How to make a cat from an ocelot in Minecraft. How to tame animals in Minecraft. Why do animals need to be bred?

The world of Minecraft is full of not only unexpected discoveries, but also danger that awaits you at every corner, so it will be useful to have a companion with you who will protect you from all sorts of misfortunes. And now we will not talk about a means of transportation - a horse or a pig, or even about a miner's best friend - a dog, but about ocelots, which, when tamed, turn into ordinary domestic cats. Everyone loves cats, right?

If you want to know how to tame an ocelot in Minecraft, you must understand where to look for this cutest cat.

Looking for Ocelot

I won’t go on and on and say one thing:

The favorite habitat of ocelots is the jungle. Yes, yes, those same territories overgrown with impenetrable bushes and tall trees, in which it is very easy to get lost.

So, suppose you found an ocelot, what should you do with it next so that it doesn’t run after chickens, but purrs affectionately in your house?

Catching an Ocelot

Are you already happily running towards him? Congratulations, you have made your first mistake - you scared away the ocelot.

Now you’ll have to track him down long and hard, holding down the Shift button so that he doesn’t notice you. So, you need to approach the ocelot carefully on Shift, holding in your hands their favorite delicacy - raw fish, which you can catch in any body of water using a fishing rod or buy for emeralds from the villagers.

We sneak up on the ocelot, he turns to you, and you begin to literally stuff him with raw fish. After a few fish, the ocelot will become yours, then its color will change and become black, gray or red - no pattern has been noticed in determining the color of a cat. Therefore, unfortunately, you won’t be able to choose a cat: which one you get, as they say, live with it.

How to tame Ocelot in Minecraft video

A little about ocelots

  1. Ocelots were added to the game in version 1.2.4;
  2. This is the only creature in Minecraft, besides Steve, capable of sprinting, that is, accelerated running;
  3. The cat that results from the domestication of an ocelot eats fish;
  4. Also, cats and ocelots attack chickens, and, most importantly, creepers are afraid of them, which is why it is worth taking a cat with you on a trip.

I hope you enjoyed this article and understood how to tame an ocelot in Minecraft. I wish you success!

A friendly mob that can be tamed. He became the first of the mobs that can run. He will run away from the player if he approaches him too quickly. Sometimes they can hide in the tall grass and sit there until the player arrives too quickly.

This behavior will continue until the player tames it. Once tamed, the mob becomes a cat. A tamed ocelot can jump on the bed, and can also climb onto the enchanting table and brewing stand, and then spin around on them. It's still not clear whether this is a bug or a feature.

The cats started jumping at them much less and they started jumping on objects much less often. Try to keep an untamed cat away from your chickens, as they may attack and kill all your chickens. Also, ocelots attack creepers. Therefore, take your tamed cat into the mine: in this case, you will always run away from the creeper. You cannot reproduce a mob: they reproduce on their own. Cats don't die from falling. This is clearly a reference to the saying "a cat always lands on its feet."

How to tame an ocelot?

Taming is a somewhat more difficult task than. First you need to take the raw fish in your hands, and then slowly move closer to the ocelot, after crouching. You should not make unnecessary movements, twitch or change the object from the fish.

Otherwise, the mob will get scared and run away from the player. After you get as close as possible to the ocelot, point the fish at it and click on the tame button. The chance to tame is 40%, so you will need not just one, but several fish. A sign of taming will be the cat changing color and crouching on its hind legs.

How to find an ocelot?

Ocelots are hard to find. First you will need to find a jungle biome. They only spawn in it. Then just walk around in it and look for the ocelot. The following factors may indicate that there was a “cat”: you see feathers or raw chicken lying on the ground. This means that an ocelot was recently here and killed a chicken. If you see a lot of untouched chickens, then this means that the mob was not there.

Ocelot is a very shy, passive creature in the game Minecraft. They are creatures of the jungle biome. Ocelots will not attack players, but may attack chickens to eat them. A tamed cat is very useful in scaring off nearby creepers. If you want to know how to tame an ocelot in Minecraft, then you will need a lot of patience and fish.

Method No. 1 Obtaining resources

Take plenty of fresh fish. It can be obtained by fishing. Take a fishing rod near the water and collect fish. You will need to spend at least 5 fish to tame an ocelot in Minecraft., but 50 may not be enough, it all depends on you...

Ocelots only like raw fish

Method No. 2 The right place

If you are confused about how to tame an ocelot in Minecraft, first of all, be patient. Thirst incontinence can only do harm. If you see an ocelot, stand still and wait until it is nearby. Otherwise everything will go to waste. If you walk towards an ocelot, even slowly, it will think that you are hunting it and will run away. And if you do drive the ocelot into a dead end, he clearly will not want to be your pet, no matter how hard you try. The Minecraft game is very well thought out and correct in this regard. Bad behavior will result in bad results. Never threaten ocelots; feed them fish and they will thank you.

Choose a place with a free area of ​​at least 7*7. This place creates a sense of security for the ocelot. You must be in an open area where the ocelot can escape in case of danger.

Find a place away from aggressive mobs. If you are going to be attacked, an ocelot is definitely not an option.

Method No. 3 Active taming

During the entire taming period, try to keep the fish. Don't look at the ocelot while taming it, it scares it. Approach the ocelot very quietly so as not to scare it away. If the ocelot turns to you and comes up to you, he is yours.

This completes the taming of the ocelot, good luck to you!

In order to have a reliable true friend in the game, you can find him in the person of a charming creature with the unusual name ocelot. A common expression about a dog that is best friend person, in in this case acquires one more additional interpretation. By taming an ocelot, you will not only get a devoted friend, but also an exotic, very beautiful creature, all the charm of which animal lovers will certainly be able to appreciate. Such an animal actually exists and is a half-meter long predatory American cat. In the game, this animal is a peace-loving mob that lives in the jungle. Get extraordinary pet You can play minecraft 1.5.2.

How is an ocelot different?

Despite its stern leopard-like appearance, the ocelot has a very affable, friendly disposition. However, it can hardly be called a brave beast. Any sudden movement by the player can cause him to flee. By the way, he does this very skill very well. In the game, the ocelot is the first creature endowed with sprinting abilities. Until contact is established with the animal, it will carefully hide from the player in tall vegetation, while carefully watching the player. You can find out what the excitement of the hunt is, the result of which is the acquisition of a cute pet, by downloading. A wild mob that spawns in the jungle becomes normal when tamed domestic cat, or a cat. You can select the gender of the animal if the player’s level of experience and qualifications allows this to be done.

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After domestication, the ocelot simply loves jumping on the bed. Also, the enchanting table along with the brewing stand do not go unnoticed on his part. It is not entirely clear whether this is the intention of the developers, or just a programming error, however, being near these objects, the ocelot jumps on them and spins there for some time. Fun entertainment is available when you download Minecraft 1.6.4. In addition to similar behavioral features, the ocelot is distinguished by its partial attitude towards chickens, which it seeks to pat at every opportunity. If the chickens belonged to the player, it is obvious that his nerves also suffer significantly along with this poultry. Creepers are also wary of encounters with cats. Seeing her, they immediately prefer to disappear into space. This position of the creepers is an additional argument for the player in favor of the decision to tame the ocelot. Joint trips to areas where creepers spawn, for example, in a dungeon, are now absolutely safe.

How to tame a cat

The best remedy for this is raw fish. By holding this unique bait in your hands and constantly repeating the magic “kys-kys”, you can force the ocelot to overcome the fear of the unknown and head towards the player. It is important to completely avoid sudden movements. The best position for the player in this case is a semi-sitting position with no signs of movement. You need to gather all your strength and wait for this enchanting moment when the animal finally approaches the player and also sits down. The best thing you can do now is to give him the fish he deserves. As soon as the ocelot deals with her, the player in 50% of cases becomes the cat's best friend and her beloved owner. If it doesn't work out the first time, don't despair. You can play Minecraft endlessly.

It's no secret to many gamers that virtual reality Minecraft players are given the opportunity to tame wild animals. They mean non-aggressive mobs, such as the ocelot, a representative of the felines in the Minecraft sandbox. The process of taming a cat is not easy, which is why it is important to understand all the intricacies of the procedure and the nature of this mob.

What does an ocelot like?
The main delicacy of the ocelot is chicken. Therefore, when going in search of this mob, carefully examine the surroundings. If you notice scattered feathers, it means a cat is walking nearby. Another favorite cat food is fish. True, due to their abilities, ocelots cannot hunt it on their own.

How to tame?
To tame a cat, we stock up on fish. We take about 10 - 13 pieces with us. Why exactly so much, the player will ask? The whole secret lies in the cat’s timidity, so you won’t be able to approach her the first time. After placing a fish in front of the mob, wait until the animal comes closer
to food. Only after feasting on a few fish can the user see the cat’s red collar. This means that the ocelot is tamed.

Cat function in the game
Apart from the affectionate and playful pet he can be to the player. The cat perfectly protects the user from creepers. Oddly enough, creepers are terrified of these fast and agile felines.