How to enjoy your cigars more. How to quit smoking and enjoy it? The most desired cigarette

Reason - vicious circle, consisting of three elements:

Social environment.

Tobacco changes chemical composition brain, suppressing the action of natural “hormones of happiness”, endorphins, and forming dependence on external factor- V in this case smoking. Smoking becomes a mechanical, routine behavior, what psychologists call “automatic behavior.” An example of this is walking: most people don’t think about how they walk: they just walk and that’s it. Fishing a cigarette out of a pack and flicking a lighter, smokers act as if on autopilot.

However, a third element that is equally significant and influential contributes to the unhealthy and interdependent relationship between the brain and tobacco: the social environment. Constantly being around smokers can be contagious. This is why experts strongly recommend avoiding contact with smokers during the quitting process. In addition, cigarette smoke is a powerful trigger, although many smokers are not aware of this. The smell of smoke triggers a primitive response in the brain, so do not underestimate the provoking effect of the smell of tobacco.

Taken together, all three of these factors represent a powerful force. You can visualize this like this: imagine a river into which many streams flow. When they combine into one powerful stream, its current can knock you off your feet. The only way to protect yourself is to get onto solid ground. As soon as you try to go into the water (smoke “just one cigarette”), the seething current will immediately pick you up and drag you into a dangerous whirlpool.

Most people see only the “physical” aspect of addiction and recognize the existence of a habit. However, it is the emotional factor that is most difficult to cope with, especially the emotional belief system and the accompanying smoking addiction.

For many smokers, emotional dependence is formed as a result of the belief that cigarettes help solve problems that life throws up in abundance. It seems to them that they cannot cope without cigarettes. This is a typical complaint of those who are trying to quit but continue to smoke. It happens that some people, having given up cigarettes, feel uncomfortable in their own body. These discomfort awaken old fears and confidence that cigarettes will solve many difficulties. If you recognize yourself in this description, you will need additional help in the process of positive emotional transformation after rejection. You might find it useful special drugs to solve the problem.

Doesn't this twisted logic seem familiar to you? You think that you cannot live without cigarettes, knowing full well that they cause enormous harm to your health. If so, then you consider cigarettes yours. best friend and your worst enemy at the same time.

Brain and cigarettes

Among the reasons for smoking, one is most often cited: it gives pleasure. A typical explanation goes something like this: Smoking releases dopamine, which is associated with known addictive substances such as heroin and cocaine, in the pleasure center of the brain. Smoking disrupts the reward response system, which is responsible for the need for food, water and sex, and awakens an equally urgent need for nicotine. The brain believes that nicotine is necessary for the survival of the species.

But what happens to a broken system after some time? Few people know that nicotinic receptors in the brain gradually “lose sensitivity.” The nicotine receptor, the site in the brain to which the nicotine molecule attaches (and which gives smokers the “high”), stops functioning over time. He loses sensitivity. The short-term pleasure of smoking loses its appeal in the long term. How many cigarettes do people get pleasure from? The answers will surprise you. Most people answer that literally 10-20% of the cigarettes they smoke give them real pleasure. It follows from this that 80-90% of cigarettes are smoked out of habit, “automatically,” purely mechanically, without any pleasant sensations. Experts say a lack of enjoyment may be the deciding factor in a smoker feeling "ready" to quit.

How to explain the loss of pleasure that smokers report? Decreased pleasure is very common in other types of drug addiction, including heroin and cocaine abuse. Addiction to smoking, like other addictions, is largely due to the activation of pleasure centers located in the brain, as well as their gradual deactivation, or decrease in sensitivity. More and more nerve receptors are replacing those that are disabled. Their job is to cope with the sudden surge of neurochemicals (especially dopamine) released during smoking. At first, smoking is accompanied exclusively pleasant sensations precisely due to an excess of dopamine, but what happens afterwards? Specific transformations begin in the brain, it adapts and “normalizes.” In other words, to achieve the same level of pleasure, the smoker has to smoke more and more - accordingly, normalization occurs more and more actively. Ultimately, the brain becomes desensitized to the sensations associated with smoking, and the smoker usually, although not always, experiences less pleasure from the process.

So, it turns out that the invasion of the brain's pleasure system occurs immediately after becoming familiar with smoking (usually between 15 and 20 years). Many people start smoking under peer pressure. It has also been proven that children of smoking parents begin to smoke more often than those in whose home no one smokes.

On initial stage Lighting a cigarette is associated with a pleasant social experience for most smokers. Even if over time the pleasure from smoking loses intensity, this process continues to be associated with pleasant activities and still gives a certain pleasure. Therefore, a person does not stop smoking.

Most of those who start smoking high school, believe that they will be able to quit at the age of 20. However, numerous studies show that the conscious desire and readiness to quit smoking matures on average by the age of 40. Why? However powerful the loss of pleasure may be, one of the most powerful reasons is probably the sense of self-preservation. Physical symptoms caused by smoking or feelings of vulnerability usually prompt people to take smoking more seriously. healthy image life.

Premature aging, coughing or worries about one's own health undoubtedly relegate the social aspects of smoking to the background. It is quite logical that the sense of self-preservation increasingly manifests itself as an incentive to quit smoking after a smoker crosses the forty or fifty-year mark.

It has been established that people who have stopped enjoying smoking are ready to quit, but often simply do not know how to get rid of their addiction. At this stage, they no longer smoke for pleasure and realize the bitter truth: when they don’t smoke, they feel disgusting. The system they once unceremoniously invaded is worn out and refuses to function. Pleasure is no longer a cellular response to smoking; but they react to the absence of nicotine with discomfort.

You smoke whether you like it or not

Sensory loss is complicated by years of behavioral and emotional adaptation associated with smoking. When places, people, objects or stressors remind a smoker of previous feelings associated with smoking, these “stimuli” provoke changes in the actions of dopamine neurons and cause the desire to smoke. It seems that even the same familiar pleasure is enough to trigger the reward system in the brain! Those who have started smoking again after a period of abstinence cite the classic argument as justification: “It’s all due to stress.” It promotes a return to old, deeply ingrained behavior.

By the age of 40, many smokers smoke more out of a desire to get rid of the discomfort caused by abstinence than for pleasure. Those who have “lost sensitivity” admit that they enjoy the first cigarette in the morning because they have not smoked all night, and the neurons are “fresh and rested” in the morning. Probably the most difficult thing for former smokers is to learn to enjoy other things, to restore the pleasure centers in the brain, whose work they disrupted in their youth.

Many people continue to enjoy smoking, although they are forced to give it up to maintain their health. In some ways, they have it much more difficult than those for whom smoking does not bring the same joy. We tend to be constant, and that is why changing any habit, including smoking, is so difficult.

A lot of people who come to the Allen Carr Center have come to the conclusion that they need to quit smoking. That's exactly what we need. At the same time, they often ask the same question: “How to get rid of nicotine addiction if I don’t want to do it, if I like the process of inhaling and exhaling tobacco smoke?” That is, people actually believe that smoking gives them pleasure. However, asking them to talk about the pleasant and vibrant sensations they experience when taking another puff leaves many of them confused. And not a single person has yet been able to talk about them in such a way that one of the non-smoking therapists at the Allen Carr Center (read - the same people who smoked in the past) became a little envious.

Why? Because all “pleasure” comes down to the fact that they simply satisfy the need for nicotine, which in turn provokes the desire to smoke: after dinner, after sex, after a flight. In other words, just satisfying a need that is not experienced by those who do not smoke, as well as former smokers. Can this be called a real pleasure, for which it is worth paying a high price? And here I don’t mean money, but first of all youth, time, strength. Let's figure it out.

How is pleasure different from addiction?

Yes, indeed, pleasure is what brings us joy, what we do not want to give up, what does not bother us, and what we are willing to overpay for. Extreme sport? This is speed, adrenaline, peak sensations, so definitely yes! Martial arts with pain, bruises, sweat? Overcoming oneself, striving for new achievements, the taste of victory - yes too! Food? Of course, here too we are ready to pay for service and quality. Sex is pleasure. We are ready to do all this endlessly, and our conscience does not torment us for it.

We all want our children to have fun. That is, we would all be happy if our children eat well and exercise, but which of us wants our children to smoke?

Why, if smoking really brings pleasure and pleasure, do we not want our children or grandchildren to smoke? Because we all know that this is not real fun, we know that it is just dangerous and risky.

Pleasure is when we are free to choose what sport to play, what books to read, what to order at a restaurant for dinner, with whom, how and when to have sex.

What choice do smokers have? They have no choice: on a sunny or cloudy day, on weekdays or weekends, over a cup of coffee in the morning or a glass of wine in the evening, they smoke. From day to day. It is quite natural that they consider it a pleasure. But what makes them think so?

Why do smart people suffer from physical and psychological addiction to smoking?

Because they are manipulated by addiction, which consists of three factors:

In the end, for pleasure smoking man accepts nothing more than drug addiction created by nicotine. And the main problem is not even that smoking destroys the body. The essence of any drug addiction comes down to creating desire and thirst for the next dose. Nicotine addiction can deceive and manipulate any person! And it is quite natural that those caught in this trap often say: “I want to quit smoking, but I like it.” But why do we think that it is difficult to get rid of nicotine addiction?

But as soon as you understand the reasons for smoking, understand the essence of the drug, you will realize that this is just a deception, that you are simply being manipulated. One day you will see how you are being deceived by nicotine, tobacco companies, and states. You will want to overcome physical and psychological addiction and become free forever, because by quitting smoking you will get a lot of benefits!

How long have you not smoked?

How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?

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How many years have you been smoking?

What did you use to quit smoking?

The cultures of drinking wine and smoking cigars are not as different as they might seem. Both rely on personal taste and smell, and they both require technique and knowledge of history to get the most out of the process. With cigars, it doesn't seem so complicated: you take a cigar, light it, inhale enough smoke, and then exhale. In addition to these basic steps, there are also less obvious rituals. How to get more pleasure from smoking cigars?

Try it

There is no better way to experience every note of a cigar's aroma than to let the smoke fill your mouth. This way you will understand the smallest nuances of its taste and will be able to appreciate its quality - all this is inaccessible to a person who simply puffs on smoke. For the first time, try to do this in private, otherwise you will not be able to avoid suspicious glances.

To begin, trim your cigar, light it, and inhale the smoke. When the smoke is in your mouth, roll it back and forth. To do this, you will have to move your cheeks - the smoke itself will not spread through your mouth. You'll look like a stupid frog, but these cheek movements will help you recognize the full flavor of the cigar.

Instead of immediately exhaling the smoke, let it linger in your mouth a little longer. This way you will begin to smell new aromas and notes that were not revealed in the first few seconds.

All attention to aesthetics

Remember the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover”? In the literature, everything is so, but when it comes to buying a cigar, forget about it and don’t think about it. By the appearance of a cigar you can tell a lot about its quality, taste and price.

The first thing to notice is the tobacco leaf it is wrapped in. Before you decide to buy a cigar, take a close look at this leaflet. Take a close look at him. If the veins on the leaf are small, there is a good chance that the cigar will be of much higher quality than one whose surface is dotted with deep grooves and thick veins.

Then look at how the leaves in which the cigar is wrapped adhere to it. Are they pressed tightly against each other and there is no empty space between them, or is there a gaping void between them? What do the tobacco leaves that fill a cigar look like? Are they folded or curled? They different colors? This means that different types of tobacco were used in production.

The quality of a cigar is greatly influenced by its production technology. Knowing these subtleties, you will choose a worthy copy.

Choose your scent

Maybe, The best way To ensure you have an unforgettable smoking experience, you must first research the market and read cigar reviews. This way you will find out which varieties and specimens offer the best price-quality ratio. Before you order a cigar online or head to your local smoke shop, take some time to educate yourself.

A review of cigars will tell you what you should pay attention to, and will also orient you in the variety of aromas and tastes of different types of tobacco.

If in Lately you've always made a choice in favor of the same variety, get out of your comfort zone and try something new - you'll be pleasantly surprised. We acclimate to what we use most often, but changing the cigar menu from time to time is necessary.

From notes in the margins...

The pleasure test is part of my regular training, which is not aimed at repeating “how to do it right”, but at what to do based on your own feelings.

When attention is paid to feelings, it turns out that you can easily change your habits. And quitting smoking as a habit is no more difficult than changing, for example, posture or gait. But what does it mean to pay attention to your feelings? This means asking yourself questions about what individual parts of your body are feeling at the moment, and trying to get a sensory response from them. Therefore, it is not surprising that this test almost entirely consists of questions on the topic of how you feel.

One day, paying attention to my feelings, I realized that my body did not like smoking. Maybe you will get the same result.


People don't smoke to cause trouble for themselves. By lighting a cigarette, they relax and are distracted from stress and difficulties. They get distracted and relax by giving themselves, albeit small, pleasure. Maybe you still agree with this statement? Or is the pleasure of smoking a cigarette a fiction?

Remember when you started smoking, the cigarette seemed disgusting to you, didn’t it? Then you probably thought that only you were disgusted by it, while other smokers enjoyed it. In the end, all smokers justify their habit of inhaling smoke this way: “I like it.”

But think: is the first impression really so deceptive? That when you didn't believe him. Perhaps then you thought that you had to get involved so that you could enjoy a cigarette. So how did it work out? Get involved You got involved, but how did you enjoy it? Not in general, not from conversations, but from you personally?


You can probably remember some episodes in your life when a cigarette seemed especially desirable or especially tasty...A Maybe it’s not that the cigarette itself brought pleasure? Maybe u people and circumstances brought contentment, and the cigarette only accompanied them.

You may have noticed that sometimes a cigarette seems more desirable. And the pleasure, in this case, especially from the first puffs, is much greater. For example, if this is the first cigarette after you haven’t been able to smoke for a long time. Or a cigarette plays a role in some ritual, say, along with a cup of coffee.


But, if you did not get pleasure from every cigarette, then why did you smoke that cigarette that did not give pleasure? Or maybe there were a lot of such cigarettes? But you didn’t throw them away, you smoked them. For what?

Probably because it was necessary. We couldn't help but smoke. And you were forced to do this by habit and the usual need when consuming any drug to make up for its deficiency in the body. Nicotine breaks down quickly in the body, and therefore the need to get a new portion arises often. It turns out that you were forced to smoke by the need to satisfy “such a need.”

Therefore, you, of course, felt relief, even satisfaction, many times. But how far is this from the desire to enjoy something beautiful, tasty or fragrant... Or do you think differently?


But maybe, Do you like to imagine how you look with a cigarette from the outside?

Some smokers find it very pleasant to hold a cigarette in their hand.

But think about why dry chopped leaves wrapped in paper can be so satisfying. Maybe with this paper stick in your hand you feel more confident? Like once upon a time, when you were just getting involved? Think about this when you smoke.

Probably, as a child you wanted to have magic wand. And here it is in your hands. You take it out of the pack, light it and immediately transform into a respectable, confident person. Sounds magical. But what is so important here for an adult?


But maybe the pleasure comes from the taste of a cigarette or its smell?What parts of the body can enjoy a pleasant taste? Language, obviously. What captures pleasant odors? Of course, the nose. And, if this smell is really pleasant, your nose will undoubtedly appreciate it.

Try to understand experimentally what the pleasure of smoking is or may be. Believe me, it's interesting. Remember this and rate your enjoyment during your next smoke breaks.

Check how pleasant the puff is to the taste buds of your tongue. Does the tongue enjoy?

How does your nose evaluate passing smoke? Does he like this scent?

Perhaps pleasure begins with the lips?

Maybe you feel pleasure in your throat?

Or do you want to stroke your belly out of pleasure?

Or maybe bliss fills your head?

Pay close attention to how you feel. Evaluate the taste and smell. Take a deep breath if you don't understand.

You can evaluate the next cigarette in this way, or even evaluate all the next ones.

Do you enjoy the taste or smell? At least fleetingly...

Or not?

Then, perhaps, you again take a cigarette simply out of habitual necessity?

Introspection. When you read the text, did you think about it and answer the questions posed? And tested yourself by lighting a cigarette? But Haven’t found what pleasure it might be for you to smoke now? Then the pleasure test is passed successfully. Which means One of the main anchors that the cigarette has attached to your life has been torn out: the cigarette does not give you pleasure now.

Oh, we know: every smoker looks at himself in the mirror approximately once every three to four months, notices that he is getting older, and then says: "How to quit smoking?"

Yes, the skin becomes worse, vision deteriorates, men's potency decreases, women have difficulties with the mammary glands. There’s no need to talk about teeth, bad breath, smoke-filled lungs (everyone is familiar with a smoker’s morning cough). That’s when the phrase “How to quit smoking?” is uttered. It is pronounced with prayer, hope, with faith and disbelief in one’s own strength.

Everyone is looking for different ways to quit smoking

Someone finds on the Internet those who are ready to help quit smoking: doctors, healers, healers, psychics, psychologists, psychiatrists, narcologists.
There are many ways to quit smoking!

As they say, you can choose the best way to quit smoking. The most important thing is to mature, mature to the decision: I quit smoking, stop smoking, don’t poison myself with nicotine!

Allen Carr and "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking"

There is probably not a single person among smokers in Russia who has not heard of Allen Carr's book The easy way quit smoking". It is available in paper, electronic and audiobook formats. You're driving in the car, put Allen Carr on instead of music and listen. You can listen at home.
“The easy way to quit smoking” works for many people.

They're leaving!
They're tying it up!!
Stop smoking!!!

Unfortunately, many people, a month or two, or even six months after reading Allen Carr’s “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking” and after they have stopped, break down and begin to smoke, tar, and smoke with renewed vigor.
Yes, yes, it’s enough to smoke one cigarette after a good drink at the barbecue - and you are, as they say, “untied.”

Just one cigarette?
Only one cigarette!

But this is on the first day. On the second - two cigarettes, on the third - three, and after a month he smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. And again we have to look new way quit smoking.

Tablets, sprays, anti-smoking patches...

Some people prefer to try Nicorette.
Quite a well-known drug, a good medicine.
Available in the form Nicorette spray, chewing gum Nicorette And Nicorette patch. There is also Nicorette microtablets(they are placed under the tongue).

Pharmaceutical experts say that best medicine - Tabex tablets.
You buy one hundred pieces, take five tablets for three or four days, then switch to four tablets, then three, bring it up to one per day and stop smoking.

You can buy a nicotine patch, stick it on and walk around with it. It is believed that you will not want to smoke so much and will gradually wean yourself off the habit.

Nicotine patch- it's a good thing. True, what a story: as long as you walk with him, you really don’t want to smoke. As soon as you remove the patch from your body, after a few hours your hand will reach for a cigarette. So it turns out: you need to re-glue the nicotine patch. What is it? The same nicotine, but not through the lips, mouth, tongue directly into the lungs (this happens when you inhale), but nicotine immediately enters the blood through the skin.

Are you familiar with the saying “Horseradish is not sweeter than radishes?” So it is here - either in the forehead or in the forehead. We're talking about the nicotine patch.

The body receives nicotine and temporarily calms down. You take off the patch, the body rages, rebels, gets angry, and every cell of it demands nicotine.
Nicorette spray costs from 550 rubles to 1,000 rubles. The price of Nicorette chewing gum, Nicorette patch and Nicorette sublingual microtablets is approximately the same price.

The familiar Tabex costs about the same.
Tabex has been sold in pharmacies for several decades, but reviews about it, like about Nicorette: while you take it, you don’t want to smoke. And when the treatment ends, the craving for nicotine becomes even greater.

Dr. Mikhail Horse

You can find the phone Dr. Horse clinics.
Mikhail Anatolyevich Khors can stop smoking in one meeting.
Dr. Horse is wonderful: smart, talented, interesting, friendly.
If necessary, he works individually with those who want to quit smoking.
True, it costs a decent amount, 39,000 rubles.

If someone who wants to quit smoking goes to Dr. Horse in a group of five or six people, then the smoking cessation course will cost 8,800 rubles.

Many people spend from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles a month on cigarettes. This is more than 40,000 rubles per year. And in ten years it turns out to be 400,000 rubles.

Psychologist Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan

Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan has his own method for combating smoking. He almost never tells anyone about her. Come to him, talk to him, get punished for smoking, then convince him that you really want to stop smoking. In a word, you communicate with Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan and leave his office with complete disgust for tobacco in general and nicotine in particular.

For Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan, everything goes calmly, smoothly, quickly. A large number of good reviews.

Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan - psychologist, teacher, journalist. Perhaps you have read his books “1001 questions about THIS”, “Gymnastics of the soul”, “I am interested in all people”, completed his “SOLO on the keyboard” program, visited his websites, listened to and watched television and radio programs with his participation.

Helping people with nicotine addiction- this is the hobby of Vladimir Vladimirovich Shakhidzhanyan.

In Russia, a third of the adult population smokes.
In Russia there is a high mortality rate from cancer, heart attack, stroke, and lung diseases. Many people have blocked veins in their legs, stenosis... And this is all from smoking.

The more often you start saying the phrase “I want to quit smoking”, all the better. Say it as soon as you wake up and before you fall asleep.
You will thereby begin to convince yourself that you really want to quit smoking. And in fifteen to twenty days, if you do this, you will convince him of this.
Then the transition from words to deeds will begin.

The choice is up to you.
Some will take advantage in a reliable way, absolutely free. What's the best way to quit smoking? It's simple: take a cigarette and throw it in the trash.
And spit after.
And hold on and don't smoke.

Prove to yourself that you are strong, that you know how to manage yourself, and do not go with the flow.

Prove to yourself that you are not willing to pay money to ruin your health.

If it doesn’t work, re-read this note again and choose a way to quit smoking that is convenient for you.

You need to quit smoking - that's for sure!