Marker ca 125 is normal in women. Tumor markers of ovarian cancer: norm and pathology. Indicators for various diseases

In modern medicine, many examination methods are used to diagnose various oncological pathologies.

The main study, perhaps, is precisely the examination of the patient’s blood for the presence of certain components (markers) and the level of their concentration. CA 125 is exactly such a marker.

It is important to remember that the earlier cancer is detected, the higher the patient’s chances of successful treatment.

What does CA 125 mean?

The blood element CA-125 is a specific tumor marker that allows doctors to diagnose ovarian cancer with high accuracy. With the help of such a study, it is possible to identify the disease already at early stage.

The tumor marker CA 125 is a very complex combination of a polysaccharide and a protein, and although, in fact, it is a special antigen of the epithelium of a certain category (fetal tissue).

Normally, tumor marker 125 may be present:

An important point is also the fact that in women during pregnancy, especially in the first third of the period, there is usually an upward deviation in the values ​​of the CA125 tumor marker. The discriminatory level of the substance may also be increased during menstruation.

It is important that the collected blood is delivered to the laboratory for testing no later than 1.5 hours after its collection, and the tube must be stored in a special box where the temperature is maintained no higher than 8°C.

CA 125 plays an important role in the body, since its concentration in the blood is diagnostic. Further in the article you will learn what a blood test for CA 125 means, who needs to undergo such a test and how to properly prepare for it, you will find a breakdown of the results of the tumor marker test and what diseases are indicated by the deviation of the obtained values ​​from the established norms.

Indications for analysis

All women should donate blood for the study of CA 125, an element that is one of the tumor markers, since only by regularly taking this test can one not only identify the disease in a timely manner in the early stages and begin timely treatment, but also prevent dangerous illness, revealing the borderline value in time.

The effectiveness of the CA-125 test is so high that it makes it possible to determine the presence of a tumor in the ovaries at the very initial stage its formation. Such antibodies are constantly present in the body of any person, but their concentration is important for diagnosing the disease.

The doctor prescribes a test for the tumor marker CA 125 if there is a suspicion of the presence of an ovarian cancer tumor, in order to make an accurate diagnosis or refute suspicions. If cancer is detected, the doctor prescribes specific therapy, and before treatment begins, the study is repeated and its results are recorded.

During the therapy period, a tumor marker test is prescribed quite often so that the doctor has the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of treatment and adjust it if necessary. After finishing complex treatment CA125 levels are also tested to ensure that the disease has been successfully treated.

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After successful treatment, the doctor will periodically prescribe such studies to monitor the patient’s condition and timely detect relapse of the disease.

Preparing for analysis

To conduct the study, venous blood is needed, or rather, its plasma, which is previously purified from other blood elements. The procedure for collecting blood is standard and is carried out in the usual way from the ulnar vein when it is compressed in the middle part of the shoulder with a special tourniquet.

In order for the results of the study on the CA 125 tumor marker to be reliable and as informative as possible, you should properly prepare for the blood sampling procedure.

Rules for preparing for analysis:

  • Blood should be donated in the early morning hours, with the optimal time being from 7 to 11 am. It is important to come to the procedure with some extra time in order to be able to sit a little quietly and take a break from climbing stairs, walking and other moments, and also bring your emotions back to normal.
  • Blood sampling must be carried out on an empty stomach, so the last food intake on the day before the procedure should be no later than 6 pm. It is very important that at least 8 to 10 hours pass between the last snack and the time of the procedure.
  • On the day before the procedure, it is recommended to drink only water, excluding other drinks, especially carbonated lemonade, as well as coffee and tea, as they may affect the results of the study.
  • Smoking, as well as drinking any drinks containing alcohol, should be avoided at least 3 days before the procedure.
  • It is important to remember that some foods can affect the concentration of CA125, as well as the level of many other blood elements, so you should exclude fried, fatty, spicy, salty and sweet foods from your diet the day before the test.
  • Some medications may also have an effect, so if you are taking any medications, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of temporarily stopping them or continuing to take them.
  • Should be limited and physical activity a few days before the scheduled procedure, since loads can change the composition of the blood and the concentration of many of its indicators.
  • It is important to exclude at least a week before blood sampling and various medical procedures, such as x-rays, ultrasound, MRI, CT and other diagnostic methods, as well as massage.

Norm SA-125

In the absence of pathologies in women, as a result of a blood test, the concentration of the tumor marker CA 125 should not exceed the normal value of 10 to 15 U/ml. An important point is that if the concentration of CA-125 is in the range from 15 to 35 units, then there is nothing to worry about, since data of 35 units is the borderline value of the permissible norm and does not indicate any problem.

The normal value of the tumor marker CA 125 will be considered any indicator of the element that does not exceed a value of 35 U/ml.

Of course, an increase in tumor marker does not always indicate the presence of ovarian cancer. An increase in concentration can be observed in various situations, for example, during menstruation or when carrying a baby in the early stages.

The results of the study may be false positive under other circumstances:

  • In the presence of any inflammatory process in the reproductive and reproductive systems.
  • In the presence of peritonitis, when inflammation is localized in abdominal cavity.
  • In the presence of pleurisy, which is a mild disease, inflammation of their serous membrane.
  • For severe kidney disease.
  • For endometriosis.
  • In the presence of autoimmune diseases.
  • For infectious lesions of the genital organs.
  • If there is a cyst in the cavity of one or both ovaries.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis solely on the basis of a study of CA 125 levels. If an increase in concentration is detected, an additional detailed examination should be performed to accurately determine the cause of such a violation.

Decoding deviations

An increase in tumor marker CA 125 can be observed in various reasons, but it is possible to establish a certain one only after additional studies of biological fluids of the body, ultrasound, MRI, gastroscopy and laparoscopy procedures.

As a rule, when an elevated CA 125 result is received, the doctor, taking into account the patient’s medical history and complaints, can identify an approximate cause of this phenomenon and prescribe certain additional studies. But situations where no specific cause is given a dominant role are much worse, since in this case there is almost always only one possible cause, which is the presence of a cancerous tumor in the reproductive system or digestive organs.

Ovarian cancer can be suspected if the CA125 value in the test results is from 120 to 160 units per milliliter.

For a more accurate determination of ovarian cancer, the CA-125 indicator is deciphered with the obligatory consideration of other elements, first of all, these are tumor markers CA 15-3, CA 19-9, CA 19-4, which are also specific markers.

The level of tumor marker CA 125 is increased in the presence of a cyst in one ovary or in both at once. In this case, the marker value can reach 60 U/ml. This condition requires not only timely treatment, but also special attention, because there is a very fine line between a cyst and the appearance of cancer. This condition is most dangerous for women of menopausal age, when, due to the instability of hormones, the chances of the appearance and rapid development of cancer increase significantly.

Another reason for the deviation of CA 125 values ​​from the norm is endometriosis. Today, this disease is observed in many women, but most often the disease is observed in the age group from 20 to 40 years. The disease is characterized by the fact that the inner layer of the uterine walls, called the endometrium, begins to grow outside the uterine cavity. This disease causes a significant increase in the size of the abdominal cavity and permanent severe pain in this zone. The danger of the disease is that the cells of the overgrown endometrium can easily turn into cancer.

The CA 125 tumor marker allows you to identify a disease such as endometriosis. The doctor can make a similar conclusion if the test results indicate that this element is 100 U/ml, that is, it is almost 10 times higher than the usual norm.

With uterine fibroids, which occur due to frequent hormonal disruptions, the CA125 indicator usually reaches a value of 110 units, but it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound or a more serious study (MRI) to accurately determine the presence of fibroids, its size, and location. Myoma is a benign tumor, but such formations are often multiple in nature.

The limit of 35 Ku/l for CA 125 was determined from the statistics of the values ​​of healthy people to include 99% of the normal population. The lack of an international standard for CA 125 analysis makes comparability among different laboratories difficult.

Serum CA 125 marker values ​​tend to decrease with age and the onset of menopause. Levels also vary depending on race. Concentrations tend to be lower in postmenopausal Asian and African women than in their white counterparts.

Decoding the CA 125 analysis

Up to 80% of women with epithelial ovarian cancer show elevated CA 125 levels, which depend on the clinically detected stage. The degree of tumor marker elevation is also associated with the extent of the tumor and the pathological stage of the cancer. However, due to lack of sensitivity and specificity, the CA 125 test is not recommended for the detection of ovarian cancer or in the initial diagnosis of ovarian cancer. CA 125 levels may also be elevated in other malignant tumors, as well as in benign and some physiological conditions.

What does the tumor marker CA 125 show?

Malignancies associated with elevated CA 125 levels include the following:

  • Epithelial ovarian cancer (including fallopian tube and primary serosoperitoneal cancer): 75%-85% of women
  • Endometrial cancer: 25%-48% of cases
  • Endocervical adenocarcinoma: 83% of cases
  • Pancreatic cancer: 59% of cases
  • Breast cancer: 12%-40% of cases
  • Lymphoma: 35% of cases
  • Lung cancer: 32% of cases
  • Colorectal cancer: 20% of cases
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix/vaginal cancer: 7%-14% of cases [k]

Benign conditions associated with elevated CA 125 levels include the following:

  • Endometriosis: 88% of cases
  • Cirrhosis: 40%-80% of cases
  • Acute peritonitis: 75% of cases
  • Acute pancreatitis: 38% of cases
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs: 33% of cases
  • First trimester of pregnancy: 2%-24% of cases
  • Unknown cause: 0.6%-1.4% of healthy individuals

Due to the heterogeneity of its distribution, an elevated CA 125 value must be interpreted in the context clinical picture and the indications for which the analysis is made.

When is a CA 125 tumor marker test prescribed?

There are 5 main scenarios in which testing is carried out.

Detection of a tumor in the pelvis

Increasing CA 125 levels is used as aid to help differentiate between malignant and benign pelvic masses detected by clinical examination or ultrasound. This is especially useful in postmenopausal women. CA 125 can be used to calculate the risk of malignancy index (RMI).

Monitoring response to therapy

An overall decrease in CA 125 levels indicates a response to treatment, even if the disease is not detected by physical examination or ultrasound. In this case, repeated CA 125 tests have greater clinical utility than single testing.

Oncologists define response to treatment as a decrease of 50% or more in CA 125 levels that do not rise for at least 28 days. However, the pre-treatment CA 125 level should be at least twice the upper limit of normal and taken 2 weeks before the start of treatment. Subsequent samples are taken after 2 and 4 weeks of treatment and at intervals of 2-3 weeks thereafter. However, tumor recurrence can occur in the presence of normal CA 125 levels, and serum measurements do not replace ultrasound and physical examination patient.

Detection of cancer recurrence

Elevated CA 125 levels in the absence of clinical or radiological evidence indicate what is called biochemical relapse, which precedes clinical detection of cancer recurrence by 2-6 months.

An elevated CA 125 level above 35 U/ml can indicate the development of secondary tumors with up to 95% accuracy.

Ovarian cancer prognosis

Elevated CA 125 levels are also prognostic factors for survival in ovarian cancer. Patients with preoperative CA 125 levels above 65 Ku/L show a lower 5-year probability of survival, and their risk of death is 6.37 times higher than patients with levels below 65 Ku/L.

Early detection of hereditary syndromes

There are currently no data that support routine screening in the general population for ovarian cancer, and no professional society recommends the use of CA 125 for routine screening.

However, it is suggested that CA 125 be used for early detection in high-risk patients with a genetic predisposition for hereditary syndromes ovarian cancer.

Individuals with a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes are classified as having a hereditary history of breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) syndrome. These women have a lifetime risk of developing ovarian cancer ranging from 11% to 62%.

In patients with HBOC who have not had their uterus removed as primary prevention, it is recommended to perform transvaginal ultrasonography(TVUS) and CA 125 measurement every 6 months starting at age 30 years.

Finally, oncologists believe that simultaneous CA 125 testing and transvaginal ultrasound may also be useful in the early detection of patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer or Lynch syndrome.

How is tumor marker analysis performed?

For analysis, blood or serum is taken from the patient's vein. No preparation is required before blood collection.

Container: Blood is collected in a tube containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)

Interactions: Heparin and oxalate may interfere with testing; they should be avoided.

The blood sample may be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours before processing.

Ovarian tumor markers CA 125 transcript

Tumor markers are substances of protein origin that increase in human blood during cancer and other conditions. When even a small number of tumor cells appear in the body, markers of tumor growth begin to be synthesized and released into the blood, where they can be detected. Cancer tumor markers can also increase with inflammation or benign tumors.

The level of markers determines the presence or absence of a tumor and the effectiveness of cancer treatment. When examining a patient, one cannot rely only on this sign of a tumor; it is necessary to evaluate all criteria of the disease in order to avoid errors in diagnosis. One of these markers is the ovarian tumor marker. The tumor marker for ovarian tumors is called CA 125.

Why does CA-125 increase?

There are many markers, each of which is responsible for the tumor of its organ. An ovarian tumor is characterized by an increase in the blood marker CA-125. It is found not only in the cells of the ovaries, but also in the serous membranes (pleura, peritoneum, pericardium), in the cells of the digestive system, lungs, kidneys, testicles in men. Therefore, with an increase in CA-125, only in 80% of cases can one assume the presence of a tumor of the testicles in men and ovaries in women, and in 20% of cases the presence of a tumor of other organs is likely.

The marker increases with inflammatory diseases in these organs, benign formations, during pregnancy or during autoimmune diseases, therefore, its increase does not necessarily indicate a tumor process. If the tumor marker CA-125 for an ovarian tumor is elevated, decoding can only be done by a doctor.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination, computed tomography or MRI of the organ, endoscopic examination. In difficult cases, a puncture biopsy with tissue examination for the presence of tumor cells will help.

How to conduct research on CA-125

It is necessary to donate blood strictly on an empty stomach to avoid false results. You should not drink any drinks before donating blood, with the exception of water. The analysis can be carried out during the day if more than 8 hours have passed since eating. One hour before the test you should not smoke.

It is advisable to conduct the study in the first half of the cycle after menstruation. Many medical procedures and medications can affect the results, so before the study you should consult your doctor about the need to discontinue them. To monitor the cure for tumors, the study is carried out once every three months.

What is the norm of CA-125

There are generally accepted laboratory standards for this indicator: for women, its level should be no more than 15 U/ml, from 15 U/ml to 35 U/ml is considered a questionable result, and an indicator of more than 35 U/ml is considered elevated. CA-125 in cancer usually increases several times. Sometimes in the early stages of tumors the marker is normal. The tumor marker for probable ovarian cancer may remain at a normal level.

False-positive results are observed in benign tumors and other inflammatory and immune diseases. If the level of CA-125 is increased or its result is questionable, a blood test is additionally performed for the HE-4 marker, which is more specific and sensitive for ovarian cancer.

This marker does not increase during inflammatory processes and cysts and is detected at all stages of cancer. To clarify the presence of an ovarian tumor, gynecologists often prescribe a blood test for the ROMA index, which includes determining the marker CA-125, HE-4 and calculating the likelihood of tumor development using a special method.

Against the background of ongoing antitumor therapy, the level of reduction of this marker is often assessed. If it remains elevated despite treatment, this means that the therapy is ineffective and the tactics must be changed. A decrease in the marker by two or more times indicates the effectiveness of treatment and a good prognosis.

Indications for examination on CA-125:

  1. Ovarian cyst. The Ca-125 marker with a cyst can be increased to two levels. This does not necessarily indicate its malignancy, but requires additional examination. The cyst itself is a precancerous disease; the risk of cancer especially increases during menopause. Therefore, when a cyst is detected and the tumor marker level increases, the doctor may prescribe surgery.
  2. Endometriosis. With this disease, endometrial cells grow and spread outside the uterus. This disease can also be a precursor to cancer. CA-125 in endometriosis can be increased several times. Treatment begins with the use of hormones, and in severe cases, surgery is prescribed.
  3. Uterine fibroids. This is a benign tumor in which the marker can be two or three times elevated. To clarify the nature of the process, ultrasound and MRI must be prescribed. But often, even when the benign nature of the process is confirmed, surgery is prescribed, since the risk of cancer degeneration is quite high.
  4. Pregnancy. Changes in hormone levels can cause an increase in the marker in the blood. In addition, the child’s fetus itself becomes the source of the formation of the marker and its release into the blood. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to do a dynamic study, as well as donate blood for additional tumor markers.
  5. Menopause. During this period, an increase in the CA 125 tumor marker is most dangerous, since with age the risk of the formation of malignant tumors in the body increases. In patients during menopause, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination to exclude oncology (MRI, ultrasound, CT, additional tumor markers).

If carried out gynecological examination did not reveal pathology, and the CA-125 marker is elevated, it is necessary to exclude tumors of other locations. First you need to conduct an examination gastrointestinal tract.

Perform an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs and kidneys, perform fibrogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy or irrigoscopy of the stomach and intestines. To exclude tumors of the lungs and pleura, an X-ray or tomographic examination must be done. Pericardial tumors can be detected by Doppler echocardiography and chest tomography.

It must be remembered that the level of tumor markers cannot be the main criterion of the disease. Only a doctor can assess the patient’s condition and make a diagnosis after full examination. If you detect an increased level of tumor markers in the blood, you should not despair; this can be caused by other diseases.

What does tumor marker CA 125 mean?

Statistics and cancer

IN Lately The number of people getting sick is steadily increasing various forms cancer. Doctors and scientists around the world are concerned about this problem. However, the statistics are inexorable: cancer is getting younger, and today among the patients of oncology clinics you can find not only people who have not yet reached the age of forty, but even children. In such a situation, timely diagnosis is very important. The presence and development of cancerous tumors is indicated by special proteins - tumor markers.

What are tumor markers?

All kinds of neoplasms that arise in the human body begin to produce certain molecules. Usually these are protein molecules. They are called tumor markers. IN healthy body they are present in very limited quantities, but with the appearance of a tumor their number begins to increase. That is, tumor markers are either a product of the production of cancer cells or a reaction to the tumor of neighboring cells. The ideal tumor markers are those that are highly sensitive to a certain type neoplasms. They are also called specific tumor markers.

A little about the importance of diagnosis

It is very difficult to detect cancer in its infancy. To date, this problem has been partially solved. After all, there is a special analysis for tumor markers. It allows you to identify proteins that atypical cells produce. Malignant tumors of different types have their own set of such marks. For example, the specific tumor marker CA 125 may indicate ovarian cancer. Getting tested for a tumor marker means:

  • Determine whether there is a risk of cancer. Do not be afraid of this procedure and its results. After all, tumor markers are also present in the blood of healthy people. And their slight increase is not always associated with the occurrence of a tumor. Thus, the tumor marker CA 125 sometimes increases during pregnancy, menstruation, inflammatory diseases of the lungs and liver.
  • Identify the suspected source of the tumor in the early stages. Tumor marker analysis makes it possible to identify a tumor at a time when it cannot yet be identified by any other methods. All studies (MRI, ultrasound, x-ray) show no abnormalities in the early stages.
  • Determine whether it is benign or malignant tumor is brewing in the future or is already taking place. This can be determined by the amount of the corresponding tumor marker in the blood serum.
  • See if the prescribed treatment is effective and has results.
  • Prevent relapses of cancer, monitor the patient’s condition.

Tumor marker CA 125

This is the name given to the main marker of ovarian cancer. In scientific terms, the tumor marker CA 125 is a glycoprotein, that is, a complex protein. In the fetus, it is found in the epithelial cells of the digestive and respiratory organs. In adult women, this marker is present in normal, intact endometrial tissue as well as in uterine fluid. It can enter the bloodstream when natural barriers are destroyed, for example, during abortion, during menstruation, especially if a woman has endometriosis, or in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Ovarian cancer risk

The specific tumor marker CA 125, the norm of which is 35 units/ml, may be present in the body of healthy people. If suddenly, as a result of the analysis, it turns out that this indicator is overestimated, this may mean that the woman’s ovaries are susceptible to oncological transformation. That is why such a study must be conducted once a year. Gynecological cancer is one of the leading causes of death. It affects approximately 12 out of 1000 women. Only the second or third of them recover. The main reasons are:

  • Lack of childbirth.
  • Genetic predisposition (if one of your relatives had genital cancer).
  • A large number of pregnancies or miscarriages.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.

Features of ovarian cancer

Women over 40 are susceptible to this disease, especially during the postmenopausal period. The bad news is that in 70% of cases the disease is not detected immediately. After all, in the early stages it is asymptomatic. When patients turn to diagnostic centers, the disease has already spread beyond the pelvis. There are also cases when, when diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the tumor marker CA 125 does not exceed normal level. This is because the tumor does not produce this marker, so it is unsuitable for diagnosing and treating the disease in this state of affairs. This situation occurs in 20% of women.

CA 125 for ovarian cancer

In patients with the first stage of ovarian cancer, this tumor marker is almost normal or slightly higher. But in the second and subsequent stages this figure begins to increase rapidly. As for the patient’s life, there is an already established pattern. Those patients whose CA 125 level decreases during the first 3 months after the start of treatment reliably survive. This means that the prescribed procedures are effective. If the value of the tumor marker constantly increases, then there is only one conclusion: the tumor is growing and progressing, there is no reaction to the drugs used. In the case when the increase occurs against the background of remission, we can talk about a relapse of the disease.

Oncology: elevated CA 125 levels

But not only ovarian cancer can be indicated by an increase in the tumor marker we are considering. Often it can help identify malignant tumors in other organs. The most common of them:

  • Pancreas cancer. In this case, this marker is used for research in conjunction with CA 19-9.
  • Mammary cancer.
  • Cancer of the sigmoid and rectum.
  • Liver cancer in the early stages.
  • Bronchogenic carcinoma.

Benign formations

However, you should not definitely classify yourself as a cancer patient if, as a result of research, it turns out that your CA 125 is elevated. In some cases, it also indicates other diseases. For example, these:

  • Cyst formation in the ovaries.
  • A common gynecological infection that led to inflammation of the appendages.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Pleurisy or peritonitis.
  • Acute or chronic pancreatitis.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Autoimmune pathology.

Who needs to be tested for tumor markers?

Experts say that those people who are at risk are required to undergo tumor marker tests once a year. This procedure should be part of a routine preventive examination. This category includes:

  • Persons living in environmentally unfavorable areas.
  • Having a hereditary predisposition.
  • Working in hazardous industries.
  • Suffering from precancerous diseases (for example, cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis of all types).

How to prepare for research

You always want to immediately get reliable data. Modern equipment allows us to give us an accurate result, but we must prepare ourselves. For research, blood is taken from a vein. To correctly pass the test for tumor markers, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • For 1-3 days, limit or completely eliminate the consumption of fatty foods.
  • Stop drinking alcohol the same amount of time before the test.
  • Do not eat for 8-12 hours before the procedure.
  • On the day of the study, you must refrain from smoking.

Instead of an afterword

Doctors say cancer is curable. But it is possible to cope with it only in the early stages. That is why you need to be careful about your health and not neglect all kinds of research.

Tumor marker CA 125: norm and interpretation of blood test results

In the diagnosis of oncological pathology, a huge variety of examination methods are used, ranging from examination by a doctor to modern laboratory and instrumental methods. In oncology, as a branch of medicine, the golden rule applies:

The earlier cancer was diagnosed and treatment started, the more favorable the prognosis for the patient.

It is for this reason that there is an active search for even minimal changes in the body that would indicate the presence of tumor cells. In this regard, excellent results have been achieved by specific biochemical research, allowing to detect the presence of certain tumor markers, in particular CA 125.

The value of tumor markers

According to modern medical views, tumor markers are a group of complex protein substances that are direct products of the vital activity of tumor cells, or released by normal cells during cancer invasion. These substances are found in biological fluids both in oncological diseases and in pathologies not related to oncology.

Remember! Detection of window markers (in particular, CA 125) in biological fluids (blood, urine) is not a 100% criterion for the presence of oncological pathology in the body. It only allows one to suspect the possibility of the onset of the disease in the future, with the help of other instrumental and laboratory methods confirm or refute the oncological diagnosis.

It is not possible to make a diagnosis of cancer based on the presence of tumor markers alone.

What does CA 125 mean?

Tumor marker CA 125 is a specific marker that helps diagnose ovarian cancer pathology at the earliest stage.

Important! The threshold or discriminatory level of CA 125 in blood plasma in women is up to 35 units/ml. In healthy men (average) – up to 10 units/ml

CA 125 is a complex compound of protein and polysaccharide.

It is an antigen of a certain type of epithelium (fetal tissue), but is present fine:

  • In the tissue of the unchanged endometrium and uterine cavity in the composition of mucinous and serous fluids, but never enters the blood plasma while maintaining biological barriers.
  • Minimal amounts of CA 125 are produced by the mesothelial lining of the pleura and peritoneum, the epithelium of the pericardium, bronchi, testes, fallopian tubes, gall bladder, intestines, pancreas, stomach, bronchi, and kidneys.
  • An increase in the level of discrimination in women is possible in the first trimester of pregnancy and during menstruation.

Rules for donating blood for tumor marker CA 125

When donating blood for CA 125, follow these recommendations:

  1. At least 8 hours must pass between blood sampling and the last meal.
  2. Do not smoke for 30 minutes before drawing blood.
  3. To avoid distortion of the results, women should take a CA 125 test on days II-III after the end of monthly bleeding.

Analysis results for CA 125: decoding

If during your examination you were found to have an increase in the content of the tumor marker CA 125 over 35 units/ml, then again, do not panic and “give up on yourself.” It's important to pass additional examination to identify the reasons for the increase in marker concentration.

Clinical data show that exceeding the discriminatory level of SA is associated with a number of non-oncological diseases, including:

  • Endometriosis – 84%
  • Cystic changes in the ovaries – 82%
  • Inflammation of the uterine appendages – 80%
  • Dysmenorrhea – from 72 to 75%
  • Group of predominantly sexually transmitted infections – 70%
  • Peritonitis, pleurisy, pericarditis – 70%
  • Liver cirrhosis and hepatitis, long-term chronic pancreatitis - from 68 to 70%

All of the above diseases can cause an increase in the level of SA up to 100 units/ml, which is a kind of threshold for the absence of malignant neoplasms in organism.

CA 125 values ​​in cancer

SA marker test results over 100 units/ml. – an alarming factor that makes one suspect the development of malignant neoplasms in the body and resort to additional diagnostic measures.

Remember! If there are high levels of the SA marker, tests are repeated, and often more than once. As a result, the results obtained specifically in dynamics are evaluated, which allows us to obtain a more reliable picture.

The tumor marker CA 125 is not a strictly specific marker, produced only in ovarian cancer.

It also occurs in such types of tumors as:

  • malignant tumors of the ovaries, endometrium, fallopian tubes – 96-98%;
  • malignant neoplasms of the breast – 92%;
  • pancreatic cancer – 90%;
  • malignant tumors of the stomach and rectum – 88%;
  • lung and liver cancer – 85%;
  • other types of malignant neoplasms – 65-70%

Note: repeated high values marker CA 125 with an increase in indicators over time, are an alarming factor in relation to a wide range of malignant tumors. This should direct the doctor to the most thorough search in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and for this it is necessary to use any informative examination methods.

Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, consult a specialist.

You will receive more detailed information about the importance of tumor markers, in particular the CA 125 marker, in the early diagnosis of cancer by watching this video:

Therapist, Sovinskaya Elena Nikolaevna.

Tests for infections during pregnancy
Follicular cancer thyroid gland
Urethroscopy: preparation, when prescribed, interpretation of results

Hello! a month ago I went for an ultrasound to the gynecologist, I went for prophylaxis, nothing bothered me. As a result of the ultrasound, the gynecologist discovered a dark spot in the area of ​​the right ovary and assumed that it was a tumor. A month ago, CA 125 showed 58, a month after the retest, 81. The gynecologist referred me to another specialist for an ultrasound, but she did not examine anything, but after learning the results of CA 125, she advised me to contact an oncologist. Tell me, if CA 125 is elevated, is this a 100% malignant tumor? and does this affect fertility? I'm 25 years old, no children.

Hello. I highly recommend reading the text of the article (see above) - you will understand what can affect the results of the analysis. It is impossible to say unequivocally that an increase in values ​​is associated with the presence of cancer, because in most cases, deviations from the norm are observed due to other reasons. I recommend contacting a good ultrasound specialist and re-doing an OMT ultrasound in different periods cycle. If the result is questionable, make an appointment with a gynecologist who will prescribe additional types of examinations.

I am 36, no children, during diagnostic laproscopy they discovered ovarian cysts, removed 3 myoma nodes, removed the omentum. They took a biopsy of both ovaries. The regional laboratory confirmed my gynecologist’s diagnosis: Serous borderline tumor of the ovaries. Analysis for tumor markers Ca.8 HE4-114.9, index roma 38.65. Could this mean that the tumor is malignant?

Hello. If diagnosed early, a borderline ovarian tumor will not cause any inconvenience to the patient. With late diagnosis there are risks, including the transition of the process to a malignant form. If you had a biopsy taken, then the results of this analysis will give an answer about the type of tumor, but not a test for tumor markers.

Thank you. Let's do so.

I would advise you to retake the test 2 weeks after the acute respiratory viral infection and gastroscopy.

Hello. My mother has had ovarian cancer since 2016. After surgery and chemotherapy, the marker was 9.0. Until November, it gradually increased and became 13.8. Now my mother is doing control examinations. Tumor markers increased to 34.7. According to the results of CT with contrast of the abdominal cavity and with contrast of the pelvis, there is no pathology or progression. The level of tumor markers is scary. Its sharp increase. Could there be such a jump if 3 days before the test, my mother had a CT scan with contrast, and two days before the tumor marker test she had a gastroscopy. Could this somehow affect the result?

And a week before the test, my mother had a runny nose and a slight cough with sputum, which increased the ESR to 20 units.

According to the examination results, nothing was found except for a jump in the marker to 34.7 units and an effusion of fluid in the pelvis of less than 20 ml.

Thanks for your reply.

Hello. Gastroscopy - theoretically it could. How old is mom?

Good afternoon Postmenopause, spotting... according to an ultrasound in June, the diagnosis was: fibroids and GPE. Histology result: mucus and blood.

At that time, CA-125 was 33. Now the discharge has resumed, I tested for tumor markers:

Predictive probability (ROMA) - 20.7

Prostocellular carcinoma antigen (SCCA) 0.6 (0-1.5)

With this type of SA, is it cancer? Can it develop so quickly since June, when the result of curettage was clear?

My internal hemorrhoids have worsened, I have severe pain...can it give an increase in CA-125? Or is it cancer already pressing on the rectum? I am a disabled person of the first group, I can’t run to the hospital, the ultrasound will come home on Saturday... but I would like to know the opinion of a gynecologist-oncologist about the possibility of cancer in my case...

Good afternoon Please tell me what the following markers can indicate: carcinoembryonic antigen - 0.8; CA,6; CA,0; CA,0. The value of the marker CA 125 is frightening. A month ago, the patient began bleeding in postmenopause, was hospitalized in the gynecological department, a cyst was discovered in the ovarian area by ultrasound (dimensions 170 × 160 × 89), and surgery was performed to remove it. Gastroscopy showed another formation in the stomach. Against the backdrop of iron deficiency anemia. Over the past week and a half, the patient’s condition has deteriorated sharply; she has difficulty moving, poor appetite, constipation, fatigue, and sudden weight loss. The doctors discharged her from the hospital; they didn’t want to hospitalize her without further tests, but the patient was unable to travel for gastroscopy and colonoscopy. The patient's age is 54 years. What would you recommend? Thanks in advance for your answer. We have on hand an ultrasound of all abdominal and pelvic organs, results histological studies, MRI of the pelvis, CT scan of the brain, immunological study.

Good afternoon. The patient must be hospitalized in the gynecological or gastroenterological department and undergo examinations. Conoscopy is mandatory, preferably an X-ray of the stomach with contrast or an MRI. What's up general analysis blood? Are there any deviations?

Good afternoon! My tests arrived and here are the results. Can you help? Insulin 11.3

Tumor marker He4 59.6

Roma index (postmenopause) 13.40

Roma index (premenopause) 10.88

Hello. Please take a photo or scanned copy of the results, because... You most likely made a mistake when rewriting the results.

Good afternoon, I passed the tests

SEA-6.52 Please write - are there any deviations? Thank you

Hello. In women under 40 years of age, the normal HE4 level is up to 60 pmol/l, in postmenopause up to 140 pmol/l.

ROMA norms are 7.39% or less for premenopausal women and 24.69% or less for postmenopausal women.

The normal level of the CEA tumor marker is up to 5.

Thus, 2 of your indicators are definitely above the norm, NOT 4 - depends on your age. However, the analysis should only be interpreted by the attending physician who is familiar with the data from your medical history and other examinations.

Please tell me, I have a cyst on both ovaries, I tested Ca, He4 - 41.3; Roma - 5.3.

I have cancer? If not, does this affect fertility?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Hello. In women under 40 years of age, the normal HE4 level is up to 60 pmol/l, in postmenopause up to 140 pmol/l. It's normal for you.

ROMA norms are 7.39% or less for premenopausal women and 24.69% or less for postmenopausal women. The indicator is also normal.

But your Ca125 is higher than normal, but with cysts this is a common occurrence. You needn't worry.

As for fertility, it depends on the size and type of your cysts; your gynecologist will be able to answer.

Good afternoon. During the examination, the doctor said that it was endometriosis, a left testicular cyst, an ultrasound confirmed it. I passed the CA-125 test, it showed 10.20

Tell me, what is the result? Thank you

Hello. The result is normal.

Good afternoon I took it on CA 125, it showed 38, I took it on the second day of my period, I didn’t know. what needs to be submitted after 2-3 days. Does this mean something?: Or is it better to retake it. A year ago the figure was 23. I have fibroids.

Good afternoon. With fibroids, the indicator may be higher than normal. However, the test is taken 3 days after the end of menstruation - perhaps this influenced the result. If you are very worried, retake according to the rules.

Hello. Mom broke her collarbone, they said it was a pathological fracture and sent her for a CT scan. They said that she had metastases. They sent us to take tumor markers, but rather than wait for the results, we did it ourselves:

The gynecologist said that everything was ok “the cervix is ​​clean, the uterus is normal”, an ultrasound of the lower organs said that everything was ok. Could it be that something was not noticed on the ultrasound? or is the result 88 not terrible? I read all the comments :)

Hello. Your question is not clear. If metastases are visualized on CT, then there is definitely a primary tumor. If it is not a pelvic tumor, you just need to continue the examination. If you have read the article and posts, then you know that the analysis for tumor markers is nonspecific and based on its results it is impossible to make a diagnosis.

Based on the findings, can you do a CT scan to see if metastases are visible there?

“Probably distant second changes” = probably metastases.

Thanks for the answer Alexander. Does it often happen that nothing bothers a person with metastases?

Unfortunately, with metastases in the bones, the first sign is usually a tendency to fractures; the person may not feel pain.

As I understand it, this means the last stage of cancer, in any case, what is the average prognosis in such cases? I just didn’t have a sting before, I didn’t think that stage 4 cancer could be asymptomatic.

Do you know where the main tumor is located? In order to talk about the stage, and even more so - the prognosis, you need to know all the anamnesis data. You do not have this data, so I would recommend contacting the mother’s attending physician and clarifying all the details with him.

I talked with my mother, in general the situation is this: the collarbone fracture occurred on November 14, the ambulance came and left, they said neurology. Only after 2 weeks the bandage was applied, the radiologist’s report was on December 14th. The oncologist sent my mother to a therapist! Now she, a regular therapist, looks at the results of the ultrasound, gynecologist and CT + blood. This is fine?

Thank you very much, i.e. Should I show it to an oncologist in St. Petersburg right away?

Yes, this is the most correct decision. And the doctor will already prescribe necessary tests(as I understand, you don’t even have biochemistry and OBC) and examinations (scintography, MRI - whatever you deem necessary).

Okay, can you give me your opinion? I have 2 weeks before her appointment, can I bring her here for a week, do a scintigraphy and send her back to the attending physician? There is no talk of any self-medication. I work in medical. center, this is not oncophobia.

You don’t want to hear me: You need to consult a good doctor, for this you can take your mother to St. Petersburg. If he deems it necessary (and he probably will), he will refer you for scintigraphy. But depending on the clinical picture, the doctor may recommend other types of examinations, for example, MRI, in order not only to assess the extent of the lesion bone tissue, but also the spread of the tumor to surrounding soft fabrics, blood vessels, nerves.

Alexander, what does self-medication have to do with it? The CT results say that scintigraphy is indicated.

Oleg, I repeat once again: the decision is up to you. I wrote my opinion above.

She lost her card, she suspects it was because the wrong ambulance didn’t pick her up with a fracture and left her at home. In any case, she only has a picture of the fracture, paid CT scans and tumor markers. We are wasting a lot of time, it’s been two months now, and we’ve only really had a CT scan. Considering that the appearance at the clinic is only in the middle of next month, I think it makes sense to pick it up. Are there negative indications for scintigraphy? Everything will be clear there right away. By the way, I’ve known about the situation for about a week.

Yes, I’m just not trying, she was given an appointment with a therapist at the clinic (regular local). Would it be right to take her to St. Petersburg tomorrow and resolve matters on the spot? scintigraphy upon arrival. Her appointment is scheduled for January 14th. At the therapist.

We need a good doctor, so if my mother lives in a small town, it is better to take her to St. Petersburg. But first collect all the tests from your local clinic and don’t forget to take your medical card. Before talking to your doctor, add. There is no point in conducting examinations, especially X-rays.

Tomorrow I will receive data from the CT CT disk, can you tell me who can make a second control conclusion? Mom can say and think whatever she wants, she read a lot on the Internet and made a fatal diagnosis for herself. The only plus in her direction is the CT scan report, which says possibly mts. Tell me from experience, there is a chance of a conclusion error, i.e. vague conclusion? I ask without any hopes, I’m going to transfer their province to scinography in St. Petersburg, as I understand it, it’s not even worth expecting results before a month. According to the therapist, her answer: “I should take all the answers from him and go to the oncologist.”

In your conclusion it is written “possibly” - the meaning of this word is clear to you. My recommendation remains the same - a preliminary conversation with your doctor. The diagnosis of Cancer is confirmed through a number of tests and studies. Thus, there should be deviations in the presence of metastases, even in general and biochemical blood tests - anemia with myelophthisis, hypercalcemia, etc. is noted. There are also certain symptoms on the basis of which the presence of metastases and cancer can be assumed. Your situation is not at all one that can be solved in absentia. And trying to find a solution on the Internet, you are only wasting time, which can be critical.

Either your mother does not tell you everything, or she does not quite correctly convey to you the words of the doctors. You need to go and talk to your doctor (therapist or oncologist). Everything else is “fortune telling on the coffee grounds.”

IN this moment Waiting for results from a therapist(?) regarding ultrasound of the mammary glands. The gynecologist and ultrasound of the lower section revealed nothing. Next, a referral for a blood test, which was already done for a fee.

You need to contact your oncologist with all test results. The doctor will be able to either confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Hello, after the removal of the mother’s uterus and ovaries, a year later the CA 125 test gave 87.5, before that I took it 3 times and it was normal, could there be a temporary increase due to the flu or pneumonia? Thank you

Hello. With infectious diseases, a slight increase may be observed, but your mother has a significant increase. You need to retake the test and be sure to consult your doctor, especially if you have a history of cancer.

Good afternoon, 27.72 units/ml in the 4th month of pregnancy, is this normal or should you think about it and resort to some kind of diet?

Good afternoon. During pregnancy, the value of the analysis decreases, since pregnancy itself provokes an increase in values. The decoding should be done by your attending physician, based on ultrasound data.

Hello, I'm 31 years old. At the 7th week of pregnancy I was tested for the tumor marker CA 125, the value was 69. On the right ovary there is an endometrioid cyst measuring 2.6 cm by 1.6 cm. Should I be worried?

Hello. During pregnancy this analysis uninformative in principle, since the values ​​will be increased even in the absence of cysts. The cyst will also provoke an increase in values.

In the presence of an ovarian cyst, the tumor marker CA 125 gave a result of 15.39. Tell me, is this normal? And is it worth agreeing to its removal?

The value is normal, but the decision to remove the cyst is definitely not made based on the results of this analysis. It all depends on the type of cyst, the woman’s age, plans for pregnancy, size and growth dynamics of the formation.

Hello. Tell me, can the plasma lifting procedure affect the result of CA-125 if it was done 2 days before the test? SA result (0-35 normal).

There is a 3x4 fibroid. Myoma has been there for 6 years now. Last ultrasound 1 month ago. SA-125 was normal six months ago.

Hello. No, it cannot influence. You need to retake the test and consult with the gynecologist who is observing you.

Hello! I was diagnosed with an endometroid cyst of the left ovary measuring 2.5 by 3.5 cm, the tumor marker showed 31! Tell me, is it necessary to operate? The doctor said this cannot be cured and surgery is required... what should I do? I'm 24, I haven't given birth.

Hello. You need to listen to the opinion of the attending physician who had the opportunity to examine you and familiarize yourself with the results of the examinations. If you don’t trust your doctor, ALWAYS (!) consult another specialist; in your case, online consultants will not be able to give the correct answer in absentia.

Sa. this is normal please answer

Yes, this is a normal result.

The information is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor. There are contraindications, a doctor's consultation is required. The site may contain content prohibited for viewing by persons under 18 years of age.

In real life, due to the growth of oncological pathology, identifying a malignant process at the stage of its inception is of great importance. Considering the widespread prevalence of cancer of the female genital area, there are tumor markers for women, which sometimes act as a “saving straw” that allows them to grasp and prevent cancer from spreading throughout the body, that is, as they say, “to destroy it in the bud.”

What are tumor markers?

The main goal of tumor markers is the earliest detection of a malignant substance, when it is not yet possible to detect it by other methods, due to its small size and lack of clinical manifestations. That is, a person lives for himself and does not know that “evil” has already arisen and is capable of destroying a living organism if urgent measures are not taken.

However, the reader probably wants to know what tumor markers are and what types they are:

  • There are tumor markers for women, since the reproductive organs of the female body are more susceptible to the development of malignant processes than others, for example, CA-125, HE4 are intensely produced by ovarian tumor tissue.
  • Men are less vulnerable in this regard, but they also have a very delicate organ, so they often have to undergo a PSA test.
  • Other tumor-associated antigens not particularly related to the genital area, synthesized in the cells of the tumor of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, do not have a gender.

Tumor markers are macromolecules (antigens) containing predominantly protein and a carbohydrate or lipid component. With the development of an oncological process (not necessarily malignant), they are actively synthesized by tumor cells at the site of the lesion and their concentration in the blood serum increases markedly.

In such cases, the patient should not participate in the diagnosis himself, make a diagnosis for himself, much less impose a death sentence, the tumor may turn out to be completely benign. On the other hand, you should not delay time and put off a comprehensive examination; in most cases, such diseases do not go away on their own.

Cancer patients are subject to examination to identify the level of all available tumor markers, which can provide information about different types of tumors localized in a particular location. Thus, several types of tumor markers can be involved in the diagnosis of one process, or vice versa - one marker can inform about different locations of the lesion.

What diseases can be identified using tumor markers?

Regardless of the type of tumor markers, in order to perform their diagnostic functions, they are presented with certain requirements that they must meet:

main tumor markers and connection with organs

  1. There should be a clearly visible selective relationship between the tumor marker and tumor growth;
  2. A blood test for tumor markers should show a strict correlation between the concentration of the diagnostic agent and the stage of the tumor process;
  3. Tumor markers in the patient's blood serum should be determined before the appearance of clinical signs the presence of a malignant neoplasm.

However, it should still be borne in mind that the fact of an increase in the concentration of the diagnosticum is not complete and irrefutable evidence of the presence of cancer, because the level of tumor markers often increases in tumors of a completely non-malignant origin. Meanwhile, if the test is used in parallel with other diagnostic methods, then there is a high probability of finding an undiagnosed tumor characteristic of a particular type of tissue or organ, regardless of the location of the pathological process, and also of predicting its behavior in the patient’s body. To solve such problems are used different types tumor markers:

  • Busy looking for trouble in female body(tumor markers for breast, cervical, ovarian cancer);
  • Controlling the condition of the prostate gland through known to men prostate-specific antigen (PSA, PSA), the concentration of which in the patient’s blood increases quite sharply at the very beginning of tumor development (the norm is 2.5 ng/ml up to 40 years, 4.0 ng/ml over 50). The PSA level also increases in benign processes (hyperplasia - BPH), and the larger the size of the gland, the higher the PSA content;
  • Antigens associated with cancers of other localizations, for example, tumor markers of the gastrointestinal tract, or rather, tumor markers of tumors of the intestine, stomach, etc.

Except early diagnosis pathological processes of a tumor nature,Tumor markers also solve other problems:

  1. Perform functions of monitoring the course of the disease;
  2. Monitors the effectiveness of treatment (surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, use of hormones);
  3. Prevention of the spread of metastases to other organs, because tumor markers can detect relapse of the disease and metastasis long before (six months or more) until the clinical manifestation manifests itself.

“Female” tumor markers


A high molecular weight glycoprotein produced by epithelial cancer cells localized in the ovary, as well as other cells that originate from the Müllerian duct.

U healthy women the concentration in the blood of this tumor-associated antigen almost never exceeds 35 U/ml, but in patients with ovarian cancer (especially serous ovarian adenocarcinoma), its content increases significantly.

An example of the ratio of CA-125 levels with different types of process in the ovaries:

CA-125 exhibits positive associations with benign processes in the genital organs, as well as with tumors of other locations: breast, lungs, liver, gastrointestinal tract. An increase in the level of tumor marker CA-125 is observed in some diseases of autoimmune origin and during pregnancy.


A highly specific marker associated with breast carcinoma (BC), which, however, is not only located on the surface of cells in the area of ​​malignancy, but (in much smaller quantities!) is synthesized by normal epithelial cells in the breast, lungs, pancreas, ovaries, bladder, large intestine.


Glycoprotein, a protein inhibitor, is normally present on the epithelial tissues of the genital organs, pancreas, and upper respiratory tract.

Meanwhile, the use of these markers in combination with each other significantly improves diagnostic capabilities, including differential diagnostics (allows one to distinguish benign processes from malignant ones) and monitoring the effectiveness of therapeutic measures.

SCC marker (SCCA – squamous cell carcinoma antigen)

Considered an antigen for squamous cell carcinoma of any location(lungs, ear, nasopharynx, cervix), that is, it is a glycoprotein that is produced by the tissue of any squamous cell. Physiological tasks are also not alien to SCC; for example, it takes part in the differentiation of normal squamous epithelium and is synthesized by the salivary glands.

Analysis for the SCC tumor marker is prescribed mainly for monitoring the course of the pathological process And effectiveness of therapeutic measures for all squamous cell carcinomas, but since carcinoma prefers the cervix more than other organs, material taken from women is more often studied. In addition, the marker has a very important prognostic value, because the its content in the test sample corresponds to the degree of histological differentiation of cancer.

Normal SCC values ​​do not exceed 2.5 ng/ml. High levels of this tumor marker can be detected in the blood serum of pregnant women (from the end of the first trimester), with benign, bronchial asthma and renal or liver failure.

“Recognize” a tumor, regardless of gender

Many “female” tumor markers can recognize other locations of cancer, but there are antigens associated with tumors that are little or not attracted to the genitals, and they choose a place for growth somewhere in the intestines, liver, and gall bladder. Basically, the gender of the patient does not play a role for them if the pathology does not concern the reproductive sphere, because in women the list of diseases that may be indicated by an increased concentration of a tumor marker is much wider, as the reader can see for himself:

AFP (alpha fetoprotein)

It became one of the first markers that began to be called tumor markers (Tatarinov Yu. S., 1964). This glycoprotein is normally produced in the fetus during intrauterine development, entering the blood of a pregnant woman, it gives positive result, which is quite understandable.

The appearance of alpha-fetoprotein in other people in concentrations above 10 IU/ml may indicate problems in the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatoblastosis), gastrointestinal tract ( ulcerative colitis, gastrointestinal tumors), as well as in malignant forms of leukemia, breast and lung cancer. The normal values ​​for men and women differ slightly; AFP increases significantly during pregnancy, so the normal for such women is determined using a special table.

CEA (CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen)

Its concentration should not exceed 5 ng/ml, however, this norm does not apply to pregnant women. In non-pregnant patients, CEA increases with cancer of the ovary, uterus, and breast.

If this indicator increases, cancer of the colon, liver, or pancreas can also be suspected, but it should be borne in mind that, like other tumor markers, CEA also increases with benign processes in the gastrointestinal tract (Crohn's disease, Meckel's diverticulum, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach ), as well as for pancreatitis and cirrhosis. In smokers, the level of CEA in the blood serum also increases markedly.


An antigen associated with the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, stomach, lower intestine (rectum and sigmoid), that is, to some extent it is considered a tumor marker of the gastrointestinal tract. However, in addition, the concentration of CA-19-9 increases in cancer of the breast, ovary, uterus and in metastases of carcinomas of various localizations to the liver.

The normal level of a tumor marker is up to 10 U/ml, an increase in level to 1000 U/ml or more indicates that the malignant process has reached the lymphatic system, but the tumor can still be removed (in 5% of patients), an increase in concentration over 10,000 U/ml ml indicates hematogenous dissemination.

Tumor marker 19-9 is not suitable for screening studies and does not detect tumors well in the early stages of development, therefore it is mainly used to monitor the progress of treatment in combination with other tumor-associated antigens (CA-125, CEA, HE4, AFP). When deciphering the results regarding CA-19-9, one should remember and take into account the fact that it is rare in some blood groups (A/B in the Lewis system), when it is simply not produced, regardless of whether the body is healthy or sick.


A tumor marker for gastrointestinal diseases, detected in cases similar to CA-19-9, but it is more sensitive and can be used for diagnosing a malignant process at an early stage its development. In addition, it is often found in increased concentrations (the norm is up to 30 IU/ml) in benign lesions of the stomach and intestines.


This glycoprotein is expressed by various carcinomas localized in the mammary and pancreas, stomach, large intestine, lungs, ovaries, and endometrium. The marker is often used in combination with CA-125 and CEA to monitor cancer therapy.

Obviously, when diagnosing tumors, preference is given to one antigen that is more sensitive to a certain type of tumor, which is called the main one (CA-15-3, PSA, HE4), while others are of secondary importance and are designed to assist the main ones in carrying out their tasks (often REA). In addition, some tumor-associated antigens are able to detect the disease at the earliest stages (HE4, AFP, PSA), when others serve to monitor the effectiveness of therapy (CA-125, CA-19-9, SCC). Meanwhile, tumor markers sometimes change places, that is, the secondary one becomes the main one in relation to a particular pathology, while in other cases the main one solves a secondary problem (CA-125).

Interpretation of analyzes

It is not advisable for the patient to interpret the result himself, although in most cases people try to do this. The doctor knows all the nuances of the study; we provide only a brief summary table containing a list of antigens (not all), upper limits norms and main purpose of the marker.

Table: main tumor markers, acceptable concentration values, combination:

MarkerNormal (upper limit)DiagnosticsMonitoringCombination
SA-12535 IU/mlOvarian cancer+ HE4, SCC
SA-15-330 units/mlMammary cancer+ REA
SA-19-910 units/mlGastrointestinal cancer + AFPIn combination with REAAFP (d)
REA (m)
SA-24230 IU/mlIndications similar to SA-19-9In combination with SA-19-9-
SA-72-4- Carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract, breast, ovary+ SCC, SA-125, REA (m)
AFP10 IU/ml (at the end of pregnancy up to 250 IU/ml)Testicular cancer, teratoma, liver metastases+ hCG
HE470 Pmol/l, up to 140 Pmol/l in postmenopauseEarly stage ovarian cancer+ -
SCC2.5 ng/lSquamous cell carcinoma of any location+ HE4, SA-125, SA-72-4
PSA2.5 ng/ml up to 40 years, 4 ng/ml after 50 yearsProstate cancer+ PSA free
REA5 ng/ml (except pregnant women)Cancer of the ovary, uterus, breast, lung+ SCC, HE4, SA-125, SA-15-3

A complete interpretation of the analysis for tumor markers is carried out by a laboratory diagnostics doctor and an oncologist who monitors the progress of treatment, regularly monitors the level of tumor markers if a possible relapse is suspected, that is, constantly monitors the patient’s condition.

To prevent patients from rushing to make a diagnosis, we consider it useful to remind: the concentration of tumor markers often increases in benign processes localized in various organs, during pregnancy, as well as during a certain age period (menopause, menopause).

The listed tumor markers are not all antigens capable of recognizing malignant processes various localizations. In the article Tumor markers such as:

  • NSE, NSE (neuron-specific enolase), which can increase in non-tumor diseases, since it is very sensitive to any damage to the nervous tissue (ischemia, subarachnoid hemorrhage, epilepsy) and increases in lung cancer, pancreatic and thyroid carcinoma. Combination with pro-GRP significantly increases diagnostic value;
  • Pro-GRP - has the same indications as NSE, but this analysis is quite rare and its cost is almost 2 times higher than NSE (NSE ≈ 1550 rubles, pro-GRP ≈ 3000 rubles);
  • Tumor marker S-100 is prescribed for the detection of neuroendocrine tumors;
  • Beta-2-microglobulin (B-2-MG) is a marker that can recognize multiple myeloma and lymphoma;
  • Other rare tumor markers, which are often done in specialized clinics, and there is no point in ordinary medical centers purchasing test systems, since tests of this kind are rarely prescribed.

Analysis for tumor markers is no longer a novelty

The most gentle, simple and accessible method for identifying pre-tumor and tumor processes is the introduction into clinical diagnostic practice of multi-stage screening measures that search for high-risk groups in relation to oncological pathology. Persons who already have some “suspicious” symptoms, indicating that the disease is not harmless, are also subject to such an examination. Mainly, this problem is effectively solved by clinical laboratory diagnostic methods that determine the quantitative value of tumor markers using specially developed test systems for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

Carrying out ELISA requires a certain time, because first the patient must take a blood test for tumor markers (blood from a vein on an empty stomach), after which the laboratory assistant will process it (centrifugation, separation of serum that will be used for research), and only then the doctor will begin to perform the work if there is enough a sufficient number of samples, and interpretation of the results obtained. This means that one patient is usually not given a reaction, since the panel is designed for approximately 40 people. However, in oncology clinics or in busy laboratories it is possible to obtain results on the same day.

The analysis can also be done on an emergency basis in some cases. medical centers who conduct urgent research, however, this will significantly increase the price of tumor markers. As a last resort, if the patient does not want to wait (there are very impatient patients), some tumor markers are detected using an express method (qualitative analysis). However, it should be noted that it is considered preliminary, and therefore cannot serve as a basis for diagnosis. Meanwhile, its result can be used as a start for further search. Urologists often resort to this method when examining men who have problems with prostate gland. If there is a laboratory nearby equipped with special test strips for detecting PSA (prostate-specific antigen), then within a relatively short time (up to 1 hour) the doctor’s doubts can be confirmed or dispelled.

What tests should I take? Table - information content of tumor markers by localization:

How much does the analysis cost?

The price of analysis for tumor markers can range from 290 rubles for AFP in Bryansk to 600 rubles in St. Petersburg. The cost is determined by such criteria as the level of the laboratory, the price of reagents (test system), the status of the clinic, urgency (you can do HE4 in Moscow in 1 day, paying 1300 rubles, or take it in another regional center for 800 rubles, but wait 5-7 days for an answer). In a word, it is problematic to name any specific amount, but we will give some examples:

The price of analysis for tumor markers is purely approximate; the exact amount can always be found out at the medical institution where the patient intends to go. Analysis for tumor markers for the purpose of monitoring the course of the disease and monitoring the effectiveness of therapeutic measures is not prescribed by the patient himself; this is within the competence of the attending physician, who monitors the treatment process and knows when such studies need to be carried out.

Video: tumor markers – program “About the most important things”

The author selectively answers adequate questions from readers within his competence and only within the resource. Face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment are not provided at this time.

Malignant neoplasms can occur in people of any age and gender. Timely diagnosis and carrying out therapeutic measures is the key to recovery. Early detection of a tumor is largely facilitated by special blood tests - determination of tumor markers.

Some of them are already included in the standards of preventive measures. medical examinations. For example, PSA is in the male part of the population, and the tumor marker CA 125 is in women. They are the ones who first of all make it possible to differentiate between benign and malignant neoplasms.

What is meant by tumor marker CA 125

Since taking blood for tumor markers is not yet widely accepted in the practice of specialists, many people do not quite understand what tumor markers are and what is meant by them.

So, after a focus of mutated cells appears in a specific organ, they begin to produce special proteins and enzymes that will enter the bloodstream. For example, CA 125 tumor marker is a glycoprotein secreted by cells of the endometrium, pancreas, as well as the pericardium or bronchi.

However, if a blood test reveals an increased concentration of the marker, experts assume the occurrence of a cancer focus in the ovarian structures. The current situation requires the mandatory implementation of other diagnostic techniques - ultrasound of the pelvic organs, CT, MRI.

High glycoprotein values ​​can occur not only in cancer. Certain somatic pathologies can also lead to this situation. Therefore, only a specialist should decipher the research results.

What are the normal parameters

In the body of a healthy representative of a beautiful part of the population, the norm of the tumor marker CA 125 should not exceed 10-15 U/ml. If the values ​​are slightly higher, but do not reach 33-35 IU/ml, then the specialist can judge the acceptability of such values. For example, with concomitant gynecological pathologies - ovarian cysts, endometriosis.

If a blood test for the CA 125 tumor marker reveals an increase in its values ​​several times, dynamic monitoring is required to assess the woman’s general condition.

Sometimes the tumor marker CA 125 gives high numbers due to age. During the premenopausal and immediate menopausal moments of life, against the background of hormonal changes, the concentration of antigens is different. Monitoring is mandatory, since the risk of malignant tumors is extremely high.

The main reasons for the increase in tumor markers

Normal in bloodstream Every woman has a small volume of CA 125. A physiologically acceptable increase can be explained by menstrual flow at the time the woman visited the laboratory. Another situation when the CA 125 norm reaches the upper limits and is not considered something pathological is the first stage of pregnancy.

Pathological deviations in marker parameters lead to:

  • pleurisy;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • endometriosis;
  • pelvic pathologies of an inflammatory nature;
  • chronic course of hepatitis, pancreatitis.

In some cases, distortion of information can be observed due to a woman suffering from ARVI or influenza. More often, this situation is caused by existing tumors of the fallopian tubes or mammary gland, as well as a cancerous lesion in the tissues of the stomach.

A thorough history taking in combination with modern diagnostic examinations allows us to finally determine the root cause of high CA125 levels.


One of the most important features of the analysis for CA 125 tumor markers is their rather low specificity. What does the following mean: the concentration of the same glycoprotein can indicate both a benign process and initial stage tumor malignancy.

The result of the study - the CA125 tumor marker in the blood of a particular woman - is always compared with information from other laboratory and instrumental methods.

However, such antigens are extremely important for monitoring the state of the tumor over time after treatment, as well as for preventing the recurrence of tumors. The ovarian tumor marker CA 125 can show the re-formation of atypia even at the preclinical stage.

Interpretation of the analysis

After receiving the conclusion, the CA 125 tumor marker must be interpreted by the specialist who referred the woman to this study.

The decoding is carried out according to the reference values ​​given in the conclusion form, since each laboratory that has the right to conduct research on tumor markers uses one laboratory technique.

The average generally accepted norm values ​​for CA 125 for women of childbearing age are up to 35 IU/ml. However, in some cases, this parameter remains within proper limits even with an existing tumor. Therefore, the specialist analyzes the result of the analysis, comparing it with other information - from ultrasound, CT, cytological, histological examination.

This is due to the fact that the tumor itself does not have the ability to secrete antigen or the oncological process has just begun. Because of this pattern, CA 125 is not a screening test. As a rule, it is recommended for monitoring the course of serous ovarian tumors, as well as for early diagnosis of recurrent pathology.

Thus, a decrease in the concentration of CA 125 during treatment procedures makes it possible to make a fairly favorable prognosis for the further course of oncological pathology. If the tumor marker shows that no decrease has occurred, this indicates negative dynamics. The cancer site does not respond to complex therapy.

However, it is important to remember: such tests cannot be taken as the only criterion for an adequate diagnosis of cancer. The correct interpretation can only be given by a specialized oncologist, based on the entire range of diagnostic measures performed.

Could the result be a false positive?

The result of any laboratory test in some cases can be false positive. Its reliability is influenced by both the patient’s own behavior and the poor quality of the clinic’s equipment. The notorious human factor also plays a role.

To differential diagnosis was as reliable as possible, the specialist, after receiving a blood report for tumor markers, which contradicts the general picture of the course of the pathology and information from other examinations, directs the person to retake the test, for example, to another clinic.

In order to be confident in the high quality of the analysis, you need to properly prepare for blood donation:

  • adjust the diet;
  • sleep well;
  • stop using tobacco and alcohol products;
  • the day before, avoid physical and psycho-emotional stress;
  • coordinate with the doctor the intake of medications if a person is forced to use them daily;
  • come to the laboratory early to have time to rest;
  • maintain sexual rest if directed by a doctor.

The likelihood of a false positive result will be minimal if the above preparation rules are followed.

When diagnosing and treating cancer, a blood test for the tumor marker CA 125 is important. It is based on identifying elevated levels of antigens in the blood, which are substances that indicate the occurrence of a tumor. Among such substances there may be some enzymes, proteins, hormones, protein products of tumor decay, etc. The CA 125 tumor marker is one of the most convenient markers, thanks to which it is possible to detect ovarian cancer based on the norm and an increase in this indicator.

CA 125 - tumor marker for ovarian cancer

CA 125 is a high molecular weight glycoprotein that acts as an antigen derived from derivatives of the coelomic epithelium of fetal tissues. Its presence is noted in the mucinous and serous fluid of the uterus and normal endometrial tissue. It does not penetrate into the bloodstream unless natural barriers are destroyed. CA 125 is a major tumor marker for ovarian cancer and its metastases. The marker has low specificity. If a woman has ovarian or endometrial cancer and the level of tumor marker has decreased, this indicates that the body’s response to treatment is good and the patient has a favorable prognosis.

Decoding CA 125 results

The discriminatory level of CA 125 is taken to be 35 units/ml. For healthy women, the average value ranges from 11 to 13 units/ml, for men - no more 10 units/ml.

If the marker level has increased during remission, this is the basis for conducting an in-depth examination of the patient in order to detect a relapse of the disease. If the blood test values ​​for CA 125 are constantly elevated, this indicates that the tumor is progressing and the patient is receiving ineffective treatment.

It is possible for the level of CA 125 in the blood serum to double during menstruation, especially in the presence of a disease such as. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, this tumor marker may increase by physiological reasons. CA 125 is also slightly elevated in healthy women, which is explained by synthesis in the mesothelium of the abdominal (ascites), pleural (pleurisy) cavities, bronchial epithelium, fallopian tubes, and pericardium. In men, the synthesis of the CA 125 marker is possible in the epithelium of the testes.

In other cases, if the antigen level is above 35 U/ml, this is a sign of the presence of cancer:

  • breast cancer;
  • cancer of the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, endometrium;
  • , rectum, liver;
  • pancreatic cancer;
  • lung cancer;
  • other malignant tumors.

Tumor marker CA 125 can be significantly increased in the presence of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, breast, bronchi, inflammatory diseases in women that involve the appendages, and benign gynecological tumors.

The CA 125 marker may be slightly elevated when:

  • endometriosis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • menses;
  • STI;
  • pleurisy, peritonitis;
  • liver cirrhosis, chronic;

If available inflammatory processes and benign tumors, the level of CA 125 usually does not exceed 100 U/ml. It is important to monitor changes in this marker to assess the effectiveness of treatment and identify relapses of diseases. Interpretation of CA 125 results and diagnosis must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Preparation for analysis and material for research

To prepare for taking the test for the CA-125 tumor marker, there are some rules. Blood must be donated on an empty stomach; the interval between taking a sample for analysis and the last meal must be at least 8 hours. It is recommended to have a light dinner the night before, excluding fried foods. Before taking the test, you are allowed to drink nothing but clean water. For 24 hours, it is advisable to avoid alcohol, intense physical activity, and, in consultation with your doctor, take medications. 1-2 hours before blood sampling, you should refrain from smoking, emotional arousal, physical stress, which means fast walking up the stairs, running, should be excluded. It is advisable to calm down and relax 15 minutes before the test.

It is not recommended to donate blood for laboratory testing immediately after instrumental examination, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, ultrasound and X-ray studies and other medical procedures. Blood should be donated before taking medications or no earlier than 10-14 days after they have been discontinued. Blood serum is used as the material for the study.