My dear groom, I sincerely want to congratulate you on your wedding! I want to wish you harmony and passion. Let living together brings you only comfort, and let all sorrows and losses pass you by, because for every person, family is the main meaning of life, support and support. I wish you to become happy parents as soon as possible, because your child is a reflection of your endless love and fabulous life! Remember this day as the best!

Our dear, handsome and best groom! On this wonderful day, you became close and dear to us, because from now on you not only became our daughter’s husband, you became our son, whom we respect, love and are ready to support at any moment! Take care of our girl, care for her as we care and love her as she has never loved anyone. We wish your family happiness, great joy in life, warmth and respect. We are very glad that our daughter met you and found her little feminine happiness in your face! Love each other and appreciate every moment spent together! We all expect you to continue the family line. May your future children always be healthy and make your life happier and more rosy!

(Groom's name)! Know that family life will consist of both black and white stripes, and which stripes there will be more in it depends not on the circumstances, but on you! You are the man who can solve any issues, so don’t be afraid to take risks and make your family life better! Be faithful to your beautiful wife, because if you once chose her, then be faithful to her until death and you will receive the best in return! We wish your family well-being and happiness! Take care of your love, because it is what inspires people to take action! Have respect for each other, because it’s impossible to imagine without it happy life. Create the best for your family Better conditions and don’t delay the birth of beautiful children!

Our dear friend, with all our hearts we wish you to become the happiest husband in this world, because now your wife is the most beloved girl in the world, without whom you cannot live a day, and whom you have been trying to achieve for so long! Let your beloved become an incentive for you, for the sake of which you can achieve the highest obstacles! I wish you to always have only your beloved wife in your heart! I wish your family as much comfort and love as possible. Love each other, take care and appreciate every moment spent together! Don't waste your time on trifles. We wish you many children, as smart and beautiful as you. Good luck to you, may life seem to you as sweet as marmalade and as carefree as the flight of a balloon.

My dear groom! I want to congratulate you with all my heart on the arrival of the most important day in yours and ours. life-day your wedding! Just recently, standing on one knee, you proposed marriage to your beloved lady, and today you have already become her husband! I am very glad that you have found the very girl who inspires you to take action and for whom you are ready to move mountains. From this day on, I wish you to get to know each other as best as possible, and even if something goes wrong in your life, do not even think about divorce, because you have something that many do not have - true love! I love you very much and wish your family to finally hear the cry of your future protector or little princess! Happiness to you my dears!

Friends, today we have all witnessed the birth of a new unit of society! We will remember this day forever, because today we shared the happiness of our loved ones. I want to wish the groom to always remain a man, to remember that the male sex should always keep his word and be a support and worthy support for his life partner. With all my heart I want to wish your family prosperity, respect, love and wisdom. Don’t make mistakes and don’t waste your time on trifles, because you will gain true love very difficult, and losing her, unfortunately, is very easy. I wish you to remember this day in all its colors and on cold evenings, sitting by the fireplace in a rocking chair, remember it and feel the happiest!

My dear man! Today, on your wedding day, I really want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you happiness in your family life. Respect your beloved and rejoice in this day, because today you will finally call her your wife. Congratulations on this wonderful day!

Today is your wedding day.
Oh God, how happy you are!
You are standing with your bride,
You call her beloved.

I'll come up to you quietly,
I congratulate you on this day.
AND strong hand I'll shake it
It's like it's just the two of us.

I wish you only happiness
On a good and bright path.
Let all bad weather go away,
Carry love through life.

Groom!!! I congratulate you on this amazing, new for you, but so kind words. Your bride is so beautiful and gentle. Take care of her! Don't forget to kiss your beloved every morning and wish her Have a good day. Be sympathetic to her concerns and problems. After all, this is what main secret happy family life.

The whole world lies at your feet when you ride in the wedding cortege with your betrothed bride. I congratulate you on this bright, memorable event and wish you all the very best. Be happy with your young wife and love her as if she were the first and last love of your life.

Today is your wedding day!!! Put on your festive suit, tie a tie and on the wings of love rush to your beloved to the meeting place - the registry office. Today your relationship is registered and from now on and forever your souls and hearts are reunited. Congratulations on this!

My fiance, how handsome you are!
Happy wedding day, I congratulate you.
You are my gentle, one and only,
I want to say that I love you.

I congratulate you on your wedding day today,
A smart, intoxicated groom.
I wish him great happiness
Something that would last for centuries.

Happy wedding day, my dear groom!
Happy day of happiness and tender love!
Now you have everything for two,
It's like you're of the same blood.

Love each other, friends,
And be faithful to each other.
Now you are one family,
And the world will be round for you.

A wedding is not only a solemn, but also a fun event, which is worth the ransom ceremony alone, when the groom goes through a lot of trials and finally finds his bride. If the groom has a wonderful sense of humor, loves to act as a joker in company and takes jokes at him well, then choose a beautiful and cool congratulations for a wedding. Choose your congratulations carefully, because it is important that with your jokes you do not offend him, do not insult him, and especially not set him up in front of the bride, because you will agree that it is not pleasant to reveal a friend’s secret, and even on such a day. On the site you can find a huge selection of congratulations for every taste, so you can easily choose what suits you.

Dear groom! At this holiday
We wish you good health.
We congratulate you on your wedding.
We wish light in fate!
We wish you smiles and happiness.
Let there be more friends.
Say “Hello” to your new life!
It’s not in vain that you invited your friends.
We wish you everything that you yourself
I would wish it for myself on this day.
There is no better option, believe me.
We wish you to become happy!

Congratulations on your wedding,
We wish you success in everything.
So that you never hang your nose,
So that the son grows up wise and healthy.
Never give up, always strive for success.
And if there is some grief, smile at it.
Let love always flow in your heart,
And you defended her like a knight with a sword.

Congratulations on your wedding day,
We wish you happiness and goodness.
May everything in your life be smooth,
And don’t let the coolness blow through your pants.
So that your wife will be like a holiday,
To be faithful to you in everything.
Gave you comfort and care,
And she sent me off to work with kisses.

Since childhood, we have all been familiar with “Roman”,
Where they attempted three times
And three times to poor Kolobok
We tried to have breakfast the day before.
But only once our hero
Got into trouble with a red-haired cheat,
And in memory of that denouement
I will emphasize: so who is offended
Unhappy? That's right, a fox.
After all, the wolf, the bear and the scythe,
What I met first were men.
There is no reason for them to eat a bun.
The fox is a woman. Dangerous
Sing songs to her near her teeth,
Otherwise you have to sneak up on her
So that, having sung, you will remain alive and well.
Groom! Take advice
What is your friend giving you now?
So as not to become like this shortbread -
Find an approach to your wife!

Let us tell you
Everything your husband needs to know!
Getting married for the first time
So listen to us!
Don’t drop your husband’s status,
And don't let your wife!
If you give me a little slack,
You will dance lezginka!
Show your wife who's boss
Be nice to her, but not weak!
Well, if it doesn’t work out,
Just like that, you ran away!

To become a great husband,
You need a good plan!
We will help you, friend,
So that you don’t suddenly make a mistake!
Always be serious with your wife
And a little, as if menacing!
Don't be shy to be a man
After all, it’s the right thing to do!
Well, what if, inadvertently,
You'll get a frying pan
Then run to us quickly!
Let's think of a new plan!

Dear groom!
You took a beautiful maiden as your wife,
But a wife is not a mitten -
You can’t shake off the white pen,
You can't put it under your belt.
You are now the head of the family,
So be an example to your wife:
To be proud and take care,
She pleased as best she could.
Always groomed with care
And caressed her tenderly.
After all, there is no need for a treasure,
If there is harmony in the family

When there is a crowd of people
We compose an ode to the groom:
Brother and friend, grandson, son
You won't be alone anymore!
Here he stands - handsome, tall,
Happiness splashes like juice,
From his cheerful eyes -
We see this for the first time!
Mothers, aunts, grandmothers instead
The bride decorates the hall -
So bright and pretty
The soul flies above the rooftops!
So let them live - to the fullest
Advice for them on that day:
She's in love with him
He is in love with her!

The bachelor life is over. Wedding!
From the ransom to the registry office, and then to the restaurant.
There will be a banquet better than the Comedy Club,
Toastmaster is better than Martirosyan.
Well, when everyone was tired, they ate
And we went home to rest,
After counting the donated money
Don't forget about marital duty!

Be a good kind husband
Don't be late for dinner
Don't forget about your wife
Spend more time.
You go to the cinema, the theater,
Stay at home with her less.
In life you need day after day,
Once I got caught in the net,
To be alone with my wife,
Be responsible for everything.
Temper yourself, my friend,
your will and patience,
And the wife starts to nag,
Answer her by singing.
If you force the floor to be washed -
Act very boldly
It seems like this is your favorite thing.
Don't go to bed with hair,
Don't be lazy to shave more often.
The husband is unshaven like a hedgehog,
Although he is beautiful, he is not good.
So that the belly does not grow -
Eat less bread and lard.
Be as slim as a cypress
Get some exercise.
Be worthy of respect
And love and admiration,
So that she doesn’t twist you,
How her soul wanted her.
Don't forget to buy flowers,
And don't forget about congratulations
On the bright day of her birthday!

Women need a little
These truths are simple
Only beautiful outfits
Decorations, flowers.
So that my husband has a Volga,
At worst - "Fiat",
To have a lot of money,
There would be blat in the stores.
To have an apartment - a fairy tale!
A dacha somewhere in Crimea,
So that the husband is always affectionate,
I would understand what's what!
Well, so, dear comrade,
Do you want your wife to love you?
Don't be late from the first days,
Create all the conditions!
The bride is beautiful and sweet,
To always be like this,
Remember, you are our dear,
Be careful with your wife.
Never contradict her
Do everything right
Then you will live
Long, peaceful, glorious!
The wife needs help:
Fry, steam and wash.
Don't wake up early in the morning
Always go to the store.
So that on holidays and on weekdays,
So that in summer and winter,
No matter how difficult it may be,
He protected his wife's peace.

Say goodbye to the bachelor life,
After all, your wife’s hand is holding you tightly!
But there are also advantages to this - you won’t go hungry,
My wife will shred cabbage deliciously!
My wife needs patience, we want it!
To cope with you, you need talents!
Now we will go to visit you at home,
That’s why we need to be friends with your wife!
My friend, all your friends wish you happiness!
May everything you wish be yours!
Let the family be strong, good and simple,
May everything be wonderful! Good luck darling!

Oh, what a handsome groom, it’s just a pleasure to look at!
Slender, with lush hair, and dressed to the nines!
It's a pity that this won't last long, after the wedding everything will pass,
The hair will thin out, the slimness will disappear!
Just you, my friend, don’t complain, don’t be sad in vain,
Better eat less pies after the wedding!
Try to run in the morning; visit gyms,
And go to the gym more often; try to sleep at night!
Never argue with your wife, don’t waste your nerves,
After all, nerves are the source of all problems, it’s better, my friend, to always remain silent!
Yes, such is the fate that awaits all of us husbands,
Although the head of the family is a man, the most important thing is still the wife!