My personal horoscope for the year

In 2019, the priority right to control cosmic energies passes to the next astrological rulers - the planet Mercury and the sign of the Eastern horoscope - the Yellow Earthen Pig (Boar). What will the reign of these “star” rulers bring us?

The horoscope for 2019 will tell you about the main trends of the forecast period in the world, the country, and in the lives of representatives of the zodiac signs.

Horoscope 2019: general situation in 2019

In general, the 2019 horoscope does not predict global upheavals and promises a relatively calm political and economic situation in the world in the year of the Pig. The saber-rattling previously organized by politicians will subside somewhat in the forecast period, because the new ruler of 2019, the Earthen Pig, does not strive for confrontations. The boar of the earth element has a commercial streak, it is practical and has a friendly, constructive and business-like attitude. He is more concerned about economic issues and everything related to material well-being and ensuring a comfortable future. Therefore, we can hope that in 2019, realism and healthy pragmatism will prevail in the minds of the rulers of countries and their ordinary citizens; they will strive for mutually beneficial cooperation, create new or strengthen existing trade and economic ties, and not engage in the destruction of partnerships and act to their detriment .

According to the horoscope, in 2019, world trends and events will mainly be associated with “Mercurian” spheres, which include: any communications, information, media, trade, educational structures. Some reforms or innovations are likely in these areas. One of the mega-events of 2019 will be the completion of the Kerch Bridge construction project, the scale of discussion of which will go far beyond Russia and will acquire a political nature.

Horoscope for 2019 for zodiac signs

Many zodiac signs will have a long-awaited opportunity in 2019 practical implementation previously conceived projects. The rulers of this year - Mercury and Pig - will support any endeavors aimed at: increasing both personal and public well-being, obtaining an education or improving professional qualifications, concluding contracts, establishing existing and creating new business and personal connections, alliances. The 2019 horoscope is especially favorable for the zodiac signs of the earth element; their representatives will have more luck.

Horoscope 2019 promises a decrease in the percentage of lonely people. Many will finally find their soul mate. Even the shyest wards of the Zodiac will be pushed by the determined Pig to take action on the path to their happiness, and the communicative Mercury will help to establish and establish contact with the opposite sex.

But the Pig’s health should be taken care of in 2019, which may deteriorate primarily due to excessive physical activity and a frivolous attitude towards him. It's important to lead healthy image life, devote time not only to work, but also to rest, eat right and think positively, then the risk of many ailments will not affect you.

Approaching 2017 eastern tradition is considered the year of the Fiery Red Rooster. It sounds a little scary - the color red is associated with risk and blood, and the “red rooster” in Russian tradition means fire. Moreover, we were visited by two fiery years in a row - the outgoing year is dedicated to the Fire Monkey. But is everything so bad? Should we be afraid of what awaits us in the new year?

What to expect in 2017

The succession of two “lights” is really alarming - it seems that the era of great changes has not yet passed, and we have to once again experience a year that is preparing to securely gain a foothold in history. The Fire Rooster itself encourages determination, energy, the ability to get things done and some adventurism. Associations with the “yard general” are quite appropriate - in the year of the Rooster, cockfights are possible in all areas of life.

No one will have to count on calmness and carefreeness - the forecast for all zodiac signs promises an uneven year, with ups and downs. We will have to overcome difficulties that not only arose directly in the new year, but also emerged from the relatively distant past.

Finance will move in a sine wave - from success to failure and vice versa. It is best to get rid of the debts of the previous year at the beginning of the year, and you certainly cannot end the Year of the Rooster with debts - troubles will appear.

The work will require a lot of time and effort. Success in the Year of the Rooster loves those who are hardworking and persistent. It's best to start promoting your ambitions from the very beginning of the year, without going to a ski resort for the holidays. Stubbornness will also not be useful - in the new year those who quickly adapt to changes in the situation will win.

Love and family will represent a pleasant island of stability among global changes. True, this will largely be related to that. That both men and women will be too busy with business issues and establishing themselves in public opinion to have enough time for family squabbles or love affairs.

There may be tense relationships with children, especially in the summer. You need to understand that young people will have a hard time in the new year; the Rooster does not seek to help maintain control over themselves.

Of course, you can’t go anywhere without violent passions. But this will mainly affect those who, in principle, are prone to increased emotionality and easily lose their heads.

What to watch out for in 2017

In the new year, many will be caught up with old problems. It is best to analyze unresolved issues even before the New Year's feast in order to understand what kind of surprises may come in the Year of the Rooster. Otherwise absolutely forgotten information can emerge at the most unexpected moment and force you to repay the debts of the past.

Those who have been lucky so far may not be lucky. Many hopes and illusions will not survive New Year. This is unpleasant, but useful - you should live in the real world. It is better to consciously take a different course and change your life than to allow fate to have its way.

Within a year, an invaluable life experience, but you need to consider that it usually comes along with some amount of mental and physical damage. It’s not scary, it’s better to face a relatively small danger face to face than for a truly terrible one to strike unexpectedly, on the sly. Those who try to avoid the trials of the coming year will regret it and, as a result, will remain losers.

We must remember that not everything is always what it seems. The Year of the Rooster will make this truth especially obvious, but this is great because it will allow you to make your self-esteem truly real. The Rooster loves those who are ready to fight, do not give in to the blows of fate and are full of optimistic hope to snatch success from life on their own.

Useful tips

This astrological forecast, of course, cannot be complete, and it is difficult to predict the same events for such a huge number of people. However, some of the trends that will be listed in this forecast, with high probability may occur this year among typical representatives of one or another sign.

Several negative aspects higher planets, which will add up to unfavorable configurations this year, some signs may be especially affected. For example, during this period we should expect changes in the lives of representatives of cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Read also:Calendar of important astrological events for 2017 of the Fire Rooster

It won't be easy for you, because negative aspects this period will be kept precisely in cardinal zone of the zodiac. Other signs will be less affected by negative aspects.

The year, fortunately, will delight us with pleasant aspects that promise productivity, endurance, as well as the use of personal potential and brilliant ideas for advancement. For example, at Gemini, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius there will be a fairly strong rise in creative energy, increased performance. It will be easier for these signs to achieve their goals this year.

Astrological forecast 2017 Zodiac signs


This year, your planet Mars will no longer upset you with retrograde movement. Perhaps this is the only planet that will not be included in the retro movement, thereby indicating that your activities this year will not slow down and your enthusiasm will not wane.

The turning point of the year could be the entry of Mars into your sign of Aries 28 January(just on the day of the beginning of the new year of the Rooster!), so next 1.5 months you will be especially active and active. However, end of February - beginning of March can be a very stressful time for your sign. These days will be especially stressful for Aries, born during the period from April 6 to April 13. But other representatives of the Aries sign should also be more careful. During this period it is impossible go on trips, engage in extreme sports, as various troubles and injuries will not keep you waiting long.

In general, this year you can expect several very unpredictable events, which will be difficult to predict, or rather, it will be difficult to say in which area of ​​life there may be difficulties and surprises. However, it is worth paying attention to unfavorable periods and do not start any important enterprises at this time.

It is difficult to stop Aries once he has decided on something: perhaps the most important decisions you will have to take it exactly February and June. The most active periods this year can be called February - first half of March, second half of December 2017 - January 2017.

Read also: Calendar of important astronomical events 2017

Lucky periods for love: first half of May, first half of June, October 3-7, 2017, January 6-11, 2018

Lucky periods for career, work and money: September 5-10, first half of November, end of December 2017

Lucky periods for travel

Dangerous or unfavorable periods: February 25-28, May 27-29, June 29-July 3, July 17-20, October 8-11, November 30-December 2, 2017


This year cannot be called easy for your sign: troubles may await you in love and partnership, which will upset you a lot, because relationships occupy one of the most important places for you. In existing stable relationships, expect coldness and cooling of the relationship.

However, forewarned is forearmed: arm yourself patience and attention towards your partners, even if it seems to you that they have not treated you warmly enough. Don't try to sort things out at an unfavorable time.

This year you will travel a lot, both short and long distances. But the most striking events await you in professional field , if you are working, of course. You will remember this year as quite important. If you don't have a goal yet, one will definitely appear.

The most active months can be called March(especially his other half) And April. During these months you can lay the foundation of future achievements, you will express yourself most clearly and will be able to achieve a lot if you purposefully move towards your goal. There may also be career changes, you may be doing something completely new to yourself, for example, this year you have a chance to gain a new profession or new skills and knowledge.

Lucky periods for career, work and money: March-April, first half of May, first half of November 2017

Lucky periods for travel: May 28 – June 2, July 18-20, September 10-13, November 12-15, 2017

Dangerous or unfavorable periods: April 10-13, July 22-24, November 6-8, December 26-28, 2017


This year, important affairs or events await you abroad or in some other area, not where you live. These could be trips, but even more serious events, for example, changing of the living place or temporary relocation. It is possible that you may be offered work abroad, including remote work. In general, this year may be associated with serious changes in your life, which can bring you both good memories and rather sad ones.

The craving for travel and a change of scenery will haunt you almost all year, and you will also strive broaden your horizons in every possible way, gain new important knowledge. If you are engaged in writing, it is possible that you will have to write something radically new. In general, Geminis who are engaged in intellectual professions will experience success and recognition this year.

This year you will be especially respected, you will be able to influence other people with personal charm and communication skills, so if you want to achieve something from other people, feel free to negotiate with them. Your ability to convince a person of something will also increase your financial situation.

Lucky periods for love: February 6-10, March 15-18, July 5-8, August 8-11, December 13-15, 2017

Lucky periods for career, work and money: March 2-5, April 28 - May 3, June 25-29, October 20-24, 2017

Lucky periods for travel: February 18-21, June 16-20, July 20-25, November 22-26, 2017

Turning points of the year change

Dangerous or unfavorable periods: March 8-12, March 22-27, June 15-19, June 27-30, September 16-20, 2017


This year may present you with tasks that have to do with partners' money, other people's money, inheritance or insurance. This is not to say that the year will be simple, it may be dangers and critical situations, which will be quite difficult for you to get around. You should be prepared for all sorts of surprises, especially during unfavorable periods of the year, when you may also have difficulties in your family.

Although family is usually a high priority for all Cancer sign people, this year you will probably also be spending a lot of time on your own. work and career, which can cause dissatisfaction and pressure from partners.

If your birthday falls during from 9 to 13 July, wait serious changes in life. However, other representatives of the Cancer sign will also feel that life is testing their strength, they will have to work a lot, and there will not really be normal rest.

Single Cancers have a chance to start relationships with people abroad or from afar. This love affair can become quite passionate and unexpected for yourself, but it can also become destructive and disappointing, so you should look at things realistically and not rush headlong into the pool.

In general, it’s worth traveling this year carefully. It is likely that there will be various obstacles on the road, or you will not be allowed to leave work at all, or there will be other reasons not to go at a time when you would like to go on vacation.

Lucky periods for love: June 21-24, July 16-19, September 11-16, November 9-13, 2017, January 7-12, 2018

Lucky periods for career, work and money: second half of August 2017, end of December 2017 – beginning of January 2018

Lucky periods for travel: March 23-27, end of November - beginning of December, December 25-28, 2017

Turning points of the year change: February 2-11, February 26, June 5-13, August 7, August 21, 2017, January 31, February 16, 2018

Dangerous or unfavorable periods: March 28-30, end of July – beginning of August, second half of September 2017


This year will be quite an important year for almost all representatives of the Leo sign: this year's eclipses on the Leo-Aquarius axis will set you tasks related to the feeling of yourself and your partners, relationships will be reconsidered or will reach a new level. Moreover, these can be both pleasant events (marriage, moving into a partner’s house) and quite stressful ones (divorce, separation, separation).

Partners can seriously influence you this year, there may even be some dependence on them, which you will not like at all, you will strive for freedom and independence, so it will be difficult to keep relationships smooth throughout the year. This year you will be in public a lot and communicate a lot, your popularity in society will increase, other people will talk about you.

There will be quite a bit of entertainment and idleness this year, you will lack freedom, and the workload of current routine affairs will distract from creativity. You need creativity this year more than ever, since it is in creativity that you will feel the freedom that you so need.

The year will also pose questions to you education and study, which will not be easy for you. For example, you may be offered to improve your qualifications or you may decide to sit down with textbooks on your own.

Lucky periods for love: July 14-19, September 10-15, end of November - beginning of December 2017, first half of January 2018

Lucky periods for career, work and money: May 20 – June 2, July 1-9, 13-28, first half of August, mid-October 2017, January 20-25, 2018

Lucky periods for travel: May 7-15, June 1-4, August 6-21, 2017, January 1-7, 2018

Turning points of the year change: February 11, February 26, August 7, August 21, 2017, January 31, February 16, 2018


This year it will be difficult for you to feel free and independent Rather, you will feel dependent on some people or circumstances.

Some changes may occur in your work and career, and they may be very successful, but this does not mean that you will have to work less than usual. Financial opportunities This year promises to be successful: you can be a little more free in spending. However, it is better not to waste too much, since at any moment a crisis situation may arise that will require additional finances.

In partnerships there may be coldness and even indifference, and new connections will either bring trouble or will not develop at all due to some of your critical views.

To brighten up the negative events of the year, you should turn to creative activities or devote time to your children. If possible, do not plan trips during unfavorable periods of the year, as they can bring nothing but disappointments.

Lucky periods for love: February 20-25, March 24-29, May 8-11, May 28-June 2, July 18-23, October 8-13, 2017

Lucky periods for career, work and money: early July, first half of September, mid-November 2017

Lucky periods for travel: first half of September 2017

Turning points of the year change: April 8-11, May 1-4, August 11-14, September 3-6, December 1-4, 21-24, 2017

Dangerous or unfavorable periods: 8-12 and 20-25 March, 17-21 and 27-30 June, 16-20 September 2017

Astrological forecast 2017 by date of birth


This year may bring changes to your personal life and the life of your children. Love, relationships and children will take over most your thoughts. Although you are not usually particularly adventurous, this year you may feel the urge to take risky actions.

This is especially true for representatives of the sign of Libra, born during the period from 10 to 22 October of any year, but for all other Libras the year will be quite stressful. This year there may be sharp and unexpected turns V personal life, but for some even in a career. The changes that will take place now may be difficult to accept, but it is quite possible that in the future you will only be glad that this happened.

With partners this year they can relations will worsen, and although you usually strive for balance and harmony, you may behave in a way that is not quite standard: cause a scandal or provoke a quarrel.

Creative energy will be overflowing this year, so you should not ignore the desire to create something with your own hands. Creativity will also help you calm some inner feelings that will be relevant to the partnership. However, despite the difficulties, you are likely to look at problems quite optimistically. In general, optimism and a good sense of humor are simply necessary for you this year, otherwise you can seriously withdraw into yourself.

Lucky periods for love: May 29 – June 5, July 28 – August 1, September 15-20, December 18-23, 2017

Lucky periods for career, work and money: August, second half of November – early December 2017

Dangerous or unfavorable periods: second half of March – first half of April 2017


This year's events will be closely related to your family, home or property. Quite likely solution housing problems, issues related to real estate (purchase, sale, change of residence, renovation, etc.). A lot of effort and time may go into improving the house or adapting to new living conditions.

You may have wanderlust, the desire to travel or just move around a lot within a city or country. This year may be the end of some important period in your life.

The financial side of life will also seriously occupy you. To maintain a stable income, you will have to spend a lot of effort. Money will not be given simply and easily, but you will most likely have to spend a lot.

This year your social circle will increase somewhat, but you will be quite selective in your approach to dating and communication. Lonely Scorpios may very well start pleasant romantic relationships, which, however, can leave quite difficult and sad memories, so try to include your intuition when choosing romantic partners and do not let your heart be broken.

For most Scorpios, this year promises to be quite positive: Jupiter will have time to pass through almost your entire sign, which means good luck awaits you this year, fulfillment of desires, successful achievement of goals.

Lucky periods for career, work and money: second half of August 2017

Lucky periods for travel: May 8-15, August 15-25, end of November - beginning of December 2017, January 1-10, 2018

Astrological forecast for the year


This year may bring you forced restrictions in actions, situations will develop in such a way that not all plans and desires will come true exactly as you expect. It will seem to you that you are simply unlucky, but fate has its own plans and intentions, so remember that now, more than ever, no matter what is done, everything is for the better, even if at first it seems quite the opposite to you.

The demands on you this year will be quite high, this applies not only to your superiors, but also to your partners. There may be some disagreements with your friends, or you may have difficulty understanding them. Disagreements may concern monetary issues, therefore, if possible, you should not open a new business with friends, and you should not borrow or lend money.

In love and relationships, prepare for some unfavorable surprises. Although starting a new relationship is quite possible, its further development will depend entirely on you.

Lucky periods for career, work and money: May 10-19, August 20-27, November 22 - December 5, 2017

Lucky periods for travel: February 7-12, May 30 – June 6, August 5-9, October 23-27, 2017

Dangerous or unfavorable periods: March 20-30, end of July - beginning of August, second half of September 2017


This year you will be looking hard new acquaintances and new connections, use them for your own purposes. Communication and new knowledge will be quite significant for you.

Your social circle this year will bring many pleasant moments, however, quarrels and disagreements with relatives and neighbors can bring some problems. People from your inner circle or some news they bring can surprise and even shock. This year you should think about what you have said, since a word spoken incorrectly and out of place can lead to unpleasant consequences.

This year you will have to find a balance between family and work, personal life, immediate family and career. It won't be easy, but you simply won't be able to choose just one thing. Most likely, you will have to devote equal amounts of time and effort to both sides of your life. If you believe that your personal life should be on the back burner, this year's situations may convince you otherwise.

At the very end of the year, your home planet Saturn will change sign to Capricorn, making a connection with your Sun (over the next three years), but Capricorns who were born from December 21 to 28 of any year will already be able to feel its ruthless effect this year. You will be quite worried about the current state of affairs, you may experience strong feelings of loneliness and hopelessness, fatigue and depression. This time should be used to become aware of yourself, and perceive problems as an invaluable experience and a test that makes you stronger.

Capricorns born between January 6 and January 11 will also have a hard time this year. Serious changes are expected in your life. This year may be a turning point for you, when a completely new page will open in your life.

Lucky periods for career, work and money: May 10-20, early June, second half of August, mid-September 2017

Dangerous or unfavorable periods: end of February - beginning of March 2017


This year will be the most important for the sign of Aquarius, since it is in your sign that the first solar eclipse this year. Many events that will take place in your life are likely to be fatal and quite unpredictable. The turning point that this year will indicate may last longer, but this year should be an indication of important points, which you must comprehend.

This year can help you discover your original and unique talent, will open up new and important perspectives for you, which you will immediately take advantage of. Try to do at least something this year to increase your level of knowledge or improve your skills in some matter, then you will correctly use the energy that the planets will give this year.

This year you will easy to handle money. There may be unplanned income and expenses, money may come from secret or hidden sources. You will likely want to act energetically and boldly when it comes to money, but you should be careful not to take ill-considered steps.

Lucky periods for career, work and money: May 2017

Turning points of the year change: July 31 – August 7, December 30, 2017 – January 6, 2018

Dangerous or unfavorable periods: February 23 – March 5, second half of September 2017


This year your energy and activity will increase significantly, but applying it in the right direction will not work out perfectly. Sometimes you just won't know what should you do with this energy?, with new plans and ideas.

However, you should do everything to implement personal initiatives and realize your plans. Even if not everything will work out immediately and easily, you will still be able to achieve a lot this year and gain invaluable experience.

This year is more suitable for jobs and careers than for relationships, although personal life will be a cause of anxiety and sadness. Relationships this year will not be easy. It is likely that you may meet a new partner for whom you will develop romantic feelings, but the relationship is more likely to soon will fade away, or will be abruptly cut off.

An important role this year friends and like-minded people will play. Changes in the friendly team are quite likely. New close friends may appear, or your friends may experience major changes in their lives.

Lucky periods for love: end of November – beginning of December 2017

Lucky periods for career, work and money: end of August, end of November – beginning of December 2017

The patron of 2017 will be the Red Fire Rooster, who will bring many pleasant surprises, prospects and good changes to all signs of the Zodiac. At the end of January 2017, the Fire Monkey will hand over the reins of power to the Red Rooster, and since the color of the patrons and their temperament are not too different, we will not immediately see significant changes. Everything will happen in our usual mode and the rhythm set by the Monkey.

The beginning of the year will be relatively calm, while the Rooster will slowly get used to his new “powers”, but with the arrival of spring he will begin to act more confidently and purposefully, introducing his new trends, rules and changes. Starting in March, almost all signs will experience the new trends of 2017, and also expect them pleasant surprises and surprises.

In order for life this year to delight with its opportunities and prospects, and for the owner of the year to be supportive, it is necessary to treat everything that happens to us wisely and philosophically. This approach to life situations will help you adapt to new conditions, quickly and efficiently solve life’s issues and tasks, and also reveal your creative potential to the maximum.

The Rooster is a hardworking creature, so you should not count on his favor if you like to idle. This year it will be much easier for the unemployed to find and get a decent job if they actively search. Many representatives of the Zodiac signs will receive mutually beneficial offers, thanks to which they will be able to improve their well-being and achieve financial stability. The Rooster does not like fussiness and haste in business, so it is better to focus on quality rather than quantity. Don't agree to several offers at once, think about it and choose the one that suits you best. The Rooster is an ardent supporter of creativity and creative thinking Therefore, those who are engaged in intellectual and creative activities will achieve the greatest success this year. There is no need to set success and big money as the goal of your work, since the patron of 2017 is not too fond of mercantile and greedy people. Set high spiritual goals for yourself that would benefit society and become a common property.

The Rooster is distinguished by its bright and attractive appearance, as well as its desire to be in the center of everyone's attention all the time, which it will demand from all of us. Therefore one of mandatory conditions Success in 2017 will be our appearance and image. This year it would be nice to take care of yourself: tighten up your body, change your hairstyle, change your clothing style, give up bad habits. The Rooster will actively promote and help those who pull themselves together and take the path of self-improvement, so this year there is every chance to become better, more beautiful, more educated and more successful.

As for relaxation, it is better to hold off on the upcoming vacation and put off such ideas for later, since the Rooster does not like to rest and idle, and, therefore, can ruin all your plans, which is fraught not only with disappointment, but also with significant losses in the professional sense. Therefore, leave everything to the mercy of fate and work for the benefit of your future success, and the Rooster will not leave your efforts unnoticed and will adequately reward you for this with an excellent opportunity to have a good rest.

In the personal life of single people, a very interesting and eventful time awaits, rich in meetings and acquaintances, one of which will be a real gift of fate. But family people won’t have to be discouraged either, since their relationships with their spouses will take on a new, brighter hue, become more sensual and deeper. The Rooster is distinguished by devotion and fidelity, so no negative situations should arise in family matters.

The rooster is an ambitious and fair animal, so everything this year will be deserved. And it depends only on us whether he will reward us or leave us with nothing.


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