Moonstone for a scorpio woman. Lucky stones for the zodiac sign Scorpio

Natural stones have been used by people since ancient times as talismans that can change the lives of their owners. Therefore, the choice of stone must be approached responsibly, taking into account the date of your birth. Stones with a calming effect are suitable as an amulet for the Scorpio zodiac sign. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to know exactly what energy capabilities this or that stone is endowed with.

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      Charm for Scorpio

      Scorpio - the most mysterious, mysterious and controversial zodiac sign. On the one hand, he belongs to the element of water: outwardly calm and imperturbable. On the other hand, Scorpios are ruled by militant Mars and active Pluto.

      Behind the imperturbable appearance of Scorpio lies a volcano of experiences, leading to a breakdown and illness. In nature, there are stones that have a beneficial, pacifying effect on the representatives of this mystical sign.

      • List of the most suitable stones for Scorpio:

        • Hematite. Able to tame the energy emanating from the owner, which is sometimes so necessary for Scorpio, who cannot cope with his anger.
        • Pomegranate. It is one of the symbols of love and friendship, able to enhance the attractiveness of the owner.
        • Coral. It is of particular importance for Scorpio: the amulet is able to bring the owner out of a protracted depression.
        • Opal. Helps to align difficult relationships in marriage, bestows on the owner tenderness and affection for his partner.
        • Ruby. A male talisman that brings success in politics and business is able to save the owner of the amulet from arrogance.
        • Eye of the Tiger. Able to bestow patience lacking quick-tempered Scorpio.

        Stone for a woman

        For normal health, Scorpio needs a feeling of constant love and adoration. But to achieve such an effect, you need to act, for which the ladies of this sign simply do not have enough strength.

        To strengthen the sensitive nature of Scorpio, you need to choose the right amulet. The amulet stone should endow the hostess with energy and life-giving force.

        • Topaz. It will not allow you to fall under the negative influence of men of stronger zodiac signs, develop intuition, help maintain youth and attractiveness on long years. The topaz should be placed in a white metal setting.
        • Sapphire. Able to soften the character of the owner, help her become more reasonable, serious, add to life a variety of new ideas and emotional colors.
        • Amethyst. Add wisdom, goodwill, patience. Amethyst is combined only with silver. With other metal frames, it loses its power.
        • Pomegranate. It will improve memory, attentiveness, help to cope with diseases of the heart, skin. The stone must be dark in color.

        Male mascot

        The male part of the representatives of the sign has a more open, positive character. Despite frugality and high demands on themselves, they are more friendly to the outside world. Therefore, Scorpio men need to carefully approach the choice of amulets and wear only those that have a positive effect:

        • Topaz. Will bring harmony and stability to life, reveal positive sides character, reduce nervousness and aggression.
        • Beryl. An amulet with this stone will take away negative energy. In relation to loved ones, the wearer of the amulet will show more care and tenderness. But in work, a man will become more demanding and decisive.
        • Tourmaline. For a Scorpio man, a black stone will become a real talisman not only against magical rituals, but will also help to strengthen faith in one's strength, to establish intra-family relations.

        Stones matching the decade

        Experts pay special attention to the day and even minutes of the birth of a person. You can use a system that helps to determine the necessary amulet for any person by the date of birth for ten days.

        • I decade (October 24–November 3). People born under the influence of unprincipled and quick-tempered Mars themselves have stubbornness, arrogance and arrogance. Without certain stones, all the charm of the representatives of the water element will come to naught, turning them into tyrants. Charms for representatives of the sign are solid minerals: amethyst, diamond, rock crystal.
        • II decade (November 4–November 13). Decisiveness and courage, combined with deep self-criticism - these qualities are inherent in Scorpios born in this period of time. Their talismans should be aimed at achieving harmony of the soul. This is a serpentine cat eye, tourmaline and turquoise.
        • III decade (November 14–November 22). People who were born during this period of time are often creative and very amorous. Venus generously endows them with charm and attractiveness for the opposite sex. But still, they need harmony in the soul, which stones such as heliodor, beryl and alexandrite will help to find.

        Amulets for Scorpio by year of birth

        The zodiac years of birth endow people with certain behavior and influence relationships in society. The sign according to the year of birth indicates the tactical possibilities in the character of a person, what strategy of behavior he uses when communicating with other people.

        By Eastern horoscope The following stones are suitable for Scorpio:

        • If Scorpio is born in the year of the Rat, then such a person is very quick-tempered, proud and independent. Amethyst can pacify their temper, which will protect against bad habits, and red garnet will give you the energy you need to achieve your goals.
        • Bull-Scorpio is a purposeful, unceremonious, unconditional leader who sometimes lacks kindness. A moonstone can compensate for this. He makes more merciful and protects from rash acts.
        • Amethyst will help to pacify the tireless nature of the Tiger-Scorpio, which will save you from rash acts. Ruby will help to cope with uncontrollable anger, and topaz will make the owner prudent and attentive, protecting from accidents.
        • For Scorpio, who was born in the year of the Rabbit, it is important to maintain harmony in the soul. Therefore, rock crystal, which gives energy, serves as its talisman. Topaz will attract finance and success to its owner.
        • A dangerous combination of the Dragon and Scorpio will pacify the amethyst, it tames the owner's anger. Black opal provides the necessary energy, pink opal brings good luck in love. Chrysolite is able to tame a violent temper, making the owner more diplomatic.
        • Scorpio, born in the year of the Snake, is famous for its unscrupulousness and selfishness. Therefore, talismans with opal will be assistants, which will make the owner more compliant. Turquoise and topaz are able to teach the owner to play by the rules, avoiding dishonest acts on the way to the goal.
        • Scorpio horses are often lonely wanderers, accustomed to achieving goals solely on their own. Get peace of mind amethyst will help them - it will teach them to restrain anger and think about the consequences. Pomegranate brings happiness family life, and obsidian is the missing wisdom. Onyx and turquoise will help you look into your inner world and develop the necessary qualities.
        • Carnelian will help the ambitious Goat-Scorpio achieve its goals. It is especially suitable for women in the fight against nervous strain. A moonstone is suitable for a goat, it develops eloquence and self-confidence.
        • One of the most unpredictable combinations is Monkey and Scorpio. Such people are able to pacify aquamarine, it gives purposefulness. Red pomegranate will help in achieving family happiness, and the ruby ​​will protect from unkind people.
        • Scorpio, born in the year of the Rooster, in order to achieve his desires, needs an amethyst as a talisman against bad habits, as well as a ruby ​​and topaz, which fetter the pride of the owner.
        • For the Scorpio Dog, known for its grumpy nature, carnelian is perfect. He is able to make the owner a respected person.
        • The Scorpio Pig is characterized by greed and a desire for luxury, so she needs to pay attention to coral. This stone will not allow you to despair in difficult times. Lapis lazuli draws the wearer's gaze to inner world, and the moonstone protects from love and spiritual disappointments.

Scorpio is the only one among the entire family of heavenly signs that has the strongest negative energy. Experts say that this sign itself gives rise to flows of negativity, thereby balancing the light flows born by Gemini and Virgo. His strengths in honesty, straightforwardness, and fearlessness, but he is inherently contradictory, astrologers say this is special, complex sign. Therefore, it is difficult for him to choose a stone that will become a talisman on his own. It is better to seek help from astrologers or specialists in minerals and energy charge. If your woman is Scorpio by the zodiac sign, and you want to pick up stones for her yourself, then study at least the characteristics of this sign. This zodiac sign has a bunch of negative qualities, but if he can cope with them on his own, he will become wise and noble. And the main thing that he can achieve in his life is success and wealth.

Scorpio's strengths are honesty, directness, and fearlessness.

What stones are suitable for this zodiac sign

Scorpio is a sign that can always stand up for themselves and their loved ones. He is very persistent and is not afraid of any battle. He has a great influence on other signs of the zodiac, and the point here is in his behavior. This sign is characterized by distrust, suspicion, insight. He just turns the soul inside out to other people. Ideal character traits for a self-confident business woman. It is these qualities that will help in the field of business and will make it possible to move forward and save you from dishonest competitors or corrupt partners.

Scorpio women are very powerful and sexy. In this they life force and their superiority. They simply captivate men with their attractive energy. They are identified with sensuality and carnal pleasure. But at the same time, this constellation frightens men, giving rise to a sense of insecurity and self-doubt in them as the ruler and head of the family. Since this sign contains inherently complex character traits and appearance, stones of such colors as:

  • black;
  • red;
  • blue;
  • lilac.

They will set off and saturate the energy of the sign, adding to its owner:

  • unique charm;
  • mystery;
  • sexuality.

To balance and neutralize the storm of emotions that rage inside this astrological sign, a stone for a Scorpio woman must have great strength and powerful energy. This is necessary because they cannot always fill themselves with it on their own. Women of this constellation pour out a lot of energy into space, especially in moments of mental turmoil, but they cannot take energy from space. The ideal mineral for this sign should work for the accumulation of positive, and for filtering energy flows.

Topaz stone develops intuition in a Scorpio woman

Scorpio wants to feel always loved and desired. It largely depends on the mood. But practitioners are advised to strengthen their energy with special stones with talismans. Everyone knows that in order to achieve something you need to go forward and act. But, this sign does not always succeed. If you belong to this category, then you need to choose the right amulet stone and everything in your life will get better.

Topaz, Scorpio's power stone

For the fair sex, who, according to the sign of the zodiac Scorpio, topaz is suitable. In order for it to serve its owner properly, it must be in a frame made of metal. white color. The stone will help this astrologically complex constellation to cope with personal problems.

Initially, topaz will not allow the sign to follow the lead of others and succumb to the negative influence of other people. The stone develops a woman's intuition, which plays an important role in life. A Scorpio woman will be able to open her eyes and see the signs that fate sends her. After all, in the hustle and bustle of life, they close their eyes.

Sapphire - Scorpio's stone of determination

It is worth mentioning that this constellation is mainly represented by women who are constantly dependent on the past, and take everything to heart. For all their determination and strength of character, they are not able to cope with the shadows of the past on their own, and this is already negative energy that works to deplete strength, and not to accumulate. To balance the internal complexity of the contradiction between the mind and heart, the sign needs a sapphire.

Sapphire can raise self-esteem and help you evaluate the problem from your own superiority.

This stone will be able to raise self-esteem and help to assess the problem from the side of its superiority. With its help, self-esteem, determination will increase, and you will begin to think about the present and live it. Sapphire will change your attitude to life and to others. If Scorpio wears a stone for 6 months without taking it off, then he will stop demanding the impossible from people. Sapphire will allow a woman to become much more reasonable and smarter. The sign will be able to saturate life with new emotions, and will make it possible to move forward rapidly.

Amethyst - Scorpio's stone of wisdom

If a girl or woman is impatient and does not differ in calmness, poise, then it is better for her to purchase jewelry with amethyst. This stone will give you the opportunity to fill your life with confidence, wisdom and patience. Amethyst must be only in a silver frame. Because if the gold frame, then it will not work.

Pomegranate - the love stone of Scorpio

As stated above, Scorpios are constantly in need of love. Therefore, such women need a pomegranate. The stone has a wide range of shades, but for this zodiac, an amulet of a dark shade, saturated is ideal. Pomegranate gives the opportunity to improve memory and increase mindfulness. This talisman also has a positive effect on the health of the sign. Designed for women who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, but in order to get rid of the negative, you will have to wear the amulet all the time.

Talismans of the zodiac sign Scorpio

The right amulet for Scorpio would be precious and semi gem. The color of the stone affects the energy and life of a person. Therefore, we choose a color depending on which qualities need to be strengthened, and which ones, on the contrary, should be weakened. Experts say that if you choose the right stone, there is a chance to change even fate. Each talisman stone has its own power, but it is better for the constellation to buy alexandrite, topaz, garnet and hematite. In order for the stone to work better, it is better to acquire amulets in the shape of this dangerous insect. This will enable the amulet to operate at full strength, and improve the sides of the character.

An amulet plays an important role for every person, because it can change a life. Scorpio is called the most complex and unpredictable sign of the zodiac. He, like no one else, needs the intervention of talismans.

Scorpio stones are designed to help their owner in the fight against aggression and greed, to protect him from failures and evil forces to bring harmony and happiness. Well-chosen talismans will endow women with tenderness and calmness, and men will be rewarded with increased sexual energy and soften their violent temper.

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Choosing a stone by date of birth

Each sign of the Zodiac is endowed with talisman minerals that bring a sense of satisfaction to their owners, help to strengthen positive features character and deal with the negative. Because of their controversial and strong nature, it is not easy for Scorpios to choose a talisman that would calm them down. nervous system, made softer and more reasonable. Therefore, in order to choose the right amulet, they should listen to the advice of astrologers.

When choosing a Scorpio stone, it is important to take into account the date of birth, its influence on the features of the amulet and the patronage of the planet.

Those born from October 24 to November 2 are under the influence of martial Mars. These people are decisive, domineering, assertive, have inexhaustible energy and are sometimes quick-tempered.

The following minerals and stones are suitable for them:

  • hematite;
  • turquoise;
  • malachite;
  • rhinestone;
  • sapphire;
  • coil;
  • jasper;
  • eye of the Tiger.

Personalities born from November 3 to 13 are ruled by the Sun. These are kind, noble people with courage and fortitude. But, like all Scorpios, they are not without sharpness and emotionality.

"Sunny" fit:

  • coral;
  • sardonyx;
  • amethyst;
  • turquoise.

These minerals will help strengthen positive traits and control excessive emotions.

Scorpios born from November 14 to 22 are sensual natures, because their patron is Venus. They are artistic, unrestrained in expressing emotions and charming.

Best suited for an amulet:

  • aquamarine;
  • pomegranate;
  • topaz;
  • emerald;
  • beryl;
  • alexandrite.

Thanks to these stones, life will become brighter and richer.

Amulets and talismans for Scorpio

Men and women born under this zodiac sign have a difficult character. They are passionate, purposeful, have a bright mind and excellent intuition. A properly selected amulet will protect them from troubles, and the talisman will activate the best character traits and help them navigate life.

Magic items attract different properties:

  • one - success and money;
  • the second - luck and happiness;
  • the third - love and harmony.

Astrologers advise choosing an amulet from the following items:

  1. Scorpion. This is the most effective amulet for men and women of this zodiac sign. He will avert bad luck and the evil eye, help fight envious people and rivals, attract happy events, will enhance the outstanding qualities of the soul. An amulet with a scorpion will protect against apathy and depression, and will become an inexhaustible source of positive energy.
  2. Frog. This symbol is literally created for Scorpions, it will help you set goals correctly and live in harmony with yourself, increase your strength of mind, strength of character and wisdom. The frog can be made of any metal, stone, wood.
  3. Scarab beetle. He will show you the way out. difficult situations and help you achieve good financial situation. This symbol is ideal for those who dream of wealth, fame and reaching new career heights.
  4. Pyramid. Brings peace of mind.
  5. Fern flower. Such a pendant will bring incredible success in business.
  6. The snake is a reliable amulet that will protect the whole family, and will give its owner intuition, wisdom, an inner understanding of things.

Video about mascots for Scorpio from the channel "Horoscope - The Secret of the Name".

Photo gallery

This gallery contains photos of talismans and amulets suitable for Scorpio.

Ring with the image of a scorpion Pendant with the image of a snake Pyramid pendant frog ring Bracelet self made with scarab figurine Fern flower pendant

What stones are suitable for Scorpio women?

The Scorpio lady needs constant feeling adoration and love, but it is not easy for her to find a life partner because of her temper and suspiciousness.

Suitable according to the horoscope:

  1. Coil. This stone will calm the nervous system, make a woman reasonable and wise.
  2. Topaz. It is recommended for sensitive, romantic natures. The talisman will help preserve youth and attractiveness for many years, relieve negative impact powerful men. It is best to place this gemstone in a white metal setting.
  3. Opal. He will give prudence and help to establish personal life. It is best to wear it on your finger, in a ring.
  4. Sapphire. This mineral will soften the character, make its owner more calm, add to her life bright colors and new emotions.
  5. Red coral. It is charged with the element of Water and has a calming effect. Such a talisman will restore the expended energy and give peace of mind.
  6. Cornelian. Another gem that can improve a woman's personal life: it will help you find a worthy man and attract good luck.
  7. Amethyst. In the Middle Ages, it was worn by priests, it was believed that it protects its owner from dark forces and negative thoughts. Such a talisman will save from bad dreams and depression, cure headache will bring peace.
  8. Pomegranate. It will increase attentiveness, improve memory, and help to cope with heart diseases.

An amulet with amethyst can predict the weather: if the stone darkens, then there will be a thunderstorm, when it brightens, the sun.

Photo gallery

Topaz Opal Ring with pomegranate Cornelian Red coral necklace Amethyst beads Sapphire Serpentine

Selection of stone for men

Representatives of the stronger sex born under this sign are proud and passionate. Scorpio flares up if something goes wrong, as he planned, in disputes he is unrestrained and aggressive.

Stones that will become best friends Scorpio men:

  1. Tourmaline. It will reduce psychological stress, will support its owner in good mood, get rid of gloomy thoughts. Increases libido and fertility. Especially useful creative people- tourmaline will give inspiration and new ideas.
  2. Beryl. A pendant with this talisman will take away all the negative energy. In the family, a man will become more gentle and caring, at work he will be decisive and courageous.
  3. Topaz. The stone will reduce irascibility, calm the nervous system, give harmony and make its owner more reasonable.
  4. Pomegranate. Protects from the evil eye, improves financial well-being, will help in all serious undertakings.
  5. Ruby. An amulet with it will restore the expended physical and moral strength, make its owner persistent, perspicacious and decisive.
  6. Bloodstone. This is a truly male talisman: it will enhance the sexual energy of Scorpio, increase libido, and prevent the appearance of viral pathologies. It works best when set in silver metal.
  7. Cat eye. He is credited with many useful properties including protection from the evil eye. Astrologers believe that this mineral will not be useful to all signs of the Zodiac, but only to decisive and stubborn ones. Often it is set in rings.
  8. Alexandrite. The stone is useful for impulsive, emotional and creative people. For Scorpio, this talisman will help develop intuition and become more insightful, improve well-being. For other signs, it is considered unfavorable, since the owner must match the mineral in terms of fortitude.

Alexandrite is able to protect the owner from danger: anticipating trouble, it turns red or brown. A particularly alarming signal is the appearance of yellow shades, which means that a person should prepare for difficult life trials.

Men can wear stones and minerals not only in the form of pendants, but also in a ring, tie clip, cufflinks. Some place talisman stones in the car.

Photo gallery

Alexandrite Garnet Ruby Tourmaline Cat's Eye

Belief in amulets that bring health, happiness and good luck appeared in antiquity. Already millennia ago, astrologers assigned their stone to each sign of the zodiac. Some time later, in the process of the development of science, all the months were divided into decades (three parts) and endowed with several amulets-minerals.

Scorpio woman - what is she like?

The sign is quite strong and complex at the same time. Astrologers, focusing on which stone is suitable for Scorpio women, rely on its ability not to disturb the balance of power and at the same time to help a person.

What is the difference between women born in different decades of November?

People born in the autumn period from October 24 to November 2 are patronized by the warlike planet Mars. This sign is characterized by such qualities as self-confidence, energy, purposefulness, leadership inclinations, which apply to all areas of life and increase with age. Therefore, a gemstone for a Scorpio woman born in the first decade must meet the criterion of hardness and transparency. These minerals include: amethyst, hematite, black crystal, malachite, serpentine, as well as bloody jasper and tiger's eye.

From November 3rd to 13th (in the second decade), strong, noble, good-natured, impetuous and courageous people are born, since during this period they are ruled by the Sun. Such natures are able to get out of any situation with their heads held high, they are lucky in love sphere. In this case, the stones of the Scorpio woman bring into action her best character traits. These include turquoise, amethysts, corals and sardonyx.

The last decade of the sign is patronized by Venus (from November 14 to 22), which has a strong feminine. Distinctive features such people are excessive passion and difficult character, generosity of emotions, amorousness, capriciousness. As a rule, these are artistic and talented natures. Here, astrologers, answering the question of which stone is suitable for Scorpio women, highlight garnets, aquamarines, alexandrites, beryls, topazes.

Charm minerals for Scorpio women

In the zodiac sign Scorpio, the talisman stone for women depends on the controlling character trait. For example, hematite protects people who are carried away, passionate, amorous. The mineral will help calm feelings and emotions, strengthen and balance sexual energy. In terms of astral strength and hardness, it ideally matches the properties of the sign, due to which it does not conflict with it.

Hematite will indicate the desired direction of activity, life and help to move purposefully in it. The mineral will improve relationships in the family, as well as make deeper thinking and understanding of the points of view of other people.

This stone also affects the mind, psyche, consciousness, memory and concentration.

Affects addiction to bad habits such as smoking, overeating, alcoholism and others.

Which stone is suitable for women with a strong character?

Strong people as a talisman will serve as a cat's eye, which will benefit purposeful and self-confident natures. Jewelery with a mineral (bracelets, rings) worn on the hand will protect against damage and negative energy. The stone will help to avoid theft, betrayal and deceit.

Since the zodiac sign Scorpio is rather skeptical, a stone woman should choose from those that develop intuition, suggest how to understand her dreams and signs. A similar mineral is yellow topaz. Its main advantage is the removal of attempts to manipulate or influence a person. In addition, it will help keep you young. It must be remembered that yellow topaz goes well with white metal (for example, silver).

In order for the talisman stone to have special energy, it is better to insert it into amulets - this is in this case scorpion or beetle.

Talismans-jewels for a Scorpio woman

Which stone is suitable for Scorpio women who are subject to frequent mood swings, strong emotions, and are also able to get into awkward situations due to surging passions? The answer to this question is coral.

The red mineral is a good amulet for health, relieving stress and restoring the human energy field. Coral will cool any ardor and help logical thinking, will give an opportunity to soberly assess any situations and actions.

Also, stones suitable for those Scorpios who cannot find composure and calmness are serpentines.

This mineral awakens analytical thinking and will help to accept in a critical situation the right decision. The serpentine is also useful for those who want to plan and think about their actions and deeds.

Sapphire will help to extinguish the vindictiveness of Scorpions and calm the emotions of the sign.

This stone eliminates the surging past, various unnecessary and negative thoughts.

The purpose of the amulet is to establish contacts with others, to make a woman soft, calm and compliant, to extinguish anger and bad emotions.

Which stone will help maintain harmony in the family?

Which stone is suitable for Scorpio women to maintain a harmonious marriage and love? Opal is a similar amulet. He preserves fidelity, love and harmony in family relationships. If you wear jewelry with him, then they will make a woman prudent and wise, trusting her partner.

A similar love amulet is carnelian. This mineral attracts happiness and love, helps to understand what relationships are needed, how to build them, and also controls human behavior.

In order to be in harmony and balance with herself, a Scorpio woman needs to acquire a moonstone. This mineral will give her mental strength, calmness, relieve stress, add tolerance and mercy.

stones, suitable for Scorpions, regardless of their date of birth, are garnet, coral and aquamarine. Aquamarine symbolizes love and understanding between its owner and the person who gave the mineral. Garnet is intended for a businesswoman or an executive, as it is also called the "stone of honesty." Such an amulet gives power over people, assists in negotiations and cooperation. If you take this stone business meeting, then it will be successful.

For any occasion of life in the arsenal of the fair sex, under the constellation of Scorpio, there should be from 5 to 9 different minerals.

What stones will not be useful?

This sign does not tolerate solar precious minerals white, yellow and orange color. The only exception is topaz. The list of not recommended stones includes: onyx, agate, aventurine, pearls.

Agate and amber only feed on the energy of Scorpio and give nothing in return. As a result, purposefulness, pressure and perseverance will be lost. Aventurine can draw a person into the criminal world, make him do things for material gain. Pearl makes its wearer too calm and settled, extinguishes the sparks of creative talent and the desire to love, which is completely inconsistent with the nature of Scorpio.

Stones of the zodiac signs can significantly affect a person's life, because they have both healing and magical properties. Enough strong sign zodiac - Scorpio. A woman whose stone is chosen correctly will be happy.

The Scorpio woman, like no other sign, feels her uniqueness. Being under the auspices of water, the sign also perceives the influence of the fiery planet Mars, which leads to constant storms. But Scorpios have enough strength to cope with their character. Properly selected amulets and jewelry can help with this. The date of birth will help you choose a stone for a scorpion - you need to look at which decade the birthday of a particular person falls.

  • First decade. Self-confident egoists, typical Scorpios, ruled by Mars. Jasper, hematite, malachite, amethyst, cat's eye will suit them more than other stones.
  • Second decade. These signs are more influenced by the Sun - they are open, kind, and at the same time bold. Sardonyx, turquoise, coral will help to reveal all the noble features.
  • third decade. During this period, women of Venus are born, which endows them with emotionality, passion. Such people are especially talented and artistic. Beryl, garnet, topaz, alexandrite, emerald are suitable for them.

Scorpion stones are quite diverse in properties, colors and prices. Let's look at some in more detail.

mysterious coral

Since the birthplace of the mineral is the seabed, it is credited with special magical properties since the time of the Sumerian civilization. The Mayans believed that coral beads protected from spirits. In ancient times, only the rich could afford corals, they were used to make rosaries, inlaid swords (warriors believed that the stone would bring good luck in battle). Today, any tourist can bring a gem from a trip to the sea. Stones are mined all over the world - from Japan to Australia.

coral products recommended for those who travel a lot. It is believed that he can calm even a sea storm. After all, the character of a scorpion girl sometimes resembles her! He will make romantic women more receptive, stimulates fantasy, awakens creative energy. Like many talismans, coral will protect from a bad eye.

Since coral is a stone of scorpions, they can wear them in the form of any jewelry. Any color is also suitable - corals are white, pale pink, even brown or blue. Of course, such shades are quite rare, the most common is bright red.

Attribute to the stone from the depths of the sea and healing properties:

Multicolor talisman

Tourmaline is known in India, China, South America Europe and in Russia. The stone has many color options, in addition to all the colors of the rainbow, it is colorless and black. There are polychrome crystals - they are colored differently (for example, green and black). Emerald, saturated red (ruby) is especially appreciated.

Best of all, tourmaline plays with colors in natural light. Most varieties are common, some are considered rare. Prices can vary greatly. Pink, red and green tourmalines are valued above all, they can even be faked. And ennobled natural tourmalines are used to imitate more expensive stones.

The magical properties of tourmaline are widely known - it awakens creativity, promotes spiritual development, cleansing. It will help to concentrate during meditation, give its mistress strength and self-confidence. A scorpion woman wearing a tourmaline necklace or ring is protected from the evil eye, doubts, the ghosts of the past do not torment her in vain. Gold or silver will be suitable as a frame for tourmaline.

Each variety of this stone has additional abilities.

  • Green- helps to cleanse the liver, recover faster after stress, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Unbalanced women will help to come to a state of rest.
  • Black- a very strong amulet, suitable only for mature individuals.
  • Blue- will help to establish relations with relatives, give a peaceful night's rest.
  • Colorless- a rare variety, will give the owner-girl a sense of harmony, help clear the mind, improve perception.

noble alexandrite

Despite the short history, the mineral managed to acquire legends. It was accidentally discovered in the 19th century. The scientist at first mistook it for an emerald, but in the evening the stone changed green color to red. Thus, alexandrite was discovered, which received its name in honor of Emperor Alexander II. After his death, jewelry with this stone gained particular popularity. You just need to understand that alexandrite was available only to people from high society. Jewelry with alexandrite was very expensive even then. Although this stone for a scorpion is recommended by astrologers, not everyone can afford it.

Modern technologies make it possible to grow alexandrites in the laboratory, but their price does not decrease from this. Stone is mined not only in Russia - deposits are discovered in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Madagascar. Despite the vast geography, natural alexandrites remain a rarity.

There is a belief that women should wear alexandrite only in pairs so that it does not attract trouble. But this is just a legend that appeared after the war. Then the beautiful mineral received the undeserved nickname "widow's stone". In fact, there has never been a mass production of jewelry with alexandrite, most could wear imitation - corundum with vanadium. Real alexandrite only helps the owner.

The stone is associated with the heart chakra, so it is credited with the ability to cleanse the blood, restore blood vessels, and speed up recovery after a crisis. Regulates the work of the pancreas and spleen.

Alexandrite should only be worn by people with a strong, determined character., there are many of them among scorpions. He will help them overcome any life crises. Impetuous scorpions will give balance, put emotions in order. It is believed that the stone brings good luck to gambling people. In India, they believe that the owner of alexandrite will live long and prosperously. You can wear alexandrite all day, but it is advisable to take it off at night. All healing properties inherent only in real stones, imitations have a beautiful appearance, but they do not have a magical and healing effect.

Trusted Scorpion Stone

Hematite is half iron and is used in steel production. It is mined in Russia, Kazakhstan, America, Brazil, various European countries. Although the stone is inexpensive, there are fakes, usually made of ceramics. You can recognize deception by the weight of the jewelry - ceramics are much lighter. There is artificial hematite made of steel and chromium, it will be difficult to distinguish it by weight, here it is better to seek advice from a specialist.

Since hematite has been known for a long time, it managed to get many names: bloodstone (according to the color of the powder that was used in the treatment of wounds), red iron ore, mirror ore. The stone really has a beautiful mirror shine.

It is believed that hematite helps with anemia, normalizes the number of red blood cells, can increase the level of iron in the body. Since ancient times, magicians have used bloodstone as an amulet to help summon spirits. Only those who have planned evil, hematite is not suitable, because it can harm them.

What benefit will a scorpion woman get from hematite? The stone, although not rare, suits the scorpion well as a talisman. He will give the owner the ability to control emotions, increase the ability to concentrate on goals, achieve what you want. Since hematite heats up quickly in the sun, jewelry made from it should be worn with care in summer. Red ironstone should not be combined with other stones, there are no other restrictions on wearing.

cat eye

Initially, this name referred only to a variety chrysoberyl- in itself it is quite a rare gem. But the "cat's eye" (or cymophane) is called specimens with the effect of asterism, when a color glare resembling a cat's pupil shimmers over the surface.

Do not confuse real cymophane with decorative stones. They are much more common, made from glass with the addition of fibers of a certain color. You can distinguish a fake at a price - natural chrysoberyl costs from 6 thousand rubles. per carat. A glass necklace can be purchased much cheaper.

The natural colors of cymophane vary from emerald green to brown. Scorpion stone can be any color as it suits them well. Chrysoberyl strengthens friendships promotes family bonding. He is also suitable for a single woman - he will help find a spouse, build a lasting union. Magicians widely used the cat's eye, since it can protect the owner from any dark influence. Chrysoberyl is credited with the ability to help with asthma, eye ailments.

dramatic pomegranate

The name combines several types of stones, which consist of two different minerals. This unusual composition of garnets is due to the variety of colors: some even have the effect of alexandrite, changing color.

The stones have a bright color and luster, but they do not differ large size . The price depends on the size, color and quality, it can differ tenfold. The stone has been well known for several centuries, its deposits in Russia were found at the very beginning of the 19th century. Pomegranates are mined in the USA, Canada, Madagascar.

The physical properties of garnet are widely used in construction, the abrasive industry, and instrument making. Crystals have a different shape, due to which they are widely used by jewelers and even collectible.

Pomegranate is perfect for scorpio women. Remembering the work of Kuprin " Garnet bracelet", one can understand what passions he is able to awaken. This talisman of lovers, exciting attraction, giving confidence. Perfect for people of creative professions (actors, artists, musicians).

Whatever stone the scorpion girl decides to purchase, you should hold it in your hands before buying. Developed intuition will tell you whether it will become a worthy talisman, or whether it is worth looking for another - fortunately, the choice is large enough.