Catozal for animals. How to use "Katozal" for dogs and cats. Current treatment and prevention regimens

Like any other pet, dogs are not protected from various diseases and infections. Pets with reduced immunity due to improper feeding, pregnancy, difficult childbirth and lack of vitamins are most susceptible to this.

Currently the market medicines for animals offers large selection various vitamins. One such remedy for dogs is Catozal. This is the medicine for a long time had no analogues.

Catosal for dogs is an injection solution. Practically universal remedy, which is used in many areas of treatment. The drug contains two important substances:

2. Cyanocobalamin, or vitamin B12. It has the following properties:

  • stimulates blood vessels;
  • is one of the sources of energy for muscle tissue;
  • stabilizes the process of food absorption;
  • normalizes fat and acid metabolism in the body;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

This drug is prescribed as healthy dogs both as a preventive measure and as a aid when taking antibiotics. Often the drug is prescribed when the dog is exhausted.

Important: The shelf life of the medicine is 4 years. During the injection, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. You need to wash your hands especially carefully after the injection.

Instructions for use


Average dosage of the drug for dogs:

  1. For an animal weighing up to 1 kg – 0.3-0.5 ml.
  2. If the pet's weight is up to 20 kg - 1-2 ml.
  3. When the animal’s weight is more than 20 kg, the calculation is 1 ml per 10 kg of weight.

Where and how to inject?

Injections can be administered in several ways:

  1. subcutaneously;
  2. intramuscularly;
  3. intravenously;
  4. orally.

The following treatment regimens are usually prescribed:

1. 1-2 injections are administered with an interval of 5-7 days. Used to:

  • take off severe stress animal;
  • increase the likelihood of fertilization of the female;
  • stimulate male spermatogenesis;
  • increase endurance and activity;
  • restore strength after exercise;
  • increase appetite.

2. 5-10 injections are given every 1-3 days in the following cases:

  • the dog is feeling unwell;
  • deterioration of coat condition;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • epidemics of infection;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • correcting the animal’s behavior (remove nervousness or excessive timidity).

3. Daily use is prescribed when the dog’s condition is serious, after infectious diseases or detected malfunctions internal organs.

If it gets bad

Catozal has virtually no side effects or contraindications for use. Still, problems can arise. This may be due to the use of too much medicine and the need to reduce the dosage. Sometimes a pet develops a personal intolerance to some component medicine.

Allergy to Catozal is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • lethargy and malaise;
  • elevated temperature;
  • drowsiness;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • diarrhea or vomiting;
  • convulsions facial muscles or limbs;
  • dyspnea;
  • poor coat condition;
  • discharge from the ears;
  • fainting.

When there are obvious allergy symptoms, you can use any antihistamine with plenty of water.

For puppies

The use of this drug is allowed for puppies from three months of age. Prescribed for babies of German and Belgian Shepherd. These breeds have problems with the formation of ear cartilage. Also prescribed in cases of:

  1. Normalization of potassium-phosphorus balance.
  2. Maintaining the body during a period of active growth.
  3. Changing teeth.
  4. Difficult birth for mom.
  5. Puppy inactivity.
  6. Malnutrition.
  7. Weak physical development.
  8. Various pathological abnormalities of the baby.
  9. Excessive thinness of the baby.

A 0.1 ml injection is administered subcutaneously once a day. Course 5-7 days. You can also dilute the medicine in water and feed the animal for a week. For infectious or bacterial diseases the drug is administered intramuscularly 0.3-5 ml twice a day until complete recovery.

Important! The danger of using the medicine for puppies is that it can cause allergy attacks much more often than in adults. In this case, it is urgent to give the fourth part antihistamine. Then immediately contact a specialist.

Signs of drug intolerance in a child:

  • suffocation;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • fainting;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • complete loss of strength;
  • increase in temperature;
  • foaming from the mouth.

Pregnant, lactating and childbirth

The drug Katazol has a beneficial effect on the ongoing pregnancy of the bitch. The drug will help avoid anemia in the parturient woman and possible pathologies fetus, therefore it is often prescribed for multiple litters.

Catazol helps facilitate childbirth, normalizes metabolism, which allows the body to recover after bearing offspring and supports immune system mothers while feeding their puppies.

Exceptions and features for breeds

An exception to the use of this product may be the dog’s personal intolerance. In case of an overdose of the medicine, allergic reactions may also occur. If this happens, you must immediately stop taking Catozal, give the dog an anti-allergenic drug and go to a veterinary hospital.

You should not use the medicine on overly sensitive dog breeds:

  • toy terriers;
  • poodles;
  • collie;
  • Sheltie (Shetlen Sheepdog);
  • Chihuahua and many others.

The health of poultry and farm animals can be improved with the help of medications. American company Bayer HealthCare has developed Catosal. This is a combination medication used in veterinary medicine. It is designed to improve metabolic processes, increasing the resistance of animal organisms to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms, stimulating intensive development and growth.

Catosal is a transparent, pink-colored solution. It goes on sale in glass bottles. The bottles, along with detailed instructions for use, are placed in individual cardboard packages.

The capacity of each bottle is 100 ml. The box and label are marked with the manufacturer, its brand, production date, batch number, and name of the drug. The “Sterile” mark is also placed, the intended use “For animals” is indicated, and information about the method of use and storage features is printed.

The product cannot be called cheap. You will have to pay more than 600 rubles for a bottle.

Katozal consists of two active components: butaphosphamide (which has become known to Bayer specialists since 1926) and cyanocobalamin. 100 ml of the drug contains 10 g of butaphosphamide and 5 mm of cyanocobalamin. Water for injection, sodium hydroxide and butanol are used as auxiliary components.

Characteristics of butaphosphan

Butaphosphan is a phosphorus compound of organic origin, analogues of which have not yet been developed. It is actively used in animal husbandry. This substance does not have a cumulative effect; it does not accumulate in agricultural animals. In the absence of an overdose, no unwanted effects or negative impact the condition of animals and birds is not observed.

Butaphosphan is involved in the absorption of many substances. The metabolism of phosphorus compounds is directly related to fat and protein metabolism. Phosphorus in living beings is required for the following purposes:

  1. It is a source of energy necessary to maintain life.
  2. Participates in processes occurring in muscles (including the heart) and various intracellular systems Oh.

Phosphorus compounds known as ATP and creatine phosphoric acid are required for energy storage. Using them in the future, the following work will be performed:

  • mechanical (muscle contractions);
  • chemical (ensuring the biosynthesis of compounds);
  • electrical (organization of the passage of nerve impulses);
  • electrochemical (transport of substances through membrane partitions).

When taking medications based on butaphosphamide, including Katozal, the following effects on the body of farm animals and birds are observed.

  1. Protein biosynthesis is stimulated, thanks to this the development of young animals is accelerated, their growth is accelerated, damaged areas are restored faster.
  2. Cortisol levels are normalized.
  3. The process of bone formation is activated.
  4. The myocardium is restored.
  5. The motor activity of smooth muscles increases.
  6. The functioning of the liver is activated.
  7. Nonspecific resistance of farm animals is increasing.
  8. Metabolic processes are accelerated, this is due to the activation of the ADP phosphorylation cycle and the resulting ATP production.
  9. The utilization of sugar in the blood improves, which has a positive effect on energy metabolism.

Features of cyanocobalamin

In addition to butaphosphamide, Catozal also contains cyanocobalamin, known as vitamin B12.

It performs the following types of work in the body.

  1. Responsible for activating hematopoiesis.
  2. Necessary for obtaining DNA and RNA.
  3. Participates in the synthesis of the sulfur-containing α-amino acid known as methionine.
  4. Restores the number of T-suppressors to the established levels. They are responsible for the body's immune response.
  5. Mobilizes energy reserves required for the formation of DNA and deoxyribose.
  6. Promotes the formation of glycogen polysaccharide.

The combination of butaphosphamide and B12 makes it possible to normalize the metabolic and regenerative processes occurring in the bodies of farm animals and birds. They contribute to the activation of the development processes of young animals. These components increase resistance to adverse factors of various etiologies.

Having decided to use Catozal, it is advisable to first understand in what cases it is recommended to give it.

Indications for use

Catozal is prescribed in most cases as a metabolic stimulant and tonic medication, which is intended for cattle, sheep, rams, goats, poultry, horses, fur-bearing animals, domestic animals (it is often administered to cats and dogs).

  1. In case of metabolic failures that are caused by inadequate feeding, certain diseases, or poor maintenance.
  2. In cases of malnutrition resulting from diseases of young animals.
  3. For the treatment of hypocalcemia (as an adjuvant).
  4. When paresis and tetanic syndromes appear.
  5. With weakened immunity and impaired general condition of animals.
  6. In cases of helminth infection, which are accompanied by anemia.
  7. With the development of secondary anemia.
  8. When affected by viruses, bacteria, intoxication (as an auxiliary medication).

This solution is prescribed for:

  • increasing the body's resistance;
  • improvements muscle activity healthy individuals;
  • reducing the duration and accelerating the molting process;
  • recovery from stressful situations;
  • treating infertility, increasing productivity;
  • improving liver function;
  • conservation of livestock (including cases of pecking).

Our article describes in detail the causes of pecking, as well as methods of control and effective solutions this problem. The right diet chicken feeding and walking.

With the use of Catozal, animals recover faster, and the risk of relapses and complications of diseases is significantly reduced. When prescribed postoperatively, the likelihood of problems occurring after the introduction of anesthesia and surgical interventions is reduced.

The solution is prescribed as an auxiliary medication in the treatment of streptoderma, demodicosis, anemia, skin diseases. It is recommended to be given for damage to internal organs (liver, heart, kidneys, pancreas), for dysbacteriosis and after operations. You can achieve the desired results from taking Catozal if you follow the recommendations for using the solution.

Instructions for use

Experts prescribe the solution to be administered intramuscularly to animals; sometimes it is recommended to administer it subcutaneously or intravenous administration(this is done slowly). Birds are given it orally.

Cattle catosal is administered intramuscularly

Veterinarians may prescribe one of several common dosage regimens depending on the indication.

  1. One or two injections, break between injections from 2 to 7 days.
  2. The solution is administered in a course that consists of 5-10 injections, the break between administrations is 1 - 3 days. If the need continues, the course is repeated after a month.
  3. Daily administration of the drug is recommended if the condition of veterinarian patients is severe. The duration of therapy is determined by the veterinarian.

Single or double injections according to the first scheme are prescribed:

  • to neutralize negative influence stress;
  • in order to improve reproductive abilities (increases the likelihood of fertilization);
  • to stimulate spermatogenesis in males, improve the quality characteristics of sperm;
  • if necessary, restore performance (after intense or prolonged exercise);
  • to increase activity and endurance;
  • for the appearance of appetite.

  • in case of violations general condition, deterioration in the quality of wool and plumage;
  • when skin diseases appear;
  • to improve appetite;
  • to stimulate metabolism;
  • for preventive purposes to prevent infection with seasonal diseases or exacerbation of existing chronic problems;
  • if necessary, adjust behavior (remove excessive fearfulness, reduce nervousness).

Veterinarians recommend daily administration according to the third regimen in situations where:

  • discovered pathological disorders functioning of internal organs;
  • serious metabolic disorders have been identified;
  • infectious lesions were diagnosed.

The drug must be administered or given orally once a day. Birds are allowed to dilute it in water intended for drinking. But you should know in advance what doses the drug should be given in.

The dose of the solution is prescribed depending on the species and age of the individuals. You can focus on the standard usage scheme, which is shown in the table.

Administration to farm animalsDose for one individual, ml
Horses, cattlefrom 10.00 to 25.00
Foals, calvesfrom 5.00 to 12.00
Pigsfrom 2.50 to 10.00
Piglets (dairy)from 1.00 to 2.50
Goats, sheepfrom 2.50 to 8.00
Goats, lambsfrom 1.50 to 2.50
Laying hensfrom 2.00 to 3.00 (diluted in 1 liter of drinking water)
Hens, chicksfrom 1.00 to 1.50 (diluted in 1 liter of drinking water)

In this dosage, the solution is administered at acute stages diseases. If animals suffer from chronic illnesses, then the dose should be divided in half. If necessary, the course is repeated. This is done no earlier than 1-2 weeks after the first administration.

Birds are usually given the drug for 4-5 days in a row in one course.

Features of purpose and use may vary depending on the category of animal.

Prescription of Catozal for pigs

One injection per week is enough for lagging individuals to catch up with the main herd. When diseases appear, you should follow general recommendations on the use of the drug.

Use of Catosal in poultry farming

It is given to birds as a unique immunostimulant. Adding it to water in two courses of 5 days in a row (the second course was repeated 15 days after the first) gave the following results in comparison with the control group:

  • livestock safety increased by 0.2%;
  • the growth rate increased by more than 3%.

To eliminate the effects of stress, the bird needs large number drug: 20 ml of solution is diluted in a liter of water. The effective dose affecting the body condition of birds was selected experimentally. When the temperature increases (during the experiments, the ambient air temperature was increased to 32°C), the concentration of corticosterone in the blood of chickens increases, and taking butaphosphamide normalizes it.

Many are afraid to administer Catozal or add it to the water of birds, not knowing about contraindications and possible side effects.

Prescribing injections for cattle

Cows can be given catosal as one of the components complex therapy with atony (a state in which the normal functioning stomach).

Treatment of a cow with gastric atony

Cows are also given a drug to prevent ketosis. Clinical form of this disease observed in 5%, and subclinical – in almost 40% of fresh cows. It has been experimentally established that administration of the drug for preventive purposes gives such results.

  1. The percentage is decreasing gynecological diseases in cows.
  2. During pregnancy, glycogen accumulates in the body, which ensures the maintenance of a positive energy balance after calving.
  3. Nonspecific immunity increases due to an increase in the concentration of serum globulins and formed blood elements.

Video - How cattle injections are made

Possible contraindications and list of side effects

Many years of experience in using butaphosphamide in combination with vitamin B12 have shown that there are no contraindications to its use. Exceptions are cases where individual intolerance to the components of the solution has been established in individual individuals.

None side effects no effects were observed from the administration of this drug. Even an overdose does not lead to any complications. There is no irritation at the injection sites. But the possibility of allergic reactions in some individuals cannot be ruled out. Emergence allergic manifestations may provoke vitamin B12, but this is only possible in cases where there was an overdose of the drug.

Many people are concerned about whether it is possible to eat bird eggs, animal meat and their milk if they have been injected with the specified solution. They are allowed to be used, they are used and sold on a general basis.

Veterinarians advise to always carefully check the expiration dates of the medicine. Expired medications or medications that have been improperly stored are strictly prohibited from being administered to animals.

When a pet begins to feel unwell, weakens, or gets sick, every loving owner is tormented by questions about what he did wrong, how he missed the moment when the pet’s health began to crack. Sometimes an animal can actually suffer due to the fault of the owner, even unconsciously ( poor nutrition, prohibited “snacks”, chemicals carelessly thrown into the public domain, toxic substances and much more). Sometimes a pet is overtaken by an insidious infection, from which it is difficult for people to protect themselves from injury. Sometimes this can be a malfunction in the body at the cellular level, exhaustion as a result of pregnancy, feeding, difficult childbirth, surgery, or stress. There are a great many reasons for deterioration in health, but our task is, if not to eliminate them completely, then at least to minimize them. We will do this with the help of Katozal, a drug wide range action and with the powerful support of your four-legged charges.

What does Catozal consist of and how is it useful?

The drug is nothing more than an injection solution, and it contains only two active components:

  1. Butaphosphan is an organic phosphorus compound. Has a lot of useful properties:
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • improves liver cells;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • has a general strengthening effect on cells as a whole;
  • regulates the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • stimulates bone tissue growth.
  1. Cyanocobalamin (B12). Vitamin BB is known for its beneficial effects on the body:
  • tones the circulatory system;
  • supports the body during pregnancy and lactation;
  • regulates the process of food absorption;
  • affects the causes of infertility.

Neither butaphosphan nor B12 tend to accumulate in the body, and therefore do not have any toxic effect on the dog as a result of oversaturation with the drug. Residues of the drug are excreted in the urine during emptying of the bladder.

In what cases is Catozal prescribed?

The medication is used only as prescribed by a specialist. There are many indications for use:

For bitches, Catozal is used in the following cases:

  • diagnosed infertility;
  • difficult pregnancy;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • complications after childbirth.

Depending on the severity of the caudate patient’s condition, Catozal is prescribed as a separate therapy or in combination with other therapeutic measures. The doctor may recommend it as prophylactic to exclude relapse of a treated disease or exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Instructions for use

The package annotation contains detailed explanations of how to use the drug, calculate the dose and course.

Catozal allows three types of administration:

  1. Intramuscular;
  2. Subcutaneous;
  3. Intravenous.

The dose of medication is calculated based on the dog’s body weight: for every 10 kgweight - 1-3 ml of solution. For puppies with low weight, the dosage should not exceed 1 ml.

The course depends on what goals are pursued during treatment with Catozal:

  • Prevention - 1 injection per week.
  • Diseases medium degree severity - 1 injection every 2-7 days.
  • Serious internal and infectious pathologies, as well as poisoning - 1 injection per day.

Important! Only a specialist can prescribe a treatment regimen. Self-determination dosage prohibited!

When is Katozal contraindicated?

The good thing about this drug is that it poses virtually no danger to your pet. It has no age restrictions. There is no risk of side effects in case of overdose, even regular. Sometimes (extremely rarely) an animal may experience allergic reaction. This happens when the body is individually intolerant to any component of the drug.

Price and analogues

A 100 ml bottle will cost you 800 rubles. It is produced by Bayer. On at the moment the drug has no analogues.

To stimulate metabolic processes in animals, a complex drug is used in veterinary medicine Catozal - solution, which is used subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. The solution can also be consumed orally, but only by birds. The use of the medication helps to compensate for the deficiency of carbohydrates, minerals and proteins. The undoubted advantage of Catozal is the possibility of its use by kittens and puppies, as well as pregnant animals.

Composition of Katozal

Release form- sterile 10% solution, which is a clear liquid with a pink tint. In addition to water for injection, the drug contains methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, cyanocobalamin and 10 g of butaphosphan, a phosphorus derivative that has no analogues and is widely used in poultry and livestock farming. The actions of butaphosphamide are:

  • in stimulating metabolic processes;
  • in accelerated education bone tissue;
  • in increasing the motor activity of smooth muscles;
  • in improving liver function.

Pharmacological properties

According to GOST 12.1.007-76, the medicine belongs to the type of low-hazard substances in terms of the degree of impact on the animal’s body. This means that the drug is as safe as possible, does not cause mutations, and does not have carcinogenic, sensitizing or irritating effects.

There are no side effects observed during the period of use of the medication if the recommended dosage is followed. The drug increases the body's resistance to adverse factors environment, accelerates the growth and development of animals. To the rest pharmacological properties Catozala is attributed:

  • tonic effect;
  • normalization of regenerative and metabolic processes;
  • stimulation of fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

Catozal - instructions for use

The drug is used as an adjuvant for the treatment of diseases associated with deficiency of microelements such as magnesium and calcium. At chronic course diseases, the veterinarian prescribes 1/2 of the dose indicated in the instructions.

Repeated courses are carried out with an interval of 5 to 14 days. Other indications for use according to the instructions are considered:

  • giving birth to an animal or preventing postpartum complications (maternity paresis, tetany);
  • increasing the body's resistance to various diseases;
  • increased physical activity in sports horses (three days before the competition).

The drug is indicated for use in pets (cats, dogs), small and large cattle, chickens, horses, fur-bearing animals, pigs. The medication is used once every 24 hours using one of the methods described in the instructions - administered slowly intravenously, subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

For birds, it is allowed to add a dose of solution to a container with drinking water. Each creature has its own dosage of the drug:

  • cattle - from 10 to 25 ml;
  • for chickens - from 1 to 1.5 ml per liter of drinking water;
  • broilers and laying hens - from 2 to 3 ml per liter drinking water;
  • piglets - from 1 to 2.5 ml;
  • for adult pigs - up to 10 ml;
  • for kids and lambs - from 1.5 to 2.5 ml;
  • adult goats and sheep - 2.5–8 ml.

Catozal for cats

The same dosage is recommended for fur animals and cats, from 0.5 to 2.5 ml. Your doctor will determine the exact dosage based on your weight. pet. The drug can be given to kittens and pregnant cats. With the correct dosage, the use of Catozal is absolutely safe. The veterinary drug strengthens the immune system and stimulates the growth of the cat, and its body becomes resistant to various diseases.

The drug is administered to cats once a day, the average duration of treatment is 5 days. For weakened kittens or cats, owners can apply the solution 2-3 times a day before participating in an exhibition. In this case, the next dose is administered only after four days.

The medication is administered subcutaneously, intravenously or intramuscularly for dogs based on the following calculation: per 10 kg of weight - from 1.0-3.0 ml. Catozal is administered once a week, but there are also other schemes for using the drug. For example, observing an interval of 1-3 days, dogs are given a course of 5-10 injections.

This regimen for using Catozal is designed to normalize metabolic processes, improve the condition of hair and skin, increase appetite, and prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases in dogs. There are no contraindications to the use of Catozal for dogs; no side effects were noted even with repeated use of the product.

Katozal - universal medicine for farm and domestic animals (cats and dogs). The mechanism of action of the drug is to increase the body's immune forces. The drug is available in 100 ml bottles in dark glass bottles and costs about 750 rubles in online pharmacies.

Katozal - unique stimulant metabolism, which is produced by Bayer HealthCare AG, Germany. This is a one-of-a-kind drug that has no analogues. It is based on butaphosphan, an organic phosphorus compound that affects many assimilation processes in the body. Phosphorus compounds play a leading role in the activity of the central nervous system and processes in the membranes of intracellular systems and muscles, and are closely related to the metabolism of substances such as proteins and fats.

At the same time organic compounds phosphorus does not accumulate in the body and does not have side effects that are usually characteristic of inorganic phosphorus and stimulants. Butafosfan improves the utilization of glucose in the blood, accelerates metabolic processes, activates all liver functions, increases the motor activity of smooth muscles, normalizes the level of cortisol in the blood, and stimulates the formation of bone tissue.

Second active substance The drug is cyanocobalamin, that is, vitamin B12. Catozal is used in various fields of veterinary medicine. It is prescribed for metabolic disorders, decreased performance of animals, for the treatment and prevention of infertility and postpartum complications. With the help of the drug, they normalize liver functions and stimulate growth in children.

It is used for adjuvant therapy for viral and bacterial infections, intoxication, damage to organs and systems. The use of Catozal in therapy improves rehabilitation after illness and surgery, accelerates the dog’s recovery and reduces the risk of relapses.

Instructions for using catozal for dogs, price

The drug is used intravenously, intramuscularly and subcutaneously at a rate of 1.0 to 3.0 ml per 10 kg of dog weight. Catosal is most often administered once or twice at weekly intervals, although there are many different dosing regimens.

For example, a course of 5-10 injections with an interval of 1-3 days between injections is carried out to normalize metabolic processes, improve appetite and the condition of the skin and coat, prevent or treat seasonal exacerbations of chronic diseases. In the case of complex treatment of severe conditions, a daily course of injections is possible.

There are no contraindications to the use of the drug. Even with multiple overdoses, no cases dangerous to the dog’s health have been identified. A 100 ml bottle of medicine costs 450-500 rubles.


Review #1

I breed Labradors and in the last litter I noticed, despite excellent care, a delay in development and growth. The tests turned out to be normal, the food was in perfect order. My puppies were prescribed Catozal subcutaneously, 3 ml each, and the bitch 5 ml every other day. In total, each dog received 5 injections. The puppies gained the required weight to normal within two weeks after the start of treatment.

Valery, Novosibirsk

Review #2

My pug since she was three months old. Throughout life, cystitis also increased and at 3.5 years old there was a difficult birth with a small number of puppies. The new veterinarian suggested that we inject Katozal subcutaneously, 3 ml every other day, for a total of 10 injections. After this and after it, there was no traditional recurrence of cystitis. As a result, our girl gave birth to five puppies completely independently. All of them are active and viable, with standard parameters.

Svetlana, Ekaterinburg

Review #3

Our Faya (boxer, 2 years old) had a very difficult birth. Nine puppies were born, but all were different in weight: from 350 to 600 grams. And even after giving birth, we had no peace. The babies did not have enough milk, the girl had inflammation of the uterus and was treated with antibiotics, and the puppies were fed artificially.

As a result, the children developed severe dysbiosis, they began to lag in growth, and rashes appeared on the skin. It was then that we were offered to try Catozal subcutaneously: 1 ml for puppies, and 5 ml for mothers for 10 days. We noticed positive dynamics after 10 days. And by the date of the first vaccination (8 weeks), all puppies had equalized in size and weight, and the skin rashes had disappeared.