When cryodestruction of the cervix is ​​performed. Vaginal discharge after cryodestruction. Painfulness of the procedure and possible consequences

Dear Ekaterina!

Cryodestruction of the cervix is ​​a simple operation that is performed on millions of women every year. Under the influence of low temperatures, in particular liquid nitrogen tissue destruction occurs due to erosion, cervical dysplasia of the 1st - 2nd degree, leukoplakia, polyps, retention cysts of the cervix, diseases of the vulva, vagina, and perineum. Damaged tissue is removed, and healthy epithelium grows in its place. IN in some cases with deep lesions of the cervical canal, repeated intervention is required.

Compared with traditional methods surgical treatment cryodestruction is more preferable, because the use of this method is possible in a wide range of cases and mainly without anesthesia and anesthesia. After freezing tissues with liquid nitrogen, scars do not form, and at the same time they retain elasticity.

How is cryodestruction performed?

Cryodestruction of the cervix is ​​performed in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, no later than the 10th day, but after the end of menstrual flow. Before the operation, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, take a smear for vaginal flora, atypical cells and genital infections, general analysis blood, undergo colposcopy. Sometimes, if necessary, the doctor prescribes a biopsy and histological analysis.

Treatment of the cervix with liquid nitrogen is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts several minutes. The procedure is almost completely painless, since the cold blocks the nerve endings. Thanks to the narrowing of blood vessels, the operation is completely bloodless.

Rehabilitation period

Immediately after the procedure, various manifestations may occur. autonomic reactions: dizziness, fainting, bradycardia, etc. During the first two days, severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen may be felt. Normally, for one month there is abundant watery discharge from the vagina - hydrorrhea. Bleeding after cryodestruction is a rare occurrence, but minor bloody issues can be.

If the operation was performed against the background of inflammation of the uterus and vagina, then acute inflammatory disease of the appendages may occur. Side effects may also occur if the destruction was carried out incorrectly, for example, if the vaginal walls were damaged. Prolonged hydrorrhea (more than 1 month), severe and/or prolonged pain, bleeding from the vagina are reasons to immediately consult a doctor. Yellow mucous vaginal discharge with unpleasant smell may indicate suppuration of wounds and also require consultation with a specialist.

Normally, the tissues heal completely after 4 - 6 weeks, and the watery discharge disappears after 3 - 4 weeks. Sexual contact is prohibited for two months after surgery. Before resuming sexual activity, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist and make sure that the cervix has completely recovered and there are no signs of possible inflammation. It is also not recommended to visit the bathhouse or sauna during the recovery period. Heavy lifting and strenuous physical activity should be avoided.

Best regards, Ksenia.

The apparatus for treating tissue with liquid nitrogen is equipped with a manipulator with a tip through which highly cooled gas is supplied; as a result of the impact, the altered uterine tissue is cooled to an extremely low temperature - from -180 to -195 degrees Celsius. The procedure uses gases with low boiling points - liquid nitrogen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide. In the container of the cryodestructor, the substance is contained in a liquefied form; when it enters the manipulator, it turns into a gaseous state and through the tip goes directly to the pathologically altered tissues.

Cryodestruction of the cervix is ​​a minimally invasive surgery to eliminate pathologically altered tissues of the cervix by exposure to low temperatures.

As a result of exposure to extremely low temperatures, a certain area of ​​the cervix freezes, while healthy tissue is in a state of hypothermia (cooled, but not frozen). Extreme hypothermia leads to the formation of a zone of tissue cryonecrosis. In this case, healthy tissues are only cooled, but are not negatively affected.

In the area of ​​cryonecrosis, vascular thrombosis occurs, which leads to impaired circulation in the affected area. As a result of the cessation of oxygen access, the process of death of the altered tissue begins. Duration of cryonecrosis and complete destruction neoplasm lasts about 2-3 months, after this period the dead tissue is completely removed.

Indications for cryodestruction of the uterus

Cryodestruction is carried out at various pathologies uterus and cervix. Indications for prescribing cryodestruction of the uterus will be the following pathologies of the female reproductive system:

  • Cervical erosions;
  • Initial stage of cervical dysplasia;
  • Condylomas and papillomas in the vagina and vulva;
  • Retitial (true) cysts of the cervix;
  • Chronic protracted cervicitis of the vaginal segment of the cervix;
  • Ectopia and ectropion of the cervix.

Cryodestruction is most often used for cervical erosion, since this pathology belongs to the category of common female diseases. According to the data medical statistics, about 70% of women experience erosion. The cause of cervical erosion can be various factors - stress during pregnancy, damage during childbirth, endocrine disorders, excess weight.

Preparation for the cryodestruction procedure

Cryodestruction of the cervix is ​​a minimally invasive procedure and does not require special preparatory measures. Before the procedure is scheduled, a woman must undergo a series of general laboratory research and analysis of a smear of the cervical mucosa for microflora and infections. The purpose of such an examination is to exclude the presence of pathological and inflammatory processes in the body at the time of the manipulation.

After a gynecological examination, medical history and standard tests, depending on the results of the examination and the established diagnosis, the attending physician may prescribe some additional tests. These include a biopsy (taking scrapings or pieces of altered tissue of the cervix) for histological analysis. Such a study is carried out if there is a suspicion of cancer. In some cases, a woman is recommended to do a test or ultrasound of the uterus to rule out pregnancy.

For several days before the procedure, the woman is recommended to have complete sexual rest. Directly on the day of the operation, 2 hours before the start of the operation, the patient should take an anti-inflammatory drug, which is selected according to indications by the attending physician.

Cryodestruction technique

Cryodestruction is carried out on an outpatient basis, possibly in a treatment room antenatal clinic equipped with a gynecological chair. The patient is given a date for the procedure, based on menstrual cycle. As a rule, it is performed on days 7-10 of the cycle after the complete end of menstrual flow.

The affected area is treated with an antiseptic and a solution that stains the erosion. This is done so that the surgeon can clearly see the edges of the pathologically changed tissues. As a rule, anesthesia is not used during surgery due to the fact that the area affected by the cryodestructor is not highly sensitive. During surgery, a woman may feel a slight burning or tingling sensation.

A manipulator (cryoprobe) is inserted into a woman’s vagina to a depth sufficient to directly influence erosion. After inserting the manipulator, cooled nitrogen (coolant) is supplied to the tip; the effect on the tissue lasts about 3-5 minutes. At the end of the exposure, the specialist turns off the refrigerant supply, after which the probe is removed. The whole procedure takes about 15-20 minutes.

Postoperative period of cryodestruction

The patient is warned in advance that for some time (from 2 to 4 weeks) after the manipulation, copious watery discharge will be observed from the vagina. Until complete healing, that is, within 2-3 months, the woman must stop using tampons. During the first two days after surgery, some side effects are possible - weakness, dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen.

Although there is no need for inpatient monitoring of the patient, she is recommended bed rest and the exclusion of physical activity during the rehabilitation period. Sexual contact is strictly prohibited until full recovery cervical tissue (up to 2 months).

Advantages of cryodestruction of the uterus

Cryodestruction has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • This is a painless manipulation with minimal tissue damage;
  • Does not require complex and lengthy preparation;
  • Affordable;
  • Performed on an outpatient basis;
  • Doesn't have side effects and complications.

Cauterization of erosion with liquid nitrogen, unlike other methods, can be prescribed even to nulliparous women. This is explained by the fact that after the procedure and complete restoration of the cervical tissue, no scars form. The cervix does not lose its elasticity, so in the process labor activity there is no risk of cracks and ruptures forming at the impact site.

Contraindications for cryodestruction

This type of erosion treatment is not used if the patient has inflammatory diseases reproductive system in any form, since the impact is extremely low temperatures may provoke an exacerbation pathological process. Infections are also considered contraindications. genitourinary system, significant deformation of the cervix, multiple cystic formations with modified glands in close proximity to the treatment area.

Increasingly today, gynecologists began to use women's diseases Not invasive methods treatment, and cryodestruction of the cervix without surgery is one of them.

Cryodestruction of the cervix is ​​an accurate, bloodless and gentle method, preferable for women planning to have children in the future. Before prescribing the procedure, the vaginal cavity is carefully examined.

Cryodestruction is not performed for:

  • infection of the genital organs;
  • severe inflammation of the vagina;
  • uterine fibroids requiring removal by other surgical means;
  • advanced endometriosis.

The affected uterine tissues are exposed to cold and low temperatures. When performing cryodestruction of the uterus, a special device is used - a cryodestructor with liquefied gas, carbon dioxide liquid nitrogen or nitrous oxide inside, which cools the tissue to almost 200 degrees. Under the influence of low temperatures, the affected cells freeze and the tumors are destroyed. The depth of freezing of the uterine zone depends on the gas used. The introduction of liquid nitrogen for just a couple of minutes leads to freezing of a zone up to 5 mm deep, but nitrogen is still unable to remove large erosive zones.

Often, cryodestruction requires repeated examination of the uterine cavity based on tests, as well as in case of bleeding from the cervix, after the procedure for the first time. The good thing about this method is that it does not lead to the destruction of healthy nearby tissues, but blood clots form in the affected areas of the vessels, blood does not flow, the tissues simply begin to die, necrote, and after a few months are completely released from the uterus.

What is good about the cryodestruction method?

Previously, erosive areas were cauterized and many women know about the consequences. After some time, the remaining areas of the lesion began to progress again. Freezing the erosive zone:

  • does not lead to bleeding due to impaired blood microcirculation under the influence of cold;
  • patients do not experience discomfort during the procedure. Low temperatures affect the nerve endings, freezing them like ice-caine, but are fully restored as the wounds heal;
  • infection of the areas affected by erosion is excluded. The immune system enhances its functions at low temperatures;
  • reproductive function remains unharmed;
  • Even after freezing, the uterine tissue remains elastic and does not become scarred;
  • easy to tolerate by patients;
  • does not lead to the development of possible remaining metastases;
  • the procedure is non-traumatic and painless;
  • tissues are restored completely;
  • further relapses are excluded;
  • there is no need to prepare for this operation;
  • there are no stitches, painful and uncomfortable for women;
  • after the tumors are rejected, the tissue is quickly replaced with healthy tissue;
  • complications are excluded in the future.

The cryodestruction procedure has no disadvantages, if you do not take into account the time for wound healing, up to 3 weeks, although the method is impractical in the presence of neoplasms, extensive large sizes located in hard-to-reach places.

Freezing the affected area of ​​the uterus with liquid nitrogen has become popular since cauterization with current, which was used to treat erosion back in Soviet times, has many disadvantages. The cauterization procedure is painful and unpleasant. Wounds take a long time to heal and regenerate, constantly bleed, and the most unpleasant thing is that scars remain, tissues become less elastic, and infection and bacterial agents can be introduced into the wounds.

Indications for use of the method

Cryodestruction is applicable for women suffering from:

  • chronic cervicitis;
  • and cervical erosion;
  • dysplasia 1 and 2 degrees;
  • condylomas in the vulva, perineum or vagina;
  • leukoplakia of the vulva;
  • , capable of recurring after their surgical removal;
  • ectopia of the epithelium.

Freezing the affected areas leads to their destruction and death. This method also removes papillomas and condylomas from the cervix.

For whom is the procedure contraindicated?

The procedure is unacceptable if examinations reveal in women:

  • tumors in the ovary;
  • 3rd degree;
  • cancer or intermediate diagnosis;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the genital organs;
  • , severe deformation of the uterus;
  • somatic diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases.

Questions about possible application The method of cryodestruction is decided by the gynecologist based on the results obtained and examinations.

How is cryodestruction performed?

  • take a blood test;
  • a smear to examine the uterine flora and the absence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • smear on atypical cells to exclude the presence of malignant recurrent formations;
  • biopsy;
  • histology analysis;
  • examination by a gynecologist with a speculum of the cervix.

Only based on the results obtained, the doctor will decide whether this procedure is possible and advisable, or whether it is worth choosing a different treatment for erosion.

The tampon is wetted with saline. The solution is injected into the cervix for cleansing.
The cervix is ​​treated with acetic acid (a weak solution) to identify focal areas. Short-term pain and discomfort may occur. The uterine cavity is once again treated with saline solution.
The tip of the crisonde is inserted towards the affected area, without touching the walls of the vagina, only at the site of the lesion. The doctor turns on the device, sets the timer, and the surface of the cervix is ​​covered with ice in a matter of seconds.

Freezing is done twice for best effect. The cavity is frozen for 3 minutes, then left to thaw for 4–5 minutes, then frozen again. The cryoprobe is separated from the uterus as it thaws. To avoid tearing off parts of the cervical tissue, the crysonde is separated while the cavity is partially frozen. To separate the crysonde from the wall of the uterus, the doctor will turn it slightly. Frozen white, but already dead, tissue will remain at the erosive site. The doctor will examine the cervix and, making sure that there is no bleeding, will lubricate it with Monsel paste.

The woman should return to see the doctor in 2–3 weeks to assess healing and after six months for a cytological examination of the uterine cavity. It is possible to take a smear and perform a diagnostic colcoscopy.

Consequences of cryodestruction

The method is carried out quickly, up to 3 minutes, and there is no need for women to be hospitalized. The damaged areas are frozen with liquid nitrogen, and this does not cause any trouble for patients. Some women feel feverish after the procedure, but this is normal; the body restores thermal balance. If you stand up suddenly, you may feel dizzy, but this feeling also passes quickly.

The tolerability of the method, according to patient reviews, is generally good. Pain in the abdominal area is possible for 2-3 days due to the release of dead tissue to the outside. Also, the stain on the frozen area will remain dark until completely regenerated. Full recovery can be considered no earlier than 3 months after cryodestruction. Scarring of the tissue does not occur, but still the woman should be observed by a doctor for some time until the affected areas are completely healed and restored.

Women during the rehabilitation period of up to 2 months need to take care, avoid douching, physical exercise, visiting a sauna, bathhouse, intimacy. However, if a doctor prescribes this procedure, you should not refuse it. In most cases, such symptoms as with erosion do not bother the woman in the future. Their well-being noticeably improves, and soon the patients simply forget about their torment and continue to live a full, particularly intimate life.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor after cryodestruction?

The method is distinguished by the fact that it does not lead to complications in most cases, but if for some reason or the negligence of the doctor, the procedure is carried out in non-sterile conditions in the patient:

  1. The temperature has risen above 38 degrees and I am shivering.
  2. My lower abdomen hurts a lot.
  3. A purulent, foul-smelling discharge is discharged from the vagina.
  4. Bleeding does not go away for more than 2 days and is separated by clots; you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.


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Cryodestruction of cervical erosion, which can also be called freezing, is a popular method of treating this disease by cauterization.

The essence and features of the procedure

During cryodestruction of cervical erosion affected tissues are treated with liquid nitrogen cryoprobe.

The procedure usually looks like this: A speculum is placed in the vagina to obtain good review, then a cryoprobe is inserted there - a device that is connected to a nitrogen-filled cylinder.

The specialist applies cold locally onto the affected areas of the epithelium, and they are frozen. The temperature of liquid nitrogen is up to -90 degrees.

A cryoprobe is a high-precision device, and a specialist carefully controls the procedure, so if performed correctly, healthy tissue is practically not affected.

Freezing usually does not provoke discomfort , which is an advantage of this technique over many others.

Often the patient feels only a slight burning and tingling sensation. But sometimes reactions are more complex, so a comprehensive one must first be carried out.

After cauterization, swelling occurs on the treated tissues, which soon subsides. Approximately within 3-6 months after the procedure, the affected cells die off entirely and are replaced by healthy ones.

The elasticity of the cervix does not decrease Therefore, the treatment method is recommended.

Indications and contraindications for freezing

Main indication for the procedure- This . It can be recommended for leukoplakia, ectopia, ectropion, condylomas, papillomas on the vulva and vagina, first and second degree dysplasia, cervicitis and retention cyst.

Please note that cauterization with liquid nitrogen has a number of contraindications:

  • – the procedure should not be carried out under any circumstances, as it is highly likely to provoke a miscarriage;
  • menstruation;
  • presence of bleeding or;
  • injuries to the cervix, scarred tissue on it;
  • any processes of inflammation in the body, especially those related to the reproductive system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumors of the uterus and ovaries;
  • third degree of dysplasia;
  • extensive localization of affected tissues - in in this case It's better to choose another method.

If there are no contraindications, then cryodestruction can be used if the patient herself does not object.

Preparation rules

Before the procedure you need to visit a gynecologist. The specialist must:

  • listen to the woman's complaints, include them in medical card(collect anamnesis);
  • examine the patient in a chair using mirrors;
  • take ;
  • perform an examination with a colposcope.

To the patient who has agreed to the procedure, the doctor gives all the information about the technique and features of its implementation, possible sensations, and the recovery period.

Freezing technique

The patient is placed on a gynecological chair for manipulation. The technique involves several stages.

The area to be treated must first be cleaned. For this purpose, a tampon soaked in saline solution is inserted into the vagina. A weak solution is applied to the cervix acetic acid– this will help to accurately identify the affected areas.

At this point, you may feel a slight burning sensation or discomfort. At the end of the manipulations, the uterine area is once again treated with saline solution.

The next stage is the use of a cryodestructor. Its tip is inserted into the vaginal area, the end part is directed to the affected area. It is important that the doctor acts carefully and avoids healthy tissue.

When the probe reaches the right place, a timer is set, and the device is turned on to freeze cervical erosion.

Due to the low temperatures of the gas used, the affected area becomes covered with a white coating, which indicates that the affected areas are frozen.

If the treated areas are large or there is a possibility of the lesion spreading deep into the tissue, freezing is done in two passes.

The treatment is carried out for three minutes, after which the affected area thaws for 4-5 minutes and is re-frozen.

At the end, a cervical examination is performed. If there is no bleeding, the required area is treated with Monsel paste.

Cryodestruction lasts no more than half an hour. Exposure to cold nitrogen continues for several minutes.

To monitor the effectiveness of treatment, a specialist schedules an appointment 14-21 days after the procedure.

Six months after cryodestruction, a cytological examination of the uterine cavity is performed. If necessary, the doctor takes a smear and performs a colposcopy.

Features of the rehabilitation period

If the procedure was performed correctly, then for 100% tissue healing it will take approximately 28-42 days. By the end of the fourth week, the watery symptoms should go away.

Please note that sexual intercourse is prohibited for approximately two months after the procedure.

When this time has expired, you need to visit a gynecologist who will conduct an examination and give an opinion regarding the healing process and the possibility of resuming sexual intercourse.

You should avoid visiting the swimming pool, bathhouse and sauna for two months.. It is important to exclude heavy lifting and strong physical activity.

This will avoid infection and bleeding and shorten the recovery period.

Possible consequences and complications

Immediately after cryodestruction The following reactions may occur: dizziness, headache, feeling of general weakness and malaise, fainting.

On the first day, nagging pain in the lower abdomen is possible of different intensity. During the month after the procedure, heavy watery discharge is considered normal.

Minor discharge possible with blood impurities is a harmless symptom.

If cryodestruction is used for inflammation in the vagina or uterus, there is a risk that the inflammation will spread to the appendages. If the execution technique is impaired, the risk of developing negative reactions much higher.

A characteristic sign that the doctor did not work correctly is damage to the vaginal walls. Then the watery discharge may continue for more than a month, perhaps constant feeling severe pain, opening of bleeding.

To prevent unpleasant consequences you need to take into account all contraindications and entrust the procedure to the doctor whose competence you are sure of.

Noticing yellow vaginal discharge with a clearly unpleasant odor, visit a specialist as soon as possible. This symptom indicates the presence of an infection, which requires the use of medication.

It is important to see a doctor if after the intervention the following signs are observed:

  • body temperature from 38 degrees;
  • feeling of chills or fever;
  • strong painful sensations lower abdomen;
  • impurities of pus in vaginal discharge;
  • bleeding lasting more than two days.

If all the rules are followed, the risks of complications are minimized.

Myths and facts about cauterization with liquid nitrogen

Basic Myth Regarding cryodestruction, this is the most effective method erosion treatment that suits everyone.

There is some truth in this - the technique has an effectiveness of 85-90%, which is noticeably more than with conventional cauterization.

Of the minuses it is worth highlighting big number contraindications, the need to adhere to the ban on sexual intercourse, swimming in the sea and pool for several months.

In many ways, the procedure is inferior, but the decision about which option is appropriate in a particular case must be made by the doctor.

The procedure is contraindicated during menstruation. Although it is relatively painless, the impact still leads to the appearance of wound surfaces on the cervix.

They take time to heal, so if you perform cryodestruction during or just before your period, the risks of inflammation will increase significantly. It is optimal to carry out manipulations on days 7-10 of the cycle.

Cryodestruction of the cervix is ​​an effective, safe procedure that allows you to get rid of the disease in a short time.

A small list of contraindications and a reduced risk of side effects make it possible to use it when other methods are contraindicated, for example, if the girl has not yet given birth.

Pathological conditions of the mucous membrane of the cervix are often diagnosed in girls and women. The diseases are atypical ulcerations that damage the epithelial layer of the organ. If they are not identified in a timely manner and treatment is not started, there is a high probability of developing fertility disorders, including infertility. Thanks to modern technical developments, a non-invasive (without surgical incisions) method of therapy has appeared in the arsenal of gynecologists - cryodestruction.

Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen

Cryodestruction of the cervix is ​​a medical treatment procedure that involves the effect of low temperatures (liquid nitrogen) on the affected soft tissue. As a result of the treatment, unhealthy areas are frozen and destroyed.

The non-invasive method of destruction of pathogenic formations is used in various branches of medicine: cosmetology, surgery, gynecology, dermatology. Instead of surgery, doctors recommend freezing to remove papillomas, condylomas and other tumor formations. The procedure is effective in treating some vascular pathologies and erosions.

Features of the technique

To perform the procedure, a medical device is used - a cryodestructor. On one side there is a special tip through which extremely low temperature gas is supplied (ranging from -180 to -196 °C).

Nitrous oxide or carbon dioxide is also used to treat painful areas.

Depending on the size and depth of distribution of the pathological process, the type of acting substance is determined. For example, if the patient has a formation larger than 5 millimeters in diameter, the use of liquid nitrogen will not work. This is due to the fact that gas can penetrate to a depth of no more than half a centimeter.

Some time after completion of the procedure, dying areas appear in the treatment area. This process provokes the formation of blood clots and disruption of blood microcirculation. Necrosis lasts about three months, during which all dead tissue comes out. Due to the fact that healthy areas are not exposed to freezing, they are not destroyed.

Advantages and disadvantages of cryodestruction

Any intervention in the human body, even minimally invasive, affects general condition. Before deciding to undergo the procedure, patients carefully study the advantages and disadvantages of the technique.


Experienced gynecologists note the following positive aspects:

  • absence of painful symptoms. From the first second of exposure of the affected area to the cryodestructor, the sensitivity of the nerve endings is disrupted, since they are also frozen;
  • absence of scars and deformations. Due to the fact that the doctor does not make an incision in the soft tissue, after the procedure the natural elasticity of the treated area is preserved and a new layer of epithelium (mucous membrane) grows;
  • minimal likelihood of complications. The presented method of treatment is practically not associated with the development gynecological diseases, and the patient’s condition remains normal after exposure to a cryodestructor. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require a hospital stay;
  • damage only the affected tissues. Healthy areas of the mucosa do not participate in the cooling process;
  • complete tissue restoration. After exposure, the body’s protective function is activated;
  • bloodlessness of the procedure. When cooled, vascular spasm occurs and a blood clot forms, as a result of which blood microcirculation is disrupted.

Disadvantages of cryotherapy

Doctors draw patients’ attention to some negative aspects of the process:

  • if the technique of working with the device is not followed, there is a possibility of injury to the vaginal walls;
  • if you choose the wrong gas, the pathological area is not completely removed;
  • there is a risk of discharge mixed with blood.

Indications and contraindications for cryodestruction

The main indications for use are:

  • erosion - a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • leukoplakia - focal keratinization of the stratified epithelium of the mucous membrane;
  • ectopia - the location of the cylindrical epithelium on the vaginal surface (pre-erosive condition);
  • condyloma and papilloma ( benign tumors localized on the vagina and vulva);
  • ectropion - eversion of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal into the vaginal cavity;
  • dysplasia (first and second degree only);
  • retention cyst - a true formation located in the gland due to a violation of the outflow of secretions;
  • cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix.

What women need to know about cervical erosion - video

Contraindications to treatment

Considering that cryodestruction involves intervention in the body, it cannot be performed on all patients. Treatment of pathological areas of the cervix with low temperatures is prohibited for girls who have been diagnosed with dysplasia (improper tissue development) of the third degree. If the doctor suspects that malignant tumor, the procedure is not carried out.

As with most surgical interventions, contraindications include various inflammatory processes that progress during internal organs reproductive system, exacerbation chronic diseases, sexually transmitted infections.

Gynecologists do not perform cryodestruction if the patient has fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian tumors, or scarring of the cervical canal.

Most doctors insist that any intervention in a pregnant woman’s body has a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is not recommended to perform cryodestruction of the cervix during this period.

Cryodestruction and the menstrual cycle

The procedure for freezing pathological tissue areas does not involve painful sensations, however, the impact provokes the appearance of wound surfaces on the cervix. It takes some time for them to heal, so doctors do not recommend performing cryodestruction before the onset of menstrual bleeding. Otherwise, there is a possibility of developing inflammatory process mucous membrane due to the high content of pathogenic bacteria in the vaginal secretion.

The most suitable time for the procedure is considered to be 7–10 days of the menstrual cycle.

Preparing for the cauterization procedure

Before the intervention, the patient must visit a gynecologist. During the appointment, the doctor will perform a number of such manipulations:

  • listens to all the woman’s complaints, enters information into the medical record (history collection);
  • perform a gynecological examination in a chair using mirrors (the condition of the cervix is ​​determined and the external genitalia are examined);
  • take a smear of vaginal secretion for microflora;
  • will take a smear from the cervix;
  • will perform an examination using a colposcope.

Colposcopy is a gynecological procedure during which the doctor examines the opening and walls of the vagina, as well as the vaginal part of the cervix.

The next step in preparatory stage is to make a final diagnosis based on the research and test results. If a woman agrees to cryodestruction, the doctor will definitely tell her about the technique, how the procedure will take place, mention possible sensations and describe the recovery period.

How does cryodestruction of the cervix occur?

On the appointed day, the patient must come to see the doctor for the procedure. Cryodestruction is performed on a gynecological chair, and the entire treatment process occurs in several stages.

To monitor the effectiveness of the treatment, the doctor prescribes a second appointment after 14–21 days.

After six months from the date of cryodestruction, the woman undergoes a cytological examination of the uterine cavity. If necessary, the doctor will take a smear and perform a colposcopy.

Rehabilitation period and duration of recovery, possible consequences

Immediately after cryodestruction, the following manifestations are possible:

  • feeling of general weakness or fatigue;
  • dizziness, headache attacks;
  • loss of consciousness.

On the first day, the patient feels a nagging pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen. Throughout the month, it is considered normal to have copious, watery vaginal discharge. Sometimes there is a slight discharge mixed with blood (not a dangerous symptom).

In women who underwent cryodestruction with an existing inflammatory lesion of the uterus or vagina, there is a possibility of the process spreading to the appendages. If the technique of performing the procedure is violated, the likelihood of developing adverse reactions increases several times. A striking example If the doctor does not work correctly, damage to the vaginal walls occurs. In such a situation, the patient’s watery discharge lasts longer than one month, there is always an intense feeling of pain, and bleeding begins.

Note! If a secretion begins to come out of the vagina yellow color having bad smell, you should immediately consult a doctor. This symptom indicates the addition of an infection and requires the prescription of drug therapy.

For complete tissue healing with properly performed cryodestruction, it will take from 28 to 42 days. Watery discharge should stop by the end of the fourth week. After the procedure, it is prohibited to have sexual intercourse with a partner for about two months. After this time, you must visit a gynecologist who will examine the affected area and give an opinion on the healing process and the possibility of resuming sexual relations.

For two months you should refrain from visiting baths, saunas, and swimming pools. Do not lift weights or do strenuous physical work. This will avoid infection and bleeding, and shorten the recovery period.

Warning signs that require you to see a doctor

It is worth paying close attention to your health after the intervention, and if such symptoms occur, immediately consult a doctor:

  • body temperature is within 38 or above;
  • there is a feeling of chills or fever;
  • pain in the lower abdomen is very severe;
  • vaginal discharge is mixed with pus;
  • bleeding does not go away for more than two days.

In most cases, complications do not develop after cryodestruction of the cervix.